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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'investissement étranger et la stratégie du développement endo-exogène dans l'enjeu de la mondialisation en droit tunisien.

Jebahi, Hedi 03 June 2016 (has links)
La dynamique de recherche de nouveaux facteurs de développement constitue le souci le plus délicat pour la Tunisie. L’investissement étranger à travers le principe : laissez-investir, est un remède adéquat du syndrome de sous-développement. Pour la Tunisie, la protection des investissements est le facteur prépondérant. Elle a pris des mesures concernant aussi bien le cadre institutionnel que les conditions économiques ou la facilitation des affaires.Les principales actions de promotion de l’investissement menées par la Tunisie sont l’offre d’avantages financiers et fiscaux, la communication (publicité, etc.) et la création d’agences chargées de faciliter l’établissement des investisseurs étrangers. L’acceptation, enfin, de la Tunisie de ‘‘renoncer’’ à une partie de sa souveraineté constitue l’obéissance parfaite aux exigences de la mondialisation et la réponse solennelle aux revendications du développement endo-exogène. L’acceptation, par la Tunisie, d’être jugée par un particulier devant une institution juridictionnelle régionale ou arbitrale internationale reflète l’harmonie, par excellence, avec les dictats du nouvel ordre économique international (NOEI).La Tunisie n’est plus à la marge de la société économique mondiale, elle est plutôt dans le coeur de l’évènement, elle s’est internationalisée, globalisée et mondialisée. / The dynamic of research of new factors of development is the main concern for Tunisia. The foreign investment through the principle: Let Invest, ‘’LAISSER-INVESTIR” is the appropriate remedy for the syndrome of under-development. For Tunisia, the investment protection is the major factor. It had taken measures concerning the institutional framework as well as the economic conditions or the business facilitation. The main promotion actions of investments conducted by Tunisia are financial and fiscal incentives, communication (advertisement, etc.) and the setting up of investment promotion agencies to facilitate the establishment of foreign investors. Finally, the acceptance of Tunisia to relinquish a part of its sovereignty is a perfect obedience to the demands of globalization and a solemn answer to the claim of the endogenous/exogenous development. The acceptation of Tunisia to be judged by an individual before one regional judicial institution or an international arbitration reflects the harmony with excellence with the dictates of the New International Economic Order (NIEO). Tunisia is not at outside the global economic society, but rather in the heart of the event. She becomes globalized and internationalized.

Déterminants du comportement d'innovation des entreprises en Tunisie / Determinants of innovation behaviour of firms in tunisia

Rahmouni, Mohieddine 04 July 2011 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est l’analyse du comportement d’innovation des entreprises en Tunisie. L’analyse portesur les conditions économiques qui motivent les entreprises à innover, celles qui orientent leurs activités d’innovationet celles qui rendent difficile leur succès. La thèse est organisée en deux parties. La première partieprésente une relecture des théories modernes de l’innovation, les caractéristiques de l’économie tunisienneet celles de l’enquête sur l’innovation en Tunisie, utilisée dans l’analyse. La seconde partie de la thèse présenteles résultats des analyses statistiques et économétriques des déterminants de l’innovation en Tunisie.L’analyse est affinée autour des questions plus spécifiques, particulièrement pertinentes dans le cadre d’unpays en développement comme la Tunisie et en rapport avec les politiques mises en oeuvre et la stratégiede spécialisation internationale retenue dans ce pays. L’analyse conduit à un premier tableau des activitésd’innovations en Tunisie, qui nous amène à nous interroger sur la relation entre les stratégies d’exportationet les activités d’innovation des firmes. Une autre dimension internationale des stratégies de développementmodernes concerne le rôle des investissements directs étrangers dans l’innovation. La thèse s’interroge, endernier lieu, sur les dimensions de l’économie tunisienne qui sont perçues par les firmes comme affaiblissantleurs capacités à innover. / The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of the innovation behaviour of firms in Tunisia. The analysis focuseson the economic conditions that motivate firms to innovate, those which direct their innovation activitiesand those that make difficult their success. The thesis is organized into two parts. The first one presents apresentation of modern theories of innovation, the characteristics of the Tunisian economy and those of thesurvey on innovation in Tunisia, used in the analysis. The second part of the thesis presents the econometricand statistical results of the analysis of determinants of innovation in Tunisia. The analysis is refined on morespecific questions, particularly relevant in the context of a developing country like Tunisia and related withthe implemented policies and the strategy of international specialization chosen in this country. The analysisleads to a first picture of innovation activities in Tunisia, which leads us to wonder about the relationshipbetween export strategies and innovation activities of firms. Another international dimension of the modernstrategies of development concerns the role of the foreign direct investments in the innovation. The thesisexamines, finally, the dimensions of the Tunisian economy which are perceived by firms as weakening theirability to innovate.

中國大陸外國投資法國家安全審查制度之研究 / Legal study on national security review in foreign investment law

單開翊, Shan, Kai I Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化的時代,外國直接、間接投資及企業間之併購行為紛紛崛起,然而外資湧入的同時亦時常對本國產業造成衝擊,因此為防止外資行為對本國企業造成威脅,各國相繼建立起對外國投資行為之「國家安全審查程序」作為外資進入本國市場的門檻,中國亦於2015年1月19日公佈之《中華人民共和國外國投資法(草案徵求意見稿)》中,設置國家安全審查制度,顯見該制度對中國之重要。 在「國家安全」之界定上,於《外資法草案》中增設概括條款,以彌補過去單純採取列舉式立法,所存在之審查範圍過於限縮缺陷。其次,在「外國投資者」之定義上,外國自然人投資者之認定有別於多數國家採用多重標準予以認定,其係單純以國籍作為認定標準,另於外國實體之認定上,為適應現今新形態之商業模式,參考外國法納入實質認定標準,彌補過去之立法漏洞,最後在「審查機構」之組成和建置上,則係由國務院建立外國投資國家安全審查部際聯席會議,作為主要審查機構。 惟於《外資法草案》雖解決許多過去立法之缺陷,卻仍存審查機構間權責不明、審查標準過於模糊及司法救濟缺位等問題,故宜參考美國外國投資委員會之組成結構,並增設監督機構,避免審查機構之獨斷。此外,該制度中更應加強對於外國投資者權益之保護,於審查標準中,重要名詞之界定仍存在模糊不清之情形,有待立法者對之明確定義,另在投資者救濟管道之設置上,於現行草案中付之闕如,應加以補正以符合程序正義之要求,如此方能同時兼顧保護國家經濟安全及促進國內經濟發展之目的。 / With the coming of economic globalization, a wide array of foreign investments, such as direct and indirect investments as well as enterprises mergers and acquisition, increases. However, these also pose a menace to domestic industry and even national security. As a result, national security reviews of foreign investments which aim to prevent this serious situation grow more prevalent. Following this trend, Mainland China also releases a draft version of Foreign Investment Law and a related Explanatory Note on January 19, 2015 to include national security reviews in it. The definition and range of national security is crucial. In order to solve the problems from enumerating which kind of investment is related to national security, China adds a general clause in the draft. In regard to the definition of foreign investor, it is divided into two categories, natural person and foreign entity. The former is determined merely by his or her nationality and the latter is determined not only by its place of registration but also by the actual controllers behind that foreign entity in response to the increasingly new business models. Furthermore, the draft appoints the State Council to establish an inter-ministerial joint committee to be responsible for the foreign investment national security review. However, there are some drawbacks in this draft, such as the unclear distinction of responsibility and accountability between the authorities, the ambiguities in the standard of review and the difficulties of judicial remedy. As a result, emulating the merits in the regulations on national security reviews in the USA and including the protection of investors are beneficial to solve these problems.

The impact of direct foreign and local investment on indigenous communities in East Africa: a case study of the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania

Millya, James Kinyasi January 2007 (has links)
The general objective of this study is to lay out the bases for an assessment of the impact of foreign and local investment on indigenous people in East Africa. For this purpose it will explore the current and systematic practice of violations of human rights as against the obligation of states to promote and to protect human rights and to guarantee effective remedies for victims in cases where those rights have been violated under the international human rights law jurisprudence in an African context. Reveals how State sponsored investments in Maasai traditional land, particularly creation of national parks, game reserves and game controlled areas have changed the way of life of the Maasai as a “people” aggravating their marginalization. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Dr Lorite Alejandro of the Department of Law, American University - Cairo Egypt. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

La relación jurídica, económica y comercial del capítulo de inversiones del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Perú y China y la IED china en el Perú durante los años 2010 y 2018 / The legal, economic and commercial relationship of the investment chapter of the Peru-China Free Trade Agreement and Chinese FDI in Peru during the years 2010 and 2018

Apoloni Gonzáles, Jorge Eduardo José, Cabrejo Chávez, Isaías Jair 16 April 2022 (has links)
En la última década, se ha observado un crecimiento sostenible de la inversión china en el Perú. Al ser el socio comercial más importante del Perú, las investigaciones de la materia se han enfocado en examinar el intercambio comercial de distintas partidas arancelarias e identificar sus principales determinantes, mientras que la IED no ha sido evaluada a profundidad. Por consiguiente, mediante el empleo de una metodología mixta y un modelo de datos de panel, el presente estudio profundiza en la relación jurídica, económica y comercial del capítulo de inversiones del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Perú y China y la inversión extranjera directa de China en el Perú entre los años 2010 y 2018. Los resultados indican que el marco constitucional y la seguridad jurídica de las inversiones en el Perú son aspectos relevantes para atraer la IED china en territorio peruano. Del mismo modo, en relación con el TLC, se demuestra que los lineamientos establecidos en el capítulo de inversiones también son un estímulo importante para la captación de capitales chinos. Además, en el desarrollo del método cuantitativo, se destacan algunas variables macroeconómicas que explican la inversión del gigante asiático en el Perú durante el periodo evaluado. Frente a ello, se concluye que el TLC China-Perú es relevante para explicar el crecimiento de los flujos de inversión china en el Perú. / In the last decade, there has been evidence of sustainable growth in Chinese investment in Peru. As Peru's most important trading partner, research on the subject has focused on examining the trade exchange of different tariff items and identifying its main determinants, while FDI has not been evaluated in depth. Therefore, using a mixed methodology and a panel data model, the present study delves into the legal, economic and commercial relationship of the investment chapter of the Peru-China Free Trade Agreement and China's foreign direct investment in Peru between 2010 and 2018. The results indicate that the constitutional framework and legal security of investments in Peru is a relevant aspect to attract Chinese FDI in Peruvian territory. Similarly, in relation to the FTA, it is shown that the guidelines established in the investment chapter are also an important stimulus for attracting Chinese capital. In addition, the development of the quantitative method show that some macroeconomic variables explain the investment of the Asian country in Peru during the evaluated period. In view of this, it is concluded that the China-Peru FTA is relevant to explain the growth of Chinese investment flows in Peru. / Tesis

Меродавно право у међународним инвестиционим споровима / Merodavno pravo u međunarodnim investicionim sporovima / Applicable Law in International Investment Disputes

Galetin Milena 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Предмет&nbsp;&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp;&nbsp; докторске&nbsp;&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp;&nbsp; представља&nbsp;&nbsp; начин&nbsp;&nbsp; поступања арбитражних&nbsp; судова&nbsp; приликом&nbsp; утврђивања&nbsp; меродавног&nbsp; права&nbsp; за&nbsp; суштину&nbsp; инвестиционог спора. Његово&nbsp; одређење&nbsp; је&nbsp; веома&nbsp; битно&nbsp; јер&nbsp; може&nbsp; пресудно&nbsp; да&nbsp; утиче&nbsp; на&nbsp; сам&nbsp; исход арбитражног поступка. Истраживањем је обухваћена како пракса арбитражних судова који делују под окриљем Међународног центра за решавање инвестиционих спорова (ИКСИД), тако и оних арбитражних судова који поступају ван њега.<br />Након&nbsp; уводних&nbsp; разматрања,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; најпре приказани&nbsp; процесни&nbsp; механизми&nbsp; за заштиту имовинских права странаца с обзиром да они представљају претечу инвестиционе арбитраже&nbsp; какву&nbsp; данас&nbsp; познајемо.&nbsp; Потом&nbsp; је&nbsp; указано&nbsp; на&nbsp; комплексност&nbsp; инвестиционих спорова&nbsp; која&nbsp; проистиче&nbsp; из&nbsp; чињенице&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; различити&nbsp; извори&nbsp; права&nbsp; на&nbsp; њих&nbsp; примењују-правила&nbsp; међународног&nbsp; права&nbsp; (обичајног&nbsp; и&nbsp; уговорног),&nbsp; национално&nbsp; законодавство&nbsp; државе пријема,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; одредбе&nbsp; уговора&nbsp; о&nbsp; страном&nbsp; улагању&nbsp; између&nbsp; државе&nbsp; пријема&nbsp; и&nbsp; страног улагача. При том се одређивање меродавног права не своди на просто утврђивање извора који би се примењивао на сва спорна питања, већ се за свако појединачно питање одређује који слој правних правила применити.<br />Начело аутономије воље приликом утврђивања меродавног права за суштину спора је било предмет истраживања&nbsp; у трећем делу рада. Оно је најпре разматрано у националном законодавству, арбитражним правилима и конвенцијским текстовима, а потом и у клаузули уговора&nbsp; између&nbsp; државе&nbsp; пријема&nbsp; и&nbsp; страног&nbsp; улагача&nbsp; и&nbsp;&nbsp; у&nbsp; клаузули&nbsp; билатералних&nbsp; и мултилатералних споразума о подстицању и заштити улагања (БИТ). Наведени делови су употпуњени&nbsp; релевантном&nbsp; праксом&nbsp; арбитражних&nbsp; судова,&nbsp; а&nbsp; посебно&nbsp; је&nbsp; разматрано&nbsp; да&nbsp; ли арбитражни судови поштују страначку аутономију воље у сваком случају и како поступају уколико у клаузули БИТ-а о меродавном праву нијеутврђена хијерархија извора који су у њој предвиђени.<br />Затим&nbsp; су&nbsp; анализирана&nbsp; поступања&nbsp; арбитражних&nbsp; судова&nbsp; у&nbsp; случајевима&nbsp; одсуства клаузуле&nbsp; о&nbsp; меродавном&nbsp; праву.&nbsp; Овде&nbsp; се&nbsp; приликом&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; кренуло&nbsp; од&nbsp; поделе&nbsp; на арбитражне&nbsp; судове&nbsp; који&nbsp; делују&nbsp; под&nbsp; окриљем&nbsp; ИКСИД-а&nbsp; и&nbsp; оне&nbsp; који&nbsp; делују&nbsp; ван&nbsp; ИКСИД система.&nbsp; Посебна&nbsp; пажња&nbsp; је&nbsp; била&nbsp; усмерена&nbsp; на&nbsp; теорије&nbsp; које&nbsp; су&nbsp; се&nbsp; јавиле&nbsp; о&nbsp; поступању арбитражних судова ИКСИД, а које се тичу односа националног и међународног права у случају непостојања споразума страна о меродавном праву за суштину спора.<br />Наредно&nbsp; поглавље&nbsp; се&nbsp; тиче&nbsp; садејства&nbsp; националног&nbsp; и&nbsp; међународног&nbsp; права&nbsp; када&nbsp; се примењују као меродавна на суштину спора. Класификација је направљена тако што су се у оквиру сваког извора инвестиционог права разматрала спорна питања на која се тај извор примењује.<br />Коначно, у последњем делу, су приказана закључна разматрања.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Predmet&nbsp;&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp;&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp;&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp;&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp;&nbsp; način&nbsp;&nbsp; postupanja arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; utvrđivanja&nbsp; merodavnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; za&nbsp; suštinu&nbsp; investicionog spora. NJegovo&nbsp; određenje&nbsp; je&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; bitno&nbsp; jer&nbsp; može&nbsp; presudno&nbsp; da&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na&nbsp; sam&nbsp; ishod arbitražnog postupka. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena kako praksa arbitražnih sudova koji deluju pod okriljem Međunarodnog centra za rešavanje investicionih sporova (IKSID), tako i onih arbitražnih sudova koji postupaju van njega.<br />Nakon&nbsp; uvodnih&nbsp; razmatranja,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; najpre prikazani&nbsp; procesni&nbsp; mehanizmi&nbsp; za zaštitu imovinskih prava stranaca s obzirom da oni predstavljaju preteču investicione arbitraže&nbsp; kakvu&nbsp; danas&nbsp; poznajemo.&nbsp; Potom&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukazano&nbsp; na&nbsp; kompleksnost&nbsp; investicionih sporova&nbsp; koja&nbsp; proističe&nbsp; iz&nbsp; činjenice&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; različiti&nbsp; izvori&nbsp; prava&nbsp; na&nbsp; njih&nbsp; primenjuju-pravila&nbsp; međunarodnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; (običajnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; ugovornog),&nbsp; nacionalno&nbsp; zakonodavstvo&nbsp; države prijema,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; odredbe&nbsp; ugovora&nbsp; o&nbsp; stranom&nbsp; ulaganju&nbsp; između&nbsp; države&nbsp; prijema&nbsp; i&nbsp; stranog ulagača. Pri tom se određivanje merodavnog prava ne svodi na prosto utvrđivanje izvora koji bi se primenjivao na sva sporna pitanja, već se za svako pojedinačno pitanje određuje koji sloj pravnih pravila primeniti.<br />Načelo autonomije volje prilikom utvrđivanja merodavnog prava za suštinu spora je bilo predmet istraživanja&nbsp; u trećem delu rada. Ono je najpre razmatrano u nacionalnom zakonodavstvu, arbitražnim pravilima i konvencijskim tekstovima, a potom i u klauzuli ugovora&nbsp; između&nbsp; države&nbsp; prijema&nbsp; i&nbsp; stranog&nbsp; ulagača&nbsp; i&nbsp;&nbsp; u&nbsp; klauzuli&nbsp; bilateralnih&nbsp; i multilateralnih sporazuma o podsticanju i zaštiti ulaganja (BIT). Navedeni delovi su upotpunjeni&nbsp; relevantnom&nbsp; praksom&nbsp; arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova,&nbsp; a&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; je&nbsp; razmatrano&nbsp; da&nbsp; li arbitražni sudovi poštuju stranačku autonomiju volje u svakom slučaju i kako postupaju ukoliko u klauzuli BIT-a o merodavnom pravu nijeutvrđena hijerarhija izvora koji su u njoj predviđeni.<br />Zatim&nbsp; su&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; postupanja&nbsp; arbitražnih&nbsp; sudova&nbsp; u&nbsp; slučajevima&nbsp; odsustva klauzule&nbsp; o&nbsp; merodavnom&nbsp; pravu.&nbsp; Ovde&nbsp; se&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; krenulo&nbsp; od&nbsp; podele&nbsp; na arbitražne&nbsp; sudove&nbsp; koji&nbsp; deluju&nbsp; pod&nbsp; okriljem&nbsp; IKSID-a&nbsp; i&nbsp; one&nbsp; koji&nbsp; deluju&nbsp; van&nbsp; IKSID sistema.&nbsp; Posebna&nbsp; pažnja&nbsp; je&nbsp; bila&nbsp; usmerena&nbsp; na&nbsp; teorije&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; javile&nbsp; o&nbsp; postupanju arbitražnih sudova IKSID, a koje se tiču odnosa nacionalnog i međunarodnog prava u slučaju nepostojanja sporazuma strana o merodavnom pravu za suštinu spora.<br />Naredno&nbsp; poglavlje&nbsp; se&nbsp; tiče&nbsp; sadejstva&nbsp; nacionalnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; međunarodnog&nbsp; prava&nbsp; kada&nbsp; se primenjuju kao merodavna na suštinu spora. Klasifikacija je napravljena tako što su se u okviru svakog izvora investicionog prava razmatrala sporna pitanja na koja se taj izvor primenjuje.<br />Konačno, u poslednjem delu, su prikazana zaključna razmatranja.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">The&nbsp; research&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; manners&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals&nbsp; deal with&nbsp;&nbsp; determination&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; applicable&nbsp;&nbsp; law&nbsp;&nbsp; for&nbsp;&nbsp; the substance&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; investment&nbsp;&nbsp; disputes.&nbsp;&nbsp; This determination is very important because it can decisively affect the very outcome of the arbitral proceedings. The research includes both the practice of arbitral tribunals within the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the practice of arbitral tribunal outside ICSID.<br />After introductory remarks, the procedural mechanisms for the protection of property rights of&nbsp; foreigners&nbsp; are&nbsp; shown&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; since&nbsp; they&nbsp; represent&nbsp; a&nbsp; forerunner&nbsp; of current&nbsp; investment arbitration.&nbsp; Subsequently&nbsp; the&nbsp; complexity&nbsp; of&nbsp; investment&nbsp; disputes&nbsp; is&nbsp; pointed&nbsp; out&nbsp; arising&nbsp; from&nbsp; the fact&nbsp; that&nbsp; different&nbsp; sources&nbsp; of&nbsp; law&nbsp; apply&nbsp; to&nbsp; them-international&nbsp; law&nbsp; (customary&nbsp; and&nbsp; contractual), national&nbsp; legislation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; host&nbsp; state,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; provisions&nbsp; of&nbsp; a&nbsp; foreign&nbsp; investment&nbsp; contract between the host state and foreign investor. In doing so, the determination of the applicable law is not simply the determination of the source that would apply to all the contentious issues, but the determination of a layer of legal rules which applies on each individual question.<br />The principle of party&nbsp; autonomy in determining&nbsp; the applicable law for the substance of the dispute&nbsp; was&nbsp; the&nbsp; subject&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis.&nbsp; It&nbsp; was&nbsp; first&nbsp; considered&nbsp; in arbitration&nbsp; rules&nbsp; and&nbsp; conventions,&nbsp; and&nbsp; thereafter&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; clauses&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; contract&nbsp; between&nbsp; the&nbsp; host State and the foreign investor and then in the clauses of bilateral and multilateral agreements on promotion and protection of investments (BITs). These sections are completed with the relevant practice&nbsp; of&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; especially&nbsp; considered&nbsp; whether&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals&nbsp; respect&nbsp; the party&#39;s&nbsp; autonomy&nbsp; in&nbsp; any&nbsp; case&nbsp; and&nbsp; how&nbsp; they&nbsp; act&nbsp; if&nbsp; the&nbsp; choice&nbsp; of&nbsp; law&nbsp; clause&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; BIT&nbsp; does&nbsp; not determinethe hierarchy of sources envisaged therein.<br />Afterwards the practice of arbitral tribunals in cases where the choice of law clause is absent was&nbsp; analyzed.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; course&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research,&nbsp; a&nbsp; division&nbsp; was&nbsp; made&nbsp; between&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals operating under the auspices of ICSID and those operating outside the ICSID system. Particular emphasis&nbsp; was&nbsp; paid&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; theories&nbsp; which&nbsp; occurred&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; practice&nbsp; of&nbsp; ICSID&nbsp; arbitral&nbsp; tribunals,<br />concerning&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; of&nbsp; national&nbsp; and&nbsp; international&nbsp; law&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; absence&nbsp; of&nbsp; agreement between the parties on the applicable law.<br />The&nbsp; next&nbsp; chapter&nbsp; deals&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; relationship&nbsp; between&nbsp; national&nbsp; and&nbsp; international&nbsp; law&nbsp; when applied&nbsp; as&nbsp; relevant&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; substance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; dispute.&nbsp; The&nbsp; classification&nbsp; was&nbsp; made&nbsp; in&nbsp; such&nbsp; a&nbsp; way that&nbsp; within&nbsp; each&nbsp; source&nbsp; of investment&nbsp; law&nbsp; the&nbsp; contentious&nbsp; issues&nbsp; which&nbsp; are&nbsp; applicable&nbsp; within&nbsp; it were considered.<br />Finally, in the last chapter, concluding remarks are presented.</p>

Possibilities to Reduce the Information Gap between Foreign Investors &amp; the Swedish Real Estate Market : The Importance of Cooperation with an Operating Partner / Möjligheter att Minska Informationsklyftan mellan Utländska Investerare &amp; den Svenska Fastighetsmarknaden : Vikten av Samarbete med Operativa Partners

Johansson, Elin, Nordin, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis project aims to evaluate the importance of availability of operating partners for foreign investors as they decide whether or not to make an investment on the Swedish market. The study will also evaluate if the cooperation with operating partners could contribute to a reduction of the information gap between foreign investors and the Swedish real estate market, and if that could ultimately lead to an increase in the inflow of foreign capital to Sweden.  The study includes a literature review where relevant theories for the research question is accounted for as well as an overview of the Swedish real estate market. The study also includes economic statistics and transaction data from reliable sources, as well as an empirical analysis with semi-structured interviews that were conducted with a number of prominent actors within the real estate sector, both in form of representatives from larger global consultant companies and well- known operating partners. All the interviewees were selected because they were considered to be most useful for the study, with substantial knowledge and experience of the real estate business and market.  The study shows that an operating partner could make it easier for a foreign investor to enter the Swedish real estate market. This is much thanks to the market specific competence which the operating partner firms possesses, making it possible to estimate the right risk component as well as understand the specific market. This could make a foreign investor more competitive on the Swedish real estate market which have a great amount of strong domestic investors. The access to good market specific competence however only seems to have a marginal impact on whether or not an foreign investor chooses to invest in Sweden, this since there are other factors that has a considerably larger impact when investors makes that decision. The scale of the market is one of the most important factors when foreign investors decide whether or not to invest in Sweden. Even though an operating partner might not increase the foreign investments to Sweden there still is a pronounced shortage in the supply of such firms today since there is a large demand from foreign investor for this type of market specific competence. The number of operating partners will most likely increase in the future since the model creates an alignment of interest between the parties. If a foreign investor is good at utilizing local expertise, and uses a good model for alignment of interest, a combination of a global and local view of the market is obtained. This makes it possible for larger foreign investors to create a structure of a larger international portfolios, but still with attention to local details. From this it can be concluded that an increased supply of operating partners in some sense should have a positive effect on the Swedish economy as a whole. / Detta masterprojekt syftar till att utvärdera vikten av tillgängligheten av operativa samarbetspartners för utländska investerare när de ska besluta huruvida de ska investera på den svenska marknaden eller inte. Studien utvärderar om ett samarbete med operativa partners kan bidra till att minska informationsgapet mellan utländska investerare och den svenska marknaden, och huruvida ett samarbete även skulle kunna leda till ett ökat inflöde av utländskt kapital till Sverige.  Studien innehåller en litteraturstudie där relevanta teorier för forskningsfrågan redovisas samt en översikt över den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Studien innehåller också ekonomisk statistik och transaktionsdata från tillförlitliga källor samt halvstrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med ett antal framstående aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen, både i form av representanter från större globala konsultföretag och välkända operativa partners. Intervjuobjekten valdes ut eftersom de ansågs vara mest användbara för studien, med stor kunskap och erfarenhet av verksamheten och fastighetsbranschen. Studien visar att en operativ partner skulle kunna underlätta för en utländsk investerare att etablera sig på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden, mycket tack vare den marknadsspecifika kompetens som operatörsföretaget har, vilket gör det möjligt att uppskatta rätt riskkomponent såväl som förstå den specifika marknaden. Detta kan göra en utländsk investerare mer konkurrenskraftig på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden som till stor del domineras av starka inhemska investerare. Trots detta har tillgången till god marknadsspecifik kompetens endast har en marginell inverkan på huruvida en utländsk investerare väljer att investera i Sverige eller inte, eftersom det finns andra faktorer som har en betydligt större inverkan när investerarna fattar det beslutet. Marknadens skala är en av de viktigaste faktorerna när utländska investerare överväger om de ska investera i Sverige eller inte. Trots att en operativ partner inte nödvändigtvis ökar de utländska investeringarna till Sverige finns det idag en uttalad brist i utbudet av sådana företag i och med att det finns en stor efterfrågan från utländska investerare för denna typ av marknadsspecifik kompetens. Antalet operativa partners kommer sannolikt att öka i framtiden eftersom modellen skapar en likriktning av parternas intressen. Om en utländsk investerare är bra på att utnyttja lokal kompetens och använder en bra modell för likriktning av intressen, erhålls en kombination av en global och lokal syn på marknaden. Detta gör det möjligt för större utländska investerare att skapa en struktur av en större internationell portfölj, men fortfarande med uppmärksamhet på lokala detaljer. Av detta kan man dra slutsatsen att en ökad tillgång på operativa partners i viss mening kan ha en positiv effekt på den svenska ekonomin som helhet.

Стратегические подходы привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций в современных условиях : магистерская диссертация / Strategic approaches to attracting foreign direct investment in modern conditions

Панковская, Я. И., Pankovskaya, Y. I. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, магистерской три главы, заключение, список использованных источников. В первой главе мы рассмотрели роль прямых зарубежных русском и инвестиций в экономическом развитии стран и теоретические концепции мотивов осуществления ПЗИ. Во второй главе мы провели анализ инвестиционного климата Российской Федерации, проанализировали формы привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций в национальной экономике и сделали анализ факторов, влияющих на прямые иностранные инвестиции в России. В третьей главе изучили стратегические приоритеты и эффективность привлечения иностранных инвестиций в развитие экономике региона. В заключении подведены итоги выполненной работы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, master's three chapters, conclusion, list of sources used. In the first chapter, we examined the role of foreign direct Russian and investment in the economic development of countries and the theoretical concepts of the motives for implementing FDI. In the second chapter, we analyzed the investment climate of the Russian Federation, analyzed the forms of attracting foreign direct investment in the national economy and made an analysis of the factors influencing foreign direct investment in Russia. The third chapter explored the strategic priorities and the effectiveness of attracting foreign investment in the development of the region's economy. In the conclusion, the results of the work performed are summarized.

Банки с иностранным участием в России: современные аспекты деятельности, проблемы и перспективы : магистерская диссертация / Banks with foreign participation in Russia: modern aspects activities, problems and prospects

Юань, Ч., Yuan, Z. January 2021 (has links)
Структура диссертационной работы. Выполненное диссертационное исследование состоит из введения, трёх глав, заключения, списка использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе изучены сущность, функции, принципы и классификация банков, и правовые основы деятельности банков с иностранным участием в России, рассмотрены современные тенденции сегмента банков с иностранным участием в России, охарактеризованы особенности банковских операций и сделок банков с иностранным участием. Во второй главе дана характеристика и анализ основных финансовых показателей АКБ «БЭНК ОФ ЧАЙНА», проанализирована организация и анализ банковских операций и сделок АКБ «БЭНК ОФ ЧАЙНА». Третья глава содержит проблемы функционирования банков с иностранным участием в российской банковской системе и направления совершенствования проведения операций банков с иностранным участием. В заключении подводятся общие итоги, делаются выводы. / The structure of the thesis. The completed dissertation research consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and an appendix. The first chapter examines the essence, functions, principles and classification of banks, and the legal basis for the activities of banks with foreign participation in Russia, examines the current trends in the segment of banks with foreign participation in Russia, describes the features of banking operations and transactions of banks with foreign participation. The second chapter provides a description and analysis of the main financial indicators of JSCB "BANK OF CHAINA", analyzes the organization and analysis of banking operations and transactions of JSCB "BANK OF CHAINA". The third chapter contains the problems of the functioning of banks with foreign participation in the Russian banking system and directions for improving the conduct of operations of banks with foreign participation. In the conclusion, general results are summed up, conclusions are drawn.


Subramanian, Shobika January 2023 (has links)
Investment screening is the process by which a host state uses its sovereign judicial and/or administrative jurisdiction to supervise investments made by foreign investors, in particular direct investments made in the host country. Needless to say, the host nations would use their legislative authority in areas that are extremely important to them, such as defence, energy, transportation, and natural resources. On the other hand, FDI has been shown to have positive effects on economic growth and employment both directly and indirectly. It is generally agreed, at least in principle, that there should be an appropriate balance between the legislative authority of host governments and the safety of foreign investments. Therefore, on one side, we have the investment screening system, and on the other, we have protection for investors and investments. The safeguarding of investments is a crucial aspect not only during the preestablishment phase but also in the post-establishment phase, through ex-post screening conducted by the competent authority of the host state. Irrespective of their sovereign powers, states are obligated to provide a specific degree of legal protection as guaranteed by international treaties in both scenarios. The aforementioned criteria encompass, among others, the principles of impartiality, equal treatment for domestic and foreign entities, preferential treatment for none, and just and unbiased treatment. As will be expounded upon, if the level of obstruction violates any of the principles that are enshrined in said agreements, nations may be held accountable. Notwithstanding, most states have a means of recourse in the event of a violation of treaty obligations, commonly referred to as ‘security exception clauses’ within the doctrine.  The investment screening mechanism is implemented to safeguard national security. In this regard, pertinent exception clauses may be utilised to substantiate treaty violations. The matter at hand shall be examined according to the principles of BIT practice, as well as the Regional and Sectoral Investment Treaties.

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