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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zusammenhang zwischen der pränatalen Umgebung, regulatorischen T-Zellen im Nabelschnurblut und dem Allergierisiko in der frühen Kindheit

Hinz, Denise 21 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulation atopischer Erkrankungen. Die Voraussetzungen für eine allergische Reaktionslage werden schon während der intrauterinen Entwicklung geschaffen. Über den Einfluss der intrauterinen Umgebung auf die Tregs zur Geburt ist bisher wenig bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte in der prospektiven Geburtskohorten-Studie LINA (Einfluss von Lebensstil und Umweltfaktoren auf das Allergierisiko Neugeborener) geklärt werden, inwiefern der Immunstatus der werdenden Mutter, eine atopische Familienanamnese sowie Umweltexpositionen während der Schwangerschaft den Immunstatus der Neugeborenen beeinflussen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde dabei auf Tregs gelegt. Weiterhin sollte die Relevanz der Tregs zur Geburt für das Allergierisiko im ersten Lebensjahr des Kindes analysiert werden. Die Messung der Anzahl und Funktionalität der Tregs im Blut der werdenden Mutter in der 34. Schwangerschaftswoche und im Nabelschnurblut erfolgte sowohl durchflusszytometrisch in einer Subkohorte (n=24 Mutter-Kind Paare), als auch durch eine methylspezifische qPCR in der gesamten Kohorte der LINA-Studie (n=346 Mutter-Kind Paare). Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten erstmals darauf hin, dass mütterliche Tregs möglicherweise einen regulatorischen Einfluss hinsichtlich der Programmierung des fötalen Immunsystems haben (Hinz et al., Clin Exp Allergy 2010). Die durchflusszytometrische Charakterisierung der Tregs der Mutter-Kind Paare zeigte beim Vergleich der Expression von CD4, CD25, CD127 und FOXP3, dass der Anteil der CD4+CD25high Tregs im Nabelschnurblut deutlich höher war, der Anteil FOXP3 positiver Zellen innerhalb der CD4+CD25high Tregs Population war zur Geburt jedoch signifikant geringer, verglichen mit den werdenden Müttern. Weiterhin war eine geringe Anzahl mütterlicher Tregs während der Schwangerschaft und eine erhöhte Produktion der TH2-Zytokine IL-4, IL-5 und IL-13 mit erhöhten Gesamt-IgE-Spiegeln im Nabelschnurblut verbunden (Hinz et al., 2010). Durch die Quantifizierung der Tregs auf Basis des TSDR-Methylierungsstatus` im FOXP3 Gen, einer spezifischen und zuverlässigen Methode zum Nachweis stabiler Tregs, konnte der Zusammenhang zwischen einer Vielzahl pränataler Faktoren, Tregs zur Geburt und dem Allergierisiko in der gesamten Geburtskohorte geklärt werden (Hinz et al., Allergy 2011). Das männliche Geschlecht des Kindes, die Atopie der Eltern, Rauchen und Desinfektionsmittel-Exposition während der Schwangerschaft sowie eine erhöhte mütterliche Produktion von IFN-γ, IL-13 und IL-17E war mit einer geringeren Treg-Anzahl im Nabelschnurblut assoziiert. Für Kinder mit einer geringeren Treg-Anzahl im Nabelschnurblut war das Risiko für eine atopische Dermatitis und einer Sensibilisierung gegen Nahrungsmittelallergene im ersten Lebensjahr signifikant höher (Hinz et al., 2011).

Saggi sull'economia dei mercati finanziari / Essays on the Economics of Financial Markets

LEPORI, GABRIELE MARIO 21 February 2007 (has links)
I primi due capitoli di questa tesi mirano a determinare se il processo decisionale e le scelte di investimento degli individui possono essere influenzati da variabili psicologiche che non hanno alcuna valenza puramente economica. L'analisi empirica, condotta utilizzando dati relativi ai mercati italiano e statunitense, fornisce dei risultati che sono coerenti con l'ipotesi secondo cui esistono svariati fattori psicologici che giocano un ruolo nel processo mentale che produce le scelte di portafoglio degli agenti economici. Il terzo capitolo affronta la teoria della segmentazione di mercato, secondo cui la curva dei rendimenti è articolata in diversi segmenti temporali che sono a tutti gli effetti separati in termini di allocazione degli investimenti da parte degli operatori. / The first two chapters of this dissertation investigate whether some economically-neutral but psychologically-relevant factors can affect investors' decision-making and, in turn, their investment choices. The empirical analysis, conducted on Italian and US stock market data, provides some evidence consistent with the view that several psychological elements indeed play a role in the mental process that generates people's portfolio allocation choices. The third chapter consists in an examination of the market segmentation hypothesis, according to which government bonds with different maturities are not perceived to any extent as substitutes by investors, the consequence being that the yield curve in fact contains different maturity segments that are totally separated from one another.

Contribución al conocimiento del erizo de mar Paracentrotus lividus (Lamark, 1816): ciclo gonadal y dinámica poblacional

González Irusta, José Manuel 17 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabajo de tesis doctoral pretende contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento de la biología y la ecología del erizo de mar Paracentrotus lividus desde la perspectiva de su explotación como recurso marisquero. Con este fin se han analizado dos aspectos de la biología de este invertebrado de interés para su explotación sostenible: el ciclo gonadal y la dinámica poblacional de la especie. Para abordar el estudio del ciclo gonadal se realizó un muestreo mensual en tres localidades situadas a lo largo del litoral de Cantabria. En cada localidad se muestreó en dos hábitats contrastados: charcos de marea y fondos infralitorales durante dos épocas de puesta, desde mayo de 2004 hasta septiembre de 2005. Además de muestrear erizos, se tomaron datos de temperatura y de concentración de clorofila para estudiar la relación de la reproducción con los factores ambientales. El ciclo gonadal de P. lividus en Cantabria comienza en el mes de marzo y se extiende hasta el mes de septiembre, con entre uno y dos periodos de puesta a principios de primavera y en verano, en función del año y la población. Las diferencias entre las distintas localidades muestreadas fueron más importantes a las observadas entre los distintos hábitats, si bien en líneas generales todas las poblaciones mostraron un ciclo gonadal similar. El fotoperiodo parece mostrar un importante papel en el control de la vitelogénesis, que se inicia en los meses con menos horas de luz y termina en los meses estivales, con duraciones máximas del día. Otras variables como temperatura y estado nutricional también pueden tener un efecto significativo sobre este ciclo y probablemente son las responsables de algunas de las variaciones del ciclo más importantes observadas en las distintas poblaciones.El estudio de la dinámica poblacional de la especie se realizó en la cala de La Soledad, en la localidad cántabra de Laredo. Durante 40 meses (desde julio de 2004 hasta octubre de 2007) se realizó un muestreo mensual en una zona de esta cala que albergaba una población de P. lividus con más de 16.000 erizos distribuidos en un área aproximada de 1.200 metros cuadrados. La zona de estudio se dividió en 15 cuadrículas imaginarias. En cada cuadrícula se lanzaba cinco veces un cuadrado de área conocida de 0,25 m2, para un total de 75 veces por muestreo. Todos los erizos encontrados dentro del cuadrado de área conocida eran medidos y la densidad anotada. De esta forma se obtenía una distribución de la frecuencia de tallas para la población analizada, así como datos de densidad para cada cuadrícula muestreada.Una vez obtenidas la distribución de frecuencias para todos los meses muestreados, se calculo un modelo de crecimiento para la especie mediante el seguimiento de cohortes. Además, se estudió el reclutamiento de la especie en la zona de estudio, se analizaron los desplazamientos de la especie mediante análisis de densidad en las distintas cuadrículas y se estimó la tasa de mortalidad para algunas de las cohortes estudiadas. El crecimiento de P. lividus en la localidad se ajustó a la curva de Von Bertalanffy, más concretamente a su adaptación estacional, pues presentaba importantes diferencias de crecimiento entre el verano y el invierno. Se obtuvieron dos modelos de crecimiento, muy similares entre sí en el valor de sus parámetros, que fueron unidos en un solo modelo con un valor de K de 0,245 ± 0,03 y un valor de L∞ de 69 ± 4 mm. El reclutamiento no mostró diferencias significativas entre los distintos años estudiados, observándose un doble periodo de asentamiento que coincide con lo observado en el estudio del ciclo gonadal. Además, se observó una relación significativa entre la densidad de juveniles y la densidad de adultos, que permite pensar en la existencia de un reclutamiento denso-dependiente. No se observaron migraciones para el conjunto de la población dentro de la zona de estudio, no obstante se observaron desplazamientos durante el desarrollo del erizo desde zonas de asentamiento hasta zonas de crecimiento, siendo estos especialmente intensos a partir de cierta talla. La mortalidad Z presenta un valor medio para el conjunto de cohortes analizadas de 0,256 para erizos con una edad comprendida entre los ocho y los veintisiete meses. En este periodo, la mortalidad no permanece constante, sino que desciende a medida que los erizos aumentan de talla. / The main objective of this work was to improve the understanding of the biology and ecology of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, from a fishery perspective. With this purpose, two interesting topics in the sustainable fisheries of this invertebrate were analyzed: gonad cycle and populations dynamics. The gonad cycle was studied in three localities along the Cantabrian littoral. In each locality, two habitats were sampled monthly: intertidal rock pools and infralitoral hard bottoms, from May 2004 to September 2005. In each sample, at least 15 sea urchins were collected for each habitat and locality. Moreover, temperature was measured and water samples were collected in plastic bottles to estimate chlorophyll concentration. The reproductive cycle of P. lividus starts in March and lasts until September, with one or two main spawning periods per year (depending on year and population) at the beginning of Spring and during the Summer. The differences between sea urchins from different localities but the same habitat were more important than between urchins of the same locality but different habitat, however all the urchins studied shown a similar reproductive cycle. The photoperiod shows an important role in the vitellogenesis control. This process starts in the months with the lowest photoperiod values and finishes in the highest. Other environmental variables as temperature or nutrional state are important too, causing some of the most important differences observed in the gonad cycle of the analyzed populations. The population dynamics were studied in the cove of La Soledad, in the cantabrian locality of Laredo. Along 40 months (from July 2004 to October 2007) the cove was sampled monthly in an area of 1.200 m2 with more than 16,000 urchins. This area was divided in a grid of 15 squares. In each of them, 5 randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrats were sampled. All the urchins found in the quadrats were measured and its density counted, getting a frequency distribution of the population analyzed and density values of each square. A growth model for P. lividus was calculated knowing the monthly size-frequency distribution. Moreover, recruitment, migrations and mortality in the studied area were studied.P. lividus growth showed a good fit to the Von Bertalanffy curve, especially to the seasonality model, since the growth showed significant differences between the summer and the winter. Two growth curves were calculated, both of them very similar in growth parameters. Finally, both curves were joined in one model with a K value of 0,245 ± 0,03 and a L∞ de 69 ± 4 mm.The recruitment did not show significant differences between the studied years. A double settlement period was observed, coinciding with the spawning period described in the gonad cycle study. Moreover, a significant relationship between recruits' density and adults' density was observed, suggesting a positive density-dependent factor in the recruitment. The population did not show migrations in the study area. However, during the development of the urchins, movements were observed from settlement areas to growth areas, being especially important from a certain size. The mortality (Z) presented a mean value of 0.256 for all the cohorts analyzed in urchins with an age range between 8 and 27 months. In this period, mortality decreases with the urchins growth.

Geriamojo vandens tarša sunkiaisiais metalais ir įtaka kūdikių sveikatai / Contamination of groundwater with heavy metals and the influence of infant health

Aleknavičiūtė, Asta 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama geriamojo vandens tarša geležimi ir manganu bei tam tikri aplinkos veiksniai, kurie gali didinti riziką susirgti įgimtomis širdies ydomis. Darbo objektas – geležis ir manganas geriamajame vandenyje, kenksmingi aplinkos veiksniai, įgimtos širdies ydos, rizika. Darbo tikslas – 1) išanalizuoti tam tikrų aplinkos veiksnių poveikį naujagimių sveikatai ir 2) įvertinti vandens taršos geležimi ir manganu bei kitų aplinkos veiksnių įtaką įgimtų širdies ydų rizikai. Darbo metodai – atvejis-kontrolė tyrimas, naudoti epidemiologijos analizės metodai nustatant suminę ir priskirtinę rizikas ir jų 95 proc. PI. Darbo rezultatai. Įgimtų širdies anomalijų riziką lėmė geležies ir mangano rizikos santykis (RS=1,06; 95 proc. PI=0,74-1,51), ribinis motinos amžius gimdymo metu (RS=1,73; 95 proc. PI=1,07-2,79); šeiminė padėtis (RS=2,82; 95 proc. PI=1,60-4,96); motinos išsilavinimas (RS=1,06; 95 proc. PI=0,74-1,52); motinos rūkymas (RS=2,73; 95 proc. PI=1,75-4,25); cheminės medžiagos darbe (RS=2,04; 95 proc. PI=1,09-4,17); kenksmingi gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksniai, tarp kurių dažniausiai minimi intensyvus eismas (RS=1,21; 95 proc. PI=0,90-2,79), nepalankūs santykiai šeimoje (RS=1,06; 95 proc. PI=0,51-2,18), žmogui tenkantis < nei 1 kambarys (RS=1,16; 95 proc. PI=0,73-1,83) ir kiti kenksmingi veiksniai (RS=1,21; 95 proc. PI=0,73-1,98). Geriamojo vandens tarša geležimi ir manganu bei kiti aplinkos veiksniai turėjo tendenciją didinti įgimtų širdies ydų riziką. / In this Master's work examined the drinking water with iron and manganese, and certain environmental factors, which may increase the risk of congenital heart defects. Work item - the iron and manganese in drinking water and harmful environmental factors, congenital heart failure, the risk. The aim - 1) to analyze certain environmental factors impact the health of the newborn, and 2) to assess the pollution of water with iron and manganese, and other environmental factors influence the risk of congenital heart failure. Working methods - case-control study, the use of analytical methods for determining the epidemiology of the total and attributable risks and their 95 percent. CI. Results of the work. Congenital cardiac anomalies has led to the risk of iron and manganese and the risk ratio (RS=1,06, 95 percent CI=0,74-1,51), the threshold age of the mother during childbirth (RS=1,73, 95 percent CI=1,07-2,79), family situation (RS= 2,82, 95 percent CI=1,60-4,96), maternal education (RS=1,06, 95 percent CI=0,74-1, 52); mother smoking (RS=2,73, 95 percent CI=1,75-4,25), the chemical at work (RS=2,04, 95 percent. CI 1,09-4,17); harmful to residential environmental factors, among which the most frequently referred to traffic congestion (RS = 1.21, 95 percent CI=0,90-2,79), adverse family relations (RS=1,06, 95 percent CI=0.51 -2.18), per person <than 1 room (RS=1,16, 95 percent CI=0,73-1,83), and other nuisances (RS=1.21, 95 percent CI=0, 73-1,98). the risk of heart failure... [to full text]

Development and evaluation of automated radar systems for monitoring and characterising echoes from insect targets

Dean, Timothy J., Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes the construction of a mobile Insect Monitoring Radars (IMR) and investigations of: the reliability of IMRs for observing insect migration in inland Australia; possible biases in IMR migration estimates; the relation between an insect???s size and its radar properties; radar discrimination between insect species; the effect of weather on the migrations of Australian plague locusts and of moths; the scale of these migrations; and here IMRs are best located. The principles of entomological radar design, and the main features of insect migration in inland Australia, are reviewed. The main procedures used in the study are: calculation of radar performance and of insect radar cross sections (RCSs); reanalysis of a laboratory RCS dataset; statistical analysis of a fouryear dataset of IMR and weather observations; and a field campaign using both two existing fixed IMRs and the new mobile unit. Statistical techniques used include correlation, multiple regression, discriminant analysis, and principal components analysis. The original results of this work include design details of the mobile IMR, extension of radar performance calculations to IMRs and evaluation of flight speed biases, a holistic approach to IMR design, the relation of insect RCS magnitudes and polarization patterns to morphological variables, an estimate of the accuracy of the retrieved parameters, evaluations of three approaches (oneparameter, theory-based, and a novel two-stage method) to target identification, and verification of inferred target identities using results from nearby light traps. Possible sites for future IMRs are identified. The major conclusions are that: a mobile IMR can be built with a performance equal to that of a fixed IMR but at half the cost; significant biases in the signal processing results arise from insect speed; locusts and moths can be distinguished if all RCS parameters are used; IMRs can be designed to match particular requirements; weather has a significant effect on insect migration, the best single predictor of insect numbers being temperature; moonlight has no effect; the spatial correlation of migration properties falls to 50% at a separation of 300 km; and migrating insects can be carried by the wind for 500 km in a single night

Concentration difficulties in the school environment : with focus on children with ADHD, autism and Down's syndrome /

Tufvesson, Catrin, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning)--Lund : Lunds, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Bacteriological and epidemiological studies of campylobacter spp. in Swedish broilers /

Hansson, Ingrid, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

A Study of the Impact of Tourism on the Environment and Jeddah Citizen’s Perceptions toward Tourism in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Aljohani, Mona 21 May 2018 (has links)
This study examined the impact of tourism on the environment and Jeddah citizens’ perceptions toward tourism in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The sample consisted of citizens who reside in the city of Jeddah. The variables analyzed included the following: cleanliness of the city, crowding, access to facilities, availability of water, and the quality of air and sea. An explanatory research design was utilized to generate the study, and purposive sampling was employed to gather the analysis. A total of 115 participants participated in the study. The study results suggested that cleanliness of the city, crowding, access to facilities, availability of water, and the quality of air and sea affect the perception of Jeddah citizens toward tourism. Particularly, both crowding and quality of air and sea were significant predictors of perceptions toward tourism.

Modélisation multi-échelle et hybride des maladies contagieuses : vers le développement de nouveaux outils de simulation pour contrôler les épidémies / Multi-scale-socio-environmental modeling of epidemiological process : a way for organizing humain environments and rhythms to control and prevent the spread of contagious diseases

Hessami, Mohammad Hessam 23 June 2016 (has links)
Les études théoriques en épidémiologie utilisent principalement des équations différentielles pour étudier (voire tenter de prévoir) les processus infectieux liés aux maladies contagieuses, souvent sous des hypothèses peu réalistes (ex: des populations spatialement homogènes). Cependant ces modèles ne sont pas bien adaptés pour étudier les processus épidémiologiques à différentes échelles et ils ne sont pas efficaces pour prédire correctement les épidémies. De tels modèles devraient notamment être liés à la structure sociale et spatiale des populations. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un ensemble de nouveaux modèles dans lesquels différents niveaux de spatialité (par exemple la structure locale de la population, en particulier la dynamique de groupe, la distribution spatiale des individus dans l'environnement, le rôle des personnes résistantes, etc.) sont pris en compte pour expliquer et prédire la façon dont des maladies transmissibles se développent et se répandent à différentes échelles, même à l'échelle de grandes populations. La manière dont les modèles que nous avons développé sont paramétrés leur permet en outre d'être reliés entre eux pour bien décrire en même temps le processus épidémiologique à grande échelle (population d'une grande ville, pays ...) mais avec précision dans des zones de surface limitée (immeubles de bureaux, des écoles). Nous sommes d'abord parvenus à inclure la notion de groupes dans des systèmes d'équations différentielles de modèles SIR (susceptibles, infectés, résistants) par une réécriture des dynamiques de population s'inspirant des réactions enzymatiques avec inhibition non compétitive : les groupes (une forme de complexe) se forment avec des compositions différentes en individus S, I et R, et les individus R se comportent ici comme des inhibiteurs non compétitifs. Nous avons ensuite couplé de tels modèles SIR avec la dynamique globale des groupes simulée par des algorithmes stochastiques dans un espace homogène, ou avec les dynamiques de groupe émergentes obtenues dans des systèmes multi-agents. Comme nos modèles fournissent de l'information bien détaillée à différentes échelles (c'est-à-dire une résolution microscopique en temps, en espace et en population), nous pouvons proposer une analyse de criticité des processus épidémiologiques. Nous pensons en effet que les maladies dans un environnement social et spatial donné présentent des signatures caractéristiques et que de telles mesures pourraient permettre l'identification des facteurs qui modifient leur dynamique.Nous visons ainsi à extraire l'essence des systèmes épidémiologiques réels en utilisant différents modèles mathématique et numériques. Comme nos modèles peuvent prendre en compte les comportements individuels et les dynamiques de population, ils sont en mesure d'utiliser des informations provenant du BigData, collectée par les technologies des réseaux mobiles et sociaux. Un objectif à long terme de ce travail est d'utiliser de tels modèles comme de nouveaux outils pour réduire les épidémies en guidant les rythmes et organisation humaines, par exemple en proposant de nouvelles architectures et en changeant les comportements pour limiter les propagations épidémiques. / Theoretical studies in epidemiology mainly use differential equations, often under unrealistic assumptions (e.g. spatially homogeneous populations), to study the development and spreading of contagious diseases. Such models are not, however, well adapted understanding epidemiological processes at different scales, nor are they efficient for correctly predicting epidemics. Yet, such models should be closely related to the social and spatial structure of populations. In the present thesis, we propose a series of new models in which different levels of spatiality (e.g. local structure of population, in particular group dynamics, spatial distribution of individuals in the environment, role of resistant people, etc) are taken into account, to explain and predict how communicable diseases develop and spread at different scales, even at the scale of large populations. Furthermore, the manner in which our models are parametrised allow them to be connected together so as to describe the epidemiological process at a large scale (population of a big town, country ...) and with accuracy in limited areas (office buildings, schools) at the same time.We first succeed in including the notion of groups in SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) differential equation systems by a rewriting of the SIR dynamics in the form of an enzymatic reaction in which group-complexes of different composition in S, I and R individuals form and where R people behave as non-competitive inhibitors. Then, global group dynamics simulated by stochastic algorithms in a homogeneous space, as well emerging ones obtained in multi-agent systems, are coupled to such SIR epidemic models. As our group-based models provide fine-grain information (i.e. microscopical resolution of time, space and population) we propose an analysis of criticality of epidemiological processes. We think that diseases in a given social and spatial environment present characteristic signatures and that such measurements could allow the identification of the factors that modify their dynamics.We aim here to extract the essence of real epidemiological systems by using various methods based on different computer-oriented approaches. As our models can take into account individual behaviours and group dynamics, they are able to use big-data information yielded from smart-phone technologies and social networks. As a long term objective derived from the present work, one can expect good predictions in the development of epidemics, but also a tool to reduce epidemics by guiding new environmental architectures and by changing human health-related behaviours.

A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em música

Condessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.

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