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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekten av falska nyheter på individnivå : En explorativ mixed method-studie om falska nyheters påverkan / The effect of false news on an individual level : An exploratory mixed method study on the impact of false news

Andersson, Simon, Holmgren Hall, Catharina January 2017 (has links)
Vi står idag inför ett växande problem där falsk information sprids som faktaenliga nyheter i diverse olika medieformat ut till allmänheten. Detta problem kan resultera i väldiga konsekvenser på många olika sätt för både privatpersonen, den rådande politiken och samhället i stort. Denna studie är en explorativ undersökning i hur individer uppfattar falska nyheters och dess spridning samt deras tilltro till medieväsendet. Uppsatsen är en ‘’mixed methods’’ studie som bygger på en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och åtta kvalitativa intervjuer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida spridningen av falska nyheter har ökat misstron till media hos den allmänna nyhetspubliken. Studiens urvalsgrupp är 16–30 åringar då dessa är den åldersgrupp som befinner sig mest på sociala medier där den största spridningen av falska nyheter sker. Resultatet visar att det finns en allmänt stor medvetenhet om att det sker en spridning av falska nyheter. Studien visar även att denna spridning av falska nyheter har bidragit något till en ökad misstro gentemot generell nyhetsmedia. Publikens medvetenhet om falska nyheter framgår i denna undersökning klart tydligare än den uppfattade ökade misstron till nyhetskanaler, något som både den här presenterade kvantitativa och kvalitativa datan styrker. / Today we face a growing problem where false information is spread as common news out to the public. This could result in enormous consequences in many ways for people, politics and in the society as a whole. This exploratory study addresses false news and how the dissemination of these affects people and their confidence in the general news-media. The essay is a mixed method study based on a quantitative survey and eight qualitative interviews. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the spread of false news increases the distrust of the media in the general news republic. The study's selection group are people in the ages of 16–30, as these are the age groups that most using social media where the largest spread of false news occurs. The result shows that there is an overall high awareness-rate regarding the existence of false news. The study also shows that the spread of false news has contributed to an increased mistrust towards the general news-media by the public. However, both the quantitative and qualitative data presented in this paper points to the fact that the level of awareness regarding the spreading of false news is much higher than the level of mistrust in general news outputs.

Fake News and Women: Fake and Real Media's Impact on Sexism in Consumer Attitudes

Oropallo, Alexandra C 01 January 2021 (has links)
Gender-based discrimination is an issue that permeates many aspects of today's society and is influenced by numerous factors, including the presence of fake news, or emotionally driven, factually inaccurate, and misleading media. This study aimed to examine fake news' impact on consumer attitudes regarding women and to investigate how certain demographic factors relate to consumers' attitudes towards women. The current study had two main hypotheses: (1) participants exposed to fake news materials will report higher levels of both old-fashioned and modern sexism than those in other conditions and (2) participants with higher levels of sociodemographic factors such as right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and levels of religious involvement will have higher levels of both types of sexism. Data for the current study was collected from male students at the University of Central Florida. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: watching three consecutive real news clips about women, watching three consecutive fake news clips about women, or watching nothing. Participants then completed online questions related to the study's aims. Analyses conducted included correlational analyses of all variables, analysis of variance to determine if there are differences in level of sexism based on experimental condition, and linear regression analysis to determine how various sociodemographic factors relate to consumer sexism. Results indicated no significant impact of fake news on participants' levels of sexism but does demonstrate justification for future research on the topic.

Intelligent gravitational search random forest algorithm for fake news detection

Natarajan, Rathika, Mehbodniya, Abolfazl, Rane, Kantilal Pitambar, Jindal, Sonika, Hasan, Mohammed Faez, Vives, Luis, Bhatt, Abhishek 01 January 2022 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Online social media has made the process of disseminating news so quick that people have shifted their way of accessing news from traditional journalism and press to online social media sources. The rapid rotation of news on social media makes it challenging to evaluate its reliability. Fake news not only erodes public trust but also subverts their opinions. An intelligent automated system is required to detect fake news as there is a tenuous difference between fake and real news. This paper proposes an intelligent gravitational search random forest (IGSRF) algorithm to be employed to detect fake news. The IGSRF algorithm amalgamates the Intelligent Gravitational Search Algorithm (IGSA) and the Random Forest (RF) algorithm. The IGSA is an improved intelligent variant of the classical gravitational search algorithm (GSA) that adds information about the best and worst gravitational mass agents in order to retain the exploitation ability of agents at later iterations and thus avoid the trapping of the classical GSA in local optimum. In the proposed IGSRF algorithm, all the intelligent mass agents determine the solution by generating decision trees (DT) with a random subset of attributes following the hypothesis of random forest. The mass agents generate the collection of solutions from solution space using random proportional rules. The comprehensive prediction to decide the class of news (fake or real) is determined by all the agents following the attributes of random forest. The performance of the proposed algorithm is determined for the FakeNewsNet dataset, which has sub-categories of BuzzFeed and PolitiFact news categories. To analyze the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, the results are also evaluated with decision tree and random forest algorithms. The proposed IGSRF algorithm has attained superlative results compared to the DT, RF and state-of-the-art techniques. / Revisión por pares

Källkritik i en digital tid : En studie av gymnasielärares arbete med digital källkritik / Source criticism in a digital age : A study of upper secondary teachers work with digital source criticism

Tornberg, Markus January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish National Agency for Education has revised the national curriculum in order to emphasize the importance of digital competence within the Swedish public school system. One part of becoming digitally competent is to be able to critically review material from digital sources. In this study, four Swedish language upper secondary school teachers have been interviewed about their experiences in teaching digital source criticism, when a need for digital source criticism arises and how they didactically organize their teaching methods. All four informants believed that there is a need for digital source criticism although their motives and teaching methods differed. One teacher saw the use of applying the subject to democratic values, two others wanted the students to learn how to research facts and develop a more nuanced view on information, the fourth teacher wished to introduce debate and reflection. Only one of the teachers integrated digital source criticism in the teaching of the Swedish language. The other three taught it independently, as a stand-alone subject. All four teachers shared the same view on teaching digital source criticism: They need to teach the students the definition of a source and that there are different kinds of sources with a different degree of reliability.

Twitter and Politics: An Analysis of the Account of Former Peruvian President @MartinVizcarraC Before and During the Pandemic

Arbaiza, Francisco, Atarama-Rojas, Tomás, Atarama-Rojas, Ricardo 01 January 2022 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / This research addresses the dynamics that developed on the official Twitter account of Peru’s former president, Martín Vizcarra, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the analysis, four trends crucial to political activity via Twitter are explored. These are the predominance of the emotional and affective component, the growing influence of fake news, deepening polarization that prevents dialogue, and the use of the platform as an information window. Results show that the pandemic effected a change in the account’s dynamics and audience participation: posting frequency on the @MartinVizcarraC account decreased, but Twitter users’ engagement more than doubled compared with the pre-pandemic period. In addition, the account strongly tended toward predominance of the emotional and affective component and informative value was the second most relevant topic for Vizcarra’s account. The communication of @MartinVizcarraC was unidirectional, focusing on the dissemination of content and avoiding conversation.

Manipulation i rörligt format - En studie kring deepfake video och dess påverkan

Jönsson, Jade, weidenstolpe, louise January 2020 (has links)
Med deepfake-teknologi kan det skapas manipulerade videor där det produceras falska bilder och ljud som framställs vara verkliga. Deepfake-teknologin förbättras ständigt och det kommer att bli svårare att upptäcka manipulerade videor online. Detta kan innebära att en stor del mediekonsumenter omedvetet exponeras för tekniken när de använder sociala medier. Studiens syfte är att undersöka unga vuxnas medvetenhet, synsätt och påverkan av deepfake videor. Detta eftersom deepfake-teknologin förbättras årligen och problemen med tekniken växer samt kan få negativa konsekvenser i framtiden om den utnyttjas på fel sätt. Insamlingen av det empiriska materialet skedde genom en kvantitativ metod i form av en webbenkät och en kvalitativ metod med tre fokusgrupper. Slutsatsen visade på att det finns ett större antal unga vuxna som inte är medvetna om vad en deepfake video är, dock existerar det en viss oro för deepfake-teknologin och dess utveckling. Det upplevs att det finns risker för framtiden med teknologin i form av hot mot demokratin och politik, spridning av Fake news, video-manipulation samt brist på källkritik. De positiva aspekterna är att tekniken kan användas i sammanhang av humor, inom film- och TV-industrin samt sjukvård. Ytterligare en slutsats är att unga vuxna kommer att vara mer källkritiska till innehåll de exponeras av framöver, dock kommer de med stor sannolikhet ändå att påverkas av deepfake-teknologin i framtiden. / Manipulated videos can be created with deepfake technology, where fake images and sounds are produced and seem to be real. Deepfake technology is constantly improving and it will be more problematic to detect manipulated video online. This may result in a large number of media consumers being unknowingly exposed to deepfake technology while using social media. The purpose of this study is to research young adults' awareness, approach and impact of deepfake videos. The deepfake technology improves annually and more problems occur, which can cause negative consequences in the future if it’s misused. The study is based on a quantitative method in the form of a web survey and a qualitative method with three focus groups. The conclusion shows that there’s a large number of young adults who are not aware of what a deepfake video is, however there’s some concern about deepfake technology and its development. It’s perceived that there can be risks in the future with the technology in terms of threats to democracy and politics, distribution of Fake news, video manipulation and lack of source criticism. The positive aspects are that the technology can be used for entertainment purposes, in the film and television industry also in the healthcare department. Another conclusion is that young adults will be more critical to the content they are exposed to in the future, but likely be affected by deepfake technology either way.

Hur påverkade fake news nyheternas trovärdighet under demonstrationerna i Iran? : En studie om unga svenskars förmåga att uppfatta fake news på Instagram

Martin Tirado, Marie-Louise, Holmén, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Today's media society allows young people to come into contact with news through their everyday use of social media. News is interspersed between the friends' photos on the Instagram platform. But can everything be trusted? How do young people know what is true news and what is fake? The phenomenon of fake news refers to disinformation that is published with the aim of imitating true news articles. Thus the purpose of the study is to investigate how the use of social media has affected young Swedes' civic reasoning of news and what the consequences of fake news on Instagram may be. To investigate this, the demonstrations in Iran that started in September 2022, and which were ongoing during the study, were used as a starting point to understand how young people examine Instagram posts.The study has been carried out by compiling qualitative data, mainly from surveys, but also with quantitative data from five semi-structured interviews. The results provided an overall picture of young people's perception of fake news and an insight into what young Swedes' civic reasoning process looks like. The conclusion shows that fake news in connection with the demonstrations in Iran did not affect all young people equally. Some felt that the knowledge of fake news negatively affected their perception of the credibility of any news from the demonstrations. While others, due to the strong emotions the event evoked, saw past the problem of fake news, which affected their civic reasoning abilities. The conclusion also shows that young Swedes have a good idea of what fake news is and the motives behind the spread of fake news on Instagram. However, they feel that the credibility of true news generally decreases, as it is easy to spread fake news on Instagram. This, in turn, can lead to young people avoiding news and news accounts on Instagram to avoid questioning and reviewing news posts they see.In conclusion, young people possess civic reasoning abilities and review posts that they consider skeptical. However, these abilities vary and it is therefore important that they develop their source-critical process, above all as this is essential to be able to navigate among information online.

Hyperpartisanship in Web Searched Articles

Sen, Anamika Ashit 21 August 2019 (has links)
News consumption is primarily done through online news media outlets and social media. There has been a recent rise in both fake news generation, and consumption. Fake news refers to articles that deliberately contain false information to influence readers. Substantial dissemination of misinformation has been recognized to influence election results. This work focuses on hyperpartisanship in web-searched articles which refers to web searched articles which have polarized views and which represent a sensationalized view of the content. There are many such news websites which cater to propagating biased news for political and/or financial gain. This work uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques on news articles to find out if a web-searched article can be termed as hyperpartisan or not. The methods were developed using a labeled dataset which was released as a part of the SemEval Task 4 - Hyperpartisan News Detection. The model was applied to queries related to U. S. midterm elections in 2018. We found that more than half the articles in web search queries showed hyperpartisanship attributes. / Master of Science / Over the recent years, the World Wide Web (WWW) has become a very important part of society. It has overgrown as a powerful medium not only to communicate with known contacts but also to gather, understand and propagate ideas with the whole world. However, in recent times there has been an increasing generation and consumption of misinformation and disinformation. These type of news, particularly fake and hyperpartisan news are particularly curated so as to hide the actual facts, and to present a biased, made-up view of the issue at hand. This activity can be harmful to the society as greater the spread and/or consumption of such news would be, more would be the negative decisions made by the readers. Thus, it poses a bigger threat to society as it affects the actions of people affected by the news. In this work, we look into a similar genre of misinformation that is hyperpartisan news. Hyperpartisan news follows a hyperpartisan orientation - the news exhibits biased opinions towards a entity (party, people, etc.) In this work, we explore to find how Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods could be used to automate the finding of hyperpartisanship in web searched articles, focusing on extraction of the linguistic features. We extend our work to test our findings in the web-searched articles related to midterm elections 2018.

The Role of Attention in Shaping Consumer Preferences in News Media and Advertising

Viswanathan Saunak, Vaidyanathan, 0000-0001-9372-8495 08 1900 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study the role of attention in two important domains – news consumption and advertising. The World Economic Forum, in its Global Risks Report, has identified a “deteriorating global outlook” for the next decade. The top three contributors to this negative outlook are misinformation, climate change, and societal polarization. Specifically, the report predicts that as the technological landscape changes and polarization grows, “the truth will come under pressure” and “environmental risks could hit the point of no return.” (World Economic Forum, 2024). Therefore, the two most important imperatives facing the world today are combatting polarization through misinformation and promoting organizational social responsibility (by promoting organizations that work toward socially desirable outcomes like combatting climate change and ensuring social equity). This dissertation addresses both these issues through the lens of attention.Across 4 studies, this dissertation shows that while increased attention does help in spotting individual false claims, increasing consumers’ attention to news stories may not be a silver-bullet solution to combatting fake news narratives in longer-than-headline contexts. When people consume news stories, their impression of the story as a whole is an important determinant of how they perceive claims within that story and whether they are likely to share them. Importantly, the current work shows that greater attention might exacerbate the viral spread of false claims because people often rely on their heuristic judgments of the news stories in which they first encountered a claim to determine sharing intentions. This result underscores the importance of revisiting regulatory and organizational strategies to combat misinformation. The current dissertation outlines how biometrics can be used as a robust method to identify news stories that are likely to give rise to viral claims (fake or otherwise), thereby enabling organizations to direct their fact-checking resources better. This dissertation also shows, across five studies, how brands and NPOs that are actively contributing to improving societal outcomes can better advertise their efforts. I study the role of attention in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) advertising. While normative reasoning suggests that providing consumers with more information about organizational efforts is better for improving consumer attitudes and behavior, we show that this is not always the case. Specifically, the current work explicates that while it is beneficial for brands to communicate their concrete resource contributions to a social cause in their CSR advertising, it is not always beneficial for NPOs to do so. The difference arises because when brands reveal a signal of resource commitment to the cause in a CSR ad, people notice this signal, and it makes people believe that the brand is more honest and sincere. On the other hand, when NPOs- often the ones working closest to the social causes on the ground - reveal their resource contributions to a cause in a CSR ad, people pay less attention to these signals in the ad. Consequently, they are less likely to infer any additional sincerity on the part of the NPO. / Business Administration/Marketing

Kommunikationskanaler och kunskapsgenerering : En studie om val av kommunikationskanal och dess kunskapsgenerering hos olika generationer av väljare

Olovsson, Anna, Åkeson, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
Background – Our digitalized society is constantly increasing, and with the development, the importance of the Internet for political knowledge generation is also increasing. The digital development has caused a series of problems that can disturb the prevailing democracy due to that many individuals create their political identity through social media as a communication channel. In addition to the fact that the majority of the younger generation use social media as their primarily communication channel, there is also cause for concern that individuals tend to avoid news due to current news skepticism. News skepticism has grown as fake news has increased, especially since the US presidential election in 2016, and even though fake news is identified and corrected, it is often the fake information that people tend to remember. Furthermore, it is also important to emphasize that the dissemination of information through digital media is extensive to the extent that individuals cannot be source critical towards it all. Social media has also become a platform that is used to promote hidden intentions, for example, that politicians use bots to generate popularity. Further, today's journalism has been influenced by digital developments and has changed how news are spreading on digital platforms. Finally, many individuals perceive that they no longer need to actively seek out news and to further generate knowledge because they personally stress the fact that important news always finds them, also known as "news-finds-me". Aim -The aim is to create an understanding of the relationship between communication channels and knowledge generation within the context of political involvement, digitalization and news skepticism. Methodology -The empirical material is based on a mixed method research and the empirical data has been collected through a qualitative and a quantitative survey. The qualitative research method consisted of six semi-structured interviews in contrast to the quantitative research methodthat consisted of a survey. Conclusion–An increasing amount of people deselect traditional media and it should therefore be a change in how knowledge generation occurs. Furthermore, there is a distinct relationship between knowledge generation and communication channels. The result shows that digital media are the basis of the change that has taken place in knowledge generation rather than the generation of which you belong. Finally, we believe that a crucial factor for knowledge generation is the desireto actively seek out knowledge and not to wait for news to find you. / Bakgrund –Digitaliseringen ökar ständigt och i och med utvecklingen ökar även internets betydelse för politisk kunskapsgenerering. Den digitala utvecklingen har medfört en mängd problem som kan störa den rådande demokratin då många individer skapar sin politiska identitet genom sociala medier som kommunikationskanal. Utöver att många tillhörande den yngre generationen använder sociala medier som sin främsta kommunikationskanal finns det även oro att individer tenderar att undvika nyheter på grund av rådande skepticism. Skepticismen har växt i takt med att fake news har ökat, främst sedan det amerikanska presidentvalet 2016, och även om falska nyheter identifieras och tillrättagörs är det ofta den falska informationen som blir ihågkommen. Vidare är det även av vikt att belysa att informationsspridningen via digitala medier är så pass omfattande att individer inte hinner vara källkritisk gentemot all rapportering. Sociala medier har även kommit att bli en plattform som utnyttjas för att främja dolda avsikter, exempelvis att politiker använder sig av botar för att generera popularitet. Ytterligare har dagens journalism påverkats av den digitala utvecklingen och har förändrat hur nyheter sprids på digitala forum. Slutligen uppfattar många individer att de inte längre behöver aktivt söka upp nyheter och vidare generera kunskap då de menar att viktiga nyheter alltid når dem, även kallad “news-finds-me”. Syfte -Syftet är att skapa förståelse för relationen mellan kommunikationskanaler och kunskapsgenerering inom kontexten avpolitiskt engagemang, digitalisering och nyhetsskepticism. Metod -Studien genomfördes genom flermetodsforskning då den empiriska datan har samlats in genom en kvalitativ samt kvantitativ undersökning. Den kvalitativa undersökningen bestod av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer medan den kvantitativa undersökningen genomfördes genom en omfattande enkätundersökning. Slutsats -Allt fler väljer bort traditionella medier och därför bör det ske en förändring i hur kunskapsgenerering sker. Det finns en tydlig relation mellan kunskapsgenerering och kommunikationskanaler. Resultatet påvisar att det är de digitala medierna som ligger till grund för den förändring som har skett vid kunskapsgenerering snarare än vilken generation man tillhör. Slutligen menar vi att en avgörande faktor för kunskapsgenerering är viljan att aktivt söka upp kunskap och att inte vänta på att nyheter hittar mig.

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