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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Members’ and Leaders’ Positivity on Organizational Identification in Business Student Organizations

Gran, Elsa Katherine 10 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Teaching Beyond the Stacks: Examining the Organizational Identification of Academic Librarians

Hagman, Jessica C. 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Clausen, Katherine Maria, Clausen 28 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.

CSR och Organisatorisk Identifiering : En kvantitativ studie om anställdas uppfattning av CSR och deras organisatoriska identifiering / CSR and Organizational Identification : A quantitative study on employees' perception of CSR and their organizational identification

Andersson, Gustav, Ebbvik Neuman, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att förklara sambanden mellan anställdas uppfattning av olika dimensioner av Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och deras Organisatoriska Identifiering (OID), samt hur antal anställda år i organisationen inverkar på sambanden.   Metod: En modererad hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys användes för att analysera sambanden mellan variablerna. Data samlades in via en enkät och urvalet bestod av 109 stycken anställda inom banker i Sverige.   Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet visar att det existerar ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan anställdas uppfattning av intern respektive extern CSR och OID. Antal anställda år är dock inte en statistiskt signifikant moderator mellan dessa samband. Däremot agerar antal anställda år som en prediktor till OID.   Examensarbetets bidrag: Uppsatsen bidrar till en ökad kunskap om hur CSR påverkar anställda. Tidigare forskning som visar att en positiv uppfattning om CSR leder till en ökad organisatorisk identifiering bekräftas. Resultaten utvecklar den tidigare forskningen om hur olika dimensioner av CSR påverkar OID och visar att både intern och extern CSR har ett positivt samband med OID. Vi klargör också att antal anställda år inte modererar sambanden mellan CSR och OID och utreder därmed något tidigare forskning visat motstridiga resultat om. Teoretiskt bidrar uppsatsen också med att visa att antal anställda år är en prediktor till OID. Praktiska bidrag är resultat som visar att organisationer bör kommunicera både intern och extern CSR till deras anställda, oavsett antal anställda år.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Resultaten i uppsatsen bekräftar delvis tidigare forskning men visar också på motstridiga resultat vilket talar för att det behövs ytterligare forskning inom området. Detta i form av att inkludera andra moderator/mediator variabler och även andra oberoende variabler. Framtida forskning bör också använda ett sannolikhetsurval där respondenterna har lika stor chans att bli valda och att inkludera andra branscher i populationen. / Aim: The aim of this thesis is to explain the relationships between employees' perception of different dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their Organizational Identification (OID), as well as how employees job tenure affects the relationships.   Method: A moderated hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the relationships between the variables. Data was collected via a survey and the sample consisted of 109 bank employees in Sweden.   Result & Conclusions: The result shows that there exists a statistically significant relationship between employees' perception of internal and external CSR and OID. Furthermore, the job tenure is not a statistically significant moderator between these relationships. However, tenure acts as a predictor of OID.   Contribution of the thesis: The thesis contributes to an increased knowledge of how CSR affects employees. Theoretically, the thesis supports previous research showing that employees' perception of CSR has a positive relationship with OID. Further theoretical advancements are that both internal and external CSR has a positive relationship with OID. We also clarify that employees’ tenure does not moderate the relationships between CSR dimensions and OID but rather that tenure is a predictor of OID. Practically, the thesis contributes with results that show that organizations should communicate both internal and external CSR to their employees, regardless of the tenure.   Suggestions for future research: The results of the thesis partly confirm previous research, but also show conflicting results, which suggests that further research is needed in the field. This involves including other moderator/mediator variables and also other independent variables. Further research should also use a probability sample where the respondents have the same chance of being selected and should also include other industries and sectors.

Relationships among Downsizing, Survivor Behaviors and Attitudes and Organizational Performance

Liu, Fang-Chun 20 June 2003 (has links)
¡@¡@After the year of 2000, the unemployment rate is growing up every year. Until March of 2001, the rate of unemployment had already climbed to 7.5% and the main reason for this situation was establishment closed or business shrunk. Because of facing hard competitive environment, many enterprises progressed the downsizing to solve the problem of bankruptcy or in order to restructure business. Even though downsizing always be viewed as an effective method to lower operation cost and increase organizational performance; however, some past researches showed that after downsizing many company not only did not achieve expected objectives but also give all workers a very big shock. This happened all the time especially when survivors felt unfair or uncomfortable to the process of downsizing, and usually accompanied with morale¡¦s decline and distrust managers. Finally workers maybe show unsteady performance spontaneously and affect company¡¦s competitiveness. For some successful downsizing enterprises, they considered downsizing as a strategic plan, and at the same time devote themselves to rebuild business culture or progress other human resource system to ease survivor pressure while executing downsizing In this research, we investigate employees who experienced downsizing before, and hope to understand how downsizing influence their work attitudes and behaviors. Besides, it wants to be approved if business could develop other human resource activities to lower downside actions of survivors. After analyzing the data, the results are stated as below: I. Difference of survivor attitudes and behaviors due to employee identification of downsizing plan. 1.There are obviously differences on job involvement due to different level of employee identification of downsizing reason. 2.Comprising with direct layoffs, when using the way of retire to progress downsizing, survivor organizational identification will get higher records. II. Relationships between downsizing and survivor attitudes and behaviors. 1.When employees felt that their company practiced downsizing for the reason of merge or acquisition, they would have positive organizational identification and job involvement but have negative relation with turnover. 2.When employees felt good and comfortable in downsizing process, they would have positive organizational identification but have negative relation with turnover. 3.When employees felt the way of downsizing was direct layoffs, they would get negative influence and make them to have higher turnover. Instead, when employees felt the way of downsizing was gentle retirement, they would have better feeling to company and higher organizational identification. III. All situational items have the moderating effects on the relationship between downsizing plan and survivor attitudes and behaviors. 1.Most growth need strength have the moderating effects on the relationship between downsizing plan and survivor attitudes and behaviors. When employee felt that the reason of downsizing was imitate other organization behaviors, then the workers who were high GNS would have lower organizational identification than low GNS. However, if survivor cognized that company was fair in downsizing process and let employees participate in the plan, then the workers who were high GNS would have higher organizational identification than low GNS. 2.Employees¡¦ cognitions to the change of human resource system would have moderating effects on the relationship between organizational process and survivor attitudes and behaviors. IV. The influence on organizational performance by survivor attitudes and behavior The results showed that this part could not get exactly demonstration from analysis records.

Bindung zum Unternehmen / Eine empirische Studie bei geringfügig Beschäftigten und Stammpersonal im deutschen Einzelhandel

Hermet, Vicky 04 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In der Dissertation nimmt sich die Verfasserin einem Phänomen an, das im deutschen Einzelhandel weit verbreitet ist, über das es aber kaum empirische Untersuchungen gibt: Die Behandlung geringfügig Beschäftigter und die entsprechenden Einstellungen der Betroffenen und des Stammpersonals. Als Grundlage für die empirische Untersuchung dienen die Soziale Identitätstheorie, das Common Ingroup Identity Model und die Revidierte Kontakttheorie. Auf Basis einer schriftlichen Befragung von 372 Stammmitarbeitern und 75 geringfügig Beschäftigten sowie 36 halbstrukturierten Interviews mit Personalverantwortlichen, Stamm- und geringfügig Beschäftigten in insgesamt 15 Unternehmen des überwiegend ostdeutschen Einzelhandels untersuchte die Verfasserin, ob sich geringfügig Beschäftigte mit ihrem Unternehmen identifizieren und sich in die Belegschaft der jeweiligen Filiale integriert fühlen. Außerdem ging die Verfasserin den Fragen nach, unter welchen Umständen sich geringfügig Beschäftigte in die Belegschaft integriert fühlen und in welchem Ausmaß und auf welche Weise die untersuchten Unternehmen die Integration der Minijobber bzw. Herausbildung einer gemeinsamen Gruppenidentität fördern. Darüber hinaus werden auch die Fragen geklärt, welche Auswirkungen eine mangelnde Integration auf die Kooperationsbeziehungen zwischen Stamm- und geringfügig Beschäftigten sowie auf die Verbleibabsicht, die Arbeitszufriedenheit und Organizational Citizenship Behavior hat. Die Ergebnisse der schriftlichen Befragung von Stammpersonal und geringfügig Beschäftigten zeigen, dass es scheinbar keine Beeinträchtigungen durch eine Distanzierung von geringfügig Beschäftigten im Hinblick auf die Unternehmen-Identifikation, die Kooperationsbereitschaft, die Verbleibabsicht und Allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit bei beiden Gruppen gibt. Die Ergebnisse der mündlichen Befragung geben dagegen Hinweise auf unkooperative, von Misstrauen geprägte Beziehungen zwischen beiden Gruppen und eine mangelnde Integration von geringfügig Beschäftigten. Eine Personalpolitik, die auf eine Ausgrenzung von geringfügig Beschäftigten ausgerichtet ist, kann die Wahrnehmung einer gemeinsamen Gruppenidentität zerstören und unkooperative und misstrauensgeprägte Beziehungen zwischen Stamm- und geringfügig Beschäftigten bewirken.

新聞組織之經營與會員滿意度調查─以台灣新聞記者協會為例 / Analysis of management of journalist organization and members’ satisfaction: A case study of Association of Taiwan Journalists

李建忠, Lee, J J Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣新聞記者協會的組織經營與會員滿意狀況,以全體正式會員做為問卷分析對象,分別在非營利組織、組織認同感及會員滿意度等影響層面做為分析指標,輔以主導整個會務組織發展方向與決策擬定之理、監事之深度訪談,並加上未加入台灣新聞記者協會之現職記者進行焦點團體訪談,找出台灣新聞記者協會之定位、功能與服務,是否能滿足會員與現職記者群的期望及認同;並分析現有的服務與活動滿意度。 問卷調查的對象是以台灣新聞記者協會全體正式會員的電子郵件信箱做為問卷調查的樣本,依序探討會員滿意度、參與度、服務品質與組織認同感等四大指標,對於會員的影響程度進行分析。 深度訪談的對象是13位理、監事當中的7位,以「半結構性訪談」的方式,了解記協如何經營會員服務、創造參與意義,並剖析現有之困境與關鍵成功因素,以及未來之方向。 焦點團體訪談則是針對六位現職記者,分析台灣新聞記者協會現有之會員服務及組織認同感兩大層面之成效如何,並且深度探討他們為何不加入記協這關鍵問題。 研究結果發現台灣新聞記者協會之會員滿意度僅是及格邊緣的成績,會員主要依賴對組織的專業認同感而對該協會有所認同,卻對於協會的相關服務與品質,多半不滿意而要求再加強。而會員人數不足、經營走向衝突、政治色彩影響、專業性再提升與溝通及參與管道不足等問題,都是記協之困境與眾人期待改善之方向。 / This study aims to investigate the position, function and service of Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) on the one hand, and members and journalists’ satisfaction, expectation, and identification to ATJ on the other. Research methods include general survey, in-depth interview with council members and supervisors who direct organizational management of ATJ, and focus group interview with non-member journalists. The survey was sampled from electronic mail account of ATJ members. Indices include the extent of members’ satisfaction and participation of organizational activities, and organizational identification to ATJ. Based on 7 interviewees out of thirteen council members and supervisors, in-depth interview was conducted with semi-structured questions. It not only seeks to understand the ways in which ATJ provides members with services and meaningfulness, but to analyze organizational obstructions, benefits and prospects of ATJ. Focus group, composed of 6 non-member journalists, is interviewed for analyze performance of ATJ with respect to member services and organizational identification, and for grasp the interviewees’ reasons of not join ATJ. The research findings are several. First, members are barely satisfied with services and performance of ATJ. Second, their identification with ATJ depends upon professionalism. Third, among many organizational obstructions, insufficient amount of member, conflicts of diversified organizational strategy, the effects of political positions, improvement of professionalism, and the increase of channels of communication and participation are the most demanding.

Konsultyrket - en flexibel anställningsform : Om arbetssituation och organisationstillhörighet.

Brickstad, Sanna, Brinkenberg, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Konsultyrket är en modern anställningsform som har vuxit sig stark på den svenska arbetsmarknaden i takt med dess förändring och företagens ökade behov avflexibilitet. Då en konsult är anställd på ett konsultföretag men har uppdrag ute hos olika kundföretag, kan denne antas tillhöra flera organisationer samtidigt. Uppsatsen syftar till att få en ökad förståelse för konsulters arbetssituation, samt undersöka hur de uttrycker organisationstillhörighet och hur den upplevs påverka dem i deras arbete. Detta har gjorts genom en kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer med fem konsulter, vilka arbetar som managementkonsulter inom IT- branschen. Det teoretiska resonemang som ligger till grund för uppsatsen behandlar teorier och tidigare forskning som knyter an till både konsultens arbetsroll och känslan av tillhörighet med organisationer samt dess eventuella påverkan i arbetet. Resultatet av studien visar att konsultyrket beskrivs vara en flexibel anställningsform som präglas av frihet, möjligheter och utmaningar. Det krävs även att konsulten ständigt anpassar sig till sin omgivning och prioriterar mellan de många olika krav som uppkommer. Känslan av tillhörighet beskrivs vara starkast till konsultföretaget men då konsulten har åtaganden till två företag samtidigt har den även visat sig vara splittrad. Tillhörigheten beskrivs påverka konsultens trivsel, motivation samtvilja att stanna inom företaget. / The consultant profession is a modern form of employment that has grown strong in the Swedish labor market in line with the market changes and companies increased need for flexibility. When a consultant is employed by a consulting firm but is commissioned onsite at various client companies, the consultant is assumed to belong to several organizations simultaneously. This paper aims to gain a greater understanding of the consultants' work situation, examine how they express organizational affiliation and how this affiliation influences them in their work. The research has been done through a qualitative study based on interviews with five consultants who are all working as management consultants within the IT sector. The theoretical framework underlying the paper treats theories and previous research that relate to both the consultant's work role and sense of belonging to the organization as well as its possible impact. The results of this study show that the consulting profession is described as a flexible form of employment that is characterized by freedom, opportunities and challenges. It also requires the consultant to constantly adapt to its environment and prioritize between the many different requirements that arise. The feeling of belonging is described to be strongest towards the consultancy, however since the consultant is committed to two companies at the same time, he or she has also proved to be somewhat fragmented. The feeling of belonging is described to affect the consultant's job satisfaction, motivation and willingness to stay within the company.

"Now Imagine You're One of Them": Using Serious Games to Induce Identification with Out-Groups

Newman, Ganer L., IV 01 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to expand our understanding of the utility of identification in the reduction of out-group derogation. Specifically, this research examined the extent to which individuals can be persuaded to identify with members of a perceived out-group, particularly through the use of online games. Spent is an online, point-and-click game that places users in the role of the working poor. Spent was used to test the potential of serious or prosocial games to increase players’ identification with a group of people who are often on the fringes of social acceptance. Specifically, this research (a) developed a new measurement of cause identification, the Identification with Perceived Out-Group Scale (IPOGS), (b) tested the validity and reliability of the IPOGS, and (c) examined the change in identification with America’s poor after playing the online game Spent. Following a pilot test of the Identification with Perceived Out-Group Scale, 55 young adults (ages 18-35) were recruited to participate in a quasi-experiment. Initially, participants completed the IPOGS and then played the online game Spent. Upon completion of the game, participants took the IPOGS again. Participants were also asked questions about their game play experience and basic demographic information. Results indicate that individuals who had lower levels of identification with America's poor had significantly higher levels of identification after playing the online game. The increase in identification was evidenced in a greater perception of common interests and values, greater affective attachment, and greater willingness to interact with the working poor after playing Spent. These findings suggest that nonprofit organizations may find online gaming beneficial when trying to cultivate identification with their causes, particularly among young adults.

Le sens de la RSE pour les salariés : étude de la relation entre la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise et l'engagement organisationnel / THE SENSE OF CSR FOR EMPLOYEES : STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT

El Bahri, Hajar 24 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à comprendre le processus de la réduction de l’ambiguïté des programmes RSE au sein des organisations, afin d’expliquer les effets de ces programmes sur les attitudes organisationnelles des salariés. Elle tente plus précisément de répondre à la question suivante : comment les acteurs organisationnels construisent un sens à l’engagement sociétal de leur entreprise ? Et dans quelle mesure ce processus de construction de sens influence d’une manière positive leur engagement organisationnel ? Afin d’apporter des éléments de réponses, nous identifions les concepts théoriques qui peuvent rendre compte du mécanisme de l’impact de la RSE sur l’implication organisationnelle des salariés : le sensemaking et l’identification organisationnelle. Cette recherche qualitative est adossée à une étude empirique réalisée en France auprès de 31 acteurs organisationnels appartenant à des secteurs d’activités et des niveaux hiérarchiques différents. Les professionnels interrogés appartenaient tous à des entreprises engagées dans des actions RSE. En parallèle à la présentation de l’analyse de contenu de ces entretiens, nous rapportons les verbatims des interviewés, afin d’illustrer les concepts théoriques mobilisés et leur donner une dimension plus concrète. Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la culture organisationnelle et la capacité de l’entreprise à planifier, mettre en oeuvre, évaluer et communiquer son engagement sociétal offrent aux salariés des indices pour construire un sens à la RSE. L’impact de cette RSE perçue sur l’engagement organisationnel est influencé par l’identification organisationnelle, elle-même impactée par quatre besoins psychologiques : L’estime de soi, l’auto-différentiation, la sécurité, et le Sens / This research aims to analyze the process of reducing the ambiguity of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in organizations, in order to better understand the mechanisms of the impact of CSR programs on employee attitudes. More precisely, this research tries to answer the following question : How do organizational actors construct a meaning for the societal engagement of their company ? And how this process positively impacts their organizational commitment. In order to address this research question, we identify theoretical concepts that can account for the mechanism of the impact of CSR on the employees' organizational commitment : sensemaking and organizational identification. This qualitative research is backed up by an empirical study carried out in France with 31 organizational actors belonging to different sectors and hierarchical levels. The professionals interviewed all worked in companies engaged in CSR initiatives. In parallel with the presentation of the content analysis of these interviews, we report the verbatim of the interviewees, in order to illustrate the theoretical concepts mobilized and to give them a more concrete dimension. The results of this work show that the organizational culture and the capacity of the company to plan, implement, evaluate and communicate its social commitment, offering cues to employees to build a sense of CSR. The impact of this perceived CSR on organizational commitment is influenced by the organizational identification, itself impacted by four

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