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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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"My People, What Have I Done to You?": The Good Friday <i>Popule meus</i> Verses in Chant and Exegesis, c. 380–880

Karim, Armin 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Krakensalbung nach Jakobus 5 - biblische Möglichkeit oder gelebte Wirklichkeit? eine Praktisch-theologische empirische untersuchung innerhalb die Sächsischen Landeskirche

Soffner, Sabine 30 May 2005 (has links)
With the form on ,,Krankensegnung [mit -salbung]'" (blessing the sick [including anointment]) in the book of liturgy on ,,Dienst an Kranken" (ministering to the sick), the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony has put the anointing of the sick back into tocus while still stating some "unfamiliarity" with this topic. Is the anointing of the sick therefore rather a biblical possibility than a practised reality? The ''practised reality" is examined qualitatively using expert interviews with six theoretically sampled ministers of the Church of Saxony. The results obtained show a wide range of practice. They are subsequently compared with theoretical results (history and fundamentals from systematic theology) under the primacy of James 5:14-15. The interpretation shO\vs the observed practice partially corresponding to James 5. From this, conclusions for practice are drawn followed by an evaluation of the survey / Das Thema ,Krankensalbung" wird in der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche durch das Formular Krankensegnung [mit -salbung] in der Agende .. Dienst an Kranken'' liturgisch neu ins Blickfeld geri.ickt, zugleich aber eine gewisse .. Fremdheit'' beztiglich des Themas konstatiert. Deshalb ergibt sich die Frage, ob Krankensalbung eher eine biblische Moglichkeit als eine gelebte Wirklichkeit ist. Die ,gelebte Wirklichkeit" wird mit Hilfe eines qualitativen Forschungsdesigns untersucht. Dabei wird die Praxis der Krankensalbung durch Experteninterviews mit sechs bewusst ausgewahlten Ptarrern der sachsischen Landeskirche erhoben. Die Darstellung der hierbei gewonnenen Ergebnisse Hisst ein breites Praxisspektrum erkennen. In einem weiteren Schritt folgt die Interpretation der Resultate. Der lnterpretationsrahmen besteht aus den Ergebnissen der Theorie (Geschichte und systematisch-theologischen Grundlagen) unter dem Vorrang von Jak 5,14-15. Die Interpretation zeigt, dass die vorgefundene Praxis teilweise Jak 5 entspricht. lnfolgedessen werden Schlussfolgerungen als Hilfen fur die Praxis gezogen. Den Abschluss bildet die Evaluation der Untersuchung. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

ADRIANO BERNAREGGI E IL RINNOVAMENTO DELLA CULTURA ECCLESIASTICA ITALIANA (1884 - 1932) / Adriano Bernareggi and italian ecclesiastical cultural renewal (1884-1932)

PERSICO, ALESSANDRO 12 April 2014 (has links)
La ricerca approfondisce il ruolo svolto da Adriano Bernareggi, sacerdote milanese, poi dal 1932 vescovo di Bergamo, nel movimento di rinnovamento degli studi ecclesiastici che ha attraversato il primo trentennio del Novecento. Formatosi presso le Università Gregoriana e Lateranense, nel clima segnato dal modernismo e dalla reazione pontificia, Bernareggi insegnò presso il Seminario di Milano, dal 1909 al 1932, e presso l’Università Cattolica, dal 1922 al 1926. In queste sedi, si sforzò di dare una risposta moderna – non modernista – all’ansia spirituale dell’uomo contemporaneo, attraverso un nuovo linguaggio religioso, capace di valorizzare la storia della Chiesa e, soprattutto, la sua liturgia. Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata: all’insegnamento seminariale, compreso il tentativo di promuovere un aggiornamento della ratio studiorum della Facoltà teologica in senso universitario, seguendo linee che anticipavano la Deus scientiarum Dominus; alla direzione della rivista “La Scuola Cattolica”, che tentò di trasformare in un periodico di scienze sacre nazionale, per riqualificare gli studi religiosi attraverso l’applicazione di una prospettiva storica e del metodo critico-filologico; alla partecipazione al movimento artistico-liturgico milanese, con la riscoperta, guardando all’insegnamento francese e all’abbazia di Maria Laach, del valore iniziatico dei riti; alla prevostura a S. Vittore al Corpo, laboratorio di una nuova “prassi liturgica”; alla sua partecipazione al dibattito sulla Questione Romana e sulla Conciliazione. / The research focuses the role played by Adriano Bernareggi, priest in Milan, then bishop of Bergamo since 1932, in the renewal movement of ecclesiastical studies during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Trained at the Gregorian and Lateran Universities, in a climate marked by modernism and vatican reaction, Bernareggi taught at the seminary of Milan, from 1909 to 1932, and at the Catholic University, from 1922 to 1926. In these sites, he strove to give a modern response - not modernist – to the spiritual anxiety of modern man, through a new religious language, able to enhance Church history and, especially, its liturgy. Particular attention has been paid to: the teaching, including the attempt to promote an update of the Ratio Studiorum of the Theological Faculty, following lines that anticipated Deus Scientiarum Dominus; the direction of the magazine “La Scuola Cattolica”, that he attempted to transform in a national periodic of sacred sciences, to regenerate religious studies through the application of an historical perspective and critical-philological research method; the participation in the liturgical and artistic movement in Milan, looking to french teachings and Maria Laach, especially to rediscovery the initiation value of rites; the prevostship at St. Vittore al Corpo, a laboratory of a new “liturgical practice”; the role in the debate on the Roman Question and Conciliation.

Krakensalbung nach Jakobus 5 - biblische Möglichkeit oder gelebte Wirklichkeit? eine Praktisch-theologische empirische untersuchung innerhalb die Sächsischen Landeskirche

Soffner, Sabine 30 May 2005 (has links)
With the form on ,,Krankensegnung [mit -salbung]'" (blessing the sick [including anointment]) in the book of liturgy on ,,Dienst an Kranken" (ministering to the sick), the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony has put the anointing of the sick back into tocus while still stating some "unfamiliarity" with this topic. Is the anointing of the sick therefore rather a biblical possibility than a practised reality? The ''practised reality" is examined qualitatively using expert interviews with six theoretically sampled ministers of the Church of Saxony. The results obtained show a wide range of practice. They are subsequently compared with theoretical results (history and fundamentals from systematic theology) under the primacy of James 5:14-15. The interpretation shO\vs the observed practice partially corresponding to James 5. From this, conclusions for practice are drawn followed by an evaluation of the survey / Das Thema ,Krankensalbung" wird in der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche durch das Formular Krankensegnung [mit -salbung] in der Agende .. Dienst an Kranken'' liturgisch neu ins Blickfeld geri.ickt, zugleich aber eine gewisse .. Fremdheit'' beztiglich des Themas konstatiert. Deshalb ergibt sich die Frage, ob Krankensalbung eher eine biblische Moglichkeit als eine gelebte Wirklichkeit ist. Die ,gelebte Wirklichkeit" wird mit Hilfe eines qualitativen Forschungsdesigns untersucht. Dabei wird die Praxis der Krankensalbung durch Experteninterviews mit sechs bewusst ausgewahlten Ptarrern der sachsischen Landeskirche erhoben. Die Darstellung der hierbei gewonnenen Ergebnisse Hisst ein breites Praxisspektrum erkennen. In einem weiteren Schritt folgt die Interpretation der Resultate. Der lnterpretationsrahmen besteht aus den Ergebnissen der Theorie (Geschichte und systematisch-theologischen Grundlagen) unter dem Vorrang von Jak 5,14-15. Die Interpretation zeigt, dass die vorgefundene Praxis teilweise Jak 5 entspricht. lnfolgedessen werden Schlussfolgerungen als Hilfen fur die Praxis gezogen. Den Abschluss bildet die Evaluation der Untersuchung. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Epigraphie et histoire culturelle: apport des inscriptions médiévales à l'histoire de la liturgie et des mentalités religieuses (espace belge, v. 500-v. 1300) / Epigraphy and cultural history: contribution of the medieval inscriptions to history of the liturgy and of the religious mentalities (Belgian space, c. 500-c. 1300)

Lambot, Stéphanie 03 April 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat offre deux aspects de la recherche en épigraphie médiévale, à savoir la réalisation d'un corpus des inscriptions médiévales conservées et/ou concernant les diocèses d'Arras, de Cambrai, de Liège, de Thérouanne et de Tournai, et l'étude de ces inscriptions dans une perspective historique. Pour cela, les épigraphes ont été classées en quatre groupes: les inscriptions sur les objets archéologiques mérovingiens, les inscriptions funéraires (épitaphes, endotaphes et authentiques de reliques), les inscriptions relatives à l'histoire des bâtiments religieux et les inscriptions sur les objets liturgiques. Pour chaque catégorie, les formulaires des textes ont été analysés pour eux-mêmes, puis les uns par rapport aux autres. Ils ont ensuite été étudiés en tenant compte du contexte d'insertion (emplacement dans les édifices de culte, rapport avec d'autres textes ou avec des images, etc.). Le but de cette démarche est de déterminer la fonction des inscriptions médiévales et d'enrichir notre connaissance de l'histoire de la mort et de la liturgie au Moyen Age. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La collégiale de Saint-Julien de Brioude (Haute-Loire) : Recherches sur les liens entre l’architecture ecclésiale, son agencement iconographique, et la liturgie d’une communauté canoniale au Moyen Âge / The collegiate church Saint-Julien at Brioude (Haute-Loire) : Researches on links between church architecture, its iconographic layout and the liturgy of a canonical community in the Middle Ages

Vivier, Fabien 05 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se constitue de deux analyses statistiques qui sont mises au service de l’étude de l’identité culturelle de Saint-Julien de Brioude. Riche d’un luxuriant passé, la compagnie de Brioude entretenait un réseau de relations complexes. Les arts et la liturgie ont constitué notre support pour l’étude identitaire du chapitre. L’étude du bréviaire brivadois nous a permis de montrer l’originalité de la liturgie brivadoise. Cette liturgie n’était pas aussi clermontoise qu’on le présumait jusqu’à présent. Née d’un métissage mêlant la tradition liturgique aquitaine et vellave, la liturgie de Brioude avait été dotée de pièces de chants et d’oraisons propres. La mise en scène spatiale des reliques participait à la typicité de la collégiale que les pèlerins visitaient. À côté du tombeau de Julien, d’autres corps de saints et des reliques faisaient l’objet de dévotions. Le programme sculpté de la collégiale avait été pensé en deux temps. Souvent fidèlement liés aux sujets iconographiques utilisés dans le diocèse de Clermont, les chapiteaux de Brioude avaient été agencés en fonction des zones divisant l’espace ecclésial. Ces zones gigognes se voisinaient en faisant concurrencer l’agencement des reliques, du mobilier et des images. Le chevet faisait dialoguer l’iconographie du Saint-Sépulcre et des croisades avec le tombeau-reliquaire de Julien et les autels secondaires. Les sculptures étaient utilisées comme de véritables signalétiques s’animant autour du drame liturgique. Les images participaient à la constitution d’un espace mémoriel participant à la mémorisation liturgique de l’histoire.Cette étude offre des perspectives dépassant le cadre de la monographie. Liturgie et arts peuvent fournir des éléments de compréhension concrets à propos des échanges culturels et des aménagements de l’espace ecclésial. L’origine familiale des chanoines avait déterminée cette zone (le Brivadois) située à la confluence de l’Aquitaine auvergnate et du Velay (zone tampon avec l’Empire). Le chapitre de Brioude placé au milieu des deux, sans être central, en avait tiré les bénéfices culturels et un rayonnement propre. Le chapitre de Brioude avait ainsi pu façonner sa collégiale afin de célébrer la compagnie canoniale elle-même et le saint dont elle détenait les reliques. Attirer à elle les foules permettait à la compagnie aussi bien de faire perdurer la mémoire du saint patron que de leur procurer les ressources essentielles à leur fonctionnement. La collégiale était réalisée comme un marqueur du paysage déterminant une identité architecturale attractive. / This thesis is made up of two statistical analyses which are at the service of the study of Saint-Julien de Brioude’s cultural identity. Having had a lush history, the Brioude Company kept a complex web of relationships. Both, art and liturgy, were the frame for the identity study of this chapter. The study of the Brivadois breviary proved how unique the Brivadois liturgy was. Unlike what was thought at first, such liturgy was not as close as to that of Clermont-Ferrand. Born from the blending of liturgical tradition from Aquitaine and Velay, the Brivadois liturgy was endowed with singing pieces and specific orations. The spatial staging of the relics partook of the collegiate’s specificity the pilgrims visited. Next to Julien’s gravestone, other Saints’ bodies and relics were subjected to devotions.The collegiate’s sculpted program was designed in two times. As they were often faithfully linked with the iconographic subjects used in Clermont’s diocese, Brioude’s capitals were put together in accordance with the areas dividing the ecclesial space. These nested areas were next to one another and highlighted the differences between the relics, the furniture and the images. The chevet intertwined Saint-Sépulcre’s iconography, along with its Crusades, with Julien’s reliquary gravestone and the secondary altars. The sculptures were used as genuine signage livened up around the liturgical tragedy. The images took part in the setting up of history’s liturgical memorial space.This study gives new perspectives which go beyond the monographic frame. Liturgy and arts can provide us with tangible understanding elements regarding the cultural exchanges and the layout of the ecclesial space. The canon’s familial origin determined this area (the Brivadois) located at the confluence of Auvergne’s Aquitaine and the Velay (buffer zone with the Empire). From the Brioude chapter located between these two, without being central, it extracted the cultural benefits as well as a very own standing. The Brioude chapter thus managed to shape its collegiate so as to celebrate the canonical company itself and the Saint whom she possessed the relics from. Attracting the crowd enabled the company to carry own the patron Saint’s memory and to provide themselves with the essential resources to make it operate. The collegiate was undertaken as a landscape’s landmark determining an attractive architectural identity.

Farní klerus a náboženská proměna v pražské arcidiécezi od tridenstkého koncilu do konce 17. století / Parish clergy and religious change in Prague's diocese from Council of Trient till the end of the 17 th century

Richard, Nicolas January 2013 (has links)
Parish clergy and religious change in Prague's diocese from Council of Trent till the end of the 17th century The religious change that happens in Bohemia in the 17th century has no equivalent in the Europe at this time: the whole country, where Catholics were in a very minority, comes back to the roman Church. This evolution is here seen from a very prosaic point of view: how lay people live this change, and so how acts the parish clergy in this matter. Conversion's strategy, at the end of the Council of Trent, was to permit the use of the chalice to the laity. The consequence of this permission was a very hazy situation in the parishes, but Holy See did nothing before the battle of White Mountain, and after the battle, he suppressed chalice, mainly for pastoral reasons. During the Thirty years War, the kingdom is the place of a general reform, which has its origins in the catholic missionary movement of the beginning of the century and in the political theories of this time. Bohemia is strongly marked by the war that acts as a catalyst; at the same time political and religious authorities were lacking. The inhabitants, usually just formal Catholics at the beginning, convert themselves more and more deeply during the 17th century. The eldest, who remembered the non-Catholics services, died during the...

Lobpreis- und Anbetungslieder: eine kritisch-wurdigende Analyse der aktuellen Hillsong-Lieder / Praise and worship songs: a critical analysis of popular Hillsong songs

Ehlebracht, Simon 10 1900 (has links)
Abstract in German and English / Die Masterarbeit untersucht die 20 meist gespielten Hillsong-Lieder aus dem Jahre 2016 in Deutschland. Untersuchte Aspekte sind die Hauptthemen der Liedtexte, die Sänger- / Adressat-Perspektive, die Einordnung in das gesamtbiblische Narrativ sowie die Funktionen der Lieder innerhalb des Gottesdienstes. Anhand dieser Aspekte wird der Kritik, die an die Lieder gerichtet wird, begegnet. Kritisiert wird unter anderem die theologische Substanzlosigkeit der Lieder, das verzerrte Gottesbild, fehlende Themen wie Leid, Klage, Soziale Gerechtigkeit oder die Fokussierung auf das Individuum anstatt auf Gott. Die Arbeit weist nach, dass die Kritik an mangelndem Inhalt erechtfertigt ist. Die Lieder kommunizieren darüber hinaus ein einseitiges Gottesbild, das Jesus im Fokus hat. Es wird dargestellt, dass die Themen Leid, Klage und Soziale Gerechtigkeit unterrepräsentiert sind. Auf der grammatikalischen Ebene weisen die Lieder einen starken Fokus auf das Individuum auf. Durch die Untersuchung der Funktionen wird jedoch gezeigt, dass die meisten Lieder trotz einer Ich-Perspektive stark gemeinschaftsstiftend sind. Das liegt vor allem an der koinonialen Funktionen sowie der Kombinationen von diakonischer und seelsorgerlicher Funktion mancher Lieder. Neben diesen Funktionen übernehmen die Lieder oft noch die kerygmatische, missionarische und pädagogische Funktion. / The master thesis examines the 20 most played Hillsong songs from 2016 in Germany. Aspects examined are the main themes of the lyrics, the singer-/ addressee perspective, the classification into the biblical narrative as well as the functions of the songs within the worship service. Based on these aspects, the criticism directed at the songs is met. Criticized are, among other things, the theological lack of substance of the songs, the distorted image of God, missing topics like suffering, lamentation, social justice or the focus on the individual instead of God. The work proves that the criticism of lack of content is justified. In addition, the songs communicate a one-sided image of God that strongly focuses on Jesus as an addressee. It shows that the issues of suffering, lamentation and social justice are nderrepresented. On the grammatical level, the songs have a strong focus on the individual. Examining the functions, however, shows that most of the songs, despite a first-person perspective, are strongly community-building. This is mainly due to the koinonial function and the combinations of diaconal and pastoral function of some songs. In addition to these functions, the songs often take on the kerygmatic, missionary and pedagogical function. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Wachsende Kirche : auf der Suche nach Zugangswegen für den Gemeindeaufbau in der evangelischen Landeskirche von Württemberg : ein empirisch-theologischer Diskussionsbeitrag zur Debatte um die Kirche von Morgen / Church growth : in search of possible approaches for the foundation and development of Christian congregations within the "Evangelische Landeskirche von Württemberg" : an empirical-theological contribution to the discussion and debate about the future structure of the church

Beck, Willi, M.Th. 11 1900 (has links)
German text / Vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtiger Reformprozesse, sowohl in der Evangelischen Landeskirche Württembergs, als auch in der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands, reflektiert und kommentiert die vorliegende Arbeit das Reformbemühen der letzten Jahre und stellt es in den Kontext empirischer Forschung. So versucht die Studie explorativ pragmatisch Zugangswege zu den bisher nicht erreichten Menschen zu eruieren, die bei der Entwicklung einer zukünftigen Sozialgestalt von Kirche mitbedacht werden könnten. Mittels eines mehrstufigen Zufallsauswahlverfahrens wurden die Befragungspersonen ermittelt und 628 standardisierte Interviews durchgeführt. Dabei stehen zunächst die religiösen Einstellungen zur christlich-abendländischen Kultur- und Werteorientierung, zur kirchlichen Arbeit als solche und zum christlichen Glauben im Forschungsinteresse, dann die Erfahrungen mit Gottesdienst, Kirche und Leben, Erwartungen, Bedürfnisse und Interessenlagen und schließlich der Stellenwert von Gebet und Bibel als Bausteine christlich-spiritueller Lebenspraxis. Ausgehend vom Gottesdienst, als Zentralort gemeindlichen Lebens, will die Forschung die Chancen gottesdienstkultureller Ausdifferenzierung ergründen und nimmt unter anderem alternative Gottesdienstformen in den Blick. Ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeit in der Kirche, gemeindlicher Kleingruppenarbeit und religiöse Erwachsenenbildungsangebote sind von potenzieller Bedeutung und wollen ebenso als Zugangswege kirchlicher Zukunftsentwicklung bedacht sein, wie der Stellenwert gemeindlicher Seelsorge- und Lebensberatung in Umbruchsituationen, oder die Einrichtung einer landeskirchlichen Gemeindegründungsbewegung in bisher unerreichten soziokulturellen Umgebungen. Die vielfältigen Erkenntnisse und potenziellen Möglichkeiten zukünftiger Kirche sind nicht zu trennen von einer missionstheologischen und ekklesiologischen Positionierung, die in der Herausbildung von kulturrelevanter, multioptionaler Gemeinde, als Gemeinschaft von Brüdern und Schwestern, das Zentralgeschehen nachhaltiger Gemeinde- und Kirchenentwicklung erkennt. Damit ist die Studie als Diskussionsbeitrag in den Entscheidungsprozessen aktueller Reformdebatte platziert. / Against the background of current reform processes in the Evangelische Landeskirche von Würrtemberg (protestant national church of Baden-Württemberg as) well as the Evangelische Kirche von Deutschland (protestant national church of Germany), this paper reflects and comments on the reformation efforts of the past years and places them into the context of empirical research. The aim of this survey is to investigate in an explorative manner various forms of pragmatic access to people hitherto unreached, who could be factored into the church's future social form. The participants were selected using a multilevel random selection process and 628 standardised interviews were subsequently carried out. To begin with, this research focuses on the interviewee's religious stance on christian-occidental culture and values,on the work of the church in general and on christian faith, then on their personal experience with services, church and life, their expectations, needs and interests, and lastly the significance of prayer and the bible as integral parts of a spiritual Christian life. Based on the service as the centre of a congregation's community life, this survey wants to fathom the chances of service differentiation and takes a look at alternative forms of service among other things. Volunteer work in the church, work in small groups as well as religious education programmes for adults are of potential importance and need to be taken into consideration as possible access paths to the future development of the church as well as the value of pastoral care and life coaching in situations of radical change or the start-up of a national movement to establish new congregations in hitherto unreached sociocultural environments. The manifold findings and potential possibilities of our church in the future cannot be separated from our position with regard to missiology and ecclesiology, which identifies the central development of congregation and church as the formation of culturally relevant, multioptional congregations, as the community of brothers and sisters. This survey thus contributes to the current discussion of reform and the associated decision-making process. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

The Episcopal congregation of Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, 1794-1818

Harris, Eleanor M. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis reassesses the nature and importance of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Edinburgh and more widely. Based on a microstudy of one chapel community over a twenty-four year period, it addresses a series of questions of religion, identity, gender, culture and civic society in late Enlightenment Edinburgh, Scotland, and Britain, combining ecclesiastical, social and economic history. The study examines the congregation of Charlotte Episcopal Chapel, Rose Street, Edinburgh, from its foundation by English clergyman Daniel Sandford in 1794 to its move to the new Gothic chapel of St John's in 1818. Initially an independent chapel, Daniel Sandford's congregation joined the Scottish Episcopal Church in 1805 and the following year he was made Bishop of Edinburgh, although he contined to combine this role with that of rector to the chapel until his death in 1830. Methodologically, the thesis combines a detailed reassessment of Daniel Sandford's thought and ministry (Chapter Two) with a prosopographical study of 431 individuals connected with the congregation as officials or in the in the chapel registers (Chapter Three). Biography of the leader and prosopography of the community are brought to illuminate and enrich one another to understand the wealth and business networks of the congregation (Chapter Four) and their attitudes to politics, piety and gender (Chapter Five). The thesis argues that Daniel Sandford's Evangelical Episcopalianism was both original in Scotland, and one of the most successful in appealing to educated and influential members of Edinburgh society. The congregation, drawn largely from the newly-built West End of Edinburgh, were bourgeois and British in their composition. The core membership of privileged Scots, rooted in land and law, led, but were also challenged by and forced to adapt to a broad social spread who brought new wealth and influence into the West End through India and the consumer boom. The discussion opens up many avenues for further research including the connections between Scottish Episcopalianism and romanticism, the importance of India and social mobility within the consumer economy in the development of Edinburgh, and Scottish female intellectual culture and its engagement with religion and enlightenment. Understanding the role of enlightened, evangelical Episcopalianism, which is the contribution of this study, will form an important context for these enquiries.

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