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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenska handelsanställda ungdomar i Öresundsregionen

Holst, Liselott, Lindgren, Ida January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra hur svenska ungdomar som arbetar inom servicebranschen i Sverige respektive Danmark ser på arbete. Vad driver vissa ungdomar att ta steget över till den danska arbetsmarknaden, medan andra väljer att stanna kvar i Sverige? Avsikten är att undersöka detta utifrån utbildningsbakgrund, kön, social klass, familjesituation och ålder för att se om det finns några samband mellan dessa faktorer och val av land att arbeta i. Vi har gjort en enkätundersökning bland svenska ungdomar som arbetar inom handel i Sverige respektive Danmark. De resultat vi har fått fram visar att de främsta motiven till att arbeta i Danmark för dessa ungdomar är en högre lön och en bättre arbetsmarknad i Danmark. När det gäller inställningen till arbete och till den egna arbetssituationen skiljer sig inte resultaten åt särskilt mycket mellan de två grupperna. Ett resultat som också har framkommit är att rörligheten i Danmarksgruppen är högre än i Sverigegruppen. Med det menar vi att det är fler i Danmarksgruppen som har varit anställda en kortare tid än de i Sverigegruppen. När det gäller att värdesätta karriär är ungdomarna i Danmarksgruppen överlag mer positiva till detta än de i Sverigegruppen. / The aim with this work is to compare how Swedish young people that work within the service sector in Sweden respective Denmark sees on work. What runs certain young people to take the stage over to the Danish labor market, while others choose to stay left in Sweden? The intention is to examine this on the basis of education batch shallow, gender, social class, family situation and age in order to see about there be some connections between these factors and choices of country to work in. We have done a questionnaire survey among Swedish young people that works within trade in Sweden respective Denmark. Those results we have may forward shows that the most front reasons to working in Denmark for these young people are a higher salary and a better labor market in Denmark. When it comes to the attitude to work and to the own working situation divides the results between the two groups not particularly much. A result that also has arrived is that the mobility in Danmarksgruppen is higher than in Sverigegruppen. With it means we that it is more in Danmarksgruppen that has been an employee shorter time than they in Sverigegruppen. When it comes to that value setting career is the young people in Danmarksgruppen överlag more positive to this than they in Sverigegruppen.

Design, Characterization And Compact Modeling Of Novel Silicon Controlled Rectifier (scr)-based Devices For Electrostatic Discha

Lou, Lifang 01 January 2008 (has links)
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), an event of a sudden transfer of electrons between two bodies at different potentials, happens commonly throughout nature. When such even occurs on integrated circuits (ICs), ICs will be damaged and failures result. As the evolution of semiconductor technologies, increasing usage of automated equipments and the emerging of more and more complex circuit applications, ICs are more sensitive to ESD strikes. Main ESD events occurring in semiconductor industry have been standardized as human body model (HBM), machine model (MM), charged device model (CDM) and international electrotechnical commission model (IEC) for control, monitor and test. In additional to the environmental control of ESD events during manufacturing, shipping and assembly, incorporating on-chip ESD protection circuits inside ICs is another effective solution to reduce the ESD-induced damage. This dissertation presents design, characterization, integration and compact modeling of novel silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)-based devices for on-chip ESD protection. The SCR-based device with a snapback characteristic has long been used to form a VSS-based protection scheme for on-chip ESD protection over a broad rang of technologies because of its low on-resistance, high failure current and the best area efficiency. The ESD design window of the snapback device is defined by the maximum power supply voltage as the low edge and the minimum internal circuitry breakdown voltage as the high edge. The downscaling of semiconductor technology keeps on squeezing the design window of on-chip ESD protection. For the submicron process and below, the turn-on voltage and sustain voltage of ESD protection cell should be lower than 10 V and higher than 5 V, respectively, to avoid core circuit damages and latch-up issue. This presents a big challenge to device/circuit engineers. Meanwhile, the high voltage technologies push the design window to another tough range whose sustain voltage, 45 V for instance, is hard for most snapback ESD devices to reach. Based on the in-depth elaborating on the principle of SCR-based devices, this dissertation first presents a novel unassisted, low trigger- and high holding-voltage SCR (uSCR) which can fit into the aforesaid ESD design window without involving any extra assistant circuitry to realize an area-efficient on-chip ESD protection for low voltage applications. The on-chip integration case is studied to verify the protection effectiveness of the design. Subsequently, this dissertation illustrate the development of a new high holding current SCR (HHC-SCR) device for high voltage ESD protection with increasing the sustain current, not the sustain voltage, of the SCR device to the latchup-immune level to avoid sacrificing the ESD protection robustness of the device. The ESD protection cells have been designed either by using technology computer aided design (TCAD) tools or through trial-and-error iterations, which is cost- or time-consuming or both. Also, the interaction of ESD protection cells and core circuits need to be identified and minimized at pre-silicon stage. It is highly desired to design and evaluate the ESD protection cell using simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE)-like circuit simulation by employing compact models in circuit simulators. And the compact model also need to predict the response of ESD protection cells to very fast transient ESD events such as CDM event since it is a major ESD failure mode. The compact model for SCR-based device is not widely available. This dissertation develops a macromodeling approach to build a comprehensive SCR compact model for CDM ESD simulation of complete I/O circuit. This modeling approach offers simplicity, wide availability and compatibility with most commercial simulators by taking advantage of using the advanced BJT model, Vertical Bipolar Inter-Company (VBIC) model. SPICE Gummel-Poon (SGP) model has served the ICs industry well for over 20 years while it is not sufficiently accurate when using SGP model to build a compact model for ESD protection SCR. This dissertation seeks to compare the difference of SCR compact model built by using VBIC and conventional SGP in order to point out the important features of VBIC model for building an accurate and easy-CAD implement SCR model and explain why from device physics and model theory perspectives.

The Sensory Basis of Rheotaxis in Turbulent Flow

Elder, John Price 03 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Numerical study on hydraulic verticallift gate during shutdown process

Sund, Mattias, Magnusson, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
China is undergoing a rapid increase in their development of hydropower.Due to this rapid increase, China has become one of theleading countries in technological solutions regarding the constructionof the hydropower plant. The hydro resources in China are extensivebut building a new power plant is laborious and costly. Upgrading anexisting power plant is therefore of interest. Increasing the volume flowis one way, but this can bring problems to the hydraulic structures.The design of hydraulic gates is crucial for operating a hydropowerplant safely. An emergency gate is especially important as it protectsthe turbine situated downstream of the gate. In this study, a numericalsimulation of the shutdown process of a hydraulic vertical lift gatewas conducted. The simulation was done in two dimensions using theReynolds Navier Stokes Equations (RANS), together with the RNGk ≠ ‘ turbulence model and the Volume of Fluid method (VOF). Thegoal was to extract the pressure distribution around the gate, subsequently,attaining the hydrodynamic forces and also to observe andanalyze the flow surrounding the gate. The simulation was comparedwith existing experimental data, from a 1/18 scale model, for validation.Once the model was validated, eight different cases were tested toimprove the operating conditions. The closing speed of the gate andthe gate bottom angle was altered in order to reduce the down-pullforce and undesirable flow phenomena. It was found that lowering thegate speed to 8.1 m/min would have positive effect. As the gate closesrelatively fast with reduced forces compared to a faster speed, and withless induced vibrations than with a slower speed. Changing the gatebottom angle from 9¶ to 30¶, would also have a considerable positiveinfluence of the lowered gate vibrations. However changing the bottomangle needs to be more thoroughly studied concerning structuraleffects.

Women's Access to School Superintendency Roles

Solomon, Dana 12 1900 (has links)
Men continue to outnumber women in public school superintendent roles by a 4:1 ratio. However, women outnumber men by a 4:1 ratio in teaching roles in public school districts. In addition, more women than men hold superintendent certificates and educational doctorates. Due to this puzzling discrepancy, it is important to understand possible factors in the form of gendered barriers to access that could lead to the unequal representation of women in superintendent positions. In this study, I examined how these barriers manifested in the experiences of female superintendents participating in the study, how they influenced the hiring experiences of these participants, and how they impacted these female leaders throughout their careers. With this study, I investigated barriers associated with holding mechanisms, gendered norms, and gendered filters that may limit women's access to superintendent roles. Women's experiences of the origins and effects of gender normative perceptions and hiring practices have potential for contributing to the study of gender equity in the field of education and beyond. Findings could provide implications for increasing women's opportunities to serve beyond central office positions in public school districts. Possibilities exist for identifying practices in organizations that have hired women to serve at the highest level of school district leadership; that of the superintendent of schools.

L'approche CRONE dans le domaine des architectures complexes des suspensions de véhicules automobiles : la suspension CRONE Hydractive / The CRONE method applied to the complex structures of the car suspension with a Hydractive CRONE car suspension

Rizzo, Audrey 19 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la continuité des travaux de l'équipe CRONE appliqués à la suspension. Cette thèse permet de proposer une suspension CRONE qui non seulement gère le compromis Isolation vibratoire/ tenue de caisse mais également isolation vibratoire/ tenue de roue. Pour cela un critère est développé sur la tenue de roue, applicable à tous types de suspensions permettant l’analyse et le dimensionnement de la suspension pour le contrôle de roue. De plus afin de lever le dilemme entre sollicitations route et sollicitation conducteur, une stratégie pour les suspensions bi -états est proposée et appliquée sur suspension hydractive. Enfin , un travail de formalisme de l’ influence la suspension sur la dynamique véhicule fut réalisé permettant d ’enrichir la stratégie de commutation déjà développée pour agir en virage et en freinage et ainsi optimiser l’utilisation de la suspension . / This thesis follows some previous work of the CRONE team applied to carsuspensions. It allows to purpose one car suspension, called CRONE car suspension, whichimproves the compromise between low frequency road filtering and car holding and thecompromise between hight frequency road filtering and wheel holding. To hold the wheel acriterium on the wheel holding is developed. This criterium can be used to analyse and tunedall kind of car suspension around the wheel pulsation. Moreover, to fight against thecompromise between the driver input and the raod input, a control laws is developed andapplied to a bi-state car suspension called hydractive car suspension. Finally, the influence ofthe car suspension tuning on the vehicle dynamic and more precisely on the ESP, ABSsystems is studied and illustrated with some first experiments.

La fiscalité des sociétés holdings en Turquie / Taxation of holding companies in Turkey

Celener, Balca 30 March 2015 (has links)
La société holding est une réalité économique dont l’importance ne cesse d’augmenter. Plusieurs États offrent des régimes de faveurs fiscales pour attirer les holdings sur leurs territoires. Le système fiscal turc n’offre pas un tel «régime holding» mais il comporte plusieurs dispositions qui offrent certains avantages aux participations turques et étrangères. Une fiscalité avantageuse pour les holdings est intéressante pour un État dans la mesure où elle lui permet d’attirer les entreprises. Les dispositions fiscales peuvent rendre un territoire attractif et compétitif mais elles peuvent inciter une évasion fiscale à l’intérieur même du territoire. Le second risque engendré par le régime fiscal avantageux est l’établissement d’une concurrence fiscale déloyale. Les éléments clés d’une fiscalité idéale pour la société holding prennent en compte, d’une part la distribution des bénéfices de la holding, et d’autre part, les bénéfices provenant de ses propres participations, notamment les dividendes provenant de ses filiales et les plus-values de cession de ces participations. Par ailleurs, le régime fiscal holding doit être attractif et compétitif tout en restant compatible avec les principes reconnus du droit fiscal international. / The holding company is an economic reality whose importance is still increasing. Several countries offer tax benefits plans to attract holdings in their territories. The Turkish tax system does not offer such a "holding plan" but it contains several provisions that provide certain benefits to Turkish and foreign investments. Tax advantages for holding companies are important for the State to the extent that it attracts businesses and group companies. The tax provisions can make an attractive and competitive territory, yet they may increase tax evasion within the same territory. Another risk caused by the advantageous tax regime is harmful tax competition. The key elements of an ideal tax system of holding companies are about, first of all, the distribution of profits of the holding company and secondly, income from its own shares, including dividends from its subsidiaries and the capital gains disposal of their shares. Furthermore, the holding company tax system must be both competitive and attractive and at the same time it must be compatible with the principles acknowledged by international tax law.

Technologie vstřikování zkušebních těles z termoplastů / Technology of injection molding of thermoplastic test specimens

Khamzin, Yersin January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the optimization of technological parameters of plastic injection molding and the study of the influence of technological parameters on the quality of molded test specimens’ type 1A. The quality of molded parts for 3 types of polypropylene (PP) with different melt flow rate (Mosten GB 002, Mosten GB 218, Mosten MA 230) and 1 type of polystyrene (PS) (Krasten PS GP 154) was evaluated in terms of dimensional stability and weight. The contribution of software for modeling the plastic injection molding process was evaluated in this work. SOLIDWORKS Plastics software was used to optimize technological parameters. The construction of the bodies, mold and cooling system was constructed, and test bodies were produced on the basis of parameters obtained from the simulation of the injection molding process. Their quality parameters were compared with a 3D model and for each of the studied materials the optimal technological parameters were selected in terms of quality and the degree of influence of individual injection parameters on the quality of moldings was evaluated. The accordance of the results of the theoretical simulation with the real experiment was proved and a computational module independent of the optimized quality parameters, generally suitable for optimizing the quality parameters of the injected parts, was developed.

Property regulation in South Africa : paving the way for regulation in Lesotho / Mpho Tsepiso Tlale

Tlale, Mpho Tsepiso January 2014 (has links)
Rapid growth of cities has become a trend in most countries, this is caused by urbanisation wherein people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of employment. It goes without saying that such population needs housing. However, it is unusual to find land for housing in an already crowded place. Therefore, to curb this shortage in housing, countries like South Africa have resorted to adoption of fragmented property holding in and around the cities. Thus, in an attempt to curtail housing shortages in the urban area as well as land shortage, communal property schemes were adopted together with their governing legislation namely, Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, Share Blocks Act 59 of 1980 and Property Time-sharing Control Act 75 of 1983 to name a few. Likewise, Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho is also experiencing rapid growth in population. Hence, with the introduction of Lesotho’s Sectional Titles Bill 2013 came a ray of hope that the land and housing shortage in Maseru would be addressed. With this in mind, this suggested that the Government of Lesotho together with all concerned stakeholders thought it necessary to address this problem through the 2013 Bill which, for the most part follows the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986. It is for this reason that this study was embarked on to show other forms of property holding akin to sectional titles as well as their regulation, which can all be used to eliminate housing shortages in Lesotho. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Property regulation in South Africa : paving the way for regulation in Lesotho / Mpho Tsepiso Tlale

Tlale, Mpho Tsepiso January 2014 (has links)
Rapid growth of cities has become a trend in most countries, this is caused by urbanisation wherein people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of employment. It goes without saying that such population needs housing. However, it is unusual to find land for housing in an already crowded place. Therefore, to curb this shortage in housing, countries like South Africa have resorted to adoption of fragmented property holding in and around the cities. Thus, in an attempt to curtail housing shortages in the urban area as well as land shortage, communal property schemes were adopted together with their governing legislation namely, Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, Share Blocks Act 59 of 1980 and Property Time-sharing Control Act 75 of 1983 to name a few. Likewise, Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho is also experiencing rapid growth in population. Hence, with the introduction of Lesotho’s Sectional Titles Bill 2013 came a ray of hope that the land and housing shortage in Maseru would be addressed. With this in mind, this suggested that the Government of Lesotho together with all concerned stakeholders thought it necessary to address this problem through the 2013 Bill which, for the most part follows the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986. It is for this reason that this study was embarked on to show other forms of property holding akin to sectional titles as well as their regulation, which can all be used to eliminate housing shortages in Lesotho. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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