Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PARADIGM"" "subject:"[enn] PARADIGM""
661 |
Effects of individual and dyadic decision-making and normative reference on delay discounting decisionsSchwenke, Diana, Wehner, Peggy, Scherbaum, Stefan 04 June 2024 (has links)
The tendency to devaluate delayed rewards, a phenomenon referred to as ‘discounting behaviour’, has been studied by wide-ranging research examining individuals choosing between sooner but smaller or later but larger rewards. Despite the fact that many real-life choices are embedded in a social context, the question of whether or not social collaboration can have an impact on such choices has not been addressed empirically. With this research, we aimed to fill this gap experimentally by implementing a novel choice selection procedure in order to study the interactive dynamics between two participants. This selection procedure allowed us to dissect the sequence of decision-making into its elements, starting from the very first individual preference to the solution of possible conflicting preferences in the dyad. In Experiment 1, we studied group decision-making on classical intertemporal choices to reveal the possible benefit of social collaboration on discounting and identified that the knowledge of the social situation in collective decision-making causes a reduction in discounting. In a pre-registered Experiment 2, we compared classical intertemporal choices with choices in a gamified version of a discounting paradigm in which the participants had a real-time experience trial by trial and for which a normative reference was present. We found that collective decision-making had a substantial impact on intertemporal decision-making, but was shaped by different types of choices. Classical intertemporal choices were rather susceptible to the contextual factors of decision-making, whereas in the gamified version that included a normative reference the decisions were reliably influenced by social collaboration and resulted in a lower discounting. The results in this paradigm replicate our original findings from former research.
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Den ökande betydelsen avundervattensinfrastrukturen : En kvalitativ fallstudie om europeisk utveckling inom hanteringen av kritisk undervattensinfrastruktur / The growing importance of undersea infrastructure: : a qualitative case study on european development in the area of critical undersea infrastructure managementPiolat, Ossian January 2024 (has links)
Recent damage to the Nord Stream pipelines 1 and 2 has highlighted the vulnerabilities of the critical undersea infrastructure which our modern societies so heavily depend on. As our societies turn more dependent on these undersea systems- the question of the security, protection and resilience of critical undersea infrastructure is put to the forefront. In an European context both the policy of EU and NATO is analyzed to examine how two of the European institutions with the highest decision-making capacity is responding to the situation. Through qualitative content analysis, the research paper aims to delve into the development of European critical underwater infrastructure. With a theory testing perspective both critical junctures theory and securitization theory is applied to the specific event of the Nord Stream-sabotage and its following aftermath. The results of the study implied, through operationalized criteria, that a) the Nord Stream-sabotage could be seen as a critical juncture in relation to the development of the critical undersea infrastructure and b) confirmed the securitization of European critical undersea infrastructure.
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Experiences of change in the context of couple therapy: different people, different viewsKagan, Lana-Lee 30 September 2002 (has links)
Couple therapy is a frequently sought domain by couples who experience problems in their relationships. Couple therapy has been researched intensively, but few studies incorporate a holistic account of the therapeutic process. This study aims to explore and integrate the therapist's and the couple's experiences of change in the context of couple therapy. The ecosystemic epistemology and the narrative metaphor forms the foundation from which the therapy and the research is approached. Qualitative research methods are employed from within a naturalistic paradigm which allows for personal and unique meanings to emerge. Rich descriptions of the therapist's and the participant's stories of change are provided. Multiple perspectives are offered in the stories which reveal the reciprocal motions between the therapist's and the couples' change processes. Recurring themes are extracted from the stories which punctuate the pivotal change processes that were experienced by the therapist and the couples during the therapy. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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The effect of a corporate diversity workshopNaidoo, Vyjantimala 06 1900 (has links)
The daunting challenge that faces South African business is to redress the inequalities of past discrimination and to develop to its maximum the potential of every team member while remaining competitive. Some of the key challenges include creating a supportive and attractive work environment that's inclusive of diversity, staff retention and an organisational culture that will leverage diversity. The case study organisation faced similar challenges. In order to understand the dynamics a diversity workshop was designed and consulted from a systems psychodynamic paradigm. The primary task of the Diversity Workshop was to provide opportunities for members to study and learn about intrapersonal, interpersonal and inter group relationships in relation to diversity behaviour in the workplace. 50 participants attended the workshop and 22 participants completed the questionnaire. The content was analysed and themes from a psychodynamic stance identified. The overall objective of the workshop was met as it made unconscious behaviour visible, allowed participants to reflect, facilitated dialogue and enabled transfer of learning to the workplace. This approach allowed groups to move from basic assumptions to task oriented behaviour. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial Psychology)
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Bydrae van psigodinamiese groepintervensies tot organisasie-ontwikkeling / The contribution of psychodynamic group interventions to organisational developmentGeldenhuys, Diederik Joachim 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research dealt with the contribution of psychodynamic group interventions to organisational development (OD). The research consists of a qualitative investigation and was based on a case-study design with the use of multiple cases.
Three different cases were presented, namely where a psychodynamic group intervention was used together with another intervention, where obstacles in a group were to be solved and as an in-house working conference. Random sampling was also done within the cases. Three interventions were done, data was gathered and analysed by means of content analysis, and the results were reported.
It was found in all three cases that a unique contribution was made. Regarding the first case, the intervention was the beginning of a process of change whereby the participants were enabled to develop their identity as a group, from a family business to a company. Participants became aware of underlying conflict, started to own their roles in it, and to take responsibility for addressing the dynamics themselves. In the context in which the intervention was used, the contribution was, however, restricted because its value was only experienced after the intervention.
Regarding the second case, the obstacles influencing the functioning of the team were addressed efficiently after the intervention. Participants were authorised to manage their boundaries more efficiently and to address role differentiation, leading to more open communication and a better work climate.
Regarding the third case, it was found suitable especially for learning diagnostic competencies from a psychodynamic paradigm. Learning occurred on a personal level resulted in the ability of participants to identify dynamics in their organisation and to present similar interventions in their work place.
Recommendations were made for the use of psychodynamic group interventions from a qualitative paradigm, as well as regarding the necessary competencies and a training programme for presenting psychodynamic group interventions. / Hierdie navorsing hande! oor die bydrae van psigodinamiese groepintervensies tot
organisasie-ontwikkeiing (00). Die behoefte om onbewuste dinamika in organisasies aan
te spreek, hettot hierdie navorsing aanleiding gegee. Die navorsing is in die vorm van 'n
kwalitatiewe ondersoek en is gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie-navorsingsontwerp waarin
daar van meervoudige gevalle gebruik gemaak is.
Drieverskillendegevalleisaangebied, naamlikwaar'n psigodinamiese groepintervensie
saam met 'n ander intervensie gebruik is, waar blokkasies in 'n groep opgelos moes word
en as 'n in-huise werkskonferensie. Daar is ook van ewekansige steekproefneming binne
elke geval gebruik gemaak. Drie intervensies is uitgevoer, data is ingesamel en deur
middel van inhoudsontleding ontleed.
Daar is bevind dat al drie gevaiie 'n unieke bydrae gelewer het. Ten opsigte van die eerste
geval was die intervensie die begin van 'n veranderingsproses waardeur die deelnemers
in staat gestel is om vanuit 'n familiebesigheid hu! identiteit as 'n maatskappy te ontwikkel.
Deelnemers het bewus geword van onderliggende konflik, begin om hulle rolle daarin te
eien, en verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar om die dinamika self aan te spreek. In die
konteks waarin die intervensie gebruik was, was die bydrae egter beperk omdat die
waarde daarvan eers na afloop van die intervensie ervaar is.
Ten opsigte van die tweede geval is die blokkasie wat die funksionering van die span
bei'nvloed het na afloop van die intervensie doeltreffend aangespreek. Deelnemers is
bemagtig om hul grense meer doeltreffend te bestuur en roldifferensiasie aan te spreek,
wat tot meer openlike kommunikasie en 'n beter werksklimaat aanleiding gegee het.
Ten opsigte van die derde geval is bevind dat dit veral geskik was vir die aanleer van
diagnostiesebevoegdhedevanuit'n psigodinamiese paradigma.Leerwatoppersoonlike
vlak plaasgevind het, het tot gevolg gehad dat deelnemers in staatwas om die dinamika in hul organisasie te identifiseeren om self soortgelyke intervensies in hul werkplek aan
te bied.
Aanbevelings virdiegebruikvanpsigodinamiesegroepintervensiesvanuit'nkwaiitatiewe
benadering tot 0 0 is gemaak, sowel as aanbevelings oordie noodsaaklike bevoegdhede
en 'n opleidingsprogram vir die aanbied van psigodinamiese groepintervensies deur
bedryfsielkundiges. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Women's perceptions of ageing / Women's perceptions of agingBrenner, Daniella 30 June 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore women's perceptions of ageing in order to shed light on how individual women feel about getting older.
The qualitative interpretive research paradigm was chosen for the purposes of this study. In-depth interviews were held with three women who gave their accounts of their perceptions of ageing. The data was analysed using hermeneutic thematic analysis.
The accounts of the participants were reconstructed in terms of themes which emerged. Recurring themes in the accounts of all three participants were linked with the literature.
This study provided rich descriptions of women's perceptions of ageing and helped to create new insights and meanings both for the participants and the readers.
The information gained could serve as guidelines for clinical practice and future research. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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An open systems critique of the macro theories of developmentMatshabaphala, Johannes David Manamela 30 November 2001 (has links)
This study is geared at an open systmes critique of the macro theories of development. It is highlighted in this study that we are living through the realities of the open systems, and yet much of development thought is based on closed systems philosophies, principle and ideologies. The first chapter gives an orientation into the origins of both the closed systems and open systems paradigms respectively. Included in this orientation chapter, is the literature review of the various research contributions of the major trends in development thought. The second chapter expands on the evolution of the closed systems paradigm and its influences on development thought. This chapter further explains the attendant philosophies, principles and ideologies that underlie the closed systems paradigm.
The third chapter captures the open systems paradigm and its influences on contemporary development discourse. Further to the discussion on the closed systems paradigm, the chapter elaborates on the philosophies, principles and processes that underlie this paradigm. The fourth chapter is on a discussion of trends in development thinking, traced from the traditional, through the medieval to the modern, right up to the contemporary. This entails tracing the theory to its ontological background right up to its implications for social reality in contemporary development thought and experience. The fifth chapter is on the open systems critique of the trends in development thinking, while the sixth chapter revisits the open systems paradigm and its implications for development thought. In the seventh chapter is the recapitulation of the findings in the study and recommendations for both development thought and practice. / Development Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Development Administration)
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Purposes for using psychological instruments in loss of income claimsBotha, Monica Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Despite the wide spread use of psychological instruments in the forensic context, there is a dearth of research on the purposes for using it. A qualitative case study approach was adopted in this study to explore the purposes for which industrial psychologists use psychological instruments in loss of income claims.
The research study comprised of two phases. Firstly, a literature review was used to provide some background on psychological assessment in the forensic context. The literature review described the historical development of forensic psychology, what psychological instruments are and how they are used in the forensic context. The forensic context, in which industrial psychologists operate, was also described. Furthermore, the initial conceptual framework to outline the context of the next phase of the research was illustrated.
The second phase was an exploratory study that made use of a multiple-case study approach. The main research aim was to explore the purposes for using psychological instruments in loss of income claims by industrial psychologists. Another aim was to explore the psychological instruments used. The final aim was to explore the kind of information that is needed in the forensic context, which is not currently available by means of existing psychological assessment. Case study data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with four industrial psychologists. Each interview represented a case to be analysed. The multiple-case study data gathered were then analysed using coding, within-case analysis and across-case analysis. The findings indicate that psychological instruments are used for the following purposes: (1) to add value to the quantification of a loss of income claim; and (2) to provide information that is required on the specific situation and circumstances surrounding the claim. Furthermore, the research findings also revealed that the purpose of using a psychological instrument to add value is influenced by internal factors of the psychological instrument as well as situational characteristics of the legal matter at hand. Through the exploration of the purposes for using psychological instruments, specific instruments used could be identified. Another finding included the existence of a perception that the psychological instruments currently available in South Africa are inadequate to provide the information required in the forensic context. The findings also revealed the kind of information that is needed.Recommendations were made for future research and industry-related practices. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke in die salutogeniese paradigma / Determining personality characteristics in the salotogenic paradigmBreed, Marita 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / In hierdie navorsing is die waarde van salutogenese as paradigma in gesondheid
sielkunde krities beskou en salutogenese as konstruk ondersoek. Antonvosky (1979) se aanspraak
dat salutogenese 'n nuwe paradigma verteenwoordig, is krities teen die agtergrond van Kuhn se
wetenskapsbeskouing en die metaforiese gebruik van die paradigmabegrip in die geesteswetenskappe
geevalueer. Met die navorsing is bevind dat salutogenese wei as paradigma in gesondheidsielkunde
funksioneer. Die verskille tussen salutogenese en patogenese in terme van aannames. metodologie,
teoretiese onderbou en gedeelde waardes is om voldoende tot die slotsom te kom dat
salutogenese in die vorm van 'n mini-revolusie akkumulatief tot navorsingsprestasie bydra. Daar
word aanbeveel dat die paradigma eksplisiet gestel word ten einde navorsing volgens die
salutogeniese beginsels te rig.
Ten einde die konstruk 'salutogenese' te belig en bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke in die
salutogeniese paradigma te identifiseer, is 'n steekproef van 1983 voorgraadse
studente aan UNISA geselekteer, in twee groepe verdeel, naamlik Blankes en Ander,
en vraelyste wat koherensiebelewing, persoonlikheidsgehardheid, potensie, aangeleerde
vindingrykheid, lokus van kontrole en selfdoeltreffendheid meet, is afgeneem. Die onderliggende
dimensies van die konstrukte is deur faktorontleding blootgele. Produkmomentkorrelasies is
bereken en tweede- ordefaktorontledings en bevestigende faktoranalises is uitgevoer.
Die empiriese resultate dui daarop dat vir die Blankes aldie persoonlikheidskenmerke tot die
konstruk bygedra het, terwyl aangeleerde vindingrykheid nie by die Ander tot salutogenese bygedra
het nie. In terme van bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke is by die Blankes bevind dat
salutogenese uit twee tot drie dimensies bestaan. 'n Optimistiese lewensuitkyk, aktiewe
betrokkenheid by die omgewing, spesifieke gedragsvaardighede wat streshantering vergemaklik en 'n
persepsie van hulpbron beskikbaarheid is die ge'ldentifiseerde bepalende salutogeniese
Vir die Ander het resultate aangetoon dat salutogenese 'n eendimensionele konstruk
is wat verteenwoordigend is van 'n individu wat oor 'n optimistiese lewensuitkyk beskik, stimuli
as verstaanbaar en betekenisvol waarneem en op grond daarvan aktief by die
leefwereld betrokke is. Salutogenese manifesteer dus verskillend by die onderskeie
kultuurgroepe en die onderliggende meganismes en dinamika wat tot salutogenese lei, toon oak
kulturele verskille. Bevestigende faktorontledingsresultate toon aan dat al die dimensies van
salutogenese nog nie gei"dentifiseer is nie en daar word aanbeveel dat salutogenese verder binne 'n
oorkoepelende persoonlikheidsteorie ondersoek meet word. In bedryfsielkundige praktyk kan
salutogenese gebruik word om stres weerbaarheid te verhoog. / In this research salutogenesis as new paradigm in health psychology was critically evaluated and
salutogenesis as construct was clarified. Antonovsky's claim that salutogenesis is a new paradigm
was evaluated against the background of Kuhn's view of science and the metaphorical use of the term
'paradigm' in the social sciences. This research concludes that salutogenesis is indeed a new
paradigm in health psychology. Salutogenesis and pathogenesis differ sufficiently in terms of
assumptions, methodology, specific theories and shared values that salutogenesis, as a mini
revolution, contributes to accumulative scientific performance. The paradigm should however be
stated explicitly in order to govern research according to salutogenic values.
In order to clarify salutogenesis as construct and to identify determining personality
characteristics in the salutogenic paradigm, a sample of 1983 undergraduate students from Unisa was
selected, divided into two groups, namely Whites and Other, and
questionnaires measuring sense of coherence, hardiness, potency, learned
resourcefulness, locus of control and self-efficacy were administered. Factor analysis clarified
the constructs' underlying dimensions. Product moment correlations were calculated, second-order
and confirmatory factor analysis performed in order to clarify the structure of salutogenesis.
The results identified that for the Whites all the personality characteristics contributed while
learned resourcefulness did not contribute to salutogenesis for the other group. In terms of
determining personality characteristics it was found for the White group that salutogenesis is a
two or three dimensional construct consisting of an optimistic outlook and active participation in
life's demands, specific behavioral skills that aid stress management and a perception of resource
For the other group, results indicated that salutogenesis is a unidimensional construct
which is respresentative of an individual that has an optimistic outlook on life, evaluates
stimuli as comprehensible and is actively involved in his/her own life. Salutogenesis thus manifest
differently in different cultures and the underlying mechanisms and dynamics, leading to a
salutogenic orientation, show cultural differences. Confirmatory factor analysis indicate that all
dimensions of salutogenesis have not been identified and it is recommended that salutogenesis be
studied within a broad personality theory. Salutogenesis can be used in industrial psychology to
enhance individual stress resistance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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Interdependence, responsibility and partnership : a German perspective on the Northern Local Church in her international contextSchmidt, Jörg 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis is an attempt to investigate how local churches (re)define their international orientation in response to the shockwaves of globalisation and their interpretation of the signs of the times. The analysis is guided by the key dimensions of interdependence, responsibility, and partnership. The local church is expected to have reached an increasing awareness of interdependence in her international relationships by the emergence of the postmodern systemic paradigm as never before in the history of the ecumenical movement. Consequently, this results in a sense of responsibility developing directly from a prophetic reading and an interpretation of the signs of the times as well as in a receptivity to be fertilised by international impulses. The local church is perceived by both individual Christians and pastors as direct platform for international responsibility. The wounds of the world, the needy and the suffering are suggested as inviting primary responses of local churches in the North. International church partnerships are investigated as practical attempts to live out interdependent relationships, to translate the sense of responsibility into action, and to receive fertilisation from the partner churches. Qualitative case studies from Reformed, United (Lutheran/Reformed) and Free churches present a status analysis of churches regarding the points under discussion.
The tendency is observed that pastors inc~easingly look for ways alternative to the old ecumenical structures, which are characterised by rich/poor and donor/recipient relationships, thus operating their churches with free initiative and association.
Studies regularly narrow down topics to interdependence, postmodernism, development, development politics, church development services, international partnerships, ecumenical learning, etc. Often recommendations for action are made based on the one single area of research presented. In this study, however, it is argued that pastors and churches do not derive their decisions and programmes from considerations of one single area, but they consider all these areas together. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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