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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memória da diáspora armênia nos relatos de seus descendentes no Brasil e Argentina (cidades de São Paulo e Buenos Aires) / Memory of the Armenian diaspora in the story of their descendants in Brazil and Argentina (cities of São Paulo and Buenos Aires)

Paverchi, Silvia Regina 03 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos descendentes da diáspora armênia, cujas comunidades se fixaram na Argentina e no Brasil após o genocídio armênio perpetrado pelo Império Otomano durante a Primeira Grande Guerra. O objetivo principal é apresentar relatos de indivíduos descendentes e integrantes das comunidades formadas a partir de 1920, especialmente as de Buenos Aires e São Paulo. Busca-se averiguar a presença de uma memória coletiva que evidencie elementos comuns a uma possível identidade cultural armênia nesses grupos de descendentes. Objetivos secundários: abordagens sobre a formação das comunidades na América do Sul, processo de imigração da diáspora armênia e condição refugiada no contexto de outros fluxos migratórios para Argentina e Brasil no início século XX. É uma pesquisa exploratória investigativa, sem postulados de memória, que busca na memória individual traços comuns a uma identidade coletiva. / This research deals with Armenian diaspora which migrated to Argentina and Brazil after Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Ottoman Empire during the Great War. The main objective is presenting reports of descendants from communities created since 1920 in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. The purpose is check the presence of collective memory which can shows common elements belonging to a possible Armenian cultural identity in these descendants. Approaches about community formation to South America as well as the immigration process of Armenian diaspora and the refugee status in the context of other migration flows to Argentina and Brazil in the XX Century constitutes secondary objectives. Exploratory and investigative research without memory postulates or filters aiming to find common traces belonging to a collective memory through the individual memory nature.

Migrações e segurança: a fronteira Estados Unidos-México e a dinâmica da securitização da questão migratória / Migrations and security: the United States-Mexico border and the dynamics of the securitization of migrations issue

Sobrino, Marcelo da Silva 31 May 2016 (has links)
A questão da securitização das migrações, enquanto problema de pesquisa, surgiu no contexto dos debates acerca da ampliação do conceito de segurança que tomou corpo no pós-Guerra Fria, dadas as grandes transformações que se sucederam a este evento-chave da política internacional contemporânea. No caso da fronteira Estados Unidos-México, este é um fenômeno que, de fato, pode ser observado desde o final dos anos 1970, tendo atingido o seu ápice no pós-Onze de Setembro. A partir deste cenário, o objetivo do presente trabalho de pesquisa é o de analisar a dinâmica da securitização dos fluxos migratórios no contexto da fronteira Estados Unidos-México; em especial, o caso dos imigrantes indocumentados, que são o alvo primário das práticas securitizantes. Para tanto, será empregado o ferramental teórico desenvolvido pela Escola de Copenhague; em especial, a teoria de securitização e o conceito de segurança societal. Ao final, buscar-se-á problematizar a questão, tendo-se em vista as reflexões desenvolvidas ao longo do trabalho, bem como avaliar as possibilidades de desenvolvimento da mesma, assumindo como pressuposto que o ideal seria a progressiva desecuritização do tema e a adoção de uma política migratória, por parte dos EUA, mais moderna, pragmática e humana, e que a questão da segurança fosse tratada separadamente, considerando a questão migratória mas sem elevá-la ao nível do excepcional, que é o que justifica a securitização, a qual tem um enorme potencial para gerar, nesta seara, graves consequências de caráter humanitário. / The securitization of migrations issue as a research problem has arisen in the context of the debates on broadening the concept of security in the post-Cold War era, taking in consideration the significant changes that followed this key-event in the contemporary international politics. In the case of the United States-Mexico border, this is a phenomenon that, in fact, can be observed since the late 1970s, having reached its apex in the post-09/11. In this scenario, the aim of the current research work is to assess the dynamics of the securitization of migrations flows in the context of the United States-Mexico border; mainly, the case of the undocumented immigrants, who are the primary targets of the securitization practices. Theoretical methodology developed by the Copenhagen School; mainly the securitization theory and the concept of societal security, will be utilized as assessment tools in the current research work. At the end, the objective will be to problematize the question, taking in consideration the reflections raised during the research work, as well as evaluating the development possibilities, assuming as an ideal scenario the progressive desecuritization and the adoption of a more modern, pragmatic, and human migratory policy by the United States; and that the security issue be treated separately, considering the migratory issue but without elevating it to the exceptional level, which justifies the securitization, and has an enormous potential of generating severe humanitarian consequences in this field.

Exuberância e invisibilidade: populações moventes e cultura em São Paulo, 1942 ao início dos anos 70 / Exuberance and invisibility: migrants and culture in São Paulo, from 1942 to beginning of seventies

Peres, Elena Pajaro 19 January 2007 (has links)
Com esta investigação proponho o estudo da cultura por uma vertente não canônica, convergindo para o conteúdo humano, imaginativo e desejante presente na cidade de São Paulo na segunda metade do século XX. Para isso, trabalhei entre outras fontes com a obra de alguns mediadores culturais: Carolina Maria de Jesus, Plínio Marcos, João Antonio e Ozualdo Candeias, que se encontravam nas vias de comunicação entrecruzada entre a cultura formal, o espetáculo e o gesto espontâneo, inscrevendo suas impressões, de forma delicada, com um rústico alfabeto na superfície instável que era a cidade de São Paulo entre as décadas de 40 e 60, encantando com palavras, imagens, gestos e ritmos, ao mesmo tempo em que se deixavam encantar pela gestualidade, a exuberância e o transbordamento que os cercavam. Parti assim de uma concepção de cultura como criação móvel e movente, que envolve o uso experimental e tático de elementos dispensados por diferentes segmentos da sociedade e das sobras de tradições as mais diversas por parte daqueles que não tinham paradeiro, mas que buscavam um canto. O que traz em si o desvio (détournement) situacionista de Guy Debord, a caça não-autorizada (braconnage) de Michel de Certeau e a viração de João Antonio e Plínio Marcos, ou seja, a apropriação não permitida, nas fímbrias da invisibilidade, daquilo que é lançado pela sociedade e o seu uso em sentidos diferentes daqueles que foram determinados, não apenas com a intenção de sobrevivência, mas também, e foi o que aqui mais me interessou, com a possibilidade do \"desperdício\" da criação / This research proposes the study of culture under a non canonical view, which converges to the human, imaginative and desiring content found in the city of São Paulo during the second half of the 20th century. To that end, I researched the works of the following cultural mediators, among others: Carolina Maria de Jesus, Plínio Marcos, João Antonio, and Ozualdo Candeias, who were at the communication crossroads of formal culture, the spectacle and the spontaneous gesture, and used a rustic alphabet to write with grace their impressions on the unstable surface which was the city of São Paulo between the 1940s and 1960s. They enchanted people with their words, images, and rhythms while they became themselves enchanted by the gestures, the exuberance and the overflow of emotions around them. My starting point was therefore a concept of culture as creation on the move and movable, which involves the experimental and tactical use by drifters - looking for a haven and a song - of elements cast away by different segments of society, and leftovers of diverse traditions. This carries in itself Guy Debord\'s situational deviation (détournement), Michel de Certeau\'s poach (braconnage), and João Antonio\'s viração, that is, unallowed appropriation, on the fringes of invisibility, of what society throws away to be used with meanings that are different from those that were previously determined, not only for the purpose of survival, but - and this has interested me most - as a possibility of \"waste\" of creation

Fronteiras do direito humano à educação: um estudo sobre os imigrantes bolivianos nas escolas públicas de São Paulo / Frontiers of the Human Right to Education: a study on the Bolivian immigrants in public schools in São Paulo.

Magalhães, Giovanna Mode 27 August 2010 (has links)
Entender como está sendo realizado o direito humano à educação para os e as imigrantes da Bolívia que vivem em São Paulo é o principal objetivo deste estudo, que se insere no ponto de encontro entre dois debates globais contemporâneos: de um lado o crescimento e a complexidade que assumiram as migrações internacionais e, de outro, as tensões relativas à universalização de direitos em sociedades desiguais e discriminatórias. Ao longo da pesquisa, analisamos a legislação nacional e internacional e percorremos a literatura contemporânea sobre migrações internacionais e sua interface com o campo dos Direitos Humanos, em especial problematizando a relação entre os direitos de todos e os direitos dos cidadãos dado que muitos que integram o grupo em questão vivem em situação irregular no Brasil, o que não lhes tira a garantia da realização de direitos fundamentais. Para uma melhor compreensão dos pormenores que caracterizam essa dinâmica, visitamos locais de convivência dos imigrantes bolivianos/as na cidade, realizamos conversas exploratórias com representantes das organizações que atuam com o tema e, finalmente, fizemos 16 entrevistas gravadas com estudantes, mães, pais, professores/as e funcionários de escolas públicas da capital. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de três eixos analíticos. O primeiro eixo tratou da relação entre acesso e permanência na escola, verificando os obstáculos existentes nesse sentido. O segundo eixo de análise diz respeito à relação entre os imigrantes bolivianos e suas famílias com a comunidade escolar local direção, professores, e outros alunos brasileiros. Há uma tensão que cerca o debate internacional contemporâneo no campo dos direitos humanos, envolvendo universalismos e particularismos, igualdade e diferença, que foi considerada ao longo do desenvolvimento deste trabalho e, em especial, ao longo deste eixo. Finalmente, o terceiro eixo foi desenhado sobre as famílias e suas expectativas em relação à escola. Buscamos observar o que a família imigrante boliviana espera da escola e o que tem a dizer sobre a instituição de ensino brasileira. Um balanço inicial dessa trajetória mostrou que, numa perspectiva de Direitos Humanos, ainda há um logo caminho a ser percorrido. A universalização do direito à educação aqui é tensionada por violações de naturezas diversas e também pelo silêncio que tangencia o próprio tema a falta de dados, de pesquisas, de visibilidade de maneira geral configuram por si só um impeditivo à realização dos direitos educativos. Para aqueles em situação irregular no país, ainda que a lei garanta esse direito, a falta de documentos ainda é um entrave tanto para entrar como para mudar ou sair da escola. A burocracia, a falta de informações e a indiferença ao fato de terem outro idioma nativo são outros muros que pareceram evidentes. Uma vez dentro da escola, o olhar sobre a aceitabilidade dessa educação trouxe elementos importantes que caracterizam um ambiente que pouco promove a aprendizagem e desafia a promoção dos direitos humanos, com relatos de preconceito, discriminação e violência. / The purpose of this study is to understand how the human right to education for immigrants from Bolivia in the city of Sao Paulo is being fulfilled. The research is situated at the crossroad between two contemporary global debates: on one hand, the growth and complexity of the international migration process, and, on the other, tensions concerning the universalization of rights in unequal and discriminatory societies. Throughout this study, we analyzed the domestic and international laws and discussed the literature on international migration and its interface with the field of Human Rights, in particular questioning the relationship between rights for citizens or rights for all - as many people from the group we focused on are living illegally in Brazil, which does not take away the guarantee of the realization of their fundamental rights. To capture the details of the relationships and characteristics around this process, we visited places where Bolivian immigrants gather in the city, we conducted exploratory conversations with representatives of civil society organizations that fight for immigrants rights, and, finally, we carried out 16 interviews with students, parents, teachers and employees of public schools in the capital. The research was developed from three analytical axes. The first deals with the relationship between access and retention in school, observing the obstacles in that direction. The second point of analysis takes into account the relationship between the Bolivian immigrants and families with the local school community especially teachers and other Brazilian students. There is a tension when it comes to contemporary international debate in the field of human rights involving universalism and particularism, equality and difference, which was considered during the development of all this study and particularly along this axis. The third and final axis draws on the families and their expectations regarding the school. What are the Bolivian immigrants\' expectations? What do mothers say about Brazilian school, what do they think about local teachers? A first assessment shows that, at least from a human rights perspective, there is still a long way to go. The universal right to education here is challenged by many kinds of violations and also by the silence that touches this issue - the lack of data, research and visibility hinder the realization of educational rights. For those who are illegally in the country, even though the law guarantees this right, the lack of documentation is still an obstacle to enter or even to leave the school. Bureaucracy, lack of information on educational rights and indifference to the fact they have other native languages are other barriers observed along this study. Once inside the school, the reports we collected showed important elements that characterize an environment that does not promote learning and challenges the promotion of human rights, with cases of prejudice, discrimination and violence.

Double Exposure: Picturing the Self in Russian Emigre Culture

Jensen, Robyn January 2019 (has links)
Double exposure has often been used as a metaphor for the condition of emigration: of being between two places simultaneously, of layering the memory of one place onto another. To extend the metaphor of double exposure, this study turns to the medium of photography itself to explore how it functions within Russian émigré narratives of the self. I examine how Vladimir Nabokov, Joseph Brodsky, Gary Shteyngart, and the visual artist Ilya Kabakov use photographs in their autobiographical works—from literary memoirs to art installations—as a device for representing the divided self in emigration. “Double exposure” works as a flexible concept in this dissertation: as a metaphor for exilic double consciousness; for the autobiographical tension between multiple selves; and as a model for the composite structure of these texts that join together word and image. Bringing together photography and autobiography in this study, I explore how the “objective” medium of photography offers these authors a version of the self as visual object to be used creatively within their own self-representations. Self-representation, after all, involves the transformation of one’s own subjectivity into an object of investigation. And the objectivity of the photograph cannot be divorced from the subjective experience of looking at and interpreting the sense data that the image supplies. The photograph’s uneasy relationship between objectivity and subjectivity makes it a rich source for autobiographical practices of self-creation and self-investigation. The photographs and their textual mediation work as visual metonyms that stand in for the larger project of self-representation; they picture the act of picturing the self. This dissertation charts the critical ambivalence to family photographs in these works, how they stage a back-and-forth between an affective or nostalgic attitude to images and a sharp awareness of the limits or dangers of such an attitude. The subjects of this dissertation reveal a divided attitude to the visual medium, both attracted and repelled by the promise of photographs. The divided attitude to photographs in these works, I argue, stems in part from a crisis in vision. From the semiotic appraisal of photographs to the disciplinary and propagandistic abuses of photography, to see the photograph as an uncomplicated restoration of the past is no longer possible by the second half of the twentieth century (if, indeed, it ever was). And yet, it is the very losses of the twentieth century that make urgent the need to collect and preserve the fragments that remain. These authors exhibit an ambivalence about how photographs preserve the past and what kind of information they provide us with, about how these images represent the self (and the family), and finally about how this form of representation compares with the written word. Each of my four chapters examines a different modality of this ambivalent approach to photographs as they intersect with narrating the self: Nabokov’s agonistic contest between photography and his visual memory; Brodsky’s resignation to the modern photographic condition that ruptures the continuity of memory and experience; Shteyngart’s divided reading of the self from a hyphenated Russian-American perspective; and Kabakov’s ironically sincere recuperation of an affective response after postmodernism. Considering photos as both indexical documents that provide evidence but also as indeterminate images that demand interpretation, I read the photographs as an integral component of self-construction in these works, rather than as transparent illustrations of the self. These photographs offer a productive site for representing the divided self in emigration, the experience of trauma, and the convergence of personal and social history.

Chapadas dos gerais: veredas da modernização. Um estudo sobre mobilidade do trabalho e migrações no processo de modernização. Apontamentos e atualidade do trabalho no sertão dos gerais - região centro-oeste do estado de Minas Gerais / Chapadas of gerais: Veredas of Modernization. A study on labor mobility and migration in the modernization process: notes and timeliness of work in the backcountry of the gerais west-central state of Minas Gerais

Talpo, Ewerton 09 February 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar as formas assumidas pela mobilidade do trabalho decorrente das transformações nas dinâmicas territoriais no momento da passagem para a segunda metade do século XX no Brasil, destacando as ações do Estado desenvolvimentista do pós-guerra e seus desdobramentos sob a intervenção do Governo militar da década de 1970, suas implicações espaciais na região centro-oeste do estado de Minas Gerais. Nesse sentido, procuramos abarcar o particular dessas transformações na atualidade do trabalho e da constituição de uma população migrante no centro-oeste mineiro, mais precisamente nos municípios de Três Marias, Corinto e Morro da Garça. A possibilidade de se construir uma relação entre o particular e o geral da sociedade moderna na pesquisa geográfica é um elemento norteador da investigação da presente pesquisa. Para tal objetivo apresentamos aqui uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas e registros de relatos sobre a vida de moradores e migrantes nos municípios estudados, a experiência migrante e sua perspectiva espacial. / The present study is to investigate the forms assumed by labor mobility resulting from changes in regional dynamics at the time of transition to the second half of the twentieth century in Brazil, highlighting the actions of the developmental state of post-war and its consequences under the intervention of the military government of the 1970s, their spatial implications in the midwestern region of the state of Minas Gerais. Accordingly, we seek to embrace the particular relevance of these changes in the work and the establishment of a migrant population in the mining Midwest, specifically in the towns of Três Marias, Corinto and the Morro da Garça. The possibility of building a relationship between the particular and the general in modern society in geographic research is a guiding element of the investigation of this research. For this purpose we present here a qualitative research through interviews and records of accounts of the lives of residents and migrants in the cities studied, the migrant experience and their spatial perspective.

Imigrantes africanos no Brasil contemporâneo: fluxos e refluxos da diáspora

Rodrigues, Ester Fatima Vargem 21 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:30:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ester Fatima Vargem Rodrigues.pdf: 985819 bytes, checksum: a4e1acceae8cefbbbc13379227c9d78b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-21 / The present work on African immigration to Brazil in contemporary presents some aspects of my involvement with insertion in this subject, and brings up the question of the various forms and strategies that some African populations are able to cross the Atlantic, reviving diasporas. Was based on analysis of information from newspaper that made references to African immigrants , found in various forms to enter the ships anchored on the African coast, and thus achieve maximize their life chances . It also establishes dialogues with African immigrants who arrived here, in many different ways and times, with varying personal characteristics about their impressions about meanings that traverse the twenty-first century. Concludes with an overview of the political situation in Africa as well as the relationships that Brazil has established with African countries / O presente trabalho sobre a imigração africana no Brasil na contemporaneidade apresenta alguns aspectos da minha inserção no envolvimento com esta temática, e traz à tona a questão das diversas formas e estratégias que algumas populações africanas encontram para conseguir atravessar o Atlântico, revivendo diásporas. Baseou-se em análise de informações de notícias de jornais que fizessem referencias a imigrantes africanos, nas diversas formas encontradas para adentrar os navios ancorados no litoral africano, e desta forma conseguir potencializar suas possibilidades de vida. Também estabelece diálogos com imigrantes africanos que aqui chegaram, das mais diversas formas e épocas, com características pessoais variadas sobre suas impressões a respeito de significações dessa travessia no século XXI. Finaliza com um apanhado da situação política na África, bem como das relações que o Brasil vem estabelecendo com os países africanos

Memória da diáspora armênia nos relatos de seus descendentes no Brasil e Argentina (cidades de São Paulo e Buenos Aires) / Memory of the Armenian diaspora in the story of their descendants in Brazil and Argentina (cities of São Paulo and Buenos Aires)

Silvia Regina Paverchi 03 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos descendentes da diáspora armênia, cujas comunidades se fixaram na Argentina e no Brasil após o genocídio armênio perpetrado pelo Império Otomano durante a Primeira Grande Guerra. O objetivo principal é apresentar relatos de indivíduos descendentes e integrantes das comunidades formadas a partir de 1920, especialmente as de Buenos Aires e São Paulo. Busca-se averiguar a presença de uma memória coletiva que evidencie elementos comuns a uma possível identidade cultural armênia nesses grupos de descendentes. Objetivos secundários: abordagens sobre a formação das comunidades na América do Sul, processo de imigração da diáspora armênia e condição refugiada no contexto de outros fluxos migratórios para Argentina e Brasil no início século XX. É uma pesquisa exploratória investigativa, sem postulados de memória, que busca na memória individual traços comuns a uma identidade coletiva. / This research deals with Armenian diaspora which migrated to Argentina and Brazil after Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Ottoman Empire during the Great War. The main objective is presenting reports of descendants from communities created since 1920 in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. The purpose is check the presence of collective memory which can shows common elements belonging to a possible Armenian cultural identity in these descendants. Approaches about community formation to South America as well as the immigration process of Armenian diaspora and the refugee status in the context of other migration flows to Argentina and Brazil in the XX Century constitutes secondary objectives. Exploratory and investigative research without memory postulates or filters aiming to find common traces belonging to a collective memory through the individual memory nature.

Big sky, Montana, une géographie critique. Capital environnemental et recompositions sociales dans l'ouest du Montana / Big Sky, a critical geography. Environmental capital and social change in Western Montana

Saumon, Gabrielle 11 March 2019 (has links)
L’Ouest du Montana, écrin de nature sauvage dans les montagnes Rocheuses, est depuis les années 1990 au cœur de dynamiques de migrations d’aménités et de gentrification rurale : celles-ci s’appuient sur des récits multiples - fictionnels tout autant que biographiques - qui mettent en scène des trajectoires de vie intimement liées à l’environnement. Réinvesti au nom de nouvelles valeurs dominantes, il constitue aujourd’hui un champ puissant que les individus mobilisent à travers leurs pratiques et représentations. Devenu avant tout support d’activités récréatives plus ou moins distinctives, ou paysage à contempler, l’environnement est déterminant dans la mutation socio-territoriale de l’Old en New West. Or, les dynamiques migratoires contemporaines ne sont ni socialement ni spatialement homogènes, et les inégalités d’accès à l’environnement sont manifestes. Il s’agit alors d’interroger l’existence d’élus et d’exclus dans l’archipel du New West, et plus généralement de soulever l’enjeu des inégalités socio-environnementales dans l’Ouest du Montana. En les analysant au prisme de la grille de lecture « capital environnemental », cette thèse tend alors à saisir le rôle de l’environnement, pensé dans toutes ses dimensions, dans la fabrique socio-territoriale d’un Ouest du Montana en mutation et à interroger la manière dont il génère et entretient de profondes inégalités et injustices. Dans un contexte de fortes recompositions socio-territoriales, il est au cœur de nouveaux investissements stratégiques qui déterminent les rapports de force. / A shrine of wilderness amidst the Rocky Mountains, Western Montana has been at the heart of a dynamic of amenity migration and rural gentrification since the 1990's : fictional and biographical stories support that dynamic and tell of life paths that are intimately tied to the environment. Individuals are now compelled to determine themselves in regard to that powerful field that has been reinvested through prevailing new values. From Old West to New West, social and territorial change is in itself determined by the environment as a field for more and less distinctive recreational activities or as a landscape to contemplate. Nevertheless, contemporary migratory dynamics are neither socially nor spatially equally shared and nor is access to the environment. Let us question the existence of outcast and chosen few in the New West Archipelago and raise the issue of Western Montana social and environmental inequities in general. Using « environmental capital » as a framework to interpret these inequities, this thesis tends to focus on how the environment, in its multiple forms, plays its part in the transformation of Western Montana and how it creates and sustains deep inequities and injustice. In a time of strong social and territorial change the environment is at the heart of new strategic investments that determine the balance of power.

Politics After a Ceasefire: Suffering, Protest, and Belonging in Sri Lanka's Tamil Diaspora

Ananda, Kitana Siv January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is a multi-sited ethnographic study of the cultural formations of moral and political community among Tamils displaced and dispersed by three decades of war and political violence in Sri Lanka. Drawing on twenty months of field research among Tamils living in Toronto, Canada and Tamil Nadu, India, I inquire into the histories, discourses, and practices of diasporic activism at the end of war between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Tamils abroad were mobilized to protest the war, culminating in months of spectacular mass demonstrations in metropolitan cities around the world. Participant-observation among activists and their families in diaspora neighborhoods and refugee camps, and their public events and actions, as well as semi-structured interviews, media analysis and archival work, reveal how “diaspora” has become a capacious site of political becoming for the identification and mobilization of Tamils within, across, and beyond-nation states and their borders. Part One of this study considers how migration and militancy have historically transformed Tamil society, giving rise to a diasporic politics with competing ethical obligations for Tamils living outside Sri Lanka. Chapters One and Two describe and analyze how distinct trajectories of migration and settlement led to diverse forms of social and political action among diaspora Tamils during Sri Lanka’s 2002 ceasefire and peace process. Chapter Three turns to the history and historiography of Sri Lanka to contrast narratives about the emergence of Tamil politics, nationalism and militancy with diaspora narratives developed through life history interviews with activists. Taken together, these chapters provide a layered social and historical context for the ethnography of Tamil diaspora life and activism. Part Two of the dissertation ethnographically explores how and why Tamils in Canada and India protested the recent war, soliciting their states, national and transnational publics, and each other to “take immediate action” on behalf of suffering civilians. Chapter Four examines diaspora community formation and activism in Toronto, a city with the largest population of Sri Lankan Tamils outside Asia, in the wake of Canada’s ban on the LTTE. Chapter Five turns to refugee camps in Tamil Nadu, India, to discuss how camp life shaped refugee politics and activism, while Chapter Six follows the narratives of two migrants waiting and preparing to migrate from India to the West. Chapter Seven examines how Tamil activists in Toronto and Tamil Nadu publicly invoked, represented, and performed suffering to mobilize action against the war. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of the modes of Tamil migration, asylum-seeking, and diaspora activism that emerged in response to the war’s end and its aftermaths. In their actions of protest and dissent, I argue that Tamils from Sri Lanka create new modes of belonging and citizenship out of transnational lives forged from wartime migration and resettlement in multicultural and pluralist states. A political subject of “Tamil diaspora” has thus emerged, and continues to shape Sri Lanka’s post-war futures. This ethnography contributes to scholarly debates on violence, subjectivity and agency; the nation-state and citizenship; and the politics of human rights and humanitarianism at the intersections of diaspora, refugee and South Asian studies.

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