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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Online popularity management : how fashion and luxury bloggers construct and maintain their popularity / Gérer sa popularité en ligne : construction et maintien de la popularité des blogs de mode et de luxe

Kretz, Gachoucha 02 March 2011 (has links)
A partir de données qualitatives et quantitatives, cette thèse examine les stratégies d’anticipationet de réaction que les firmes peuvent mettre en place pour faire face à la désapprobation publiqueet à la stigmatisation. Les audiences externes se reposent sur des catégories organisationnellespour se repérer dans une industrie. Ces catégories sont des combinaisons d’élémentslinguistiques, symboliques et substantiels qui façonnent la manière avec laquelle les évaluationssociales – positives et négatives – sont relayées par les audiences. Ainsi, le fait d’être associé àcertaines catégories peut accroître ou décroître le niveau de désapprobation, et il en va de mêmepour les associations hybrides. Pour décroître leur niveau futur de désapprobation, les entreprisespeuvent manipuler stratégiquement les associations catégorielles utilisées par les audiences.Spécifiquement, dans l’industrie des armes, les catégories qui comptent se situent au niveau desEtats d’origine des firmes, de leur portefeuille client et de leur production industrielle. Parfois, lesstratégies d’anticipation ne suffisent pas, notamment lorsque la firme est touchée par un scandale– une forme particulièrement stigmatisante de désapprobation. Cette thèse démontre qu’en cas descandale, les firmes utilisent également des stratégies de réaction qui modifient aussi leursassociations catégorielles au niveau de l’industrie, avec l’objectif de desserrer les liens qui lesassocient au scandale, et qui associent le scandale à leurs partenaires au sein de l’industrie / Using qualitative and quantitative data, this dissertation investigates the anticipation and responsestrategies used by firms to deal with public disapproval and stigmatization. External audiencesrely on organizational categories to make sense of the industry landscape. Categories arecombinations of linguistic, symbolic, and substantive features that shape how social evaluations,positive or negative, are conveyed. Thus, association to certain categories can increase or decreasedisapproval levels, and so can category straddling. To decrease future disapproval levels, firmscan manage strategically the categories with which audiences associate them. Specifically, in theglobal arms industry, the categories that matter most are located at the home country, customer,and output levels. However, anticipation strategies are not always enough. Firms can be targetedby corporate scandal, a very stigmatizing form of disapproval. The dissertation demonstrates thatin such cases firms implement response strategies that also modify categorical associations at theindustry level, with the aim of loosening the ties that connect the targeted firm to the scandal,and the scandal to the rest of the firm’s partners in the industry. The dissertation contributes tostrategy and organization theory, especially to research streams on industry evolution,categorization, and stigmatization

Exploring human interactions for influence modeling in online social networks / Exploration des interactions humaines pour la modélisation de l'influence dans les réseaux sociaux

Rakoczy, Monika 07 June 2019 (has links)
De nos jours, la popularité des réseaux sociaux (RS) est en constante progression. En effet, de plus en plus d’utilisateurs interagissent dans le monde virtuel, soit en y exprimant des opinions, en partageant des expériences, en réagissant aux avis d’autrui ou encore en échangeant des idées, en fonction de leurs qualités : influents, populaires, dignes de confiance, etc.. Dans la littérature, l’influence a fait l'objet d'une attention particulière ces dernières années. En effet, de nombreux domaines, dont l’Analyse des Réseaux Sociaux (ARS) et les systèmes de recommandation ont étudié l’influence, sa détection, la propagation de son effet et sa mesure. Ainsi, des modèles d'identification et d'estimation de l'influence sont aujourd'hui largement utilisés dans de nombreuses applications dédiées au marketing, aux campagnes politiques/sociales, etc. De plus, les interactions entre utilisateurs indiquent non seulement l’influence mais aussi la confiance, la popularité ou la réputation. Cependant, ces notions sont encore vaguement définies et il n'existe pas de consensus dans la communauté ARS. Définir, distinguer et mesurer la force de ces relations entre les utilisateurs posent également de nombreux défis, à la fois théoriques et pratiques, qui restent à explorer. La modélisation de l’influence pose de multiples défis et les méthodes actuelles de découverte et d’évaluation n’explorent pas encore pleinement les différents types d’interactions et ne sont en général pas applicables à plusieurs RS. En outre, la prise en compte de la dimension temporelle dans le modèle d’influence est importante, difficile et nécessite un examen plus approfondi. Enfin, l’exploration de liens possibles entre des notions, telles que l’influence et la réputation, reste un sujet ouvert. Dans cette thèse, nous nous focalisons sur les quatre concepts qualifiant les utilisateurs : influence, réputation, confiance et popularité, pour la modélisation de l'influence. Nous analysons les travaux existants utilisant ces notions et comparons leurs différentes interprétations. Par cette analyse, nous mettons en avant les caractéristiques essentielles que ces concepts devraient inclure, et nous en effectuons une analyse comparative. Cela nous permet d'établir une classification globale des différentes interprétations des notions selon leur niveau d'abstraction et leurs divergences ; cela constitue la première, contribution de cette thèse. En conséquence, nous proposons un modèle théorique de l'influence ainsi qu'une ontologie associée décrivant ce concept. Nous présentons également une variante de l'influence, inexplorée à ce jour dans le domaine de l’ARS, la micro-influence. Celle-ci cible un phénomène nouveau dans les RS que sont les utilisateurs avec une faible audience, mais fortement impliqués ; ces derniers apparaissent en effet comme ayant un impact fort malgré tout. En s'appuyant sur ces définitions, nous proposons ensuite un modèle pratique dénommé ARIM (Action-Reaction Influence Model). Ce modèle considère le type, la qualité, la quantité et la fréquence des actions réalisées par les utilisateurs, et ce en étant compatible avec différents RS. Nous abordons également la quantification de l'influence au cours du temps et la représentation de ses effets de causalité. Pour cela, nous considérons un type spécifique de RS: les réseaux de citations, particulièrement sensibles au temps. Ainsi, nous proposons un modèle, TiDIE (Time Dependent Influence Estimation), qui détermine l'influence, sur une période de temps, entre les communautés de ces réseaux. Enfin, nous combinons l’influence et la réputation avec le modèle TiDIE, afin d’étudier les dépendances entre elles. Nous proposons une méthode de transition, ReTiDIE, utilisant l’influence pour obtenir la réputation. Pour chacune de nos approches, des expérimentations ont été menées sur des jeux de données réels et ont montré la pertinence de nos méthodes / Online social networks are constantly growing in popularity. They enable users to interact with one another and shifting their relations to the virtual world. Users utilize social media platforms as a mean for a rich variety of activities. Indeed, users are able to express their opinions, share experiences, react to other users' views and exchange ideas. Such online human interactions take place within a dynamic hierarchy where we can observe and distinguish many qualities related to relations between users, concerning influential, trusted or popular individuals. In particular, influence within Social Networks (SN) has been a recent focus in the literature. Many domains, such as recommender systems or Social Network Analysis (SNA), measure and exploit users’ influence. Therefore, models discovering and estimating influence are important for current research and are useful in various disciplines, such as marketing, political and social campaigns, recommendations and others. Interestingly, interactions between users can not only indicate influence but also involve trust, popularity or reputation of users. However, all these notions are still vaguely defined and not meeting the consensus in the SNA community. Defining, distinguishing and measuring the strength of those relations between the users are also posing numerous challenges, on theoretical and practical ground, and are yet to be explored. Modelization of influence poses multiple challenges. In particular, current state-of-the-art methods of influence discovery and evaluation still do not fully explore users’ actions of various types, and are not adaptive enough for using different SN. Furthermore, adopting the time aspect into influence model is important, challenging and in need of further examination part of the research. Finally, exploring possible connections and links between coinciding notions, like influence and reputation, remains to be performed.In this thesis, we focus on the qualities of users connected to four important concepts: influence, reputation, trust, and popularity, in the scope of SNA for influence modeling. We analyze existing works utilizing these notions and we compare and contrast their interpretations. Consequently, we emphasize the most important features that these concepts should include and we make a comparative analysis of them. Accordingly, we present a global classification of the notions concerning their abstract level and distinction of the terms from one another, which is a first and required contribution of the thesis. Consequently, we then propose a theoretical model of influence and present influence-related ontology. We also present a distinction of notion not yet explored in SNA discipline -- micro-influence, which targets new phenomena of users with a small but highly involved audience, who are observed to be still highly impactful. Basing on the definitions of the concepts, we propose a practical model, called Action-Reaction Influence Model (ARIM). This model considers type, quality, quantity, and frequency of actions performed by users in SN, and is adaptive to different SN types. We also focus on the quantification of influence over time and representation of influence causal effect. In order to do that, we focus on a particular SN with a specific characteristic - citation network. Indeed, citation networks are particularly time sensitive. Accordingly, we propose Time Dependent Influence Estimation (TiDIE), a model for determining influence during a particular time period between communities within time-dependent citation networks. Finally, we also combine two of the abovementioned notions, influence and reputation, in order to investigate the dependencies between them. In particular, we propose a transition method, ReTiDIE, that uses influence for predicting the reputation. For each of the proposed approaches, experiments have been conducted on real-world datasets and demonstrate the suitability of the methods

Effets de la participation à une communauté en ligne de soutien à la perte de poids sur les comportements alimentaires : le rôle médiateur de la sensibilité à l'influence sociale / Effects of participating in an online dieting support community on eating behaviors : the mediating role of susceptibility to social influence

Gallin, Steffie 10 November 2017 (has links)
La recherche s’est très peu intéressée aux groupes de soutien (Moisio et Beruchashvili, 2010), et notamment aux communautés en ligne dédiées à la santé et à leur impact sur le comportement des consommateurs (Ma, Chen et Xiao, 2010). Ce travail doctoral a pour but d’étudier les effets positifs et négatifs de la participation à une communauté en ligne de soutien à la perte de poids (degré de participation et soutien social) sur les comportements alimentaires (restriction, diversification et auto-efficacité alimentaires). Ce lien est testé au travers d’une double médiation : l’identification aux membres de la communauté et la sensibilité à l’influence de la communauté (ou sensibilité à l’influence sociale). En effet, l’influence sociale a été étudiée dans le contexte de l’alimentation mais principalement dans le cadre de la prise d’un repas en compagnie d’autres personnes (De Castro et De Castro, 1989 ; McFerran et al., 2010 ; Vartanian, Herman et Wansink, 2008). Cette recherche vient également compléter les travaux sur l’influence sociale négative qui sont peu nombreux et concernent les réseaux sociaux tels que Facebook (Wilcox et Stephen, 2013). Ainsi, deux phases qualitatives exploratoires ont été menées auprès de 23 experts en nutrition, puis auprès de 25 utilisateurs de ce type de communautés. Ces entretiens ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de la sensibilité à l’influence de la communauté ainsi que son lien avec la comparaison sociale, l’homophilie (combinaison de la similitude et de la proximité perçues), les normes de la communauté et l’estime de soi. Par ailleurs, la restriction alimentaire est apparue comme une conséquence négative de l’influence de la communauté. Une phase quantitative a ensuite été conduite auprès de 335 utilisateurs de communautés en ligne de soutien à la perte de poids. Les résultats montrent que la participation active et le soutien social ont un effet positif sur la restriction et la diversification alimentaires, par l’intermédiaire de l’identification à la communauté et de certaines variables liées à la sensibilité à l’influence de la communauté. Ces relations n’avaient pas été mises en lumière dans la littérature. Cette recherche doctorale est également la première à montrer que la sensibilité à l’influence informationnelle a un effet positif sur la diversification alimentaire, alors que la sensibilité à l’influence normative a une influence positive sur la restriction. De plus, la comparaison sociale a un effet sur certaines variables liées à l’influence sociale dans la lignée des travaux de Polivy et Pliner (2015) qui n’avaient pas établi ce lien empiriquement. De nouveaux standards et critères de comparaison ont aussi été mis en évidence. L’homophilie liée à la perte de poids, les normes de la communauté et l’estime de soi ont également un lien avec la sensibilité à l’influence de la communauté. La thèse permet de conclure qu’il est nécessaire de sensibiliser les individus souffrant de surpoids ou d’obésité sur les dangers de la restriction et sur l’importance de la diversification de différentes manières : par les professionnels de santé, par les pouvoirs publics et par les modérateurs de communautés. / Research has shown little interest in support groups (Moisio & Beruchashvili, 2010), and especially in online health support communities and their impact on consumers’ behavior (Ma, Chen & Xiao, 2010). This doctoral research aims at studying the positive and negative effects of participating in an online dieting support community (participation level and social support) on eating behaviors (restrained eating, food variety and eating self-efficacy). A double mediation is assumed to occur: identification to community’s members and susceptibility to community influence (or susceptibility to social influence). Indeed, the effect of social influence on eating behavior was only studied when sharing a meal with other people (De Castro & De Castro, 1989; McFerran et al., 2010; Vartanian, Herman & Wansink, 2008), but not in an online context. In addition, this study extends the very few works on negative social influence which are related to online social networks like Facebook (Wilcox & Stephen, 2013). To address this issue, two exploratory qualitative studies were carried out by interviewing 23 nutrition experts, and then 25 communities’ users. Interviews enable to better understand the mechanisms of susceptibility to community influence and its link with social comparison, homophily (to feel both similar and close with others), community norms and self-esteem. A quantitative study was then conducted by questioning 335 online dieting support communities’ users. Results show that active participation and social support has a positive effect on restrained eating, food variety and eating self-efficacy, through community identification and some aspects of susceptibility to community influence. These relations were not highlighted in existing literature. So, this doctoral research is the first work to point out that susceptibility to informational influence has a positive effect on food variety whereas susceptibility to normative influence has a positive influence on restrained eating. Social comparison appears to be linked with some aspects of social influence, in line with Polivy and Pliner (2015) that dit not precisely addressed this link. New comparison standards and criteria are extracted. Homophily related to weight loss, community norms and self-esteem are also related to susceptibility to community influence. The conclusion of this work is that awareness of overweight and obese people have to be raised by health professionals, public authorities and communities’ moderators in order to avoid restraint behaviors and to promote food variety.

Reformulating a link between social influence network theory and status characteristics theory and a method for testing that link.

Hollander, James Fisher 05 1900 (has links)
The impact of social influence from others on choices made by subjects and how this influence accumulates was studied by secondary analysis of reported experimental data. To explain this impact a link is proposed between social influence network theory (SINT) and status characteristics theory (SCT). The link formula transforms stay probabilities for different status relationships of subject with one disagreeing other agent into horizontal axis coordinate values while stay probabilities of subject given two disagreeing others are transformed into vertical-axis coordinate values corresponding to the horizontal axis values for further analyses. The results support the utility of the proposed link between the two theories.

A Case Study of Characteristics and Means of Person-to-Person Influence in American Kodály Music Education: Katinka Scipiades Dániel

Ferrell, Janice René 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics and means of Katinka Dániel's interpersonal influences through the perceptions of 20 selected students, protégés, and colleagues, and to study the behavioral and attitudinal changes they attributed to her influence. A case study design and structured interview questionnaire were used to study four variables coming from the social sciences' literature on influence: legitimate authority, attractiveness, expert authority, and trustworthiness. Responses were qualitatively analyzed to determine the role those variables played in Dániel's interpersonal influence. All interviewees were music teachers who used the Kodály method in their teaching and have studied or worked with Dániel. Two images of Dániel emerged from the interviews. The first, a business-like image, emanated from Dániel's work in the classroom, and the second, a maternal image, came from personal relationships with her students and associates. Attractiveness (defined as a willingness to respond positively to the requests of an influential person because one respects that individual and wants to obtain that person's approval) proved to be the principal characteristic of influence, followed by legitimate authority, then expertise. Trustworthiness played a lesser role. The greatest effect of Dániel's influence was on the interviewees' teaching. Among the factors interviewees described as influential were her expectation they would succeed, her position as role model, praise and encouragement, and gestures of generosity and concern. Interviewees were not in agreement as to whether she used persuasion or coercion. Direct verbal communication served a principal role in Dániel's influence, and though her criticism was described as forthright and bluntly honest, interviewees often accepted it. This was because most believed she was focused on their best interest, because her motives were not considered self-serving, and because they saw the reasons for her criticism as stemming from her high ideals and the desire to see them improve as teachers. The dissertation includes a biography of Dániel.

Application des normes sociales aux technologies persuasives : le cas de la rénovation énergétique / Social Norms Applied to Persuasive Technologies : the Case of Home Renovation

Corrégé, Jean-Baptiste 04 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la question des changements de comportement, et notamment à la manière dont cette question s'applique au domaine informatique à travers les technologies persuasives. Dans un contexte applicatif particulier, celui de la rénovation de logements, nous nous intéressons au rôle que peuvent jouent les informations à disposition des utilisateurs sur leur façon d'élaborer leur projet de rénovation. Une façon de modifier les comportements des utilisateurs est de modifier les buts qu'ils poursuivent, soit de manière explicite, soit de manière implicite. Si l'efficacité de la première a été montrée en contexte expérimental, elle semble toutefois moins adaptée à des situations naturelles. Nous proposons donc une approche visant à modifier les buts poursuivis par les utilisateurs implicitement.Dans cette optique, nous travaillons d'abord à l'emploi de normes sociales injonctives pour inciter les utilisateurs à travailler particulièrement sur la rénovation énergétique. Au cours d'une première étude, nous comparons norme sociale injonctive et objectif arbitraire à une condition contrôle. Nous nous intéressons à la performance des participants à la tâche (améliorer la performance énergétique d'un logement) ainsi qu'à la manière dont le projet se met en place tout au long de l'étude. Les résultats montrent que norme sociale et objectif explicite ont un effet similaire sur la performance à la tâche mais différent sur l'organisation temporelle. On observe ainsi des comportements plus stables dans le cas où la norme sociale est activée, et un effet qui semble globalement moins artificiel que dans le cas où on fixe un objectif explicite à l'utilisateur. Cette première étude met également en avant la nécessité pour la norme d'être saillante, ou activée.Nous nous intéressons donc dans une deuxième étude à ce qui caractérise la saillance du message normatif.Dans la première étude, nous avions utilisé deux types d'informations différentes : le message normatif et des indices concrets relatifs au comportement désirable. Cette deuxième étude vise à distinguer ces deux informations et tester leur effet respectif. Les résultats montrent que le message normatif semble avoir un effet légèrement plus important sur la performance mais aussi plus artificiel sur les comportements des utilisateurs.Dans une troisième étude, nous nous intéressons aux caractéristiques du message, en faisant l'hypothèse qu'un message mieux perçu pourrait appuyer la saillance de la norme qu'il porte. Dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec des chercheurs en intelligence artificielle nous avons ainsi testé différents types de cadrage afin d'évaluer leur effet respectif sur la perception de l'argument auquel ils s'appliquaient.Les résultats, mitigés, montrent essentiellement que le style argumentatif (rationnel et factuel plutôt qu'émotionnel ou moral) semble avoir un poids conséquent sur la perception de l'argument. En outre, la thématique abordée par l'argument semble jouer un rôle non négligeable et devrait donc faire l'objet d'une attention particulière pour le développement d'interventions similaires.Sur le plan applicatif, nos résultats mettent d'abord en évidence la pertinence de l'utilisation des normes sociales injonctives dans un contexte de technologie persuasive. Ils montrent également que les messages portant la norme sociale doivent être conçus avec soin, en tenant compte de multiples facteurs. Sur le plan théorique, nous montrons qu'une norme sociale peut avoir un effet comparable à celui d'un objectif explicitement fixé, mais que les deux génèrent la mise en place de processus cognitifs différents. Enfin, sur le plan méthodologique, nous appliquons l'analyse de traces de l'activité au champ de l'influence sociale, ce qui, à notre connaissance, n'avait pas encore été mis en place. / This thesis deals with the question of behavioral changes, and in particular with the way this question applies to the computer domain through persuasive technologies.In a particular application context, that of the renovation of housing, we are interested in the role that the information available to users can play in the way they develop their renovation project. One way to change user behavior is to change the goals they pursue, either explicitly or implicitly. Although the effectiveness of the former has been shown in an experimental context, it seems less suitable for natural situations. We therefore propose an approach aimed at modifying the goals pursued by the users implicitly.With this in mind, we are working first on the use of injunctive social norms to encourage users to work particularly on energy renovation. In a first study, we compare injunctive social norm and goal setting to a control condition. We are interested in the performance of the participants in the task (improving the energy performance of a home) as well as the way in which the project is set up throughout the study. The results show that social norm and explicit goal have a similar effect on task performance but different on temporal organization. We also observe a more stable behavior in the case where the social norm is activated, and an effect that seems globally less artificial than in the case where we set an explicit objective to the user. This first study also highlights the need for the norm to be salient, or activated.In a second study, we focus on what characterizes the salience of the normative message. In the first study, we used two different types of information: the normative message and concrete cues of desirable behavior. This second study aims to distinguish these two types of information and test their respective effect. The results show that the normative message seems to have a slightly greater effect on performance but also more artificial on user behavior.In a third study, we are interested in the characteristics of the message, assuming that a better perceived message could support the salience of the norm it carries. As part of a collaboration with artificial intelligence researchers, we tested different types of framing to assess their respective effect on the perception of the argument to which they applied. The mixed results essentially show that the argumentative style (rational and factual rather than emotional or moral) seems to have a significant weight on the perception of the argument. In addition, the theme addressed by the argument seems to play a significant role and should therefore be given special attention for the development of similar interventions.At the application level, our results first highlight the relevance of the use of injunctive social norms in a context of persuasive technology. They also show that social standard messages must be carefully crafted, taking into account multiple factors. On the theoretical level, we show that a social norm can have an effect comparable to that of an explicitly fixed objective, but that both generate the setting up of different cognitive processes. Eventually, methodologically, we apply the analysis of traces of activity to the field of social influence, which, to our knowledge, had not yet been put in place.

Hur uppfattas vårdnadshavares inflytande över förskolans utbildning? : En fenomenografisk undersökning utifrån förskollärares och barnskötares perspektiv / How is parental/guardian influence in preschool education perceived? : A phenomenographic study from the perspective of preschool teachers and childminders

Johansson, Cecilia, Yu, Eleen January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how preschool teachers’ and childminders’ perceive parental/guardian influence in preschool. This qualitative study is based on individual interviews with five preschool teachers and childminders representing a wide range of professional experiences and backgrounds. A phenomenographic approach was used to highlight the variations in the way parental/guardian influence was perceived. The variations were then analysed using Alasuutari’s (2010) horizontal and vertical frames of power to determine power relations between preschool teachers/childminders and parents/guardians. The results were further analysed through Moss’ (2007) views on democratic practices in the preschool setting. The results of this study show that both preschool teachers and childminders acknowledge the parental/guardian knowledge and expertise of their own children and place significance on open communication and building a trusting relationship. However, preschool teachers and childminders exerted their professional background when it came to matters regarding the preschool’s pedagogy. This finding alludes to the practice that preschool teachers and childminders attempt to regulate and limit parental/guardian influence under certain circumstances, which is not in line with Moss’ views on democratic practices. In addition the study found that an uncertainty exists among preschool teachers and childminders in regards to what parental/guardian influence actually means.

Extensions of the Tripartite Integration Model of Social Influence (TIMSI): Using Explicit and Implicit Measures to Examine Ethnic Minority and Majority Student Academic Achievement

Chance, Randie Christine 01 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Tripartite Integration Model of Social Influence (TIMSI), is a revision of the classic Herbert Kelman theory of social influence and seeks to provide a theoretical foundation to better understand why racial/ethnic disparities continue to exist within higher education (Estrada, Woodcock, Hernandez, & Schultz, 2011). Using Kelman's model of compliance, identification, and internalization, this revised model suggests that students integrate into academia through these three orientations, renamed rule, role, and value. The rule orientation suggests that students are socialized into the academic community through feedback provided when the student succeeds, thus guiding performance. Through this feedback loop, students comply with the expectations of a student. Later the student will identify with this role and at this point, the individual's personal and academic identity begins to strongly overlap. Finally, students begin to internalize their student identity. At this point, the individual's values are the same as the values of a student. This process can be seen as a process of integration through social influence. The current study had two main purposes. The first purpose of the study was to determine whether or not the Implicit Associations Test (IAT) could successfully differentiate between the rule and value orientations. The second purpose of this study was to further develop the TIMSI model and determine how it applied to the samples in this study, using this new theory. African American, Latino, and white college students were recruited from two universities to complete a survey and an implicit measure of student identity. The current study examined the relationship between the TIMSI and the student identity IAT, as well as Academic Self-concept, Study Strategies, Coping Strategies, Implicit Theories of Intelligence, and Multi-Ethnic Identity. Results indicated that, as predicted, only value orientation was related to the student identity IAT. This study also examined differences in predictive models for GPA and institutional commitment based on race/ethnicity. Results of this study suggest there are significant differences based on race/ethnic groups in predicting GPA. For all groups, GPA was significantly predicted by Academic Self-concept, however, for the African American sample, the IAT score was also a significant predictor and for the Latino population, the Surface Processing Study Strategy was also a significant predictor. Conversely, role orientation was the sole predictor of institutional commitment across all racial/ethnic groups. Differences were also detected between race/ethnic groups in their rule orientation. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to efforts to enhance student retention and success.

När jag var liten ville jag bli ridande polis men nu vill jag bli personalvetare -En kvalitativ studie om personalvetarstudenters yrkesval

Flodqvist, Daniel, Wijkander, Martina January 2021 (has links)
That an individual can be influenced by people they are close to and by society is something that most people are aware of and something that has been studied before. But how does a human resource student actually experience and reason about what influenced the study choice? The aim of this study is to investigate what is the basis for an individual's choice to begin studies on the human resources program. Furthermore, we want to investigate what the studentssee as important in their future working life and if there are any differences in how they reason. Questions asked are how the individual experiences and reason about what has influenced the study choice and its attitude to the future working life and also whether it is possible to distinguish differences between the students. This qualitative study bases its results on interviews with students who study semesters fiveand sixon the human resources program at two different universities in Sweden. The theoretical framework for this study consists of Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts about habitus, capital, social space and fields. The result indicates that all individuals in this study have experienced a certain influence from people around them to further their education and that the choice to study on the human resource program was made due to a certain uncertainty about what the individual would like to work with in the future. Furthermore, the result showed that the student’s attitude to the future working life was mainly about feeling comfortable in their workplace, having the opportunity to develop and to be appreciated for their work but also to be able to work with people in some way. Some differences in the attitudes towards the future working life could be discerned and these differences can be linked to previous work experience as well as parents’ influence in terms of profession and educational background. / Att en individ kan bli påverkad av personer i ens närhet och av samhället är något som de flesta är medvetna om och något som tidigare har studerats. Men hur upplever och resonerar egentligen en student på personalvetarprogrammet vad som påverkat studievalet? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad som ligger till grund för en individs val att påbörja studier på personalvetarprogrammet. Vidare vill vi undersöka vad studenterna ser som viktigt i det kommande arbetslivet och om det finns eventuella skillnader i hur de resonerar. Detta utifrån frågeställningarna om hur individen upplever och resonerar kring vad som påverkat studievalet och vilken inställning till det framtida arbetslivet personalvetarstudenterna har samt om det går att urskilja skillnader mellan studenterna. Denna kvalitativa studie baserar sitt resultat på intervjuer med sju studenter som studerar termin femoch sexpå personalvetarprogrammet vid två olika universitet i Sverige. Det teoretiska ramverket i studien består av Pierre Bourdieus teoretiska begrepp habitus, kapital, det sociala rummet och fält. Resultatet tyder på att alla individer i studien har upplevt enviss påverkan från omgivningen att vidareutbilda sig samt att valet av personalvetarprogrammet gjordes på grund av en viss osäkerhet kring vad individen vill arbeta med. Vidare framkom det i resultatet att studenternas inställning till det framtida arbetslivet främst handlade om att trivas på sin arbetsplats, ha möjlighet att utvecklas samt att bli uppskattad för sitt arbete men även att få arbeta med människor på något sätt. Vissa skillnader i inställningen till det framtida arbetslivet gick att urskilja och dessa skillnader kan kopplas till tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet och föräldrars påverkan i form av yrke och utbildningsbakgrund.

Kronisk smärta och psykisk påverkan. En litteraturstudie om hur den psykiska hälsan påverkas vid kronisk smärta

Körner, Linda, Dahl, Rebecka January 2010 (has links)
Kronisk smärta drabbar många personer och kostar samhället stora summor pengar varje år. Det är inte bara den kroniska smärtans inskränkningar i den drabbades rörelseapparat, utan också dess påverkan på den psykiska hälsan. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda på vilket sätt den psykiska hälsan påverkas hos personer med kronisk smärta. Metoden som använts är litteraturbaserade studier med kvalitativa artiklar och bygger på Granskär & Höglund–Nielsen (2008). Resultatet har baserats på nio stycken artiklar och en review som visar att personer med kronisk smärta ofta har någon form av psykisk påverkan orsakad av sin smärta. Det visar även att det finns en känsla av förändrad personlighet, en ökad isolering från andra människor samt en stor frustration över att inte veta exakt vad det är som orsakar smärtan. Även ovetskapen om hur smärtan kommer att utvecklas i framtiden har en negativ påverkan på den psykiska hälsan.Kronisk smärta förekommer i många av sjuksköterskans verksamhetsområden vilket gör ämnet angeläget att fortsätta utforska. / Chronic pain affects a lot of people and costs society a great amount of money each year. It’s not only the restriction of chronic pain as a disability but also the psychological impact. The aim of this study is to examine in how the mental status is effected by chronic pain. The method is a literature review based on Granskär & Höglund-Nielsen (2008). The result is based on nine articles and one review which showed that people with chronic pain often have some kind of psychological influence caused by the pain. It also shows a sense of changed personality and an increased isolation from other people. Not knowing what causes the pain and not knowing how it will develop in the future also has a negative impact on the mental health.Patients with chronic pain are common in the nursing profession which makes this topic a very important field to continue exploring.

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