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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neformaliojo ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimas gimnazijoje siekiant patenkinti mokinių poreikius / Improvement of non-formal education organization in gymnasium in order to meet the needs of students

Janulaitytė, Jolanta 31 July 2009 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis didesnis dėmesys yra skiriamas mokinių neformaliajam ugdymui, kaip švietimo sistemos komponentui. Neformalusis ugdymas – kryptinga, pedagoginiais tikslais organizuojama veikla, padedanti vaikui tapti atsakinga ir kūrybinga asmenybe, gebančia aktyviai veikti visuomenėje ir prisitaikyti prie kintančios aplinkos. Analizuojant ŠMM atliktų tyrimų duomenis, paaiškėjo, kad neformaliojo ugdymo veikloje dalyvauja apie du trečdalius Lietuvos mokinių, tačiau skiriamas nepakankamas dėmesys jų poreikių išsiaiškinimui bei tenkinimui, neieškoma sprendimų, kaip pritraukti mokinius ir pagerinti neformaliojo ugdymo kokybę. Todėl tyrimo objektu pasirinktas neformalaus ugdymo organizavimas, siekiant patenkinti mokinių poreikius. Tyrimo tikslas – išryškinti mokinių poreikių tenkinimą gimnazijoje bei numatyti neformaliojo ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimo kryptis. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą, buvo atskleista neformaliojo ugdymo paskirtis bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, išryškinta mokinių poreikių įvairovė ir jų tenkinimo galimybės neformaliajame ugdyme, apibrėžtos neformaliojo ugdymo veiklos organizavimo ir jos tobulinimo kryptys. Empirinis tyrimas buvo atliktas Vilkaviškio rajono X gimnazijoje. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad mokiniai siekia tenkini aukštesniuosius - saviraiškos ir kūrybinius – poreikius ir, dalyvaudami neformaliojo ugdymo veikloje, juos tenkina. Mokinius tenkina neformaliojo ugdymo organizavimas gimnazijoje, tačiau pusė gimnazijos mokinių neformaliojo ugdymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Non-formal education of students is becoming more popular nowadays and it has great importance as the component of educational system. Non-formal education – a targeted activity having clear pedagogical objectives that help students to become responsible, creative and active persons in social life as well as adapt in changing society. The analysis of data carried out by Ministry of Education and Science proves that two-thirds of Lithuanian students take part in non-formal education. However, there is a lack of attention to the clarification and satisfaction of their interests. Also, there are not serious solutions how to attract children and improve the quality of non-formal education. The aim of the research is to highlight satisfaction of students’ requirements in gymnasium as well as to foresee improvement trends of non-formal education organization. The study of scientific literature revealed the purpose of non-formal education in general education school. Also, a variety of students’ interests and opportunities to satisfy them in non-formal education were revealed. Finally, the ways to organize and improve organization of non-formal education were defined. The empirical study was carried out in X gymnasium in Vilkaviskis district. The results revealed that students try to meet the higher needs of self-expression and creation. Those who take part in non-formal education satisfy their needs. Also, students are satisfied with the organization of non-formal education in... [to full text]


Zygmunt, Austin 08 August 2012 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis were to examine (1) associations between primary care type (team-based versus non-team based) and access problems (difficulty in access and self-reported unmet need), and (2) if socioeconomic variations in access problems were less graded for team-based than non-team-based primary care. Data came from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey, the 2008 Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care. Using logistic regression, we examined the associations between primary care type and access problems, adjusting for demographic, health status, socioeconomic, and health care supply factors. We then stratified by primary care type to compare steepness of socioeconomic associations with access problems. Primary care type had no statistically significant, independent associations with access problems. No statistically significant socioeconomic gradients in access problems were observed regardless of primary care type, except that difficulty in access was statistically significantly and positively graded by education for non-team-based primary care.

"Global Blue" darbuotojų motyvacijos tyrimas (Skandinavijos, Baltijos, Beniliukso šalių atvejis) / "Global Blue" employees' motivation research (Scandinavia, Baltic and Benelux countries)

Norkūnienė, Irma, Žukaitė, Inga 03 July 2012 (has links)
Žmogiškųjų išteklių vadybos magistro darbo tema yra aktuali, nes šiandieninėse internacionalizacijos bei globalizacijos sąlygomis veikiančiose organizacijose ypatingai svarbu operatyviai reaguoti į ekonominius, socialinius, technologinius pokyčius. Dažnai svarbiausias įrankis, lemiantis, kaip sėkmingai organizacija reaguos į pokyčius ir prisitaikys, yra žmogiškieji ištekliai su atitinkamais gebėjimais, įgūdžiais bei žiniomis. Todėl labai svarbu, kad organizacijoje dirbtų savo darbu patenkinti bei asmeninių ir organizacijos tikslų siekimo motyvuoti asmenys, suinteresuoti dirbti efektyviai ir konkurencingai. Vienas svarbiausių veiksnių, lemiančių darbo efektyvumą, yra motyvacija. Atlikta nedaug tyrimų, siekiant palyginti Lietuvos darbuotojų motyvavimo patirtį ir aspektus su kitų šalių darbuotojų motyvavimo ypatumais. Tuo grindžiamas tyrimo naujumas bei praktinė reikšmė, kadangi tyrimo rezultatai leidžia palyginti darbuotojų motyvavimo ypatumus skirtinguose regionuose: Skandinavijos, Baltijos ir Beniliukso. Baigiamojo darbo objektu pasirinkta tarptautinės organizacijos ,,Global Blue“ darbuotojų motyvacija. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - ištirti ,,Global Blue“ darbuotojų, dirbančių skirtinguose regionuose, darbo motyvaciją, ją lemiančius veiksnius ir darbuotojų motyvacijos svarbą konkurencinėje aplinkoje. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai yra išanalizuoti motyvacijos definiciją ir motyvacijos vietą šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje, ištirti organizacijos vadovų požiūrį į darbuotojų motyvavimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master’s work of Human Resource Management topic is very significant because in today’s globalized conditions it is extremely important to promptly react to economic, social, technological changes; and very often the most important tool is human resources with corresponding capabilities, skills and knowledge. That’s why it is very important that in an organizationpeopleare satisfied with their work, motivated to reach personal and organizational goals, concerned to work efficiently and competitively. One of the most important factors which determinework efficiency is motivation. There are not that many studies performed to compare Lithuanian employees’ motivation experience and aspects with that of the other countries employees’. The study originality and practical sense is based on this fact. Work results made it possible to compare employees’ motivation characteristics in different regions: Scandinavia, Baltic and Benelux. The subject of the work wasthe motivation of “Global Blue” employees’. The aim of the work was to investigate “Global Blue” employees’ work motivation, which is influenced by different factors, and the importance of employees’ motivation in a competitive environment. The work tasks were to analyze the definition and place of motivation in contemporary organization, to investigate the managers’ attitude towards employees’ motivation, to identify factors which motivatethe employees, to investigate the impact of motivation tools on motivation levels and... [to full text]

Suaugusiųjų krikščioniškasis ugdymas ir jo efektyvumas vykdant ,,Alfa“ kursą X parapijoje / Christian education and its efectiveness of adults by pursueing ,,Alfa“ course in X parish

Sabeckytė, Jurgita 20 January 2014 (has links)
Laimės trokštantis žmogus alksta Dievo meilės. Asmens prigimtyje įrašytas antgamtės siekimas, t.y. noras pažinti Dievą per Kristų veikiant Šventajai Dvasiai. Tikėjimu ir Kristaus kaip Tiesos ir Meilės ilgesiu turi būti paremtas kasdieninis krikščionio gyvenimas. Suaugusiųjų krikščioniško ugdymo poreikiui didėjant Lietuvoje, Bažnyčia imasi realių praktinių veiksmų apmokant katechetus, kuriant suaugusiųjų rengimo programas įvairiuose rajonuose ir įsisavinant gerąja užsienio šalių pastoracinę praktiką. Ypatingai didelį dėmesį skiria pagrindinei metodinei bazei kurti, idant pritraukti ne tik jaunuolius, bet taip pat evangelizuoti ir suaugusiuosius. Kaip ,,atspirties taškas“ ypatingai pasitarnauja ,,Alfa“ kursas. / Human desired for happiness is starveling for God love. Supernature aiming is written in human's nature – the wish to know God through Christ by acting Holy Spirit. Faith and yearning in Christ as Truth and Love schould be based daily Christian life. Christian education of adults demand is growing in Lithuania, therefore, Church is taking real practise actions by instructing catechits by creating adults training programs in variuos areas and assimilating good foreign countries pastoral practise. Particularly large consideration is distinguished to create basic metodical basis in order to attract not even youth, but also to evangelize the adults. As starting point particularly helps ''Alfa“ course.

Understanding donor response to donation appeals: the role of deservingness in the dictator game and optimum donation promises in charity auctions

Wong, Leo Unknown Date
No description available.

Inkludering av elever i behov av särskilt stöd : Ett par lärares syn på och erfarenheter av inkluderingsarbete

Schultz-Gustafsson, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
This report is going to discuss the relatively new and in schools, frequently debated concept of inclusion. The concept inclusion, easily explained means that all children, regardless of special needs or other conditions should be involved in the schools ordinary environment. In the democratic school of today, the education is supposed to be adapted to every individual and its special needs. The dilemma of the special need education is described as giving all children the same, but at the same time adapt to each and everyone’s differences. This study describes the teachers approach to the concept of inclusion and especially the inclusion of children in need of special support. And the teachers experience of possible advantages and disadvantages in their work to include all children. The method’s that were used to collect the empirical information to this report were qualitative interviews. The questions at issue were: How do the teachers include children in need of special support in the education? The teachers experiences of advantages and disadvantages in the way they work whit inclusion Partly for the children in need of special support Partly for the teachers Partly for the rest of the class

Gimnazistų muzikos poreikiai ir jų pedagoginė korekcija / The need of music and pedagogical correction of gimnasysts

Mingailienė, Rima 07 June 2005 (has links)
In this work are analyzed the problems of how music demands are revealed in pedagogical and psychological literature as well as the problem of genesis, motivation, the influence of valuable orientation to music demands and their adjustment. The problem of how music demands are classified, what musical needs are among students in different age groups and what influence education can have to satisfy students‘ needs are trying to be solved out in this work. The research carried out in Juozas Balčikonis gymnasium and Vytautas Žemkalnis gymnasium among 9-12th formers helped to purify family influence to meet students music needs. It allowed to form a set of recommendations on how students can increase the satifaction of their music needs in families. The research also showed the necessity to satisfy their needs while communicating with friends. It is found out that learning music at school has a positive influence to students‘ music needs. The fact of a small number of students playing music was established. The most interesting musical activity among students is found out, which should encourage teachers to pay more attention to it. A part of students‘ free time devoted to attending concerts is defined. According to the research, professional perfomances should be organized in gymnasiums. The tendency that students spend most of their free time in entertainment centers was exposed. It should induce teachers to increase the culture of entertainment and change students‘ attitude... [to full text]

Who Should do What to Whom? : Occupational Groups´Views on Special Needs

Lindqvist, Gunilla January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to increase our knowledge of different occupational groups´ views on work with children in need of special support. This is explored in four separate studies. The first study investigates the views of occupational groups in preschools and schools in one municipality. A questionnaire was handed out to all personnel (N=1297) in the municipality in 2008 (72.5 % response rate). The second study explores the views of educational leaders (N=45) in the same municipality. Questionnaire # 2 was distributed in 2009. All the educational leaders responded to the questionnaire. The third study describes the views of different occupational groups concerning special educational needs coordinators´ (SENCOs) role and work. This was highlighted by comparing responses from questionnaire #1 and # 2. Responses concerning SENCOs´ work were also added using a third questionnaire. This questionnaire was handed out in 2006 to chief education officers (N=290) in all municipalities in Sweden. The response rate was 90.3%. Finally, the fourth study presents five head teachers´ descriptions of their work with special needs issues. Study four was a follow-up study of questionnaire # 2. These head teachers were selected because of their inclusive values and because they seemed to be effective according to certain criteria. They were interviewed in January 2012. The results reveal a number of interesting findings. For example, there are both similar and different views among the occupational groups concerning work with children in need of special support. A majority of the respondents in all groups state that children´s individual deficiencies is one common reason why children need special support in preschools/schools. Differences between the occupational groups become especially visible regarding their views of SENCOs‟ work. Critical pragmatism (Cherryholmes, 1988) is applied as a theoretical point of departure. Skrtic´s (1991) critical reading and analysis of special education relative to general education is specifically used to interpret and discuss the outcome of the studies. Additionally, Abbott´s (1988) reasoning concerning the “division of expert labor” is used to discuss the occupational groups´ replies concerning “who should do what to whom”. The findings in the studies are contextualized and theoretically interpreted in the separate articles. However in the first part of this thesis (in Swedish: Kappa), the theoretical interpretations of the empirical outcome are discussed in more detail and the results are further contextualized and synthesised. Inclusion and premises for inclusive education are also discussed in more depth in the first part of the present thesis.

Work-related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment / Christelle Coetzer

Coetzer, Christelle January 2014 (has links)
South Africa currently has one pharmacist per 3849 of the population, which is considerably below the recommendation of one per 2300 of the population. Pharmacists are under a lot of pressure to perform at a certain level with not much to aid them in their day-to-day duties and their psychological needs. If pharmacists‟ stress levels are not managed, their physical and mental health may be compromised, as may their patients‟ safety. The construct of basic need satisfaction may be useful to gain insight in employees‟ functioning and to examine the motivational potential of organisational factors. Information about the need satisfaction of pharmacy employees is important as it may heighten the functioning and productivity of employees to a degree which will reduce costs connected with stress and turnover. This information will aid organisations to create environments that lessen the stress and turnover intentions of employees, thereby reducing the costs related to stress and turnover. The aims of this research were divided into general and specific aims. The general aim of this study was to investigate work related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Data was collected through questionnaires in the empirical investigation, namely the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale (W-BNS) and the Mental Health Continuum Short-Form (MHC-SF). The study sample was compiled from a corporate retail pharmacy group. The satisfaction of the need for relatedness reflected as the most prominent result of the three basic psychological needs. Respondents mostly chose “agree” (mean = 3.9) on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 which is totally disagree to 5 which is totally agree. This indicates that employees feel that their need for relatedness is being satisfied. Respondents that flourish and are moderately mentally healthy differ in how they feel with regard to the satisfaction of their needs for autonomy and relatedness. It was thus shown that the levels of need satisfaction for autonomy and relatedness of flourishing employees are higher than those of the moderately mentally healthy employees. Recommendations for further research are made. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Work-related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment / Christelle Coetzer

Coetzer, Christelle January 2014 (has links)
South Africa currently has one pharmacist per 3849 of the population, which is considerably below the recommendation of one per 2300 of the population. Pharmacists are under a lot of pressure to perform at a certain level with not much to aid them in their day-to-day duties and their psychological needs. If pharmacists‟ stress levels are not managed, their physical and mental health may be compromised, as may their patients‟ safety. The construct of basic need satisfaction may be useful to gain insight in employees‟ functioning and to examine the motivational potential of organisational factors. Information about the need satisfaction of pharmacy employees is important as it may heighten the functioning and productivity of employees to a degree which will reduce costs connected with stress and turnover. This information will aid organisations to create environments that lessen the stress and turnover intentions of employees, thereby reducing the costs related to stress and turnover. The aims of this research were divided into general and specific aims. The general aim of this study was to investigate work related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Data was collected through questionnaires in the empirical investigation, namely the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale (W-BNS) and the Mental Health Continuum Short-Form (MHC-SF). The study sample was compiled from a corporate retail pharmacy group. The satisfaction of the need for relatedness reflected as the most prominent result of the three basic psychological needs. Respondents mostly chose “agree” (mean = 3.9) on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 which is totally disagree to 5 which is totally agree. This indicates that employees feel that their need for relatedness is being satisfied. Respondents that flourish and are moderately mentally healthy differ in how they feel with regard to the satisfaction of their needs for autonomy and relatedness. It was thus shown that the levels of need satisfaction for autonomy and relatedness of flourishing employees are higher than those of the moderately mentally healthy employees. Recommendations for further research are made. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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