Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION"" "subject:"[enn] INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION""
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Effluve de Communication. Le rôle de l'odeur dans la communication interpersonnelle : vers une modélisation de la communication olfactive. / Emanation of communication. The role of smell in inter personal communication : towards a modeling of olfactory communicationTonelli, Amandine 05 July 2011 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la communication olfactive impliquant les individus, en position d’interactants, lors de situations de communication de « face-à-face ». Nous pensons que porter un parfum est une forme d’intention communicative sur ce que le sujet parfumé communicant aspire à être. Dans le champ des sciences de l’information et de la communication, la communication olfactive est étudiée dans un contexte théorique mobilisant des ressources issues de l’interactionnisme et de l’ethnométhodologie.Se parfumer, apparaissant comme une envie de communiquer sur son soi, nous essayons de mieux comprendre les processus de construction identitaire en articulation avec le soi. Cependant, comme l’odorat est un sens très intimiste, se référant notamment aux expériences olfactives passées, la qualité d’un parfum est une donnée très subjective. C’est pourquoi, sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons construit un protocole, axé sur la notion d’interaction (Goffman), afin de manipuler différents contextes d’échanges. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre quel rôle le parfum joue dans diverses situations de communication interpersonnelle.Une enquête qualitative a été menée sur 35 sujets, issus deux pays voisins, la Suisse et la France. Chaque interview en profondeur est basée sur un test projectif où le sujet est amené à construire la représentation d’un individu communiquant en fonction d’une senteur. Les résultats montrent que ne pouvant nous « réapproprier » la perception de l’autre, nous sommes contraints d’inférer, à partir de son comportement et de notre propre expérience, ce qu’il ressent. Le sujet infère des informations qu’il juge adéquates et pertinentes sur l’autre en se basant sur son vécu expérientiel en lien avec le parfum qu’il sent : l’odeur devient un dispositif d’information qui véhicule des données précédemment encodées. L’individu parfumé est alors un dispositif communicationnel exposé au nez de l’interactant. Ce dernier, récepteur de la communication olfactive, infère les intentions communicatives de l’individu parfumé à partir de l’odeur qu’il perçoit. L’odeur est un « marqueur moral » (Le Breton, 2006), révélatrice de ce que nous sommes intrinsèquement, en tant qu’individu, la bonté sent bon, tout ce qui est de l’ordre du malsain « empeste ». La thèse montre qu’hommes et femmes n’ont pas les mêmes impressions olfactives à propos des mêmes parfums, qu’il existe des formes de corrélations olfactives en termes d’imaginaire d’un individu à un autre, indépendamment de l’âge et du pays d’origine. Conduisant à construire une identité sociale, certains parfums inspirent plus de sympathie, voire de naïveté que d’autres. A l’inverse, certains provoquent du mépris et même du dégoût. / The thesis focuses on olfactory communication involving individuals in position of interactants during "face to face" communication situations. I believe that wearing a fragrance is one form of communicative intent on what the communicating subject aspires to be. In the field of information and communication sciences, olfactory communication is studied in a theoretical context which mobilises resources from interactionism and ethnomethodology. Since wearing perfume appears to be a desire to communicate about our self, I try to understand better the processes of identity construction in conjunction with the self. However as the sense of smell is very intimate, for instance it refers to past olfactory experiences, the quality of a fragrance is a very subjective data. Therefore, my methodology was built according to a protocol based on the concept of interaction (Goffman) in order to handle different contexts of exchanges. The aim is to understand better what role scent plays in various situations of interpersonal communication.A qualitative survey was conducted on 35 subjects from two neighboring countries, Switzerland and France. Each in-depth interview is based on a projective test for which the subject is required to build a representation of a communicating individual according to a scent. The results show that since we cannot "reclaim" the perception of the other, we are forced to infer what he feels according to their behavior and our own experience. The subject infers information on the other he deems appropriate and relevant, based on his experiential background in relation with the perfume he smells: the odor becomes an information device that conveys previously encoded data. The perfumed individual is therefore a communicative device exposed to the nose of the interactant. The latter, receiving olfactory communication, infers the communicative intentions of the fragranced individual from the smell he perceives. The odor is a "moral marker" (Le Breton, 2006), revealing who we truly are as an individual, kindness smells good, everything dodgy "stinks." The thesis shows that men and women have different olfactory impressions about the same scents, that there are forms of correlations in terms of olfactory imagination from one individual to another, regardless of how old they are and where they come from. Some perfumes inspire more sympathy or even more ingenuousness than others in order to lead us towards building a social identity. However, others on the contrary can cause contempt and even disgust.
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Competência em comunicação: uma ponte entre aprendizado e ensino na enfermagem. / Competence in communication: a bridge between learning and teaching in nursing.Eliana Mara Braga 08 November 2004 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar referenciais de competências comunicativas interpessoais e propor bases teórico-metodológicas para o aprendizado da comunicação interpessoal no ensino da Enfermagem. Abordando questões norteadoras sobre competência em comunicação interpessoal, utilizou-se referencial teórico de comunicação e método de análise de conteúdo em 13 discursos de professores de Enfermagem, especialistas em comunicação. Os resultados obtidos representam que a competência em comunicação é um processo interpessoal que deve atingir o objetivo dos comunicadores, pressupor conhecimentos básicos de comunicação, ter consciência do verbal e do não-verbal nas interações, atuar com clareza e objetividade, promover o autoconhecimento e, conseqüentemente, ter a possibilidade de uma vida mais autêntica. Os sujeitos relatam que a expressão da competência comunicativa está, necessariamente, no vivenciar o cotidiano profissional e pessoal, ouvindo o outro, prestando atenção na comunicação não-verbal, validando a compreensão das mensagens, sendo capaz de eliminar as barreiras impostas à comunicação, demonstrando afetividade e investindo no autoconhecimento. O desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa verifica-se pelo estímulo recebido desde a graduação, pelas leituras de aprofundamento do tema, pela prática profissional e realização de pesquisas e publicações na área. O ganho alcançado com a competência em comunicação interpessoal resulta em relações profissionais e pessoais mais significativas, maior autoconsciência e aceitação das diferenças do outro, ampliação dos caminhos do ensino e da pesquisa e conquista de um bem-estar. Os teóricos mais citados como referenciais, pelos sujeitos do estudo, foram: Stefanelli MC., Silva MJP., Travelbee J., Littlejohn SW., Davis F., Rogers CR., Sullivan HS., Ruesch J., Peplau HE., Bales RF. e Moscovici F. As bases metodológicas propostas para o aprendizado e ensino da comunicação interpessoal em Enfermagem, são: assumir a comunicação como base para o cuidar, ensinar os fundamentos teóricos da comunicação no início da graduação, desenvolver a competência de todos os professores em comunicação, vincular a prática assistencial com o ensino da comunicação, acompanhar a progressão da competência comunicativa no aluno e vivenciar a comunicação efetiva com as pessoas na escola. Os resultados que emergiram deste estudo permitem considerar a competência em comunicação interpessoal, como uma habilidade fundamental a ser adquirida pelo enfermeiro, sabendo que esta lhe possibilitará um cuidar consciente, verdadeiro e transformador. / This study aimed at characterizing references of interpersonal communicative competence and proposing theoretical methodological bases for interpersonal communication learning on nursing teaching. Through guiding questions about competence on interpersonal communication, the theoretical reference of communication and the method of the content analysis in thirteen communication expert nursing teachers speeches were used. The results show that competence in communication is an interpersonal process which must reach the communicators objectives, require basic knowledge of communication, have verbal and non-verbal perception in the interactions, act clearly and objectively, develop self-knowledge and, therefore lead to the possibility of a more legitimate life. The subjects report that the communicative competence expression is necessarily, in the living of the professional and personal every day life, listening to the other, perceiving nonverbal communication, validating the message understanding, being able to break communication barriers, showing affection and developing self-knowledge. The development of a communicative competence has been reached by the stimulus received since the undergraduation course, by reading deeply the theme, by professional practice and by accomplishing research as well as publishing in the field. The benefits originated from competence in interpersonal communication lead to a more significant professional and personal relationship, a better self-knowledge and acceptance of the others differences, a widening on ways of teaching and researching as well as an achievement of welfare. The most cited theorists as reference by the study subjects were as follows: Stefanelli MC., Silva MJP., Travelbee J., Littlejohn SW., Davis F., Rogers CR., Sullivan HS., Ruesch J., Peplau HE., Bales RF. E Moscovici F. The target methodological bases for interpersonal communication learning and teaching in nursing are: assuming communication as the basis for caring, teaching the communication theoretical principles in the beginning of the undergraduation course, developing the communication competence of all teachers, linking assistance practice to communication teaching, following the student communicative competence progression and living the effective communication with people in the school. The results coming out from this study allow us to consider competence in interpersonal communication as a major ability to be acquired by the nurse, being aware that it will enable a conscious, true, and transforming care.
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Young infants demonstrate a preference for infant directed talkPegg, Judith E. January 1989 (has links)
This research was designed to assess 7-week-old infants' preference for infant directed and adult directed talk. (IDT and ADT) using the infant controlled habituation/dishabituation looking procedure. Infants were presented with short audio recordings of either a female or a male speaking in IDT during habituation and ADT during dishabituation or the reverse. In the control conditions, the stimulus did not change. Infants demonstrated preference for IDT over ADT in both male and female speaker conditions. They also demonstrated preference for the female speaker used in this study over the male speaker. Interactions among the dependent variables (first three looks), and the independent variables (infant gender, and style of speaking as well as infant gender, and speaker gender), suggest that the preference might not be as robust as the preference found in infants over 4 months. Evidence for discrimination between IDT and ADT was inferred from the between group demonstration of preference, but no evidence of within infant discrimination was found. Because the evidence suggests that 7-week-old infants demonstrate weaker preference for IDT over ADT than do infants of 4 months, it is assumed that infant preferences follow a developmental sequence. Thus, it is possible that developing preferences are influenced by experiential factors. / Arts, Faculty of / Psychology, Department of / Graduate
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Factors contributing to African Americans graduating high schoolPallotta, Robert 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Men's gossipReid, Miguel Orlando 01 January 2000 (has links)
This paper presents seven conversations of men from a variety of backgrounds, in a variety of environments. I analyze the discussions to determine if they can be characterized as typical gossip, and to compare their interaction styles to the men and women of past studies on gossip.
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Family mealtimes: Topics associated with the adolescent's academic standing and self-esteemVandenboom, Deborah Ann 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate family mealtime dynamics from the adolescent's perspective and explore what topics are discussed compared to what topics they would like to discuss, and to examine the association among mealtimes and the adolescent's academic status and self-esteem.
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'Nothing but a number' : the experiences of young South African men in age-disparate relationships with older womenMontana, Angela Phillibeth 01 1900 (has links)
The phenomenon of age-disparate relationships between younger men and older women is relatively
under- researched and therefore open to misunderstanding. The common assumption is that the younger
men enter these relationships with a view to benefiting in terms of money or material goods. This
qualitative study explored the experiences of five young men from around Pretoria who are in
relationships with older women to understand their motivations for entering into those relationships
and their experiences in the relationships. The in-depth interviews were thematically analysed and
themes that emerged indicated that, unlike what has previously been found among young women who
are in relationships with older men (namely that the young women are often coerced and therefore do
not have much power in their relationships), the young men entered the relationships willingly and rely
on cultural norms that allow them to navigate and negotiate their roles in the relationships. It is therefore
recommended that age-disparate relationships not be discouraged; instead, interventions should focus
on assisting young people develop agentic power in such relationships. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Exploring Communicative Aspects of Client Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Retention in a Private, Non-profit Organization: A Qualitative, Interview-Based Study of Catholic CharitiesFortin, Amanda Michelle 22 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Catholic Charities (Hereafter CC), a non-profit agency that provides pregnancy and adoption support to families in times of crisis. Research and agency data reflect a positive association between the amount of time clients engage in services and the resolution of crises. Both theoretically and empirically, a key determinant of the depth and breadth of clients' engagement with both for-profit and non-profit services is their satisfaction with such services. In 2009-2010, CC's in-house, client surveys reported a decreasing level of client engagement with services. One clear trend was that clients discontinued services after thirty days or less. Against this trend, CC aims to provide social services for an extended period of time (i.e. longer than thirty days) in order to insure that clients have fully recovered from crises. In order to understand possible reasons for clients' low or short engagement rates, this thesis analyzes clients' satisfaction with CC services. Using a grounded-theory approach, twenty semi-structured interviews with former and current CC clients were analyzed for communication-based themes involving clients' satisfaction with services. Four macro-themes emerged: (1) Positive Caseworker Personality, (2) Feeling Emotionally Supported, (3) Feeling Helped, and (4) Positive Counseling Environment. Findings have implications for both theories of satisfaction and the offering and practice of CC services.
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Communication and socialization skills of three year olds with a history of language delayDahm, Pamela Susan 01 January 1989 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare receptive language, expressive language, and socialization skills of preschool children who have a history of expressive language delay (ELD) with age mates who have a history of normal language development.
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Způsoby komunikace ve vybraných dílech současné české prózy / Communication Approaches in Contemporary Czech Prose Case StudiesGöttlichová, Adéla Magdaléna January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, and on problematic communication in particular, which is present in case of nine Czech proses published between 2011 and 2021. The ultimate goal of the thesis is to examine the usage of such communication in contemporary Czech prose from a theme-motive perspective, and to analyse how it has been constructed in narrative ways. The arrangement of the case-studies is as follows: Nejlepší pro všechny by Petra Soukupová, Tiché roky by Alena Mornštajnová, Do vnitrozemí by Vladimíra Valová, Chirurg by Petra Dvořáková, Místa ve tmě by Lidmila Kábrtová, Nonstop Eufrat by Veronika Bendová, Český ráj by Jaroslav Rudiš, Hry bez hranic by Michal Kašpárek and Logoz by David Zábranský.
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