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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Χρήση Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας για την Υλοποίηση Μαθησιακών Εμπειριών σε Μουσειακούς Χώρους

Γράβος, Δημήτριος 15 June 2015 (has links)
Τα τελευταία χρόνια η αναμφισβήτητα εντυπωσιακή τεχνολογική πρόοδος έχει δώσει τεράστια ώθηση σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα επιστημονικών πεδίων τα οποία βασίζονται σε αυτή, με χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα τον τομέα των Τηλεπικοινωνιών. Απόλυτα λογικό αποτέλεσμα είναι η παγκόσμια αγορά να έχει κατακλυστεί από δισεκατομμύρια κινητές συσκευές, η χρήση των οποίων διευκολύνει απίστευτα και την ανάπτυξη της έρευνας στους αντίστοιχους κλάδους. Μία από τις χαρακτηριστικές τεχνολογίες που εκμεταλλευόμενη πλήρως αυτή τη αλματώδη πρόοδο έχει επιφέρει εντυπωσιακά αποτελέσματα είναι η Επαυξημένη Πραγματικότητα. Βασίζεται στην γεφύρωση του χάσματος μεταξύ της εικονικότητας και της πραγματικότητας με ένα μοναδικό τρόπο ενίσχυσης της αντίληψής μας ως προς την τελευταία και με εφαρμογές από το Στρατό και τη Διαφήμιση ως τα ερευνητικά πεδία της Αναγνώρισης Εικόνας και της Εκπαίδευσης. Αυτή της όμως η σημαντικότατη ανάπτυξη γεννά αναπόφευκτα πέρα από την παραγωγή γνώσης και βασικά ερωτήματα που απασχολούν την ερευνητική κοινότητα, ορισμένα εκ των οποίων είναι αν μπορεί η χρήση τεχνικών Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας μέσω της αναγνώρισης εικόνας, πέρα από την εξέλιξη του ευρύτερου κλάδου της Υπολογιστικής Όρασης, να συμβάλλει στη βελτίωση μαθησιακών εμπειριών και αν ναι κατά πόσο είναι εφικτή η αντιμετώπιση θεμελιωδών εκπαιδευτικών προβλημάτων, όπως η διάσπαση προσοχής και η έλλειψη διαδραστικότητας. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας εργασίας προσπαθώντας να δώσουμε ουσιαστικές απαντήσεις στα παραπάνω ερωτήματα δημιουργήσαμε τη διαδραστική εφαρμογή «AugMentor», ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για τις ανάγκες της ξενάγησης των επισκεπτών του Μουσείου Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Έχοντας ενσωματώσει ένα ολοκληρωμένο περιβάλλον Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας εντός της εφαρμογής αναπτύξαμε ένα παιχνίδι κρυμμένου θησαυρού κατά το οποίο οι επισκέπτες του μουσείου δέχονται ένα συγκεκριμένο αριθμό ερωτήσεων οι οποίες βασίζονται στα μουσειακά εκθέματα και αμέσως μετά καλούνται να περιηγηθούν οι ίδιοι στους εσωτερικούς χώρους του. Με βάση την επιτυχή αναγνώριση του κάθε εκθέματος και την προσωποποιημένη απεικόνιση των εκάστοτε απεικονιζόμενων πληροφοριών προσπαθούν να δώσουν απαντήσεις στα ερωτήματα αυτά. Η εφαρμογή AugMentor υλοποιήθηκε για κινητές συσκευές που υποστηρίζουν το λειτουργικό σύστημα Android και πλέον αποτελεί μέρος της μόνιμης ξενάγησης του Μουσείου Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας. Παρουσιάζουμε μια περιγραφική και αναλυτική μελέτη περίπτωσης χρήσης της εφαρμογής, υλοποιώντας πειραματικά στο Μουσείο Επιστημών μια κανονική ξενάγηση. Χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή AugMentor οδηγούμαστε σε ασφαλή συμπεράσματα ως προς την επίτευξη του κύριου στόχου υλοποίησής της, ο οποίος είναι το κατά πόσο οι επισκέπτες του μουσείου στην προσπάθειά τους να απαντήσουν τις ερωτήσεις που τους ανατέθηκαν θα μπορούσαν να μάθουν και επιπρόσθετες πληροφορίες για τα εκθέματα, βελτιώνοντας τη μάθηση μέσω της χρήσης κινητών συσκευών. Το πείραμα που πραγματοποιήσαμε χωρίστηκε σε δύο μέρη, το πρώτο βασίζεται στα πρότυπα μιας κανονικής ξενάγησης των επισκεπτών, χωρίς τη χρήση κάποιας εφαρμογής και το δεύτερο στην ξενάγηση μέσω της εφαρμογής AugMentor. Στους επισκέπτες δόθηκαν αντίστοιχα ερωτηματολόγια και στις δύο περιπτώσεις και στη συνέχεια αξιολογήθηκε συγκριτικά η συμβολή της εφαρμογής AugMentor στη συνολική εμπλούτιση της μουσειακής εμπειρίας ενός επισκέπτη. / Over the last few years the indisputably outstanding technological advances have given a huge boost to a wide range of scientific areas of study that are based on it. A typical example can definitely be considered the one associated with Telecommunications. An utterly rational outcome constitutes the fact that global market is overwhelmed by billions of mobile devices, the use of which facilitates to a large extent the whole research development towards those fields. An iconic technology that fully exploiting this rapid progress has brought about impressive results is Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is based on bridging the gap between virtuality and reality in a unique way to enhance our perception as to the latter and its applications vary from Army and Advertisement to the research fields of Image Recognition and Education. It is exactly the impressive growth of Augmented Reality which inevitably generates essential questions that research community has to deal with. Some of these questions are whether the use of Augmented Reality techniques, through Image Recognition, apart from the wider development of Computer Vision, can help improving learning experiences and if so to which extent it is possible to address fundamental educational problems, such as distractibility and lack of interactivity. In this master thesis, trying to give substantial answers to these questions we have created the interactive application «AugMentor», specially designed for the tour needs of Museum of Science and Technology, located in University of Patras. Having incorporated an integrated Augmented Reality environment inside this application, we developed a treasure hunt game in which visitors receive a certain number of questions closely related to museum’s exhibits and afterwards they have to wander within its interiors. Based on the successful recognition of each exhibit and personalized display of each respective information, visitors attempt to answer these questions. AugMentor is implemented for mobile devices that support the Android operating system and is now part of permanent museum guidance. Our main objective is improving Mobile Learning, which is learning through the use of mobile devices. We present a sufficient case study, selecting Museum of Science and Technology as an experimental space so as to determine the degree to which AugMentor application can practically contribute to this purpose. One of our key points towards this perspective was estimating the amount of totally imparted knowledge, since involving students with a significant pool of knowledge provides them with a motivation to have an active role during their guidance. The experiment we conducted was divided into two parts, the first one was based on the standards of a normal tour of visitors without using any application and the second one was based on a tour using AugMentor application. Guests are respectively given questionnaires in both cases and then we assessed AugMentor’s relative contribution to the overall implementation regarding enriching the museum experience of a visitor.

Tools for Designing Mobile Interaction with the Physical Environment in Outdoor Lessons

Eliasson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Mobile technologies are increasingly being used to support students in outdoor learning activities. For instance, in a growing number of research projects, smartphones and positioning technologies are being used to support students in exploring the natural environment. However, previous research has identified challenges with the introduction of mobile technology into outdoor lessons. One fundamental challenge is that interaction with mobile technology in outdoor lessons may distract students from interacting with the physical environment. In this thesis this challenge is approached from the perspective of human-computer interaction, guided by the following research question: How can we design, evaluate, and reflect on mobile technology for interacting with the physical environment in outdoor lessons? The thesis presents four design cases on outdoor geometry and biology lessons, which act as probes for developing conceptual design tools. The design cases were developed through a concept-driven design approach and evaluated on field tests with primary school students. Future workshop and Interaction analysis were the main methods used. The results of the field tests suggest that mobile technology needs to be designed to orientate students in their interaction with the physical environment. In line with the concept-driven design approach, the thesis proposes three design tools. The design tools proposed are: Design guidelines that are specific enough for guiding the design of mobile technology for outdoor lessons, a Design model for designing and evaluating mobile technology for outdoor lessons, and Design concepts for reflecting on the placement of mobile technology in outdoor lessons. The design tools are proposed as tools for researchers and designers to take the challenge of distraction into account in designing mobile technology for outdoor lessons. / Mobilteknologi används allt oftare för att stödja elever i läraktiviteter utomhus. Till exempel, i ett växande antal forskningsprojekt, används mobiltelefoner och teknik för positionsbestämning som stöd för skolelever i att utforska naturen. Tidigare forskning har dock identifierat utmaningar med införandet av mobilteknologi i utomhuslektioner. En av de huvudsakliga utmaningarna är att interaktion med mobilteknologi i utomhuslektioner kan distrahera eleverna från att interagera med den fysiska omgivningen. Den här avhandlingen angriper den utmaningen ur ett människa-datorinteraktionsperspektiv, vägledd av följande frågeställning: Hur kan vi designa, utvärdera och reflektera över mobilteknologi för att interagera med den fysiska omgivningen i utomhuslektioner? I avhandlingen presenteras fyra designinterventioner bestående av utomhuslektioner i geometri och biologi, som låg till grund för att utveckla konceptuella designverktyg. Designverktygen utvecklades genom en koncept-driven designstrategi och utvärderades i fälttester med skolelever. Framtidsverkstad och Interaktionsanalys var de huvudsakliga metoder som användes. Resultaten från fälttesterna visar att mobilteknologin behöver utformas så att den kan orientera eleverna i interaktionen med den fysiska omgivningen. I linje med den koncept-drivna designstrategin, bidrar avhandlingen med tre designverktyg. De föreslagna designverktygen är: Designriktlinjer som är specifika nog för att vägleda utformningen av mobilteknologi för utomhuslektioner, en Designmodell för att utforma och utvärdera mobilteknologi för utomhuslektioner, och Designkoncept för att reflektera över hur mobilteknologi placeras och används i utomhuslektioner. Designverktygen föreslås som verktyg för att forskare och designers, som vill designa mobilteknologi för utomhuslektioner, ska kunna möta utmaningen i att mobilteknologin kan distrahera eleverna från att interagera med den fysiska omgivningen.

L’impact d’une simulation sur des dispositifs mobiles et en situation de collaboration sur la compréhension de l’effet photoélectrique au niveau collégial

Droui, Mohamed 08 1900 (has links)
L’innovation pédagogique pour elle-même s’avère parfois discutable, mais elle se justifie quand les enseignants se heurtent aux difficultés d’apprentissage de leurs étudiants. En particulier, certaines notions de physique sont réputées difficiles à appréhender par les étudiants, comme c’est le cas pour l’effet photoélectrique qui n’est pas souvent compris par les étudiants au niveau collégial. Cette recherche tente de déterminer si, dans le cadre d’un cours de physique, la simulation de l’effet photoélectrique et l’utilisation des dispositifs mobiles et en situation de collaboration favorisent une évolution des conceptions des étudiants au sujet de la lumière. Nous avons ainsi procédé à l’élaboration d’un scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif intégrant une simulation de l’effet photoélectrique sur un ordinateur de poche. La conception du scénario a d’abord été influencée par notre vision socioconstructiviste de l’apprentissage. Nous avons effectué deux études préliminaires afin de compléter notre scénario d’apprentissage et valider la plateforme MobileSim et l’interface du simulateur, que nous avons utilisées dans notre expérimentation : la première avec des ordinateurs de bureau et la seconde avec des ordinateurs de poche. Nous avons fait suivre à deux groupes d’étudiants deux cours différents, l’un portant sur une approche traditionnelle d’enseignement, l’autre basé sur le scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif élaboré. Nous leur avons fait passer un test évaluant l’évolution conceptuelle sur la nature de la lumière et sur le phénomène de l’effet photoélectrique et concepts connexes, à deux reprises : la première avant que les étudiants ne s’investissent dans le cours et la seconde après la réalisation des expérimentations. Nos résultats aux prétest et post-test sont complétés par des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec tous les étudiants, par des enregistrements vidéo et par des traces récupérées des fichiers logs ou sur papier. Les étudiants du groupe expérimental ont obtenu de très bons résultats au post-test par rapport à ceux du groupe contrôle. Nous avons enregistré un gain moyen d’apprentissage qualifié de niveau modéré selon Hake (1998). Les résultats des entrevues ont permis de repérer quelques difficultés conceptuelles d’apprentissage chez les étudiants. L’analyse des données recueillies des enregistrements des séquences vidéo, des questionnaires et des traces récupérées nous a permis de mieux comprendre le processus d’apprentissage collaboratif et nous a dévoilé que le nombre et la durée des interactions entre les étudiants sont fortement corrélés avec le gain d’apprentissage. Ce projet de recherche est d’abord une réussite sur le plan de la conception d’un scénario d’apprentissage relatif à un phénomène aussi complexe que l’effet photoélectrique, tout en respectant de nombreux critères (collaboration, simulation, dispositifs mobiles) qui nous paraissaient extrêmement utopiques de réunir dans une situation d’apprentissage en classe. Ce scénario pourra être adapté pour l’apprentissage d’autres notions de la physique et pourra être considéré pour la conception des environnements collaboratifs d’apprentissage mobile innovants, centrés sur les besoins des apprenants et intégrant les technologies au bon moment et pour la bonne activité. / The educational innovation itself is sometimes debatable but it is justified when the teachers confront the learning difficulties of their students. In particular, some notions of physics are notoriously hard for students to understand, as is the case for the photoelectric effect which is not often comprehended by the students at the college level. This research tries to determine if, as part of a physics course, the simulation of the photoelectric effect and the use of mobile devices in collaborative situations facilitate an evolution of the student’s conceptions about the concept of light. We have proceeded to develop a scenario of collaborative learning by integrating a simulation of the photoelectric effect on handheld devices (Pocket PC). The design of scenario was first influenced by our socioconstructivist vision of learning. We conducted two preliminary studies to complete our scenario of learning and to validate the platform « MobileSim » and the interface of the simulator used in our experiment. The first studies were completed with a simulation on computers and the second with a simulation on Pocket PC. After that, we carried out the experimentation with two groups of students. The control group was assigned to the traditional approach of teaching and the experimental group was assigned to the approach based on the developed scenario of collaborative learning. We have conducted a test twice to assess a conceptual change about the nature of light and about the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect and related concepts. The first test (pre-test) before the students are involved in the course and the second (post-test) after completion of experiments. Our results in the pre-test and post-test were completed by conducting semi-structured individual interviews with all students, by video recordings and recovered traces (on log files or on paper). Students in the experimental group obtained good results in the test compared to those of the control group. We noted an average gain of learning qualified at a moderate level according to Hake (1998). Interview results were used to identify some conceptual difficulties of student learning. Analysis of collected data from video sequences, questionnaires and recovered tracks allowed us to better understand the process of collaborative learning and has revealed that the number and the time of interactions between students are strongly correlated with the gain of learning. At first, this research project is a success in the designing of a learning scenario of a phenomenon as complex as the photoelectric effect and respects many criteria (collaboration, simulation, mobile devices, etc.) that it seemed for us extremely utopian to combine them in an effective learning situation in the classroom. For instance, this scenario could be adapted to the learning of other concepts in physics. It could also be considered for the design of collaborative environments for innovative mobile learning focused on the needs of learners that integrate the technologies at the right time and for the right activity.

mobileTUD – der lange Weg zum „mobilen Ruhm“

Neumann, Jörg, Schulz, Jens, Lorenz, Anja, Halbauer, Mike, Meier, Christian 13 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The article considers three main aspects of developing mobile learning for serious learning scenarios at universities and further educational training sectors. The first is about getting in touch with mobile learning in general and analysing actual e-learning-systems at the Technische Universität Dresden. The second aspect focuses on micro learning as a potential didactical approach. Having a look on prototyping pitfalls and problems will complete the introduction. For discussing the presented issues concerning technical, didactical, learning and teaching problems there will be a workshop session with three round tables using the worldcafé method.

Smart Devices as U-Learning Tools: Key Factors Influencing Users’ Intention

Aziz, Najibullah January 2015 (has links)
There was a lack of knowledge about the user’s acceptance of smart devices as ubiquitous learning (u-learning) tools at higher education institutions in Sweden. As the mobile technology grows, the demand for mobile devices, particularly smart devices increases as well. With the increase in the usage of smart devices, the higher education institutions provide mobile learning platforms to attract more customers in the competitive industry of education. Thus, understanding the key factors from the perspectives of end-users is important for the institutions to survive in the competitive market. This study explores and explains Behavioral and Continuance intentions of students regarding the acceptance and usage of smart devices (Smartphones and Personal Digital Assistants or PDA) as u-learning tools. Key factors related to the users’ intentions to accept and continue using smart devices as u-learning tools were identified and hypothesized in the Swedish context. Ten hypotheses were suggested based on TAM, UTAUT, and ECT. To achieve the aim and objective of this study, a quantitative approach was chosen, and a survey strategy based on purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used. A web-based questionnaire on five-points Likert Scale was designed to collect the required data. 115 (96 valid) students answered the questionnaire. The collected data were used to conduct statistical operations in SPSS. Five hypotheses were supported, and the other five were not. The findings suggest that Performance Expectancy, Perceived Mobility value, Confirmation, and Satisfaction positively influence both Behavioral and Continuance Intentions of students to accept and continue using smart devices as u-learning tools. According to the findings, Confirmation and Satisfaction from ECT can be included as separate constructs in UTAUT and UTAUT2. Higher education institutions planning to have (and those that already have) learning platforms, compatible with smart devices, can benefit from the findings. Higher education institutions can also design their u-learning platforms according to the Performance Expectancy, Perceived Mobility value, Confirmation, and Satisfaction of the students. / Master program in Strategic-IT Management

Jeux Éducatifs Mobiles : JEM Inventor, un outil auteur fondé sur une approche de conception gigogne / Mobile Learning Games : JEM Inventor, an authoring tool based on a nested design approach

Karoui, Aous 21 September 2018 (has links)
L’essor des périphériques mobiles (ex. tablettes, smartphones) ainsi que leurs applications pédagogiques et ludiques ont contribué à la naissance des Jeux Éducatifs Mobiles (JEM). De nombreux chercheurs ont prouvé les effets positifs de ces JEM sur la motivation des apprenants et même sur certains apprentissages. Cependant, l’utilisation de JEM en contexte scolaire reste très limitée. En effet, les JEM existants, parfois assez coûteux, sont souvent conçus pour un domaine très spécifique, et n’offrent donc pas de possibilités de réutilisation. De plus, les outils auteur existants sont, soit riches en fonctionnalités mais nécessitent un investissement important des enseignants pour être pris en main, soit simples à utiliser mais ne permettent pas de concevoir des JEM qui répondent aux besoins pédagogiques. Pour s’attaquer à ces problématiques, nous proposons JEM iNVENTOR, un outil auteur de JEM, fondé sur une approche de conception gigogne, destiné aux enseignants, conservateurs de musée, ou toute personne non-informaticienne, qui souhaitent scénariser leurs propres JEM et les déployer sur les systèmes mobiles.Le modèle de conception gigogne a été validé par une série d’expérimentations auprès d’une vingtaine d’enseignants ayant des niveaux d’expertises et des domaines d’enseignement très variés. Nous avons également mené des expérimentations de terrain, auprès d’environ 1500 étudiants et élèves, afin d’évaluer la qualité des JEM créés avec JEM iNVENTOR ainsi que leur impact sur les apprenants. / The rise of mobile devices (e.g. tablets, smartphones) and their educational and recreational applications have contributed to the emergence of Mobile Learning Games (MLGs). Indeed, MLGs show great potential for increasing engagement, creativity and authentic learning. Yet, despite their great potential for education, the use of MLGs by teachers, remains very limited. This is partly due to the fact that MLGs are often designed to match a specific learning context, and thus cannot be directly reusable for other contexts. In addition, existing authoring tools are either feature-rich but require a significant investment by teachers to be used, or simple to use but do not offer enough features for the design of MLGs that meet pedagogical needs. To tackle these problems, we propose JEM iNVENTOR, a MLG authoring tool, based on a nested design approach, intended for teachers, museum curators, or any person without computer skills, wishing to script their own MLG and deploy them on mobile systems.The nested design model was approved through a series of experimentations with some twenty teachers from a wide range of expertise levels and teaching fields. We also conducted field experimentations with about 1500 students and pupils in order to evaluate the quality of MLGs created with JEM iNVENTOR as well as their impact on learners.

Travailler l'oral à travers l'utilisation d'un téléphone portable et d’Internet / Oral training through the use of celluar phone and Internet

Kim, Hee-Kyung 16 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le domaine de la didactique des langues étrangères et porte sur l'apprentissage du français oral soutenu par la technologie mobile. En nous appuyant sur la recherche-action, nous avons créé un dispositif de formation destiné à des apprenants coréens de FLE leur permettant de s'entraîner à prendre la parole librement. La culture coréenne étant influencée par la philosophie confucéenne, l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues est caractérisé par une relation hiérarchique entre le « maître savant » et « son disciple » et souvent centré sur l'écrit. Notre scénario didactique prévoyait un travail de la langue en dehors d'un cours formel et soutenu par un tuteur à distance. Deux expériences ont été menées en 2008 et 2010 avec deux groupes d'apprenants coréens de FLE résidants en Corée auxquels nous avons demandé de réaliser des tâches langagières par enregistrement vidéo. Les apprenants ont été amenés à réaliser leurs productions orales en réponse à une vidéo enregistrée par un locuteur natif vivant en France. Grâce au recours à la téléphonie mobile intégrant l'accès à Internet et l'utilisation d'un réseau social en ligne coréen (Cyworld), les apprenants pouvaient échanger avec l'interlocuteur en temps différé leur permettant de s'enregistrer à plusieurs reprises et ainsi s'entraîner à la prise de parole tout en étant accompagnés par un tuteur. L'analyse des discours et des stratégies de réalisation des vidéos ainsi que les résultats des entretiens semi-directifs menés en amont et en aval avec les apprenants-participants, nous ont permis de répondre à nos questions de recherche, à savoir de quelle manière le tutorat en ligne, les tâches communicatives réalisées avec un outil mobile et la communication asynchrone sur un réseau social en ligne influent sur la production orale et l'autonomisation des apprenants coréens de FLE. / This research is in the field of foreign language didactics. It is particularly about learning spoken French via mobile technology. We carried out a research action while we elaborated a training device which would allow Korean learners of French to practice oral speech. As Korean culture is influenced by Confucian philosophy, teaching-learning foreign languages is characterized by a hierarchical relationship between the "master" and his "disciple" and is often focused on writing. Our didactic scenario included language learning tasks outside of formal learning and supported by distance tutoring. A couple of experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2010 with two Korean sets of French language learners living in Korea who were asked to perform language tasks using video recording. The learners were asked to perform oral productions in response to videos recorded by a native French speaker living in France. Through a mobile phone connected to the Internet and an Korean online social network (Cyworld), learners could exchange with the French native asynchronically. This allowed them to record themselves several times and practice speaking skills by the way, benefiting from advice given by a tutor. We analyzed discourse, video-implemented strategies and semi-directed interviews conducted upstream and downstream with the learners. This brought us to find out to which extent online tutoring, communicative tasks performed with a mobile device, and asynchronous communication via an online social network may influence oral production and autonomy of Korean learners of French.

Uma contribuição ao estabelecimento de uma arquitetura de referência para ambientes de aprendizagem móvel / A contribution to the establishment of a reference architecture for mobile learning environments

Nemesio Freitas Duarte Filho 12 May 2016 (has links)
O desenvolvimento e a utilização de ambientes computacionais como apoio ao ensino e aprendizagem, aliados à evolução da computação móvel, têm contribuído significativamente para o estabelecimento de uma nova modalidade de ensino conhecida como aprendizagem móvel ou mobile learning (m-learning). Nesse cenário emergente, os ambientes educacionais existentes, mesmo possuindo diversos benefícios e facilidades no que diz respeito ao ensino e aprendizagem, apresentam problemas e desafios que precisam ser explorados. Um dos aspectos relevantes a ser investigado refere-se ao estabelecimento e adoção de padrões arquiteturais. De fato, grande parte desses ambientes é construída de forma isolada, possuindo arquiteturas e estruturas próprias, o que pode impactar negativamente a capacidade de padronização. O presente trabalho de pesquisa insere-se neste contexto, tendo como principal objetivo investigar e definir uma arquitetura de referência orientada a serviço voltada para ambientes de aprendizagem móvel. Tal arquitetura, denominada Ref-mLearning, visa contribuir para a evolução, reúso e interoperabilidade desses ambientes, possibilitando ainda um aumento na qualidade e redução de custos durante o seu desenvolvimento. Resultados alcançados por meio de avaliações e condução de um estudo de caso demonstram que a Ref-mLearning é uma arquitetura viável possuindo uma boa estrutura e organização para o desenvolvimento de ambientes de aprendizagem móvel orientados a serviço. / The development and use of computational environment to support the teaching and learning, together with the evolution of mobile computing, have contributed significantly to the establishment of a new mode of teaching known as mobile learning (m-learning). In this emerging scenario, the existing educational environments, despite having various benefits and facilities with regard to teaching and learning, present problems and challenges that need to be explored. An important aspect to be investigated refers to the establishment and adoption of architectural patterns. In fact, many of these environments is built in isolation, possessing own architectures and structures, which may negatively impact the standardization capacity. This research work is part of this context, the main objective to investigate and define a service-oriented reference architecture for mobile learning environments. Such an architecture, called Ref-mLearning, aims to contribute to the evolution, reuse and interoperability of these environments, still enabling an increase in quality and cost reduction during its development. Results achieved through evaluations and conducting a case study show that Ref-mLearning is a viable architecture having a good structure and organization for the development of a service-oriented mobile learning environment.

Aprendizagem colaborativa com apoio computacional: uma experiÃncia no ensino fundamental / Computer supported collaborative learning: an experience in elementary school

Mixilene Sales Santos Lima 23 June 2015 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / As perspectivas da Aprendizagem Colaborativa com Suporte Computacional e da Aprendizagem MÃvel trazem elementos favorÃveis à aprendizagem colaborativa de alunos dentro e fora de sala de aula. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho discute a aprendizagem colaborativa com apoio de dispositivos mÃveis. A pesquisa objetivou investigar o trabalho colaborativo de alunos com suporte computacional no Ensino Fundamental, a partir da anÃlise de um projeto intitulado ConsciÃncia sustentÃvel: caminhando para um mundo melhor, vivenciado por alunos do 7 ao 9 ano de uma escola pÃblica cearense, o qual fizeram uso de dispositivos mÃveis e aplicativos durante atividades colaborativas. A pesquisa teve um carÃter qualitativo, caracterizando-se como uma pesquisa intervenÃÃo. Os instrumentos e tÃcnicas de apreensÃo de dados foram caderno de registro, vÃdeos, Ãudios, fotos e entrevistas utilizadas para registrar como o trabalho colaborativo com apoio computacional se desenvolveu. Os resultados foram analisados de acordo com categorias e subcategorias estabelecidas durante a anÃlise dos dados. Na primeira categoria, IntervenÃÃo, foi detalhada como a participaÃÃo do pesquisador contribuiu no desenvolvimento do projeto de intervenÃÃo e como os alunos se envolveram nas atividades do projeto. Na segunda categoria, Aprendizagem MÃvel, foi tratada sobre a mobilidade dos dispositivos explorada pelos alunos durante o projeto de intervenÃÃo. Identificando como essa mobilidade influenciou nas prÃticas colaborativas da turma. Na categoria seguinte, Aplicativos Colaborativos, detalhamos como se deu o uso dos aplicativos pelos alunos e como suas funcionalidades foram utilizadas em favorecimento do trabalho em grupo. Na Ãltima categoria, Aprendizagem Colaborativa com Suporte Computacional, discutimos como os alunos realizaram as produÃÃes colaborativas, as discussÃes coletivas dos alunos, negociaÃÃo de ideias e o trabalho colaborativo, detalhando como esses momentos aconteceram. Os resultados destacam situaÃÃes que caracterizam como a aprendizagem colaborativa com o uso de dispositivos mÃveis pode acontecer e mostram que a aprendizagem colaborativa pode ocorrer por meio de aplicativos e se ampliam alÃm dos espaÃos da sala de aula com o uso de netbook e smartphone permitindo a mobilidade dos alunos, desde que seja realizada uma intervenÃÃo pedagÃgica planejada para otimizar os recursos disponÃveis nos dispositivos mÃveis. / The perspectives of the Computer-supported Colaborative Learning and the Mobile Learning brings on propitious elements to students colaborative learning inside or outside the classroom. In this context, the present work discuss the colaborative learning supported by mobile devices. The research aimed to investigate the computer-supported colaborative work of primary school students, from the analysis of a project titled Sustentable Conscious: Walking to a better world, experienced by 7th to 9th grade students of a Public School from CearÃ, who have made use of mobile devices and applications throughout colaborative activities. The Research has qualitative character and features as an intervention research. The tools and techniques of seizure of data comprises notebook notes, videos, audios, pictures and interviews to register how the computer-supported colaborative work develops itself. The results are analysed according to categories and subcategories stablished during the data analysis. The first category, Intervention, is detailed by how the researcher participation contributed to the development of the intervention project and how students get envolved in the project activities. The second one, Mobile Learning, concerns the devices mobility explored by students during the intervention project, identifying how this mobility influences in colaborative practices of the class. The next one, Colaborative Application, it is verified how happens the use of applications by stutents and how their functionalities are used in favour of the group work. The last one, Computer-supported Colaborative Learning, presents itself in how students performed the colaborative productions, the group discussions, the ideias negociation and the colaborative work, detailing how these moments happens. The results highlights situations that characterizes how the Mobile Devices-supported Colaborative Learning can happen and show that colaborative learning can occur through applications and expands itself beyond the classroom spaces with the use of netbook and smartphone, in favour of students mobility, since a planned pedagogic intervention is performed in order to optimize the available resources in mobile devices.

Um mecanismo para apoiar a análise da interação e do desempenho de alunos em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

Antunes, Oziel Coelho 12 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-12-02T13:24:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-12-02T13:25:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2016-12-02T13:26:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-02T13:26:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Oziel Coelho Antunes.pdf: 4062453 bytes, checksum: 4637053a55a016edeb581e4fd55d2a67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-12 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / This research provides a mechanism to support the analysis and comparison of the interaction and the performance of students in the Moodle virtual learning environment through mobile devices and desktop computers. The proposed mechanism is based on a plugin provided to validation of teachers and tutors in classes and distance education. The methodology used in this survey was exploratory and was conducted through a case study where a comparison of two classes were made, one using conventional Moodle and the other using Moodle application for mobile devices. The goal was to identify relevant elements in the data records and access logs of VLE Moodle that could provide some information regarding student interaction and performance, and so determine the correlation that exists between these elements by statistical analysis. The motivation for this study began from the observation of distance education courses taught by the UFAM CED where a significant rate of withdrawal was detected. It is hoped that this research makes it possible to find elements that support using preventive measures and thus contribute to combating the disapproval, withdrawal and school evasion / Este trabalho teve como propósito fornecer um mecanismo de apoio à análise e comparação da interação e do desempenho de alunos no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem Moodle por meio do uso de dispositivos móveis e de computadores desktops. O mecanismo proposto foi baseado em um plugin disponibilizado e submetido à validação de professores e tutores em turmas de ensino semipresencial e a distância. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi de caráter exploratório e conduziu-se por intermédio de um estudo de caso em que se buscou fazer um comparativo de duas turmas: uma utilizando o Moodle convencional e outra usando, além do Moodle convencional, também um aplicativo Moodle para dispositivos móveis. O objetivo foi identificar elementos relevantes nos registros de dados e logs de acesso do AVA Moodle que pudessem fornecer alguma informação referente à interação e ao desempenho dos alunos e assim determinar a correlação existente entre esses elementos, por meio de análises estatísticas. A motivação para este estudo surgiu da observação de cursos de Educação a Distância ministrados pelo CED da UFAM em que foi verificado um índice significativo de evasão. Espera-se que esta pesquisa possibilite encontrar elementos que auxiliem a tomada de medidas preventivas e assim contribuir para o combate à reprovação, à desistência e à evasão escolar.

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