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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pressure groups and the Daya Bay controversy /

Ko, Tin-ming. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M. Soc. Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987.

Atominės elektrinės ir gamtinių sąlygų poveikio terminiam Drūkšių ežerui įvertinimas / Assessment of impact of nuclear power plant and natural conditions on the thermal regime of the drūkšiai lake

Jakubauskas, Mindaugas 15 June 2010 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe įvertinamas Ignalinos atominės elektrinės ir gamtinių sąlygų poveikis terminiam Drūkšių ežero režimui. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Ignalinos atominės elektrinės ir gamtinių sąlygų poveikį terminiam Drūkšių ežero režimui. Tyrimo objektas – atominė elektrinė ir Drūkšių ežeras. Nuo l984 m. Lietuvos didžiausias Drūkšių ežeras pradėjo tarnauti kaip Ignalinos atominės elektrinės (IAE) aušintuvas. Todėl natūralus hidrologinis režimas ir šilumos balansas ežere buvo sutrikdyti. Ypač pakito Drūkšių ežero terminis režimas. Vidutiniškai Drūkšių ežero vandens temperatūra pakilo apie 3,5 ºC. Tačiau pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje stebimos klimato atšilimo tendencijos. Per pastaruosius dešimtmečius vidutinė oro temperatūra padidėjo apie 1 ºC. Oro temperatūros augimas taip pat turėjo įtakos visų vandens telkinių, tuo pačiu ir Drūkšių ežero vandens temperatūrai. Todėl tiek antropogeniniai veiksniai (atominė elektrinė), tiek gamtiniai veiksniai (klimato kaita) turi įtakos Drūkšių ežero terminiam režimui. Lietuvos energetikos instituto ir kitų mokslinių institucijų darbuotojai atliko daug tyrimų, susijusių su Drūkšių ežero hidrologine, hidrotermine bei ekologine būkle. Tačiau šiuose tyrimuose mažai dėmesio buvo skirta gamtinės kaitos įtakos Drūkšių ežero terminiam režimui nustatymui. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti atominės elektrinės ir gamtinių sąlygų poveikį terminiam Drūkšių ežero režimui. Norint įvertinti Drūkšių ežero terminio režimo pokyčius veikiant IAE... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper evaluated the Ignalina nuclear power and natural conditions, the thermal effect of the lake Drūkšiai regime. Purpose of the survey - to assess the Ignalina nuclear power and natural conditions on the thermal regime of Lake Drūkšiai. The object of research - nuclear power and natural environment impacts. Since l984, the Lithuanian Drūkšiai largest lake began to serve as the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) cooler. Therefore, the natural hydrological regime and heat balance in the lake has been disturbed. In particular, changes in lake thermal regime Drūkšiai. On average, Drūkšiai lake temperature has risen approximately 3.5 ° C. However, in recent years, Lithuania observed warming trends. Over the past decades, the average air temperature increased about 1 ° C. Air temperature rise is also affected by the water at the same time and lake water temperatures. Therefore, both anthropogenic factors (NPP) and natural factors (climate change) affect the thermal regime of Lake Drūkšiai. Lithuanian Energy Institute and other scientific staff, the large number of tests and touching Drūkšiai lake hydrology, hydrothermal and ecological condition. However, these studies little attention was given to natural changes affect Drūkšiai lake thermal regime. Purpose of this study was to evaluate nuclear power and natural conditions on the thermal regime of Lake Drūkšiai. To assess Drūkšiai Lake thermal regime change operation IAE... [to full text]

Ignalinos atominės elektrinės regiono pažintinio turizmo (gamtinės ir kultūrinės aplinkos) įtaka moksleivių ugdymui / Influence of Cognitive Tourism in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant Region to Children Education

Kardelienė, Rita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Teorinėje dalyje nagrinėjama žmogų supanti aplinka, kaip vienas iš ugdymo veiksnių. Labiau akcentuojama gamtinė ir kultūrinė aplinka, bei detaliau analizuojama Ignalinos AE regiono pažintinį turizmą sudaranti gamtinė ir kultūrinė aplinka ir jų vieta moksleivių ugdyme. Praktinę dalį sudaro anketinė apklausa, vykdyta 2006m. rugsėjo mėn. Ignalinos, Zarasų rajonuose bei Visagino mieste. Tyrime dalyvavo gimnazijų bei vidurinių mokyklų moksleiviai, tuo metu besilankantys Ignalinos ir Zarasų rajonuose. Tyrimu siekiama atskleisti kelionių su klase dažnumą, tikslus, moksleivų tarpusavio santykius, Ignalinos AE regiono išskirtinumą, šio regiono pažintinio turizmo (gamtinės ir kultūrinės aplinkos) veiksnių svarbą moksleivių ugdyme. / The study consists of theoretical and practical parts. At the theoretical part there are the researches about the environment surrounding a human-being like one of the education factors. The nature and culture environments are more emphasized. The nature and culture environments forming the cognitive tourism in Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (further – Ignalina NPP) region and their influence in pupils’ education are analyzed more elaborately. The practical part consists of a questionnaire, data of which were gathered in September 2006 in Ignalina district, Zarasai district and Visaginas town. The students of the Ignalina and Zarasai districts’ secondary and grammar schools took a part at the research. Research target is to discover how often the class trips are organized, what are their targets and tasks, what are the rapports within the pupils, what are the advantages of Ignalina NPP region and what is the importance of this region’s cognitive tourism to pupils’ education.

Vertinamieji elementai ir jų raiška interneto žiniasklaidoje: IAE uždarymo atvejo analizė / Evaluative elements and theire expression in the Internet Media: A case study of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

Simonavičienė, Laura 15 June 2010 (has links)
Naujausi tyrimai rodo, o ir kiekvienas informacijos gavėjas pastebi, kad informacijos teikėjas labai dažnai nesugeba atsiriboti nuo subjektyvumo. Taip atsitinka todėl, kad kiekvienas informacijos koduotojas turi skirtingus patyrimus, interesus, įvairias nuomones apie įvykius, jį supantį pasaulį, požiūrį į vieną ar kitą situaciją, dalyką ir pan. Tyrimo tikslas – atpažinti žiniasklaidos tekste vartojamus vertinamuosius elementus, suklasifikuoti juos ir aprašyti, kaip, pasitelkus vertinamuosius elementus, atspindima autoriaus pozicija, požiūris, nuomonė apie žinomą įvykį, realų faktą ar įvykusią situaciją. Šio mokslinio darbo objektas – vertinamieji elementai, vartojami Lietuvos interneto žiniasklaidos tekstuose. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo buvo numatyti 6 uždaviniai, apibendrintai jie yra tokie: apžvelgti atliktus mokslinius tyrimus ir jų rezultatus bei metodus pritaikyti lietuvių kalbos interneto žiniasklaidos tekstuose vartojamiems vertinamiesiems elementams tyrinėti; pagal sudarytą pagrindinių ir šalutinių vertinamųjų parametrų schemą atpažinti, suklasifikuoti vertinamuosius elementus, juos išanalizuoti ir aprašyti; pristatyti darbo metu kilusias problemas ir sunkumus, ypač susijusius su vertinamųjų elementų atpažinimu; atlikti apklausą-eksperimentą ir aptarti rezultatus. Atlikus vertinamųjų elementų, vartojamų interneto žiniasklaidos tekstuose, tyrimą, patvirtinta kelta hipotezė, kad pasitelkęs vertinamuosius elementus teksto autorius gali perteikti asmeninę poziciją... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Both the latest studies and the opinion of information receivers show that information providers are often unable to distance themselves from subjectivity. This happens because every information addresser has particular experiences and interests, various opinions about the events and environment, different view to one or another situation, and etc. The aim of the thesis is to identify the evaluative elements used in media discourse, to classify them and, with the help of evaluative elements, to describe how author’s position on the event, actual fact or situation is reflected. The object of this work is the evaluative elements, used in the texts of Lithuanian media websites. In order to achieve the object, six tasks were set: to overview the carried out scientific researches and their results and to adapt the methods to the exploration of evaluative elements used in the texts of Lithuanian media websites; to identify, classify, then analyze and describe evaluative parameters, according to the main and secondary evaluative parameters scheme; to present problems and challenges arisen, particularly those related to evaluative elements recognition; to carry out an experiment-survey and to discuss the results. After a study of evaluative elements used the discourses of media websites, the following the hypothesis was confirmed: with the help of evaluative elements, the author of the text can convey a personal attitude and shape reader’s opinion. There are various categories to... [to full text]

An investigation of coastal fumigation effects on nuclear accident consequences in Hong Kong /

Huang, Aiping. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 164-168).

Pressure groups and the Daya Bay controversy

Ko, Tin-ming. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987. / Also available in print.

Statistické šetření vybraných úkolů ochrany obyvatelstva v zónách havarijního plánování jaderných elektráren / The statistical investigation of selected tasks in protection of the population in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants

HAJÍČKOVÁ, Iva January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with statistical investigation of selected tasks in population protection in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants.The issues of population protection have been developing since 1930s up to now.Currently,the population protection is addressed particularly in concepts of population protection,while the most recent one is the Population Protection Concept until 2020 with an Outlook to 2030.The objective of the thesis was to compare awareness of the population in emergency planning zones of nuclear power plants.With regard to a potential extraordinary event,in this case a radiation accident,the awareness of the population plays a significant role.The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes population protection,legal regulations and documents dealing with this topic.It also defines measures in population protection which seek to mitigate impact of extraordinary events or emergency situations on health and lives of the population,property and the environment.The thesis also mentions emergency planning and describes types of emergency plans.The second section of the theoretical part describes selected statistical methods.The last chapter of the theoretical part describes methods of multidimensional statistics.The following hypotheses and partial hypotheses were formulated in the research part of the thesis to meet its objective: H1 There is no statistically significant difference between the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Temelín and the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Dukovany.H11 There is no statistically significant difference in awareness among men about a potential extraordinary event at NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany.H12 There is no statistically significant difference in awareness among women about a potential extraordinary event at NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany. H2 The awareness of the population in emergency planning zones of both the nuclear power plants has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H21 The awareness of the population (men) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Temelín has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H22 The awareness of the population (women) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Temelín has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H23 The awareness of the population (men) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Dukovany has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.H24 The awareness of the population (women) in the emergency planning zone of NPP Dukovany has a theoretical distribution which is close to the normal distribution.All the formulated hypotheses were tested with methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The research was conducted with questionnaires handed out in the emergency planning zones of NPP Temelín and NPP Dukovany.The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions and it was filled out by 242 men and 270 women in the zones.All data used in the research were provided to me within the project "Population protection depending of differentiation of the population" safety survey (VG20132015122) performed at the department of radiology,toxicology and population protection at the Faculty of Health and Social Studies at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in cooperation with the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.Results of the research have shown that the average awareness of the population living in the emergency planning zones of the nuclear power plants is less than 50% and that the knowledge of the population about a potential extraordinary event is not satisfactory.The population living in emergency planning zones of both the nuclear power plants could be exceptionally prepared for a potential non-standard situation, not only in the form of a Gauss curve.

Hodnocení efektivity ochranných opatření přijímaných po černobylské havárii / Effectiveness evaluation of countermeasures adopted after the Chernobyl accident

ROTREKLOVÁ, Tereza January 2007 (has links)
The utilisation of nuclear energy entails, like any other human activity, risk of occurrence of accidents and emergencies. On Saturday 26th April 1986 early morning in the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine occurred the biggest industrial accident in the peace usage of nuclear energy. It led to a vast leakage of radioactive debris to the wide surrounding area. An accident of such extent has never been thought possible before and it has surprised national authorities responsible for emergency preparedness practically in all counties operating nuclear power plants. It was crucial to prepare and introduce many countermeasures to restrict exposure of persons and environment to radiation. The most affected countries have been today{\crq}s Byelorussia, Russia and Ukraine. Although international instructions and criteria for failure actions had existed even before the Chernobyl accident, the experience with their application was very limited. Needless to say, some short-term countermeasures had been neglected or insufficiently realised. Inhabitants were not informed about the accident in time and therefore they hid late. Also iodine prophylaxis did not start in time, which led to unnecessarily high irradiation of thyroid gland. The evacuation was, in view of decreasing external exposure, executed within possibilities efficiently. As for the long-term countermeasures related not only to the liquidation of the aftermath of the accident in the area of the nuclear power plant but especially the decontamination works in residential units and on contaminated soils, regulation of food chains and relocation of persons from the affected areas, preventive and health care of the inhabitants living in the contaminated territory - these measures were massive in scope and in principle mostly reasoned and effective. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of some of these measures was somewhat deteriorated by the fact they were introduced area-wide (only on the basis of the surface contamination and not on the estimation of exposure from whole-body measurements), were not fully substantiated and later had to by cancelled for economical reasons. Not only economical factors play an important role in the planning and application of the countermeasures (mainly long-term ones). Without question it is necessary to secure that the measures can be applied in the contaminated areas in view of their effectiveness in sufficient extent for time long enough and after a thorough evaluation of all pros and cons, expenses and gains. As well, it is needed to take into consideration the effect of social and psychological factors, where in practise a satisfactory progress has not been made yet. Many studies proved that the introduction of countermeasures affects the increase of psychosocial tension among the involved people. This negative attitude results from the public{\crq}s lack of information about radiation and about the possibilities of its reduction and consequent fear and anxiety due to the uncertainty regarding future. Because of the concealment of information about the Chernobyl accident, also distrust of citizens against authorities has remained to be a problem. However, the approach of public is very important in regard to the effectiveness of countermeasures. In order that the measures would be accepted as well as possible, it is needed to secure corresponding education programs and to engage public into discussions and decision-making within the introduced measures.

Komunikační strategie Jaderné elektrárny Temelín / Communication Strategy of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant

Nekovářová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the communication of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. Nuclear sources of energy are currently a sensitive issue. The planned extension of the Temelín NPP is also a frequently discussed topic in the Czech Republic; it affects many stakeholders and faces increased public and media interest. The goal of the thesis is to create a communication strategy of the Temelín NPP targeted to the public. The draft of the strategy is based on the conclusions of the SWOT analysis focused on the Temelín NPP communication, furthermore, on the analysis of selected online communication tools used by the Temelín NPP, and mainly on the quantitative survey conducted with the purpose to find out the actual public perception of the Temelín NPP and the public attitude to nuclear energy in general. The strategy also uses the knowledge of the company ČEZ media analysis and the findings of the sociological survey among inhabitants of the area close to Temelín compiled by STEM/MARK research agency.

Obnova hřídele vzduchotechnického soustrojí / Restoring of the ventilation shaft generator

Veselý, Libor January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this work is the repair of an air-handling unit. Possible causes of the problem are analyzed and multiple solutions are proposed. The first variant considers the refurbishment of the damaged component using thermal spray technology, including the choice of the best method. The second solution proposes the manufacture of a new part using machining in the environment of the company. This process requires an intermediate product to be made, and the choice of the correct machines from what the company has available, choice of the right tools and cutting conditions. The technical-economical evaluation compares the the expenses tied with both of the solutions. The chosen repair solution was used for the repair of the air-handling unit.

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