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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification And Representation Of Information Items Required For Vulnerability Assessment And Multi-hazard Emergency Response Operations

Gokdemir, Nuray 01 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Emergency response teams, need various internal information about facilities such as building usage type, number of floors, occupancy information, building contents and vulnerable locations in facility during and immediately after multi hazard emergencies. Accessing such information accurately and timely is very important in order to speed up the guidance of occupants in a facility that is under the effect of multi-hazards to safe exits and speed up the decision process of emergency response teams to identify vulnerable locations (e.g. locations where secondary disasters can arise following an earthquake / fires, explosions). In the current practice, emergency response teams access such vital information to respond the emergency by visual investigating the environment and by asking the people in the neighborhood which causes gaining wrong and misleading information and results in loosing time and increasing the hazardous effect of emergency. Hence, there is a need for an approach to enable emergency response teams to access timely and accurate needed information items. To start the first step of this approach, the information items needed by emergency response teams to guide occupants the safe exits, to direct emergency response teams to vulnerable locations of the facility are identified and classified. Identified information items will be represented to emergency response teams by a model based system (BIM). The opportunities of model based system (BIM) will enable fast and safe evacuation of the facility, identification of vulnerable locations within the facility in a multi hazard emergency.

Förslag till modell av kemikaliespridning i mark anpassad för användning vid räddningsinsats - Kemspill Mark 4.0

Alsterhag, Elin January 2005 (has links)
After emergencies involving chemical spills it is of great importance that correct measures are taken with short notice, both for the security of people and in order to minimize future environmental consequences. The RIB-unit at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency initiated this study, the aim of which is to propose changes to the existing chemical transport calculation tool: Chemical Spill 3.4, included in RIB - Integrated Decision Support for Civil Protection, so that it can be used for decision support as well as in preventive work. A rough estimation of chemical transport in the subsurface is considered being of great importance when making decisions during emergency response operations. The proposition presented in this report is a non site specific chemical transport model which is designed to give a rough estimation of NAPL flow in homogenous isotropic soil shortly after an instantaneous release. The model can be used at two levels; both in situations without access to information on subsurface properties, and with more accuracy in situations with knowledge of the included parameters. For that reason the user can choose among predefined alternatives or assign the parameters a numeric value to increase the quality of the model output. The predefined alternatives are represented by default values for different parameters in the model. Suggested model output are vertical and horizontal transport of NAPL phase, horizontal transport of dissolved chemical in the aqueous phase, as well as the amounts of spill that are evaporated and entrapped in the soil, all at the time specified by the user. Moreover the maximum transport of the chemical phase and time to groundwater pollution are given. To make the uncertainty of the model clear for the user the results are given as the most likely value together with the smallest and largest values that can be expected. Equations presented in this report describe a selection of subsurface processes which occur after a release of chemicals. The selection is made with the aim to reach satisfying result when the model is used within its domain without making the model complicated for the user. Therefore simplifying assumptions have been made in the descriptions of some processes while some other processes are neglected. Simplifications have been based on recognized references or on theoretical arguments, but the overall performance of the model as well as some of the default input parameters need to be further tested and validated before the new version of the model can be included in RIB. However, compared with the existing version Chemical Spill 3.4 several changes have been suggested; including additional processes, development of default values and making model uncertainty clear to the user. These changes are thought to significantly improve the existing model. / Vid olyckor med kemikalieutsläpp är det av stor vikt att rätt åtgärder snabbt vidtas, både för människors säkerhet och för att minimera framtida miljökonsekvenser. Räddningsverkets RIB-enhet initierade den här studien vars mål är att ge förslag på modellteknisk förbättring av det befintliga beräkningsprogrammet Kemspill Mark 3.4, som ingår i programpaketet RIB - Integrerat beslutsstöd för skydd mot olyckor, så att det i framtiden kan användas som beslutsstöd vid räddningsinsats efter kemikalieutsläpp samt vid förebyggande planeringsarbete. En grov vägledning om kemikaliens spridning anses vara av stor betydelse för att räddningstjänsten ska kunna fatta rätt beslut vid en insats. Förslaget som presenteras i denna rapport är en icke platsspecifik spridningsmodell anpassad för vätskor med begränsad löslighet i vatten och ger en grov uppskattning av spridning i homogen och isotrop mark inom några timmar efter ett momentant utsläpp. Modellen ska kunna användas på två nivåer; för att ge en mycket grov uppskattning av spridningen även utan tillgång på uppgifter om markegenskaper, samt med större noggrannhet då informationen finns. Med anledning av detta kommer användaren ges möjlighet att välja bland fördefinierade alternativ eller att ange indata numeriskt för att öka noggrannheten. De fördefinierade valen representeras av typvärden för olika parametrar i modellen. Den nya modellen i förslaget ger vid angiven tid vertikal och horisontell spridning av fri kemikaliefas, horisontell spridning av löst förorening i vattenfas samt hur stor andel av utsläppet som hålls kvar i marken respektive har avdunstat från spillytan. Dessutom anges kemikaliefasens maximala spridning och hur lång tid det tar för utsläppet att nå grundvattnet. För att tydliggöra modellens osäkerhet för användaren ges utdata som det mest sannolika värdet tillsammans med det största och minsta värdet som är sannolikt. Ekvationerna som presenteras i rapporten beskriver ett urval av de processer som sker i marken vid ett kemikalieutsläpp. Urvalet har gjorts med utgångspunkt att uppnå tillfredställande resultat inom modellens domän utan att komplicera för användaren och därmed har förenklande antaganden gjorts för att beskriva vissa förlopp medan andra försummats helt. Förenklingarna har grundats på vedertagna referenser eller på teoretiskt resonemang. Validering av modellresultat samt vissa typvärdens intervall krävs före inkludering i RIB. Jämfört med det befintliga Kemspill Mark 3.4 har dock stora förändringar föreslagits; fler processer inkluderas, typvärden utvecklas och modellens osäkerhet görs tydlig för användaren. Förändringar tros medföra en signifikant förbättring av modellen.

Kommunal krishanteringsförmåga : Uppsala kommuns beredskap inför en eventuell naturkatastrof

Runesson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
De senaste åren har det skett en nedprioritering av risk- och krisföreberedande arbete på kommunal nivå, främst gällande naturkatastrofer. En av anledningarna till detta är att de kommunala medlen prioriteras mot andra saker som exempelvis skola, vård och omsorg. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka lärdomar och förmåga rörande hanteringen av naturkatastrofer på olika myndighetsnivåer i Sverige. Lärdomar studeras utifrån ett verkligt exempel: skogsbranden i Västmanland sommaren 2014. Huvudfokus för uppsatsen är att studera Uppsala kommuns förmåga att hantera en eventuell framtida naturkatastrof. För att undersöka syftet används två teoretiska modeller: Framgångsfaktorer för krishantering samt DROP-modellen. Framgångsfaktorerna används sedan för att se om lärdomar har inhämtats ur skogsbrandskatastrofen. Uppsala kommuns förmåga analyseras genom DROP-modellen, som delas in i ett antal steg. Den kommunala förmågan analyseras i varje steg i modellen för att diskutera om motståndskraft mot en eventuell naturkatastrof finns. Resultatet av undersökningarna visar att lärdomar kan inhämtas från skogsbrandsstudien, men det som är avgörande för om lärdom verkligen tas är om myndigheterna själva aktivt väljer att ta åt sig av erfarenheterna. Dock är det osäkert om Uppsala kommun har förmåga att klara en eventuell naturkatastrof, då det finns prioriterings- och tolkningsproblematik i det beredskapsförebyggande arbetet.

Posouzení rizik jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Safety assessment of Temelin NPP

KOŠŤÁL, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
History of peaceful use of nuclear energy, despite of all necessary emphasis on operation safety, is accompanied by a series of accidents, some of which left indelible trace in minds of wide public and so led to changes in the comprehension of nuclear safety and in the access to its preservation. Because the consequences of possible nuclear power plant accident have always serious social impacts, it is most desirable to define all possibly risks, to quantify probability of their formation and in this way to gain the possibility to prevent them effectively and efficiently. This work is dedicated to approve or to disapprove that the KARS method is practically applicable for evaluation of nuclear power station operation safety. The work objective is to evaluate events and risks associated with the operation of a particular nuclear facility by the KARS method and critically evaluate obtained results and the used method as such. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part includes basic information necessary for correct understanding of the chosen data processing procedure and subsequent interpretation of the gained results. A brief overview of basic concepts relating to the nuclear safety, the safety culture and the emergency preparedness, including their definitions is given in this section of the work. For the evaluation of obtained results it is useful to make familiar with basic concepts of the NPP safety evaluation, PSA and the stress tests. Obviously, it is necessary to describe the KARS method and to define the concept of quality of human performance with regard to the obtained results. The risk analysis by the KARS method was carried out in the four consecutive steps: 1. Data collection for the risk analysis. 2. Data processing by the use of the KARS method. 3. Interpretation of the obtained results. 4. Comparison of the obtained results with the available data. The particular risks for the construction of the risk correlation table were based on the analysis of activities of individual members of the emergency and technical support center on the basis of managing documentation for each function. In the emergency instructions these risks are either named or the action to manage them are determined. Subsequently these risks are further more specify according to the operational documentation used for solving abnormal and emergency conditions or solving of severe accidents. Determination of the risk correlation seems to be subjective and requires a considerable degree of professional insight into the analyzed issues. The risk analysis was processed according to the procedure that was laid down by Ing. Stefan Pacinda, Ph.D. Each risk taken into consideration in this analysis is briefly described within the interpretation of obtained results. The coefficients of activity with the biggest value were found for these risks: human error, earthquake, plane crash, terrorist threat, errors in operating and managing documentation and fire. The coefficients of passivity with the biggest value were found for these risks: human failure, serious damage to health, ecological disaster, components malfunctions, radiation accident, nuclear material integrity damage and control system malfunctions. Comparison of the risks that were postulated in the stress tests and the risks that were considered in this analysis indicate that the ETE NPP emergency response was prepared to be able to cope these risks. Results of this analysis showed that the essential element for the safe operation of nuclear power plants is qualified, well selected and systematically trained staff. In light of the experience acquired during elaboration of this work I have concluded that the KARS method can be used for nuclear safety evaluation only in a limited way.


ROMEU ALEXANDRE BATISTA 11 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação aborda a prevenção e a resposta de órgãos públicos a eventos críticos de desastres naturais. Os levantamentos e análises apresentados são referentes a uma instituição pública, a Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, especificamente o Centro de Operações Rio. Trata-se de uma central de controle de emergências de Defesa Civil, com estruturas de governo voltadas para analisar e avaliar as ameaças, desenvolver e implementar respostas alternativas, comunicar informações e decisões. Em termos metodológicos, o trabalho foi feito a partir de consultas bibliográficas, visitas técnicas consubstanciadas na experiência profissional do autor. O presente trabalho faz uma análise de acidentes ocorridos no exterior e no Brasil. Dentre os resultados, conclui-se que as duas principais funções de um plano de gerenciamento de crise sejam proporcionar uma resposta rápida e eficaz às ameaças advindas de crises de segurança pública e ou desastres naturais. Dentre as vulnerabilidades observadas, pois não estavam claramente evidenciadas no Centro de Operações Rio destaca-se: A necessidade de um maior número de Exercícios Simulados de Emergências dos cenários relevantes com significativa participação das comunidades presentes nestes cenários. Em termos de potencialidades e aumento de eficácia na gestão de desastres naturais sugere-se: Planificar e identificar todas as áreas e regiões da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro estabelecendo uma Matriz de Risco dedicada especificamente para aquele local. Conclui-se que, para este tipo de eventos existe uma permanente necessidade de planejamento, organização e treinamentos prévios e estruturados, evitando os desajustes, falhas e improvisações comuns nestes tipos de ocorrências. / [en] The Project shown from now on is based on Public Policy Regulation studies as one of the elements crisis manager and its proposal is to explain how to prevent and what s the right position to assume when the natural accidents happens. The topics presented here are those one considered as the most important in the Government Institution, in this case, the institution is the Rio de Janeiro City Hall and its Operation Center - Centre of Operations of Rio de Janeiro, that is the central office to control emergences regarding Legal Defense. Centre of Operations of Rio de Janeiro is the Central Office containing different government structures and with a multidisciplinary professional team previously selected (technicians and employees) to analyze and evaluate threats, to develop and implement alternative answers and also communicate to all involved in the program, in an orderly manner, all necessary information and decisions to be taken, if needed; as well as coordinating the back to normal operations, once having been terminated the threat or crisis involving civil defense. Since the threats coming from a crisis of public policy can impair significantly the daily management and continuity of operations of a Government Organization, it becomes imperative that the institution is prepared to respond immediately to such situations, thereby minimizing the destructive effects to the civil society. Therefore, the mainly function of a crisis management plan is to provide an early and effective reply to the threats coming from public security crises and/or natural disasters, as well as to provide the necessary information to teams that are working previous structured and training according to a planning and organization, avoiding disagreements, faults and negligence that are very common in these kind of events.

Emergency Preparation and Green Engineering Tool

Whiteley, Clinton E January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemical Engineering / Larry E. Erickson / As our society continues to better prepare itself to address biological, radiological, chemical, and environmental emergencies, there is a need for better and more readily available emergency planning information for program managers and military/business personnel. An online hazardous materials and emergency planning tool for the Environmental Knowledge and Assessment Tool (EKAT: www.ekat-tool.com) would adequately fill that need. The proposed online Emergency Preparation and Green Engineering (EPGE) tool would provide the user with information regarding links to local emergency response teams and resources, guides for developing emergency plans and reports, Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) training information, case studies to illustrate HAZMAT situations, and the ability to judge the environmental friendliness of chemicals. In this way it will serve as a means of facilitating and educating individuals for best responses in an organized fashion. In order to address their environmental responsibilities, public and private organizations are adopting Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The EPGE tool can be used in conjunction with Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to begin to address sustainability in a more practical setting. Currently the development of a comprehensive tool that identifies environmental, health, and safety concerns along with supplying relevant emergency data would be applicable to any business or organization. This tool will be available as an initial building block for the sustainability of the company. It can be used as a guide to better characterize and solve the environmental issues that could affect any business.

Water Scarcity in the Face of Hurricanes: Improving the Resilience of Potable Water Supplies in Selected Florida Counties

Sajadi Bami, Fautemeh 22 March 2019 (has links)
Severe storms can threaten the reliability and accessibility of drinking water supplies. The state of Florida is frequently impacted by hurricanes and is often struck more than once a year. An example of this can be found in 2017 when hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria caused much damage. Compromised utilities, well contamination, and shortages in bottled water and ice are just some of the problems that may threaten peoples’ drinking water. Faced with these issues, preparation and response efforts must be effective in order to promote human health. Recent events like Hurricane Irma caused shortages in potable water which suggest the need for improvements in these efforts. The purpose of this study was to review management policies (for both preparations and responses) in dealing with potable water paucity caused by Hurricane Irma. Current efforts for managing potable water supplies were researched across selected counties in Florida. The effectiveness and deficiencies of these policies were analyzed. A survey was utilized to gain an understanding of the effects of these policies from the people’s perspective. This study determined several issues with potable water management efforts in dealing with severe storms. These issues were: 1) Economic constraints preventing the obtainment of drinking water (particularly for the Hispanic ethnic group), 2) Lack of concern/care in keeping sanitary private well systems, 3) Policies to encourage locals to prepare to last three days without regular water supplies were inadequate since many people were left without water for far longer time periods, 4) Younger respondents experienced greater potable water shortages than the elderly, and 5) Many people who received emergency relief did not actually require aid. This study also identified potential improvements in both the short-term (emergency responses) and long-term (preparedness) management of drinking water in the face of hurricanes. Recommendations were made to address each of the found issues and ameliorate the management of potable water. These recommendations were: 1) To promote enforcement of anti-price gouging laws 2) Enhancing education on the importance of a sanitary well system. 3) Enhancing infrastructure and power by increasing redundancy, storage capacity, structural integrity, backup power and structural stability; and/or promote education informing locals to prepare for water shortages that last longer than three days 4) Encouraging younger residents to be more involved with their community elders 5) Relief efforts should be made more effective in reaching their targeted populations (those in true need of aid). The results of this research may be used to enhance potable water management plans to avoid suffering and loss of wellbeing in future hurricanes.

On the Distribution of Inter-Arrival Times of 911 Emergency ResponseProcess Events

Moss, Blake Cameron 22 May 2020 (has links)
The 911 emergency response process is a core component of the emergency services critical infrastructure sector in the United States. Modeling and simulation of a complex stochastic system like the 911 response process enables policy makers and stakeholders to better understand, identify, and mitigate the impact of attacks/disasters affecting the 911 system. Modeling the 911 response process as a series of queue sub-systems will enable analysis into how CI failures impact the different phases of the 911 response process. Before such a model can be constructed, the probability distributions of the inter-arrivals of events into these various sub-systems needs to be identified. This research is a first effort into investigating the stochastic behavior of inter-arrival times of different events throughout the 911 response process. I use the methodology of input modeling, a statistical modeling approach, to determine whether the exponential distribution is an appropriate model for these inter-arrival times across a large dataset of historical 911 dispatch records.

An analysis of the emergency response in Northeastern Nigeria and its ability to contribute to sustained mental health care reform

Iyiola, Damilola 20 February 2018 (has links)
The conflict in Northeastern Nigeria has left the region with an increasing death toll of 20,000 and has caused mass displacement of over 2.3 million(1)(2). The impacts of conflict are far reaching and has adverse consequences on the mental health of affected populations(3). Nigeria’s mental health system does not have the structure or resources to accommodate its mental health burden. Translating the emergency response in Northeastern Nigeria into sustained improved mental health care may be useful toward implementation of Nigeria’s mental health policy and nationwide mental health reform. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the emergency response in Northeastern Nigeria may be leveraged to contribute toward an improved mental health system. A literature review was conducted in order to review case studies of regions which have strengthened their mental health systems after and during an emergency. Additionally, best practices for mental health systems strengthening were reviewed. Findings show that a strengthened mental health system may be achieved by the government making an early commitment to seizing the emergency response as an opportunity to reach this goal. The emergency response could adopt key strategies such as developing a local workforce and using established tools to guide service provision. Additionally, the investment of key stakeholders and a commitment toward decentralization and scaling up community-based services is recommended. Such an approach may be beneficial toward improved mental health care in Northeastern Nigeria and may be useful to Nigeria as a whole.

Interoperability Performance Among Campus Law Enforcement Agencies

Massirer, Tammie Ann 01 January 2018 (has links)
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks exposed considerable breakdowns in communications interoperability and information sharing among first responders. Multijurisdictional responses to the active-shooter incidents at the University of Texas in 2010; Sandy Hook Elementary of Newtown, Connecticut in 2012, and the Reynolds High School shooting of Multnomah County, Oregon in 2014 were replete with interoperability failures as well. Recent multijurisdictional response events continue to illuminate difficulties with first-responder interoperability and minimal research exists to promote understanding of the interoperability challenges of university police departments. The purpose of this study was to explore the barriers that impede communications of campus based law enforcement agencies during multiagency or multijurisdictional response. General systems theory and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model provided the conceptual framework for this qualitative case study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 leaders of university public safety agencies in California. Data were collected, inductively coded, and thematically analyzed. Key findings indicate that participants perceived barriers of funding, policy, inclusiveness, and training that affect communications interoperability performance. The positive social change implications from this study include recommendations of policy change for improved interoperability during multiagency or multijurisdictional response which can contribute to increased first-responder safety, more efficient multijurisdictional response, and improved safety of students and society at large.

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