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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rape and Sexual Violence Used as a Weapon of War and Genocide

Peltola, Larissa 01 January 2018 (has links)
Rape and other forms of sexual violence have been used against civilian populations since the advent of armed conflict. However, recent scholarship within the last few decades proves that rape is not a byproduct of war or a result of transgressions by a few “bad apples,” rather, rape and sexual violence are used as strategic, systematic, and calculated tools of war, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Rape has also been used as a means of preventing future generations of children of “undesirable” groups from being born. Rape and sexual violence are also used with the purpose of intimidating women and their communities, destroying the social fabric and cohesion of specific groups, and even as a final act of humiliation before killing the victim. In each conflict that is examined in this thesis, sexual violence is used against civilian populations for the specific purpose of genocide.

Institutional approach of IHL and IHRL: current trends in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights / Aproximación institucional del DIH y el DIDH: tendencias actuales en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

Salmón Gárate, Elizabeth 12 April 2018 (has links)
Recently, the interaction between International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has been significantly developed by the jurisprudence of the Inter- American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR). This article analyzes this recent trend from the cases of the Santo Domingo Massacreand Afro communities displaced from the Cacarica River Basin (Operation Genesis) of this tribunal to assert its competence not only to use IHL to interpret the Inter-American human rights instruments but, at the same time, to approach a direct use of humanitarian standards, which creates a gray area between the interpretation and application of such area of Law. In doing so, the Court resorts to the lex specialis if the IHL norm is the most specialized for the case, and uses IHL to a limited extent, only to expand the content of human rights, but not to judge on possible violations of IHL, which results in a methodology of pick and choose of IHL provisions. / Recientemente, la interacción entre el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (DIDH) y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH) ha sido desarrollada significativamente en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH). Este artículo analiza la tendencia reciente de los casos Masacre de Santo Domingo y Comunidades Afrodescendientes desplazadas de la cuenca del río Cacarica (Operación Génesis) de este tribunal para afirmar su competencia no solo para utilizar el DIH al interpretar los instrumentos interamericanos de derechos humanos, pero, al mismo tiempo, para aproximarse a la utilización directa de las normas humanitarias, lo que genera una zona gris entre la interpretación y aplicación de esta área del Derecho. Al hacerlo, la Corte recurre a la lex specialis si la norma del DIH es la más especializada para el caso; y utiliza el DIH hasta cierto límite, solamente para expandir el contenido de los derechos humanos, pero no para juzgar posibles violaciones del DIH, lo que resulta en una metodología de pick and choose (selectiva) de las normas del DIH.

The legality of the intervention in Mali / La legalidad de la intervención en Malí

Saldarriaga Velásquez, Giuliana Stephanie 10 April 2018 (has links)
Due to the crisis lived in Mali since 2012, due to a non-international armed conflict between the government and different armed groups, the Security Council of the United Nations Organization declared that the situation in Mali constituted a threat to international peace and security. This led to the military intervention in Mali by France. This article aims to analyse the arguments with which the French government attempted to justify its intervention in order to determine if those arguments are legal or not. / Debido a la crisis que vive Malí desde el año 2012, a causa de un conflicto armado no internacional entre el gobierno y varios grupos armados, el Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de Naciones Unidas declaró que dicha situación representaba una amenaza contra la paz y la seguridad internacionales. Ello condujo a la intervención  militar de Francia  en la República de Malí. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los argumentos con los que el gobierno francés justificó su intervención para así determinar sidichos argumentos son legales o no.

Uma análise jurídico-penal do processo de criminalização do terrorismo internacional : obstáculos dogmáticos na tipificação do fenômeno e novas perspectivas de enfrentamento / A legal-criminal analysis of the criminalization process of international terrorism : dogmatic obstacles in the typification of the phenomenon and new perspectives of confronting

Machado Júnior, Elisio Augusto de Souza 30 April 2018 (has links)
Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SE / The research presents a critical approach about the dogmatic obstacles identified in cases of international terrorism typification. Considering the assumptions of systemic validity of criminal law, the research, through the method of review and comparative analysis of international documents, questions the scientificity in the choice for the autonomous criminalization of conduits to him related. The criminal law has suffered with the inflows of the globalisation process, requiring the overcoming of old dogmas. This new dynamic has guided the abandonment to the rigidity of a criminal science focused on the national scope, putting the problem about terrorism in an international plan. There is, indeed, a clear need for concepts and ways of coping so far used should undergo a thorough review. Terrorism is the most emblematic example of this new order, where the criminal types edited, due to the own terminological vagueness, by reason of their own terminological imprecision, disfigured a series of elementary precepts legitimating, from the principle of legality, the valid imputation of a conduct. The research seeks to assess whether there is legitimacy in the use of criminal law to deal with international terrorism, analyzing if the international criminal law and humanitarian law, isolated or in combination, would not be more appropriate ways to that adopt a minimally harmful output to the rights and fundamental guarantees committed in the process of criminalization. / A pesquisa apresenta uma abordagem crítica acerca dos obstáculos dogmáticos identificados na tipificação do terrorismo internacional. Considerando os pressupostos de validade sistêmica do direito penal, a pesquisa, por meio do método de revisão bibliográfica e análise comparada de documentos internacionais, questiona a racionalidade na escolha pela criminalização autônoma de condutas a ele relacionadas. O direito penal sofreu com os influxos do processo de globalização, passando a exigir a superação de antigas estruturas e construções clássicas. Essa nova dinâmica tem orientado o abandono à rigidez de uma ciência penal voltada ao âmbito de aplicação nacional, colocando o problema acerca do terrorismo num plano internacional. Há, com efeito, uma clara necessidade de que conceitos e caminhos de enfrentamento até então utilizados devam passar por uma profunda reanálise. O terrorismo é o exemplo mais emblemático dessa nova ordem, onde os tipos penais editados, em razão da própria imprecisão terminológica, desfiguraram uma série de preceitos elementares que legitimam, a partir do princípio da legalidade, a válida imputação de uma conduta. A pesquisa busca avaliar se há validade na utilização do direito penal interno para lidar com o terrorismo internacional, analisando se o direito penal internacional e direito humanitário, isolados ou conjuntamente, não seriam caminhos mais adequados para que se adote uma saída minimamente danosa aos direitos e garantias fundamentais comprometidos no processo de criminalização. / São Cristóvão, SE

Humanitaires et Journalistes : des acteurs de terrain non négligeables en droit international, de par leurs missions en zones de conflit armé. / Humanitarian and Journalists : significant field actors in international law, because of their missions in areas of armed conflict.

Lhoni, Murielle 18 December 2017 (has links)
Les Humanitaires et les Journalistes sont des acteurs de terrain qui se mobilisent à chaque fois que des conflits armés éclatent et que des populations sont, malheureusement, livrées à elles-mêmes. Leurs missions respectives consistent, d'une part, à venir en aide aux victimes touchées soit par la maladie, soit par la famine ou encore par les blessures de guerre ; d'autre part, à informer sur la situation conflictuelle en cours, parfois à en dénoncer les dérives et violations du droit de la guerre. Cependant, le danger n'est jamais très loin de ces deux acteurs de terrain, car ils sont exposés aux effets directs et indirects du conflit armé que peuvent être : les enlèvements voire les rétentions arbitraires, les assassinats, les viols, etc. La particularité de leurs missions et la dangerosité des zones dans lesquelles ils exercent, leur ont fait gagner en importance en droit international. C’est en ce sens qu’un cadre de protection juridique des Humanitaires et des Journalistes a été élaboré par le droit international, notamment via deux de ses branches que sont le droit international humanitaire et le droit pénal international. Il en résulte donc à la fois une protection par les textes contraignants de droit international humanitaire, ainsi qu’une protection par la répression judiciaire des violations desdits textes grâce aux règles de droit pénal international. Un équilibre parfait sur le papier que les juridictions compétentes tardent à appliquer, principalement en raison d’une négligence, voire d’un désintérêt, pour la problématique de la protection juridique des Humanitaires et des Journalistes. / Humanitarian workers and journalists are actors on the ground who mobilize every time armed conflicts erupt and populations are unfortunately left to their own devices. Their respective missions consist, on the one hand, in helping the victims affected either by illness, famine or war wounds ; on the other hand, to inform about the current conflict situation, sometimes to denounce its abuses and violations of the law of war. However, the danger is never very far from these two actors on the ground, because they are exposed to the direct and indirect effects of the armed conflict that can be : kidnappings or even arbitrary retention, assassinations, rape, etc. The particularity of their missions and the dangerousness of the areas in which they exercise, has increased their importance in international law. It is in this sense that a legal protection framework for humanitarians and journalists has been developed by international law, in particular through two branches of : international humanitarian law and international criminal law. The result is both protection by binding texts of international humanitarian law, as well as protection by judicial repression of violations of these texts thanks to the rules of international criminal law. A perfect balance on paper that the competent jurisdictions are slow to apply, mainly because of negligence or even lack of interest in the legal protection of humanitarians and journalists.

Dítě v ozbrojeném konfliktu ve světle článku 38 Úmluvy o právech dítěte / A child in an armed conflict in the light of Art. 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Kučerová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
A Child in an Armed Conflict in the Light of Article 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child The thesis aims to transparently elaborate the topic of protection of children in armed conflicts pursuant to the Article 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as identification of the main problems associated with the topic and efforts to suggest their solutions. The thesis also focuses on monitoring and enforcement mechanism of individual international instruments. The body of the thesis is divided into four parts, each of several chapters. The first part of the thesis deals with the development of protection of children in armed conflicts until the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and relevant international law documents on the protection of children in armed conflicts. The first part also includes a chapter with the identification of the main problems associated with the protection of children. Second part of the thesis concentrates on the analysis of various instruments of international law regarding the protection of children, that is, of course, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, and following documents regarding protection of children based on this Convention, i.e. The Convention of the International Labour Organization...

Unaccountable Soldiers: Private Military Companies and the Law of Armed Conflict

McRae, Peter January 2012 (has links)
The use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) has become an increasingly common feature of contemporary armed conflict. Because of their autonomous contractual status, PMCs have presented governments with problems of accountability on several levels, including violations of international human rights and humanitarian law (IHL) standards. This thesis argues that PMCs should be considered to be non-state actors (NSAs), subject to international law from both an International Relations Theory and a Legal Theory perspective. This conclusion is linked to the issue of whether individual PMC employees can be treated as legitimate combatants according to IHL. State practice has not led to a clear understanding of the definition of combatant, a problem which has been compounded by a lack of government policy on the use of PMCs. Using Canadian experience as a case study, the thesis concludes that IHL suggests two options for regularizing the status of PMCs which would both strengthen accountability and uphold the rule of law.

Hodnotenie výsledkov kampane Counter-terror with justice: Guantánamo - Obamov nesplnený sľub? / Evaluation of the results of the campaign Counter Terror with Justice - Obama and his broken promise

Husárová, Denisa January 2012 (has links)
On the particular example of the US new motto of the foreign policy after 9/11 --War on Terror I am trying to refer to the work of the non-profit organization Amnesty International in the field of the international relations. I am pointing out its importance in the decision-making process of the political elites. My intention is to find the correlation between the persuasion of the American population in relation to its leadership or leaders based on the expressed promises in the election campaign. As the object of my work I have chosen the current US President - Barack Obama whose one of his five main promises declared in the campaign was to defeat the terrorism, detain and adequately punish the masterminds of attacks from the September 2001 for the committed crimes. This point comprises the significant change from the approach of his predecessor and so the closure of the Guantanamo military base as a symbol of modern torture and denial of human rights which serves as a detention camp for the suspects of terrorism for more than 14 years now. This was a daring commitment but he gained millions of supporters thanks to it. This option comprised the expectations of sophisticated solutions for tens of substantial issues, including meeting the objective of punishment of the terrorists and establishment of deterrent precedent for any other similar attempts. Obama failed to accomplish it.

The development of joint criminal enterprise and command responsibility by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Ivanovic, Lidija 29 May 2014 (has links)
LL.M. (International Law) / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

Le statut juridique des "combattants étrangers" en droit international / The legal status of "foreign fighters" under international law

Tropini, Julien 11 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Quel est le point commun entre George Orwell, André Malraux, Davy Crockett et Oussama Ben Laden ?Cette question pourrait en surprendre certains. Comment trouver un point commun entre, l’auteur de La Ferme des animaux et de 1984, le résistant et ministre français et l’élu du Congrès des États-Unis ancré dans la culture populaire ?Qui plus est s’ils le partagent avec l’ancien leader d’Al Qaida.Comme des milliers d’autres, ils ont été des « combattants étrangers ». En des temps différents et pour défendre des causes différentes, ils entreprirent un voyage qui les mena à prendre les armes dans des guerres étrangères. Ce phénomène historique a connu, depuis la dernière décennie, un nouveau tournant juridique à travers le flux des milliers d’étrangers qui ont rejoint l’une des parties belligérantes en Syrie ou en Irak. Pour faire face à cette menace pour la paix et la sécurité internationales, les Nations unies ont alors créé le statut juridique de « combattant terroriste étranger », soumettant ces étrangers des conflits armés aux dispositions de la lutte contre le terrorisme. Toutefois, ce statut semble souffrir de nombreuses lacunes qui, notamment, ne permettent pas de différencier un terroriste international d’un simple volontaire international, d’un membre d’un groupe armé organisé ou encore d’un combattant d’une force armée étatique. George Orwell, André Malraux et Davy Crockett seraient aujourd’hui sûrement considérés comme des « combattants terroristes étrangers ». De plus, l’application de ce statut pour identifier des acteurs des conflits armés entre en opposition avec certaines règles du droit international. Finalement, pour trouver le statut juridique des « combattants étrangers », pour les identifier et encadrer leurs activités, y compris leurs actes terroristes, c’est vers les règles du Droit international humanitaire qu’il faut se tourner. Les « combattants étrangers », même terroristes, sont déjà identifiés par les statuts du Droit dans la guerre. / What do George Orwell, André Malraux, Davy Crockett and Osama Bin Laden have in common? This question might be surprising to some. How to find a common trait between the author of Animal Farm and 1984, the French resistance former minister, and the elected representative of the United States congress rooted in popular culture? Especially, if they are to share it with the former leader of Al Qaeda.Like thousands of others, they were "foreign fighters". In different times and to defend different causes, they undertook a journey which led them to take up arms in foreign wars. This historic phenomenon underwent a new legal turning point the last decade through the flow of thousands of foreigners who joined one of the belligerent parties in Syria and Iraq. To address this threat to international peace and security, the United Nations created the legal term of “foreign terrorist fighter”, subjecting these foreigners in armed conflicts to provisions in international counter-terrorism law. However, this status suffers shortcomings, which make it impossible, in particular, to differentiate between an international terrorist, an international volunteer, a member of an organized armed group or even a combatant of a state armed force. Today, George Orwell, André Malraux and Davy Crockett would probably be considered as "foreign terrorist fighters". In addition, the application of such status to identify actors of armed conflicts is in opposition with some rules of international law. Finally, to determine the correct legal status of "foreign fighters", to identify them and thus regulate their activities, including their terrorist acts, it is to the rules of international humanitarian law that we must turn. Even when qualified as “terrorists”, "foreign fighters" are already identified by the status of the law of war. / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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