Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] OUTSOURCING"" "subject:"[enn] OUTSOURCING""
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Modelo de Gestión para Contratos de Mantenimiento de Activos FijosRojo Latapiat, Pablo Eduardo January 2008 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Industrial / Ingeniero Civil Mecánico / Muchas empresas poseen numerosos equipos mecánicos que son ocupados en sus procesos productivos, donde el mantenimiento de ellos es realizado por equipos de técnicos propios llevando también los costos y la derivación de las capacidades y habilidades. Otras firmas, consideran la estrategia de externalizar ciertos procesos, relacionados o no, con el negocio que está abocada la empresa, delegando a terceras entidades la realización de estas. La externalización es normada por medio de contratos que clarifican deberes y obligaciones de las partes. En Chile la externalización u outsourcing en mantenimiento de activos fijos es una de las actividades estratégicas más recurridas, además de ser una de las mejor evaluadas (Menéndez [11]).
Las fallas de los equipos son hechos aleatorios por lo que no pueden ser previstos y que afectan la producción de la empresa. Estas son modeladas probabilísticamente en relación a la política de mantenimiento, aquí mantenimiento perfecto. El tiempo en que los equipos están no operativos siendo intervenidos también afectan la producción. Desde la perspectiva del proveedor del servicio juegan a favor la cantidad de intervenciones correctivas y preventivas que realice, marginalizando por cada una de ellas, juega en contra, por concepto de multa, el tiempo excesivo en que los equipos no son devueltos operativos al cliente. Estas constituyen los beneficios para el cliente y desutilidad para el proveedor.
En esta memoria se determinarán los precios que caracterizan a los contratos, tanto de la intervención preventiva como de la correctiva. Esto se logrará mediante la teoría de juegos como un problema principal-agente, donde el principal es el cliente, con alto poder de negociación y el proveedor será el agente con escaso poder en relación a una estrategia, sea esta: mantenimiento correctivo, preventivo (intervención por edad y por bloque de tiempo).
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Programa de alimentação escolar em unidades de tempo integral: experiências e desafios de gestão / School Food Program in full-time schools: experiences and challenges of the management modelsMaria Angélica Schievano Danelon 05 October 2007 (has links)
No início de 2006, grupo formado por escolas da rede pública do estado de São Paulo, entre elas três do município de Piracicaba (SP), aderiu ao programa "Escola de Tempo Integral". Tal situação demandou substanciais ajustes na alimentação distribuída nas unidades de ensino, com vistas ao atendimento das necessidades nutricionais dos alunos durante a maior jornada de aulas. No município de Piracicaba (SP), em caráter experimental, o preparo da merenda escolar em uma dessas unidades foi assumido por uma empresa de serviços de alimentação, e a distribuição das refeições para as demais continuou a ser planejada e executada pela prefeitura do município. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos avaliar as modalidades de gestão (autogestão e terceirização) do Programa de Alimentação Escolar (PAE) de Piracicaba (SP) e identificar as principais alterações impostas ao PAE, em decorrência da ampliação da jornada de aulas. A amostra envolveu duas unidades de ensino que aderiram ao programa "Escola de Tempo Integral". Foram empregados roteiros especificamente elaborados que viabilizassem a avaliação das condições de preparo e distribuição das refeições, da higiene nas etapas de produção, da adesão e da aceitabilidade dos alunos à alimentação e do custo do programa decorrentes dos diferentes modelos de gestão. A percepção de amostra (n = 218) de escolares relativa às alterações no PAE foi identificada por meio de questionário. Junto aos pais/responsáveis foram obtidas informações acerca da percepção destes quanto aos diferentes modelos de gestão do PAE. Os resultados evidenciam que a aceitabilidade às refeições assemelhou-se à preconizada (85%). A análise da composição dos cardápios do programa revelou que estes se mostraram concordantes com as recomendações estabelecidas pelo governo estadual para as escolas de tempo integral no tocante ao conteúdo de proteínas e insuficientes no que diz respeito à expressiva parcela das vitaminas e minerais, especialmente quando são consideradas as demandas dos alunos com idade entre 11 e 14 anos. No que se refere à percepção dos pais quanto ao PAE administrado pela prefeitura, a maioria (59,4%) declarou que o programa é bem gerido pela administração pública. Quando questionados sobre a opinião quanto à possibilidade de terceirização do PAE, 38,7% dos pais/responsáveis afirmaram não ter avaliado as vantagens e desvantagens do processo. O acompanhamento da rotina de execução do programa confirmou que, em Piracicaba (SP), uma das principais dificuldades registradas pelos gestores públicos no que diz respeito à implementação do modelo de terceirização, refere-se à elaboração de documentos/editais onde constem especificações pormenorizadas dos contratos para prestação desse tipo de serviço. Como vantagens do sistema terceirizado destaca-se, entre outros, a disponibilidade de recursos para manutenção de infra-estrutura e equipamentos do PAE. O custo unitário da refeição distribuída no período do almoço alcançou R$ 1,11 para a empresa terceirizada e R$ 1,37 sob administração da prefeitura. Embora a experiência analisada tenha tido uma duração muito curta para viabilizar uma avaliação conclusiva, verifica-se que a terceirização pode contribuir para a melhoria da eficácia do PAE, implementado em Piracicaba (SP). / Since early 2006, a group of public network learning units from Sao Paulo State, including three from Piracicaba (SP), adhered to the state government "Full-time School Program". This situation demanded adjustments to the meals offered at the units, trying to fulfill the students' nutritional needs during most of the class journey. In Piracicaba (SP), as an experience, the preparation of the school meals in one of these units was outsourced to a company specialized in food services and the distribution of food for the other two kept on being planned and made by the City Hall. The present survey had as goals to evaluate the management models (self-management and outsourcing) of the School Food Program (PAE) in Piracicaba (SP) and to identify the main changes imposed to the PAE due to the lengthening of the class period (full time). The sampling involved two units which had adhered to the "Full-time School" Program. A PAE routine assessment was performed in the units, applying routes trying to obtain the information which could allow the evaluation of the meals' preparation and distribution, hygiene in the production phases, adhesion and acceptability of students to the meals and the cost of the program due to different management models. The sampling perception (n = 218) of students related to the changes on the PAE, was identified. With the parents/guardians, we gathered information related to their perception about the different PAE management models. The results show that the meals' acceptability was similar to what was proclaimed (85%). The analysis on the program's meals composition revealed that these were in accordance with the recommendations for the full-time schools regarding the levels of proteins, and insufficient regarding an expressive part of vitamins and minerals, especially when we consider the demand of students between 11 and 14. As far as the parents' perception to the PAE administered by the City Hall is concerned, most of them (58.4%) declared the program is well managed by the public administration. When questioned about their opinion on the possibility of outsourcing the PAE, 38.7% of the parents stated they had not evaluated the pros and cons in the process. Through following the program's execution routine it was possible to corroborate, in Piracicaba (SP), one of the main difficulties registered by the public managers regarding the implementation of the outsourcing model, in terms of elaborating documents/summons where there are detailed specifications of the contracts for this kind of service. As advantages from the outsourced system, we identified the availability of resources for maintaining the infrastructure and equipment for the PAE. The meal unit cost at lunchtime reached R$ 1.11 for the outsourced company and R$ 1.37 for the City Hall maintenance. Though the experience under scrutiny was too short for making a conclusive evaluation viable, we may check that the outsourcing may contribute for the improvement on the Piracicaba (SP) PAE efficiency.
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Utveckling av service- och tjänsteerbjudande inom en TPL- verksamhetFallahi, Alexander, Ahlstrand, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
I dagens konkurrenskraftiga miljö är det aktuellt för företag att låta TPL-företag överta logistiska funktioner istället för företag att utföra det själva. Företag tar hjälp av TPL-företag av olika anledningar, dels för att minska kostnader men också för att företag inte har resurser för att utföra tjänsten själva. Många forskare menar att TPL-företag har blivit allt mer populärare för att de kan addera extra värde till kunderna samt att företag får möjligheten att fokusera på kärnaktiviteter. I logistikbranschen finns det tusentals företag som erbjuder liknande service- och tjänsteerbjudande, det blir allt viktigare för företag att fokusera på det de är bra på istället för att försöka göra allt. Därav outsourcar många företag sin logistik. Att ständigt försöka utveckla service- och tjänsteerbjudande är viktigt i logistikbranschen för att ständigt kunna kundanpassa sig. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur TPL-företaget DACHSER kan i den konkurrenskraftiga miljö fortsätta utveckla sina service- och tjänsteerbjudande gentemot kunder. Teorierna som används i undersökningen är noga valda efter syftet och forskningsfrågorna. Artiklarna som används är hämtade från olika databaser där det specifikt söktes efter begrepp som: service- och tjänsteerbjudande, TPL-företag, samarbete, kundrelationer och outsourcing. Empirin gjordes genom intervjuer av olika personer med olika roller i DACHSER. Under intervjuerna ställdes frågor till respondenterna som var kopplade till den teoretiska referensramen. Därefter kopplades den teoretiska referensramen ihop med studiens empiri för att göra en analys. Slutsatsen visar att DACHSER är ett service- och kundanpassat företag som utvecklar sina service- och tjänsteerbjudande med kunderna genom dagliga kommunikation, avstämningar och kundanpassningar efter förväntningar. Med hjälp av DACHSERs transportnätverk har företaget möjlighet att kundanpassa sig efter kundens behov, då alla filialer hjälper varandra med transporteffektiva lösningar. Med tiden som kundernas krav ökar och blir större, verkar det som inga problem för företaget att anpassa service- och tjänsteerbjudandet för att behålla kunderna. / In today's competitive environment it is necessary for companies to let TPL-companies take over logistical functions instead of companies doing it themselves. Companies take help of TPL-companies for various reasons, partly to reduce costs but also because companies do not have the resources to perform the service themselves. Many researchers believe that TPL- companies have become increasingly popular because they can add extra value to the customers and that companies get the opportunity to focus on their core activities. In the logistics industry, there are thousands of companies that offer similar service and service offerings, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to focus on what they are good at instead of trying to do everything. Hence many companies outsource their logistics. It’s very important in the logistics industry to constantly try to develop service and service offerings in order to customize. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the TPL-company DACHSER can continue to develop its service and service offerings to customers in the competitive environment. The theories used in the survey are chosen according to the purpose and the research questions. The articles used are derived from various databases where it was specifically searched for concepts such as: service and service offerings, TPL-companies, collaboration, customer relations and outsourcing. The empirical data was made through interviews of various people with different roles in DACHSER, during the interview questions were asked to the respondents who were connected to the theoretical reference framework. Thereafter, the theoretical frame of reference was connected to the study's empirical data to make the analysis. The conclusion shows that DACHSER is a customer-adapted company that develops its service and service offering with customers through daily communication, reconciliations and customizations according to expectations. With DACHSER transport network, the company has the opportunity to customize according to the customer's needs, since all DACHSER branches help each other with transport efficient solutions. As customers' demands increase and become larger, it seems as no problem for the company to adapt the service and service offer to retain customers.
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Facilitating Small-Business Outsourcing ln the Western Cape A case study on the Business Opportunity Network (Bon)Solomon, Paul Robert January 2007 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Small enterprises (SMME) have become central to South Africa's efforts to
create jobs, alleviate poverty and develop the economy. SMMEs, however, face a
wide range of problems, with "market access" one of the key bottlenecks. This
centres (i.a.) around the ease of access to outsourcing markets of larger
corporations and public-sector procurement opportunities. To address some of
these specific challenges in the Western Cape, the Business Opportunity Network
(Bon) was established in 1995 as an NOO. It was at that stage a path-breaking
institution in the Western Cape, paralleled by only a few in the rest of the
country. It is the purpose of this minithesis to assess the role, operation and
evolution of the Bon.
This study examines the background and particular factors that lead to the
establishment of the Bon as a business-linkage organisation. Then critically
assess the actual process of how the Bon attempted to facilitate SMME access to
corporate and public-sector procurement in the Western Cape's metropolitan and
platteland areas from 1994 to 2004. Thereafter moving toward the evaluation of
the process, an assessment of the effectiveness of Bon's business-linkage efforts
in the light of a continuously changing and evolving procurement environment. It
is also the intention to reveal and assess how Bon's procurement support relates
to BEE efforts unfolding in the Western Cape
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Návrh projektu a využití metodiky projektového managementu v podniku / Proposal for Project and Application of Project Management Methodology in the CompanySemančiková, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of offshore outsourcing in a chosen company. The strategy of outsourcing will be carried out with using tools and methods of project management. First part of this thesis will analyse relevant characteristics of the company and target market and should explain importance of this project. Next part will cover detailed planning of scope and timeline of the project, risk analysis and cost analysis, which will also provide the basis for evaluation of the outcomes of this project.
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Informační strategie firmy / Corporate Information StrategyBolehradská, Dunja January 2012 (has links)
This thesis offers an information strategy for a small-sized webdesign business. It examines the current state of its IS/IT, whilst evaluating its benefits in business procedures and processes. This thesis envisages an IT strategy that will significantly support increase in competitiveness on the market and accomplishment of the business goals of this firm. This strategy introduces various elements of the future information system and emphasises the importance of the choice of the right solutions. The essential part of master’s thesis are also theoretical resources.
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Scope creep management challenges in an outsourced e-commerce project management company in Cape TownMaeresera, Sulaiman Godspower January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Project Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019 / Scope creep is a common cause of project failures. This results in wastage of money, decreased satisfaction and causes the project value not to be met. Most projects seem to suffer scope creep and stakeholders, and project teams are continuously frustrated by it. Why are the effective means of managing scope seemingly escaping us? There is a lot of literature on the most effective methods of curbing scope creep. Various methodologies and project management software has been developed to deal with the issue of scope creep. However it is still regarded as one of the main challenges facing various projects. One of the active outsourced e-commerce project management companies in Cape Town, South Africa, observed that scope creep was affecting almost every project. Even well-executed e-commerce projects that meet time and budget constraints often fail to meet the expectations of the clients. In most cases the root cause can be traced back to scope issues. It has been observed that almost all e-commerce projects have to deal with scope creep. Project managers, customers and developers do not shoulder all the blame. This research study explores the challenges of managing scope creep. It aims to unveil the extent to which scope creep affects projects, and the underlying challenges of managing scope creep. More and more projects are failing regardless of the documentation, and training programmes on scope management. Perceptions of all the stakeholders are highlighted. The study also seeks to assist project managers on how to avoid scope creep. It has been proven that attempting to avoid it does not eliminate the problem. Therefore, this research study aims to bring about a practical solution to scope creep in e-commerce projects. This research study adopted both a qualitative research approach. Stemming from the findings of this study, recommendations such as employing well trained project managers, who are also trained developers, to assist in scoping the complex projects were made. Clients should also be participants in the scope management initiatives and should be consulted throughout the project. This research study was also done with the intention of assisting Project Management students’ training by contributing to the Project Management body of knowledge. This would help trainers and educators understand the real challenges in the field, and prepare them to provide solutions for future practice.
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Plan de negocio para ingresar al mercado corporativo en el servicio de mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de inmueblesBenites Antonio, Miny Maritza, Tuesta Segura, Olga Delicia 31 October 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad explorar la viabilidad del Plan de Negocio para crear la línea de negocio que brinde el servicio de mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de inmuebles en el sector corporativo, a través de la Empresa MB REPRESENTACIONES. La empresa busca diversificarse en el mercado corporativo para diversificar su riesgo y no depender de un solo cliente.
La incorporación de la línea de negocio surge como una oportunidad dada en el mercado privado donde las empresas privadas han incrementado dentro de sus actividades la tercerización de algunas operaciones o procesos, en nuestro caso los servicios generales. Esta estrategia, permite que puedan concentrar sus esfuerzos en actividades principales y en el core de sus negocios. Esto fue validado con información secundaria con el último estudio realizado por Global Research Marketing en el año 2018, donde revela que el 90% de las empresas privadas tercerizan sus operaciones; así también, se prevé que en los próximos años los principales retailers del país usarán servicios de tercerización para diversas actividades, esto debido a los cambios en el comportamiento de los consumidores, impulsados por la búsqueda constante de menores precios, mayor calidad e inmediatez. Por otro lado, de acuerdo a la ley 29783, el gobierno promueve la cultura de riesgos laborales. Según un estudio realizado por Marsh Perú, el 63% de las empresas participantes manifestaron este punto como prioritario en mejorar las condiciones de trabajo y garantizar la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores. Por lo tanto, para las mejoras utilizaran la tercerización de estos servicios.
El segmento al cual se va a dirigir esta nueva línea de negocios son clientes del sector corporativo pertenecientes a la ciudad de Lima y Callao. De acuerdo a los datos obtenidos
por la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, existen 7,048 empresas corporativas, siendo nuestro mercado meta el 1%.
Para definir la propuesta de valor, la empresa ha realizado un sondeo a diversas empresas, donde el 10% de empresas entrevistadas asignan un presupuesto para el mantenimiento y acondicionamiento de sus instalaciones. Por otro lado, señalaron que la calidad de servicio que debe tener un proveedor es una respuesta rápida a la atención de sus necesidades soportada por su experiencia en el rubro. La validación permite a la empresa MB REPRESENTACIONES direccionar su estrategia de diferenciación de tiempo de respuesta rápida.
La empresa MB REPRESENTACIONES cuenta con fortalezas para ofrecer sus productos e introducirse en nuevos mercados, esto como una estrategia de crecimiento y expansión.
La evaluación financiera realizada, dio como resultado una tasa de retorno del 33%, lo cual hace rentable al proyecto respaldando su creación y puesta en marcha. / The present research work aims to explain the viability of the Business Plan to create the business line, as well as the service of maintenance and conditioning of the real estate in the corporate sector, through the Company MB REPRESENTACIONES.
The incorporation of the business line emerges as a given opportunity in the private market where private companies have increased their activities in the outsourcing of some operations or processes, in our case the general services.
This allows you to concentrate on your core activities and the core of your business. This was validated with secondary information such as the last study conducted by Global Research Marketing for 2018, which reveals that 90% of private companies outsource their operations; additional the context that favors the creation of the line of business as the growth of the retail sector. Currently, companies have recognized that safety conditions are vital for employees and also because the law requires it.
The segment in which a value proposal is going to be addressed are customers from the city of Lima and Callao, with a total of 7,048 corporate companies, 10% allocating a budget for the maintenance and refurbishment of their facilities.
The validation is based on the survey carried out by the company REPRESENTACIONES, where customers value the quality of service that a supplier must have at a fast response speed to meet their needs.
The validation allows the company. MB REPRESENTATIONS directing its fast response time differentiation strategy, followed by the evaluation of the experience.
The company MB REPRESENTACIONES has demonstrated the strengths to be able to create the new line of business, through the financial evaluation.
The financial evaluation carried out resulted in a return rate of 33%, which makes the project profitable by supporting its creation and start-up. / Trabajo de investigación
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Specifické problémy společností poskytujících logistické službyKučeříková, Alžběta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the identification of specific problems which are typical in the field of logistics service providers (focusing on the optimalization of the transport of piece shipments). For the definition of specific problems the studying in professional resources, both domestic and foreign, realization of both quantitative and qualitative research among logistic companies focusing on the transport of piece shipments was needed. On the basis of defined specific problems of the provision of shipping service, possible solutions are proposed for their re-moval or reduction. Some suggestions for solutions of the identified problematic areas of the industry are applied to specific companies.
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Bästa molntjänstföretag för Nexus ConsultingSaliba, Bashar January 2012 (has links)
This report deals with an IT solution for the fictive company, Nexus Consulting. It is a small company with four employees, dealing with economic policy. The company wishes to set up a complete network environment with antivirus, firewall, computers and servers. They want us to analyze and compare different outsourcing companies offering cloud services and then recommend which company would suit them best. In addition, the company wants to have a webpage containing essential information about them and the services that they offer their customers. The report describes, analyzes and compares three outsourcing companies offering complete cloud services where a practical solution proposal has been developed by the group. The network component is based on the Windows platform and the web part is coded in HTML and PHP. The report also discusses what cloud computing is and why so many companies choose to move to it.
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