Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] HEALTHY LIFESTYLE"" "subject:"[enn] HEALTHY LIFESTYLE""
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Исследование взаимосвязи здорового образа жизни и жизнестойкости современных студентов (на примере студентов департамента психологии) : магистерская диссертация / Research on the relationship between a healthy lifestyle and the resilience of modern students (on the example of students of the Psychology Department)Galochkina, D. A., Галочкина, Д. А. January 2020 (has links)
In the conclusion the summarized results of theoretical and empirical parts of the thesis are presented. It includes justification of the obtained data practical significance. Recommendations to the University Administration are given in order to introduce the students to a healthy lifestyle, to increase their resilience. The possible prospects for further development of this research issue are described in the final part of the thesis. / Компоненты профиля здорового образа жизни (ответственность за здоровье, физическая активность, питание, духовный рост, межличностные отношения, управление стрессом) связаны с эрудированностью студентов в вопросах здорового образа жизни, была частично подтверждена: эрудированность студентов в вопросах ЗОЖ связана с общим профилем ЗОЖ и с такими его составляющими, как питание и межличностные отношения. Изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, обоснована практическая значимость полученных данных, даны рекомендации администрации вуза с целью приобщения студентов к здоровому образу жизни и, соответственно, повышения их жизнестойкости, описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики.
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Motiverande samtal -En dynamisk process i arbetet med barn och ungdomar med övervikt : - En kvalitativ studie om professionella inom hälso- och sjukvårdens upplevelser av att använda MI tillsammans med överviktiga barn och ungdomar / Motivational Interviewing - a dynamic process when working with children and adolescents with overweight : - A qualitative study of professionals in healthcare’s experiences of using MI together with overweight children and adolescentsBruhn, Linnea January 2016 (has links)
Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor så som dålig kost och brist på fysisk aktivitet leder till övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar idag. För att inte de ohälsosamma levnadsvanorna ska ge framtida komplikationer är det viktigt att se till att barn och ungdomar får den hjälp de behöver för att motiveras till en beteendeförändring så tidigt som möjligt. Motiverande samtal (MI) är en samtalsmetod för att få individer motiverade till en förändring. Denna studie kommer att fokusera på just hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Olika hälso- och sjukvårds professioners använder motiverande samtal som metod för att stödja en beteendeförändring hos överviktiga ungdomar. Därutifrån har syftet till denna studie skapats vilket är att undersöka professionernas upplevelser av hur metoden fungerar på barn och ungdomar med övervikt. Studien har en kvalitativ insats som inkluderade intervjuer med sex stycken professioner. Intervjuerna spelades in och analyserades. Resultatet av studien visade att professionerna upplevde MI som en mycket positiv och användbar samtalsmetod och att kontinuitet behövdes för att upprätthålla kunskapen. Möjligheterna med att använda MI menar de professionella är att de ofta kan se en positiv förändring hos patientens beteende samt att de ser positivt på användningen av MI i framtiden. Författaren anser att det är viktigt att fortsätta utbilda personal som jobbar med människor inom MI då samhället troligtvis kan “spara” både pengar och tid hos personalen genom att använda MI i exempelvis primärvården. / The unhealthy lifestyles such as poor diets and lack of physical activity can lead to overweight and obesity for children and adolescents today. To not have the unhealthy lifestyles lead to future complications it’s important to give them the help and support they need to get motivated to change theirs behavior. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a method to help people change their behavior, this study will focus on a healthy lifestyle changes. A profession in healthcare uses the MI as a method to support the lifestyle change for children and adolescents with obesity. The purpose of this study is to examine what the professions experiences is concerning how the method works with children and adolescents with overweight. This study has used a qualitative method with six interviews. The interviews were recorded and analyzed. The result of this study showed that professions experiences MI as a very positive and useful method, also that the professions needed to use the method continuity to maintain the knowledge. The potential of MI as a method was that the professions often could see a positive change in the patient and the respondent had a positive view in using MI in the future. The author of this study believes that it’s incredibly important to keep working with MI as it probably can "save" money both for society and the work hours for professions in healthcare.
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Lietuvos šeimų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, gyvensenos ypatumai / Lifestyle`s peculiarities of Lithuanian families rising underfivesPetkutė, Sandra 10 June 2009 (has links)
Sveikata – tai vienas svarbiausių žmogaus laimės komponentų, viena didžiausių vertybių. Sveikata vaikystėje apsprendžia viso likusio žmogaus gyvenimo ir ateinančių kartų sveikatą. Laikotarpis nuo vaiko gimimo iki 5-6 metų yra lemiamas. Už vaikų sveikatą pirmiausia atsakingi tėvai, paskui pedagogai bei visuomenė. Vaikai auga sveiki, kai rūpinamasi jais ir ugdoma jų fizinė ir psichikos sveikata, tačiau paskutiniųjų metų mokslinių tyrimų duomenimis geros sveikatos vaikų mažėja.
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos šeimų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, gyvensenos ypatumus.
Uždaviniai. 1. Išanalizuoti šeimų gyvensenos ypatumus ir socioekonominius veiksnius; 2. Nustatyti šeimų gyvensenos ir socioekonominių veiksnių sąsajas; 3. Įvertinti tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, patiriamą stresą; 4. Nustatyti didžiausias iškylančias problemas, auginant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas 2008 metų pavasarį, Lietuvos ikimokyklinėse ugdymo įstaigose, kurios buvo pasirinktos iš 10 apskričių. Tyrime panaudota vienmomentinė anoniminė anketinė tėvų, auginančių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, apklausa. Anketa sudaryta iš 55 klausimų. Anketoje pateikti trijų tipų klausimai: uždaro tipo, pusiau uždaro bei atviro tipo klausimai. Anketos buvo išdalintos atsitiktinės atrankos būdu atrinktiems tėvams. Gautų duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant Microsoft Windows Excel programą bei SPSS programos 13.0 versiją.
Rezultatai: buvo ištirta šeimų gyvensena... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the most important components of human happiness and one of the biggest values is health. Health in childhood determines health for the rest human` life as well as next generations` health. Period from children birth till age of 5-6 years is fatal. At first parents, then educators and society are responsible for children’s` health. Children rise healthy then their physical and mental health is trained, but according to last years researches, number of children with good health is declining.
Aim of researcher. To value lifestyle`s peculiarities of Lithuanian families rising underfives.
Goals. 1. To analyze families lifestyles peculiarities and socioeconomical factors; 2. To identify correlation between families lifestyles peculiarities and socioeconomical factors; 3. To value stress of parents rising underfives; 4. To identify biggest problems of parents rising underfives.
Method of research. Research has been made in spring of 2008, in Lithuania` underfives education institution, which has been selected from 10 regions. Anomie questionnaire for the parents, rising underfives, has been used in research. Questionnaire consists of 55 questions. There are three types of questions in questionnaire: closed-ended type, half closed-ended type and open-ended type. Parents for questionnaires were selected by random selection method. Statistical analyze of data was made using programs: Microsoft Windows Excel program and SPSS program 13.0 version.
Results: families` lifestyles... [to full text]
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Sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) poreikis suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime / The education of healthy lifestyle in informal adult educationPaukštienė, Roma 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema: sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) poreikis suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime.
Mokslinė vadovė doc. dr. Regina Proškuvienė.
Problema – ar reikalingas sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime?
Tyrimo objektas – suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas neformaliame švietime.
Tikslas – ištirti sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) poreikį suaugusiųjų neformaliame švietime.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti gyvensenos įtaką sveikatai ir sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo raidą.
2. Įvertinti suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos žinių lygį.
3. Įvertinti suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos žinių taikymą gyvenime: jų elgesį ir įpročius.
4. Atskleisti suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo(si) problemiškumą ir ugdymo(si) poreikį.
Tyrimo metodai: teorinis, empirinis (praktinis), Content analizės ir matematinės statistikos.
Didžiausią įtaką žmogaus sveikatai daro jo gyvensena, ypač mityba, fizinis aktyvumas, psichikos tausojimas bei žalingų įpročių vengimas, todėl sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas(is) yra viena iš svarbiausių priemonių sveikatai palaikyti ir gerinti.
Pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje daugiau dėmesio yra skiriama vaikų ir paauglių sveikos gyvensenos ugdymui(si). Suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymas yra nepakankamas.
Lietuvoje nėra moksliškai pagrįstos suaugusiųjų sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo programos, apimančios visuminį (holistinį) sveikatos ugdymą, todėl privačia iniciatyva neformaliame švietime atsiranda sveikatos ugdymo programų, kurios ne visada grindžiamos moksliniais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of study – the education of healthy lifestyle in informal adult education.
Scientific leader docent doctor Regina Proškuvienė.
The problem of research – is the education of adult healthy lifestyle necessary in informal adult education?
The object of research – the adult healthy lifestyle education in informal adult education.
The aim of research – to explore the adult healthy lifestyle in informal adult education.
The tasks of research:
1. To analyse the healthy lifestyle influence to health and the evolution of healthy lifestyle education.
2. To estimate the level of the adult healthy lifestyle knowledge.
3. To evaluate the using of adult healthy lifestyle knowledge in life: their behaviour and habits.
4. To reveal the adult healthy lifestyle educational problems and a demand of education.
The methods of research: academic, empirical (practical), Content analysis and mathematical statistics.
Human being lifestyle, especially nutrition, physical activity, consideration of psyche and avoiding of harmful habits make the most influence into his health, therefore the healthy lifestyle education is one of the most important means to maintain and improve health.
The more attention is devoted for children and teenagers healthy lifestyle education in the world and in Lithuania. The education of adult healthy lifestyle is not satisfactory.
There isn‘t the adult healthy lifestyle program in Lithuania, which could cover the holistic (totality) health education... [to full text]
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Sveikos gyvensenos strategijų pasirinkimai: gyvenimo stiliaus raiška / Strategy choices of healthy lifestyle: the expression of lifestyleKazlauskaitė, Monika 07 June 2011 (has links)
Individualūs poreikiai ir asmeninė patirtis užima vis svarbesnę vietą sveikatos priežiūros sistemoje, plinta sveiko gyvenimo būdo idėjos. Subjektyviems poreikiams patenkinti šalia biomedicininio sveikatos gerinimo modelio atsiranda daugybė alternatyvių technikų bei sveikatos specialistų, siūlančių skirtingas sveikos gyvensenos strategijas. Šio darbo problema yra šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje atsirandantis sveikos gyvensenos strategijų pliuralizmas, siejamas su vartotojiškos kultūros, socialinės refleksijos ir pomaterialistinių vertybių atsiradimu. Biomedicina sveiką gyvenseną traktuoja kaip sveikatos gerinimo strategiją. Tačiau sveikos gyvensenos pasirinkimai susiję ne tik su sveikata, bet taip pat su tam tikro gyvenimo stiliaus pasirinkimu. Jei medicininės praktikos yra orientuotos į konkrečios problemos sprendimą, tai sveika gyvensena tampa kur kas platesniu reiškiniu. Todėl šiuo darbu siekiama atskleisti sveikos gyvensenos strategijų pasirinkimo motyvus, bei gyvenimo stiliaus raišką. Atlikus empirinių duomenų analizę paaiškėja, kad sveika gyvensena suvokiama kaip savirealizacijos, egzistencinio saugumo poreikio patenkinimo, subjektyvaus gerbūvio kūrimo priemonė. Sveikatos samprata peržengia vien biologinio poreikio ribas ir tampa saviraiškos piemone, sveikos gyvensenos vertybėmis grįstu savitu gyvenimo stiliumi. Sveikos gyvensenos praktikos ne tik stiprina sveikatą, bet subalansuojančiu ir kitas žmogaus gyvenimo sritis. / Individual needs and personal experience is gaining more importance in people’s health care system, and the patterns of healthy lifestyle are being spread along. To meet subjective needs of the people a number of alternative techniques and various health care specialists offering different lifestyle strategies appear next to the biomedical model of health promotion.
The core question of the present paper is the plurality of healthy lifestyle strategies associated with the appearance of consumer culture, social reflection and post-materialistic values in today’s society. In biomedicine healthy lifestyle is seen as a strategy of health improvement. However, the patterns of healthy lifestyle are not only associated with health but also with certain choices of a living of life. If medical practice focuses on a specific problem, a healthy lifestyle then becomes a much broader phenomenon. Therefore this paper aims at revealing the motif choice of strategy of healthy lifestyle and the expression of lifestyle.
The empirical analysis of the data showed that healthy lifestyle was perceived as a mean of self-realization, the satisfaction of the need of existential security and the development of subjective well-being. The concept of health goes beyond the limits of biological need becoming a mean of self-realization, a way of living based on values of healthy lifestyle. The practice of healthy lifestyle not only enhances one’s health but also becomes a much broader phenomenon equally... [to full text]
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Fenomén zdravého životního stylu v online prostředí: výzkum publika / The phenomenom of a heathy lifestyle online: an audience researchJindrová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the diploma theses "The Phenomenon of Healthy Lifestyle in the Online Setting: Public Research" is to introduce detailed characteristics of the audience consuming media subject matter focusing on healthy lifestyle. For this purpose the audience is defined as a group of readers of the thematic blog. At the same time the readers are linked up into the social network community and lead discussions of the given topic. The first part of the theses sets a theoretical framework of the healthy lifestyle phenomenon in the society and in the media. It is followed by the research of the audience using quantitative and qualitative indicator methods. Initially a "research preview" based on a questionnaire is completed, which provides general characteristics of the audience. The qualitative research realized by the method of the grounded theory using a form of half-structured dialogues with selected people from the audience describes in detail the role of healthy lifestyle in their lives and which values in this field these people follow. It also describes their habits connected with the consumption of the media subject matter focused on the topic, while the main emphasis is put on media channels in the online setting.
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Názor dětí staršího školního věku na pohyb, zdraví a sport / Opinion of children of senior school age on physical activity, health and sportŠindlerová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Name: Opinion of children of senior school age on physical activity, health and sport Aim: The aim of the diploma thesis is to create a comprehensive overview of issues associated with physical activity, health, sport and healthy lifestyle. This thesis investigates the knowledge and opinions of school children at second stage of Primary School on healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle. It further explores what factors influence students to take care of their lifestyles and whether there are differences in their opinions on healthy lifestyle influenced by gender, family or school they attend. The task of the work also determines whether the students of two selected primary schools in Slaný have a different opinion on the above mentioned physical activity, health, nutrition, physical education and sport. This thesis as well explains the students' motivation resulting in healthy lifestyle and discusses why are students entertained by physical education and sport as well as why they are not. Methods of the research: To obtain results relevant to the thesis, we have chosen a quantitative method - a questionnaire. It is a noninvasive anonymous survey which focuses on individuals in the older school-age - the second stage of Primary School. The essence of investigation is in collection of data and...
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Perceived Alzheimer's Disease Threat as a Predictor of Behavior Change to Lower Disease Risk: The Gray Matters StudyClark, Christine 01 May 2016 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease is a growing public health concern with the current number afflicted of 5 million in the US expected to triple by 2050. Since there is currently no cure or preventive pharmacological treatment, AD prevention research is now recognized as an important enterprise, with a goal to identify modifiable lifestyle factors that can reduce AD risk or delay its onset. Among these, increased physical activity, healthier food choices, more cognitive stimulation, better sleep quality, stress management, and social engagement have been identified as reasonable targets for behavioral intervention. A smartphone application-based behavioral intervention targeting these six behavioral domains was recently developed and a six-month randomized controlled trial was conducted, both to determine feasibility and compliance with technology usage and to test its efficacy. This study, titled the Gray Matters Study, was conducted in Cache County, Utah, enrolling a sample of 146 middle-aged participants (aged 40 to 64 years) randomized to treatment or control condition. Under the Health Belief Model, individuals who perceive a greater susceptibility to a particular health condition are hypothesized to be more likely to engage in more positive behaviors to reduce disease risk. Following this model, perceived threat of AD (operationalized by fear of AD, family history of AD, and metacognitive concerns) was examined for prediction of behavioral change over the six-month Gray Matters intervention period in these same six behavioral domains. Persons with a moderate level of fear of AD made significantly greater improvements in physical activity than those with low or high levels of fear. Family history was not a significant predictor of health-related behavioral change. However, persons with a moderate level of metacognitive concerns made significantly greater improvements in both physical activity and food quality than those with low or high levels of concerns. This is the first study to examine these psychological constructs related to AD risk and the extent to which they predict health-related behavior change. Future studies should extend the length of follow-up to at least one full year, include a more diverse sample of participants to expand generalizability, and build upon these findings to personalize supportive behavioral change interventions in order to be sensitive to these psychological factors.
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A Parent-Focused Intervention to Increase Parent Health Literacy and Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Young Children and Families.Fleary, Sasha 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Health literacy affects caregivers' ability to engage in preventive health care behaviors for themselves and their children. Studies suggest that health literacy among low income families needs improvement, and this possibly contributes to disparities in preventive health care rates. Additionally, parents and caregivers may not be able to provide or seek preventive health care for their children because of lack of knowledge and skills to do so effectively.
This study designed and piloted an intervention that delivered to parents of young children, 1) health literacy information in an experiential manner, and 2) practical skills to engage their families in healthy lifestyle choices, with the decisions for healthy lifestyle choices being based on the health knowledge provided in the intervention. Specifically, the intervention focused on diet/nutrition, physical activity, sleep hygiene, parenting skills, and mental wellness.
The intervention was successful at improving diet/nutrition knowledge at least one month post-intervention and more immediate changes were found for participants' overall beliefs about diet/nutrition, children's vegetable consumption, and parents' fruits and vegetable consumption. Immediate improvements were also found for factual knowledge about physical activity, sleep, and the relationship between mental health and stress. Additionally, the intervention was successful at improving general knowledge and beliefs about sleep, knowledge about the relationship between sleep and health, and knowledge about common childhood sleep problems at least one month post-intervention. The intervention also reduced participants' bedtime interactions with children that are indicative of sleep problems at least one month post-intervention. Future research should conceptualize the intervention as a multiple health behavior intervention and reflect this in the evaluation.
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Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att stödja familjer med ett överviktigt barn till en mer hälsosam livsstil / District nurses' experiences of supporting families with an overweight child to a healthier lifestyleGustavsson Ramström, Carina, Hultqvist, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt är ett internationellt hälsoproblem. Tidiga insatser av barnhälsovården är betydelsefulla och kan förebygga och förhindra framtida komplikationer. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att stödja familjer med ett överviktigt barn till en mer hälsosam livsstil. Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med åtta distriktssköterskor inom barnhälsovården i södra Sverige. Analysen av intervjuerna genomfördes med en metod för kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studiens resultat redovisas i tre kategorier: ”Relationer mellan distriktssköterskor och föräldrar”, ”Betydelsen av föräldrarnas insikt och vilja att förändra” samt ”Stödja familjerna till hälsosammare matvanor och motion” . I studien framkom att föräldrarnas insikt och vilja att förändra samt motivation var avgörande för att en förändring till en mer hälsosam livsstil skulle ske när ett barn var överviktigt. Att försöka stödja en familj när föräldrarna saknade insikt var en svår balansgång som krävde ett professionellt bemötande. Distriktssköterskornas förförståelse, erfarenheter, fördomar och attityder påverkade säkert medvetet eller omedvetet deras bemötande och familjernas reaktioner. De kunde ibland känna frustration när familjerna var ointresserade av det stöd de hade att erbjuda. Tvärprofessionellt samarbete förekom sällan. Slutsats: Det är betydelsefullt att som distriktssköterska vara medveten om att inte alla uppfattar övervikt som ett problem. Egna förutfattade meningar och värderingar kan påverka samspelet med familjerna. Föräldrarnas insikt och motivation är helt avgörande för att distriktssköterskor ska kunna stödja familjerna till en mer hälsosam livsstil. / Background: Obesity is an international health problem. Early intervention of child care is important and can avoid and prevent future complications. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe the district nurses' experiences of supporting families with an overweight child to a healthier lifestyle. Methodology: Qualitative interviews were conducted with eight district nurses in child health care in southern Sweden. The analyses of the interviews were done by manifest qualitative content analysis. Results: Study findings are reported in three categories:”Relationships between district nurses and parents”, “The importance of parents' awareness and willingness to change” and “Supporting families to healthy nutrition and exercise”. The study showed that parents understanding and willingness to change and motivation was the key to change to a healthier lifestyle when a child was overweight. Trying to support a family when parents lacked insight was a difficult balancing act that required a professional approach. District nurses' pre-understanding, experiences, prejudices and attitudes may affect their treatment and family reactions consciously or unconsciously. They could sometimes feel frustration when families were not interested in the support they had to offer. Multidisciplinary collaboration was infrequent. Conclusion: It is significant that district nurses are aware of that not all perceive obesity as a problem. Own preconceived ideas and values can affect the interaction with families. Parents’ knowledge and motivation are determining factors for district nurses to support families to a healthier lifestyle.
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