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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Bourbons sacrés : musica sacra y liturgia de Estado en las cortes de Roma, Madrid y Versalles (1745-1789) / Les Bourbons sacrés : musique et liturgie d'État aux cours de Rome, Madrid et Versailles (1745-1789) / The sacred Bourbons : music and liturgy of State at the Courts of Rome, Madrid and Versailles (1745-1789)

López Morillo, Luis 07 December 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse tente d'aborder, pour la première fois, une analyse comparative du rôle que la musique liturgique a joué dans le processus de construction de l'image sacrée des souverains de la maison Bourbon de France et d'Espagne dans le cadre des cérémonies religieuses célébrées aux cours de Madrid et de Versailles pendant les dernières décennies de l'Ancien Régime, ainsi que du rôle que l'exemple de la Chapelle pontificale a joué dans ce processus. Le but principal de cette étude a été d’apporter un cadre conceptuel et un modèle d'analyse qui permettraient d'aborder une étude globale de la musique sacrée destinée à ces cérémonies, sous un angle plus proche de l'histoire culturelle que de la musicologie traditionnelle, mais toujours partant de l’analyse des aspects performatifs qui permettaient dévoiler l’interaction réciproque entre la musique avec le contexte cérémonial, politique et historique duquel a fait partie. Tout au loin de six chapitres on examine les éléments qui conformaient les cérémonies de la liturgie d’État, conçues à cette époque comme des représentations sacrées : les différentes scènes où avaient lieu, les acteurs, le cérémonial, ainsi que le fonctionnement des différents styles de chant utilisés pour solenniser aussi bien les cérémonies ordinaires que les extraordinaires célébrées à Rome, à Madrid et à Versailles entre 1745 et 1789. Cela comprenait non seulement les œuvres de musique sacrée produites ad hoc par les maîtres de chapelle, mais aussi d’autres musiques, comme le plain-chant, le contrepoint où le faux-bourdon, qui faisant partie de ce même système de représentation étaient parfois exécutés par l’improvisation ou la mémorisation. / This thesis attempts, for the first time, to address a comparative analysis of the role that liturgical music played in the process of building the sacred image of the sovereigns of the Bourbon House of France and Spain as part of the religious ceremonies celebrated in Madrid and Versailles during the last decades of the Ancien Régime, as well as the role that the example of the Pontifical Chapel played in this process. The main purpose of this study was to provide a conceptual framework and analytical model that would allow a global study of sacred music for these ceremonies to be approached from a perspective closer to cultural history than traditional musicology, but always starting from the analysis of the performative aspects that revealed the reciprocal interaction between music and the ceremonial, political and historical context of which it was a part. Along six chapters, we examine the elements that shaped the ceremonies of the State liturgy, conceived at that time as sacred representations: the different scenes in which they took place, the actors, the ceremonial, as well as the functioning of the different styles of singing used to solemnize both the ordinary and extraordinary ceremonies celebrated in Rome, Madrid and Versailles between 1745 and 1789. This included not only sacred music works produced ad hoc by the choirmasters, but also other music, such as plainchant, counterpoint or faux-bourdon, which were sometimes performed by improvisation or memorization as part of this same system of representation.

Pratiques liturgiques d'Églises luthériennes et réformées en France : vie liturgique, dynamique communautaire et identité ecclésiale / Liturgical practices in Lutheran and Reformed Churches in France : liturgical life, community dynamics and ecclesiastical identity

Charras-Sancho, Joan 10 September 2015 (has links)
La liturgie a longtemps été considérée comme un marqueur identitaire fort des Églises luthériennes et réformées, qui avaient pour tradition de produire leur propre liturgie dont l’usage, normatif, ne variait pas. Les mutations socio-religieuses des dernières décennies, couplées avec les unions d’Églises en cours, ont révélé la grande diversité de liturgies mises en œuvre dans les paroisses d’une même Église. Cette diversité interroge particulièrement trois aspects ecclésiologiques : la vie liturgique, dans ses fondements et ses pratiques, la dynamique communautaire et notamment la place faite à la liturgie dans son déploiement et enfin l’identité ecclésiale, afin de savoir dans quelle mesure la liturgie traduit ou participe d’une identité. Le travail de recherche mené dans le cadre de ce doctorat part de ces trois volets pour dégager des critères liturgiques initiaux et transversaux pour les confronter aux données de terrain afin de mesurer l’écart entre ce qui est important dans la perspective théologique des Églises de la Réforme, ce qui est mis en œuvre dans les paroisses et ce qui est perçu par les paroissiens. / Liturgy has long been considered as a strong feature of the identity of Lutheran and Reformed Churches. It was their tradition to produce their own liturgy with a standardised and unvarying usage. Over the last few decades, social and religious changes, coupled with on-going unions between Churches have demonstrated the wide diversity of Liturgies used in the parishes of any one Church. In this diversity three ecclesiological aspects come particularly to the fore: liturgical life, in its foundations and practices, community dynamics and especially the place give to liturgy within this and finally ecclesial identity, in order to find out how far liturgy is a an expression of or an active part of identity. The research work carried out as part of this doctorate uses these three subjects to establish initial and transverse liturgical criteria and then compares these with data gathered in the field in order to assess the gap between what is important from a theological point of view for the Churches of the Reform, what is practiced in parishes and what is perceived by parishioners.

Svenska kyrkan samma kyrka? : ecklesiologi före och efter relationsförändringen mellan kyrka och stat

Rosenius, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is an ecclesiological study, conducted in the form of a case study that examines worship praxis in six parishes in the diocese of Luleå between 1990 and 2009. The specific research problem of the dissertation is whether the organizational changes that took place in connection with the relational change between Church and State in 2000 are reflected in local worship and in church service related decisions in diocese and parishes, and how the concrete relationship between worship praxis and regulations is manifested. The research problem also includes what ecclesiological impact the organizational changes may have had in the studied parishes and what the empirical results can reveal about the ecclesiality of the Church. The dissertation addresses four research questions. In response to the first question: “Are the organizational changes of 2000 reflected in local worship and in worship related decisions in dioceses and parishes and, if so, in what way?” it is noted that organizational change is reflected indirectly in expressions of growing autonomization. In response to the second question "What is the relationship between worship praxis and regulations in the Church ordinance and The Swedish Church manual 1986?” there is a tangible difference between worship praxis and regulations throughout the studied period, i.e. even before the relational change, although the difference over time has increased. Regarding the third question "What impact could the organizational change, associated with the relational change between the Church of Sweden and the State, have had on the ecclesiologies in the worship praxis which the studied parishes represent and hold?” I have not found that the new order has affected, in any direct way, the parishes’ implicit ecclesiologies during the time span covered by the study. Rather, it seems that the Church ordinance that was established at the time of the relational change has reinforced an already existing implicit ecclesiology where the parishes are considered to be autonomous. The fourth question "How can the empirical result be interpreted theologically with regard to its implicit ecclesiology, and what does that say about the ecclesiality of the Church of Sweden?” The theological interpretation of autonomization indicates an overall "immanent ecclesiology", which can be visualized in current praxis in the diocese of Luleå. The ambition that the Church of Sweden despite organizational change in the year 2000 would be the same also indicates a similar implicit ecclesiology. This is because the Church was not thought to change its identity despite being subjected to a revision in form. The study shows that the arsenal of theories and the methodical approach have implications for how much can be clarified and that different ways of studying the Church should be combined. The present study is an example of this by the study's abductive approach and exploratory character, which have allowed both interaction between praxis-related empiricism and theory and interaction between descriptive analysis and hermeneutic interpretation. The study also shows that “ordo-related theories” may be applicable to the study of the Church as an organizational structure.

Diakonie v byzantské tradici / Diaconate in the Byzantine tradition

SLYVOTSKA, Nataliya January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of diaconate and the diacon's service in the Byzantine tradition. The first part deals with the diaconate in the New Testament. The second part focuses on the historical development of the Byzantine rite as well as of the diaconate from the charitable, administrative and liturgical perspektive where the liturgical aspekt begins to dominate. The third part introduces the Liturgies (Masses)in the Byzantine tradition with consideration for the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and stresses his irreplaceable role.

Teologiese elemente van lofprysings en aanbidding in kontemporêre jeugbediening

Taljaard, Dirk Cornelis 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Lofprysing en aanbidding, wat die kern behoort le vorm van elke erediens, omdat God sentraal staan daarin, en wat ook die middelpunt van die erediens van die !ewe behoort le wees, omdat dit die reaksie van dankbaarheid op God se goedheid is, word in die Gereformeerde tradisie heel dik els met groot skeptisisme bejeen. Deels gebeur dit omdat die begrippe "lofprysing" en "aanbidding" dalk nog nie duidelik gedefinieer is nie en daar dikwels baie subjektiewe betekenis daaraan gegee word. Dis 'n groat jammerte omdat dit baie van die vreugde, die hartlikheid en die warmte van byeenkomste van die geloofsgemeenskap ontneem. Verder het dit tot gevolg dat sommige lid mate - en veral jongmense - hulle heil elders gaan soek, waar hulle behoeftes aangespreek word. Aangesien hierdie 'n studie is wat fokus op die Skriftuurlike en teologiese begronding van lofprysing en aanbidding, asook die behoeftes van jongmense, word aandag geskenk aan belangrike tendense wat 'n invloed uitoefen op hulle behoeftes, voor- en afkeure en algemene lewensuitkyk. Sake wat aan die orde kom is onder andere kultuur - met verwysing na subkulture en pop-kultuur - die sogenaamde Generasieteoriee en spiritualiteitstipes. Laastens word aanbevelings gemaak oor hoe gemeentes en kerke, met in agneming van veral die behoeftes van jongmense, lofprysing en aanbidding op 'n Skriftuurlike en teologiese verantwoorde wyse kan beplan en aanbied, terwyl jongmense in die proses bemagtig word om mede-verantwoordelikheid daarvoor te aanvaar. / Praise and worship, central to every church service, as a grateful response to God's goodness and mercy, is frequently met with scepticism within the Reformed tradition. This is, partly, due to different definitions, resulting in a variety of subjective interpretations. It deprives the faith community of the joy and warmth expected to be experienced at gatherings. It furthermore results in youth having to seek alternative pastures for their specific needs. This research focuses on the Scriptural and theological foundation of praise and worship, as well as the needs of the youth, relevant trends influencing their needs, their preferences and dislikes as well as their attitude towards life in general. Aspects such as culture and the so called Generational theories and types of spirituality will come under scrutiny. Lastly recommendations are made for planning and presentation of Scriptural sound praise and worship, whilst, at the same time, empowering them to take joint responsibility. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Diac. (Jeugwerk)

Model vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele

Viljoen, David Muller 30 June 2003 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This thesis embarked with the problem within the liturgy that tension exists in trying to minister justly according to the current context and trying to minister faithful to Scripture. A departing perspective is that the liturgy is the heartbeat in the congregation whereto and from where every aspect is networking. Also, that the emphasis can be on both proclaiming and celebrating in Protestant liturgies. Dialogical communication was chosen as theoretical approach together with communicative action for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The first and last chapters illustrate what is meant with the term liturgy. The problem is stated (and investigated) that liturgy is a complicated and central phenomenon, which ought to let Reformed theology as well as a postmodern context come to their own. It is also indicated that liturgical spirituality, liturgical communication and liturgical pastorate can better be used and improved during Sunday liturgies. For the liturgy in order to serve the Reformed tradition and the postmodern context, and to uplift the three liturgical aspects of spirituality, communication and pastorate, liturgical symbols and rituals are posed as timeless agents to better the liturgy. Attention was also given to symbolism in Scripture. This led to a model of application as a theory of praxis for the liturgical use of symbols and rituals. The core of this model or theory of praxis, is: I. The highest priority in liturgical symbolism will always be to promote the holy Trinity and Biblical principles. II. The supplementary use of right-brain components, such as experience, emotion and music. III. A high premium on active participation and repetition. IV. An approach of simplicity and soberness. V. Relevance to the culture and context of the day. VI. Services that take hold of total persons and focus on multiple senses and corporeality (bodily involvement). i VII. Room for transendence, imagination and mystic worship of God. VIII. Actions and services that embrace diversity, pluralism and generative variety. IX. Meetings where pastoral and therapeutic dimensions are included. X. Celebration and positive experiences in meetings. XI. The use of images, stories, metaphors and icons. XII. The use of meta-communicative principles such as attitude, intention and high validation of other people. / Hierdie proefskrif het vertrek met die probleem vanuit die liturgie dat daar binne die huidige konteks en die deurlopende poging tot getrouheid aan die Skrif toenemend spanning groei in die eredienspraktyk. Die proefskrif vertrek ook vanuit die perspektief dat die liturgie die hartklop en voedingsaar van die gemeente is van waaruit en waarheen die totale gemeente netwerk en dat die verkondigingsbenadering en die vierings-benadering altwee 'n legitieme plek in die Protestantse liturgiese tradisie het. As teoretiese vertrekpunt vir die liturgiese handelinge word dialogiese kommunikasie gekies saam met kommunikatiewe handelinge ter wille van die evangelie van Jesus Christus. In die eerste en laaste hoofstukke word verduidelik wat met die begrip liturgie bedoel word. Die probleem word gestel dat die liturgie 'n komplekse handeling en kardinale fenomeen is wat reg moet laat geskied aan die Gereformeerde teologie en aan 'n postmoderne konteks. Verder word uitgewys dat liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat in ons huidige tydgleuf meer benut en uitgebou kan word tydens die weeklikse liturgiee. Ten einde die liturgie in haar Gereformeerde tradisie en postmoderne konteks te dien en om die drie liturgiese fasette van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat te bevorder, word liturgiese simbole en rituele aangebied as tydlose en tydige agente om die liturgie mee te verryk. Om die ondersoeke af te rond, is daar ook aan simboliek in die Bybel aandag gegee. 'n Werkswyse is gevolg waar die Gereformeerde teologie en postmoderniteit ontleed is en in verband gebring is met simbole en rituele. Liturgiese spiritualiteit, liturgiese kommunikasie en liturgiese pastoraat is ook gedissekteer, ten einde dit beter te begryp, en in verband te bring met liturgiese simbole en rituele. Daarna het simboliek aan die beurt gekom en is simbole en rituele gedefinieer, ontleed en na aard, wese en toepassing bestudeer. Simboliek in die Bybel is afgetas om gewig te verleen aan die ondersoeke. Uit al die genoemde ontledings en bevindings wys die proefskrif uit dat simbole en rituele inderdaad uitnemend geskik is om die liturgie eer aan te doen in die eiesoortige soeke na voortreflike vlakke van spiritualiteit, kommunikasie en pastoraat binne Gereformeerde en postmoderne kontekste. Hieruit is 'n toepassingsmodel as omvattende praktykteorie aangebied vir die liturgiese gebruik van simbole en rituele as die bydrae van hierdie proefskrif. (5.4 en 5.5). Die kern van die model of praktykteorie vir die liturgiese toepassing van simboliek is: I. Dat die hoogste doelstelling en swaarwigtigste vergestalting met simboliek in die erediens altyd God Drie-Enig en Bybelse waardes en beginsels is. II. Dat aanvullende gebruikmaking en verrekening van regterbreinkomponente soos ervaring, emosie en musiek noodsaaklik is. Ill. 'n Doelbewuste hoe premie op handelende deelname en herhaling. IV. 'n Benadering van eenvoud en soberheid. V. Handelinge en momente wat spreek tot die kultuur en konteks van die dag. VI. Erediensmomente wat die totale mens betrek en infokus op veelsintuiglikheid en liggaamlikheid. VII. Ruimte vir transendensie, verbeelding en mistiek om God te aanbid. VIII. Handelinge wat diversiteit, pluralisme en generatiewe verskeidenheid omhels en vier. IX. Byeenkomste wat pastorale en terapeutiese roepings insluit. X. Samekomste waar feestelikheid en aangename ervarings beleef word. XI. Kommunikeerders wat beelde, verhale, metafore en ikone gebruik. XII. Handelinge waar ag geslaan word op metakommunikatiewe beginsels soos gesindheid, intensie en hoe waardetoekennings aan die ander persoon. / Practial Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Pentecostal preaching in North America

Ragoonath, Aldwin 11 1900 (has links)
Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

What remains behind - on the virtual reconstruction of dismembered manuscripts

Schulz, Matthias 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Coptic is the latest stage of the indigenous Egyptian language written in the Greek alphabet with some additional characters taken from the Demotic script. Due to climatic conditions many manuscripts have survived from Egypt. The bulk of Coptic manuscripts of the 1st millenium A. D. is preserved in fragmentary condition and the remains are scattered – often as single leaves or small groups of leaves – over collections on three continents. So a major aim of scholarly work is the virtual reconstruction of codices. Assigning a fragment to a specific manuscript is often not easy. It’s not only necessary to compare the script for similarities but also to take into account the contents in order to identify the manuscript of origin and the position of the leave therein. In the case of known texts which have been recorded in a manuscript as full texts a mathematical approach can be used to estimate the position of a fragment. Special problems arise with manuscripts of uncertain arrangement, e.g. liturgical codices that do not have one continuous text. They combine texts from the scriptures, hymns, prayers, or lifes of saints. In these cases reliable estimates can only be given by comparing the identified text / texts on a single leave with a representative amount of data: this means collecting and indexing as much known material as possible and arranging it according to liturgical usage. The lecture presents ways of assigning fragments by use of palaeography to known codices. An important tool is the “palaeography data base” developed in the Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung at Münster (INTF) as a base instrument for virtual reconstructions in the Virtual Manuscript Room (VMR) of the INTF. Furthermore, electronic tools will be shown that are a by-product of the lecturer’s PhD for identifying texts, the order of manuscripts as well as for further research.

Signs of God's promise : Thomas Cranmer's sacramental theology and baptismal liturgy

Jeanes, Gordon January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Svenska kyrkan 1986 och 2016 : En studie kring Svenska kyrkans missale 1986 samt kyrkohandboksförslaget för 2016 / The Church of Sweden 1986 and 2016 : A study of their Church-handbook of 1986 and the Proposal of 2016

Sjögren, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
The Church of Sweden has, under the past few years, had a special focus on their Church-handbook of 1986. There has been a widely-discussed debate among the different congregations in Sweden if, and when, their Church-handbook should be exchanged for a new Church-handbook. But, is there also a risk of a change in liturgy and theology? In this essay, I have been able to identify both similarities and differences in the Church-handbook of 1986 and the Proposal of 2016. In the Church-handbook of 1986 there is a focus on "We" and in the Proposal of 2016 there have been a significant change to focus on "World-wide". This focuses on both "We" and "World-wide", are a direct connection to the ecclesiology that were in question of the publication of the Church-handbooks. So which path shall Curch of Sweden take 2017? Shall they continue with the Church-handbook of 1986 and keep a well-known liturgy or take the Proposal of 2016 into consideration? During the "trial-run" which follow every Proposal that the Church of Sweden publishes, members of congregations all around Sweden, has shown a reluctance towards the Proposal of 2016. They have shown that it's a Proposal that has not taken into consideration, the very importance of recognition and that not all of those that visits the different churches in Sween, are familiar with the liturgy.  Therefore, they claim, the Church of Sweden shall not have the Proposal of 2016 as their primarily used Church-handbook, but they can take into consideration to use it as an edition to the Church-handbook of 1986.

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