Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MIGRATIONS"" "subject:"[enn] MIGRATIONS""
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The sources of recent Mexico-U.S. migration : the roles of geography, domestic migration, and genderHamilton, Erin Randle 16 October 2012 (has links)
A large body of research documents the social, economic, and demographic sources of Mexican migration to the United States, but this research tends to use geographically limited survey data, to give little consideration to domestic migration within sending countries as an alternative to international migration, and to focus on men. Since the mid-1980's, however, the regional and rural-urban origins of Mexican emigrants have been diversifying, international and domestic migration flows may have become increasingly interconnected, and women make up a rising proportion of international migrants from Mexico to the United States. This dissertation uses relatively recent, nationally representative Mexican data to analyze the sources of U.S.-bound emigration from Mexico in three main ways. First, I test whether there are rural and urban differences in the correlates of emigration. I find that indeed there are, and that they reflect the articulation between urbanization and economic development in Mexico. Whereas high levels of socioeconomic development within Mexican cities retain emigrants, urban economic development may generate emigration out of neighboring rural places. Second, I document the connection between recent domestic migration and U.S. emigration in Mexico. I find that the relationship varies across Mexico's geography: in rural places and in the historic emigrant-sending region, the two migration flows are still differentiated by the destination-specific role of social networks. However, the two forms of migration are connected in urban areas in the border and center regions. And, third, I evaluate how gender structures the social process of domestic and international migration from Mexico. Migration may be an outcome of socioeconomic development, but social axes of differentiation structure that process above and beyond the economic and demographic forces at play. My research finds that while gender is the form of social difference that most strongly differentiates migration patterns, gendered differences in emigration vary with class, ethnic, and geographic disadvantage. The greatest inequality in emigration exists between those marked by the greatest social disadvantage. / text
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Impacts des migrations forcées sur les pays hôtesKeita, Mama January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Musikermigrationen im deutschen Ostseeraum in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts : die kleinstadt Greifswald - ein Schnittpunkt zahlreicher Reiserouten /Raatz, Kathleen, January 1999 (has links)
Diss.--Greifswald, 1999. / Notices biogr. des musiciens ayant émigré p. 297-365. Bibliogr. p. 263-286. Index.
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Habiter le foyer : Approche anthropologique de la résidentialisation des foyers à travers l’ « exception » Centenaire, une résidence sociale en co-gestion à Montreuil-sous-Bois / Living in Migrants Workers' Homes : Anthropological approach of Migrants Workers Homes’ transformation through the Centenaire « exception », a social residence in shared management in Montreuil-sous-BoisBernard, Tiphaine 28 April 2017 (has links)
Depuis 1997 et suite aux rapports de Pierre Pascal en 1994 et d'Henri Cuq en 1996, un « plan detraitement » a été mis en oeuvre pour moderniser les foyers de travailleurs migrants. Depuis la circulairede 2006 et le lancement de plans quinquennaux pour organiser ces changements, cette planification et latransformation des foyers en résidences sociales sont accélérées.En premier lieu, cette thèse présentera le travail ethnographique mené aux côtés d’habitants de foyerspour mettre en perspective les objectifs du « plan de traitement » avec le vécu et la pensée des résidantspour se centrer sur leurs représentations d’un logement digne et leurs pratiques d’inclusion. Latransformation des foyers est également étudiée comme une forme de résidentialisation pour en extraire leslogiques. Elle soulève des tensions, imposant des normes sur l' « habiter » et des déménagements forcés.Par un retour sur les mobilisations multiples qui jalonnent l’histoire des foyers et produisent une mémoirepolitique, j’ai cherché à analyser leurs formes contemporaines qui relèvent de la défense et d’une présencephysique comme forme de revendication. A partir de l’étude, pour un foyer de Montreuil, du passage d’unfonctionnement en gestion autonome à celui d’une co-gestion, l’attention a été portée sur les risques pris parles acteurs en présence et sur l’expertise des habitants. Ce travail analyse les enjeux de la concertation et lamanière dont émerge et se réalise un système alternatif de gestion qui porte sur des savoir communs et partd'une mobilisation politique. Enfin, le caractère d'exception de cette expérimentation sera interrogé. / Since 1997 and following the 1994 Pierre Pascal’s and the 1996 Henri Cuq’s reports a « treatment plan »has been implemented to modernize the « Migrants Workers' Homes ». Since the 2006 circular and thelaunch of the five-year term plans to organize this changes, a speeding up and a transformation of thishomes in social residences has been noticed.Firstly, my PHD will show the ethnographic work lead with the occupants of this homes to question betterthe terminologies usually used by the institutions and their meanings. It will show the targets of this« treatment plan » with the stories and thoughts of the occupants to focus on their representations of aproper location and their own way to include themselves. The Migrants Workers' Homes' transformations willbe compared with gates community renovation process. This policy creates tensions forcing people to moveand force themselves to follow new norms. After studying the history of fights in Migrants Workers' Homesand their transmission, the modern way of fighting in this homes will be presented. Then, starting from theanalysis of the change from autonomous organization to a shared management in Migrants Workers' Homesin Montreuil, the focus is on the risks taken by the protagonists, and on the expertise of the residents. Finally,the alternative system and the residents knowledges’ recognition of legitimacy will be analysed.
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Characterisation and modeling of cattle movements in CameroonMotta, Paolo Roberto January 2017 (has links)
Introduction In sub-Saharan Africa, rapid urbanisation and per capita consumption of animal source foods are expected to accelerate in the short-medium term and to increase the movements of live animals and animal products in the region. In Cameroon, where the livelihood of most of the rural population depends on the agricultural and livestock sector, a wide range of endemic transboundary infectious diseases (TADs) affect livestock production and trade, and have direct detrimental effects on animal, human and environmental health. Livestock mobility represents a central economic activity in the livestock value chain of the country as well as a central strategy of seasonal adaptation to the ecosystem. Livestock movements, however, are also a central driver of infectious diseases dynamics and contacts between livestock populations are major risk factors for disease introduction and circulation. In countries where financial and technical resources are constrained, such as Cameroon, strategic interventions aiming at the surveillance and control of multiple infectious diseases simultaneously are essential for optimising their cost-effectiveness. The overall aim of this study was to apply a methodological framework to contribute to the understanding of cattle movements in Cameroon and of their implications for disease circulation. Methods This project used a variety of epidemiological and statistical methods to characterise cattle movements in the country across different scales. The collection of primary data and information targeted both the formal cattle trade system, across the country, and the informal seasonal transhumance, across the main livestock production areas. Between September 2014 and May 2015 diverse strategies were applied for collecting empirical data and various data sources from multiple Regions of the country were combined. Cattle trade in Cameroon mainly occurs via multiple trading points owned and managed either by the veterinary authorities or the municipalities. A total of 62 livestock markets, and the relevant offices of the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Products (MINEPIA), were targeted for collecting official data on cattle trade referring to a 12-month period ranging between September 2013 and August 2014. Additionally, a questionnaire-based survey with the various livestock markets stakeholders (herders, traders, butchers and veterinary officials) was carried out to collect a variety of information on the cattle market system. During this 9-month period of field work, data on cattle seasonal transhumance were simultaneously collected using a combination of GPS-tracking technology and questionnaire-based survey. Results Volumes of cattle trade, the type of traded animals and their commercial values varied over the year and across the Regions of the country included in this study. Nevertheless, the market supply of live cattle showed similar temporal trends over the year and across the Regions. Although for almost the entire study area the peak of traded animals in the market system was in December 2013, the trade volume was consistently higher during the rainy season (May to September). On the contrary, the reduction in the trade volume during the dry season was accompanied by an opposite trend in the cattle price, with their commercial value being higher during the dry season. Furthermore, a cattle price differential was highlighted between production Regions and high consumption Regions of the country. The highest volume of cattle trade was recorded in the Adamawa Region, which was the main source of cattle for the country while also receiving animals from neighbouring countries, such as Chad and Central African Republic. In contrast, major urban markets in the Littoral and Central Regions were the main receivers of cattle originating from almost all the other areas of the country. Interestingly, the North-West Region appeared to be more independent and isolated within the cattle trade network of Cameroon, particularly receiving few animals from other Regions. Importantly, there was little variation in the structural characteristics of the cattle trade network as well as in its properties across seasons, showing that, despite the seasonality in traded numbers, the network of cattle moving between markets in Cameroon is very stable. This consistent structure of the network over the year increases the robustness of strategic targeted interventions. We found that targeting the top 20% of the most connected markets would significantly reduce the network cohesiveness providing opportunities for strategic disease surveillance, communication and risk mitigation interventions. The centrality of the market within the trading network was also found to be positively associated with the price of live cattle, which tended to be heavily affected by phenotypic characteristics of the traded cattle. The seasonal cattle transhumance has been found as a common and widespread practice for herders attending the market system across whole the study area, highlighting the close relation between formal trading movements and informal pastoral movements across the country. Transhumant herds were observed to undertake migrations across multiple Regions for period exceeding 6 months and showing the potential for multiple types of interactions with domestic and wild animals. Discussion Multiple livestock infectious diseases were identified as being related to the cattle trade system. As neighbouring and non-neighbouring countries were found to be epidemiologically connected it is clear that national strategies for surveillance and control are likely to have limited effectiveness. Regional coordination for designing and implementing prevention and mitigation strategies against infectious diseases is essential to improve animal health also at national level. This study highlights the opportunity for strategic surveillance, control and communication interventions targeting key livestock markets and Regions of Cameroon. Live cattle price and centrality of markets, represented by their connectedness within the trading network, highlights the need to further investigate the links between economic factors and drivers of disease dynamics, such as livestock movements. The complexity of cattle movements in this context was further evidenced by the seasonal transhumance representing an established common mechanism for managing livestock, and closely interacting with the formal trading system as well as with other domestic and wild animal populations. Better data collection and analysis of livestock movements is required for improving the effectiveness of surveillance and control of infectious diseases. Although animal identification and registration systems would represent an ideal step for increasing traceability of cattle movements, enhancing animal health management and the overall competitiveness of the livestock industry, in the short-term a cost-effective intervention should aim at further developing the current data recording and management systems. Pastoralism, for long seen as an economic and environmental activity with little future, also needs to be acknowledged as a key component of the livestock production system in the country and to be considered accordingly in the management of infectious diseases.
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Images et représentations de l'Italie et des italiens à Grenoble depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale / Images and representations of Italy and Italian immigrants in Grenoble since the World War II / Immagini e rappresentazioni dell’Italia e degli italiani a Grenoble dalla fine della Seconda Guerra MondialeFassio, Giulia 11 May 2012 (has links)
Dans les dernières années, en Italie, l'émigration a recommencé à attirer l'attention des chercheurs et de l'opinion publique (surtout en relation à l'intérêt croissant pour les questions liées à l'immigration), en s'affirmant comme l'un des principaux sujets du discours historique public : sans vouloir fournir un portrait exhaustif des études les plus récentes, il convient toutefois de signaler que certaines œuvres – selon différentes approches théorico-méthodologiques – ont cherché à tracer une histoire générale et systématique de l'émigration italienne, en adoptant une perspective temporelle très large et en se concentrant aussi bien sur les lieux d'origine que sur ceux d'arrivée, mais aussi sur les réseaux qui les relient.À part l'immigration étrangère, même les récentes émigrations et mobilités italiennes, en dehors et au sein de la nation même, constituent un thème actuellement débattu par l'opinion publique, qui le perçoit le plus souvent en lien au grave problème du chômage des jeunes, surtout dans certaines zones de l'Italie méridionale. Dans le milieu académique, les actuelles émigrations italiennes sont un sujet d'analyse surtout pour les sociologues, qui en ont mis en évidence certains caractères novateurs : les nouvelles destinations (en grande partie européennes), la plus forte présence de femmes, une plus grande qualification de la force de travail et le caractère temporaire du projet migratoire, souvent caractérisé par des mouvements d'aller-retour répétés. En France, au contraire, les études sur les migrations ont un développement en partie différent de celui des Italiens, du moments que la France a été et est considérée et analysée surtout comme un Pays d'immigration, caractérisé pendant longtemps par une politique assimilationniste, dans laquelle les émigrations vers l'étranger et internes ont été peu approfondies et fondamentalement exclues de l'histoire nationale aussi pour sauvegarder une idée forte d'unité nationale. Cette thèse a eu, entre autres, le but de reconstruire les différentes phases de la présence italienne à Grenoble et en Isère de la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale à nos jours, en soulignant les éléments de continuité, ainsi que les transformations qui ont caractérisés les vagues migratoires et les construction d'appartenance et identité des migrants.Une caractéristique importante est l'hétérogénéité interne à la population italienne ou d'origine italienne de Grenoble ; il s'agit, en effet, d'un ensemble d'individus ou de groupes appartenant à différentes générations et provenant d'aires géographiques différentes, dont on peut observer les dynamiques communautaires ainsi que les liens avec le Pays de provenance et celui d'immigration et leur variations au cours de la période prise en compte.L'analyse de cette période – s'appuyant à des sources orales et d'archive – a montré que les conditions de vie, les rapports entre Italiens, Italiens et Français ou étrangers d'origine différente ont changé dans le temps suite à l'évolution de plusieurs variables, notamment la composition des flux migratoires, les parcours de mobilité sociale et économique, des facteurs générationnels, la réputation internationale du Pays d'origine, etc... / This thesis aims to analyze, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the Italian migrations in Grenoble since the World War II and its representation. I tried to examine the various trends and generations of Italian immigrants in Grenoble and their relationship with Italy, also considering variables such as age, period of immigration, employment, social position. Moreover, analyzing quite a long time, I was able to compare the elements of continuity and discontinuity between present and past migrations, and among immigrants and their descendants.From a methodological point of view, I studied many sources: oral sources (about 80 interviews), archival sources, bibliographical sources, statistical data ... trying to maintain an interdisciplinary perspective.The thesis is divided into nine chapters and two main parts that follow a chronological order: the first part covers the period between World War II and the Nineties and the second part analyzes the contemporary migrations and the Italian presence in Grenoble. In the first part, I used archival sources and oral sources: in particular, I tried to describe the state policies on migration after the World War II, the regularization of immigrants and illegal migration across the Alps. I also described the efforts of some Italian immigrants to build a positive image through associations linked to the resistance and anti-fascism.Analyzing the following decades I have tried to examine some particular issues such as the social ascent of some immigrants, the role of women and family networks, the role of regional associations and the Italian church, the relations with immigrants of other countries, the development of economic and emotional links with Italy. The second part of this thesis studies the current situation: the new Italian immigrants in Grenoble and the different forms of self-representation, their identity as citizens of Italy and Europe, and later, examines the relationship between new and old immigrants and their children and grandchildren. I tried to show the complexity of the links between Italians and the country of origin; their relations with Italy, in fact, depending on the generation, social class, age and other individual variables. In this regard, for example, I have examined the question of mixed marriages and I analyzed all marriages of the Italian church since 1965.I described the places most frequented by Italians in Grenoble, and those who have a symbolic value. I also described the travels in Italy of immigrants, that include the holidays at places of origin, and also the weekend in Turin to buy food and other Italian products. Finally, from the analysis of individual and collective trajectories, I tried to reflect on the condition of the migrant in the past and present and to question some analytical categories, such as integration or assimilation.
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Weather shocks, migration and food security : evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa / Chocs climatiques, migrations et sécurité alimentaire : études de cas de l'Afrique sub-saharienneKubik, Zaneta 06 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à la littérature sur l'impact des chocs climatiques sur les migrations et la sécurité alimentaire. Le premier chapitre examine les migrations induites par les chocs climatiques en Tanzanie en employant l'approche de iv provbit. Les résultats suggèrent que pour un ménage moyen, une réduction d'un pour cent du revenu agricole induite par le choc climatique augmente la probabilité de migration de 13 points de pourcentage en moyenne au cours de l'année suivante. Le deuxième chapitre tente d'établir si le climat est un déterminant du choix de la destination en cas de migration rurale-rurale. En utilisant le modèle du logit conditionnel, ce chapitre montre qu'une augmentation d'écarts de revenus entre destination et origine de I 0000 shillings tanzaniens, attribuable au climat, augmente la probabilité du choix de cette destination de 2 points de pourcentage. Le troisième chapitre s'intéresse au lien entre les chocs climatiques et la sécurité alimentaire. En utilisant les données sud-africaines, cette analyse emploie un modèle de variable instrumentale où la diversité alimentaire, une mesure de l'accès à la nourriture, est déterminée par les prix des aliments instrumentés avec un choc climatique. Les résultats suggèrent qu'une augmentation de pourcent des prix alimentaires locaux induite par un choc climatique diminue la diversité alimentaire de 2,5 pourcent. / This thesis contributes to the literature on the impact of weather shocks on migration and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. The first chapter analyses whether Tanzanian rural households engage in internal migration as a response to weather-related shocks using an iv probit model. The findings confirm that for an average household, a 1 per cent reduction in agricultural income induced by weather shock increases the probability of migration by 13 percentage points on average within the following year. The second chapter paper attempts to establish if weather acts as the determinant of destination choice in the case of rural-to-rural migration. Employing the alternative-specific conditional logit model, this paper shows that an increase in the expected income differentials between origin and destination by 10,000 Tanzanian shillings, attributable to differences in weather, increases the probability of choosing a given destination by 2 percentage points. The third chapter analyses the food access dimension of food security, and models the link between weather shocks and food security that acts specifically through food prices. Employing an instrumental variable model where household dietary diversity is determined by food prices instrumented with weather shock, this chapter shows that a 1 per cent increase in local food prices induced by a weather shock decreases the number of food items consumed by households by around 2.5 per cent.
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Água sobre terra : lugar e territorialidade na implantação de grandes hidrelétricasCarvalho, Orlando Albani de January 2006 (has links)
Hidrelétricas são objetos geográficos resultantes da territorialização de políticas setoriais do Estado e de agentes privados nacionais e transnacionais. Compostas por reservatórios hídricos que requerem centenas de km² de área, as grandes hidrelétricas tem sido amplamente criticadas pelos efeitos negativos aos patrimônios sociais, econômicos e territoriais de milhares de pessoas que foram, e são, obrigadas a lhes cederem espaço. Este tema assume relevância não apenas pela existência, hoje, de um significativo movimento anti-barragens, mas também por referir-se à probletização de uma das mais importantes formas de geração de energia da Sociedade. Objetivando uma abordagem geográfica desta questão, a presente pesquisa toma como referência a situação gerada pela implantação da usina hidrelétrica de Itá, localizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Uruguai, na região sul do Brasil. Através dos conceitos de lugar e território procurou-se ressaltar a necessidade de aprofundar a análise dos conflitos espaciais inscritos na questão das migrações compulsórias requeridas por estas construções. Neste sentido adotou-se uma perspectiva teórica que leva em conta os aspectos de (des)valorização do espaço, deslugarização e des-territorialização no complexo campo de relações sociais e políticas promovidas pela territorialização de hidrelétricas. / Hydroelectrics are geographic objects resultant of territorialization of sectorial politics of State and national and transnational private agents. Composed of hydrics reservoirs that require hundreds of km² of area, the great hydroelectrics have been widely criticized for the negative effect to the social, economic and territorial assets of thousand of people that had been, and are, forced to yield them space. This subject assumes relevance not only for the existence, today, of a significant movement antidams, but also for to refer to the problematization of one of the most important forms of energy generation of Society. Objectifying a geographic approach to this question, the present research takes as reference the situation generated by the implantation of the hydroelectric plant of Itá, located in the hydrographic basin of river Uruguay, in the south region of Brazil. Through the concepts of place and territory it was intended to stand out the necessity of deepen analysis of space conflicts enrolled in the question of the obligatory migrations required by these constructions. In this sense a theoretical perspective was adopted that takes in account the aspects of (des)valorization of space, displacezation and desterritorialization in the complex field of social and political relations promoted by territorialization of hydroelectrics.
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Perigoso é não correr perigo : experiências de viajantes clandestinos em navios de carga no Atlântico SulUriarte Bálsamo, Pilar January 2009 (has links)
A presente tese trata sobre migrações irregulares entre a África Ocidental e a América do Sul. Trata-se de jovens em contextos urbanos que abordam navios de carga de forma clandestina nos principais portos dos centros comerciais da região. Eles partem sem um destino certo e sua viagem pode ter diferentes desenvolvimentos. Às vezes são devolvidos à terra mesmo antes da partida; outras, são achados pela tripulação durante a viagem, ou já no lugar de destino pelas autoridades do porto. Nesses casos, podem ser deportados ao país de origem ou qualquer outro da África, ou permanecer no lugar de chegada como refugiados ou migrantes. Também se registram casos em que os passageiros clandestinos são lançados ao mar à deriva, onde podem ser resgatados por outras embarcações. O trabalho se baseia na etnografia realizada na América do Sul - em Venezuela, Uruguai e Argentina - e na África Ocidental - Nigéria e Gana. Analisa-se esse tipo de migrações em relação a dinâmicas demográficas mais amplas, nos dois polos do percurso migratório. De uma perspectiva transnacional, se vinculam esses locais com outros possíveis destinos futuros onde imaginam dar continuidade ao processo migratório. Esses destinos se relacionam às formas em que os migrantes descrevem sua experiência de deslocamento como a possibilidade de continuar sempre em movimento. No local de origem se analisam as formas em que os jovens constroem seus projetos migratórios, em relação às variáveis de gênero e idade, que são determinantes para entender a posição que eles ocupam na comunidade. No local de destino, se analisam os processos de integração a partir das definições cotidianas e jurídicas em que eles se inscrevem e que lhes são atribuídas pela sociedade englobante. Dentro dessas categorias, as diferenças de cor, lidas como diferenças raciais, têm um lugar particular, como uma das formas mais violentas de classificação às quais se vêm expostos. Observam-se os processos migratórios em perspectiva, vinculando a experiência desses jovens com os conceitos de diásporas nacionais e diáspora negra. / This dissertation aims to study irregular migrations between Western Africa and South America. It analyzes young people in urban contexts who covertly approach cargo ships in the main trade ports of the Western Africa region. They depart without pre-defined destinations and their trip can result in unforeseen consequences. Sometimes they are returned home before they depart. Sometimes ship crews find them during the trip and sometimes local authorities find them at the final destination. Once they are identified, they can be deported to their home country or to any other African country, or they can stay at the destination country as refugees or migrants. There are also some cases of clandestine passengers who are left adrift at sea, where they can possibly be rescued by other watercrafts. This dissertation, based on an ethnographic research with a number of such migrants, was carried out in South America (Venezuela, Uruguay, and Argentina) and in Western Africa (Nigeria and Ghana). Their "irregular" form of migration is analyzed considering a wide range of demographic dynamics on both the origin and destination side of the migratory journey. The transnational perspective is useful for understanding the social environment in which these young people operate. They understand and describe their displacement experience as a perpetual search for another migratory opportunity. First, the characteristics of these young people's migratory projects are analyzed in relation to gender and age cohorts, which are determinant of their societal position in their original communities. Second, the migrants' social and legal integration are analyzed through the migrants' perception of themselves in the host society and the host society's perception of the migrants. Racial and ethnic differences, being one of the most violent forms of "categorization" faced by the migrants, play a significant role in these perceptions. These migratory processes are observed through the use of comparative lenses, linking the experience of these young people with the social concepts of the National and African Diaspora. / La presente tesis versa sobre migraciones irregulares entre África Occidental y América del Sur. Se trata de jóvenes en contextos urbanos que abordan los navíos de forma clandestina en los principales centros comerciales de la región. En diferentes situaciones, ellos parten sin un destino cierto y su viaje puede tener diferentes desarrollos. Algunas veces son devueltos a tierra incluso antes de la partida, otras encontrados por la tripulación durante el viaje o ya en el lugar de destino por las autoridades del puerto. En esos casos pueden ser deportados al país de origen, a cualquier otro país en África o permanecer en el país de destino, con refugiados o migrantes. También se registran casos en que los pasajeros clandestinos son lanzados al mar a la deriva donde son rescatados por otras embarcaciones. El trabajo se basa en la etnografía realizada en América del Sur - Venezuela, Uruguay y Argentina - y en África Occidental - Nigeria y Ghana. Se analiza este fenómeno específico en relación con dinámicas demográficas más amplias en los dos polos de trayecto migratorio. Desde una perspectiva transnacional, se vinculan esos dos lugares con otros destinos donde los migrantes imaginan dar continuidad al proceso, relacionados a las formas en que describen su experiencia, como una actitud de estar siempre en movimiento. En el lugar de partida se analizan las formas en que los jóvenes construyen el proyecto de migrar, en relación con las variables de género y edad, que son determinantes para entender la posición que ocupan en la comunidad. En el lugar de destino se analizan los procesos de integración a partir de las definiciones informales y jurídicas en que ellos mismos se inscriben y que les son atribuidas por la sociedad englobante. Dentro de esas categorías, las diferencias de color, leídas como diferencias raciales, tienen un lugar particular, ya que son vividas como una de las situaciones más violentas a las que se ven expuestos. Se observan los procesos migratorios en perspectiva, vinculando la experiencia de estos jóvenes con los conceptos de diásporas nacionales y diáspora negra.
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Água sobre terra : lugar e territorialidade na implantação de grandes hidrelétricasCarvalho, Orlando Albani de January 2006 (has links)
Hidrelétricas são objetos geográficos resultantes da territorialização de políticas setoriais do Estado e de agentes privados nacionais e transnacionais. Compostas por reservatórios hídricos que requerem centenas de km² de área, as grandes hidrelétricas tem sido amplamente criticadas pelos efeitos negativos aos patrimônios sociais, econômicos e territoriais de milhares de pessoas que foram, e são, obrigadas a lhes cederem espaço. Este tema assume relevância não apenas pela existência, hoje, de um significativo movimento anti-barragens, mas também por referir-se à probletização de uma das mais importantes formas de geração de energia da Sociedade. Objetivando uma abordagem geográfica desta questão, a presente pesquisa toma como referência a situação gerada pela implantação da usina hidrelétrica de Itá, localizada na bacia hidrográfica do rio Uruguai, na região sul do Brasil. Através dos conceitos de lugar e território procurou-se ressaltar a necessidade de aprofundar a análise dos conflitos espaciais inscritos na questão das migrações compulsórias requeridas por estas construções. Neste sentido adotou-se uma perspectiva teórica que leva em conta os aspectos de (des)valorização do espaço, deslugarização e des-territorialização no complexo campo de relações sociais e políticas promovidas pela territorialização de hidrelétricas. / Hydroelectrics are geographic objects resultant of territorialization of sectorial politics of State and national and transnational private agents. Composed of hydrics reservoirs that require hundreds of km² of area, the great hydroelectrics have been widely criticized for the negative effect to the social, economic and territorial assets of thousand of people that had been, and are, forced to yield them space. This subject assumes relevance not only for the existence, today, of a significant movement antidams, but also for to refer to the problematization of one of the most important forms of energy generation of Society. Objectifying a geographic approach to this question, the present research takes as reference the situation generated by the implantation of the hydroelectric plant of Itá, located in the hydrographic basin of river Uruguay, in the south region of Brazil. Through the concepts of place and territory it was intended to stand out the necessity of deepen analysis of space conflicts enrolled in the question of the obligatory migrations required by these constructions. In this sense a theoretical perspective was adopted that takes in account the aspects of (des)valorization of space, displacezation and desterritorialization in the complex field of social and political relations promoted by territorialization of hydroelectrics.
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