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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nurse Supervisors and Certified Nursing Assistants: Leadership Characteristics and Job Satisfaction

Patterson, Jennifer 01 January 2018 (has links)
Significant costs are associated with the turnover rate of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), and turnover impacts the quality of care for residents of the SNFs through disruption of care. The purpose of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to identify the leadership characteristics of supervisors most associated with the job satisfaction (JS) of CNAs in SNFs. Herzberg's dual factor theory was used as the theoretical framework to explain the relationship between the leadership characteristics and the associated JS. The research question was used to examine the independent variables of trust, teamwork, supportive supervision, leader-follower relationships, and empowerment of supervisors in SNFs that help predict the dependent variable, JS of CNAs. A random sampling of the population of CNAs from 120-bed SNFs located in Florida completed online surveys that included the Organizational Trust Inventory, the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II, and the Benjamin Rose Nurse Assistant Job Satisfaction Scale. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze data to determine the effects of the leadership characteristics on the JS of CNAs in SNFs. Results indicated that the increased levels of trust negatively impact the JS of the CNAs, whereas increased levels of empowerment increase JS. Implementing strategies to address the needs of CNAs positively impacts society by improving the lives of the workers and increasing CNA retention, thus improving the lives of vulnerable members of society through enhanced quality of care.

Managing Effective Collaboration among Law Enforcement, Intelligence Services, and Military Forces in Fight against Terrorism and Organized Crime

Demirhan, Cihan 01 January 2014 (has links)
The fight against terrorism and organized crime require strong collaboration between public security organizations. Public security networks include several agencies that are not bound to each other with strong hierarchical ties. Because of a lack of the strong hierarchical structure, managing public networks is not similar to managing a single government agency. This study aims to examine the factors influencing network effectiveness in the public security sector. The main research questions of the study are: Which factors are important for effectiveness in public security networks? What is the role of inter-organizational trust among partner agencies? Which kind of leadership style will achieve the highest performance in public security networks? What is the relative importance of goal convergence and organizational culture in network effectiveness? How does the relationship between inter-organizational trust, leadership style, goal convergence and organizational culture impact network effectiveness? In order to find these relations, a self-reported survey was sent to 2,095 current and previous Turkish public security network managers. The study found that inter-organizational trust and goal convergence have a positive relationship with network effectiveness. Although facilitator leadership is found to be the most common leadership style in Turkish public security networks, it is found as inappropriate to achieve higher network effectiveness. According to the results, the co-producer network leadership is the most convenient leadership style in terms of network effectiveness. While the results of the descriptive statistics confirm that six specific features of organizational culture in public security sector have negative influence on network effectiveness, the hypothesis testing with the covariance structure model only support the negative impact of competition among partner organization. This study contributes to the literature on network effectiveness with particular proposals for the public security managers and practitioners.

幼稚園僕人領導、組織信任與工作滿意關係之研究 / The relationship between servant leadership, organizational trust and job satisfaction in kindergarten

林素君, Lin,Su-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討僕人領導、組織信任與工作滿意之間的關係,並以組織信任為中介變項,檢驗組織信任在僕人領導對工作滿意關係上的影響與效果。本研究將組織信任分為同事信任與領導信任兩個層面,採用Barbuto和Wheeler所發展出的僕人領導問卷、改編自Jorde-Bloom的幼兒教師工作滿意調查問卷以及自編的組織信任問卷為研究工具,對台北市公私立幼稚園教師進行問卷調查,共發出608份問卷,有效問卷共256份,有效問卷回收率為42.1%。本研究採用結構方程模式(SEM)驗證僕人領導、組織信任與工作滿意之間的影響與效果,並根據研究結果獲得以下結論,最後提出建議作為後續研究及幼教政策與行政實務之參考。 一、僕人領導對同事信任、領導信任與工作滿意皆有顯著的正向影響。 二、組織信任的兩個研究層面中,同事信任對工作滿意有正向的顯著影響關係,領導信任對工作滿意也有正向的影響。 三、組織信任在僕人領導對工作滿意的中介影響關係上顯示:同事信任在僕人領導對工作滿意的影響上有顯著的中介效果;領導信任在僕人領導對工作滿意的影響上也有顯著的中介效果。 四、將同事信任與領導信任為中介變項的結構模式分析結果兩相比較後發現:(一)僕人領導對領導信任的影響高於對同事信任的影響;(二)領導信任在僕人領導對工作滿意影響路徑上的中介效果高於同事信任的中介效果。研究證實領導信任是僕人領導對工作滿意發揮影響的關鍵。 / This research aims to explore the relationship among servant leadership, organizational trust and job satisfaction. Organization trust was hypothesized as a mediator between servant leadership and job satisfaction. Two dimensions of organization trust were examined: faculty trust and leader trust. Survey data were collected from 256 kindergarten teachers and analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM) methods. The findings of the study revealed that: (1) servant leadership positively influenced faculty trust, leader trust and job satisfaction; (2) the influence of organizational trust on job satisfaction implied that both faculty trust and leader trust have a positive influence on job satisfaction; (3) both faculty trust and leader trust significantly influenced the mediating effect of servant leadership on job satisfaction; (4) the impact of servant leader on leader trust was higher than that on faculty trust, and leader trust had higher mediating effect than faculty trust. The result indicated that leader trust acted as a significant mediator between servant leadership and job satisfaction. Managerial implications and some suggestions for future research were provided at the end of this thesis.

Exploring a bi-directional relationship between corporate social responsibility and employees' attitudes and behaviors / Exploration des relations bidirectionnelles entre responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et attitudes et comportements des employés

Farooq, Mariam 23 April 2012 (has links)
Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d'examiner la relation réciproque entre la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise (RSE) et les attitudes et les comportements des employés. Premièrement, la thèse explore les mécanismes sous-jacents alternatifs à travers lesquels la RSE affecte les employés et fait la classification des employés dans les groupes homogènes en se basant sur leur utilisation de ces différents mécanismes. Deuxièmement, elle identifie les conditions limites dans lesquelles la RSE influence de façon optimale les attitudes et les comportements des employés. Enfin, la thèse examine l'influence réciproque des employés sur la stratégie RSE de la firme et explore les pratiques des ressources humaines qui permettent à l'entreprise d'améliorer sa RSE. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, les trois études empiriques ont été mené dans l'Aise du Sud. Les données ont été collectées par une suite d'enquêtes avec les employés en utilisant le design de décalage dans le temps. Les résultats montrent que la RSE a un impact positif sur les attitudes et les comportements des employés à travers de multiples mécanismes. Les résultats suggèrent l'hétérogénéité parmi les employés dans leur utilisation de ces mécanismes et mettent en évidence la classification des employés en fonction de leurs orientations personnelles et valeurs culturelles individuelles afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène. En utilisant les données de panel à trois reprises, il a été démontré également que les employés influencent la stratégie RSE. Cependant, cela dépends de leur niveau de participation dans le processus de décision et du degré de leur identification avec leur organisation / The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the reciprocal relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employees' attitudes and behaviors. Firstly, it explores the underpinning alternative mechanisms through which CSR affects employees and classifies the employees into homogenous groups on the basis of their use of these differential mechanisms. Secondly, it identifies the boundary conditions in which CSR optimally influences the employees' attitudes and behaviors. Finally, the dissertation investigates the reciprocal influence of employees on the CSR strategy of the firm and explores the human resource practices that facilitate the firm to improve its CSR. To achieve these objectives, three empirical studies were conducted in South Asia. Data were collected in a series of employee surveys with using time lag design. The results show that CSR has a positive impact on employees' attitudes and behaviors through multiple mechanisms. Findings suggest the heterogeneity among employees in their use of these mechanisms and emphasize the classification of employees depending upon their personal orientations and individual cultural values to better understand this phenomenon. Using three wave penal data, it was also found that employees influence the CSR strategy of the firm. However, it depends upon the level of their participation in decision making and extent of their identification with their organization

O papel mediador da confiança na relação entre percepção de valores organizacionais e atitudes diante de mudanças organizacionais / The mediating role of trust in the relationship between perception of organizational values and attitudes towards organizational changes

Alves, Gizele Maria de Oliveira Simões 12 September 2017 (has links)
A capacidade das organizações em se modificar e se reinventar de maneira contínua influencia diretamente em seus resultados e competitividade. Neste enfoque, o presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar o papel mediador da confiança na relação entre percepção de valores organizacionais e de atitudes frente a mudanças organizacionais. Participaram do estudo 189 trabalhadores voluntários de diversas organizações, os quais responderam instrumentos precisos e validados e que foram disponibilizados no Survey Monkey. Para análise dos dados foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas, correlações de Pearson e análises de regressão padronizadas e hierárquicas e o Teste Sobel para verificar a significância da mediação. Resultados confirmaram o modelo proposto, apresentando efeitos de mediação nas atitudes de ceticismo, na presença do valor realização e das mediadoras confiança na ética e oportunismo, e de aceitação, na presença de confiança na ética e na competência organizacional. Desta forma, este estudo, além de aprofundar o conhecimento do processo psicológico frente a mudanças pode instrumentalizar gestores na condução de processos de mudança nas organizações. / The ability of organizations to continuously modify and reinvent themselves has a direct influence on their results and competitiveness. In this approach, the present study aimed to verify the mediating role of trust in the relationship between perception of organizational values and attitudes towards organizational changes. Participated in the study 189 volunteers workers from various organizations, who responded to reliable and valid tools available in Survey Monkey. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations and standardized and hierarchical regression analyzes and the Sobel Test to verify the significance of mediation. Results confirmed the proposed model, in which mediation was corroborated in the attitude of scepticism, in the presence of value and mediators trust in ethics and opportunism, and acceptance, in the presence of trust in ethics and organizational competence. In this way, this study, in addition to deepening the knowledge of the psychological process in the face of change, can instrumentalise managers in the process of change in organizations. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Lösningsfokuserad metod för ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap / Solution-focused method for trust-based leadership

Wallström, Janny, Todorovska, Izabella January 2021 (has links)
Studien har ämnat att undersöka om den lösningsfokuserade metoden kan användas för att skapa ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap som är aktuellt inom offentliga verksamheter. Den lösningsfokuserade metoden har sin grund i att fokusera på resurser och tillgångar hos individen, deras önskade tillstånd i framtiden samt på vad som fungerar istället för att fokusera på vad som inte fungerar. Lösningsfokus har sin grund i samtalsterapi men är idag en evidensbaserad metod som används inom både ledarskap och organisationsutveckling. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur ledare använder den lösningsfokuserade metoden i praktiken samt vad detta har gjort för skillnad för dem, deras ledarskap och deras verksamheter. Studien har även noga undersökt vad tillit som begrepp innebär och om det lösningsfokuserade arbetssättet bidrar till en ökad tillit och ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap. Teoriansatsen har bestått av systemteori, socialkonstruktivistisk teori, lösningsfokuserad metod samt teorier om tillit. En kvalitativ forskningsansats har valts med fem stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjupersonerna är ledare inom offentlig verksamhet samt managementkonsulter inom lösningsfokuserat ledarskap. Vid analysen av det empiriska materialet användes en innehållsanalys. Studiens resultat visar att den lösningsfokuserade metoden har skapat en stor skillnad för våra informanter i deras ledarskap och organisationer. Deras upplevelse av lösningsfokus är att det inte bara är ett metodarbete utan även en värdegrund samt ett sätt att förhålla sig till livet på och andra människor. Den lösningsfokuserade metoden erbjuder samtalstekniker där man med specifika frågor letar efter styrkor och bygger vidare på individens resurser. Informanternas upplevelse är att den lösningsfokuserade metoden sparar tid, förhindrar energiläckage, arbetsmiljön blir bättre, effektiviteten höjs, man når målen fortare och har roligare på sin arbetsplats. Studiens resultat visar även att den lösningsfokuserade metoden bidrar till en hög grad av tillit inom och utom organisationer vilket skapar stora vinster såsom enade ledningsgrupper och höga resultat på medarbetarenkäter. / The study aims to investigate whether the solution-focused method can be used to create a trust-based leadership that is highly relevant in the public sector. The solution-focused method is based to focus on the resources and assets of the individual, their desired state in the future and the focus on what functions, rather than what does not function. Solution-focus is based on individual therapy but is today an evidence-based method used in both leadership and organizational development. The purpose of the study has been to investigate how leaders in the public sector use the solution-focused method in practice, and what difference this has made for them, their leadership and their organizations. The study has also carefully examined what trust as a concept means, and whether the solution-focused approach contributes to increased trust and trust-based leadership. The theory approach has consisted of system theory, social constructionist theory and theories of trust. A qualitative research approach has been chosen with five semi-structured interviews as a method. The interviewees are leaders in the public sector, and management consultants within solution-focused leadership. In the analysis of the empirical material, a content analysis was used. The results of the study reveal that the solution-focused method has made a great difference for our informants in their leadership and organizations. Their experience of solution-focus is that it is not only a method of work, but also a value base and a way of relating to life and other people. The solution-focused model provides conversational techniques where you look for strengths with the help of specific questions, and build on the individual resources. The informants’ experiences show that the solution-focused method saves time, prevents energy leakage, improves the work environment, increases efficiency, leads to faster goal achievement and creates a more enjoyable workplace. The results of the study also present that the solution-focused method contributes to a higher degree of trust within and outside organizations which also creates large profits such as united management teams and high results on employee surveys.

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