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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores potenciales que influyen en el comportamiento de compra de moda ecológica de los Millennials en Lima Moderna como estrategia competitiva de los econegocios de moda, 2020

Chávez Fernández, Nicole Andrea, Garcia Valverde, Lizeth Betty 04 September 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad determinar cuáles son los potenciales factores que influyen en el Comportamiento de Compra de Moda Ecológica de los millennials en Lima Moderna como estrategia competitiva de los econegocios de moda en el año 2020. El diseño a emplear para la investigación es no experimental, de corte transversal simple y de alcance explicativo. Adicional a ello, se emplea el enfoque cuantitativo como metodología para la recolección de datos; esté último se da a través de la aplicación de encuestas con el propósito de analizar los resultados obtenidos de la relación de las variables de estudio. Asimismo, la confiabilidad del instrumento se evalúa mediante el alfa de Cronbach, el cual es de 0.807 para la variable “Moda Ecológica”, y para la variable “Factores que influyen en el Comportamiento de Compra del Consumidor” es de 0.811. Por otro lado, de una población estimada de 453,012 habitantes millennials en Lima Moderna, se delimitó por medio del método de muestreo probabilístico estratificado una muestra de 384 millennials. Y según el análisis de la contrastación de hipótesis a través de la prueba Chi Cuadrado, se infiere que, los factores que influyen en el comportamiento de compra de Moda Ecológica de los millennials en Lima Moderna son potenciales para la Estrategia Competitiva de los Econegocios de Moda en el año 2020. / This research aims to determine what are the potential factors that influence in the purchase behavior of ecological fashion for millennials in Modern Lima as a competitive strategy for fashion eco-businesses, by 2020. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional simple and explanatory scope. In addition to this, the quantitative approach is used as a methodology for data collection, which is given through the application of surveys in order to analyze the results obtained from the relationship of the study variables. Likewise, the reliability of the instrument is evaluated using Cronbach's alpha, which is 0.807 for the variable “Ecological Fashion”, and for the variable "Consumer buying behavior" it is 0.811. On the other hand, from an estimated population of 453,012 millennial inhabitants in Modern Lima, a sample of 384 millennials was delimited by means of the stratified probabilistic sampling method. And according to the analysis of the hypothesis testing through the Chi Square test, it is inferred that the factors that influence the buying behavior of Ecological Fashion for millennials in Modern Lima are potential for the Competitive Strategy of Fashion Eco-businesses in 2020. / Tesis

Eficiencia comunicativa en la identidad visual y el diseño persuasivo de marcas peruanas de moda sostenible / Effectiveness of visual identity and persuasive design of Peruvian sustainable fashion brands to communicate sustainability values / Effectiveness of visual identity and persuasive design of Peruvian sustainable fashion brands to communicate sustainability values

Echevarria Garrido Lecca, Camila, Valecillos Villarreal, Hazael Ramón 07 July 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar los criterios de diseño persuasivo que utilizan las marcas peruanas de moda sostenible durante el proceso de creación de la identidad visual para comunicar sus valores. Por consiguiente, se planteó como hipótesis que el diseño persuasivo se utiliza como base al momento de crear la identidad visual de las marcas de moda sostenible, puesto que facilita la comunicación y recepción de los valores sostenibles. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativo, puesto que los datos a examinar son los elementos de la identidad visual de las marcas peruanas de moda sostenible. Los elementos analizados son: el logo, la tipografía, la paleta de color, el estilo fotográfico, el tono de comunicación y las figuras de soporte. Se trata de una investigación de alcance descriptivo en vista que el fin es examinar información con respecto a una gráfica visual. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que la identidad visual posibilita la comunicación efectiva de los valores sostenibles de la marca. Gracias a los elementos que componen la identidad visual, las marcas peruanas se dan a conocer ante su público objetivo. Se concluye que, el diseño persuasivo es apto para comunicar los valores de las marcas de moda sostenible, mas no es considerado al momento de crear la identidad visual. Sin embargo, este sí se evidencia en la comunicación de los valores sostenibles. Esto sucede porque las marcas optan por mostrarse ante sus consumidores de forma auténtica; buscan concientizar al usuario sobre el impacto de la industria de la moda. / This research aims to analyze the persuasive design criteria used by Peruvian sustainable fashion brands when creating their visual identity to communicate their sustainable values. Regarding the hypothesis, it was considered that persuasive design is used as the basis when creating the visual identity of sustainable fashion brands; since it eases the communication and reception of sustainable values. The research type is qualitative, since the data and elements to be analyzed on are graphic and not numerical. The content to be observed are those used by Peruvian sustainable fashion brands when creating their visual identity. This investigation has a descriptive scope since the purpose is to examine information with respect to a visual graph. The results demonstrate that the visual identity enables the brand to achieve an effective communication, and it is the elements that compose it that allow Peruvian sustainable fashion brands to achieve recognition between the users. Finally, although persuasive design is apt to communicate the sustainable values ​​of sustainable fashion brands, it is not considered when creating a strategy and designing visual identity; however, if it is evidenced in the communication of sustainable values. This happens because brands choose to show themselves as a genuine brand to their consumers. Its objective is not to impose sustainability but to make the user aware of its existence, and that from the purchase they choose responsible fashion consumption. / Trabajo de investigación

La moda sostenible en la marca Ayni desde el año 2009 hasta el 2020 en Lima / Sustainable fashion in Ayni’s brand from 2009 to 2020 in Lima

Sanguineti Cornejo, Daniela Maria 11 July 2020 (has links)
La industria de la moda es la segunda más contaminante del mundo y se encuentra operando a expensas de factores ambientales y sociales. Debido a eso, la moda sostenible toma un rol importante al posicionarse como una alternativa para el futuro de dicha industria. Esta surge a partir de los años sesenta y se basa en el equilibrio de la Tríada de la Sostenibilidad, compuesta por el ambiente, la sociedad, la economía; y está relacionada a la economía circular o ciclo de vida del producto. Actualmente, la sostenibilidad en la moda ha adquirido mayor importancia y notoriedad en el Perú. No obstante, aún existen desafíos como el desconocimiento sobre cómo operar un negocio de moda sostenible y la comprensión de su concepto. Es por ello que la presente investigación tiene como objetivo general conocer cómo la marca Ayni trabaja la moda sostenible desde el año 2009 hasta el 2020 en Lima. Para ello, se elaborará un estudio de caso cualitativo de la marca mencionada, al ser una con gran reconocimiento y participación en el Directorio de la Asociación de Moda Sostenible del Perú. En este se recogerá información mediante diversas técnicas como la observación, entrevistas a profundidad, revisión de documentación de la marca y revisión bibliográfica para contar con diversos datos que proporcionen información profunda e integral sobre el caso por analizar. Es importante mencionar que este se abordará especialmente a partir del análisis de dos componentes: la Tríada de la Sostenibilidad y la economía circular. / The fashion industry is considered the second most polluting in the world and is operating at the expense of environmental and social factors. Because of this, sustainable fashion takes an important role in positioning itself as a worldwide alternative to the future of this industry. It arises from the sixties and is based on the balance of the Triple Bottom Line, which includes environmental, social and economic factors; and its related to the circular economy or product lifecycle. Currently, sustainability in fashion has become more important and is constantly evolving in Peru. However, there are still challenges such as the lack of knowledge about how to operate a sustainable fashion business and understanding its concept. The present research has as general objective to know how Ayni has worked sustainable fashion from 2009 to 2020 in Lima. For this objective, a qualitative case study of the mentioned brand will be developed, being Ayni one with great recognition and participation in the Board of the “Asociación de Moda Sostenible del Perú”. The information will be obtained through techniques such as observation, interviews, review of brand documentation and bibliographic review to have various data that provide in-depth and comprehensive information on the case to be analyzed. It is important to mention that this will be approached especially from the analysis of two components: The Triple Bottom Line and the circular economy or product lifecycle.

Influencer Marketings påverkan på köpbeteende och klädkonsumtion hos Millennials & Generation Z

Helles, Lisa, Engström, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Influencer marketing är en effektiv marknadsföringsmetod för att öka köpbeteendet hos konsumenter. Uppsatsens fokus är att undersöka Millenials och Generation Z:s klädkonsumtion av Fast Fashion och hur de påverkas av Influencer marketing samt förhållningssätt till miljöfrågor vid klädköp. En växande klädkonsumtion och klädtillverkning går inte ihop med behovet av att konsumera mindre och engagera sig kring miljöfrågor. En studie har genomförts i form av intervjuer med strategiskt utvalda respondenter inom generationskategorierna Millennials och Generation Z. Resultatet visar att generationerna inte reflekterar över den miljöpåverkan klädindustrin har, samt att kvinnor och yngre personer i större utsträckning än män och äldre personer påverkas av Influencer marketing. Resultatet visar även att Influencer marketing är ett mycket effektivt marknadsföringsverktyg för att öka köpbeteendet hos konsumenter.

Information or Communication channel? : A qualitative study of how fast-fashion brands in Sweden use social media

Mirzajee, Mohammad, Rashid, Alen January 2021 (has links)
With the constant development of marketing strategies, it has become more vital to continuously communicate online with consumers. As Generation Z is born with digital devices and increased social media channels, customers demand fashion brands being present online. The empirical findings in this study were obtained using a qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with five fast-fashion brands in Sweden that target Generation Z. The authors have used a deductive approach in this thesis. The conclusion of this thesis shows several factors that fashion brands use to create brand loyalty with Generation Z. Findings indicated that social media should be a communication channel. Furthermore, this research is from a retailer’s perspective. Finally, loyalty is something that is earned by creating relationships.

From Trend to Trash : En marknadsanalys av den svenska marknaden för "fast fashion" / From Trend to Trash : A Market Analysis of the Fast Fashion Industry in Sweden

Nilsson, Elinda, Dahlgren, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Konsumtionen av fast fashion-kläder har ökat och bidrar till en negativ påverkan på klimatet. EU-kommissionen har därför lagt fram strategin hållbara och cirkulära textilier som syftar till att göra fast fashion omodernt fram tills 2030. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga och analysera den svenska marknaden för fast fashion genom Structure-Conduct-Performance-modellen, samt att analysera marknadens framtid med och utan EU:s strategi i åtanke. Uppsatsen tillämpar en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. En viktig aspekt av metoden är att samla in empirisk data genom att utnyttja relevant information, statistik, akademiska rapporter och andra analyser från sekundära källor. Dessa metoder används för att beskriva fast fashion-marknaden och uppnå uppsatsens syfte. Marknadsanalysen utifrån SCP-modellen visar att marknaden har få regleringar som påverkar den direkt. Majoriteten av konsumenterna på marknaden är yngre kvinnor. På marknaden finns företag med både stabila och volatila samt positiva såväl som negativa vinstmarginaler. Samtliga företag strävar efter att effektivisera sitt produktionsled för att kunna anpassa sig till de senaste modetrenderna.  Sammantaget kommer implementeringen av EU:s strategi att ha en betydande påverkan på framtiden för fast fashion-marknaden. Det är viktigt att notera att vinstmarginalen är den enda variabeln som inte kommer att förändras oavsett om EU:s strategi implementeras eller inte. Däremot kommer övriga aspekter av marknaden att se annorlunda ut beroende på strategins införande. / The consumption of fast fashion-clothing has increased and contributes to a negative impact on the climate. The European Commission has presented the Sustainable and Circular Textiles Strategy, which aims to make fast fashion obsolete by 2030. The purpose of the paper is to map and analyze the Swedish market for fast fashion through the Structure-Conduct-Performance model, and to analyze the future of the market with and without the EU strategy in mind. The paper applies a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology. An important aspect of the methodology is to collect empirical data by utilizing relevant information, statistics, academic reports and other analysis from secondary sources. These methods are used to describe the fast fashion market and achieve the purpose of the thesis.  The market analysis based on the SCP model shows that the market has few regulations that affect it directly. The market includes companies with profit margins that can be both stable and volatile. All companies strive to streamline their production process in order to adapt to the latest fashion trends in time.  Overall, the implementation of the EU strategy will have a significant impact on the future of the fast fashion-market. It is important to note that the profit margin is the only variable that will not change whether the EU strategy is implemented or not. However, other aspects of the market will look different depending on the implementation of the strategy.

Phygital Fashion Week : A Qualitative Study of the Contemporary Copenhagen Fashion Week

Turner, Joanna, Poth, Andrea, Göthelid, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
The value of fashion week’s physical presence has been questioned in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic, when fashion week became fully digital. Once the pandemic subsided, the digital attributes were retained and combined with the physical space, resulting in a phygital fashion week. This new phenomenon, the contemporary fashion week that combines on-site and online activities, has therefore received little academic research. There is a lack of academic knowledge about how the post-pandemic setting of fashion week affects the physical value. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the post-pandemic setting of fashion week has affected the value of physical presence in regards to marketing communication through the lens of Copenhagen Fashion Week (CPHFW). By conducting a case study of CPHFW, the goal is to bridge the gap by providing new research within the field of fashion marketing. A qualitative research approach was used to provide an in-depth perspective of CPHFW. The chosen data collection techniques were a combination of ethnographic and netnographic methods. The ethnographic methods were conducted on-site, physically at the AW 23 season of CPHFW, while the netnographic methods analyzed activities online, thus communication through social media platforms as well as press coverage. The results of this study indicate that there is a strong interdependence between the digital and physical fashion week, where the digital do not have an obvious position of power because it is dependent on the physical presence. Fashion week has evolved into a phenomenon conducted physically, with the aim of reaching a digital audience through the creation of spectacular on-site moments being shared online. This points to a complex power relationship between the two. Therefore, the value of physical presence remains strong in a post-pandemic setting of fashion week in regards to marketing communication. In terms of Copenhagen, the emerging fashion capital, the translation of the physical presence to the digital realm becomes even more important as it promotes its fashion week to a global audience. It enables CPHFW to communicate elements of differentiation digitally, thus strengthening the attractiveness of the physical presence.

Unlocking the Fashion Metaverse : Exploring the Impact of External Factors on Innovation Diffusion in the Metaverse Fashion Industry

Berggren, Nora, Iselid, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Background: The fashion retail industry has undergone a major transformation due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the rise of technical innovations. This transformation led to the emergence of digital fashion, a new concept integrating experimental technologies, including artificial intelligence, and augmented reality, which further has progressed towards the Metaverse. The Metaverse is a new consumption space without precedent changing how people communicate, create value, and generate economies. The emergence of the Metaverse is predicted to generate trillions of users in the upcoming ten years across user and enterprise use cases, altering the fashion retail industry. Research problem: Despite heavy investments in digital innovations in the retail fashion industry, the topic of innovation adoption remains understudied. As innovation is deemed one of the main drivers of business success, companies must know how to introduce them and understand the impacting factors of success. With Metaverse being the newest innovation that could alter the retail fashion industry, it requires more research and understanding of the impacting external factors that will influence its diffusion over time. Research purpose: The purpose of this study is to close the identified gap by identifying the external factors that influence the adoption and diffusion of Metaverse in the fashion industry. Further, it aims to generate a greater comprehension of the overall attitude toward this innovation.  Research question: What are the external factors and how do they influence the adoption and diffusion of Metaverse innovation in the fashion industry? Method: This is an exploratory qualitative study with an inductive approach. It follows the social constructionism epistemology and the relativistic ontology. Along with the grounded theory, the data is collected through interviews and from the social platform Reddit and analyzed through thematic analysis.  Conclusion: Our findings identify five external factors influencing the diffusion of Metaverse: Regulations, Technology, Digital skillset, Attitude, and Network effects. These factors interact with each other in the innovation process, and our conceptual framework offers a deeper understanding of its diffusion.

The Fast Fashion Business Model vs. Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of Stronger

Tesfay, Hermon, Herrlin, Tilde January 2023 (has links)
The fast fashion industry is considered to be the second most polluting industry in the world, facing many challenges regarding environmental sustainability. Due to the rising interest and awareness in environmental sustainability, this study was conducted to discover how fast fashion companies make decisions regarding environmental sustainability and how these decisions are affected by the fast fashion business model. A qualitative case study approach was employed, focusing on the Swedish activewear brand Stronger as the case study company. An in-depth interview was conducted with the company to gain valuable insights into the relationship between the fast fashion business model and firms decisions related to environmental sustainability. The analysis of the data revealed key themes and patterns, highlighting the challenges, opportunities, and potential strategies for firms aiming to incorporate environmental sustainability into their operations within the fast fashion industry. The findings indicated that the fast fashion business model contradicts the principles of environmental sustainability, requiring significant modifications to align with sustainable practices. Based on the findings and analysis, it was also concluded that the firms’ decisions are influenced by the fast fashion business model, however it is possible to make decisions that prioritize environmental sustainability despite the constraints of the business model.


Nguyen, Nga 23 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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