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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of the process of indigenisation in the Anglican Diocese of Mashonaland, (1891 - 1981), with special emphasis on the ministry of indigenous Christians

Musodza, Archford 11 1900 (has links)
This study considered indigenisation to involve a process of making the local people `feel at home' in their Church. The ministry of early catechists such as Bernard Mizeki and Frank Ziqubu was crucial in showing the fact that the Anglican Church was not necessarily a church for Europeans only, but for the indigenous people as well. After this first generation of catechists there were numerous indigenous catechists who also ministered in the Diocese of Mashonaland by way of preparing people for the different sacraments found in the Anglican Church. On the other hand the training of the indigenous people for the ordained ministry was also another significant step in the process of indigenisation in the Diocese of Mashonaland. In this regard theological institutions such as St Augustine's Seminary in Penhalonga Manicaland, St Peter's Seminary Rossettenville in Johannesburg and St John's Seminary in Lusaka provided the much needed training. This study also revealed that although the Diocese of Mashonaland had an indigenous person at its helm in 1981, it remained European in several facets of its life. Although translations as a form of indigenisation started from the beginning of the Diocese of Mashonaland and continued right up to 1981, it seems it actually crippled the local indigenous peoples' innovativeness and ingenuity. In addition indigenous musical instruments also took sometime before they could be accepted in divine worship. On the other hand local art and décor as well as local architectural expressions took time to be incorporated into the Diocese of Mashonaland. However few early European missionaries such as Arthur Shirley Cripps and Edgar Lloyd tried to implement local architecture and décor in their churches in Daramombe and Rusape respectively. This study has also established that although the Anglican Diocese of Mashonaland got indigenous leadership by 1981, its liturgy, theology as well as its Acts and Canons remained European. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Div. (Church History)

An evaluation of the modern church in light of the early church : the case of Seventh Day Adventist Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Kakule, Mithimbo Paul 11 1900 (has links)
One of the concerns of the modern Christian church and dissident groups is to ensure that the Church's fundamental doctrines, leadership, women's ministries and religious practices conform with the early apostolic church teachings. In this study the writer offers a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the modern church in the light of the early church. The case of the modern Seventhday Adventist (SDA) Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and worldwide is examined and compared, basing its survey on numerous published and unpublished documents from a combined use of primary, secondary materials and individual statements. Setting the early history of the SDA Church within the religious context of nineteenth-century America, the writer describes how SDA doctrines, leadership, women's ministries and religious practices link with those beliefs and practices in the early apostolic church, showing whether the SDA Church has departed from the early apostolic church’s Biblical, timeless principles or not. Several pertinent issues however have stirred up as much controversy in recent years within the Adventist dissident groups as that of the women’s ministries in the church, the righteousness by faith doctrine, the monarchical leadership, and various religious practices. Nevertheless, in the light of the early apostolic teaching, some enlightenment has been achieved, and several critical accusations from dissident groups were illuminated and confirmed.The accusation regarding the deterioration of Biblical doctrines appears not to have been confirmed by the Biblical evaluation and the lifestyle of the SDA believers. Rather, concerning this issue, it is confirmed that in the DRC and worldwide, the SDA Church has not departed from the fundamental doctrines of the early Apostolic church. / Thesis (D. TH. (Church History))

An enquiry into Advent and Lenten Cycles of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Eucharistic Collects

Savage, Allan Maurice 06 1900 (has links)
There is dissatisfaction with the Collects when scholastically (classically) understood. An alternative phenomenological understanding is an engaging and artistic philosophical enquiry. Phenomenological philosophical enquiry engages the individual in meaningful interpretation and construction of the life-world founded on a non-dichotomous ontology. Phenomenological enquiry (existential philosophy) interprets the present and relates to the future such as is not possible in scholastic (classical) philosophy. The early twentieth century philosophers, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, conceived a phenomenological method of interpretation which innovatively placed the subject and object in a dialectical union. Understanding the Collects phenomenologically presents new insights susceptible to consensus within a community. At present, the Collects are structured on the principles of classical (dichotomous) ontology. The Collects reflect the collective religious meaning of the life-world and provide a vision upon which a community may build. In phenomenological interpretation an individual and a community, in the presence of that which is divine, participate as co-creators of the life-world. Thus, in contemporary western society phenomenological methodology ~ay be more helpful and therefore more desirable than scholastic methodology for theological interpretation. The hypothesis that phenomenological philosophy is more helpful, thus more desirable, than scholastic philosopl1y began as a hunch on my part. From a theological perspective, I examined data obtained from a particular focus group. Intelligent reflection, phenomenologically not classically understood, is a working principle in this thesis. / Taking into account phenomenological methodology and conceptualising the problem as originally and scientifically as circumstances permit, I offer a resolution to the dissatisfaction with the Collects. I suggest replacing scholastic ontological understanding with the more helpful phenomenological ontological understanding in liturgical interpretation. This replacement-solution hypothesis is evidenced in this study minimally, but sufficiently, to conclude that such replacement is occurring in theological understanding. There are clear existential intimations of a shift from classical understanding to phenomenological understanding. The results of the survey show traditional understanding to be favoured, however. In the concluding remarks, I evaluate my findings and suggest what direction future studies may take. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Le renouveau musical dans les cathédrales en France de 1801 à 1860 - Le Mans - / Musical revival in French cathedrals from 1801 to 1860 -Le Mans-

Buvron, Jean-Marcel 30 May 2013 (has links)
En 1857, Joseph d'Ortigue constatait que les maîtrises des cathédrales en France, en activité au cours de la première moitié du XIXe siècle, ne pourraient jamais prétendre au rôle qu'elles avaient rempli pendant des siècles avant leur fermeture en 1791. Malgré le soutien dans un premier temps des pouvoirs publics, la tentative de refondation souhaitée pour chaque cathédrale, s'est en effet soldée par un échec : l'Église catholique n'a pas réussi à redonner au culte l'éclat musical et cantoral qu'il revêtait avant la Révolution. À travers l'étude de la maîtrise du Mans de 1801 à 1860, « une des premières rétablies et une des plus florissantes », cette thèse analyse les principales causes de cet échec inévitable : l'incertitude des ressources financières, l'évolution des mentalités en matière de religion, la formation incomplète des nouvelles générations de musiciens d'Église, le changement des goûts musicaux. Dans les années 1830-40, la liturgie et sa musique sont l'objet de vives polémiques où s’affrontent les partisans d'une musique expressive et les militants d'une restauration du plain-chant. Le renouveau musical dans les cathédrales, et notamment au Mans, ne trouve finalement son accomplissement qu'après une réforme de la liturgie qui définit la musique la plus appropriée au culte. Avec le retour de la liturgie romaine et du chant grégorien, plus de cinquante ans d’efforts auront été nécessaires pour que les cérémonies religieuses gagnent en cohérence ce qu’elles ont perdu en éclat. / In 1857, Joseph d’Ortigue saw that the music schools attached to French cathedrals in the first half of the 19th century could never play the part they had had for centuries, until they were closed in 1791. Though they were at first officially aided, all the cathedrals failed when they tried to revive their musical activity : the catholic church did not succeed in giving back to their celebrations the brilliance of music and song that had been theirs before the Revolution. Studying the Le Mans music school from 1801 to 1860 – it was « one of the first to be re-estblished and one of the most flourishing » –, this thesis analyses the main causes of this inevitable failure: the uncertainty of financial resources, the evolution of habits of thought as regarded religion, the incomplete training of the new generation of church musicians, as well as the changes in musical tastes. In the years 1830-1840, the liturgy and its music are hotly argued about by those in favour of an expressive music and those advocating a restoration of plain chant. The musical revival in cathedrals – notably in Le Mans – was eventually achieved only after a reform of the liturgy defining which music is most suitable for divine worship. With the return of the Roman liturgy and Gregorian chant, over fifty years were necessary for religious ceremonies to gain in coherency what they had lost in brilliance.

A prática da Santa Ceia na Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) na tensão entre a "teologia oficial" e a "teologia popular" : comparação, interpretação e conseqüências à luz das origens do culto cristão

Paulo Gerhard Pietzsch 08 April 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa faz um levantamento das principais concep-ções sobre a Santa Ceia na "teologia oficial" e na "teologia popular" no âmbito da Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) e depois de comparar e interpretar os dados levantados tira as conseqüências para a prática litúrgica à luz das origens do culto cristão. No capítulo um faz-se uma explanação sobre a Santa Ceia na "teologia oficial" da IELB, definindo-a como um sacramento, identificando seus benefícios, enumerando suas conseqüências, falando do preparo para a participação e de quem participa dela. No capítulo dois faz-se a explanação do resultado de uma pesquisa social para identificar os principais elementos da "teologia popular" concernente à Santa Ceia no âmbito da IELB. Neste capítulo destacam-se os principais enunciados da "teologia popular": os participantes da Ceia são os que se preparam para participar, os que andam no caminho certo, os que são batizados e confirmados, que são da igreja ou crêem no que a igreja ensina. Faz-se referência a um grupo de entrevistados que não impõe qualquer condição, mas que diz que todos podem participar. Entre os benefícios da participação da Santa Ceia, na "teologia popular" destacam-se: traz perdão dos pecados, recebe-se o corpo e o sangue de Cristo, traz salvação, traz alívio e paz ao coração, fortalece e renova a fé. As conseqüências da participação da Santa Ceia, segundo a "teologia popular", são as que seguem: ajuda na mudança de atitudes, oportuniza a comunhão com Deus e com os irmãos, torna o local da celebração um lugar de bem-estar . Outros aspectos relevantes da pesquisa foram destacados na "teologia popular": é importante consagrar os elementos, lembra-se dos hinos e da liturgia, lembra-se da instrução e da primeira comunhão, lembra-se de pessoas queridas. No capítulo três se faz uma justaposição, comparação e interpretação dos enunciados da "teologia oficial" e da "teologia popular". Neste capítulo colocam-se lado a lado os enunciados da "teologia oficial" e da "teologia popular", buscando identificar semelhanças e diferenças entre ambas e procurando identificar possíveis causas para essas semelhanças e diferenças. No último capítulo, fazendo-se um retorno ao passado, apresentam-se as conseqüências das descobertas da pesquisa para a prática da Santa Ceia à luz das origens do culto cristão. Neste capítulo, ao se tratar da Eucaristia nas origens do culto cristão, fala-se das influências judaicas, apreciam-se aspectos relevantes da última Ceia de Cristo, discorre-se a respeito do "partir do pão" na era apostólica e, por fim, do testemunho da Igreja Antiga acerca da Eucaristia. A partir desses referenciais das origens do culto cristão, procura-se listar possíveis conseqüências para a prática da Santa Ceia no âmbito da IELB. / This research makes a survey about the main conceptions relating to the Holy Supper from the point of view of the "official theology" and from the perspective of "popular theology" in the context of The Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB). After comparing and interpreting the results, conclusions are made for the liturgical practice in the light of the origins of the Christian worship. In the first chapter there is an explanation about the Holy Supper in the "official theology" of IELB defining it as a sacrament, identifying its benefits, establishing its consequences, discussing the preparation for participation of those involved in it. In chapter two, there is the explanation of the results of a social survey in order to identify the main elements of the "popular theology" concerning Holy Supper in the congregations of IELB. In this chapter the focus is on the main enunciations of the "popular theology": the participants of the Holy Supper are those who prepare themselves for Communion, those who walk in the right path, those who are baptized and confirmed, and those who belong to the church or believe in the churchs teaching. There is reference to a group that was interviewed that does not put any condition and says that any person can participate. Among the benefits of those who participate in the Holy Supper, in the "popular theology", the following can be emphasized: it brings forgiveness of sins, the body and blood of Christ are received, it brings salvation, it brings relieve and peace to the heart, it strengthens and renews the faith. The consequences of the participation in the Holy Supper, according to the "popular theology", are the following: help in the change of behavior, it bestows communion with God and with fellow brothers and sisters, it turns the place of celebration into a pleasant place. Other aspects: it is important to consecrate the elements, the person remembers the hymns and liturgy, the Confirmation instruction and the first Communion, and remembers beloved people. In chapter three, there is a juxtaposition, comparison, and interpretation of the data taken from the "official theology" and of the "popular theology". In this chapter this research parallels the enunciations of the "official theology" and of the "popular theology" where it identifies the similarities and the differences between them trying to identify possible causes for these similarities and differences. In the last chapter, there is a return to the past. This chapter presents the results of the research for the practice of the Holy Supper in the light of the origins of Christian worship. This chapter, when analysing the Eucharist in the origins of the Christian worship, deals with the Jewish influences, important aspects of Christs Last Supper are valued; it discusses the "breaking of the bread" in the Apostolic era and, finally, the chapter discusses the witness of the Ancient Church about the Eucharist. Beginning with these references of the origins of the Christian worship, this research lists possible consequences for the practice of the Holy Supper at IELBs sphere of action.

Uvádění dítěte do slavení mše svaté v rámci reflexe příprav na první svaté přijímání / Introducing a child into the celebration of Holy Mass in the reflection of preparations for the first Holy Communion

ZRZAVÁ, Marie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the preparation of children for the first Holy Communion and their introduction into active and conscious celebration of Holy Mass. The theoretical part describes specifics of Christian education, typical features of younger school age?s children and nature of religious education and catechesis. Further more it describes the basic definition of the liturgy, the ways or possibilities of a true celebration of liturgical celebrations. The practical part is made up of two areas. The first section is based on the theoretical part and its basis characterizes the basic criteria which the preparation for first Holy Communion should respect. The second section contains a brief characterization of twelve books and series about the preparation for the first Holy Communion. These materials are reflected from three aspects ? if they are intended for teaching religion or catechesis, whether they count in cooperation with the family and possibly with the parish, or if they ultimately prepare children for their active and conscious participation in Holly Mass. The review is not aimed only to criticise, but rather wants to emphasize the potential benefits of a particular material and thus its importance in the systematic introducing of children into the celebration of the liturgy, from which it is possible to gain the true joy and hope.

Liturgias da Boa Morte e do Bem Morrer : práticas e representações fúnebres na Campinas oitocentista (1760-1880) / Liturgies of Good Death and Well Dying : funeral representations and practices in Campinas of the nineteenth century (1760-1880)

Berto, João Paulo, 1989- 02 March 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Eliane Moura da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T14:28:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Berto_JoaoPaulo_M.pdf: 3614651 bytes, checksum: 8077f32400cc72f254a69b31369ea033 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A pesquisa propôs realizar o estudo das liturgias da Boa Morte e do Bem Morrer católicas, vindas de Portugal na forma de manuais e doutrinas, e sua leitura e tradução na cidade paulista de Campinas entre os anos de 1760 e 1880, período em que a cidade passa por diferentes transformações sociais, urbanas e culturais, incluindo a laicização de seus cemitérios. No período, observou-se que as liturgias institucionais da Igreja Católica, dadas por meio de catecismos, manuais e livros sobre a prática do bem viver e morrer, circularam e foram ressignificadas, sobretudo com o apoio das irmandades que forneciam aos seus irmãos aportes próprios no pré e pós-morte, criando redes simbólicas específicas. Sob o viés da história cultural das religiões e das práticas de leitura, a pesquisa abordou a construção das liturgias da boa morte a partir das diretrizes da Igreja Católica e o modo como circularam em diferentes representações e práticas fúnebres atingindo os grupos populacionais e configurando espaços de interesses variados. A documentação básica da pesquisa foi a dos manuais doutrinais e do bem morrer, os registros eclesiais, os documentos das irmandades / Abstract: This research proposes to study the Catholic's liturgies of Good Death and Well Dying, that come from Portugal in the form of manuals and doctrines, and its reading and translation by brotherhoods in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, between the 1760 and 1880, period which the city goes through social, urban and cultural transformations, including the secularization of their cemeteries. We were observed in the period how the institutional liturgies of the Catholic Church, given through catechisms, manuals and books about the practice of well living and dying were circulated and re-signified, especially with the support of the brotherhoods supplied before and after death, creating specific symbolic networks. Based on cultural history of religions and practices of reading, we studied how were built the liturgies of good death from the guidelines of the Catholic Church and among the brotherhoods, how circulated in differents representations and practices among the population groups and how configured spaces of varying interests. The documentation of the research was the doctrinal and the well dying manuals, ecclesial records and pastoral letters, the documents of the brotherhoods / Mestrado / Historia Cultural / Mestre em História

L'explication touchant le temple divin, les ornements sacrés et la divine Mystagogie de Syméon de Thessalonique (1429) : édition, traduction, commentaire / The Explanation about the Divine Temple, the Sacred Ornaments and Divine Mystagogy, of Symeon of Thessalonica († 1429) : Edition, translation and commentaries

Garnier, Sébastien 04 June 2011 (has links)
À la veille de la prise définitive de Thessalonique, l’archevêque Syméon (†1429) apporte les dernières retouches à son commentaire mystagogique, l’Explication touchant le temple divin, les ornements sacrés et la divine Mystagogie. Il s’agit de la troisième version d’un traité destiné à l’origine au clergé crétois. Le dernier traité mystagogique byzantin fait le tableau des fastes d’une liturgie pontificale et enregistre les derniers développements d’un rituel dont l’évolution touche alors à son terme. Synthèse de la tradition mystagogique qui l’a précédé, l’ouvrage manifeste un véritable retour aux sources du genre (Denys l’Aréopagite et Maxime le Confesseur). Syméon y propose un exposé de la doctrine eucharistique conforme aux thèses palamites sur la Grâce, conçue comme énergie commune aux hypostases de la Trinité mais distincte de son essence. Ce commentaire a joué un rôle essentiel dans le développement et la transmission du palamisme au sein de l’Église grecque. Cette dernière version est conservée dans le Zagorensis 23, où une main est intervenue directement dans le corps et les marges du texte afin de le corriger et de l’amplifier. La question de savoir si ces interventions sont autographes se pose. Nous tenterons d’en comprendre la signification. D’autre part les quatre témoins qui conservent cette version révisée, nous permettront d’en retracer l’histoire. Complétée par ces quatre témoins, nous présentons une édition de la leçon du Zagorensis, de lecture souvent difficile et lacunaire. Elle sera accompagnée d’une traduction. En contrepoint, l’étude de la tradition manuscrite nous permettra d’esquisser l’histoire de deux premières versions de cette œuvre / On the eve of the definitive fall of Thessalonica, archbishop Symeon (1429 ) brings the last touch to his mystagogical comment, the Explanation about the Divine Temple, the Sacred Ornaments and Divine Mystagogy. It is the third version of a treaty originally intended for the Cretan clergy. The last Byzantine Mystagogical treaty made thepicture of the splendors of an episcopal liturgy and registered the last developments of a rite the evolution of which touched then its term. Synthesis of the mystagogical tradition which preceded, the work testifies for a real return to the sources of the genre (Denys the Areopagite and Maxime the Confessor). Symeon proposes a presentation of the eucharistic doctrine in accordance with the palamites theses on the Grace, conceived as the energy common to the hypostases of the Trinity but different from Their essence. This comment played anessential role in the development and the transmission of Palamism within the Greek Church. This last version is preserved in Zagorensis 23, where a hand intervened directly in the body and the margins of the text to correct and amplify it. The question to know if these interventions are original arises. We shall try to understand its meaning. On the other hand four witnesses which keep this revised version, will allow us to redraw its history. Completed by these four witnesses, we present an edition of the lesson of Zagorensis, whose reading is often difficult and incomplete. It will be accompanied with a translation. In counterpoint, the study of the handwritten tradition will allow us to sketch the history of first two versions of this work.

La théologie du salut selon le cycle hebdomadaire syro-antiochien : Étude historique et théologique / The theology of salvation according to the Syro-Antiochian weekly cycle : An historical and theological study.

Habil, Menzer 11 January 2014 (has links)
Le cycle hebdomadaire syro-antiochien est un cycle liturgique férial, simple et non eucharistique. Le livre de prières dont on sert pendant ces jours fériaux est appelé en syriaque Shehimo, ce que signifie « simple » ou « banal ». La valeur théologique des offices du Shehimo réside dans leur fonction actualisante qui transforme les événements salvifiques du passé en réalité vécue constamment par les fidèles à travers la mémoire. L’étude du livre, de sa structure liturgique, de son contenu et de ses sources révèle la grande richesse du cycle hebdomadaire qui a su assimiler plusieurs textes bibliques, apocryphes, patristiques et historiques afin de les présenter aux fidèles d’une manière simple pour les accompagner dans leur voyage hebdomadaire entre le premier et le huitième jour de la semaine. D’autre part, l’économie du salut réalisée par le Verbe de Dieu constitue la base solide sur laquelle se fondent les textes du Shehimo. Dieu a crée l’homme motivé par son amour et lorsque l’homme est tombé dans le péché, Dieu l’a sauvé par le même amour divin invraisemblable. L’incarnation du Fils, sa vie, son enseignement, ses miracles, sa crucifixion, sa mort et sa résurrection visaient toujours le salut de l’homme. D’une manière poétique, imaginative et mélodique, le chrétien se souvient de toute cette œuvre salvifique et divine que le Christ a réalisée en sa faveur, il affirme son attachement à cette œuvre, il chante la gloire de son Sauveur et il exprime ardemment son désir d’être digne de lui chanter éternellement sa gloire dans son Royaume céleste. / The Syro-Antiochian weekly cycle is an ordinary, simple and non-eucharistic liturgical cycle. The prayer book which we use during the ordinary days, is called Shehimo in Syriac, which means “simple” or “trivial”. The theological value of the services of the Shehimo lies in their actualizing function which transforms the salvational events of the past into a reality that is constantly lived by the faithful through their memory. The study of the book, of its liturgical structure, its content and its sources, reveals the great richness of the weekly cycle which was able to assimilate many biblical, apocryphal, patristic and historical texts in order to present them to the faithful in a simple manner so as to accompany them in their weekly journey from the first to the eighth day of the week. On the other hand, the economy of salvation that was realized by the Word of God constitutes the solid base on which the texts of the Shehimo are founded. When God created man He was motivated by His love; when man fell in sin, God has saved him with the same inconceivable divine love. The incarnation of the Son, His life, His teachings, His miracles, His crucifixion, His death and His resurrection always aimed at the salvation of man. In a poetic, imaginative and melodic way, the Christian believer remembers all this salvational and divine work that Christ has accomplished for his sake, and thus the Christian believer affirms his attachment to this work. He chants the glory of his Savior and expresses passionately his desire to be worthy of eternally chanting to Him His glory in His heavenly kingdom.

The reform of the communion service in South Eastern diocese of ELCSA with special reference to the Umpumulo Parish (1985-1996)

Mamba, Douglas Menzi 18 September 2007 (has links)
No abstract available / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

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