Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] IMMERSION"" "subject:"[enn] IMMERSION""
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Immersion och lärandeBodén, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
I denna uppsats försöker jag fastställa om immersion har någon effekt på lärande i serious games och i så fall vilken effekt det har. Många spelutvecklare och forskare säger att immersion hjälper lärande i spel. I min genomgång av fakta har jag inte kunnat hitta något som stödjer denna åsikt. Många artiklar hänvisar till ”tidigare forskning” men saknar sedan referenser till denna forskning. Det finns en viss grund för påståendena att immersion hjälper lärande i spel, men immersion är ett begrepp som kommit att användas på fel sätt inom spelindustrin och dess effekter har kraftigt missförståtts. De studier som har visat immersion effekter har aldrig rört vid hur immersion interagerar tillsammans med spel. Utvecklare har tagit forskningen ur sitt sammanhang och sedan direkt försökt applicera den på sina spel utan vidare studier
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Designriktlinjer för handinteraktion för att stödja immersion i VR : En studie om att skapa riktlinjer för design av handinteraktion för VR för att stödja immersionKarlsson, Fredrik, Lundberg, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Virtuell verklighet (VR) har börjat användas i större utsträckning av människor inomområden som utbildning och underhållning. För att VR ska uppfattas som en seriösplattform för att skapa utbildnings- och underhållningstjänster, är en känsla avimmersion en viktig del av användarupplevelsen. Det finns idag olika metoder för attinteragera med VR men de saknar upplevelsen av att vara naturliga och realistiska.Handinteraktion anses vara ett naturligt sätt för människor att interagera med VR och harförutsättningar för att stödja immersion. Trots att handinteraktion anses vara ett bra sättatt interagera med VR finns det idag inga riktlinjer som underlättar för att designa tjänstermed handinteraktion. För att undersöka hur handinteraktion kan designas för att stödjaimmersion i VR, har vi utgått från frågan:Hur kan handinteraktion designas för virtuell verklighet för att stödja immersion?Genom vår studie har vi identifierat aspekter som är viktiga för att handinteraktion skastödja immersion. Frågan studeras genom en designorienterad ansats med kvalitativadatainsamlingsmetoder som deltagartester, intervjuer och observationer. Testdeltagarnasom deltagit i studien är rekryterade baserat på deras tidigare erfarenheter av VR ochspel. Studien bidrar med kunskap om vad som är viktigt för att handinteraktion skauppfattas som naturligt och realistiskt för att stödja immersion när det används i VR. / Virtual reality (VR) is becoming more commonly used by people in areas like educationand entertainment. However, for VR to be a serious platform for creating education andentertainment services, the sense of immersion is an important part of the userexperience. Today there are several methods to interact with VR, but they often lack thefeeling of being natural and realistic. Hand interaction is seen as a natural way for peopleto interact with VR and has potential to create immersion. However, even though handinteraction is seen to be a natural way of interacting with VR there’s no guidelinesavailable to facilitate the design of VR-services with hand interaction. To study how handinteraction can be designed to support immersion in VR, we’ve asked the question:“How can hand interaction be designed for virtual reality to support immersion?”Through our study, we have identified aspects that are important for hand interaction tobe able to support immersion. The question has been studied through a design orientedapproach with qualitative data gathering methods such as participant test, interviews andobservations. The test participants were recruited based on their previous experience ofVR and games. The study contributes with knowledge regarding what is important for
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Ditidaht elders’ strategies for the introduction of immersion programs in a First Nation communityTouchie, Bernice 05 1900 (has links)
The thesis explores the possibilities for immersion in a First Nation small
community whose language survival hinges on the action by the 5% fluent
speakers. Curriculum planning is needed at a time when First Nations do not
have the resources or experience in teaching their language as a second language
and very limited experience with curriculum development and school
administration. The author is familiar with the deep emotional desire for
effective language programs but the communities cannot find an effective means
for truly successful results.
The occasional Native teacher searches for methods by learning linguistic
strategies or modeling literate classroom lessons. Community leaders face
surmounting obstacles while elders pass away with each crucial decade.
These obstacles and constraints are not only due to social ills but also to
the attempt at developing curriculum with models which do not origninate with
the community, the culture, or the language itself. The thesis therefore attempts
to find avenues for blending learning strategies of an oral culture and
recognizing and validating the culture which embraces the cultural background
to the language.
The avenues for language revitalization involve ethnographic research
which is seen as practical to the community if these are steps toward cultural
development. The social issues level is considered as Native language speakers
are often adversely effected due to schooling in residential schools.
The thesis then concludes the specific needs for the Ditidaht context as
concerns community process, as traditional protocol, and as the nature of an
effective curriculum (received in generalized concepts from the community
Other First Nation Community strategies are reviewed from many nations
throughout Canada and the United States. The Canadian French immersion
experience provides a preview into immersion evolution. The research is found
necessary for any First Nation community in search of the crucial need for
effective second-language curriculum focus. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate
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A comparative analysis of the development of immersion programs in British Columbia and Quebec : two divergent sociopolitical contextsLamarre, Patricia B. Grace 05 1900 (has links)
Current explanations for the development of immersion programs in relation to language
reform in Canada were found to be inadequate and superficial. The lack of attention to the existence
of different sociopolitical contexts has, furthermore, flawed the sociological interpretation of
programs. A comparative case study and multi-method approach was therefore proposed to
examine the historical development of programs in two provinces with very different sociolinguistic
and sociopolitical contexts, Quebec and British Columbia. Comparative analysis revealed that both
commonalities and differences could be identified in the development of immersion programs in
these two provinces and that these have implications for the political and sociological analysis of
programs. In both contexts, it was seen that the implementation and expansion of programs has
required similar organizational adjustments. The relationship of programs to language reform is,
however, very different In Quebec, programs represent a community response to the changing
status of French and are only indirectly related to federal efforts to implement a national policy of
official bilingualism. In British Columbia, programs were initiated by parents, but eventually became
directly related to federal involvement in language education and to Ottawa's efforts to implement a
national language policy. By providing support to the parent association "Canadian Parents for
French", Ottawa found a constituency in English Canada willing to promote official bilingualism.
"Canadian Parents for French" and federal funding have played a critical role in the development of
immersion programs in British Columbia; whereas in Quebec, neither of these elements has been an
important factor in the expansion of programs. Although the development of immersion programs in
Quebec and British Columbia has been framed by divergent language policies, in both provinces, the
development of immersion programs reflects the adjustment of the English speaking community to
the enhanced status of French. Similar sociological patterns were found in how the Anglophone
community has made this adjustment and in how schools have been called upon to respond to
societal change. / Education, Faculty of / Graduate
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Comment la qualité technique de l’image médiatisée par un écran ultra haute définition modifie-t-elle le traitement cognitif de l’information, la qualité d’expérience, et le rapport à la réalité ? / How does the technical quality of the image mediated by an ultra-high definition screen influence the cognitive processing of information, the quality of experience, and the relation to reality?Lachat, Amélie 13 March 2018 (has links)
L’écran est une interface omniprésente utilisée quotidiennement. Sur-sollicité par les écrans, l’individu ne peut pas percevoir l’intégralité des informations. La compréhension de l’attention portée aux contenus médiatisés est un enjeu crucial dans la stratégie marketing. Un paramètre n’a pas été pris en compte dans les précédentes études: la qualité technique de l’image médiatisée. Elle peut être définie comme l’ensemble des paramètres suivants : la définition, la fréquence image, la luminosité et la couleur. Pour mesurer la perception de l’amélioration de ces paramètres, une phase exploratoire a été menée comprenant un test de qualité perçue, un focus group et des entretiens. Une phase empirique confirmatoire a suivi pour étudier l’attention visuelle et la mémorisation de l’information médiatisée grâce à deux expérimentations. Une série d’entretien et un focus group ont permis d’étudier l’hyperréalité dans l’image médiatisée et son impact sur l’immersion et la qualité d’expérience. / The screen is a ubiquitous interface daily used. Overextended by screens, the individual cannot perceive all the information. Understanding the visual attention to media content is a crucial issue in the marketing strategy. A parameter of the mediated image has not been taken into account in the studies conducted so far: the technical quality of the image. It can be defined as the set of parameters that objectively compose an image: the definition, the image frequency, the brightness dynamics and the color. To measure the perception of the improvement of these parameters, an exploratory phase was conducted including a perceived quality test, a focus group and interviews. A confirmatory empirical phase followed to study the visual attention and memorization of mediated information through two experiments. A series of interviews and a focus group explored hyperreality in the mediated image and its impact on immersion and quality of experience.
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Les effets du climat tropical sur la performance aérobie : stratégies de cooling mentholé / The effects of tropical climate on aerobic performance : menthol cooling strategiesRinaldi, Kévin 21 December 2018 (has links)
L’environnement climatique est l’un des facteurs pouvant influencer la performance aérobie. Il existe des températures idéales avec lesquelles les athlètes réalisent de meilleures performances : entre 10 et 12°C en course à pied (Maughan et coll. 2010) ou inférieures à 32°C en cyclisme (Peiffer & Abbiss 2011). Davies et coll. (2016) condensent dans une métaanalyse différentes études portant sur le contre la montre (CLM) en cyclisme en environnement chaud et relèvent que la performance est altérée en climat chaud à partir du milieu de l’épreuve (P < 0,02) et jusqu’à la fin (P = 0,01) par rapport à une condition contrôle.Ce résultat laisse donc apparaitre qu’outre la température environnementale, la durée de l’effort peut également être déterminante dans l’impact du climat sur la performance. L’élévation de la température n’est pas le seul facteur environnemental pouvant influencer la performance. Maughan et coll. (2012) mettent en évidence qu’au plus le taux d’humidité est élevé au plus la performance aérobie est détériorée. Dans cette étude, des athlètes non acclimatés, réalisent une épreuve à vélo à 70% de VO2max jusqu’à épuisement lors de quatre sessions à 24, 40, 60 et 80% d’HR (T: 30°C). Les résultats, montrent que le temps d’exercice diminue significativement avec l’augmentation du taux d’humidité (P < 0,05).A travers ce travail de recherche nous avons donc investigué la question : comment faire pour limiter cet impact du climat sur la performance ?Pour ce faire 3 axes sont développés à travers nos études :a. Etudier l’efficacité de protocoles de refroidissement à plusieurs moments de la performance : avant, pendant et entre deux efforts consécutif.b. Déterminer si les combinaisons de froid peuvent se combiner.c. Déterminer si l’utilisation du menthol peut permettre une optimisation des protocoles de cooling.Les principaux résultats de cette thèse mettent en évidence que l’utilisation de méthodes de cooling est efficace mais que cette efficacité dépend du protocole utilisé. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence (1) Qu’en pré-cooling il est nécessaire de débuter 1h avant l’effort pour avoir une efficacité de la méthode ; (2) Qu’une immersion avec du menthol est plus efficace qu’une immersion seule entre deux efforts de 20’ mais qu’utilisé sur des vêtements son efficacité n’est pas prouvée; (3) Que le port d’un gilet froid cumulé à une ingestion d’une boisson froide à l’échauffement n’est pas plus efficace qu’un refroidissement interne seul (4) Que le menthol peut influencer les performances en jouant un rôle sur le SNC.L’action du menthol va permettre au SNC de percevoir l’environnement comme étant « plus favorable » et par conséquent entrainer une modification de la rétroaction thermorégulatrice, et ainsi permettre une meilleure performance. Cela sans que le menthol ne joue un rôle délétère à la thermorégulation. / The climatic environment is one of the factors that can influence the aerobic performance. There are an ideal temperatures with which athletes realize better performance: between 10 and 12°C in running (Maughan et al. 2010) below 32°C in cycling (Peiffer & Abbiss 2011). Davies et al. (2016) condense in a meta-analysis different studies on time trial (TT) in cycling and note that the performance is impaired in hot weather from middle of the test (P <0.02) and until the end (P = 0.01) compared to a condition control. This result therefore shows that in addition to the environmental temperature, the duration of the effort can also be decisive in the impact of climate on the performance.Rising temperature is not the only environmental factor that can influence the performance. Maughan et al. (2012) highlight that at the highest level of humidity is high at most aerobic performance is deteriorated. In this study, non-athletes acclimatized, perform a 70% VO2max bike test until exhaustion four sessions at 24, 40, 60 and 80% RH (T: 30 ° C). The results show that time exercise decreased significantly with increasing humidity (P <0.05). Through this research work we therefore investigated the question: how to do to limit this impact of climate on performance?To do this, 3 axes are developed through our studies: a. Study the effectiveness of cooling protocols at several points in the performance: before, during and between two consecutive efforts.b. Determine if cold combinations can combine.c. To determine if the use of menthol can allow optimization of the protocols of cooling.The main results of this thesis highlight that the use of cooling is effective but this efficiency depends on the protocol used. We havehighlighted (1) That in pre-cooling it is necessary to start 1 hour before the effort to have an efficiency of the method;(2) Immersion with menthol is more effective only a single immersion between two efforts of 20 'but that used on clothes its effectiveness is not proven; (3) That wearing a cold vest combined with ingestion from a cold drink to warm up is no more effective than an internal cooling only (4) That menthol can influence performance by playing a role on the CNS. The action of menthol will allow the CNS to perceive the environment as being "More favorable" and therefore result in a change in the feedback thermoregulatory, allow higher performance. This without the menthol isplayed a deleterious role to thermoregulation.
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VR för stadsplanneringSvahnberg, Embla, Vedholm, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
VR är en simulerad upplevelse genom bilder, ljud och andra sensorer som simulerar enanvändares fysiska och mentala närvaro i en virtuell värld. Förutom att användas till spel kanVR ge nya möjligheter inom arbetslivet. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta fram nya sätt förstadsplanerare att jobba med hjälp av VR. I undersökningen vill vi besvara följandefrågeställningar: “Hur kan VR mediet användas för designprocessen inom stadsplanering?”och ”Upplevs en VR applikation som ett möjligt substitut eller tillägg för designprocessen istadsplanerares arbete?”. I undersökningen har vi arbetat med VR genom att skapa enapplikation där användaren befinner sig i en virtuell värld som grundar sig i traditionellaarbetssätt för stadsplanering. Arbetet har följt principer för tjänstedesign. Vi har haftintervjuer med tre stadsplanerare med olika erfarenheter som vi intervjuade vid två olikatillfällen. Första intervjun gav oss insikt i hur de jobbar och vad de skulle behöva i derasdesignprocess. Därefter hade vi en andra intervju efter gestaltningen blev klar för att ta framundersökningens resultat på hur stadsplanerare skulle kunna använda mediet VR inomdesignprocess för stadsplanerare. Resultatet på de senare intervjuerna pekade på att det fannspotential med gestaltningen vi hade tagit fram för att de skulle kunna använda det i derasdesignprocess. Informanterna kom med många förslag om hur och vad som skulle behövas iVR-applikationen för att det skulle kunna tänkas användas i stadsplanering, samt specifikaförbättringsförslag för den aktuella gestaltningen. / VR is a simulated experience through images, sounds and other sensors that simulate a user'sphysical and mental presence in a virtual world. In addition to being used for games, VR canprovide new opportunities in working life. The purpose of the study was to develop new waysfor city planners to work with the support of VR. In the study, we wanted to answer thefollowing questions: "How can the VR medium be used for the design process in cityplanning?" and "Can a VR application be perceived as a possible substitute or addition to thedesign process in city planners' work?". In the survey, we have worked with VR by creatingan application where the user is in a virtual world based on traditional working methods forurban planning. The work has followed principles for service design. We have had interviewswith three city planners with different experiences that we interviewed on two differentoccasions. The first interview gave us insight into how they work and what they would needin their design process. The second interview was performed after the design of the prototypewas completed, to provide the results on how city planners could use the medium VR in theirdesign process. The results of the second round of interviews indicated that there waspotential with the design we had developed as a tool in their design process. The informantscame up with many suggestions on how and what would be needed in the VR application tomake it a useful tool in city planning, as well as specific improvement proposals for thecurrent design.
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Parental Beliefs And Attitudes On Enrollment In A Dual Language Program At An Elementary SchoolDeLorenzo, Leah 01 January 2013 (has links)
In the 2010-2011 school year, there were almost a quarter of a million English language learners (ELLs) enrolled in Florida public schools (Florida Department of Education, 2011), most of whom were placed in mainstream schools with segregated language remediation. Dual language education (DLE) programs offer developmental opportunities in two languages that mainstream schools cannot. The purpose of this research was to identify parental attitudes toward immersion programs and define the reasons that parents enroll their children in DLEs. Sixty participants completed a questionnaire sent home from their student's DLE. The study data included biographical information, statements depicting the reasons for enrollment rated by a Likert scale, and an area for comments. Overall, the study found that survey participants rated their child's comfort communicating with Spanish speakers (4.75 out of 5) to be the most important reason for enrollment. A difference was found in responses depending on the ethnic/language group of surveyed participants. Primarily, Spanish speakers responded more positively to the statements regarding bilingual education than any other ethnic/language group. All parents conclusively believe the dual immersion program has been a success for their children.
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The roles of elementary school administrators and the obstacles they encounter in the process of implementing and maintaining dual immersion programs in CaliforniaRamirez, Anel-Janeth 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The growing English learner student population in California faces the daunting challenge of both meeting the academic expectations of school curriculum while also learning to speak, write, read, and understand a new language. Often it is the task of school administrators to choose, plan, implement, and maintain instructional programs that best meet the needs of all students. Dual Immersion is an instructional bilingual model that has been used to address the learning and teaching needs of students who do not speak English. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of elementary school administrators and the obstacles encountered while implementing and maintaining Dual Immersion programs in California. Two research questions were addressed: 1. What is the elementary school administrator's role in the process of implementing and maintaining a Dual Immersion Program? 2. What are the obstacles encountered by elementary school administrators in the process of implementing and maintaining a Dual Immersion Program? A non-experimental, descriptive research design was used to analyze the survey results. Eighty surveys were sent to elementary school administrators. Twenty respondents' answers were used in the data analysis. Three personal interviews were also conducted to more fully understand the skills, tasks, and obstacles to successfully implement and maintain a Dual Immersion. The results of the data analysis in this study revealed that elementary school administrators need: 1. To ensure that teachers analyze student data and make curriculum decisions that affect the academic performance of students in a Dual Immersion program; 2. To ensure that teachers understand the outcomes and expectations of the program. 3. To encourage teachers to use data analysis to accommodate the instructional needs of all the students in the program. 4. To ensure that new staff members to the program found support and guidance 5. To support program policy to encourage accountability. The conclusions of this study confirmed the importance of comprehending the goals and methodology of Dual Immersion programs, parent involvement and support, and the need for administrators who active participation in their leadership and managing roles.
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Immersion with different narrative design approaches in serious games : Narrative design for cyber-security learningTüre, Yunus Halit January 2022 (has links)
Stories are the oldest medium to entertain and transfer information. Naturally, storytelling is also a fundamental aspect of digital games. In other words, narratives are the basis or framework of games. This thesis examines and tests two approaches in linear narrative design: the Minimal Linear Approach and the Enriched Linear Approach with the learning goal of fundamentals of cyber-security. The same story is examined with two different narrative designs by how they impact the immersion aspect of the pilot game. Although the two prototypes' main stories are identical, the enriched linear approach with more gaming elements and content is more immersive according to the collected and analyzed data. / <p>There are other digital material (eg film images or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p>
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