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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les êtres fantastiques dans les contes et légendes de Théodor Vernaleken : étude comparative / Fantastic creatures in Theodor Vernaleken's tales and legends : Comparative Study

Yanez, Séverine 30 April 2011 (has links)
« Il était une fois »… un professeur autrichien, Theodor Vernaleken, qui souhaitait diffuser les récits populaires et coutumes traditionnelles des régions alpines. Ce « Grimm autrichien » les restitue si fidèlement dans ses Contes des Alpes pour les enfants et le foyer et ses Légendes des Alpes qu’il adopte la forme dialectale. Pédagogue émérite, il annote ses récits de nombreuses remarques explicatives rendant ainsi ces témoignages accessibles. Le conte est un récit se déroulant « autrefois » « dans une contrée lointaine ». Les êtres fantastiques surgissent tout naturellement au moment opportun, pour permettre ou empêcher le héros de vivre heureux et d’avoir beaucoup d’enfants. Pour sa part, la légende vise à être crue. Dans ces contes et légendes, les habitants ou un membre de la communauté villageoise ont vu de leurs propres yeux, dans leur village, des êtres surnaturels. Ils nous racontent leur étonnement, leur peur découlant de leur confrontation à cet autre monde peuplé de démons. C’est ainsi qu’apparaissent des homoncules, des géants, des dragons et autres animaux fantastiques, qui parlent, se transforment, etc. L’homme est également confronté à des protagonistes démonologiques tels que sorcières, diables et revenants. Celui qui a transgressé les interdits ne pourra échapper à son destin, tel est le message de ces récits exemplaires et instructifs. Jusqu’à présent, aucune étude exhaustive, ni classification de ce genre littéraire n’a été réalisée. Ainsi, cette étude analysera, par une approche comparative, les récits démonologiques à travers l’étude des êtres fantastiques des textes rassemblés par Theodor Vernaleken. / “Once upon a time”… an austrian professor, Theodor Vernaleken, wanted to spread popular stories and traditional uses from the alpine areas. This “Austrian Grimm” restores them in his books Tales From the Alps for children and home and Legends from the Alps so faithfully that he writes them in dialect form. Highly skilled teacher, he writes lots of explicative notes on his stories making them understandable. A tale is a story, which takes place “a long time ago” “in a far faraway country”. Fantastic creatures appear quite naturally at the right time to allow the heroes to live happy and have lots of children or to prevent it to happen. As for it the legend aims to be believed. In these tales and legends inhabitants or a member of the village community have really seen supernatural creatures in their village. They tell us about their amazement, their fear from the confrontation with this other world populated with daemons. So dwarfs, giants, drakes and other fantastic animals and so on appear, speak and are completely transformed. Humans are also confronting demonologic protagonists such as witches, devils and ghosts. Who transgresses the interdicts cannot escape from his fate. That is the message of these exemplary and instructive stories. Up to now, no exhaustive survey or classification of this literary genre has been carried out. So, this work will analyse demonologic stories in a comparative way through the study of fantastic creatures in texts gathered by Theodor Vernaleken.

Obraz Podkarpatské Rusi v díle Ivana Olbrachta (od reportáže k románu a novele) / The Image of Subcarpathian Rus in the Work of Ivan Olbracht (From Reportage to Novel and Novella)

Beníšková, Dagmar January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The thesis deals with the relation of Ivan Olbracht and Subcarpathian Rus. Giving a brief summary of examined territory's history, the authoress attends to Olbracht's Subcarpathian stay and its influence on his work. Olbracht was challenged by the social and political conditions of fossil region to write a set of reportages released in newspaper and afterwards in a double book edition (Země bez jména, Hory a staletí). In the reportages he prepaired a factual and epical field for his prosaic pieces - Nikola Šuhaj loupežník and Golet v údolí (for completeness' sake it's essential to mention Marijka nevěrnice). Authoress devotes herself to a thematic analysis of reportages observing the way Olbracht depicted no longer existing culture and community. She applies this thematic outline on the outlaw novel and the triptych of short stories. It is hereby documented Olbracht's methodics consisting in a stratified narration based on two main layers: factual (empirical) and legendary (poetic).

Monster oder Mitmensch? Der vampirische Andere in zwei Versionen von Francis D. Lawrences Film 'I Am Legend

Pötzsch, Holger 19 November 2019 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht zwei Versionen des Hollywood-Actionfilms 'I Am Legend' (2007). In einem kritischen Vergleich werden unterschiedliche ideologische Standpunkte der beiden Fassungen herausgearbeitet und die politische Schlagseite der hegemonialen Kinoversion, unter Bezugnahme auf das Propagandamodell, durch Marktzwänge und Profitstrategien erklärt, die eine konservative und systemtreue Ausrichtung privilegieren. Testvorführungen treten als konkrete Vermittlungsinstanz hervor, die Anleitung dazu gibt, wie ästhetische Form an finanzielle Erwägungen angepasst werden kann. Das Resultat, so der Beitrag, stärkt dann eine bestehende Hegemonie weiter. Auf diese Weise wird das von Herman und Chomsky entwickelte Propagandamodell am konkreten Beispiel operationalisiert.

Současná pověst a fáma v České republice. Vznik, geneze a sociální a kulturní funkce domácího urbánního folkloru v mezinárodním kontextu / Contemporary legend and rumor in the Czech Republic. Origin, genesis and social and cultural function of domestic urban folklore in international context

Janeček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
(English) Ph.D. Thesis Contemporary Legend and Rumour in the Czech Republic. Origin, Genesis and Social and Cultural Function of Domestic Urban Folklore in International Context Petr Janeček Presented study analyzes character, origin, genesis and social and cultural functions of specific type of prosaic oral narratives transmitted in contemporary oral and non-oral tradition on territory of the Czech Republic. Main attention is given to realistic narratives with primary informative and entertaining function, which are usually presented by their tellers as at least potentially real story or information about actual, genuine happenings of both local and social importance, but whose variants, versions and editions simultaneously circulate over wider geographical and temporary horizon. Because of that, these narratives are labelled by international folkloristics as folklore genres of "contemporary legend" and "rumour". After overview and critical analysis of history of international studies of these two genre concepts, their terminology and genre (both formal and thematic) characteristics in international and Czech folkloristics are presented, as well as relationship of these genres to similar contemporary folklore forms, especially gossip, conspiracy theories, anecdotes and jokes, demonological...

Možný svět fámy / Possible World of Rumour

Soukalová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes and explains rumours as sociological phenomenon. It deals with circumstances under which rumour arises, how it spreads and how it persists in society. It also deals with the prerequisites for understanding the transmission and any believing in rumour. Emphasis is placed on understanding the rumours without negative connotations which is mostly attributed to it. The theory of fictional worlds brings idea that rumour should not be always fictional, fictitious and a priori negative, but rather should be considered as possibly true, especially in terms of the phenomenon, which it refers. It does not matter how many different variations of the rumour story exist, since all create a frame of reference through which is better spread the rumour; adoption of the rumours is not a sign of fiction, but rather a prerequisite to embed among people. The thesis promotes the view that a rumour is spread mainly due to its content and message, which is mainly a warning. The aim is not to pass the exact story, but to warn about a phenomenon that occurs in society. It is not important wheather the rumour is true in each detail, because the only important aspect is truth of phenomenon which the rumour refers to. Keywords Rumour, theory of possible worlds, conspiracy theories, contemporary legend,...

Becoming Melungeon: Making an Ethnic Identity in the Appalachian South

Schrift, Melissa 01 January 2013 (has links)
Appalachian legend describes a mysterious, multiethnic population of exotic, dark-skinned rogues called Melungeons who rejected the outside world and lived in the remote, rugged mountains in thefarthest corner of northeast Tennessee. The allegedly unknown origins of these Melungeons are part of what drove this legend and generated myriad exotic origin theories. Though nobody self-identified asMelungeon before the 1960s, by the 1990s "Melungeonness" had become a full-fledged cultural phenomenon, resulting in a zealous online community and annual meetings where self-identified Melungeons gathered to discuss shared genealogy and history. Although today Melungeons are commonly identified as the descendants of underclass whites, freed African Americans, and Native Americans, this ethnic identity is still largely a social construction based on local tradition, myth, and media. In Becoming Melungeon, Melissa Schrift examines the ways in which the Melungeon ethnicidentity has been socially constructed over time by various regional and national media, plays, and other forms of popular culture. Schrift explores how the social construction of this legend evolved into a fervent movement of a self-identified ethnicity in the 1990s. This illuminating and insightful work examines these shifting social constructions of race, ethnicity, and identity both in the local context of the Melungeons and more broadly in an attempt to understand the formation of ethnic groups and identity in the modern world." / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1053/thumbnail.jpg

"For Music Has Wings" : E. M. Forster's 'Orchestration' of a Homophile Space in <em>The Longest Journey</em>

Johannmeyer, Anke January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

"For Music Has Wings" : E. M. Forster's 'Orchestration' of a Homophile Space in The Longest Journey

Johannmeyer, Anke January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Die Yusuf-Legende in der Version von Ali / Nach dem Dresdener Manuskript Eb. 419 / The Legend of Yusuf in the version of Ali / According to the Dresdener Manuscript Eb. 419

Yaman, Hakan 27 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.

A intertextualidade, o gênero lenda e a produção de texto no ensino fundamental

Moura, Josilda Borges 13 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This academic work shows a discussion about the intertextuality and its importance in the text reading, understanding and producing. It purposes analyze the intertextuality as an expressive resource to build text meanings and to the text producing in the Elementary School, focusing the dialogue between the legend genre and another text genres and, thenceforth, elaborate a pedagogic proposal to be worked in the class. To achieve the proposed objectives, it was necessary to answer the following questions: How the intertextuality can contribute to the reading and writing improvement of the elementary students? How the portuguese teacher can help the elementary students to upgrade their reading and writing skills successfully? Which didactic activities can be applied and which knowledge can be used for this purpose? The search for the answers to these questions took us to a bibliographic research about the subject that has been studying, highlighting some theoretical references, among them, Koch et al. (2012) about intertextuality; Marcuschi (2008) about textual genre; Cascudo (1984) about legend and Schneuwly and Dolz (2004) about didactic sequence, and another authors. Based on these theoretical assumptions, some interpretative analyses were done in some verbal and nonverbal texts, trying to recognize the presence of the intertextuality and how this resource was used by its producers at the creative and sense building process. As a product of these analyses, some reading and text production activities were carefully prepared and organized in a didactic sequence as a pedagogical proposal directed to portuguese teachers in the 6th year of elementary school. Then, it is intended to contribute to improving the quality of education of textual production in the classroom. / Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre a intertextualidade e sua importância para a leitura, a compreensão e a produção de textos. Tem como objetivos analisar a intertextualidade como recurso expressivo para a construção de sentidos de um texto e para a produção textual no ensino fundamental, tendo como enfoque o diálogo que o gênero lenda estabelece com outros gêneros textuais e, a partir desta análise, elaborar uma proposta pedagógica para ser trabalhada em sala de aula. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, buscou-se responder as seguintes questões: de que forma a intertextualidade pode contribuir para o aprimoramento da leitura e escrita dos discentes do ensino fundamental? Como o professor de Língua Portuguesa pode colaborar para que os estudantes do ensino fundamental desenvolvam a capacidade de ler e escrever com competência? Quais atividades didáticas poderão ser aplicadas e quais conhecimentos deverão ser ativados para esse fim? A busca pelas respostas a essas questões conduziram-nos a uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a temática em estudo, destacando alguns referenciais teóricos, dentre eles Koch et al. (2012) sobre intertextualidade; Marcuschi (2008) sobre gênero textual, Cascudo (1984) sobre lenda e Schneuwly e Dolz (2004) sobre sequência didática, além de outros autores. Com base nestes pressupostos teóricos foram realizadas algumas análises interpretativas em textos verbais e não verbais, visando identificar a presença da intertextualidade, e como este recurso foi utilizado por seus produtores no processo de criação e construção de sentido. Como produto destas análises, algumas atividades de leitura e produção de texto foram cuidadosamente preparadas e organizadas, em uma sequência didática, como sugestão de proposta pedagógica, direcionada para professores de Língua Portuguesa do 6º ano do ensino fundamental, pretendendo-se, desta forma, contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino da produção textual nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa e Redação.

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