Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DONATION"" "subject:"[enn] DONATION""
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La Dette originelle : analyse des ressorts de la solidarité des immigrés Sénégalais en France avec leur pays à travers le don, l'engagement et l'entreprenariat / The founding Debt : analysis of mechanisms of solidarity existing between the Senegalese diaspora in France and Senegal, through donation, commitment and entrepreneurshipGassama, El hadj 21 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les ressorts de la solidarité entre la diaspora sénégalaise en France et le Sénégal à travers la question d’une dette fondatrice. Les transferts d’argent sont devenus un sujet incontournable pour divers acteurs et éclairent un peu plus l’importance des immigrés dans leur pays. Ce prisme économique, de l’immigré œconomicus & donator, au risque de déformer la totalité de ce qui circule, de restreindre le spectre des échanges, de minorer la part de l’inévaluable, reste pourtant dominant dans les lectures institutionnelles. Cette étude inverse la perspective en révélant le primat du sens, en questionnant in fine, celui de la migration, qu’elle réinstitue au cœur de la problématique. Elle analyse la recomposition d’une géographie humaine, avec l’analyse des temporalités et discours, à l’aune de l’Histoire, des structures, des rationalités, des conjonctures et des valeurs socio-culturelles, et ce, à travers la solidarité entre deux cultures. A partir des transferts d’argent, jusqu’à l’entreprenariat des immigrés en passant par leur engagement associatif, et à travers une démarche qualitative, il semble exister une dette originelle, souple et plurielle, au fondement du geste solidaire. Donner à son pays c’est ainsi lui rendre. Cette dette inscrit l’immigré dans une forme d’urgence permanente, qu’il réinvestit tout de même de sa souveraineté et que son don, son engagement, son envie de rentrer, d’entreprendre et de « faire », pour son pays, tentent d’acquitter. C’est ce fil de l’immigration et cette permanence du lien que cette thèse explore, de la violence symbolique du départ comme agent de la dette éprouvée, au retour, dans ses différentes expressions, physique ou symbolique, comme quête d’un ré-enracinement. / This thesis analyses the mechanisms of solidarity existing between the Senegalese diaspora in France and Senegal. Through the question of the founding debt, it seeks to explore how important migrants’ money transfers are in their home country. Though in many institutional reports, the economic approach still prevails, with the figure of the oeconomicus & donator migrant, this study offers a different perspective in the sense that it privileges the meaning of the donation. In doing so, it also questions the phenomenon of immigration and examines the remaking of human geography and the series of discourse it implies. From its analysis of money transfers to the one of migrants’ entrepreneurship, passing by their commitment to social activities, using a qualitative method, this work unveils the existence of an original debt at the source of this solidary gesture. To give to one’s home country is then to simply pay back. This debt, which the migrant is expected to solve, explains his donation, his commitment, his entrepreneurship, and his desire to return. It’s the genealogy of this immigration, its social and cultural fundaments that this thesis intends to establish starting from the symbolic violence of the departure to the return of the migrant while highlighting its various expressions.
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Ce que charrie la chair. Approche sociologique de l'émergence des greffes du visage / What the Flesh Carries. A Sociological Approach to the Emergence of Face TransplantLe Clainche-Piel, Marie 28 May 2018 (has links)
Comment le visage est-il devenu un organe, objet de don et de transplantation ? En partant de ce questionnement, cette thèse investit le milieu de celles et ceux qui ont porté et débattu des projets de transplantation faciale au cours des années 2000 et 2010 en France et au Royaume-Uni. Elle éclaire les conditions sociales selon lesquelles la transplantation faciale a été rendue acceptable, pour les patients opérés et les équipes chirurgicales, les coordinateurs du don d’organes et les proches des donneurs défunts qui permettent le prélèvement. L’enquête a impliqué un investissement approfondi de l’ensemble de la chaîne de la transplantation,reposant sur la collecte d’archives (scientifiques, institutionnelles, médiatiques), sur la réalisation d’entretiens (avec les chirurgiens, les patients, les acteurs du don d’organes et de la régulation médicale, les membres d’associations de personnes défigurées), ainsi que sur une ethnographie des services hospitaliers qui réalisent ces opérations (du bloc jusqu’aux réunions de service). En suivant au plus près ces acteurs, l’enquête éclaire les tensions quel’expérimentation révèle sur son passage.Cette recherche aborde la greffe comme un objet qui articule des questionnements au croisement des institutions, des mouvements associatifs et des expériences du don. La greffe du visage bouscule, tout d’abord, les prétentions des chirurgiens à s’autoréguler. La confrontation des équipes chirurgicales aux institutions sanitaires et éthiques, qui évaluent l’opportunité de cette expérimentation, révèle des rapports distincts à l’objectivité médicale e tà l’encadrement des pratiques hospitalières. L’émergence de la greffe du visage travaille,ensuite, les collectifs de personnes défigurées qui oscillent entre soutien au progrès médical et dénonciation de la chirurgie comme oppression. Les réactions des associations françaises et anglaises sont révélatrices de conceptions distinctes de la défiguration, et contribuent à façonner la trajectoire de la greffe du visage. La greffe du visage interroge, enfin, les conditions sociales de disponibilité des corps des défunts et les tensions à l’oeuvre dans la réception d’un don anonyme d’organes. Les patients greffés au visage sont soumis à une double contrainte qui peut-être vécue comme contradictoire : d’un côté, celle de remercier le donneur, de l’autre, celle de l’oublier pour accepter la greffe. La thèse révèle ainsi l’assemblage hétérogène, mais néanmoins cohérent, de ces niveaux d’analyse, qui est en jeu dans chaque déplacement d’une partie de corps d’une personne à une autre. Elle éclaire, en d’autres termes, ce que charrie la chair. / How has the face become an organ, object of donation and transplantation? Starting from thisquestioning, this thesis invests the environment of those who have carried facial transplantprojects, and those who have debated about them, during the years 2000 and 2010 in Franceand the United Kingdom. It illuminates the social conditions according to which facialtransplantation has been made acceptable, for transplanted patients and surgical teams, organdonation coordinators and relatives of deceased donors who allow the retrieval. The enquiryinvolved an in-depth investment of the whole chain of transplantation, based on the collectionof archives (scientific, institutional, media), on conducting interviews (with surgeons, patients,organ donation and medical regulation’s actors, members of associations of disfigured people),as well as doing an ethnography of hospital services that carry out these operations (from theoperating rooms to the service meetings). By closely following these actors, the surveyilluminates the tensions that experimentation reveals in its passage.This research addresses face transplant as an object that articulates questions at the crossroadsof institutions, social movements and experiences of donation. Face transplant upsets, first ofall, the claims of the surgeons to self-regulate. The confrontation of surgical teams with healthand ethical institutions, which evaluate the appropriateness of this experiment, reveals distinctrelationships to medical objectivity and to the supervision of hospital practices. The emergenceof face transplant, then, poses a challenge to the collectives of disfigured people who oscillatebetween support for medical progress and denunciation of surgery as oppression. The reactionsof the French and English associations are indicative of distinct conceptions of disfigurement,and help to shape the trajectory of face transplant. Lastly, face transplant questions the socialconditions of the dead bodies' availability and the tensions at work in the reception of ananonymous donation of organs. Transplanted patients are subject to a double constraint that canbe experienced as contradictory: on the one hand, that of thanking the donor, on the other, thatof forgetting the donor in order to accept the transplant. The thesis thus reveals theheterogeneous – and at the same time coherent – assembly of these levels of analysis, which isat stake every time a body part is transferred from one person to another. It illuminates, in otherwords, what the flesh carries.
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The Role of Relatives in Decision Making on Organ Donation– an Ethical AnalysisSvensson, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: The three ways of making a wish for organ donation known are donor registration, donation card and telling the relatives. The relatives always have to be consulted to know the last expressed wish. If the wish was unknown there is a presumed consent, but the relatives have veto and can refuse organ donation. A new proposal suggests that the veto should be removed.Aim: To identify and analyse the ethical considerations concerning decision making on organ donation with an emphasis on the role of relatives.Methods: A search for literature was made. Scientific articles, debate articles, constitutional texts, reports and other texts were selected. The selection of sources was performed on the basis of relevance for the aim of the study which means for answering the research questions.Results: Recurrent themes were identified in studies with an emphasis on the experiences of relatives who have been part of decision making on organ donation. The themes identified were: “incompetence to decide”, “disagreement”, “lack of information and support”, “comprehension of brain death” and “protection”. The themes, together with the reading of debate articles and other texts, formed the basis of arguments in favour of and against relatives’ right to veto.Conclusions: There are many factors influencing relatives in their decision concerning organ donation. There are strong arguments against the relatives’ right to veto. Donor registration and a sensitive approach in the conversation with relatives are important factors to increase the consent rate and fulfil the wish of the deceased.
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Dědická smlouva a darování pro případ smrti / Inheritance contract and donation mortis causaSalač, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Inheritance contract and donation mortis causa Abstract This thesis presents, defines and examines two institutes of obligation-inheritance law, namely the inheritance contract and donation mortis causa, in the Czech law. Author deals with the most burning issues which are associated with these legal institutes. Thesis is divided into ten main parts. Each part is being divided into chapters and subchapters then. The first part aims to provide a brief introduction to the law of inheritance. Parts two to five are oriented to the historical genesis with a main focus to the present domestic legislation. Attention is also devoted to special regulations of the inheritance contract of spouses and registered partners. The sixth part presents, defines and puts the institute of donation mortis causa into the historical context. Donation mortis causa is a subject of the research in the Roman law and especially in the Czech law. Thesis analyzes donation mortis causa in both of its modalities occuring in the Czech law. The part seven deals with the Roman-law institute quarta Falcidia, due to its relations with the inheritance contract, donation mortis causa and legacies. The part eight is focused on the issues related to the inheritance contract and donation mortis causa with international element. Attention of this...
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Organdonation : Perioperativa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att delta vid uttagsoperationer / Organ donation : Perioperative nurses’ experiences of participating in donors’ operationsBråthe, Johanna, Helander, Fredrica January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Organtransplantation är en behandling som räddar liv på personer med organsvikt. För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs en organdonator, antingen levande eller avliden. Som avliden donator utförs en uttagsoperation efter medgivande till donation. Perioperativa sjuksköterskor deltar tillsammans med transplantationsteamet vid uttagoperationerna för att tillvarata organ och tillgodose donatorns önskan om donation. Syfte: Att beskriva anestesi- och operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att delta vid uttagsoperationer hos avlidna organdonatorer. Metod: En kvalitativ metod genomfördes, där åtta perioperativa sjuksköterskor intervjuades med öppna frågor som var fenomenorienterade. Datamaterialet analyserades med innebördsanalys. Resultat: Den essentiella innebörden är Värdighet och Respekt, som är en tydlig kärna i studiens fyra innebördsteman: Dubbelbottnade känslor, Känslan av att göra gott för andra, Samarbete i teamet skapar en känsla av trygghet och Professionellt bemötande. Konklusion: Resultatet visar att de perioperativa sjuksköterskorna upplevde värdighet och respekt som en central del vid uttagsoperationer hos avlidna donatorer. Uttagsoperationerna erfars av känslor som glädje, meningsfullhet och sorg. Samarbete i teamet upplevs som viktigt och gav en känsla av trygghet. Återkopplingen om mottagarna till organens tillstånd upplevdes som hjälp i den känslomässiga hanteringen. / Background: Organ transplantation is a treatment that saves the lives of people with organfailure. For it to be possible, an organ donor is required, either alive or dead. A donors’operation is performed after consent to donation. Perioperative nurses participate togetherwith the transplant team in the removal operations to remove organs and to pursue the donor'sdesire for donation.The aim: To describe the anesthesia- and operating theatre nurses' experiences ofparticipating in deceased organ donors' operations.Methods: A qualitative method, where eight perioperative nurses were interviewed throughopen-ended questions that were phenomenon-oriented. The data was analyzed with meaninganalysis.Results: The essential meaning is Dignity and Respect, which is a clear core of the study'sfour clusters of meanings: Double-edged emotions, The feeling of doing good for others,Cooperation in the team creates a feeling of security and Professional treatment.Conclusions: The perioperative nurses experienced dignity and respect as a central part indonors’ operations for deceased donors. The operations were experienced by emotions asjoy, meaning and sadness. Cooperation in the team is perceived as important and gives afeeling of security. Feedback about recipients of the organs condition was perceived ashelpful in emotional management.
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Etické aspekty dárcovství krvetvorných buněk / Ethical aspects of stem cell donationBřezinová, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
Donation of blood stem cells could help save the life of patients with a variety of hematological diseases. Despite its topicality it does not belong to widely known areas and a large section of the population deals with this issue only if it begins to relate to them personally. Therefore I would like to contribute with my work I would to the wider debate on this topic focusing on ethical issues. In the theoretical part I describe the history of the donation and transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, which together are inseparable. I introduce the role of the Czech Stem Cells Donor Registry and the legislative definition of its functioning. For a comprehensive look at this issue I describe the methods of blood stem cells collection and their transplantation primarily to depict the practical issues and questions donors and patients are exposed to. The main part of my work is devoted to the ethically problematic areas which we as the registry staff can meet and whose solution we are exposed to. The research part of my work is focused on the donor perception of the need to be informed and devoted to the fate and identity of the stem cells recipient in the context of the entire donation process. The objective is to find the right approach to donors who selflessly undergo the process of donation....
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Monetary Donations to Charitable OrganizationsRiecken, Glen, Yavas, Ugur 06 February 2008 (has links)
This article reports a study which compared current donors, lapsed donors, and nondonors to the American Cancer Society in terms of their demographic characteristics, donation motives, likelihood with which these motives would be satisfied as a result of donating to a charitable organization, and the level of concern expressed regarding a variety of health issues. Results and implications of the study are discussed.
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Att ge liv : Donatorns upplevlse av en njurdonation / To give life : The donors experience of a kidney donationMalmberg, Tova, Sollenius, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är mer fördelaktigt att en organdonation sker med levande donator istället för avliden donator, då det är lägre risk för avstötning. Det är många som väntar på att få en njure vilket gör att levande donation blir allt vanligare. I Sverige genomfördes 147 levande njurdonationer år 2019. Njurdonation ökar vilket leder till ökat behov av kunskap och förståelse hos sjuksköterskan. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa donatorns upplevelser i samband med njurdonation. Metod: Studien genomfördes via en litteraturstudie, där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades från två databaser. Resultat: Resultatet består av tre teman och sju subkategorier. Temat Kommunikation med subkategorierna upplevelsen av kommunikation med vårdpersonal och anknytning till mottagaren, temat upplevda känslor med subkategorierna oro, glädje och hopp, temat upplevelsen av stöd med subkategorierna socialt stöd och ekonomiskt stöd. Slutsatser: Upplevelserna hos donatorerna var individuella, genomgående var upplevelsen av bristande kommunikation och oro. Bristen på kommunikation indikerar till ett ökat kunskapsbehov hos sjuksköterskor för att göra donationsupplevelsen bra. / Background: It is more advantageous that a organdonation to take place with a living donor instead of a deceased donor, as there is a lower risk of rejection. There are many waiting for a new kidney, thus living donations are becoming more frequent. In 2019 there were 147 living kidney donations in Sweden. Because of the increase in kidney donations, the nurses are in need of more knowledge and understanding of the whole procedure. Aim: The aim was to give an account of the donor’s experience throughout the process of donating a kidney. Method: The study was conducted through literary research, where 12 scientific articles from two databases were reviewed and analyzed. Result: The result consists of three themes and seven sub categories; Communication - Communication experience between patients and medical staff andConnection to the recipient, Emotions - Worry, Joy and Hope, Support - Social support and Economical support. Conclusion: The donor’s feelings were varied, but overall they felt a lack of communication and therefore worry. This indicates that the nurses are in need of improved communication skills in order to make the donation experience as good as possible.
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The effect of β-2 adrenoreceptor agonist inhalation on lungs donated after cardiac death in a canine lung transplantation model / イヌ肺移植モデルにおける心停止ドナー肺に対するβ2アドレナリン受容体刺激剤吸入の効果Sakamoto, Jin 23 May 2014 (has links)
2017-02-09全文追加 / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第18453号 / 医博第3908号 / 新制||医||1004(附属図書館) / 31331 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 坂田 隆造, 教授 木村 剛, 教授 小池 薫 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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