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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da criança a matar à morte da criança: reflexões psicanalíticas sobre a medicalização na infância / Not informed by the author

Kamers, Michele 18 May 2018 (has links)
A partir da investigação dos determinantes históricos e sociais que transformaram a escola em um dispositivo regulador da inclusão da criança no domínio do saber médico psiquiátrico, busca-se discutir o lugar e a função que a medicalização na infância tem ocupado no laço social, fundamentalmente, para as instituições que se ocupam da criança na atualidade. Para tanto, retoma de que maneira se produziu a constituição de um saber e de discursos psicológicos e psiquiátricos sobre a criança, investigando de que maneira esses discursos produzem obstáculos ao processo educativo e civilizatório, numa lógica em que o mal-estar, quando não reconhecido, retorna ao discurso sob a forma de patologia. Ocasião em que a criança é transformada em objeto de amor eterno ou de pesquisa científica, impedindo a morte da representação narcísica primária do infans no laço social que, organizado a partir do discurso da ciência e do capitalismo, sustenta a promessa do encontro entre o ideal e o sujeito numa lógica em que a medicalização sustenta a possibilidade de realização dessa promessa, mesmo às custas da morte do sujeito / From the investigation of historic and social determinants which have transformed the school into a regulator of the inclusion of the child in the medical psychiatrical knowledge domain, this work seeks to discuss the place and role that medicalization during the childhood has occupied in the social bond, fundamentally, for the institutions that deal with children nowadays. To do this, it revisits the ways that led to the production of a knowledge constitution as well as the psychological and psychiatrical discourses about the child, investigating how these discourses produce obstacles in the educational and civilization process, in a logic in which malaise, when not recognized, returns to the discourse as a pathology. In this occasion, the child is transformed into an object of eternal love or scientific research, preventing the death of the primary narcissistic representation of the infans in the social bond which, when organized by the discourse of science and capitalism, sustains the promise of the encounter between the ideal and the subject in a logic in which medicalization sustains the possibility of the realization of this promise, even at the expense of the subjects death

Not Trying: Reconceiving the Motherhood Mandate

Wilson, Kristin J. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Infertile and childless women think about, live with, and defend their status as mothers and as nonmothers, arguably more so than other women for whom motherhood comes about accidentally or relatively easily in accordance with a plan. Within this group of infertile and childless women are those who are otherwise socially marginalized by factors like class, race, age, marital status, and sexual identity. This dissertation asks about the ways in which marginalized infertile and childless women in America make sense of their situations given the climate of “stratified reproduction” in which the motherhood mandate excludes them or applies to them only obliquely. While other researchers focus on inequalities in access to treatment to explain why many marginalized women eschew medically assisted reproduction and adoption, I emphasize women’s resistance to these attempts at normalization. I take a critical, poststructural, feminist stance within a constructivist analytical framework to suggest that the medicalization, commodification, and bureaucratization of the most available alternative paths to motherhood create the role of the “infertile woman”—i.e., the white, middle class, heternormative, married, “desperate and damaged” cum savvy consumer. By contrast, the women who participated in this study are better described as the “ambivalent childless” (i.e., neither voluntary nor involuntary) and the “pragmatic infertile.” These women experience infertility and childlessness—two interrelated, potentially stigmatizing “roles”—in ways that belie this stereotype, reject the associated stigma in favor of an abiding, dynamic ambivalence, and re-assert themselves as fulfilled women in spite of their presumed deviance.

Postpartum Depression and Self-Help Books: Medicalizing Misery and Motherhood

McMillen, Kirstin Michelle 15 July 2009 (has links)
Motherhood is an ideal that is ostensibly valued and rewarded in American culture. It is no wonder, then, that a disease which threatens a woman’s ability to adequately fulfill her motherly duties receives a great deal of attention. My study aims to explore how ideas about postpartum depression (PPD) are presented in popular media through an examination of the messages and advice in PPD self-help books. Findings reveal that self-help authors make two significant assumptions: motherhood is a woman’s job that should bring happiness, and when mothers are not happy medical intervention in necessary. Through their gendered assumptions about parents’ roles and their insistence on a biological explanation for PPD, self-help authors prevent a healthy dialogue that examines patriarchal structures in the institutions of family and medicine. By focusing solely on the biological factors at play when women have babies, self-help authors alienate fathers, adoptive mothers, and foster parents who experience depression without biological origins. Only when PPD is discussed within the context of our social realities can we truly understand parenthood and depression.

Moms, Midwives, and MDs: a Mixed-Methods Study of the Medicalization and Demedicalization of Childbirth

Dalton, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>This dissertation explores the simultaneous trends towards increasing and decreasing medical intervention in childbirth. Using the medicalization literature as a theoretical framework, I use a mixed-methods approach to explore how both the medical community and laypeople think about and plan for childbirth.</p><p>First, the midwifery and obstetrics literatures from the past 35 years are reviewed to provide a medical and scientific context for the trends seen in childbirth over this time period. Second, descriptive and logistic regression analyses of the Center for Disease Control's Natality dataset, a census of U.S. birth certificate data, provide a picture childbirth trends and an understanding of the relationship between maternal characteristics and medicalized and natural births. Third, 35 qualitative interviews were conducted with pregnant women, focusing on their plans for their children's birth. The interviews also address the factors that influence women's plans and choices for childbirth, thus providing a better understanding of the social factors that affect birth plans.</p><p>The key finding of this research is that most women would prefer to be able to have the "best of both worlds" - the ability to experience childbirth as a natural process for as long as is safe and comfortable, combined with immediate access to the medical skills and technology that can assist them and their babies in an emergency.</p><p>The quantitative analyses demonstrate that alternatives to a mainstream model of childbirth are on the rise, even while these alternatives continue to represent only a small fraction of births. The increase in midwifery use while rates of hospital births remain relatively consistent suggests that many midwife-attended births are taking place in hospitals. These data support the finding that women like the idea of a natural birth, but also want to have ready access to trained doctors, surgeons, and the best medical care available in case something goes wrong.</p><p>There can be no doubt that childbirth, on the whole, had become a highly medicalized process. However, despite the fact that women want childbirth to be recognized as a natural process, there is no true movement for the demedicalization of childbirth. That is, women are not suggesting that medical intervention be removed entirely from childbirth. Instead, there need to be more options available to women, thus enabling them to give birth in a way that is comfortable and respectful of their preferences and goals, while simultaneously maintaining ready access to additional intervention, should it be necessary.</p><p>Implications for future research in childbirth and other fields of study are discussed.</p> / Dissertation

Reading Disorders of Inattention and Hyperactivity: A Normalization Project

Bowden, Gregory J. Unknown Date
No description available.

Reproducing Intersex Trouble: An Analysis of the M.C. Case in the Media

Lane, Jamie M. 21 March 2018 (has links)
How do members of the media represent intersex people? Do the voices of intersex activists find their way into mainstream media representations, or are they ignored? What types of discourses are produced by the presence (or lack thereof) of activist voices in news articles? The goal of this thesis is to interrogate the discourse surrounding intersex, or individuals who fall outside of the typical male/female binary for sex classification, and intersex activism in the media. The legal case M.C. vs. Aaronson, settled in 2017, was one of the first legal cases in the United States involving an intersex person. This thesis analyzes the media coverage of this case. As much of the public is still unaware of the issues facing intersex people today, media representations of intersex have the ability to make great strides in promoting awareness about the goals of intersex activism. Therefore, it is vital to investigate the way that media representations construct ideas about intersex and intersex activism. Utilizing feminist critical discourse analysis in conjunction with a “Media Guide” produced by a leading intersex organization called InterACT, I dissect seven articles written about the M.C. vs Aaronson case to study the way that their authors reproduce harmful ideas about intersex people. I focus on four specific aspects of these articles: the way they utilize photos of babies and children, the erasure of M.C.’s race, the way the articles discuss sex and gender, and who is quoted in each article. I also make the case that the InterACT “Media Guide”, while a step in the right direction, continues the perpetuation of dangerous intersex tropes.

O consumo de psicofármacos na experiência do sujeito comtemporâneo : um estudo acerca do dispositivo de medicalização no contexto de Boa Vista das Missões RS

Ignácio, Vívian Tatiana Galvão January 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal compreender como o consumo de psicofármacos se legitimou como uma tecnologia de si no interior do dispositivo de medicalização. Concluímos que esta é uma tecnologia que incide sobre os corpos por estar acoplada aos modos de subjetivação contemporâneos. A análise aqui apresentada trata do contexto social de Boa Vista das Missões, um pequeno município do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo com seis meses de duração e entrevistamos uma amostra representativa de 400 pessoas. A análise dos relatos e das informações construídas buscou dar visibilidade aos enunciados presentes nas formações discursivas que definem e explicam o consumo de psicofármacos por 53% dos 400 pesquisados. Utilizamos a perspectiva genealógica de Michel Foucault para refletir sobre este campo de pesquisa e problematizar a produção de modos de vida marcados por formas de controle individualizantes e totalizantes ao mesmo tempo. Neste sentido, partimos do histórico da inserção dos psicofármacos em nossa cultura para entender as dimensões que ocupam neste contexto. A análise pode identificar as redes enunciativas no interior do dispositivo de medicalização que fundamentam uma apresentação do biopoder que se sustenta no tripé “dependência, assistencialismo, individualismo” / The main goal of this research was to comprehend how the consuming of psychoactive prescribed drugs was legitimated as a technology of the self inside the medicalization device (dispositf). We concluded that this technology has its incidence on the body because it is attached to contemporary modes of subjectification. The analysis presented here refers to Boa Vista das Missões, a small town in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul state. We conducted a six months field research and interviewed a sample of 400 inhabitants. The accomplished speech and data analysis intended to give visibly to the discursive formations’ statements that explain and sustain the consuming of prescribed psychoactive drugs by 53% of 400 researched We used Michel Foucault’s genealogical perspective to guide our understanding of the research field and to problematize the production of lifestyles characterized by individualized and totalized forms of control. As a stating point we described the history of the introduction of psychoactive drugs in our culture in order to understand the dimension of the consuming in this specific context. The analysis identified statements arragements in the interior of the medicalization device (dispositif) that found a form of biopower sustained in the tripe “dependence – assistancialism – individualism”.

Receituário mais que especial : uma intervenção urbana para disseminar modos de pensar a saúde no contexto de medicalização da vida / Receituário mais que especial : an urban intervention to spread other ways of thinking health-care facing the context of life’s medicalization

Zanchet, Livia January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho constitui-se como uma narrativa de experiência que busca mostrar os efeitos de uma intervenção urbana construída para disseminar outros modos de pensar a saúde, diante de um contexto de transformação de comportamentos tidos como indesejáveis em transtornos que requerem cuidados médicos, acarretando um uso crescente de medicamentos controlados. Embora o propósito inicial da intervenção pretendesse alcançar a temática do estigma carregado pela loucura, terminou por incidir sobre as práticas medicalizadas – entende-se que este deslocamento, se diz respeito a uma troca de posição, expressa um mesmo lugar de desvalia e clausura direcionado às manifestações da diferença – antes entregues aos espaço manicomial, hoje contidas por meio de diagnósticos e do uso de psicofármacos. Percebe-se que as marcas da loucura seguem necessitando ser silenciadas. A intervenção chamada Receituário Mais que Especial foi criada a partir do encontro da pesquisadora com o Espaço Liso, projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, constituído como um grupo interdisciplinar de arte e experimentação envolvendo produções de Arte na sua interface com a Saúde e a Educação. As prescrições que se produziram por meio do Receituário eram lúdicas e as mais inusitadas, direcionadas a crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos, com o objetivo de, por meio da delicadeza, da ocupação do espaço público e do cuidado, permitir aos sujeitos experimentar o lugar da fala e da escuta e, diante da velocidade e atropelamento do cotidiano, buscar olhar para seus próprios movimentos de vida e para aquilo que lhes incita prazer. Num mundo marcado pelo crescente aumento da medicalização, o que se quis com esta atividade foi a criação de um espaço de conversa onde os aspectos de saúde fossem colocados em primeiro plano e, desta forma, a busca por alisar o espaço estriado do discurso medicalizado. / The present document compiles a narrative of experiences to present the effects of a urban intervention built, transforming some called undesired behaviors in disorders that require medical attention where the common treatment is to increase the dosage of controlled drugs. Despite the initial proposal of the happening was to reach the stigma of mental illness audience, it ended up to influence other medicalization practices – we understand that this shift is related to a swap of places, expressing the same felling of depreciation and enclosure targeting of the difference manifestations - before delivered to manicomial spaces, today inside medical diagnosis and the usage of psychiatric drugs. We realize that the marks of crazyness still need to be sillenced. The urban intervantion called: “Receituário Mais que Especial” (meaning “A More Than Especial Prescription Pad”, in english) results from a meeting of “Espaço Liso” (meaning “Smooth Space”, in english) initiative, an extension project of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) proposing an interdisciplinary research group on the experimentation of art as an interface to health-care and education. Prescriptions of “The Pad” are ludic and very unusual, directed to children, teenagers, adults, and elders, the goal is, through kindness, ocupation of public spaces, and care, to allow people experience the process of talking and being listened, against the speed and rush of the day-by-day life. With that we invite people to search for their own moves that encourage pleasure, in a world marked by the increasing of medicalization, with this activity we create an open dialog where health-care aspects are put first, through that we search to smooth the striated space of the medicalized speech.

O dispositivo intercessor como meio de superação dialética da medicalização da saúde mental

Martini, Rener Busso de [UNESP] 23 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-08-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:07:43Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 martini_rb_me_assis.pdf: 408788 bytes, checksum: 0315fe15fbc5a11a09da847aec23e8b4 (MD5) / Este trabalho é resultado de um processo de intercessão realizado numa instituição de Saúde Mental localizada numa cidade do interior do estado de SP. A partir dessa experiência, procuramos delinear um jogo de forças presente no campo que nos permite pensar a instituição de Saúde Mental como reprodutora da divisão fundamental do trabalho entre intelectuais e braçais típica do Modo Capitalista de Produção. Como reflexo da organização da instituição, essa separação se reproduz ainda na relação estabelecida entre os trabalhadores e os sujeitos que demandam cuidados. Apontamos ainda que a medicalização, compreendida como efeito da referida divisão do trabalho e de um laço social estabelecido através do Discurso do Mestre, tem se caracterizado como meio de produção de saúde (entendida dentro do princípio doença-cura). Como possibilidade de superação dialética da medicalização, enfatizamos o uso do dispositivo intercessor com seus pressupostos teóricos derivados do Materialismo Histórico, da Psicanálise e da Análise Institucional. Pautado por esses princípios, o dispositivo intercessor se distingue do modo tradicional (positivista) de pesquisa. Trata-se muito mais de produzir um saber que sirva para produzir uma mudança na realidade do que um saber sobre ela. Na mesma lógica, o dispositivo intercessor como meio de produção de conhecimento deve se remeter prioritariamente à experiência vivida na práxis como elemento de confronto entre as particularidades desta e o “saber sabido”. Portanto, antes de uma produção de conhecimento atribuída a um especialista ou pesquisador, o método intercessor deve operar a partir da própria práxis. É a partir de uma articulação entre um relato de experiência como intercessor e a teoria que pretendemos produzir novos conhecimentos que sirvam para instrumentalizar outros que se pretendam intercessores em suas práticas / This assignment is a result of a intercession accomplished in a Mental Health Institution located in a countryside city, São Paulo state. From this experience, we tried to trace a major game on the field which allows us to think about Mental Health Institution like basis division of labor duplicator between intellectuals and manual labor typical of Capitalist Mode of Production. As a reflection of institution organization, these separations duplicate still the established relation between worker and subject who demand attention. We still point that medicalization, comprehended like the effect of the referred labor division and of a social bond established through the Master Discourse, have stamped itself as health production means (understood in the disease-cure principle). As a possibility of dialectically overcoming of medicalization, we emphatic the use of intercessors with their theoretician bases originating of Historical Materialism, Psychoanalysis and Institutional Analysis. Based by theses principles, the intercessor differs from the traditional research mode (positivism). It’s much more about produce a knowing that may produce a reality change than a knowledge about it. Thinking on this way, intercessors as knowledge production mean must mainly relate to living experience on praxis as component of comparison between its peculiarities and the “increased knowledge”. Therefore, instead of a knowledge production by an expert or by a researcher, intercessors must operate from the praxis itself. It’s from an articulation between an experience report as the intercessor and theory we intend develop new knowledge which could be used to make other people, who has the pretension to be intercessors in their praxis, capable to be one

Receituário mais que especial : uma intervenção urbana para disseminar modos de pensar a saúde no contexto de medicalização da vida / Receituário mais que especial : an urban intervention to spread other ways of thinking health-care facing the context of life’s medicalization

Zanchet, Livia January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho constitui-se como uma narrativa de experiência que busca mostrar os efeitos de uma intervenção urbana construída para disseminar outros modos de pensar a saúde, diante de um contexto de transformação de comportamentos tidos como indesejáveis em transtornos que requerem cuidados médicos, acarretando um uso crescente de medicamentos controlados. Embora o propósito inicial da intervenção pretendesse alcançar a temática do estigma carregado pela loucura, terminou por incidir sobre as práticas medicalizadas – entende-se que este deslocamento, se diz respeito a uma troca de posição, expressa um mesmo lugar de desvalia e clausura direcionado às manifestações da diferença – antes entregues aos espaço manicomial, hoje contidas por meio de diagnósticos e do uso de psicofármacos. Percebe-se que as marcas da loucura seguem necessitando ser silenciadas. A intervenção chamada Receituário Mais que Especial foi criada a partir do encontro da pesquisadora com o Espaço Liso, projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, constituído como um grupo interdisciplinar de arte e experimentação envolvendo produções de Arte na sua interface com a Saúde e a Educação. As prescrições que se produziram por meio do Receituário eram lúdicas e as mais inusitadas, direcionadas a crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos, com o objetivo de, por meio da delicadeza, da ocupação do espaço público e do cuidado, permitir aos sujeitos experimentar o lugar da fala e da escuta e, diante da velocidade e atropelamento do cotidiano, buscar olhar para seus próprios movimentos de vida e para aquilo que lhes incita prazer. Num mundo marcado pelo crescente aumento da medicalização, o que se quis com esta atividade foi a criação de um espaço de conversa onde os aspectos de saúde fossem colocados em primeiro plano e, desta forma, a busca por alisar o espaço estriado do discurso medicalizado. / The present document compiles a narrative of experiences to present the effects of a urban intervention built, transforming some called undesired behaviors in disorders that require medical attention where the common treatment is to increase the dosage of controlled drugs. Despite the initial proposal of the happening was to reach the stigma of mental illness audience, it ended up to influence other medicalization practices – we understand that this shift is related to a swap of places, expressing the same felling of depreciation and enclosure targeting of the difference manifestations - before delivered to manicomial spaces, today inside medical diagnosis and the usage of psychiatric drugs. We realize that the marks of crazyness still need to be sillenced. The urban intervantion called: “Receituário Mais que Especial” (meaning “A More Than Especial Prescription Pad”, in english) results from a meeting of “Espaço Liso” (meaning “Smooth Space”, in english) initiative, an extension project of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) proposing an interdisciplinary research group on the experimentation of art as an interface to health-care and education. Prescriptions of “The Pad” are ludic and very unusual, directed to children, teenagers, adults, and elders, the goal is, through kindness, ocupation of public spaces, and care, to allow people experience the process of talking and being listened, against the speed and rush of the day-by-day life. With that we invite people to search for their own moves that encourage pleasure, in a world marked by the increasing of medicalization, with this activity we create an open dialog where health-care aspects are put first, through that we search to smooth the striated space of the medicalized speech.

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