Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MARKET STRUCTURE"" "subject:"[enn] MARKET STRUCTURE""
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The Economics of Geographic and Demographic Heterogeneity in Digitally Transformed MarketsMohammed S Alyakoob (7042784) 12 August 2019 (has links)
<div>The digital transformation of markets can remove traditional geographic restrictions, democratizing access to previously unattainable products, and enable individuals to extract rent from their personal assets. However, these digital innovations often have competitors and complementors that are not immune to the impact of local factors such as the local market structure, economic condition, and even demographics. This dissertation examines the geographic and demographic heterogeneity driven disparities in two digitally transformed markets, the financial and accommodations sectors respectively.</div><div><br></div><div>First, we study the impact of local financial market competition in managing online peer-to-peer loans. With the boom of financial technologies (FinTech), a critical question is whether the local financial market structure still matters. Unlike traditional retail financial institutions that are predominantly territorial, FinTech-based platforms, in particular peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, provide individuals equal access to funds by removing typical geographic restrictions. Combined with other benefits such as ease-of-use and lower interest rates, P2P lenders are increasingly threatening the traditional local lenders. A largely unanswered question in the literature is whether the local retail financial institutions strategically respond to the rise of such P2P platforms. Moreover, if the strategic reaction of traditional institutions continues the legacy of being territorial, borrowers will ultimately gain unevenly from the competition. That is, where a borrower lives may still matter. In this chapter, we devise multiple strategies to empirically analyze the extent and nature of the strategic response of traditional institutions to P2P lending. This includes: (1) utilization of a Probit model that leverages the richness of our local market data and (2) exploitation of bank mergers as exogenous shocks to local market structure. We find consistently that a borrower from a more competitive market is more likely to prepay, suggesting that local market structure plays a pivotal role in P2P borrowers' debt management. We validate the underlying mechanism by studying the improving credit profiles of borrowers and platforms' (exogenous) changes in pricing in moderating the main effect. This mechanism reveals that traditional banks, especially when their local market conditions support, credibly responds to the growth of P2P and are successful in attracting consumers back to traditional financial products. Relatedly, we document heterogeneity in the benefits that borrowers gain from the local market structure (using a machine learning algorithm) and verify the robustness of our main findings. We discuss the implications for P2P lending, other crowd-based markets, and local retail financial markets.</div><div><br></div><div>Second, we examines the heterogeneous economic spillover effects of a home sharing platform---Airbnb---on the growth of a complimentary local service---restaurants. By circumventing traditional land-use regulation and providing access to underutilized inventory, Airbnb is attracting visitors of a city to vicinities that are not traditional tourist destinations. Although visitors generally bring significant spending power, it is, however, not clear if the visitors use Airbnb primarily for lodging, thus, not contributing to the adjacent vicinity economy. To evaluate this, we focus on the impact of Airbnb on the restaurant employment growth across vicinities in New York City (NYC). Our results indicate that if the intensity of Airbnb activity (Airbnb reviews per household) increases by 1\%, the restaurant employment in an average area grows by approximately 1.03\%. We also investigate the role of demographics and market concentration in driving the variation. Notably, restaurants in areas with a relatively high number of Black residents do not benefit from the economic spillover of Airbnb activity. Also, restaurants in more competitive areas reap the benefit from this spillover most. We validate the underlying mechanism behind the main result by evaluating the impact of Airbnb on Yelp visitor reviews -- areas with increasing Airbnb activity experience a surge in their share of NYC visitor reviews. This result is further validated by evaluating the impact of a unique Airbnb neighborhood level policy recently implemented in New Orleans. </div>
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O cartel e seus efeitos no âmbito da responsabilidade civil / The cartel and its effects under the tort frameworkMaggi, Bruno Oliveira 28 May 2010 (has links)
A dissertação analisa os danos decorrentes dos efeitos gerados pelos cartéis sob a ótica da responsabilidade civil, visando identificar os prejuízos gerados aos consumidores e demais compradores dos produtos que sofrem a ação do cartel. Primeiro, são analisadas as estruturas de mercado que propiciam a formação dos cartéis e a sua definição sob os aspectos econômico e jurídico. Após os efeitos gerados pelos cartéis são verificados e agrupados de acordo com as lesões provocadas pelas decisões dos cartelistas para viabilizar a apreciação dos danos gerados. Tais danos correspondem à parte dos requisitos necessários para a configuração da responsabilidade civil, que recai sobre os membros do cartel e os obriga a indenizar todos os prejudicados por suas práticas, sejam eles pessoas físicas ou jurídicas ou mesmo a sociedade como um todo. Nesse sentido, os prejuízos gerados pelos cartéis podem ser individuais ou coletivos, o que varia de acordo com o bem jurídico atingido, interferindo sobre os meios disponíveis para a obtenção da indenização. Essa abordagem facilita a identificação dos danos decorrentes dos efeitos produzidos pelos cartéis para que se busque a plena indenização dos prejudicados. / The dissertation analyses the damages arising from the effects of cartel practices under the tort point of view, in order to identify loses generated to consumers and other purchasers of products which were harmed by the cartel practices. First, the present work examines the market structures which allow cartel development and its economic and legal definitions. Afterward, the effects generated by cartels are verified and grouped according to the injuries caused by the decisions taken by the cartel members; this enables the appreciation of the damages produced. Such damages refer to part of the necessary requisites for the configuration of tort, which falls upon cartel members and compels them to indemnify all those injured by their practices, either individuals or legal entities, or even the society as a whole. In this sense, the damages arising from cartel practices could be individual or collective, varying according to the involved asset, influencing the available means to obtain the indemnification. This approach helps to identify the damages resulting from the effects of cartel practices in order to pursue the full compensation of the offended.
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金融自由化,銀行業市場結構,支出偏好行為與經營績效之研究 / Deregulation, A study the Bank Industry Market Structure, Expense preference Behavior and Performance張麗娟, Chang, Lee-chuan Unknown Date (has links)
銀行部門的風險, 對日後金融檢查構成重要的挑戰。 由 S-C-P的分析中,確實在銀行產業,存著相互的關係。尤其是金融自由化、國際化,銀行主管者有更大的
(1) 業務多元化:以減輕對中小企業或消費性放款的依賴,應另闢財源, 如:增加證券、金融商品的創新,開發低利資金來源(如 NOW 帳戶,公債存款),以減低成本。
(2) 建立風險檢控制度,成立「利率預測」及「資產負債管理」等專責組織的機構,以掌握未來金融環境的脈動與擬定因應策略。
銀行管理者在決策「市場佔有率」的多寡與分行家數有顯著之關係而與利潤率無明顯相關,本研究重點在於銀行間的差異,而非銀行內的差異,可以推論:急於擴張新分行據點或海外分支機構,其結果與獲利性無關。管理者經營目標非以短期利潤最大為考量。可能因為公營銀行很少關心其競爭者的存在,不太考慮其競爭者究將採取何種相對的行動。有時雖知悉其競爭者所採取的行動與決策,除非是有重大事件,不然公營銀行不會考慮猜測適當的反應行動以採取應付或抵制的方式。 由
於公營銀行 (1): 規模、資產都很大,組織頗為複雜, 參與決策者人員很多,花費相當的時間,因此,除非市場競爭者之行為,確實會嚴重影響到市場,(包括市場佔有率及利率價格),銀行不會有什麼猜測反應。(2): 業務管理上, 已形成一定規程, 都不願因競爭者行動而反應,破壞其管理程序。 (3): 最高決策與管理者,希望過安定而恬適生活,不願多事, 蓋恐風險太大,得不償失。 所以從 S-P (結構-績效假說), 市場結構會影響銀行長期獲利能力,具有獨占力之銀行,會以損失風險最小作代價,有系統降低風險。在承貸放款時,其大多持有風險性資產較小,只針對安全性高,有充足抵押品放款貸放。
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Price Based Unit Commitment With Reserve ConsiderationsOkuslug, Ali 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In electricity markets of modern electric power systems, many generation companies, as major market participants, aim to maximize their profits by supplying the electrical load in a competitive manner. This thesis is devoted to investigate the price based unit commitment problem which is used to optimize generation schedules of these companies in deregulated electricity markets. The solution algorithm developed is based on Dynamic Programming and Lagrange Relaxation methods and solves the optimization problem for a generation company having many generating units with different cost characteristics. Moreover, unit constraints including ramp-rate limits, minimum ON/OFF times, generation capacities of individual units and system constraints such as total energy limits, reserve requirements are taken into account in the problem formulation. The verification of the algorithm has been carried out by comparing the results of some sample cases with those in the literature. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been tested on several test systems. Finally, the possible utilization of the method by a generation company in Turkish Electricity Market to develop bidding strategies is also examined based on some case studies.
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我國液化石油氣市場之法制與實務問題研究-借鏡日本的管制經驗 / A study of the legal system and practical issues of the market of liquefied petroleum gas in Taiwan-a lesson from Japan孫雅娟, Sun, Ya Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國家庭熱能的主要來源,除電力以外,最主要的兩項來源為天然氣(Natural Gas,簡稱NG)及液化石油氣(Liquid Petroleum Gas,簡稱LPG)。
故本論文將先由我國液化石油氣市場開放經過、市場界定、產銷結構與競爭情形著手,接著說明我國對於該市場開放以來之相關監督管理措施及競爭法制規範,並透過重大違法個案之介紹,瞭解競爭法主管機關之介入情形;之後藉由日本法制沿革及實務作法之研究,俾洞悉我國液化石油氣市場因結構性或制度面所引發之問題,提出監督管理機關是否應整合為單一專責機關,以及究應由監督管理機關加強管理或提供更適切之配套措施,抑或由競爭法主管機關施以更嚴峻之處罰,始能妥適規整該市場交易秩序之解決方法或執法建議。 / The major household heating resources in Taiwan, in addition to electricity, include natural gas (NG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Traditionally, the two energy products are deemed different products in law regulations and market segment as their heating values, ways of transportations, and transaction patterns are different.
As the natural gas is included in the public undertakings, the management of business operation and security affairs has been unified. On the contrary, the liquefied petroleum gas is considered as high-pressure and flammable, it is categorized as a dangerous item. The responsibility of regulation system involves many authorities concerned. Therefore, it derives many problems of regulations in Taiwan.
In order to resolve the problems in the liquefied petroleum gas market, we analyze and compare the regulation systems, and norms, market structure materials in Taiwan and Japan. Based on the conclusions of this article, there is a room to rethink which mechanism is more adequate for regulating the liquefied petroleum gas industry from the viewpoint of public policy and competition policy. This article suggests the liquefied petroleum gas industry should be supervised by a single administrative agency, and the agency should try an adequate and different approach to the problems in Taiwan. In the conclusion, this article also suggests that the competition authority should gain trust from stakeholders, the general public and other agencies, and to improve its independence and expertise to enhance antitrust enforcement ability.
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Inovação, estrutura e dinâmica industrial : um mapeamento empírico de regimes tecnológicos da indústria brasileiraGuidolin, Silvia Maria January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho está voltado para o estudo da relação entre tecnologia e dinâmica industrial. Para tanto, utiliza-se o conceito de regimes tecnológicos com enfoque nas barreiras tecnológicas à entrada em detrimento das condições de apropriabilidade. As barreiras tecnológicas à entrada são as características próprias ao conhecimento necessário para inovar que limitam o seu acesso por concorrentes potenciais, ou seja, fazem uma distinção clara entre a concorrência potencial e a concorrência efetiva. Desta forma, as características do conhecimento e do processo inovativo determinam e condicionam a estrutura de mercado e a dinâmica industrial. O conceito de regimes tecnológicos permite agrupar os setores cujas características do processo inovativo e de dinâmica industrial sejam semelhantes. A tipologia de regimes tecnológicos adotada foi elaborada por Marsili (2001), a partir de indicadores extraídos dos países desenvolvidos. Considerando que o processo inovativo difere significativamente entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se esta tipologia é adequada ao estudo da indústria brasileira. Para alcançar este objetivo, foram utilizados métodos da análise estatística multivariada e indicadores sobre tecnologia, inovação, estrutura de mercado e dinâmica industrial. Os testes empíricos realizados mostraram que a taxonomia de regimes tecnológicos não formou grupos setoriais significativamente distintos, de modo que fosse possível identificá-los. Além disso, a análise de clusters evidenciou, através de novos agrupamentos setoriais, que a indústria brasileira possui regimes tecnológicos que diferem dos definidos para os países desenvolvidos. Portanto, os resultados obtidos reforçam a importância de aprofundar a literatura sobre as características da mudança técnica nos países em desenvolvimento. / This work concerns the study of the relationship between technology and industrial dynamics. To assess this relationship, the concept of technological regimes, centered in the technological entry barriers instead of the apropriability conditions, is used. The technological entry barriers are the characteristics belonging to the knowledge necessary to innovate that limit the accesses to this knowledge from potential competitors, that is, they make a clear distinction between potential and effective competition. This way, the knowledge’s characteristics and the innovative process determine and condition the market structure and the industrial dynamics. The concept of technological regimes allows the grouping of the sectors whose characteristics of innovative process and industrial dynamics are similar. The typology of technological regimes adopted was elaborated by Marsili (2001), who used indicators extracted from developed countries. Considering that the innovative process differs significantly between developed and developing countries, the objective of this work was to verify if this typology is adjusted to the study of the Brazilian industry. To reach this objective, methods of multivariate statistical analysis and indicators of technology, innovation, market structure and industrial dynamics were used. The empirical tests carried through showed that the taxonomy of technological regimes didn’t form significantly distinct sectorial groups, so that it could be possible to identify them. Moreover, the analysis of clusters evidenced, through new sectorial clusters, that the Brazilian industry has technological regimes that differs from the ones defined to the developed countries. Therefore, the obtained results strengthen the importance of deepening the literature on the characteristics of technical change in developing countries.
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Inovação, estrutura e dinâmica industrial : um mapeamento empírico de regimes tecnológicos da indústria brasileiraGuidolin, Silvia Maria January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho está voltado para o estudo da relação entre tecnologia e dinâmica industrial. Para tanto, utiliza-se o conceito de regimes tecnológicos com enfoque nas barreiras tecnológicas à entrada em detrimento das condições de apropriabilidade. As barreiras tecnológicas à entrada são as características próprias ao conhecimento necessário para inovar que limitam o seu acesso por concorrentes potenciais, ou seja, fazem uma distinção clara entre a concorrência potencial e a concorrência efetiva. Desta forma, as características do conhecimento e do processo inovativo determinam e condicionam a estrutura de mercado e a dinâmica industrial. O conceito de regimes tecnológicos permite agrupar os setores cujas características do processo inovativo e de dinâmica industrial sejam semelhantes. A tipologia de regimes tecnológicos adotada foi elaborada por Marsili (2001), a partir de indicadores extraídos dos países desenvolvidos. Considerando que o processo inovativo difere significativamente entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se esta tipologia é adequada ao estudo da indústria brasileira. Para alcançar este objetivo, foram utilizados métodos da análise estatística multivariada e indicadores sobre tecnologia, inovação, estrutura de mercado e dinâmica industrial. Os testes empíricos realizados mostraram que a taxonomia de regimes tecnológicos não formou grupos setoriais significativamente distintos, de modo que fosse possível identificá-los. Além disso, a análise de clusters evidenciou, através de novos agrupamentos setoriais, que a indústria brasileira possui regimes tecnológicos que diferem dos definidos para os países desenvolvidos. Portanto, os resultados obtidos reforçam a importância de aprofundar a literatura sobre as características da mudança técnica nos países em desenvolvimento. / This work concerns the study of the relationship between technology and industrial dynamics. To assess this relationship, the concept of technological regimes, centered in the technological entry barriers instead of the apropriability conditions, is used. The technological entry barriers are the characteristics belonging to the knowledge necessary to innovate that limit the accesses to this knowledge from potential competitors, that is, they make a clear distinction between potential and effective competition. This way, the knowledge’s characteristics and the innovative process determine and condition the market structure and the industrial dynamics. The concept of technological regimes allows the grouping of the sectors whose characteristics of innovative process and industrial dynamics are similar. The typology of technological regimes adopted was elaborated by Marsili (2001), who used indicators extracted from developed countries. Considering that the innovative process differs significantly between developed and developing countries, the objective of this work was to verify if this typology is adjusted to the study of the Brazilian industry. To reach this objective, methods of multivariate statistical analysis and indicators of technology, innovation, market structure and industrial dynamics were used. The empirical tests carried through showed that the taxonomy of technological regimes didn’t form significantly distinct sectorial groups, so that it could be possible to identify them. Moreover, the analysis of clusters evidenced, through new sectorial clusters, that the Brazilian industry has technological regimes that differs from the ones defined to the developed countries. Therefore, the obtained results strengthen the importance of deepening the literature on the characteristics of technical change in developing countries.
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O cartel e seus efeitos no âmbito da responsabilidade civil / The cartel and its effects under the tort frameworkBruno Oliveira Maggi 28 May 2010 (has links)
A dissertação analisa os danos decorrentes dos efeitos gerados pelos cartéis sob a ótica da responsabilidade civil, visando identificar os prejuízos gerados aos consumidores e demais compradores dos produtos que sofrem a ação do cartel. Primeiro, são analisadas as estruturas de mercado que propiciam a formação dos cartéis e a sua definição sob os aspectos econômico e jurídico. Após os efeitos gerados pelos cartéis são verificados e agrupados de acordo com as lesões provocadas pelas decisões dos cartelistas para viabilizar a apreciação dos danos gerados. Tais danos correspondem à parte dos requisitos necessários para a configuração da responsabilidade civil, que recai sobre os membros do cartel e os obriga a indenizar todos os prejudicados por suas práticas, sejam eles pessoas físicas ou jurídicas ou mesmo a sociedade como um todo. Nesse sentido, os prejuízos gerados pelos cartéis podem ser individuais ou coletivos, o que varia de acordo com o bem jurídico atingido, interferindo sobre os meios disponíveis para a obtenção da indenização. Essa abordagem facilita a identificação dos danos decorrentes dos efeitos produzidos pelos cartéis para que se busque a plena indenização dos prejudicados. / The dissertation analyses the damages arising from the effects of cartel practices under the tort point of view, in order to identify loses generated to consumers and other purchasers of products which were harmed by the cartel practices. First, the present work examines the market structures which allow cartel development and its economic and legal definitions. Afterward, the effects generated by cartels are verified and grouped according to the injuries caused by the decisions taken by the cartel members; this enables the appreciation of the damages produced. Such damages refer to part of the necessary requisites for the configuration of tort, which falls upon cartel members and compels them to indemnify all those injured by their practices, either individuals or legal entities, or even the society as a whole. In this sense, the damages arising from cartel practices could be individual or collective, varying according to the involved asset, influencing the available means to obtain the indemnification. This approach helps to identify the damages resulting from the effects of cartel practices in order to pursue the full compensation of the offended.
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Estrutura, conduta e governança na cadeia produtiva do leite: um estudo multicaso no Rio Grande do Sul / Structure, conduct and governance in milk production chain: a multicase study in Rio Grande do SulBreitenbach, Raquel 14 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis aimed to identify and analyze, in different regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which are and have evolved the market structures of raw milk, and what the implications on the behavior of economic agents (producers and industries) and on the coordination of the dairy production chain. The project used two research methods in successive steps. First, a survey was made of the existing market structures in different dairy production in Rio Grande do Sul, based on the number of processing industries. From this survey, revealing cases were identified that represented contrasts with each other and in relation to previous studies by the author for further development and achievement of specific objectives of the work. Data were analyzed based on framework proposed by the author, in which assumed that the market structures have an influence on the behavior of economic agents, and it brings effects to the entire production chain. The primary effects that are intended to identify and assess, refer to the chain configuration in relation to the transaction, namely, effects on the type and coordination mechanisms. Of these, it was assumed that the course could spin on the investments, the adoption of technological innovations and the remuneration of the activity, which were also the subject of analysis. As results, one can identify two different market structures factors in milk production chain in Rio Grande do Sul: the competitive oligopsony and monopsony. Given this identification, it showed a direct relationship between market structures and conduct of agents and governance structures. In competitive environments oligopsony, governance is predominantly hybrid, but with similar characteristics to the market, as well as for increased investment in dairy farming by farmers. Already in environments monopsony, governance Hybrid was also found, but with attributes rank and lower investment activity by providers. / As mudanças em nível institucional e governamental que ocorreram na indústria de laticínios a partir de 1990 geraram transformações na esfera privada, especialmente com aumento no número de empresas processadoras e níveis de concorrência entre elas para a aquisição do leite produzido nas propriedades rurais do Rio Grande do Sul. Porém, essa concorrência não é uniforme em todas as regiões do RS, sendo que em algumas predominam monopsônios e, em outras, oligopsônios concorrenciais. A presente tese visou identificar e analisar, em diferentes regiões do estado do RS, quais são e como têm evoluído as estruturas de mercado da matéria-prima leite, e quais as implicações sobre o comportamento dos agentes econômicos (produtores e indústrias) e sobre a coordenação da cadeia produtiva leiteira. A tese utilizou dois métodos de pesquisa, em etapas sucessivas. Primeiro, foi feito um levantamento das estruturas de mercado existentes nas diferentes bacias leiteiras do Rio Grande do Sul, com base no número de agroindústrias processadoras. A partir desse levantamento, foram identificados casos reveladores, que representassem contrastes uns com os outros e em relação a estudos já realizados pela autora, para aprofundamento e consecução dos objetivos específicos do trabalho. Os dados foram analisados com base em um modelo de análise proposto pela autora, no qual se supôs que as estruturas de mercado tenham influência sobre o comportamento dos agentes econômicos, e que isto traz efeitos para toda a cadeia produtiva. Os efeitos primários que se pretendeu identificar e avaliar, dizem respeito à configuração da cadeia em relação à transação, ou seja, efeitos sobre o tipo e os mecanismos de coordenação. Destes, se supôs que pudessem decorrer efeitos derivados, sobre a realização de investimentos, a adoção de inovações tecnológicas e a remuneração da atividade, os quais também foram objeto da análise. Como resultados, se pode identificar duas diferentes estruturas de mercado de fatores na cadeia produtiva do leite no RS, o oligopsônio concorrencial e o monopsônio. Diante dessa identificação, se constatou relação direta entre estruturas de mercado, conduta dos agentes e estruturas de governança. Em ambientes de oligopsônio concorrencial, a governança predominante é Híbrida, mas com características próximas a do Mercado, bem como maiores investimentos na atividade leiteira por parte dos agricultores. Já em ambientes de monopsônio, a governança encontrada também foi Híbrida, porém com atributos de Hierarquia e menor investimento na atividade por parte dos fornecedores.
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Inovação, estrutura e dinâmica industrial : um mapeamento empírico de regimes tecnológicos da indústria brasileiraGuidolin, Silvia Maria January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho está voltado para o estudo da relação entre tecnologia e dinâmica industrial. Para tanto, utiliza-se o conceito de regimes tecnológicos com enfoque nas barreiras tecnológicas à entrada em detrimento das condições de apropriabilidade. As barreiras tecnológicas à entrada são as características próprias ao conhecimento necessário para inovar que limitam o seu acesso por concorrentes potenciais, ou seja, fazem uma distinção clara entre a concorrência potencial e a concorrência efetiva. Desta forma, as características do conhecimento e do processo inovativo determinam e condicionam a estrutura de mercado e a dinâmica industrial. O conceito de regimes tecnológicos permite agrupar os setores cujas características do processo inovativo e de dinâmica industrial sejam semelhantes. A tipologia de regimes tecnológicos adotada foi elaborada por Marsili (2001), a partir de indicadores extraídos dos países desenvolvidos. Considerando que o processo inovativo difere significativamente entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se esta tipologia é adequada ao estudo da indústria brasileira. Para alcançar este objetivo, foram utilizados métodos da análise estatística multivariada e indicadores sobre tecnologia, inovação, estrutura de mercado e dinâmica industrial. Os testes empíricos realizados mostraram que a taxonomia de regimes tecnológicos não formou grupos setoriais significativamente distintos, de modo que fosse possível identificá-los. Além disso, a análise de clusters evidenciou, através de novos agrupamentos setoriais, que a indústria brasileira possui regimes tecnológicos que diferem dos definidos para os países desenvolvidos. Portanto, os resultados obtidos reforçam a importância de aprofundar a literatura sobre as características da mudança técnica nos países em desenvolvimento. / This work concerns the study of the relationship between technology and industrial dynamics. To assess this relationship, the concept of technological regimes, centered in the technological entry barriers instead of the apropriability conditions, is used. The technological entry barriers are the characteristics belonging to the knowledge necessary to innovate that limit the accesses to this knowledge from potential competitors, that is, they make a clear distinction between potential and effective competition. This way, the knowledge’s characteristics and the innovative process determine and condition the market structure and the industrial dynamics. The concept of technological regimes allows the grouping of the sectors whose characteristics of innovative process and industrial dynamics are similar. The typology of technological regimes adopted was elaborated by Marsili (2001), who used indicators extracted from developed countries. Considering that the innovative process differs significantly between developed and developing countries, the objective of this work was to verify if this typology is adjusted to the study of the Brazilian industry. To reach this objective, methods of multivariate statistical analysis and indicators of technology, innovation, market structure and industrial dynamics were used. The empirical tests carried through showed that the taxonomy of technological regimes didn’t form significantly distinct sectorial groups, so that it could be possible to identify them. Moreover, the analysis of clusters evidenced, through new sectorial clusters, that the Brazilian industry has technological regimes that differs from the ones defined to the developed countries. Therefore, the obtained results strengthen the importance of deepening the literature on the characteristics of technical change in developing countries.
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