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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BEATRIZ DO NASCIMENTO PRECHET 05 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação pretende analisar a prostituição feminina na cidade do Rio de Janeiro na virada do século XIX para o XX, tendo como foco a atuação de mulheres negras e pardas nesta prática. O objetivo principal é marcar a presença deste grupo de mulheres na história da prostituição, observando como o racismo, embasado pelas teorias raciais que se afirmaram na sociedade brasileira ao longo deste período, influenciou decisivamente a maneira pela qual elas foram encaradas por seus contemporâneos. Através dos testemunhos presentes nos principais jornais do período, assim como de registros policiais e judiciais, busca-se analisar as formas específicas de repressão e controle de que foram alvo por parte das instituições jurídicas e policiais desde 1871, assim como as experiências por elas compartilhadas entre as décadas finais do Império e os anos iniciais da República. Evidencia-se, com isso, o processo de construção de redes de solidariedade entre estas mulheres, bem como suas estratégias de sobrevivência frente às perseguições cotidianas que incidiam sobre elas. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze female prostitution in Rio de Janeiro, from the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, focusing on the role of black and brown women in this practice. The main goal is to mark a presence of these groups of women in the history of prostitution, observing how racism, based on racial theories, that were affirmed in Brazilian society throughout this period, decisively influenced the way in which they were faced by their contemporaries. Through the testimonies present in the main newspapers of the period, as well as of police and judicial records, the aim is to analyse the specific forms of repression and control that have been targeted by legal and police institutions since 1871, as well as the experiences shared by them between the final decades of the Empire and the early years of the Republic. This demonstrates the process of building networks of solidarity between these women, as well as their strategies for survival in the face of the daily persecutions that affected them.

Československá kinematografie v německých filmových periodikách v letech 1933-1945 / Perception of Czechoslovakian cinematography by German film periodicals between 1933-1945

Bělohlávková, Alice January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Perception of Czechoslovakian cinematography by German film periodicals between 1933 - 1945" deals with the Czech film industry as it was received by German specialized press with an emphasis on the recognition of changes, that took place after the formation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The period is divided into two stages. The first, 1933 to March 15, 1939 and the second, March 16, 1939 to May 1945, when the end of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was proclaimed. Historical events determined the path of Czech cinematography and later protectoral cinematography (Slovak cinematography was not developed at the time). These events are specified in the thesis as well as the Czech film industry in terms of local and foreign production, distribution, film - makers and organizations. A lot of news from Czech lands was published in the German press due to close connections between Czech and German cinematography which was only further interconnected after the formation of the Protectorate. The analytical portion comprises a historical comparison of texts from daily Der Film - Kurier, weekly Der Film and monthly Der deutsche Film. The articles are divided according to their topics and compared with each other in concurrent periods. The character and impletion was changed by...

Periodický tisk na Rokycansku v letech 1945-1956 / Periodical press in region of Rokycany in years 1945-1956

Kotorová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the history of periodicals in the region Rokycany during the years 1945- 1956. It shows the evolution of journalism and it maps regional periodicals. There is also described the social climate with emphasizes on the social, political and cultural transformations of region Rokycany, which should illustrate the situation and bring deeper understanding of the context. The first part deals with the geographical and historical context of that region at the time of the First and Second Republic, the Protectorate and the post-war development until the mid-50s. The second chapter deals with a recap of periodicals until 1945, there are briefly described preserved periodicals. The main part maps the periodicals in region Rokycany during the years 1945-1956. At first the chapter focuses on an early post- war period, 1945-1948, when the social and political sphere began to awaken back to life again, and so did the journalism. During this period, many periodicals were dissolved, but on the other hand a lot of old periodicals were re-established and some new were founded. There are also reflected communist efforts to control the media, particularly through the regulatory moves. This chapter also pays attention to the period 1948-1956, when it focuses on how the political events of 1948 and...

Časopis Čin v letech 1929-1939 / Čin magazine in years 1929-1939

Bokotejová, Helena January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis Čin magazine in 1929 - 1939 deals with the cultural-political magazine Čin, which was issued in Prague in between the world wars. This left-wing and democratically orientated weekly, later a fortnightly, magazine focused on current cultural and public issues within former Czechoslovakia. The thesis aims to provide a thorough profile of what was an important and distinctive periodical in its time. Firstly, the thesis deals with outlining the notion of the magazine within the mass media, further on it describes the characteristics of the media landscape in the period of the first and second republic, where the printed media and their related area of problems are dealt with in detail. A subchapter on the cultural and political standing of Czechoslovakia in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century is also included, the focus is also on the position of the Čin magazine in the array of magazines of that time. The ensuing parts of the thesis already deal with the periodical itself, firstly in the period from 1929 to 1936, when the magazine was under the leadership of Marie Majerová, and secondly in the period of leadership of Bohumil Přikryl, that is from 1937 to 1939. These separate chapters inform about the publisher of the Čin magazine, the eponymous press and publishing cooperative of...

Soudní soustava ČR / The Court System of the Czech Republic

Hercíková, Monika Rita January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this dissertation focuses on the arrangement of the court system in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to present a basic, comprehensive view of the organisation of the system of courts, elaborated with a closer analysis relating to the personnel composition and overall functioning of the individual courts. The introductory section of the thesis deals with the historical development of the judicial system within the territory of today's Czech Republic, in particular the organisation of the court system during the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938). The court system of the First Republic followed on to a large extent from the legal arrangement of the Austro-Hungarian judicial system, on the basis of the adoption of the Reception Act no. 11/1918 Coll. A gradual unification took place regarding the different arrangement of the court organisations in the Czech lands and in Slovakia. The court system of the First Republic was distinguished by a high degree of specialisation, the courts were divided into regular, specialised and arbitration courts. The system of general courts is formed by district, regional and high courts, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court. The thesis also includes a description of the functioning of judicial councils, the...

Língua e sociedade: a ordem na escola republicana paulista / Language and Society: the order in São Paulo Republican school

Ribeiro, Priscilla Barbosa 21 October 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de objeto de natureza interdisciplinar, a partir do qual abordamos questões linguísticas e sócio-históricas ligadas ao português paulista culto na São Paulo de início do século XX. Realizamos a descrição e análise da ordem de constituintes sentenciais em duas instituições escolares da Capital, complementarmente à análise das instituições e seus sujeitos, bem como de seu lugar na história/memória da cidade, buscando compreendê-los na dinâmica da vida paulistana da virada do século. O recorte linguístico considera as posições do sujeito e do clítico. O corpus é constituído de atas escritas por professores, diretores e secretários da Escola Normal (majoritariamente feminina) e do Ginásio da Capital (exclusivamente masculino), instituições importantes por seu papel na dinâmica de reorganização social e política em uma sociedade altamente heterogênea, em que as tensões repercutiam em formas diversas de distinção em todos os âmbitos da cultura local, inclusive o linguístico. Com o propósito de compreender amplamente nosso objeto, trabalhamos com os dados linguísticos e materiais que pudessem trazer ao presente um pouco da realidade da época e que recuperasse seus pontos de vista. Para isso, analisamos revistas de ensino, livros de matrícula, gramáticas, discursos e outras fontes. A perspectiva adotada, condizente com a natureza do objeto, é interdisciplinar, e teve por objetivo possibilitar uma análise do uso linguístico inserido nas relações sociais, assumindo pressupostos da sociolinguística, sociologia, antropologia e história, visando à compreensão integrada do fenômeno. / This work deals with an interdisciplinary object, in which we refer language issues and socio-historical linked to Portuguese Paulista in Sao Paulo early twentieth century. We perform the description and analysis of sentential constituent order in two schools of the capital, in addition to the analysis of institutions and their subjects, as well as its place in the history of the city, seeking to understand them in the dynamics of São Paulo of the early century. The linguistic focus considers the positions of subject and clitic. The corpus is composed of texts written by teachers, principals and secretaries of the Normal School (mostly female) and the Capital Gymnasium (exclusively male), important institutions for their role in the dynamics of social reorganization and politics in a highly heterogeneous society in which tensions had repercussions in various forms of discrimination in all aspects of local culture, including the language. In order to understand our object, we work with linguistic data and materials that could bring to present some of the reality of the time and to recover their views. For this, we analyze educational magazines, books, grammars, speeches and other sources. The perspective adopted is interdisciplinary, and aimed to enable an analysis of the inserted language use in social relations, taking on assumptions of sociolinguistics, sociology, anthropology and history, aiming at the integrated understanding of the phenomenon.

A formação do Museu Republicano Convenção de Itu (1921-1946) / The establishment of the Museu Republicano Convenção de Itu (1921-1946)

Martins, Mariana Esteves 16 March 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação, desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), vincula-se também ao Programa de Pesquisas em História da Cultura Material do Museu Paulista/USP, na linha de pesquisa História dos Museus e das Exposições. Seu objeto de estudo é a formação do Museu Republicano Convenção de Itu, extensão do Museu Paulista no interior do Estado (o primeiro museu histórico brasileiro dedicado à República), emblemático por ter-se constituído como projeto de alguns dos chamados republicanos históricos, que estiveram à frente do governo brasileiro na Primeira República. Seu recorte cronológico abrange desde o momento que antecede a inauguração do Museu, realizada em 1923, até o final da gestão de Affonso Taunay, seu primeiro Diretor, em 1946. Os museus de história têm suscitado reflexões de diferentes autores, em diferentes perspectivas. A contribuição que pretendemos dar para esta discussão desenvolve-se não na perspectiva da História Política, mas sim da Cultura Material e da Museologia, isto é, a partir do exame de seu acervo e sua exposição. / This dissertation was written as part of the Social History Post-Graduate Program at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), as well as of the Material Culture History Research Program of the Museu Paulista/USP, in the research line: History of Museums and Exhibitions. Its object refers to the establishment of the Museu Republicano Convenção de Itu, which is a branch of the Museu Paulista in the interior of São Paulo State (the first museum in the country dedicated to the Republic), and an emblematic project developed by some of the \"historical republicans\", the ones who were at the head of the Brazilian government in the First Republic. Its chronological scope ranges from the moment before the museum opening in 1923 until the end of the management of Affonso de Taunay, its first Director, in 1946. History museums have been the object of reflections by many authors from different perspectives. The contribution that we hope we may offer to such topic is developed not from the perspective of Political History, but is based on Material Culture and Museology, i.e., on the investigation of the museum´s collection and exhibition.

Ciência, mito e educação nas representações de vida e morte nos espaços cemiteriais de São Paulo na Primeira República (1889-1930) / The representations of life and death in the cemeteries of Brazils First Republic (1889-1930): science, myth and education

Zvingila, Edward Júlio 08 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi pesquisar as representações de vida e morte existentes nos cemitérios criados em São Paulo até o final da Primeira República (1889-1930) e analisar como essas representações dialogam com a transição de uma sociedade estruturada pela morte para uma sociedade estruturada pela vida, dialogando com os conceitos de biopolítica e biopoder de Foucault. O papel que a morte ocupa na nossa sociedade é resultado da estruturação econômica, cultural, simbólica, histórica. Somos herdeiros de uma concepção de ciência e de sociedade que se constituiu prioritariamente durante a República Velha sob a égide do positivismo, do higienismo, do branqueamento da sociedade e do capitalismo. A vida definida como um pacote de predicados vêm sendo substituída pela ideia de vida como um princípio autopoiético. A morte como evento dissociado da vida também vem se modificando. Foi através dos trabalhos de Foucault, Reis, Cymbalista, Àries, Vovelle que pude perceber que o cemitério, a morte, o morrer possuíam também um caráter educacional. Eram lugares em que os costumes sociais eram validados, transferidos, significados ou abandonados. É sob esta perspectiva fenomenológica que vamos nos aproximar do objeto estudado. Os referenciais metodológicos estão amparados pela hermenêutica e, nesse sentido, recorrer à ideia de percurso antropológico proposto por Durand é uma boa ferramenta de análise da relação entre o objeto e o sujeito. A fotografia, então, deixa de ser imagem e passa a ser um signo repleto de significações, profundidade, relações e sentido, capaz de dialogar com outros símbolos, mitos e rituais. É a hermenêutica que vai permitir o desvelamento interpretativo semântico simbólico das imagens e propiciar o diálogo entre sujeito, objeto e contexto. / This works objective was to research the representations of life and death that existed in the cemeteries built in Sao Paulo during Brazils so-called First Republic (1889-1930), and to analyze how those representations dialogue with the transition from a society structured by death to a society structured by life, approaching Foucaults concepts of biopolitics and biopower. Deaths role in our society is the result of a structure built upon economic, cultural, symbolical and historical references. We are heirs of a concept of science and society that was primarily developed during the Old Republic under the brand of positivism, hygienism, capitalism and the whitening of society. Life defined as a myriad of virtues has been changed by the idea of life as an autopoietic principle. Death as an event dissociated from life has also been modified. It was through the work of Foucault, Reis, Cymbalista, Aries, Vovelle that it became possible to perceive the cemetery, the death and the act of dying as an educational matter. They are places where the social customs were validated, transferred, signified and abandoned. It is through the phenomenological perspective that we are going to approach the objective of this study. Methodological references are backed by hermeneutics and, in this case, chasing Durands anthropological route is a good way to evaluate the relation between the object and the subject. The photography, thus, ceases to be an image and becomes a sign full of meanings, depth, relations and senses, capable of dialoguing with other symbols, myths and rituals. For it is the hermeneutics that will allow the semantic and symbolic interpretation of images and propitiate the dialogue among subject, object and context.

A companhia água e luz do estado de São Paulo e suas relações de conflito na formação do parque elétrico paulistano, 1890-1910 / Companhia Água e Luz do Estado de São Paulo and its conflict relations in the formation of the electric market in São Paulo, 1890-1910

Ricardi, Alexandre 23 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é reconstituir a história da Companhia Água e Luz do Estado de São Paulo, cuja primeira denominação foi Companhia Luz Electrica de São Paulo, uma pequena companhia formada por capital nacional, organizada antes da empresa anglo-canadense-americana Light and Power, utilizando-se da matriz energética térmica e não hidráulica e representante do mercado de livre concorrência, implantando no começo da Primeira República. Forneceu energia elétrica ao final do século XIX nas cidades de São Paulo, Curitiba e Casa Branca, o que nos leva à reflexão sobre a formação do parque elétrico na cidade de São Paulo durante a Primeira República. Apesar de concorrer com a San Paulo Gas Company, detentora do privilégio de aquecimento e de iluminação pública, a Companhia Água e Luz disputou um mercado em crescimento, em momento em que a energia elétrica mostrava-se mais eficiente do que o gás em muitos aspectos, principalmente para iluminação. A partir de 1900, a Companhia Água e Luz enfrentou a concorrência da canadense Light and Power que cingiu os serviços públicos de transporte e fornecimento de eletricidade nos principais mercados consumidores do Brasil, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Tornou-se pivô de disputas que culminaram no monopólio do setor, detido pela Light and Power de 1899 a 1979, que abarcou diversas outras pequenas companhias. / The purpose of this work is to reconstruct the history of Companhia Água e Luz do Estado de São Paulo, whose first name was Companhia Luz Electrica de São Paulo, a small company formed by domestic capital, organized before Anglo-Canadian-American company Light and Power, using the thermal energy source, and not the hydraulic, one representative of free market competition, which was installed in the beginning of the First Republic. It supplied electricity until the end of nineteenth century in the cities of São Paulo, Curitiba and Casa Branca, which leads us to reflect about the formation of the electric market in São Paulo during this period. Despite competing with San Paulo Gas Company, holder of the privilege of heating and lighting, the Companhia Água e Luz played a growing market, in a moment when the electricity seemed to be more efficient than gas in many aspects, mainly for lighting. From 1900, on the Companhia Água e Luz faced competition from Canadian Light and Power that girded the public transport services and supply of electricity in the major consumer markets of Brazil, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It became a central factor in disputes, culminating in the monopoly of the sector, held by Light and Power from 1899 to 1979, which grouped several other small companies.

Vida Paulista (1903-1905): semanário ilustrado de humorismo, crítica e arte / Vida Paulista (1903-1905): illustrated weekly magazine of humor, criticism and art

Souza, Pablo Braulio de 04 November 2013 (has links)
A Vida Paulista semanário ilustrado de humorismo, crítica e arte foi publicada na cidade de São Paulo entre 1903 e 1905. Naquela época, a indústria gráfica estava em expansão e o jornalismo se convertia em empreendimento lucrativo, acompanhando o desenvolvimento urbano e comercial das principais cidades do país. Na capital paulista, desde a última década do século XIX, a imprensa periódica proliferava e assumia funções diversas. A Vida Paulista delimitou o seu escopo pelo trinômio humorismo, crítica e arte, mas abordou assuntos vários e defendeu um programa fundado no bom-senso dos comentários e na independência da opinião. Os diretores do semanário pretendiam fazer dele um caleidoscópio do viver multiforme e cosmopolita da capital artística do Brasil. No alvorecer do século XX, o estado de São Paulo e sua capital passavam por grandes transformações e foram palcos de tramas diversas, das quais a Vida Paulista foi testemunha e agente. No presente trabalho, pretendemos apresentar o semanário ilustrado fundado por Arlindo Leal e Peregrino de Castro, disponibilizá-lo em versão digital para futuras pesquisas e oferecer caminhos sem qualquer ambição de esgotar as infinitas possibilidades de leitura da Vida Paulista como fonte de conhecimento sobre o passado. Nosso objetivo é nutrir a revista de alguns pressupostos necessários à sua utilização como documento histórico, restituindo-lhe parte da inteligibilidade que o tempo e o esquecimento removeram. / Vida Paulista illustrated weekly magazine of humor, criticism and art was published in São Paulo (city) between 1903 and 1905. By that time, graphic industry was expanding and journalism was converting into a profitable enterprise, following the urban and commercial development of the main cities of Brazil. At São Paulos capital, since the last decade of nineteenth century, the periodical press proliferated and assumed various functions. Vida Paulista delimited its own scope by the trinomial humor, criticism and art, even though it addressed several issues and defended a program based on a good judgment of their reviews and independence of opinion. The heads of the magazine intended to make it a kaleidoscope of the multiform and cosmopolitan way of living of Brazils artistic capital. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the state of São Paulo and its capital went through major transformations and worked as stage for several plots, of which Vida Paulista was witness and agent. In this work, we seek to present the illustrated weekly magazine founded by Arlindo Leal and Peregrino de Castro, make it available in digital form for future researches and offer ways with no ambition to deplete the unlimited possibilities to read Vida Paulista as a source of knowledge about the past. Our goal is to foster the magazine with some assumptions that are needed for its utilization as historical document, restoring part of the intelligibility that time and oblivion has removed from it.

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