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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att outsourca eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om fördelar och nackdelar med outsourcing

Jonsson, Georg, Karlsson, Tim January 2022 (has links)
“Gravitationsmodellen” är en teori som menar på att handel mellan två parter ökar ju mindre avståndet är mellan dessa. Enligt denna teori är det fördelaktigt för företag som är lokaliserade i ett avlägset område, “långt” ifrån marknaden, att “närma” sig den. Detta är speciellt aktuellt för tillverkningsbolag med begränsade transportmöjligheter i och med avsaknad av utvecklade logistikhubbar. Att bygga en ny fabrik närmare marknaden kan bli kostsamt och ett alternativ att “närma” sig marknaden är att outsourca (det vill säga överföra en intern funktion till en extern part) försäljningsbara enheter (det vill säga enheter som är redo för försäljning till kund) till ett tredje part distributionscenter.  Detta examensarbete, som skrevs på kommission för ett svenskt tillverkningsbolag, undersökte just fördelarna och nackdelarna för ett tillverkningsbolag, med produktion som kärnverksamhet, som var lokaliserat “långt” ifrån marknaden att outsourca försäljningsbara enheter till ett tredje part distributionscenter. För att svara på forskningsfrågan användes tre datainsamlingsmetoder. Arbetet började med en litteratursökning där information från relevanta artiklar och böcker presenterats. Denna information användes sedan vid formuleringen för frågorna till intervjuerna och slutligen användes intervjusvaren som bas för en observation på tillverkningsbolagets produktionsenhet. Efter observationen gjordes tre analyser utifrån all insamlad data.  I den första analysen (PESTEL) identifierades externa faktorer som kunde påverka tillverkningsbolaget, såsom tullar, skatter, materialtillgång samt tillgång och utveckling. Den andra analysen (7-S) som gjordes tog hänsyn till interna faktorer och inkluderade faktumen att den interna kompetensen var hög, ansvarsområdena väl uppdelade och att vissa processer var i behov av att uppdateras. Den sista analysen (SWOT) var en sammanställning av tillverkningsbolagets styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot. Identifierade styrkor inkluderade tillverkningsbolagets välutvecklade produktion och unika produkter, svagheter var deras avstånd till marknader och otillräckliga kapacitet, möjligheter var i form av outforskade marknader och den teknologiska utvecklingen, medan hot inkluderade den rådande materialtillgången och risken att fler konkurrenter skulle tillträda marknaden.  Arbetet resulterade i att fem fördelar respektive nackdelar med outsourcing kunde identifieras. Fördelarna var 1) komma närmare marknaden, 2) kan fokusera på kärnområden, 3) effektivare transporter, 4) yta frigörs åt produktion och 5) outsourcing kan bli en långsiktig strategi. Nackdelarna var 1) förlorad känsla av kontroll, 2) risk för beroendeställning, 3) tredje parts kompetens, 4) planering för multifunktionella artiklar och 5) kommer längre bort från vissa kunder.

Cost Optimization Solution&Testing Strategy for HMI (Human Machine Interface) Products

Shankarnarayanan, Sundar January 2010 (has links)
The automotive sector has been the most happening industry in terms of development ever since its creation. With markets emerging across the globe in the automotive sector there are newer challenges in terms of providing new products at lesser cost but without compromising on quality. Testing cost of electromechanical components (HMI) is high and which in turn has a direct impact on the final price of the product, which they are selling it to their customers. One way to counter this issue is to outsource. The aim of this thesis is to actually provide business intelligence where by the midsize segmented automotive suppliers are benefited and the cost of testing can be reduced. The product in focus here is an electromechanical component (HMI) for commercial vehicles. The main contribution in this thesis has been the analysis & implementation of the outsourcing strategy. There were two approaches one being a theoretical approach where a market research was done to get an overview of the current trend and studying the demands of different customer for testing. The second half has been practicality implementing this data collected. Here no assumptions have been taken and the data collected has been obtained purely based on interaction with various test vendors across Europe. Cost optimization analysis was further done in order to arrive at a conclusion of preferred suppliers. Also another strategy used was by investigating possibilities for making some test in house and defining standardized test plan procedures for them. Thereby providing an overall strategy for testing with cost optimization as the main focus also leading to an edge over their competitors and increasing their market share.

Airline Maintenance Outsource Strategy and Aviation Safety

Linfeng Jin (11155026) 20 July 2021 (has links)
Airline maintenance outsourcing is a common practice in the deregulation era of airline industry, and it mainly covers topics across technology, economics, and politics. This dissertation used an explanatory sequential mixed methods research to explore the effect of airline maintenance outsource on aviation safety. The first stage of the research was a quantitative research using a panel data analysis using five models to explore the statistical relationships between the independent variables: amount of outsourced maintenance, airline profitability, and real gross domestic product per capita, and dependent variables: aircraft accident rate and aircraft incident rate for the major U.S. Part 121 passenger air carriers between 1995 and 2019. The second qualitative research was interview with commercial aircraft maintenance professionals, airline manager, civil aviation regulators, and other key stakeholders to seek their interpretation about the first stage research results, opinions and understandings about the current commercial aircraft maintenance practice, and their expectations of the industry. Both stages of research confirmed that airline maintenance outsourcing does not affect aviation safety, and there is a positive relationship between airline financial performance and aviation safety performance. Consequently, airline maintenance outsourcing is not only economically sensible but also conducive to aviation safety if it is done properly. In the second stage research, the researcher found deficiencies in the current oversight system mainly due to lack of funding and personnel which needs to be addressed. The researcher recommended activity-based accounting to solve the funding issues about airline maintenance oversight and the future study can focus on decision-making process for airline maintenance outsourcing/insourcing based on empirical data.

Virtuální trh práce / Online labour markets

Špacír, Jan January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The thesis deals with online labour markets. They are differentiated against job portals and have their characteristics and specific variations relevant to workers and employers analysed. The thesis also differentiates a Talent Market. The analysis identifies geographical distribution of workers as well as the workforce composition related to primary area of expertise. A significant borderline between the dominant fields of work in the east and west is found. The analysis also focuses on fees imposed by individual portals and their relation to the utility of a given portal. In the conclusion, recommendations concerning choosing the most suitable market with regard to the nature and length of the project are given.

An Examination of the Link between RM Implementation Strategies and Performance

Altin, Mehmet 19 March 2015 (has links)
Since its foundation, revenue management techniques on aggregate have added billions of dollars to many firms' bottom lines, while using existing products or services and existing sets of consumers (Cross, Higbie, and Cross, 2010). The recent rapid changes in the business environment have forced firms to adopt strategies that will fit their overall strategies to aid in their survival and success (Pechlaner and Sauerwein, 2002). As a result of the modern reality of business, academic literature has not yet been able to address many important considerations. An example is RM implementation strategies and the performance outcomes as a result of these decisions. This study investigated the advantages and disadvantages of implementation of RM strategies; in-house, centralized, and outsourced. This was followed by the make or buy decision, specifically focusing on Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource Based View to investigate antecedents of outsourcing intention, and if and how these different strategies affect hotel properties' performance. Data were collected using an online survey of lodging properties located in the U.S. in October 2014. A total of 374 usable responses for outsourcing intention study and 591 usable responses for the performance study were collected. Factor analysis, hierarchical multiple regression, repeated measures ANOVA, regression analysis, and pairwise comparison analysis were the statistical analyses used in the study. The results found that specificity is significant and negatively associated with outsourcing intention. In addition, uncertainty is significant and positively associated with outsourcing intention as proposed. The moderating effect of organizational capability is significant and changes from base model to final model with the moderator being statistically significant. The findings of regression and a pairwise comparison test confirmed the difference in strategy choice on performance for US hotels, giving us insights into the importance of selecting the strategy that is optimal for a given property. / Ph. D.

Hur organiseras uthyrningen av coworking?- ur fastighetsägarnas synvinkel

Wahlberg, Frida, Plym, Jannike, Johansson, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
SammanfattningKontorsmarknaden är under ständig förändring. I dagsläget går det att se en efterfrågan på mer korta och flexibla avtal. Detta ställer i sin tur krav på fastighetsägarna för att bemöta dagens behov från hyresgästerna. Coworking har därmed blivit en omtalad ny hyresform de senaste åren. Undersökningen har visat på att det inte finns en tydlig definition på coworking. Enligt inhämtadforskning och intervjustudien har det däremot visats sig att det är någon form av mötesplats för olika företag att kunna nätverkapå.Denna studie har genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer undersökt faktorerna som påverkar hur fastighetsägarna bedriver uthyrning av coworkingplatser. Samt vilka för-och nackdelar det finns med att bedriva coworking internt eller outsourca det till en extern aktör.Fördelar med att ha coworking internt blir att de aldrig förlorar kontakten med kunden. Däremotär det resurskrävande och det är långtifrån deras traditionella förvaltning som de dagligen bedriver. Detta innebär att fördelarna med att outsourca coworking blir att de som är bäst på att bedriva denna typ av verksamhet har hand om det,samt att fastighetsägarna kan fokusera på sin kärnverksamhet.Det som dock blir problematisktär att de förlorar relationen med kunden, som anses vara väldigt viktigt inom fastighetsbranschen. Fastighetsbolagen måste bedriva en lönsam verksamhet, coworking kan antingen vara direkt lönsam men det kan även ge konkurrensfördelar och förbättrad image som resulterar i lönsamhet i slutändan. Risken med att bedriva coworking är dels de korta och flexibla hyreskontrakten som inte alltid genererar i ett stabilt kassaflöde. Det är också viktigt att hitta en bra och seriös aktör som vill leverera goda resultat. Sammanfattningsvis måste fastighetsbolagen se över just sin enskilda portfölj och sina förutsättningar för att fatta det bästa beslutet för dem. / Abstract The office market is constantly changing. Today it is possible to see a demand for more short and flexible agreements. This, in turn, places demands on the property owners to meet today's needs from the tenants. Coworking has therefore become a renowned new rental form in recent years. The study has shown that there is no clear definition of coworking. However, according to research and the interview study, it has been found that it is some kind of meeting place for different companies to be able to network.This study has, through a qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews, studiedthe factors that influence how the property owners conduct rental of coworking places. And what advantages and disadvantages there is when it comes to coworking internally or outsourcing it to an external player.Advantages of having coworking internally are that they never lose contact with the customer. However, it is resource-intensive and it is a long way from their traditional management that they conduct on a daily basis. This means that the benefits of outsourcing coworking are that those who are best at running this type of business are in charge of it and that the property owners can focus on their core business. The problem, however, is that they lose the relationship with the customer, which is very important in the real estate business.The real estate companies must conduct a profitable business, it canbe directly profitable, but it can also provide competitive advantages and an improved image that results in profitability in the end. The risk of conducting employees is partly the short and flexible leases that do not always generate a stable cash flow.It is also important to find a good and serious player who wants to deliver good results. In summary, thereal estate companies mustreview their individual portfolio and their conditions for making the best decision for them.

Malmo University facility management

Sjöö, Denniz, Hedenskog, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Titel: En studie av studenternas upplevda kvalitet vid Malm Universitet Ämne, kurs: Facility Management, kandidatuppsats 15 hpFörfattare: Marcus Hedenskog, Denniz SjööHandledare: Peter PalmNyckelord: Facility management, egen regi, outsourcing, uppfattad kvalitet ___________________________________________________Att förstå hur lokaler på universitet och högskolor används är viktigt för att kunna stödja den undervisning som bedrivs där. Förbättring av stödverksamheter till skolans kärnverksamhet är det mest effektiva sättet att öka inlärning och den upplevda kvaliteten i lokalerna och därför spelar lokaler och lokalvård en stor roll i hur studenter på universitet och högskolor presterar under sina studier. Lokalvården på Malmö Universitet har därför en central roll i arbetet på Malmö Universitets Facility Service för att skapa en studiemiljö av hög kvalitet. I dagsläget utförs lokalvården av två olika lokalvårdsaktörer, varav den ena är en extern aktör och den andra är en del av Malmö Universitets organisation.Syftet med studien är att med utgångspunkt i rapporten Utvärdering av lokalvårdsorganisationen, undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan lokalvårdasktörerna på Malmö Universitet. Utvärderingen skall ses som en kvalitetsparameter och komplement till den utvärdering av skillnader i kostnader mellan de olika lokalvårdsaktörerna som finns i nämnda rapport.Studiens insamlade information grundar sig på en enkätundersökning och intervjuer med studenter i de fyra universitetsbyggnaderna Niagara, Gädda, Orkanen och Hälsa & Samhälle på Malmö Universitet. Resultatet av studien pekar på att lokalvården på Malmö Universitet uppfattas både som viktig för studenterna och att den idag håller en hög och jämn kvalitet. Studenterna misstar dock många av byggnadens och lokalernas tekniska kvaliteter som ålder och skick för den tekniska kvalitetet som levereras i lokalvården. De små skillnader som kannoteras i uppfattad kvalitet av lokalvård relaterar snarare till byggnadernas skick och karaktär än kvalitet i utförandet hos de respektive lokalvårdsaktörerna. Den uppfattade kvaliteten av lokalerna och dess påverkan på studieresultat har därmed ett starkare samband mellan nya och ljusa lokaler än en högre kostnad för lokalvården. / Titel: A study of the students perceived quality at Malmo University Subject, course: Facility Management, Bachelor thesis 15 hp Authors: Marcus Hedenskog, Denniz SjööAdvisor: Peter PalmKeywords: Facility management, in-house, outsourcing, perceived quality ___________________________________________________To understand how space in university premises is used is important to be able to support the education that is taken place. Improvement in the supporting function to the core business is the most efficient method to increase learning and perceived quality in the premises. That is why spaces and cleaning plays a big role in student study results in university. Therefore the cleaning in Malmö University plays a big role in the work of Malmö University Facility Service to create a high quality study environment. Today the cleaning is performed by two contractors, one is an external actor and the other one i part of the Malmö University organization.The purpose of the study is to evaluate the student’s perception of differences in quality of the cleaning operators at Malmö University with the basis of the report Utvärdering av lokalvårdsorganisationen. The evaluation is to be seen as an quality parameter and complement to the existing evaluation of the difference in cost in contracting the two cleaningoperators in the report.The collected information from the study is based on a survey and interview with students in the four university buildings Niagara, Gäddan, Orkanen and Hälsa & Samhälle at Malmö University. The result in this study shows that the cleaning at the Malmö University premises is perceived as both important to the students and to be of an high and even quality today. However the students are mistaking many of the building qualities like age and condition for the technical quality of the performed cleaning that is performed. The small differences thatcan be noted is perceived quality of the cleaning relates to the condition and character of the building rather than the quality in performance of the cleaning operator. The perceived quality of the premises and the effect on study result thereby has a stronger connection between new and airy spaces rather than to higher cost for cleaning operation.

Exploring Customers' Perceptions of Third Party Maintenance, Repair, and Operating Programs

Peterson, Reginald E 01 January 2016 (has links)
A survey of 25 industrial manufacturing organizations in the U. S. indicated that 70% of respondents experienced dissatisfaction with their outsourcing programs due to unfulfilled expectations, which caused negative continuance intentions. The purpose of this descriptive case study was to explore the experiences of customers who currently use 3PMRO outsourcing programs to determine what factors affect satisfaction levels in the Southern United States. The conceptual framework for this study was the expectancy disconfirmation paradigm, which connects consumer satisfaction level to the fulfillment of consumer expectations. Data were collected from interviews of 22 procurement professionals of maintenance, repair, and operating supplies; observations of 3PMRO supplier performance meetings; and the analysis of performance scorecard documents. Data were analyzed using pattern matching followed by thematic analysis. Three themes were identified through the data analysis that affected consumer satisfaction: inventory management services, utilization of outsourced labor resources, and total cost value of the 3PMRO program. According to results, satisfaction of 3PMRO consumers are based on the proper utilization of a 3PMRO program for the intended limitations of the organization, reduced MRO supply costs, improved inventory management strategies, and improved competitive advantage from the realignment of resources to focus on core competencies. Implications for positive social change include increased awareness of cradle-to-grave inventory management to prevent improper disposal of non-biodegradable materials into our environment.

Design of a model of marketing a product of detection and identification with technology of positioning in interiors based on RFID

Canepa, Amy, Rodríguez, Grecia, Rojas, Jose, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Currently, one of the main problems is that “time” is becoming more important, which will cause people to perform multiple tasks every day because of a hectic lifestyle, and with it the issue of lost articles. and poorly placed also increases significantly. Although there have been initiatives by some small companies to offer solutions characterized by the use of positioning technologies, these have not achieved the desired success. That is why, in this research, a scheme for the design, evaluation and implementation and marketing of a product with RFID technology with location and alert functions in the absence of proximity to solve the aforementioned problem has been proposed. The scheme and the product were validated through focus tools, surveys and scenario analysis. Likewise, the components of the business model of the scheme allow to reach the demand.

Från kaos till kontroll? : Risker och kontroll med influencer-marknadsföring

Börjesson, Ebba, Käll, Isabella January 2023 (has links)
Influencers, vanligen associerade med varumärken de gör reklam för, kan publicera innehållsom möts av negativ kritik. Det kan spilla över på företaget de associeras med. Vid företagsökade användning av marknadsföring genom influencers har det blivit naturligt att anlita eninfluencer marketingbyrå (“byrå”) som mellanhand. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hurföretag hanterar outsourcing av marknadsföring till byråer. Uppsatsen undersöker ävenbyråers roll i företags riskhantering vid influencer-marknadsföring. Baserat på teorier ominfluencer-marknadsföring, outsourcing och strategic risk management genomfördessemistrukturerade intervjuer med två företag som använder influencers i sin marknadsföringsamt tre byråer. Resultatet visar att företagen betraktade byråerna som användbara iuppstartsfasen men såg därefter främst nackdelar med användandet. Det framkom även attbyråerna ägnar sig mer åt riskhantering än vad företagen gör, och var därför mer förbereddainför eventuella negativa reaktioner hos följare och kunde

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