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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple Community Services: One Family's Experience

Chapman, Paul Eugene 11 April 1999 (has links)
The family support movement in the United States has its roots in the early years of the 20th century when progressives like Jane Addams worked to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and their families. Family support today is provided by multiple public and private agencies. How families experience these services is not well known. Such information could help service providers give meaningful support to those in need.This is a case study of how one family experienced the receipt of multiple community services. The family lived in Virginia, and four family members participated in the study. The family consisted of Elizabeth, the matriarch, age 39; Allen, third husband of Elizabeth, age 30; Bradley, middle son of Elizabeth, age 16; and Benjamin, youngest son of Elizabeth, age 14. Elizabeth's eldest son C. C., age 18, did not participate in the study.The services received by the family were focused on Elizabeth, a childhood victim of parental abuse and a cancer survivor, and Bradley, who was identified with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Bradley was a resident in a wilderness program for at-risk boys. The wilderness program was partially funded by the Virginia Comprehensive Services Act.The study had four purposes: (1) to inform policy makers about how families are affected by policy decisions on issues pertaining to families, (2) to influence the decisions of policy makers, (3) to add to the definition of quality family support, and (4) to provide information useful to educators and service providers in developing programs for at-risk children and families.Data sources were observations of, and interviews with, family members. Data were analyzed with the constant comparative method as described by Maykut and Morehouse (1994). The analysis and findings are presented in a narrative report. / Ph. D.

Moterų požiūris į valstybės teikiamą paramą šeimai / Women’s view to support forms for families

Kovzinaitė, Laura 22 January 2008 (has links)
Paramos šeimai politika – tai vyriausybinių institucijų veiksmai ir socialinių ekonominių priemonių kompleksas, skirtas šeimos struktūros ir gyvenimo kokybės modeliavimui. Šeimos politika pastaruoju metu sugrįžta į Europos valstybių socialinės politikos centrą. Vis daugiau šalių pripažįsta poreikį imtis aktyvių šeimos politikos veiksmų. Lietuvoje pakanka strateginių dokumentų, kurie tiksliai ir aiškiai pristato šeimos raidos ir šeimos gyvenimo sąlygų situaciją. Dauguma šiuose dokumentuose numatytų tikslų ir veiksmų krypčių yra orientuotos į dabartines Lietuvos šeimos problemas, derina šiuolaikinį požiūrį į šeimos politiką. Tačiau kita vertus, opia problema išlieka šių tikslų, uždavinių realizavimas. Todėl dabartinė paramos šeimai politika Lietuvoje dažniausiai suprantama siaurąja prasme, orientuota į pininigės paramos šeimoms, augančioms vaikus, vystymą. Siekiant užtikrinti šeimos gerovę Lietuvoje yra taikomos šios pagrindinės paramos šeimai priemonės: nėštumo, motinystės/tėvystės atostogos ir mokamos pašalpos, vienkartinė išmoka gimus kūdikiu, išmokos šeimoms su vaikais bei piniginė socialinė parama nepasiturinčioms šeimoms. Papildomai socialinė parama gali būti teikiama mokiniams iš mažas pajamas gaunančių šeimų. Tuo tarpu aprūpinimas būstu, lankstesnių užimtumo formų, vaikų priežiūros paslaugų plėtojimas, nepaisant tam tikrų pokyčių, vis dėlto išlieka problema. Darbe pristatomas kiekybinis tyrimas, skirtas nustatyti moterų požiūriui į valstybės teikiamą paramą šeimai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Family support politics is the complex of governmental institution actions and social economical measures. These measures are intended to shape the structure and good quality life of family. Lately many European countries started paying more attention to the politics of the family. More and more countries recognize the importance and need of taking an active part in it. There are enough delegated legislations which accurately and clearly define family development and situation of family life in Lithuania. Most of the objectives of those documents are oriented towards current family problems and deals with contemporary world view and politics of the family. On the other hand, realization of those objectives is still a problem in Lithuania. That is why contemporary family politics is understood in narrow meaning: that it is oriented only towards development of financial support to families that have children. Seeking to ensure welfare of the families in Lithuania, government provides the following support: pregnancy, motherhood/ fatherhood vocations, benefits are paid, onetime payments are paid after the birth of the child, payments for families that have many children, payments and social support for needy families. Additional social support might be given to school children who are from families with lower income. In spite of all the changes some support forms are still problematic. For instance, provision of accommodation, child care services, more flexile work schedules... [to full text]

Šeimos politikos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje vertinimas. Plungės miesto gyventojų nuomonės tyrimas / The estimation of family policy realization in Lithuania. Analyzing opinion of Plunges city residents

Kutienė, Adelė 28 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama šeimos politika ir jos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje vertinimas. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjama šeimos politika teoriniu aspektu. Apžvelgiami šeimos politikos principai tarptautiniuose dokumentuose ir šeimos politikos ypatumai įvairiose šalyse. Antroje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pristatomas Šeimos politikos ir jos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje tyrimas. Pagrindinis tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti šeimos politiką ir jos įgyvendinimą Lietuvoje, remiantis Plungės rajono savivaldybės atveju. Tyrimo eigoje siekta nustatyti labiausiai vertinamas paramos šeimai formas, įvertinti finansinę paramą ir Plungės miesto organizacijų veiklą, įgyvendinant šeimos politiką. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad gyventojai nėra patenkinti valstybės vykdoma veikla ir šeimos politikos įgyvendinimą vertina blogai. Daugumos gyventojų netenkina Plungės organizacijų veikla, įgyvendinant šeimos politiką. / Bachelor thesis examines family policy and its implementation in Lithuania rating. Thesis consists of two parts. The first part deals with theoretical aspects of family policy. A reviewing of the principles of international family policy and family policy features in different countries. In second part is presented family policies and their implementation in Lithuania investigation. The main purpose of investigation is to examine family policy and its implementation in Lithuania, using Plunge district municipality ase. During the investigation of the study was determined the most valued forms of family support, financial support and Plunge organizations actions in the implementation of family policy. The survey shows that people aren`t meet with states activities and family policies actions assess in bad way. Most people aren`t satisfy with Plunges organizations actions in the implementation of family policy.

Creating family resilience?

Lean, Kirstin January 2012 (has links)
The balance between family support and child protection services is continuously challenged by high-profile cases. These highlight shortcomings both of the UK system and of research on the effectiveness of child maltreatment interventions (Munro, 2011). One such intervention is the Resolutions Approach to ‘denied’ child abuse (Turnell and Essex, 2006) – a systemic approach which creates a support network including extended family, friends, community members and professionals. There is, however, only limited research analysing the supporters’ experience of this intervention. In the present study five semi-structured group interviews were conducted in order to investigate how the family support network members made sense of their participation in Resolutions. Through a thematic analysis three related themes: returning hope; building safety and trusting a professional were identified. Additionally, special attention was paid to processes linked to the creation of family resilience (Walsh, 2003). Based on two contrasting case studies the potential creation of family resilience through Resolutions was discussed and clinical recommendations for creating family resilience within support networks were outlined.

Understanding the use of the Common Assessment Framework : exploring the implications for frontline professionals

Nethercott, Kathryn January 2013 (has links)
Current legislation, within England, states that local authorities should provide services for all those families in need, while also setting thresholds for access to these services. However, research has identified that regardless of the introduction of strategies to identify need and enhance family support, on-going barriers to services remain. This study took a social constructionist approach to explore professionals’ experiences of the use of the Common Assessment Framework form and multiagency working. Data were collected in four different local authorities in the South East of England, in two phases: phase one February 2011 to February 2012, phase two July to September 2014. Phase one was intended to focus on the experiences of both professionals and families in one Local Authority (LA). However, as a result of a difficulty in accessing families the research was refocused to professionals’ experiences and use of the CAF alone. Phase two was extended to three further LAs. Forty one professionals, from a variety of agencies, took part in semistructured interviews individually or in a group. Data were analysed utilising thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke 2006). Conclusions are from a small scale study and so cannot be generalised. However, findings suggested professional use of the CAF was dictated by local authority policy. Two issues emanated from this. Firstly, as the local authorities adopted the policy of utilising the CAF as a referral mechanism, rather than for its intended purpose, to assess needs, professionals perceived the CAF form as a referral tool, rather than an assessment tool. Secondly, the range of professionals utilising the CAF was diverse. This diversity necessitates suitable training to accommodate the various professionals and their backgrounds. However, in this study, such training was largely lacking. Additionally professionals found multi-agency working, required by the CAF process, problematic, time consuming, and onerous. However, experienced and knowledgeable professionals were seen to utilise creative ways in which to successfully navigate the ‘referral process’. A further finding of the study is that there were key differences in regard to the ways in which diverse professional groups view safeguarding for adolescents. Recommendations for future research, policy and local authority use of the CAF form have been made.

Podpora rodin s dětmi do 7 let ve 21. století v ČR / The support of families with children till the age of seven in the 21st century in the Czech Republic

Zmeková, Klára January 2013 (has links)
The support of families with children till the age of seven in the 21st century in the Czech Republic The topic of the thesis is the support of families with children till the age of seven in the 21st century in the Czech Republic. The main objective is to summarize the possibilities of state and private sector. Because the family, especially the association among parents and their children, has an irreplaceable importance for all the society. It is interesting how much has the support changed in the recent years. Considering the fact that the society has entered a new millennium, a lot of people were expecting, with more than ten years after the Velvet Revolution, some reversal, or an evolution. During the last thirteen years, there happened many very important events, such as the accession to the European Union or the intervention of the so-called global financial crisis (thanks to which the social solidarity has become more than necessary). Over the whole period, eight governments of two political parties and one caretaker government had been changed in the Czech Republic. The left replaced the right, the impact of individual political views was of a different power. It is clear that the direction of legislators' thinking affects the society and vice versa. The thesis is divided into seven...

Mulheres com câncer de mama: a vivência do apoio social e familiar durante o tratamento / Women with breast cancer: experiencing social and family support during treatment.

Ambrósio, Daniela Cristina Mucinhato 06 October 2010 (has links)
Um exame da literatura nacional e internacional evidencia uma quantidade considerável de publicações científicas dedicadas às repercussões psicológicas do câncer de mama e de seu tratamento. No entanto, a abordagem das questões relacionadas ao apoio social e familiar, na perspectiva da mulher acometida, é ainda pouco investigada. Para fundamentar as ações de saúde e de cuidado integralizado em saúde, torna-se necessária a realização de estudos que busquem compreender de que modo o apoio social e familiar pode contribuir para minimizar as repercussões do diagnóstico e do tratamento da neoplasia mamária para a paciente. Estudos têm enfocado a perspectiva do familiar, mas são escassos os trabalhos que se propõem a investigar a visão da própria mulher em tratamento. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender como a mulher que se encontra em processo de reabilitação do câncer de mama vivencia o cuidado que lhe é oferecido pelas redes sociais de apoio, particularmente em relação ao apoio social e familiar percebido. Participaram do estudo sete colaboradoras com idades entre 39 e 73 anos de idade, submetidas à mastectomia no período de julho de 2004 a junho de 2008, assistidas por um núcleo de reabilitação de mulheres mastectomizadas da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, utilizou-se a Fenomenologia enquanto referencial teórico-metodológico de pesquisa qualitativa. Dentro desse enfoque, a coleta de dados foi constituída por duas etapas: na primeira, foram realizadas entrevistas individuais e audiogravadas, mediante o consentimento das colaboradoras. A primeira etapa da coleta foi desenvolvida a partir de uma questão norteadora: Eu gostaria que você me contasse como tem vivenciado o apoio familiar desde que soube que estava com câncer de mama e o que isso significa para você. Na segunda etapa da coleta de dados, foram elaborados, conjuntamente com as participantes, o genograma e o ecomapa, considerando-se dois momentos distintos: antes e após o diagnóstico do câncer de mama; também foi aplicado o Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil 2008. O material proveniente desses instrumentos permitiu a caracterização das participantes do estudo e de suas redes familiares, além da identificação do apoio recebido. As entrevistas foram transcritas na íntegra e analisadas juntamente com os demais dados, segundo o referencial metodológico adotado, por meio da descrição, redução e interpretação fenomenológicas. Os resultados mostraram que a rede de apoio social e familiar da paciente foi consideravelmente ampliada e diversificada após o diagnóstico do câncer de mama, o que não necessariamente significou para a mulher em tratamento um aumento de recursos, uma vez que nem sempre ela estava apta a dar conta de atribuir significados positivos aos cuidados que recebe para seu bem-estar psicossocial. Espera-se que o conhecimento resultante deste estudo possa auxiliar os profissionais a capacitar o processo de significação de mulheres com câncer de mama a respeito do apoio social e familiar que recebem, ampliando as possibilidades de compreensão dos cuidados que lhes são ofertados. / A review of national and international literature evidences a considerable amount of scientific studies addressing psychological repercussions of breast cancer and its treatment. However, issues related to social and family support from the perspective of affected women is still little investigated. Studies aimed to understand how social and family support can minimize the repercussions of a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment on patients are needed to ground health actions and integral health care delivery. Studies emphasized the perspective of family members but there are few studies investigating the view of women under treatment. From this perspective, this study aims to understand how women in breast cancer rehabilitation process experiences care provided by social support networks, specifically in relation to perceived social and family support. Seven women aged between 39 and 73 years submitted to mastectomy between July 2004 and June 2008 and attending a center for mastectomized women rehabilitation at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, College of Nursing participated in the study. This qualitative study used Phenomenology as the theoreticalmethodological framework. Data collection was carried out in two stages. The first stage included individual interviews guided by the question Would you tell me how you have experienced family support since you have learned you had breast cancer and what it means to you? Interviews were audio recorded after the participants\' consent. In the second stage a genogram and ecomap were developed jointly with the participants considering two distinct points in time: before and after the breast cancer diagnosis. The Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria was also applied. Data obtained from these instruments permitted to characterize the study\'s participants and their family networks in addition to received support. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed jointly with the remaining data according to the adopted methodological reference through phenomenological description, reduction and interpretation. The results show that the patients\' social and family support networks were considerable enlarged and diversified after the breast cancer diagnosis, which however, did not necessarily mean they had increased resources since the women under treatment were not always able to attribute positive meanings to the care received for their psychosocial wellbeing. The knowledge acquired with this study is expected to help professionals to improve the signification process of women with breast cancer concerning the social and family support they receive, broadening understanding of care delivery.

Relação paterna, suporte familiar e estratégias de enfrentamento frente ao diagnóstico de malformação fetal

Santos, Cláudia Simone Silveira dos January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: As primeiras relações desde a concepção do ser humano, são carregadas de sentimentos e fantasias relacionadas ao filho esperado, um bebê sadio e que traz muita expectativa e idealização. Poucos são os estudos sobre a reação paterna durante a gestação, principalmente quando esta traz consigo o diagnóstico de malformação fetal. O nascimento de um bebê impõe mudanças na relação homem e mulher, mesmo que o projeto de um filho tenha sido pensado pelo casal. Conhece-se a possibilidade de intervir de maneira precoce para que pai-feto malformado estabeleçam vínculos saudáveis desde o momento do diagnóstico, contribuindo para a prevenção do adoecimento desta interação e melhora na qualidade de vida da família. Objetivo: Investigar a participação paterna no pré-natal de gestações com e sem diagnóstico de malformação fetal. Método: Estudo transversal e prospectivo, de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo. Participaram da amostra 70 homens que espontaneamente acompanharam as gestantes no pré-natal na equipe de Medicina Fetal, no ambulatório do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). O grupo caso (35 participantes) com diagnóstico de malformação fetal, independente do tipo de malformação, da idade materna, da paridade, da idade gestacional e tempo de relacionamento do casal e o controle (35 participantes) sem diagnóstico de malformação fetal, mas com diagnóstico de doença materna. A coleta se deu no período entre dezembro de 2014 e dezembro de 2015. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Parental Bonding Instrument - PBI; Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento do Problema – EMEP; Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar IPSF; Entrevista semidirigida para coleta de dados sociodemográficos. Resultados: A média de idade paterna foi de 33,5 anos (± 9,5) do grupo caso e de 27,6 anos (±4,4) no grupo de controle, Ensino Médio Completo, primeiro casamento e uma média de três anos de relacionamento nos dois grupos. O choque e tristeza foram as principais reações paternas diante do diagnóstico de malformação fetal. A estratégia de enfrentamento “Foco no Problema” (EMEP), a qualidade de apego/relação parental predominou a base no “Cuidado” ao invés do “Controle ou Superproteção” (PBI) e a percepção do pai sobre a relação com a família associada ao “Fator Afetivo/Consciente” (IPSF). Apesar de, nas escalas, o fator “Religioso” não ter se destacado, na análise qualitativa das verbalizações foi este o conteúdo que predominou. Conclusão: O choque e a tristeza foram as principais reações diante do diagnóstico de malformação fetal. O foco no Problema e o foco na Emoção, associados a uma base de Cuidado e com a percepção do suporte familiar relacionada ao fator Afetivo/Consciente levam a pensar em um novo modelo paterno. O fator Religioso e o acolhimento da equipe foram destaques na análise qualitativa. A necessidade de cuidado, escuta e acolhimento do pai de um bebê com diagnóstico de maformaçao fetal, possibilita o preparo para a chegada, e muitas vezes, a imediata perda do filho. Os pais desse estudo conseguiram expressar seu afeto sem medo ou vergonha. Estamos diante de um modelo de pai que tende a se mostrar mais em termos afetivos, um modelo mais voltado ao cuidado na relação, não apenas focado nas questões financeiras. Contudo, cabe à mulher e à equipe multiprofissional lhe dar esse espaço, estimulando e permitindo ao homem, dentro das suas características, o desenvolvimento das habilidades de cuidador. / Introduction: The first relations since the conception of a human being, are loaded with feelings and fantasies related to the expected child, a healthy baby, and that brings a lot of expectations and idealization. There are few studies on paternal reaction during pregnancy, especially when it brings the diagnosis of fetal malformation. The birth of a baby requires changes in male-female relationships, even if it has been planned by the couple. The possibility of intervening at an early stage exists so that parent- fetus malformed might establish healthy ties from the very moment of diagnosis, contributing to the prevention of any illness regarding the interaction and improvement in the quality of family life. Objective: To investigate the paternal participation in prenatal pregnancies with and without a diagnosis of fetal malformation. Method: Cross-sectional and prospective study, quantitative and qualitative. The sample 70 men who spontaneously accompanied pregnant women in prenatal care in the team of fetal medicine at the clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). The case group (35 participants) with a diagnosis of fetal malformation, regardless of the type of malformation, maternal age, parity, gestational age and couple relationship of time and control (35 participants) without a diagnosis of fetal malformation, but diagnosis of maternal disease. The collection was carried out in the period between December 2014 and December 2015. The instruments used were the Parental Bonding Instrument - PBI; Coping Mode Scale Problem - EMEP; Inventory IPSF Family Support Perception; Semistructured interview to collect sociodemographic data. Results : The mean paternal age was 33.5 years ( ± 9.5 ) in the case group and 27.6 years ( ± 4.4 ) in the control group, Complete High School , first marriage and an average of three year relationship in both groups. The shock and sadness were the main fathers' reactions to the diagnosis of fetal malformation. The coping strategy " Focus on Problem " (EMEP ), the quality of attachment / parental relationship predominated based on " care " instead of " control and overprotection " ( PBI) and the perception of the father on the relationship with the associated family the " Affective Factor / Conscious " ( IPSF ) . Although, the scales, the "Religious" factor have not been highlighted in the qualitative analysis of verbalization was this content that prevailed. Conclusion: Shock and sadness were the main reactions to the diagnosis of fetal malformation. Focus on the problem and focus on emotion, associated with a care base and the perception of family support related Affective factor/Aware lead to think about a new paternal model. The Religious Factor and the host team were featured in the qualitative analysis. The need for care, father listening and host a baby diagnosed with fetal malformation enables the preparation for the arrival, and often the immediate loss of the child. The parents of this study were able to express their affection without fear or shame. We are facing a parent model that tends to show more emotional terms, a friendlier model care in the relationship, not only focused on financial issues. However, it is up to the woman and the multi-professional team give you that space, encouraging and allowing the man within its characteristics, the development of caregiver skills.

"Suporte social familiar no cuidado de pessoas adultas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2" / Family support in care for adult type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

Vilma Elenice Contatto Rossi 12 August 2005 (has links)
O diabetes é considerado uma das doenças crônicas mais prevalentes na atualidade. Para seu tratamento, é necessário que a pessoa incorpore no seu cotidiano dieta, atividade física, automonitorização da glicose sanguínea e, com o passar do tempo, uso de medicamento. Desta forma, é importante o envolvimento da família nesse processo, incentivando a pessoa a aderir aos cuidados necessários. O presente estudo, de natureza descritiva, foi desenvolvido na cidade de Passos-MG, com pessoas matriculadas no Programa de Assistência ao Diabético, com objetivo de analisar a influência do apoio social familiar no cuidado de pessoas com diabetes tipo 2. Os dados foram coletados no período entre 1 de setembro a 30 de dezembro de 2004, de 51 pessoas por meio de entrevista individual, utilizando-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico para obtenção dos relatos positivos e negativos de eventos que envolveram os familiares, que pudessem estar influenciando no cuidado. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos, sendo o primeiro para a caracterização das pessoas participantes e o segundo para a coleta dos incidentes críticos propriamente ditos. Após análise dos relatos, foram definidas quatro categorias principais: alterações na família/amigos, alterações decorrentes da doença, práticas terapêuticas e alterações salariais/poder aquisitivo. Os relatos positivos se referiram ao apoio da família no cuidado diário, adesão a hábitos saudáveis, confraternizações com familiares/amigos, participação em grupos, entre outros. Os relatos negativos se referiram à falta de apoio da família, discussões e preocupação com familiares, depressão, sentimento de medo e isolamento, desemprego, dentre outros. Viver com diabetes significa ajustar-se a uma complexa reciprocidade entre as relações familiares, emoções, hábitos e controle da glicemia, enfim, mudanças às vezes consideradas drásticas tanto no estilo de vida pessoal quanto familiar. É imprescindível o envolvimento dos profissionais, pessoas com diabetes mellitus e familiares no cuidado. Uma estratégia utilizada é o incentivo à participação em grupos de diabéticos, envolvendo os familiares, o que poderá contribuir para a adesão aos cuidados, visando a prevenção de complicações agudas e crônicas. / Nowadays, diabetes is considered to be one of the most prevailing chronic diseases. Its treatment requires patients to incorporate a diet, physical exercise, selfmonitoring of blood glucose and, over time, use of medication, into their daily reality. This makes it very important to involve families into this process, encouraging patients to adhere to the necessary care. The current study, of descriptive nature, was developed in Passos-MG, Brazil, involving a group of people who were registered in the Diabetic Assistance Program, having as its main objective to analyze the influence of the family’s social support for type 2 diabetes patients. Data were collected from September 1st to December 30th 2004, from 51 participants by means of individual interviews. In this process, the Critical Incident Technique was used in order to obtain positive and negative reports about events involving family members who might have particular aspects of influence on the patient’s care. Two mechanisms were used: the first one for providing the depiction of the participant individuals, and the second one for collecting the critical incidents themselves. After analyzing the reports, four main categories were defined: changes in the family/friends, changes resulting from the disease, treatment procedures and salary/purchasing power changes. The positive reports were related to families’ support in daily care, adherence to healthy habits, gatherings with family members/friends, group participation, among others. Negative reports referred to the lack of family support, argumentation and worries about family members, depression, feelings of fear and isolation, unemployment, among others. Living with diabetes means adapting to a complex reciprocity among family relationships, emotions, habits and glucose control, in short, changes that are sometimes considered as drastic, both in the patient’s and the family’s lifestyle. Therefore, the existence of total commitment and involvement of the related professionals, diabetes mellitus patients and their family members in the process of care becomes essential. One strategy that is used is to encourage the patient on participating in diabetes groups, involving the family members, which can contribute to the adherence to necessary care actions, leading to prevention of acute and chronic complications.

"Suporte social familiar no cuidado de pessoas adultas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2" / Family support in care for adult type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

Rossi, Vilma Elenice Contatto 12 August 2005 (has links)
O diabetes é considerado uma das doenças crônicas mais prevalentes na atualidade. Para seu tratamento, é necessário que a pessoa incorpore no seu cotidiano dieta, atividade física, automonitorização da glicose sanguínea e, com o passar do tempo, uso de medicamento. Desta forma, é importante o envolvimento da família nesse processo, incentivando a pessoa a aderir aos cuidados necessários. O presente estudo, de natureza descritiva, foi desenvolvido na cidade de Passos-MG, com pessoas matriculadas no Programa de Assistência ao Diabético, com objetivo de analisar a influência do apoio social familiar no cuidado de pessoas com diabetes tipo 2. Os dados foram coletados no período entre 1 de setembro a 30 de dezembro de 2004, de 51 pessoas por meio de entrevista individual, utilizando-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico para obtenção dos relatos positivos e negativos de eventos que envolveram os familiares, que pudessem estar influenciando no cuidado. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos, sendo o primeiro para a caracterização das pessoas participantes e o segundo para a coleta dos incidentes críticos propriamente ditos. Após análise dos relatos, foram definidas quatro categorias principais: alterações na família/amigos, alterações decorrentes da doença, práticas terapêuticas e alterações salariais/poder aquisitivo. Os relatos positivos se referiram ao apoio da família no cuidado diário, adesão a hábitos saudáveis, confraternizações com familiares/amigos, participação em grupos, entre outros. Os relatos negativos se referiram à falta de apoio da família, discussões e preocupação com familiares, depressão, sentimento de medo e isolamento, desemprego, dentre outros. Viver com diabetes significa ajustar-se a uma complexa reciprocidade entre as relações familiares, emoções, hábitos e controle da glicemia, enfim, mudanças às vezes consideradas drásticas tanto no estilo de vida pessoal quanto familiar. É imprescindível o envolvimento dos profissionais, pessoas com diabetes mellitus e familiares no cuidado. Uma estratégia utilizada é o incentivo à participação em grupos de diabéticos, envolvendo os familiares, o que poderá contribuir para a adesão aos cuidados, visando a prevenção de complicações agudas e crônicas. / Nowadays, diabetes is considered to be one of the most prevailing chronic diseases. Its treatment requires patients to incorporate a diet, physical exercise, selfmonitoring of blood glucose and, over time, use of medication, into their daily reality. This makes it very important to involve families into this process, encouraging patients to adhere to the necessary care. The current study, of descriptive nature, was developed in Passos-MG, Brazil, involving a group of people who were registered in the Diabetic Assistance Program, having as its main objective to analyze the influence of the family’s social support for type 2 diabetes patients. Data were collected from September 1st to December 30th 2004, from 51 participants by means of individual interviews. In this process, the Critical Incident Technique was used in order to obtain positive and negative reports about events involving family members who might have particular aspects of influence on the patient’s care. Two mechanisms were used: the first one for providing the depiction of the participant individuals, and the second one for collecting the critical incidents themselves. After analyzing the reports, four main categories were defined: changes in the family/friends, changes resulting from the disease, treatment procedures and salary/purchasing power changes. The positive reports were related to families’ support in daily care, adherence to healthy habits, gatherings with family members/friends, group participation, among others. Negative reports referred to the lack of family support, argumentation and worries about family members, depression, feelings of fear and isolation, unemployment, among others. Living with diabetes means adapting to a complex reciprocity among family relationships, emotions, habits and glucose control, in short, changes that are sometimes considered as drastic, both in the patient’s and the family’s lifestyle. Therefore, the existence of total commitment and involvement of the related professionals, diabetes mellitus patients and their family members in the process of care becomes essential. One strategy that is used is to encourage the patient on participating in diabetes groups, involving the family members, which can contribute to the adherence to necessary care actions, leading to prevention of acute and chronic complications.

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