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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The United States’ Enemy Image against North Korea during the Presidency of Donald J. Trump : Decision-Making at the Elite-Level

Schillström, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
The United States' enemy image of North Korea has been on its political agenda since the Korean war. Weapons of mass destruction has, since the Cold War, shown the complexity it brings on conflictual interests and decision-makers persuading efforts. Enemy image, per se, brings difficulties in achieving cooperation, substantially when both parties contempt high levels of enmity. However, the newly established U.S.-DPRK relationship brings hope for cooperative possibilities regarding denuclearization on the Korean peninsula. The relationship between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un is not based on trust, instead, it is dependent on the concrete steps taken by the other. The enemy image of North Korea has been settled on the U.S. political agenda firmly because of the principles regarding denuclearization and security. The enemy image is also an important factor to consider when examining political agendas, since the changing dynamics are dependent on how state A interpret state B and vice versa. What has articulated the dynamics of the U.S. enemy image against North Korea? and how has its enemy image changed? To answer the question at issue, a theory consumption of Eriksson and Noreen’s explanatory model is necessary. Which consists of context-dependent external and informal factors that will contribute different but coherent hypotheses.

USA:s utrikespolitik gentemot Kuba under Donald Trump : Analyserat ur ett Neoklassiskt realistiskt perspektiv / US foreign policy towards Cuba under Donald Trump : Analyzed through a Neoclassical Realist Perspective

Landström, Fabian January 2023 (has links)
This study uses a neoclassical framework aiming to explain why different changes in foreign policy towards Cuba has occurred under the Trump-era. The main research question of the study is therefore: To what extent can neo-classical realism explain US policy changes towards Cuba during Trump's 2017-2021 term? The study identified three major changes that occured during the set time period that has been analysed through a neoclassical realist perspective. The material consists of a wide range from government documentation, reports, remarks, newspaper articles, academic work, tweets and more, to get a complete picture as possible. Three intervening variables grounded in neoclassical theory has been set up to analyse and find the material. The analysis concluded that domestic politics can have broad effect on foreign policy, which the neoclassical realism theory can identify.

POPULISM SOM DISKURSIV STIL I PRIMÄRVALET 2016 I USA : En analys av retoriken i kampanjtalen hos fyra presidentkandidater

Jeschko, Tommy January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är testa Muddes hypotes: När populistiska aktörer når politiska framgångar och hotar etablissemanget, svarar delar av etablissemanget med att inkludera ett populistiskt språkbruk för att mota bort utmanaren. Ovanstående hypotes prövas genom att undersöka om Hillary Clinton och Jeb Bush som tillhör ett politiskt etablissemang utvecklat sitt språk i sina kampanjtal mot att bli mer eller mindre populistiska, i samband med att Donald Trump och Bernie Sanders som av flera medier blivit beskrivna som populister anslutit sig till primärvalet 2016 i USA. Teorin som används i uppsatsen är hämtad från Cas Muddes studie The Populist Zeitgeist samt Kirk A. Hawkins studie ”Is Chávez Populist?”. Metoden i uppsatsen utgörs av en kvalitativ idealtypsanalys. Utifrån uppsatsens resultat kan följande indikationer redovisas. Hillary Clinton har inte inkluderat ett mer populistiskt språk i sina kampanjtal i samband med att Trump och Sanders ställt upp inför primärvalet 2016 i USA. Detta står i motsats till Jeb Bush som inkluderat ett mer populistiskt språk i samband med att Trump och Sanders ställt upp inför primärvalet 2016 i USA, vilket styrker Muddes hypotes.

Skönheten och odjuret : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av bilder på Hillary Clinton och Donald Trump

Elbied Pettersson, Gabriella, Bordenave Lindborg, Sophie January 2016 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte Det amerikanska presidentvalet 2016 var unikt – för första gången hade en kvinna chansen att bli president. De båda kandidaterna, Hillary Clinton och Donald Trump, figurerade flitigt i media under respektive valkampanj, inte minst på bild. Och just bilden har fått en allt större betydelse i nyhetsbevakning. I de traditionellt textbaserade medierna blir bilderna fler och större, medan texten krymper. Då mycket av tidigare forskning fokuserat på gestaltning i text, ville vi ta det vidare till bild. Syftet med vår studie var därför att se hur de två kandidaterna i det amerikanska valet gestaltas i bild. Men även hur rubrikerna till bilderna är gestaltade. Metod och material Vi har gjort en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av bilder publicerade på Hillary Clinton och Donald Trump i New York Times och Dagens Nyheter från den 1 november till och med den 8 november 2016. Totalt analyserade vi 67 bilder, 46 där Hillary Clinton förekom och 34 där Donald Trump förekom. Huvudresultat Resultatet av vår studie visar att media gestaltar kandidaterna olika i bild. Skillnaden finns i valet av bildutsnitt, kameravinkel och ansiktsuttryck. Det vanligaste sättet att gestalta Hillary Clinton på är som en lättillgänglig och oproblematisk person, dock med en viss distans. Medan Donald Trump gestaltas som en öppen och tillgänglig person som står nära läsarna, men samtidigt som en makthavare med ett allvarligt uttryck. Gestaltningarna av kandidaterna kan även tolkas som stereotypa för hur kvinnor och män porträtteras i media, där media fortsätter att reproducera könsstereotypa föreställningar om vad som är manligt och kvinnligt. Rubrikerna gestaltades i största utsträckning som spel.

De skandalösa kandidaterna - Lögnaren från etablissemanget mot Sexisten med affärsimperium. : En studie av hur det amerikanska presidentvalet år 2016 gestaltades i Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen

Peterson, David, Falk, Hans January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte Medierapporteringen kring det amerikanska valet år 2016 har varit enorm i USA såväl som i Sverige. När media rapporterar och skildrar händelser görs en gestaltning. I och med det faktum att världen är obegränsad och mediernas format är begränsat får således all rapportering en viss gestaltning. Gestaltningar har en stor påverkan på mottagaren och kan exempelvis göra att misstron mot politik och politiker ökar samt att förtroendet för medier minskar. Mycket forskning kring gestaltning i val har gjorts men forskning som avhandlar hur svenska medier gestaltat det senaste amerikanska valet finns det mindre av. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur det amerikanska presidentvalet år 2016 gestaltades i tidningarna Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen. Metod och material En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetstexter i tidningarna Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen ligger till grund för den här studien. Innehållsanalysen gjordes på tidningarna som publicerades från den 30 oktober till den 8 november 2016. Totalt analyserades 127 artiklar, 28 i Dagens Nyheter, 22 i Svenska Dagbladet, 25 i Aftonbladet och 52 i Expressen. Huvudresultat Resultatet av studien visar att de olika tidningarna gestaltar valet på varierande sätt men den gemensamma nämnaren är den stora förekomsten av skandalgestaltnng. Sakgestaltning är den dominerande gestaltningen, vilket även är morgontidningarnas vanligaste form av gestaltning. Kvällstidningarna använder sig oftast av spel - och skandalgestaltning. Hillary Clinton beskrivs mer positiv och mindre negativ än Donald Trump trots att hon oftare förekommer som huvudaktör i de skandalgestaltade texter.

Enter Stage Left: How Demographic Change, Trump, and the Texas GOP will Make Room for the Texas Democrats to Return from Exile in 2016

Wilson, Miles 01 January 2016 (has links)
For years, Texas has experienced significant growth and demographic change that has slowly altered the balance of Texas’s political power. This thesis argues that due to a series of unlikely developments, the scales are tipping in favor of the Democrats much earlier than projected. As a result of demographic changes, Donald Trump, and the Tea Party faction of the Texas GOP, the Democrats may be able to win Texas’s electoral votes, as well as the 2018 Texas gubernatorial race.

Are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Controlling the Stock Market? An Analysis of the 2016 Presidential Election's Impact on Stock Market Volatility

Tambone, Julia 01 January 2017 (has links)
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ran highly controversial campaigns in the 2016 Presidential Election, which then leaves us with the question of what impact is this having on the current economy? Prior analysis of political influence on the stock market tells us that isolating political impact on the stock market is nearly impossible. However, there are clearly defined 4-year cycles in stock prices that seem to correspond with election years. In this paper, I create my own index of stocks in the four major U.S. industries and measure both day-to-day and intraday volatility in stock prices across three comparable time periods: the year leading up to the 2016 election, all election years excluding the 2016, and all non-election years. I found that the 2016 election year was significantly less volatile than both prior election years as well as non-election years, suggesting that the 2015-2016 election year was not a closely contested race.

Digital Media and the Collapse of News Gatekeeping Power During the 2016 Presidential Election

Carter-Kahn, Isabel 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the question of whether mainstream political media has been captured by misleading, narrative driven content during the post-primary portion of the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. I conducted an analysis of content of political articles and compared the factual information contained within to how the publication framed the story. I surveyed of two types of political news story from the election: conspiracy theory and scandal. When narrative influence was found, I then traced the narrative to its origin to determine which actors had gatekeeping power over mainstream media.

Tweets Win Votes: A Persuasive Communication Perspective on Donald Trump’s Twitter Use During the 2016 US Presidential Election Campaign

Bai, Yu January 2017 (has links)
Twitter, a microblogging platform, has been increasingly used as a tool for political election campaigns. In an attempt to persuade people to vote for them, candidates and political parties worldwide have begun to incorporate Twitter in their campaigns to disseminate campaign information, promote themselves, and mobilize voters. In the 2016 U.S presidential election, Donald Trump had actively utilized Twitter to promote his campaign and convince voters to support him, which helped him earn a strong presence and huge popularity on Twitter. Eventually Trump even successfully got elected as the 45th US president. Although the rise of Twitter in political campaigns has been studied by researches from different disciplines, there have been very few studies focusing on Donald Trump or his communication performance on social media in the 2016 US presidential campaign. Besides, it is found that there is a lack of studying candidates’ social media use from the perspective of persuasive communication. In order to reveal how Donald Trump was making use of Twitter to influence audiences’ attitudes, this paper will present a content analysis of Donald Trump’s Twitter use from the perspective of persuasive communication. Specifically, the study will investigate the characteristics of messages demonstrated from Donald Trump’s tweets, and examine whether his messages placed an emphasis on certain aspects. The aim of this study is to offer insights into Donald Trump’s Twitter use, particularly about his persuasive communication on Twitter during the political election campaign.

Clinton eller Trump? : En analys av nyhetsvärderingar i fyra svenska tidningar under presidentvalet i USA 2016

Wiberg Engström, Jacob January 2017 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis is the American election of 2016 and how it was reported in four Swedish newspapers; Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Aftonbladet. The theoretical approach is based on an analysis of news values, explaining what generally attracts the attention of media outlets, specifically newspapers. A quantitative content analysis shows that Donald Trump was by far the most reported presidential candidate in the leading Swedish newspapers. Hillary Clinton was more seldom reported about. All newspapers had strong strong arguments against Donald Trumps presidential candidature, but the support for Hillary Clinton was at the same time relatively weak.

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