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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transcriptional regulation and physiological importance of the kdp-system from the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum

Kixmüller, Dorthe 03 April 2012 (has links)
The high affinity, ATP-dependent K+ uptake system KdpFABC of Halobacterium salinarum, is highly induced under K+ limitation. In contrast to the well-characterized Kdp system in Escherichia coli, in which the kdpFABC genes are transcriptionally regulated by the sensor kinase/response regulator system KdpD/KdpE, transcriptional regulation of the kdp genes in H. salinarum was unknown due to the absence of halobacterial homologues of KdpD/KdpE. Furthermore, the physiological relevance of the KdpFABC K+ uptake system of H. salinarum was puzzling, since hypersaline habitats usually comprise K+ concentrations which do not induce kdp expression. In order to analyze the regulation of kdp gene expression, it was essential to gain information about the transcriptional unit(s) involved. Northern blotting, primer extension analysis and real-time RT-PCR revealed the presence of a polycistronic leaderless kdpFABCQ transcript with a putative kdp terminator or at least a potential mRNA processing site downstream of kdpQ. Furthermore, promoter truncation studies verified the so far only predicted basal transcription elements together with an upstream-located operator sequence. Since deletions of this putative operator sequence did not lead to a constitutive expression, a further component has to be involved in the regulation of the kdpFABCQ genes. However, truncation and scanning mutagenesis analyses of the kdp promoter as well as translational fusions of a halophilic beta-galactosidase to the kdp promoter excluded an additional regulatory element up- or downstream of the basal transcription elements and in the kdp-coding region. These results lead to speculations of multiple basal transcription factors to be involved. Furthermore, an inducible expression vector (shuttle vector) was constructed based on the promoter of the kdpFABCQ operon due to its, K+-sensitive features. Inducible expression systems are yet not available for H. salinarum. The resulting, replicating vector pKIX is functional and enables a K+-dependent expression from the kdp promoter with rather high induction ratios of 50-fold. Expression levels could further be improved by plasmid- and additional chromosomally encoded kdpQ and mutations generated in the kdp promoter. Since transcript levels from pKIX were found to be independent of differential target genes, the general application of pKIX as an inducible expression system is strongly supported and pKIX could, thus, be made accessible to the scientific community. To decipher the physiological relevance of the halobacterial Kdp system, H. salinarum was encountered to desiccation stress and salt crystal (halite) entombment. Halite crystals grown under non-inducing K+ concentrations with entombed strains of H. salinarum and H. salinarum deleted in the kdpFABCQ genes revealed a significantly reduced survival rate of the deletion strain upon recultivation. Additionally, a kdpFABCQ-inducing desiccation stress could already be determined on agar plates under non-limiting K+ concentrations. Furthermore, the cell morphology of H. salinarum entrapped in halite crystals resembled that of H. salinarum grown under K+-limiting conditions. Therefore, the Kdp system promotes survival of H. salinarum under desiccation stress. Furthermore, the Kdp system could be identified as at least one of the systems important for long-term survival of H. salinarum in halite.

Lianenverjüngung in Primär- und Sekundärwäldern Zentralamazoniens / Liana regeneration in secondary and primary forests of Central Amazonia

Roeder, Mareike 18 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Cinétique d'évolution structurale des sols argileux : relation stress hydrique-stress salin ; Application à la biodiversité et rendement de culture / Kinetics of structural evolution of clay dominated soils : water stress-salt stress relationship; biodiversity and crop yield application

Radimy, Raymond Tojo 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les marais de l'Ouest ont été gagnés sur les sédiments fluvio-marins par poldérisation débutée dès le moyen âge. Les aménagements hydrauliques avaient, initialement, des objectifs sanitaires et d'élevage. A partir des endiguements, ils ont divisé les territoires en marais mouillés et marais desséchés. Depuis les années 1970 le développement des cultures intensives de céréales a nécessité un rabaissement complémentaire de la nappe par drainage en partie pour augmenter la désalinisation de surface et limiter l’engorgement des sols. Néanmoins, ces territoires restent caractérisés par des nappes proches de la surface. En conséquence les profils hydriques vont être gouvernés par les conditions météorologiques y compris l'évapotranspiration, la pluviométrie, mais également par les remontées capillaires issues d'une nappe salée. D'autre par la nature argileuse des sols et ses propriétés de retrait conditionnent énormément le fonctionnement hydrodynamique et les évolutions de structure.La première partie du travail a été de suivre les évolutions des profils hydriques et de salinité en parcelles non drainées (prairies) et en parcelles drainées (Maïs, Blé, Tournesol). Ces suivis ont été complétés par les mesures des niveaux de nappes et par des mesures tensiométriques via des bougies poreuses implantées à différentes profondeurs. L'objectif final a été de calculer et modéliser les profils de réserve utile (RU) et de RU "résiduelle" utilisable par les plantes. Dans ces systèmes alimentés par les remontées capillaires, le réseau racinaire puise l'eau dans la zone non saturée de surface (vadose) puis dans la zone saturée sous-jacente. La teneur en eau caractéristique de l'interface zone non saturée - zone saturée a été déterminée par analogie entre les chemins d'état de la matrice argileuse le long de sa courbe de retrait et du sol le long de sa courbe de compaction. Les profils de RU résiduelle utilisable par les plantes ont été calculés à partir des profils de teneurs en eau puis comparés aux profils de RU obtenus via les données de station météorologique. Ces profils de RU résiduelle ont pu être écrits sous forme d'équation polynomiale du second degré puis modélisés. Dans cet environnement alimenté par les remontées capillaires, ces profils de RU résiduelles peuvent être modélisés à partir d'un paramètre facilement mesurable en surface qui prend en compte la structure du sol et les conditions météorologique : soit la teneur en eau à 10 cm de profondeur. Cette modélisation reste suffisamment réaliste pour être utilisée comme un outil prédictif face à la pédodiversité et/ou les rendements de culture.A ce travail s'ajoute deux études préliminaires : - les mesures des conductivités thermiques effectives de ces sols par la méthode du fil chaud et leurs modélisations dans les systèmes biphasés : eau - argile et air - argile, mais également pour les systèmes triphasés non saturés : eau - air - argile. Les perspectives sont la modélisation des transferts thermiques et hydriques dans le sol à partir de la surface, - et l'élaboration d'un protocole d'imprégnation-polymérisation des sols argileux humides par des résines de type HEMA. Cette imprégnation permet d'envisager la confection de lames minces dans le matériau argileux induré avec conservation de sa structure initiale humide. Les perspectives sont la pétrographie quantitative à l'interface racine - sol le long de profils verticaux dans les environnements argileux à degrés de saturation et structure évolutives. / The coastal marshlands are territories generally reclaimed on primary fluvio-marine sediments. They result from hydraulic managements and/or polderization which may date from the Middle Ages. Historically these hydraulic managements were built for goals of wholesomeness, breeding and farming. They isolate two territories: the dried marshes and the wet marshes. For the intensive cereal crops the slow drying caused by land reclamation was recently improved by the drainage, in part for increase the depth of desalinization and decrease waterlogging. Nevertheless, these territories remain characterized by shallow ground water of initial salt water. Consequently, the hydric profiles are governed by the meteoric conditions including the Evapotranspiration, the rainfall, but also the capillarity rises from the salt groundwater. Moreover, the clay dominated nature of the soils and their drastic shrinkage properties govern the hydrodynamic functioning and the soil structure behavior.The first part of the work was the monitoring of the water content and salinity profiles in drained cereal crops and in undrained grasslands. These measurements have been completed by the ground water level and tensiometric monitoring. The final goal was the calculation and modeling of the available water capacity (AWC) and plant available water (PAW) profiles. In these systems mainly supplied by the capillarity rises, the root network gets water in the subsurface vadose zone and then in the deeper saturated groundwater zone. The water content characteristic of the interface between the vadose and saturated zone was determined by comparison between the clay material state paths along its shrinkage curve and along its compaction curve. The PAW profiles were calculated from the water content profiles and then compared to the AWC profiles. The PAW profiles have been equated as polynomial second degree equations. In these shallow groundwater environments the PAW profiles have been modeled taking into account an easy measurable surface parameter which includes the soil structure behavior and the meteoric conditions: i.e. the water content measured at 10 cm depth. The PAW modelling remains sufficiently realistic to be used as a tool for farming management. Two preliminary studies were added to this work: - the measurement of effective thermal conductivity of the clayey soils by the transient hot wire method, and the modeling of the effective thermal conductivity of biphasic air-clay and water-clay media, but also triphasic unsaturated air-water-clay media. The prospect is the modeling of thermal and hydric transfer from the surface to the depth. - and the elaboration of a protocol of impregnation - hardening for wet clay dominated soils by HEMA resins. This impregnation allows the making of thin sections in these clay materials with conservation of their initial wet structures. The prospective is the quantitative petrography at the root - clay matrix interface along vertical profiles in clayey soils at different degrees of saturation and different structures.

Etude expérimentale et comparative de la myrmécochorie: le cas de la fourmis dispersatrices Lasius niger et Myrmica rubra / Experimental and comparative study of myrmecochory: the case of seed-disperser ants Lasius niger and Myrmica rubra

Servigne, Pablo 21 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la dispersion des graines par les fourmis et se divise en deux parties :l’une expérimentale (Chapitres 1, 2 & 3) et l’autre synthétique (Chapitres 4 & 5). L’approche expérimentale a consisté en une exploration en conditions de laboratoire des comportements des fourmis à deux étapes du processus de myrmécochorie: à la source de graines et dans le nid. Des graines des plantes myrmécochores Viola odorata et Chelidonium majus ont été présentées aux fourmis Lasius niger et Myrmica rubra. Chaque étape de la séquence myrmécochorique a généré une variabilité des comportements propre à chacun des quatre couples fourmis-graines. <p>L’élaiosome n’attire pas les fourmis à distance. Les fourmis suivent toujours la même séquence de comportements :antennation, manipulation et prise des graines. Le nombre d’antennations et de manipulations avant la prise de graines peut être considéré comme un indicateur de l’« hésitation » des fourmis à prendre les graines. L’espèce à tendance carnivore Myrmica rubra a été plus rapide et efficace dans la prise de graines que l’espèce éleveuse de pucerons Lasius niger. Parallèlement, les fourmis ont moins antenné, moins manipulé et plus pris de graines de Chelidonium majus, ce qui montre un intérêt particulier pour cette espèce. Un jour après l’expérience, toutes les graines des deux espèces se trouvaient dans les déchets à l’extérieur du nid, avec au moins la moitié des élaiosomes consommés (Chapitre 1).<p>Lors du passage des graines à l’intérieur du nid, les fourmis Myrmica rubra ont également montré une capacité à traiter les graines rapidement, en montrant une dynamique d’arrachage de l’élaiosome et de rejet des graines hors du nid plus rapide. Le taux d’arrachage de l’élaiosome a été influencé par l’espèce de graine, plus important pour les graines de Chelidonium majus. Nous avons montré qu’une proportion variable de graines rapportées au nid (moins de la moitié) étaient déposées directement au contact des larves, les autres étant traitées ailleurs par les ouvrières ou laissées temporairement à l’abandon dans le nid. Par ailleurs, les dynamiques de rejet des items hors du nid ont curieusement été peu influencées par l’espèce de graine. Pour une graine, le fait de ne plus avoir d’élaiosome diminue le nombre moyen d’ouvrières qui la contacte simultanément. Parallèlement, même si la réponse n’est pas de type « tout ou rien », l’absence d’élaiosome accroit aussi la probabilité qu’une graine a d’être rejetée. (Chapitre 2).<p>Nous avons isolé expérimentalement le paramètre de dessiccation des graines afin mesurer son influence sur le taux de prises. La dessiccation progressive des graines réduit les taux de prises par les fourmis Myrmica rubra. La réhydratation des mêmes graines leur permet de retrouver une attractivité et donc une valeur fonctionnelle prolongée. Les graines de Viola odorata perdent presque toute attractivité après 4 jours de dessiccation et leur réhydratation ne rétabli que faiblement leur attractivité. A l’inverse, les graines de Chelidonium majus gardent un tiers de leur attractivité après un mois de dessiccation et leur réhydratation restaure presque entièrement leur attractivité (Chapitre 3).<p>La synthèse bibliographique a permis de dresser un aperçu des principales caractéristiques des fourmis dispersatrices de graines myrmécochores. Certains traits « généralistes » rendent les rencontres entre fourmis et graines très probables :leur ubiquité et diversité taxonomique, leur régime alimentaire omnivore, et leur fourragement « diffus » et opportuniste. Les fourmis possèdent des traits qui les rendent uniques par rapport aux autres insectes :le fourragement au sol, la capacité à transporter de la nourriture, ainsi que la nidification. Certains traits des fourmis ont une influence considérable sur la dispersion des graines :leur taille, les préférences de régime alimentaire, la phénologie, la capacité d’apprentissage et la fréquence de déménagement des nids. Nous développons également l’hypothèse que la rapidité et l’efficacité du traitement des graines par les fourmis seraient une conséquence d’un comportement hygiénique des fourmis à tendance carnivore, habituées à gérer des proies périssables (Chapitre 4).<p>Nous avons dressé pour la première fois une liste des espèces de plantes myrmécochores et potentiellement myrmécochores des régions d’Europe tempérée (260 spp.). Nous montrons que ces dernières sont majoritairement herbacées, et ont tendance à fleurir plus précocement que les autres espèces. La proportion de graines myrmécochores comprises entre 1 et 3 mm et entre 0,6 et 10 mg est plus importante que dans le reste de la flore (Chapitre 5).<p>/<p>This study concerns seed dispersal by ants and is divided in two parts: one experimental (chapters 1, 2 & 3), and one synthetic (chapters 4 & 5). <p>Experimental work consisted in a series of laboratory experiments, in which ant behaviour was studied at two stages of the dispersal process: at the seed source and inside the nest. Seeds of the myrmecochorous plants Viola odorata and Chelidonium majus were presented to two ant species: Lasius niger and Myrmica rubra. Each stage of the myrmecochory sequence generated a variability of behaviours for each of the four ant-seed pairs.<p>The elaiosomedo not attract seed at a distance. Ants followed always the same behavioural sequence: antennations, manipulations, and removal. The number of antennations and manipulations before removal can be considered as a measure of ants’ “hesitation” to remove seeds. The carnivorous species Myrmica rubra was faster and more efficient at taking seeds than the aphid-tending Lasius niger. At the same time, ants antennated and manipulated less Chelidonium majus seeds, which shows a particular interest for this seed species. One day after the experiment, all seeds of both species were located outside the nest in the refuse piles. At least half of their elaiosomes had been consumed (chapter 1). <p>Inside the nest, Myrmica rubra also showed a great ability to treat seeds quickly, i.e. quicker dynamics of elaiosome removal and seed rejection outside the nest. Elaiosome removal rates were influenced by seed species (higher for Chelidonium majus). We showed that a variable proportion of seeds (less than half) was directly deposited in contact with larvae. The rest of the seeds were handled elsewhere by workers, or left temporarily unattended in the nest. Dynamics of seed rejection outside the nest were curiously little influenced by the seed species. For a seed, to loose the elaiosome decreased the number of workers manipulating it. At the same time, even if the rejection response is not automatic, the absence of elaiosome increases the probability for a seed to be rejected (Chapter 2).<p>We isolated the desiccation parameter in order to measure its influence on seed removal rates. Progressive seed desiccation reduced Myrmica rubra removal rates. Rehydration of the same seeds restored their attractiveness, thereby prolonging their functional life. Viola odorata seeds lost almost all their attractiveness after 4 days of desiccation, and rehydration only restored a reduced part of their attractiveness. On the contrary, Chelidonium majus seeds kept one third of their attractiveness after one month of desiccation, and recovered almost all their attractiveness after rehydration (Chapter 3). <p>The bibliographic review allowed us to compile an outline of the main features of seed-disperser ants. Some generalist features highly increase the probability that ants encounter seeds: their ubiquity and taxonomic diversity, omnivorous diet and their opportunistic “diffuse” foraging. Among insects, ants have unique traits that make them broad dispsersers: ground foraging, the ability to transport items, and nesting behaviour. Some other traits have a great influence on the seed dispersal system: the ant body size, their diet preferences, the phenology of the colony, the learning, and the frequence of nest relocation. We also develop the hypothesis according to which, handling efficiency of ants is a byproduct of hygienic behaviour of carnivorous oriented species, since they are used to manage perishable preys (Chapter 4). <p>We compiled the first list of myrmecochorous and potentially myrmecochorous plants species of European temperate regions (260 spp.). We show that these plants are mainly herbaceous. They also tend to flower earlier than the whole flora. The proportions of myrmecochorous seeds having a size range between 1 and 3 mm, and a weight range between 0.6 and 10 mg are higher than in the rest of the flora (Chapter 5). <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Interakce mikrovlnného záření s vlhkostí v prostředí pórovitého staviva / Interaction of microwave radiation with moisture in porous building materials

Paťha, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with interaction of microwave radiation with wet in porous material. It examines the distribution of the temperature field, the efficiency of the method and the financial demands of the method. The most important part of this thesis was an experiment, from which all important values ??were based. The first part deals with the necessary theory and the second part is the experiment itself. The experiment was carried out for three levels of material wet. Eight samples were used for this experiment, which remained unchanged throughout the experiment. The thesis draws on previous researches that were carried out on this or similar topic.

The hydropolitics of Southern Africa: the case of the Zambezi river basin as an area of potential co-operation based on Allan's concept of virtual water.

Turton, Anthony Richard 04 1900 (has links)
Southern Africa generally has an arid climate and many hydrologists are predicting an increase in water scarcity over time. This research seeks to understand the implications of this in socio-political terms. The study is cross-disciplinary, examining how policy interventions can be used to solve the problem caused by the interaction between hydrology and demography. The conclusion is that water scarcity is not the actual problem, but is perceived as the problem by policy-makers. Instead, water scarcity is the manifestation of the problem, with root causes being a combination of climate change, population growth and misallocation of water within the economy due to a desire for national self-sufficiency in agriculture. The solution lies in the trade of products with a high water content, also known as 'virtual water'. Research on this specific issue is called for by the White Paper on Water Policy for South Africa. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)

The hydropolitics of Southern Africa: the case of the Zambezi river basin as an area of potential co-operation based on Allan's concept of virtual water.

Turton, Anthony Richard 04 1900 (has links)
Southern Africa generally has an arid climate and many hydrologists are predicting an increase in water scarcity over time. This research seeks to understand the implications of this in socio-political terms. The study is cross-disciplinary, examining how policy interventions can be used to solve the problem caused by the interaction between hydrology and demography. The conclusion is that water scarcity is not the actual problem, but is perceived as the problem by policy-makers. Instead, water scarcity is the manifestation of the problem, with root causes being a combination of climate change, population growth and misallocation of water within the economy due to a desire for national self-sufficiency in agriculture. The solution lies in the trade of products with a high water content, also known as 'virtual water'. Research on this specific issue is called for by the White Paper on Water Policy for South Africa. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)

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