Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MORALS"" "subject:"[enn] MORALS""
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The impact of external CSR practices on employees : Exploring the organizational activities that influence employee engagement within CSRMihai, Eliza-Gabriela, Bakkenist, Jean-Paul January 2018 (has links)
Fundamentally the aim of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is to initiate social and/or environmental change. Because of the increased awareness of stakeholders and other public actors, it has become of any company’s interest to uphold their public image. The question remains whether companies undertake CSR activities for intrinsic moral reasons or to only uphold their reputation. Most research regarding CSR focuses on the influence of external factors (such as major stakeholders) and how different goals and opinions between these major actors reciprocate. One stakeholder within the sphere of CSR which has often been overlooked but has gained increased attention is the employee. So far, little attention has been paid to the people at work, like the human experience of the worker, thus questions remain regarding the influence of CSR activities on the identification, commitment, and satisfaction of employees.
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\"Shaftesbury e a idéia de formação de um caráter moderno\" / Shaftesbury and the idea of formation of a modern characterLuis Fernandes dos Santos Nascimento 22 August 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho procura entender como Anthony Ashley Cooper (o Terceiro Conde de Shaftesbury) concebeu a noção de caráter moderno a partir da análise de alguns elementos de sua filosofia, a saber: a relação entre o gênero humano e a natureza, a formação da identidade individual e a de uma época, o vínculo entre a questão da escritura e a atividade filosófica. Cada um dos três capítulos de nosso estudo foi dedicado (respectivamente) a um desses assuntos. Tendo como base Os moralistas, a Investigação sobre a virtude e a Carta sobre o entusiasmo, o primeiro capítulo busca examinar o vínculo que Shaftesbury estabelece entre o homem e o sistema da natureza, ou seja: como o gênero humano se relaciona com o universo e qual é o seu papel no interior do mundo natural. A partir da idéia shaftesburiana de solilóquio (exposta no texto que leva o mesmo nome: Solilóquio ou conselho a um autor), o segundo capítulo procura compreender como o filósofo inglês pensa o liame entre o que ele mesmo denomina processo de personificação e o surgimento das artes, da filosofia e da identidade de uma época. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo visa mostrar que a questão da polidez e do aprimoramento do gosto não apenas foi um dos principais temas da obra do filósofo inglês, como também está intimamente ligada à sua concepção de filosofia. / The object of this thesis is the philosophy of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third earl of Shaftesbury, and more specifically the conception it presents of a modern character. Shaftesbury\'s understanding of modernity in philosophical terms is present in at least three of the main themes of his philosophy: the relation between mankind and nature, the formation of the individual character as a component of the character of the times, the bounds that tie philosophical reflection to the art of writing. The first chapter of the thesis examines Shaftesbury understanding of man\'s role in the natural world, or the relations between mankind as a species and nature as a system. The focus is on The moralists, a philosophical rhapsody, An inquiry concerning virtue or merit and A letter of enthusiasm. The second chapter deals with the text of Soliloquy, or advice to an author, in order to show how Shaftesbury conceives the process of personification as the precondition for the rising of the arts (including philosophy) which in turn are taken as the defining element of the character of the times. The third chapter shows that politeness and the refinement of taste, far from being mere motifs of fashion, are understood by Shaftesbury as philosophical topics of major importance. The focus here is on the texts of the Miscellaneous reflections and of Plastics.
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Desnaturalização da política n\'A cidade de Deus, de Agostinho / Denaturalization of politics in the City of God, by AugustineLuiz Marcos da Silva Filho 19 December 2012 (has links)
NA cidade de Deus, Agostinho apresenta ambivalente concepção de política, pois a política adquire ou positividade ou negatividade conforme a identidade ou a contradição de uma civitas ou res publica consigo mesma. Mais precisamente, a cidade celeste, que guarda dois modos de existência, um na história, outro na eternidade, conquista progressivamente identidade na medida em que na história há processo coerente dela em direção a seu modo de existência por excelência, na eternidade; já a cidade terrena existe na história em contradição e conflito, ao tornar-se escrava da própria libido de dominação, de maneira que sua história é de progressiva danação e perda de ser. Uma cidade guarda, pois, estatuto político a despeito de sua orientação ou de sua desorientação moral. Além do mais, o fundamento da política agostiniana não é nem a natureza, nem a razão. Assim, em declarada ruptura com a reflexão política ciceroniana, Agostinho empreende uma desnaturalização da política e fundamenta-a em certo conceito de vontade. Nosso propósito será investigar os traços do voluntarismo político agostiniano por meio da gênese, aqui denominada exórdio, do modo de existência histórico de ambas as cidades. / In the City of God, Augustine shows an ambivalent conception of politics, because the politics acquires positivity or negativity according to the identity or contradiction of a civitas or res publica with itself. More precisely, the celestial city, which has two modes of existence, one in the history, other in the eternity, progressively conquers identity as in history succeeds a coherent process towards its genuine mode of existence, in eternity. On the other hand, the earthly city exists in the history in contradiction and conflict in becoming slave of its own libidinousness of dominance so that its history is one of a progressive damnation and lost of being. Therefore a city holds political statute in despite of its moral orientation or disorientation. Moreover, the Augustinian foundation of politics is neither the nature nor the reason. Thus, notably against Cicero, Augustine enterprises a denaturalization of politics and founds it in a certain concept of will. Our purpose will be to inquire into the features of the Augustinian political voluntarism by means of the historical mode of existence genesis, or beginning, of both cities.
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A metafísica dos costumes: a autonomia para o ser humano / The Metaphysics of Morals: the Autonomy for Human BeingsDiego Kosbiau Trevisan 12 August 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o lugar sistemático ocupado pela Metafísica dos Costumes no interior da filosofia prática kantiana, interpretando-a como uma metafísica da moral aplicada a um elemento empírico mínimo: a natureza humana. Em suas duas partes, a Doutrina do Direito e a Doutrina da Virtude, o princípio supremo da moral, o princípio da autonomia, adquire o significado de uma autonomia jurídica e ética que guia as situações fundamentais da vida prática do homem. Na primeira parte da dissertação, o transcurso do projeto de uma Metafísica dos Costumes ao longo do desenvolvimento da filosofia kantiana será investigado como uma progressiva purificação do princípio supremo da moral condizente com o projeto crítico mais amplo de Kant e que culmina na formulação embrionária de uma comunidade de seres racionais sob leis autônomas. Numa segunda parte, a Metafísica da Natureza será analisada como uma metafísica aplicada que surge a partir da reformulação da metafísica tradicional empreendida por Kant e, de acordo com os novos parâmetros estipulados pela crítica, é composta por um momento transcendental e por outro metafísico-específico, onde os princípios do momento anterior são aplicados a um elemento mínimo empírico. Por fim, na terceira e última parte, o procedimento em atuação nos Primeiros Princípios Metafísicos da Ciência da Natureza será adotado como o modelo a ser seguido na Metafísica dos Costumes, surgindo disto um momento transcendental da filosofia moral, que encontra sua base normativa no princípio de autonomia, e uma etapa metafísica, na qual o princípio supremo da moral é aplicado ao direito e à ética. / This work intends to analyze the Metaphysics of Morals systematic place within Kants practical philosophy, interpreting it as a metaphysical discipline of morals applied to an empirical minimum: the human nature. In its both parts, the Doctrine of Right and the Doctrine of Virtue, the supreme principle of morality, the principle of autonomy, turns into an ethical and juridical autonomy that guides human practical life. In the first place, the journey of the always postponed Metaphysics of Morals in the course of Kants philosophical development will be investigated as a progressive purification of the supreme principle of morals, a procedure that agrees with the wider critical project and that culminates in the incipient idea of a community of rational beings under autonomous laws. In the second place, the Metaphysics of Nature will be analyzed as an applied metaphysics, a discipline that emerged after Kants Critique had molded the new shape of traditional metaphysics; according to its critical pattern, this discipline is composed by a transcendental and a special-metaphysical part, in which the principles of the former are applied to an empirical minimum. Finally, in the third and final part, the procedure in action in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science will be taken as a model to be followed in the Metaphysics of Morals. From such procedure arise a transcendental moment, which finds its normative basis in the principle of autonomy, and a metaphysical stage, in which the supreme principle of morality is applied to right and ethics.
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Vybrané otázky výživného se zvláštním zřetelem na dobré mravy / Selected Problems of Maintenance with Particular Focus on Good MoralsBrůnová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis, Selected Problems of Maintenance with Particular Focus on Good Morals, deals with legal matters of maintenance mainly in connection to the aspect of good morals (boni mores) which represents the principal of equity and is the moral extension of legal provisions under the law of the Czech Republic. The purpose of the thesis is to identify the most frequent issues that are being dealt with and describe their legal solution in accordance with the legislation valid and effective till the end of 2013 and under the new legislation after the recodification of the Czech civil law, effective from the 1st of January 2014. The doctrine of boni mores and legal provisions regarding maintenance have both met some changes in terms of interpretation and application since the recodification. Maintenance and good morals are researched together, they are researched one in connection to the other one, in this diploma thesis because the previous legislation established a special linkage between them which resulted in a considerable amount of case law that needs to be revisited. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters which are further divided into subchapters. The first chapter is focused on the theoretical basis of the doctrine of boni mores, the role it plays in the Czech legal system, the meaning...
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An exploration of the experiences of parents who have a baby described as having a learning difficultyWright, Louise January 2012 (has links)
As parent researcher and in light of perceived failings of studies found in the literature this research explores the experiences of parents who have a baby described as having a learning difficulty by employing an alternative broad methodology underpinned by ‘critical hermeneutic phenomenology’. The subsequent ethical trials of adopting such an approach are scrutinised as this bears important relevance to the overall finding that parents’ perspectives are rarely taken into account by those who have little or no experience themselves. Empirical data is generated via recorded and transcribed conversational interviews with four parent participants where the content subsequently informs the critical subject matter discussed throughout the work. The hermeneutic endeavour utilises Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a guiding channel and although participants’ informed consent for the interpreted construction of experience was gained beforehand, significant limitations with this specific process are highlighted. As such, the methods of work in progress are presented in detail with additional reflexive commentary in the extended appendices to facilitate reader understanding of the development of interpretation as well as to promote confidence in the integrity and ability of the researcher and satisfaction regarding the overall quality of the composition. The findings reveal that parental experience as ‘phenomenon’ can be contemplated as an emotional passage of a ‘self’ that is embroiled in ‘abnormal’ circumstance made most complex via impinging myriad forms of societal organisation. From the data generated, the latter is recognised as being subject to historical legacy at micro as well as macro levels, over time and according to cultural belief. In support of this finding, the socio-historic concept is explored more fully in a dedicated chapter. Further empirical evidence suggests that parents strive to achieve their perceived understandings of normality as brought to consciousness through the associations they make with others and their social environment. Parental activities specifically reveal individual pressures arising as a result of inter-sectional social systems where perceived work and gender roles (for example) also expose anti-social moralistic behaviours. Encouraging further work which promotes a ‘perspectives approach’ to advance the understanding of parents and their experiences, the thesis concludes with realistic expectations for progression towards an improved societal moral condition.
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The case of immoral art : "uncensoring" BLIND DATEPerlini, Tania. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Global Problem, Global Language? An Ecolinguistic Analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions Under the Paris AgreementChvostek, Ida-Maria 28 September 2023 (has links)
Climate change is shaking societal foundations on the deepest level by confronting our relationship with nature, with each other, and even with ourselves. How we handle this situation will not only affect life in the present, but also the future of life. Focusing on the nationally determined contributions (NDCs), national documents outlining mitigation and adaptation efforts reported to the United Nations in accordance with the Paris Agreement of 2015, I have identified several linguistic patterns that I argue not only maintain the status quo but also reinforce the damaging human habits that have created the current crisis. Using discourse, appraisal, and metaphor analysis, I conclude that the prevalent worldview is one of separation. There is a division between nature and humans, where we do not take responsibility for damages inflicted on other lifeforms, as well as between nations and individuals. We also separate emotional from rational thoughts, preferring the latter and shunning the former while telling ourselves a story where humans are still the protagonist. All the while treating nature, along with the negative effects of climate change, as a business opportunity. While these destructive patterns might cast a dark shadow on the future, they also shed light on how we can use language to break away from the mould and create a new narrative through devices such as storytelling, listening, and by actively questioning our interactions with nature. Gradually reconstructing our relationship with the biosphere to become one based on care rather than careless consumption.
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Homeschoolers on Homeschooling: In Their Own WordsHumason, Jeff R. 24 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Core Self-Awareness and PersonhoodPerz, Jeff January 2003 (has links)
<p>All beings who possess the capacity for core self-awareness are moral persons and ought to be legal persons. More specifically, I argue that core self-aware beings ought not to be used merely as a means. This moral prohibition ought to be legally enforced and such enforcement can only be effectively accomplished with legal personhood status. Moreover, the moral prohibition that core self-aware beings ought not to be used merely as a means constitutes the essence of moral personhood. This prohibition is defended with four mutually supportive justifications: Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, ethical empathism and a principle of equal consideration of interests. The moral frameworks appealed to either support the thesis directly or do so after philosophically questionable elements have been removed form them. These frameworks are ultimately justified by an appeal to Aristotelian ethics. Although Aristotle concludes that only those who are capable of abstract rational contemplation can embody the good that is the proper subject of moral philosophy, it is briefly claimed within this thesis that Aristotle's undefended premises assume this conclusion. This claim regarding Aristotle's conclusion about rational beings is not defended herein and is left for a future work. The thesis that all beings who possess the capacity for core self-awareness are persons, or ought not to be used merely as a means, is relatively rare in philosophical discourse. The present work is original because its essential claim is defended with a synergy of seemingly disparate traditional moral theories, a new moral theory and a principle of equal consideration of interests. It is a significant contribution to III philosophical knowledge because the question of who counts in ethics, or who is the proper subject of moral discourse, is fundamental to moral philosophy. An important political implication of this thesis is that non-human animals are persons.</p> / Master of Arts (MA)
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