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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Removal of Microcystin-LR from Drinking Water Using Adsorption and Membrane Processes

Lee, Jung Ju 09 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Carbon Filters for Drinking Water Treatment – How Flow Rate and Empty Bed Contact Time Influence the Performance / Kolfilter för dricksvattenrening - Hur flödeshastighet och uppehållstid påverkar reningen

Bäckström Nilsson, Wilma January 2021 (has links)
Dricksvatten är en essentiell del av ett hållbart samhälle. Därför är det viktigt att säkerställa säkert dricksvatten genom fungerande vattenreningsverk. En viktig förorening att behandla är NOM, som i sig är ofarligt men som kan producera farliga föroreningar. En teknik som används för behandling av NOM är kolfiltrering. Hur ökad flödeshastighet och ökad kontakttid påverkade kolfiltrens effektivitet undersöktes vid dricksvattenreningsverket Norrvatten. De undersökta parametrarna var partiklar, ultraviolett absorbans vid 254 nm, turbiditet, konduktivitet, fluorescent löst organiskt material, totalt organiskt kol, kemisk syreförbrukning, odlingsbara mikroorganismer och lukt. Tre kolfilter studerades vid olika flödeshastigheter; 190, 220, 250 och 280 L/s under ett dygn var. Samtidigt hade två filter ökad kontakttid på 60 och 76 % under sex veckor, medan ett filter fortsatte med den vanliga flödeshastigheten på 190 L/s. Utgående vatten från filtren analyserades för att se om dessa ändringar hade någon effekt på vattenreningen. Denna preliminära studie fann ingen signifikant effekt på kolfiltreringens rening på grund av ökad flödeshastighet eller uppehållstid. Detta kan vara en indikation på att kolfiltreringen kan hantera en framtida flödesökning och därmed vara en väsentlig del av en framtida expansionen av vattenreningsverket. De tecken som visade på att kolfiltren påverkades av ökningen av flödeshastigheter kunde förklaras av fluktuationer i inkommande vatten och skillnader mellan de olika filtren. I framtiden bör effekten av inkommande vatten studeras i detalj. En mer ingående analys av både inkommande och utgående vatten till kolfiltren bör utföras, där provtagning sker oftare för att bättre förstå fluktuationerna i inkommande föroreningskoncentrationer. Dessutom bör testerna upprepas för att se hur reningen skiljer sig från dag till dag. Hur kolfiltren hanterar ökade flödeshastigheter över längre tidsperioder bör också undersökas vidare. / Drinking water is an essential part of a sustainable society. In the future, the demand for drinking water will increase and contaminants in the water sources are also predicted to increase. Therefore, it is essential to ensure safe drinking water through functioning drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs). One important contaminant to treat is natural organic matter (NOM), which is harmless in itself but can produce harmful products. One technique to use for treating NOM is carbon filters (CFs). The effect of increased flow rate and increased empty bed contact time (EBCT) on the CF efficiency was investigated at a DWTP. The investigated parameters were particles, ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm, turbidity, conductivity, cultivable microorganisms, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, total organic carbon, chemical oxygen demand, and odour. Three CFs were studied at different flow rates; 190, 220, 250, and 280 L/s for 24 hours each. Additionally, two filters had increased EBCT of 60 and 76 %, while one filter continued with the regular flow rate of 190 L/s for six weeks. Outgoing water from the filters was analysed to see if the change had any effect on the DWTP. This preliminary study did not find any significant effect on the CF treatment caused by increased flow rate or EBCT. This could be an indication that the CFs can handle a future increase in flow rate and thus be an essential part of a future expansion of the DWTP. The indications of CFs being affected by the increase in flow rates for some of the parameters could be explained by fluctuations in incoming water or differences between the separate filters. In the future, a more thorough analysis of both incoming and outgoing water to the CFs should be done, where sampling occurs more frequently to better understand the fluctuations in incoming contaminant concentrations. The measurements should also be repeated to see how the treatment differs from day to day. How the CFs handle increased flow rates over longer time periods should also be investigated further.

Untersuchung der elektrischen Hyperfeinwechselwirkung in M<sub>n+1</sub>AX<sub>n</sub>-Phasen mittels der gestörten &#947;-&#947;-Winkelkorrelation / Investigation of the electric hyperfine interaction in M<sub>n+1</sub>AX<sub>n</sub>-phases by means of perturbed &#947;-&#947;-angular correlation

Jürgens, Daniel 28 June 2013 (has links)
Mn+1AXn-Phasen sind thermodynamisch stabile nanolaminierte Ternärcarbide und -nitride, die sowohl metallische als auch keramische Eigenschaften aufweisen. Der Buchstabe M steht für ein frühes Übergangsmetall, der Buchstabe A für ein A-Element aus den Gruppen IIIA – VIA und X für Kohlenstoff und/oder Stickstoff. Die M-Atome bilden Oktaederschichten mit X-Atomen in ihren Zentren. Der Index n beschreibt die Dicke der Mn+1Xn-Lage, die zwischen zwei hexagonalen A-Schichten eingebettet ist. Die außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften dieser Materialien haben ihren Ursprung in ihrer Mikrostruktur. Um einen Einblick auf atomarer Ebene zu gewinnen wird die Messmethode der gestörten γ-γ-Winkelkorrelation (PAC) angewendet. Die radioaktiven Sonden 111In/111Cd und 181Hf/181Ta werden durch Ionenimplantation und/oder durch Neutronenaktivierung in das Wirtsmaterial eingebracht, um den elektrischen Feldgradienten (EFG) zu messen, der am Gitterpatz des Sondenatoms herrscht. Das erste Ziel der Arbeit ist die Suche nach optimalen Ausheilparametern, mit denen ein möglichst hoher Anteil der Sonden die gleiche lokale Umgebung spürt. Der nächste Schritt ist die Bestimmung des Gitterplatzes der Sonden in der MAX-Struktur. Als Ergebnis kann festgestellt werden, dass 111In in den In- und Al-basierten MAX-Phasen fast ausschließlich den A-Platz besetzt, während 181Hf in Hf2InC auf dem M-Platz eingebaut wird. Als überraschendes Ergebnis zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die PAC-Methode bei Phasen mit gleichen Konstituenten, aber unterschiedlicher Mn+1Xn-Schichtdicke sensitiv auf die Änderung der Stapelfolge ist. Die Experimente werden mit umfangreichen Rechnungen auf Basis der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) verglichen, die hier erstmalig für nahezu alle Mitglieder der Familie der MAX-Verbindungen durchgeführt wurden. Die DFT-Rechnungen reproduzieren die gemessenen EFGs mit hoher quantitativer Genauigkeit und stützen die Hypothese, dass sich die Sonden auf den prognostizierten Gitterplätzen befinden.

Mécanismes impliqués dans la modulation de la néovascularisation post-ischémique : rôle de la rénine et des microARNs

Desjarlais, Michel 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Prédiction de suites individuelles et cadre statistique classique : étude de quelques liens autour de la régression parcimonieuse et des techniques d'agrégation / Prediction of individual sequences and prediction in the statistical framework : some links around sparse regression and aggregation techniques

Gerchinovitz, Sébastien 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de l'apprentissage statistique. Le cadre principal est celui de la prévision de suites déterministes arbitraires (ou suites individuelles), qui recouvre des problèmes d'apprentissage séquentiel où l'on ne peut ou ne veut pas faire d'hypothèses de stochasticité sur la suite des données à prévoir. Cela conduit à des méthodes très robustes. Dans ces travaux, on étudie quelques liens étroits entre la théorie de la prévision de suites individuelles et le cadre statistique classique, notamment le modèle de régression avec design aléatoire ou fixe, où les données sont modélisées de façon stochastique. Les apports entre ces deux cadres sont mutuels : certaines méthodes statistiques peuvent être adaptées au cadre séquentiel pour bénéficier de garanties déterministes ; réciproquement, des techniques de suites individuelles permettent de calibrer automatiquement des méthodes statistiques pour obtenir des bornes adaptatives en la variance du bruit. On étudie de tels liens sur plusieurs problèmes voisins : la régression linéaire séquentielle parcimonieuse en grande dimension (avec application au cadre stochastique), la régression linéaire séquentielle sur des boules L1, et l'agrégation de modèles non linéaires dans un cadre de sélection de modèles (régression avec design fixe). Enfin, des techniques stochastiques sont utilisées et développées pour déterminer les vitesses minimax de divers critères de performance séquentielle (regrets interne et swap notamment) en environnement déterministe ou stochastique. / The topics addressed in this thesis lie in statistical machine learning. Our main framework is the prediction of arbitrary deterministic sequences (or individual sequences). It includes online learning tasks for which we cannot make any stochasticity assumption on the data to be predicted, which requires robust methods. In this work, we analyze several connections between the theory of individual sequences and the classical statistical setting, e.g., the regression model with fixed or random design, where stochastic assumptions are made. These two frameworks benefit from one another: some statistical methods can be adapted to the online learning setting to satisfy deterministic performance guarantees. Conversely, some individual-sequence techniques are useful to tune the parameters of a statistical method and to get risk bounds that are adaptive to the unknown variance. We study such connections for several connected problems: high-dimensional online linear regression under a sparsity scenario (with an application to the stochastic setting), online linear regression on L1-balls, and aggregation of nonlinear models in a model selection framework (regression on a fixed design). We also use and develop stochastic techniques to compute the minimax rates of game-theoretic online measures of performance (e.g., internal and swap regrets) in a deterministic or stochastic environment.

Agrégation d'estimateurs et de classificateurs : théorie et méthodes

Guedj, Benjamin 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit de thèse est consacré à l'étude des propriétés théoriques et méthodologiques de différentes procédures d'agrégation d'estimateurs. Un premier ensemble de résultats vise à étendre la théorie PAC-bayésienne au contexte de la grande dimension, dans les modèles de régression additive et logistique. Nous prouvons dans ce contexte l'optimalité, au sens minimax et à un terme logarithmique près, de nos estimateurs. La mise en \oe uvre pratique de cette stratégie, par des techniques MCMC, est étayée par des simulations numériques. Dans un second temps, nous introduisons une stratégie originale d'agrégation non linéaire d'estimateurs de la fonction de régression. Les qualités théoriques et pratiques de cette approche --- dénommée COBRA --- sont étudiées, et illustrées sur données simulées et réelles. Enfin, nous présentons une modélisation bayésienne --- et l'implémentation MCMC correspondante --- d'un problème de génétique des populations. Les différentes approches développées dans ce document sont toutes librement téléchargeables depuis le site de l'auteur.

L'affaire Cesare Battisti : enjeux politiques et littéraires / The Cesare Battisti Case : Political and Literary Stakes

Lauri, Laura 19 January 2018 (has links)
Le nom de Cesare Battisti est certes celui d’un héros bien connu de la Grande Guerre, mais il évoque également, de façon traumatique, les méfaits que la justice italienne a imputés à cet activiste provocateur et irréductible, né en 1954 près de Latina, dans le Latium, qui fut condamné à perpétuité par contumace lors d’un procès contesté car basé sur les accusations d’un unique « repenti ». Cesare Battisti ne fut certes qu’une figure secondaire des années de plomb. En France, son « affaire » hors norme a été largement mythifiée. Battisti n’en continue pas moins à être voué aux gémonies. Il nous offre donc une étude transversale intéressante afin de passer de l’invective à une nécessaire recherche dépassionnée, aussi documentée et objective que possible sur cette période douloureuse et sur ses conséquences. Les origines de ce personnage aussi déroutant et complexe que polémique, capable de nombreuses métamorphoses et très perspicace, et son contexte, permettent de mieux comprendre une dérive vers des groupuscules violents d’extrême gauche. Un mécanisme s’enclenche alors conduisant à une « affaire » aussi complexe qu’interminable dans ses méandres judiciaires, certes en Italie, mais bien plus encore en France, où les jugements des tribunaux s’entrelacent avec un vaste campagne médiatique et même ultérieurement au Brésil, jusqu’à nos jours. L’inflexibilité du personnage en est une cause importante. Il en découle une avalanche d’articles, déclarations et ouvrages très engagés de la part d’intellectuels relayés par l’espace médiatique puis politique. Pourquoi ce battage à rebondissements alors que les autres réfugiés qui bénéficient en France de la « doctrine Mitterrand » restent majoritairement dans l’ombre ? La réponse provient alors pour l’essentiel du recours tactique, de la part de Battisti, à l’écriture, utilisée pour se présenter en tant qu’intellectuel, largement sacralisé et donc intouchable en France, mais qui permet aussi de poursuivre indirectement, entre les lignes, le même combat politique. Ses romans policiers soigneusement élaborés et nourris de ses aventures et observations d’exilé dépassent ainsi largement les limites supposées de ce genre et soulèvent des questions qui intéressent nos contemporains. L’accusé devient accusateur et souligne maintes impasses de la modernité, redessinant ainsi son image à travers la fiction, au prix d’omissions et de clivages. Les phases de l’existence de Cesare Battisti nous prodiguent, après analyse, de multiples enseignements sur les ressorts d’une période de crise et sur ce qui agite encore la nôtre. / Cesare Battisti’s name is indeed that of a famous hero of the Great War, but it also evokes, traumatically, the crimes imputed by the Italian judiciary to the provocative and inflexible activist born in 1954 near Latina, in the Latium, who was given a life sentence in absentia, after a trial which was contested as based on charges presented by a single ‘penitent’. There is no doubt that Cesare Battisti was only a minor figure during the Years of Lead. In France, his exceptional ‘case’ was widely mythicized. Nevertheless, Battisti is still vilified. He thus makes for an enlightening transverse study, allowing us to leave behind the invectives and move on to much needed, dispassionate research, as documented and objective as possible, into that painful era and its aftermath. The origins of this puzzling, complex, and contested individual, highly perceptive and capable of numerous metamorphoses, together with his background, allow us to understand better his drift towards violent, extremist left-wing groupuscules. A mechanism is then set in motion, leading to a ‘case’ which seems endless, in its judicial complexities in Italy, but even more so in France where the sentences of the courts are interwoven with a vast media compaign, and later on in Brazil, still today. The inflexibility of the protagonist is a major factor in this situation. It entails a torrent of articles, statements, and very committed monographs from intellectuals, reverberated in the media and subsequently in the political sphere. Why this intensive media coverage, with all its twists, when the other refugees benefitting in France from the ‘doctrine Mitterrand’ can remain largely anonymous? Certainly because of Battisti’s main tactics— becoming a writer, and therefore an intellectual, thus sacred and unimpeachable in France— which also allows him to keep up his political fight, indirectly, between the lines. His crime novels, which are carefully crafted, and fed by his adventures and observations as an exile, reach far beyond the supposed limits of the genre, and raise questions that can capture our contemporaries’ interest. The defendant becomes an accuser. He highlights the many dead ends of the modern age. Thus he reshapes his image, through fiction, by means of omission and division. Analyzing Cesare Battisti’s life in its successive stages teaches us a lot about the cogs and wheels of a historical crisis, and about what still troubles our society.

Avaliação de diversos métodos de detecção de cistos de Giardia spp. e Oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum presentes no resíduo gerado após o tratamento de água de abastecimento com turbidez elevada / Evaluation of several methods for the detection of Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in wastes produced after high- turbidity water treatment

Giglio, Guilherme Lelis 24 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diversos métodos de detecção e recuperação de cistos de Giardia spp. e de oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum em resíduos gerados no tratamento de águas de abastecimento com turbidez elevada tendo como padrão o Método 1623.1 da USEPA &#40;2012 &#41;. Para tanto, ensaios utilizando aparelho Jarteste &#40;coagulação, floculação, decantação e filtração &#41; foram realizados utilizando o coagulante cloreto de polialumínio &#45; PAC. Em todos os métodos avaliados foi utilizada a técnica de purificação por separação imunomagnética &#45; IMS. A adaptação do método floculação em carbonato de cálcio FCCa elaborado por Vesey et al. &#40;1993&#41; e adaptado por Feng et al. &#40;2011&#41;, repercutiu nos melhores resultados para a amostra de resíduo sedimentado, com recuperações de 68 &#177; 17 &#37; para oocisto de C. parvum e de 42 &#177; 7 &#37; para cisto de Giardia spp. Entretanto, as recuperações para a amostra de água de lavagem dos filtros &#45; ALF foram inferiores à 1 &#37;, não sendo possível determinar um método adequado. A presença dos patógenos indica que o reuso da ALF em ETA convencionais ou o descarte em mananciais sem um tratamento prévio, pode representar problemas de contaminação. A adaptação dos métodos de Boni de Oliveira &#40;2012&#41; e Keegan et al. &#40;2008&#41;, também repercutiram em porcentagens de recuperação expressivas para a amostra de resíduo sedimentado, sendo de: 41 &#177; 35 &#37; para oocisto de C. parvum e 11 &#177; 70 &#37; para cisto de Giardia spp., e 38 &#177; 26 &#37; para oocisto de C. parvum e 26 &#177; 13 &#37; para cisto de Giardia spp., respectivamente. A análise estatística não resultou em diferença significativa entre estes dois métodos, entretanto, as elevadas recuperações indicam que estes métodos podem ser melhor avaliados em pesquisas futuras. / This dissertation addresses the evaluation of several methods for the detection of Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in wastes produced after a high-turbidity water treatment, according to Method 1623.1 from USEPA &#40;2012&#41;. Coagulant polyaluminium chloride &#45; PACl was used in jar test experiments &#40;coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation and filtration &#41;. The Immunomagnetic Separation &#45; IMS technique was applied to all methods. The calcium carbonate flocculation &#40;CCF&#41; method, developed by Vesey et al. &#40;1993&#41; and adapted by Feng et al. &#40;2011 &#41;, was applied to sludge samples in this research and was the best method tested, with 68% &#177; 17 &#37; and 42 &#37; &#177; 7,00 &#37; recoveries for C. parvum oocysts and Giardia spp. cysts, respectively. On the other hand, the percentage recovery of (oo)cysts for filter backwash water samples was lower than 1 &#37; and no suitable method could be detected. The presence of pathogens represents contamination risks for water sources and the reuse of filter backwash water may be a problem to conventional water treatment plants. The application of Boni de Oliveira &#40;2012&#41; and Keegan et al. &#40;2008&#41; methods, adjusted to this study, also resulted in significant percentage recoveries for the sludge samples, with 41 &#177; 35 &#37; for C. parvum oocyst and 11 &#177; 70&#37; for cyst Giardia spp., and 38 &#177; 26&#37; for oocyst C. parvum and 26 &#177; 13&#37; for cyst Giardia spp., respectively. The statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the two methods, however, such high recoveries indicate they should be better evaluated in future research.

O American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) e sua influencia na politica externa dos Estados Unidos

Pinto, Lucas Vasconcelos 04 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:48:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lucas Vasconcelos Pinto.pdf: 1257292 bytes, checksum: 2f6cd0aef546c8363a31effa69ceec9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work has as its theme the influence of The American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC in the foreign policy of the United States US. Firstly it was systematized a state of the art on the subject based on two main lines of thought: one of John Mearsheimer and Stephen walt and another of Noam Chomsky Gilbert Achcar and Norman Finkelstein. While those ones highlight the power of the so called Pro-Israel lobby - from which AIPAC is the most structured and renowned organization - in US politics those second ones point out that the helm of US foreign policy toward Israel is its own national interest not the Lobby. Secondly it was aimed a historical survey about AIPAC and an analysis of its structure and its procedures. It was founded then that AIPAC - as a lobbying organization an interest group - according to the law cannot make financial contributions directly to politicians. It was founded however that this practice may occur indirectly through at least two ways: through its own members contributing individually and/or by Political Action Committees PACs - institutions created specifically to this end of raising funds to political campaigns in order to elect and defeat candidates or even to influence those who are already in the Government. And thirdly it was sought to synthesize the state of the art to the historical and structural study on AIPAC. Based on the dialogue of the two main theoretical visions worked - under a optic of complementarity rather than of exclusion - alongside with an examination of AIPAC s action in history this study led us to infer that AIPAC which was founded in 1959 in the Cold War context remains being influential in US politics even with the change in the international system at the end of the Cold War. / O presente trabalho tem como tema a influencia do American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) na politica externa dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA). Primeiro, sistematizou- se um estado da arte sobre o tema a partir de duas linhas de pensamento principais: uma de John Mearsheimer e Stephen Walt; e outra, de Noam Chomsky, Gilbert Achcar e Norman Finkelstein. Enquanto aqueles primeiros ressaltam o poder do chamado lobby pró-Israel - do qual o AIPAC e a organização mais estruturada e renomada - na politica dos EUA, estes salientam que o leme da politica externa estadunidense para com Israel e seu próprio interesse nacional, e não o lobby. Segundo, visou-se a um levantamento histórico sobre o AIPAC e a uma analise de sua estrutura e de seu modo de atuação. Constatou-se, então, que o AIPAC - como uma organização de lobby, um grupo de interesse -, de acordo com a lei, não pode enviar contribuições financeiras diretamente aos políticos. Apurou-se, no entanto, que essa prática pode ocorrer de maneira indireta, por meio de, pelo menos, duas maneiras: através de seus próprios membros contribuindo individualmente; e/ou por via dos Political Action Committees (PACs) - instituições criadas especificamente para esse fim de levantar fundos para as campanhas politicas no intuito de eleger e derrotar candidatos, ou ate mesmo influenciar os que já estão no governo. E, terceiro, buscou-se sintetizar o estado da arte ao estudo histórico e estrutural sobre o AIPAC. Com base no diálogo entre as duas principais visões teóricas trabalhadas - sob uma ótica de complementaridade ao invés de exclusão -, ao lado do exame da ação do AIPAC na história, esse estudo nos levou a inferir que o AIPAC, fundado em 1959, no contexto da Guerra Fria, continua influente na politica dos EUA, mesmo com a mudança no sistema internacional ao final da Guerra Fria

Tem gente! Uma análise de projetos habitacionais do PAC em assentamentos informais no Pará

PEREIRA, Glaydson de Jesus Cordovil 25 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-05-26T11:30:23Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_TemGenteAnalise.pdf: 15462147 bytes, checksum: 5138e5a43bfdc678a2cd4e6f51b98ab3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-06-02T14:41:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_TemGenteAnalise.pdf: 15462147 bytes, checksum: 5138e5a43bfdc678a2cd4e6f51b98ab3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-02T14:41:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_TemGenteAnalise.pdf: 15462147 bytes, checksum: 5138e5a43bfdc678a2cd4e6f51b98ab3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-25 / Este trabalho faz uma abordagem sobre as contribuições e limitações do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento - PAC, na sua modalidade de Urbanização de Assentamentos Precários, para a produção de habitação de interesse social de iniciativa de outros níveis governamentais, a partir da observação de intervenções da primeira geração de contratos do Programa, em andamento no Estado do Pará. A pesquisa assume como áreas de estudo empreendimentos localizados na capital do Estado, Belém, e na cidade de Marabá, cidade média do sudeste paraense. Entende-se que as intervenções para provisão de habitação e infraestrutura em assentamentos informais comprometidas com a permanência da população beneficiada, representam uma mudança de paradigma, e devem ser consideradas como um avanço da ação oficial em todas as esferas de governo, traduzido atualmente na alocação de recursos federais para investimentos em habitação e infraestrutura, entre outras ações. Nesse sentido, considerando o PAC como um marco nesse percurso da condução das políticas urbanas brasileiras, o trabalho analisa de forma mais particular as intervenções contratadas na 1ª geração do Programa, a partir dos resultados alcançados até o momento pelos empreendimentos contratados pelo Governo do Estado do Pará no ano de 2007. A pesquisa bibliográfica aborda o processo de “destruição criativa” do modo de produção capitalista, analisando como esse processo se reflete na produção do espaço urbano, por meio da seleção de variáveis relevantes para essa produção. Também é feita uma contextualização sobre as ações de provisão oficial de habitação no Brasil e seus desdobramentos no Pará nas últimas décadas, uma abordagem conceitual sobre o PAC, apresentando como se dá a operação do Programa, por meio dos seus parâmetros normativos e quem são os seus atores, e é feita uma breve discussão sobre o processo de produção do espaço urbano das cidades paraenses e apresentadas as áreas de estudo. Foram realizados: pesquisa documental, levantamentos in loco, e entrevistas, com representantes de todas as esferas do setor público e com os moradores das áreas de estudo. Os resultados apontam que, apesar dos avanços ocorridos, as políticas urbanas brasileiras voltadas à produção habitacional e urbanização de assentamentos informais, segundo a diretriz atual, ainda carecem de aprimoramento das suas linhas de ação, visando o enfrentamento do passivo decorrente da ausência e/ ou insuficiência de planejamento e gestão urbana de Estados e Municípios durante o processo de urbanização brasileira, bem como alcançar a consolidação socioespacial dos assentamentos após a realização de intervenções. / This research approaches contributions and limitations of the Growth Acceleration Program - PAC, in its modality Urbanization of Precarious Settlements, for social housing production by other government levels, from the observation of interventions part of the first generation of Program’s contracts, underway in the state of Pará, focused on the areas of informal settlements, taking as areas of study investments in settlements located in the state capital, Belem, and the city of Maraba, Para southeastern medium size city. It is understood that interventions for housing and infrastructure provision in informal settlements compromised to the permanence of original inhabitants after their conclusion, represent a paradigm change, and must be considered as an advance of official action in all levels of government, at present translated through allocation of financial resources in housing and infrastructure, among other actions. In this sense, considering PAC as a milestone in this journey of implementing urban policies in Brazil, the study examines more particularly the interventions contracted in the 1st generation of the program, based on the results achieved so far by the projects contracted by the State Government of Pará in 2007. The literature review discusses the process of "creative destruction" of the capitalist mode of production, analyzing how this process is reflected in the production of urban space, through the selection of variables relevant to such production. In the sequence, the research contextualizes the actions on provision of housing in Brazil and its consequences in Pará in recent decades; a conceptual approach to PAC is presented, showing how the Program is operated through normative parameters and who are the actors in charge. A brief discussion of the process of production of urban space of cities in Pará taken as cases study areas is also presented. The empirical research was conducted through documentary research, on-site surveys, and interviews with representatives and technicians of all levels of government, and with the residents of the case study areas. The results show that, despite the progress made, the policies aimed at the Brazilian urban housing production and urbanization of informal settlements, the way they are designed, still need to improve their lines of action in order to face the liability resulting from the absence and/ or insufficiency of urban planning and management of states and municipalities during the process of urbanization in Brazil, as well as achieve socio spatial consolidation of settlements after cited interventions.

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