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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Complexidade e diversidade de saberes na transformação organizacional : a percepção de profissionais diretamente envolvidos com projetos bem sucedidos / Complexity and diversity of knowledge in the organizational transformation : the perceptions of professionals directly involved with successful projects

Yonamine, Reinaldo Koei 15 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a problemática da fragmentação de saberes, no contexto da complexidade. As especializações científicas, a despeito das grandes e inegáveis contribuições produzidas, em situações complexas, podem fornecer soluções insuficientes ou irrelevantes. O foco deste estudo é o processo de transformação organizacional. Este estudo está apoiado em uma pesquisa empírica que parte de uma hipótese de trabalho, desdobrada em quatro proposições: 1) o processo de transformação organizacional é complexo; 2) a complexidade implica em que os saberes necessários são de diversas naturezas; 3) conseguir integrar tal diversidade de saberes - sem anulá-la - é um dos fatores críticos para o sucesso do processo; 4) os modelos de transformação organizacional levam em conta as três proposições anteriores. Uma entrevista semi-estruturada é aplicada a profissionais envolvidos diretamente com projetos de transformação organizacional. Os dados são analisados segundo a “análise de conteúdo". O referencial teórico consiste de três vertentes: 1) Histórico das iniciativas de integração de saberes (multi-, inter- e transdisciplinaridade) e dos movimentos de integração; 2) Mapeamento das dispersões de saberes em três ramos das ciências humanas (Psicologia, Antropologia e Sociologia); 3) inventário de contribuições acadêmicas sobre transformação organizacional. Os resultados da análise confirmam a hipótese de trabalho. Uma meta-conclusão é que a academia pode se beneficiar dos saberes sobre transformação organizacional para aumentar a integração entre as suas disciplinas. / This study approaches the span of problems of fragmentation / diversity of knowledge in the context of complexity. The scientific specializations, despite great and undeniable contributions, supplies insufficient or even irrelevant solutions in complex situations. The focus in this study is the process of organizational transformation. This study is based on an empirical research that begins from a work hypothesis, unfolded in four interconnected propositions: 1. the process of organizational transformation is complex; 2. the complexity implies that the necessary knowledge for the comprehension and management of the process is from diverse natures (interest, cultural, cognitive, functional); 3. to integrate such diversity of knowledge without nullifying it is one of the critical factors for the success of the project of organizational transformation 4. the models of organizational transformation regard the three former propositions. A semi-structured interview was presented to seven professionals with more than 15 years experience and who were directly involved in very successful organizational transformation projects. The collected data was analyzed according to the “content analysis" with a categorization according to the propositions of the work hypothesis that is thus tested by the consistency of the obtained answers. The theoretical system of references consisted of three factors: 1. History of the initiation of integration of knowledge (multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary) and the organized movements of integration. 2. Mapping dispersions of knowledge in three main branches of the human sciences (Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology). 3. Inventory of academic contributions about organizational transformation relating to the propositions of the work hypothesis. The analysis results confirm the work hypothesis. One meta-conclusion is that the academy itself can benefit from the knowledge of the organizational transformation to increase the integration of its disciplines.

Uma reflexão filosófica sobre abordagens e paradigmas na constituição da subárea ensino-aprendizagem de LE/L2 na linguística aplicada / A philosophical reflection on approaches and paradigms in the constitution of Foreign and Second Language Teaching and Learning in Applied Linguistics

Borges, Elaine Ferreira do Vale 04 June 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo segue um viés interpretativista de natureza qualitativa e objetiva desenvolver uma reflexão filosófica e, portanto, não dogmática, de algumas questões importantes que envolvem conceitos-base na formação e evolução da grande subárea Ensino- Aprendizagem de LE/L2 na LA, tais como: abordagem, movimento, paradigma e comunidade científica. O trabalho busca como fundamentação teórica, primordialmente, o conjunto da obra de Thomas Kuhn apoiada, também, na visão de Masterman (1979). Para a evolução da reflexão, a investigação recebe um auxílio valioso da segunda filosofia de Wittgenstein, no que se refere à noção de jogos de linguagem, e da visão de Lakatos sobre a formação de programas de pesquisa científica. O tema central da pesquisa gira em torno da percepção de uma tensão instaurada na área pela apropriação, pelos especialistas, da noção de sinônimo entre os termos abordagem comunicativa (AC), ensino comunicativo de língua (ECL) e movimento comunicativo (MC), associados, muitas vezes, à concepção de paradigma. A noção de que AC, ECL e MC são sinônimos entre si, acaba atribuindo à AC uma posição de destaque na hierarquia com outras abordagens (como, por exemplo, as abordagens instrumental (AI) e comunicacional (ACC)). Atualmente na área, o uso dos termos dimensão, variante ou versão da AC aparecem na literatura para classificar as outras abordagens, minimizando o que classificamos de tensão. O que se propõe é o reconhecimento da AI e da ACC como abordagens independentes (ou paradigmas como exemplos compartilhados/metaparadigma de sentido mais restrito) e em coexistência com a AC, todas inseridas no MC. Para tanto, o termo movimento é definido para a área como paradigma como a constelação dos compromissos de grupo/sociológico (de sentido mais global). O termo abordagem mantém o conceito clássico em Anthony (1963/1965), mas o reposicionamos hierarquicamente abaixo do termo movimento. Os resultados mostram que a competência comunicativa, que historicamente inspira o surgimento dos termos AC, ECL e MC, é base de fundamentação apenas da AC e mote da comunidade científica ECL. O alicerce do MC (comunidade científica de sentido mais global; o conjunto) é a visão de linguagem como ato social que é compartilhada por todas as comunidades (de sentido mais restrito; os subconjuntos) que o compõe: ECL, ensino comunicacional de língua (ECCL) e ensino instrumental de língua (IEL). A competência linguística e a competência pragmática são as bases que fundamentam: 1) a ACC e a AI; 2) as reflexões a priori sobre a aquisição de LE/L2 das comunidades, ECCL e EIL, que, respectivamente, elaboraram as abordagens mencionadas. A proposta da tese de um re-mapeamento na área de ensino de línguas é, também, o início de um debate (filosófico e não dogmático) e um convite à reflexão para os membros que compõem a comunidade (de sentido mais global) do MC. A finalidade maior dos resultados desse debate é revertê-los para a formação de novos especialistas e de professores pré- e em serviço de línguas estrangeiras. / The aim of the thesis is to develop a philosophical reflection, and therefore not dogmatic, of some important questions which involve basic concepts in the background and improvement of Foreign and Second Language (F/SL) Teaching and Learning, such as: approach, movement, paradigm and the scientific community. This qualitative and interpretative research attempts to use the collection of work by Thomas Kuhn, also supported by Masterman´s point of view (1979), as a guideline of a theoretical basis. For this reflection to take place, the investigation was helped by the second philosophy of Wittgenstein, in which the notion of language games are referred to, as well as the vision of Lakatos concerning the development of scientific research programmes. The central theme of research is concerned with the perception of a tension felt in the area by appropriacy, by specialists, of the notion of synonym among the terms: the Communicative Approach (CA), Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the Communicative Movement (CM), often associated to the concept of paradigm. The notion that CA, CLT and CM are synonyms among themselves ends up attributing to the CA a strong position in the hierarchy with other approaches, such as English/Language for Specific Purpose (ESP/LSP Approach) and the Communicational Approach (CCA). Currently in the area, the use of the terms dimension, variant or ´weak´/´strong´ interpretation of the CA appears in the literature to classify the other approaches, minimizing what we classify as a tension. What is proposed here is the recognition of ESP/LSP and CCA as independent approaches (or paradigms in a restricted sense) and the co-existence with CA, all inserted into the CM (which is at the top of the hierarchy). To achieve this, the term movement is defined in the area in terms of paradigm (in a global sense). The term approach maintains the classic concept in Anthony (1963/1965), but we reposition it hierarchically under the term movement as a paradigm in a restricted sense. The results show that communicative competence, which historically inspired the appearance of the terms CA, CLT and CM is, in fact, the fundamental basis of CA only, and the motto of CLT. The basis of the CM (as a paradigm and a scientific community, both in a global sense) is the vision of language as a social act which is shared by all communities (in a restricted sense) which form it: CLT, Communicational Language Teaching (CCLT) and ESP/LSP. Linguistic and pragmatic competences are the fundamental basis of: 1) CCA and ESP/LSP approach; 2) reflections (a priori) of the communities of CCLT and ESP/LSP about F/SL acquisition, which respectively developed the mentioned approaches. The proposal of remapping the area of LT is also the beginning of a philosophical debate and an invitation to members of the MC community (in a global sense) to reflect on the issues brought about by this thesis. From this work, we expect to redirect its outcomes so as to instruct new specialists and teachers in pre- and in-service training of foreign languages.

La France et la construction européenne : de la souveraineté à la subsidiarité Vers un changement de paradigme ? / The French state and the European construction process : from sovereignty to subsidiarity. A paradigm shift ?

Salabert, Edouard 01 July 2014 (has links)
Au premier abord, la subsidiarité s’opposerait à la souveraineté. Si les mots et les concepts ont un sens, ils ont également une histoire. Ainsi faut-il souligner que l’environnement dans lequel a pu éclore la théorie de la subsidiarité aura pu, entre autres, influencer le principe inscrit en droit de l’Union européenne. Dès leurs origines, il appert que de profondes divergences imprègnent le binôme subsidiarité/souveraineté. Divergences d’abord, de théories qui éloignent et marquent profondément les deux concepts étudiés ; divergences ensuite, de logiques qui sont insufflées de part et d’autre au sein de la construction européenne. Ces contradictions mises à jour, il devient possible de trouver des zones de convergences entre ces deux pôles conceptuels. Convergences d’abord, qui font la promotion de la figure et de la sphère de l’Etat par la réintroduction et la réapparition de la souveraineté étatique ; convergences ensuite, qui déterminent les frontières – malléables – des pouvoirs à l’intérieur desquelles chaque échelon conduit et développe ses propres sphères de compétences / At first sight, subsidiarity would be opposed to sovereignty. If the relevant words and the concept meaning make sense, they have also a history. So we must emphasize that the environment in which appeared the theory of the subsidiarity might have influence, among others, the principle of subsidiarity such as registered in the European Union law. Since their origins, profound differences appear which imbued the subsidiarity/sovereignty combination. First, different theories putting at a distance and deeply impressing the two concepts discussed. Then divergences, which are infused logic from both sides within the European construction. These contradictions updated, it becomes possible to find areas of convergences between these two concept poles. Convergences initially, which promote the figure and the sphere of the State by the reintroduction and the reappearance of the official sovereignty; then convergences, which determine the frontiers – pliables ones – powers inside which each level leads and develops its own spheres of competence


[pt] O objetivo deste estudo é o de propor e testar um modelo teórico capaz de descrever o coalinhamento entre as estratégias competitivas e colaborativas, sua reação conjunta aos impactos do ambiente e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho de empresas. Inicialmente, utilizando o paradigma SCP como plataforma teórica do modelo objeto de estudo, desenvolveu-se um modelo estrutural relacionando as estratégias competitivas e colaborativas entre si e ao ambiente e, este, ao desempenho. Na segunda etapa, buscou-se a definição das variáveis observáveis para composição do modelo completo com base em levantamento bibliográfico que envolveu 97 trabalhos publicados entre 1977 e 2004. A eleição das variáveis finais resultou da consolidação do escrutínio de seis especialistas do mercado segurador - escolhido para teste do modelo - e da sua redução por meio da confrontação com a teoria, o que permitiu a elaboração das hipóteses necessárias à análise da validade das relações. A terceira etapa constou da pesquisa de campo, implementada por meio de questionário estruturado enviado à gerência de topo de todas as seguradoras que operam no Brasil e que publicaram balanço nos exercícios de 2002 a 2004. Tais informações foram retiradas do cruzamento das bases de dados do IRB - Brasil Resseguros SA e da Superintendência de Seguros Privados - SUSEP. O índice de respostas equivaleu a 61,54% das seguradoras daamostra final e a 60,26% da participação de mercado em prêmio de seguros de 2004. Feita a coleta dos indicadores, a quarta, e última etapa, tratou do cálculo do coalinhamento entre as estratégias competitivas e colaborativas - a partir de um referencial de estratégias competitivas e colaborativas associado a empresas com desempenho superior - e do teste do modelo, realizado por meio da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais - SEM, implementada com o auxílio dos softwares SPSS e AMOS. O teste do modelo foi realizado em quatro versões - original e três re-especificações -, empregando variáveis de forma reflexiva e formadora. Tanto o modelo original proposto como suas re-especificaçõesapresentaram índices de ajuste geral muito bons, permitindo a aceitação das principais hipóteses formuladas e, conseqüentemente, a aplicabilidade do paradigma SCP para a indústria de teste. A tentativa de suprir lacuna no emprego da técnica SEM empregando variável do construto Desempenho como formadora não é recomendável, a despeito do ajuste geral apresentado. Particularmente para essa indústria, o coalinhamento se mostrou relevante na sensibilidade do ambiente e sobre o desempenho, especialmente quando envolve as variáveis que representam a regulamentação do setor, a entrada de novas seguradoras e o nível de renovação de apólices em uma mesma seguradora. Outra contribuição relevante da pesquisa está no banco de variáveis gerado, o qual pode alimentar um número expressivo de novos modelos em Estratégia, sob os mais diversos paradigmas, aqui, no Brasil. / [en] The objective of this study is to pose and test a theoretical model able to depict the co alignment between competitive and collaborative strategies, their joint reaction to the impacts of the environment and their effects upon the performance of companies. Initially, utilizing the SCP paradigm as a theoretical platform of the subject model of the study, a structural model has been developed associating the collaborative and competitive strategies between themselves and to the environment and the latter to the performance. In the second stage, the definition of observable variables for the constitution of the complete model based on a bibliographic survey which involved 97 papers published between 1977 and 2004 was sought. The selection of the final variables resulted from the consolidation of the judgments made by six specialists from the insurance market - which had been chosen as the market to test the model - and of its reduction through confrontation with the theory, thus allowing for the concoction of the necessary hypotheses for the analysis of the legitimacy of the relationships. The third stage consisted of a field research that was implemented through a structured questionnaire that was sent to the highest echelons of management of all the insurance companies operating in Brazil and that published their statutory financial statements from the fiscal years of 2002 through 2004. Such information had been drawn from the crossing of the database of IRB - Brazil Reinsurance SA and of those from the Superintendence of Private Insurance - SUSEP. The rate of responses corresponded to 61,54% of the insurance companies in the final exhibit and to 60,26% of market share in insurance premiums in 2004. Once the collection of the indicators had been processed, the fourth and last stage dealt with the calculation of the co alignment between competitive and collaborative strategies - from the standpoint of competitive and collaborative strategies associated with firms with superior performance - and of the test of the model, attained through the modeling technique of structural equations - SEM, implemented with the use of SPSS and AMOS software. The testing of the model was realized in four versions - the original and three re- specifications - employing variables in reflexive as well as formative modes. Not only the original model proposed but also its re specifications presented very good indicators of general fit, which permitted the acceptance of the main hypotheses that had been formulated and, thereupon, the applicability of the SCP paradigm for the industry of the test. The attempt to fill a void in the use of the SEM technique actuating the variable of construct Performance as formative is not advisable, in spite of the general fit presented. Particularly for this industry, co alignment has shown itself as germane in the sensitivity of the environment and on performance, especially when it involves the variables that represent the regulation of the sector, the entry of new insurance companies and the level of renewal of policies within the same firm. Yet another rather relevant contribution of the research is the bank of variables that was produced and that can be retrieved and used as a basis for a significant number of new models in Strategy under a diversity of paradigms here, in Brazil.

Relations inter-firmes pour l’exploration d’un nouveau paradigme techno-industriel : comment les entreprises s’y prennent-elles pour tirer parti de la fabrication additive ? / Inter-firm relationships for the exploration of a new techno-industrial paradigm : how firms manage to capture value from additive manufacturing?

Tezenas du Montcel, Benoit 14 May 2019 (has links)
La fabrication additive désigne un ensemble de technologies dont les caractéristiques uniques ouvrent des perspectives de conception et de production radicalement innovantes. Certains ont imaginé qu’elle permettrait un jour la fabrication décentralisée et en petites séries d’objets personnalisés aux formes complexes, grâce à des machines flexibles capables de tout fabriquer ou presque, ce qui déclencherait une nouvelle révolution industrielle. Néanmoins, pour l’heure, nous sommes encore dans la phase d’exploration de ce nouveau paradigme techno-industriel.Nous étudions ce sujet au travers de trois instanciations particulières de ces relations inter-firmes. Nous nous intéressons d’abord à des cas où la mise en œuvre des nouvelles technologies s’est déjà opérée. Nous observons alors la transformation des chaînes de valeur où se jouent de nouvelles relations clients-fournisseurs, avec de la désintermédiation. Nous étudions ensuite des alliances multipartenaires au travers desquelles les acteurs mènent une réflexion stratégique collective pour se préparer à la fabrication additive. Si les acteurs travaillent collectivement, ils pensent et développent aussi leur propre stratégie. Enfin, nous nous penchons sur des alliances dyadiques qui visent à combiner des compétences technologiques et des compétences métier afin de rapprocher la technologie et ses applications potentielles, et donc de permettre aux acteurs de mettre en œuvre la fabrication additive pour de nouveaux usages.A partir de ces trois plongées dans des instanciations typées des relations inter-firmes à différents stades d’exploration d’un nouveau paradigme, nous proposons un cadre intégrateur qui théorise le processus itératif et entremêlé par lequel les acteurs explorent et tirent parti du nouveau paradigme techno-industriel, façonnant ainsi les trajectoires technologiques. / Additive manufacturing designates a set of technologies whose unique features open radically innovative design and production possibilities. Some early authors imagined that it would eventually allow decentralized and customized production of objects with complex shapes and in small quantities, thanks to flexible machines that could manufacture about everything. This could, in turn, triggers a new industrial revolution. However, at the present time, we are still in the exploration phase of this new techno-industrial paradigm.Inter-firm relationships appear to be crucial in the exploration of the additive manufacturing new techno-industrial paradigm. We study this exploration processes through the lenses of three specific types of inter-firm relationships.We first focus on value chain relationships. We look at a sector where the implementation of new offerings is already effective. The competitive battle to capture value is raging. Then, we study multipartner alliances where companies engage in a collective strategic exercise to prepare themselves for additive manufacturing. If players work collectively, they also think and develop their own strategy along the way. Finally, we look at dyadic alliances implemented to combine technological and industry capabilities to connect the technologies and potential needs that previously could not be properly served. These alliances allow players to implement additive manufacturing for a few specific applications.Based on these three sets of empirical observations on three different types of inter-firm relationships at three different stages of the exploration of the new paradigm, we present and discuss an integrative theoretical framework that models the exploration of a new techno-industrial paradigm as an iterative and intricate evolution process : the combined actions of the players involved in the exploration of the new paradigm in fact contribute to shape the technological trajectories as they aim at benefitting from the new opportunities offered.

Vernetzung als kulturelles Paradigma

Koubek, Jochen 10 February 2003 (has links)
Der Internet-Boom am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde von zahllosen Veröffentlichung begleitet, in denen Auswirkungen der globalen Vernetzung auf Kultur und Gesellschaft, auf öffentliches und privates Leben beschrieben wurden. Die Dissertation geht der Frage nach, wie dieses ungeheure Ausma§ kultureller Produktion zu erklären ist. Welche kulturellen Strukturen scheinen durch diese Diskursproduktion durch? Es geht um Freilegung von Produktionsbedingungen, unter denen kulturelles Handeln erst möglich wird. Als Zentrum der untersuchten Aushandlungsprozesse wird die Idee der Vernetzung in den Blick genommen. Diese entfaltet sich zwar erst seit den 90er Jahren in voller Breite, reicht historisch aber weiter zurück, im Falle des Internet bis in die 60er. Sie wirkt dabei restrukturierend auf Diskurse, soziale Gruppierungen oder die Organisation von Zeit und Raum. Vernetzung ist damit eine Wahrnehmungsdimension, die sich, katalysiert durch das Internet, zu einem kulturellen Paradigma ausgeweitet hat. / The Internet-Boom of the late 20th century was escorted by countless publications, describing the effects of a global network on culture and society, on public and private life. The thesis searches for explications for this enormous degree of cultural productions. What kind of cultural structures are revealed by this discourses? What are the conditions of cultural productions? The centre of the research is the idea of networks and meshes. Although the diffusion of this idea attained its peak in the nineties, its historical roots are to be found in the sixties. It structures discourses, social groups or the organisation of time and space. Catalysed by the Internet, networks have evolved from a dimension of perception to a cultural paradigm.

O limite cognitivo do poder humano judicante a um passo de um novo paradigma cognitivo de justiça: poder cibernético judicante - o direito mediado por inteligência artificial / The cognitive limit of adjudicative human power one step of a new cognitive paradigm of justice: judicial cyber power - the law mediated by artificial intelligence

Santos, Fabio Marques Ferreira 14 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Marques Ferreira Santos.pdf: 4354023 bytes, checksum: f96a518602eaf9bc94592c0c1167d25a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-14 / Scientific work aimed to investigate the cognitive limits of the State / Judge and their conditions as a system (paradigm of Justice) operated by the human intelligence, according to studies of Kahneman, Slovic and Tversky, in Judgment under uncertainty: heuristic and biases, and effects caused to Law and Justice with a historic deficit of predictability, certainty and security. It was adopted the Kuhnian epistemology, methodology and concepts, appropriating them as an explanatory flow of the dynamic of evolution of Law and Justice. It was sought to consolidate a dialogue with no winners, bringing flexibility to the granularity and incommensurability between Philosophies, Logics, Cognitive Sciences and Human Rights (Constitutional and Civil Procedure).Theoretical studies gathered information and data in order to demonstrate the fallibility and failure of the State / Judge as an exclusive mediator of law to achieve justice and the potential possibility of carrying out the equation between Law and Justice through the Artificial Intelligence technology. These studies also evaluate such evolution as a kind of intelligence technology and, at the same time, as a safe and effective means to perform functions using programming structure. The research emphasized the predictability of constitutional provisions, in particular the content encapsulated in item LXXVIII of Article 5 of the laureate diploma stating that "it is assured to everyone at judicial and administrative level, reasonable duration of the process and the means to guarantee the speed of its proceedings." Based on permissive Constitution, it focused symmetrically an analysis of the Constitutional Procedural Law, named Establishment of Repetitive Demands Incident Resolution, taken over by the Law 13,105 / 2015 with the sole mission to standardize and to achieve the legal substantive statutes whose procedural technique has internalized, through the new procedural standard, the so-called judicial precedent, which has the power to vertically integrate judicial decisions, linking the final decisions entered by the Courts, having as ballast a legal thesis founded in question of Law. The objective is to give parity treatment to similar cases, greater speed to processes, to unburden the judiciary system and therefore, to seek the realization of the Democratic State of Law envisioned in the Constitution. Among the most important values contemplated by the Constitution, there are namely accessible material, predictability, safety and certainty of equal treatment of the Law according to the Constitutional Justice. For these reasons and rationale, the scientific work concludes that it is possible, taking into consideration the mentioned legal provisions, to defend, within the limits of theoretical research, the Thesis of the legal development of a procedural digital platform conducted by Artificial Intelligence, using data storage and information, managing them and deciding cases whose question of Law has legitimate precedents (hermeneutic interpretive understanding about consensual Law) in terms adopted by the current Brazilian legislation. Finally, the research also shows that, in view of the evolution of Artificial Intelligence technology, as well as other factors and influences, we must consider the natural tendency for the Law and Justice to start being decided by non-human intelligence and the changes brought about by the Artificial Intelligence technology that will cause the break of concepts, forms and structures in the next decades / O trabalho científico teve como objetivo a investigação do limite cognitivo do Estado/Juiz e suas condições como sistema (modelo de Justiça) operado pela inteligência humana, segundo os estudos de Kahneman, Slovic e Tversky, em Judgment under uncertainty: heuristic and biases, e os reflexos causados a um Direito e uma Justiça com déficit histórico de previsibilidade, certeza e segurança. Foi adotada a epistemologia kuhniana, sua metodologia e seus conceitos, apropriando-se deles como fluxo explicativo da dinâmica de evolução do Direito e da Justiça. Buscou consolidar um diálogo sem vencedores, flexibilizando as granularidades e as incomensurabilidades, entre as Filosofias, as Lógicas, as Ciências Cognitivas e os Direitos (Constitucional e Processual Civil). Os estudos teóricos pinçaram informações e dados, no sentido de demonstrar a falibilidade e a insuficiência do Estado/Juiz como mediador exclusivo do Direito para o alcance da Justiça e a potencial possibilidade de realizar essa equação entre o Direito e a Justiça por intermédio da tecnologia em Inteligência Artificial. Considera, ainda, o avanço, espécie de tecnologia da inteligência, e ao mesmo tempo tem-na como meio seguro e eficaz para a realização de funções mediante estrutura em programação. A pesquisa deu ênfase à previsão Constitucional dos dispositivos constitucionais, em específico ao encapsulado no inciso LXXVIII, do artigo 5º do laureado diploma que assegura a todos, no âmbito judicial e administrativo, são assegurados a razoável duração do processo e os meios que garantam a celeridade de sua tramitação . Com base no permissivo Constitucional, simetricamente concentrou análise ao instituto de Direito Processual Civil, denominado Instauração de Incidente de Resolução de Demanda Repetitiva, encampado pela lei 13.105/2015, com a precípua missão de uniformizar e dar concretização aos estatutos substantivos legais, cuja técnica processual internalizou por intermédio do novo novel processual, o denominado precedente judicial, o qual tem o condão de verticalizar as decisões judiciais, vinculando as decisões definitivas exaradas pelos Tribunais, tendo como lastro uma tese jurídica fundada em questão de Direito. Seu objetivo é de dar tratamento paritário aos casos análogos, maior celeridade aos processos, desafogamento do sistema judiciário e buscar, por este meio, a concretização do Estado Democrático de Direito idealizado na lei Constitucional. Dentre os valores maiores insculpidos na Carta Magna, estão a acessibilidade material, a previsibilidade, a segurança e a certeza de um tratamento isonômico do Direito ao alcance da Justiça Constitucional. Por essas razões e fundamentos, o trabalho cientifico conclui que é possível, considerando os dispositivos legais apontados, defender, dados os limites da pesquisa teórica, a Tese do desenvolvimento legal de uma plataforma digital processual programada em Inteligência Artificial, atuando no armazenamento de dados e informações, gerindo-os e decidindo casos cuja questão de Direito tenha precedentes fundados (compreensão interpretativa hermenêutica sobre o Direito consensualizado) nos termos adotados pela legislação pátria vigente. Por fim, a pesquisa ainda sinaliza no sentido de que, dada a evolução da tecnologia em Inteligência Artificial e todos os demais fatores e influências, há que considerar a tendência natural para que o Direito e Justiça não somente passem a ser decididos por inteligência não humana como a mutação irradiada pela técnica em tecnologia de Inteligência Artificial gere uma ruptura de conceitos, formas e estruturas em poucas décadas

Towards a « Neuro-Encryption » system : from understanding the influence of brain oscillations in vision to controlling perception / Vers un système de "neuro-encryption" : de la compréhension de l'influence des oscillations cérébrales en vision au contrôle de la perception

Brüers, Sasskia 27 October 2017 (has links)
L'activité de notre cerveau est intrinsèquement rythmique : des oscillations sont observées à tous les niveaux de son organisation. Cette rythmicité de l'activité cérébrale influence notre perception. En effet, au lieu de superviser continuellement notre environnement, notre cerveau effectue de brèves " clichés " du monde extérieur (entre 5 et 15 par seconde). Cela crée des cycles perpétuels : notre perception visuelle fluctue en fonction de la phase de l'oscillation sous- jacente. De nombreuses données témoignent du fait que les oscillations cérébrales à différentes fréquences sont fondamentales à la formation de notre perception visuelle. Lors de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé le Paradigme de Bruit Blanc comme outil pour comprendre l'influence des oscillations sur la perception visuelle et qui par extension pourra être utilisé pour contrôler cette perception. Le paradigme de bruit blanc visuel utilise des séquences de flashs dont la luminance varie aléatoirement (créant ainsi du " bruit blanc "), comme stimuli, qui contraignent l'activité cérébrale de manière prédictible. Les réponses impulsionnelles à ces séquences de bruit blanc sont caractérisées par une composante oscillatoire forte dans la bande alpha (~10Hz), similaire à un écho perceptuel. Puisque les réponses impulsionnelles sont un modèle de la réponse de notre cerveau à un flash dans la séquence de bruit blanc, elles peuvent être utilisées pour reconstruire (plutôt qu'enregistrer) l'activité cérébrale en réponse à de nouvelles séquences de stimulation. Par ailleurs, des cibles ont été introduites au sein des séquences de bruit blanc à un niveau proche du seuil de perception, et le décours temporel de cette activité reconstruite autour de la présentation des cibles a été extrait. Ainsi, l'EEG reconstruit peut être utilisé pour étudier l'influence de ces oscillations contraintes sur la perception visuelle, indépendamment des autres types de signaux généralement enregistrés dans l'EEG. Dans un premier temps, nous avons validé le paradigme de bruit blanc en montrant que : 1) les séquences de bruits blancs influencent bien la détection des cibles, 2) les échos perceptuels évoqués par les séquences de bruit blancs sont stables dans le temps, 3) ces échos sont un bon modèle de l'activité cérébrale enregistrée par EEG, et 4) leurs bases neuronales se situent dans les aires visuelles primaires. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié la relation entre ces oscillations cérébrales contrôlées par la séquence de bruit blanc et la détection des cibles. Ici, nous montrons que l'activité EEG reconstruite nous aide à déterminer la véritable latence à laquelle la phase de l'oscillation (thêta) influence la perception. De plus, nous avons aussi montré que l'amplitude de l'oscillation (alpha) influence la détection des cibles et ce, indépendamment des fluctuations des facteurs endogènes (tel que l'attention). Enfin, tirant parti de ce lien entre oscillation et perception, nous construisons deux algorithmes qui permettent de contrôler la perception des sujets. Tout d'abord, nous mettons au point un modèle " universel " de la perception qui permet de prédire, pour n'importe quel observateur, si une cible dans une séquence de bruit blanc sera vue ou non. Ensuite, nous construisons un modèle individuel qui utilise l'écho perceptuel de chaque sujet comme clé de cryptage et nous permet de présenter des cibles à des moments où la cible sera détectée par un sujet seulement au détriment de tous les autres sujets, créant ainsi une sorte de système de cryptage neuronal (" Neuro-Encryption "). / Our brain activity is inherently rhythmic: oscillations can be found at all levels of organization. This rhythmicity in brain activity gives a rhythm to what we see: instead of continuously monitoring the environment, our brains take "snapshots" of the external world from 5 to 15 times a second. This creates perceptual cycles: depending on the phase of the underlying oscillation, our perceptual abilities fluctuate. Accumulating evidence shows that brains oscillations at various frequencies are instrumental in shaping visual perception. At the heart of this thesis lies the White Noise Paradigm, which we designed as a tool to better understand the influence of oscillations on visual perception and which ultimately could be used to control visual perception. The White Noise Paradigm uses streams of flashes with random luminance (i.e. white noise) as stimuli, which have been shown to constrain brain oscillations in a predictable manner. The impulse response to WN sequences has a strong (subject specific) oscillatory component at ~10Hz akin to a perceptual echo. Since the impulse response is a model of how our brains respond to one single flash in the sequence, they can be used to reconstruct (rather than record) the brain activity to new stimulation sequences. We then present near-perceptual threshold targets embedded within the WN sequences and extract the time course of these predicted/reconstructed background oscillations around target presentation. Thus, the reconstructed EEG can be used to study the influence of the oscillatory components on visual perception, independently of other types of signals usually recorded in the EEG. First, we validate the White Noise Paradigm by showing that: 1) the WN sequences do modulate behaviour, 2) the perceptual echoes evoked by these WN sequences are stable in time, 3) they are a (relatively) good model of the subject's recorded brain activity and 4) their neuronal basis can be found in the early visual areas. Second, we investigate the relationship between these constrained brain oscillations and visual perception. Specifically, we show that the reconstructed EEG can help us recover the true latency at which (theta) phase influences perception. Moreover, it can help us uncover a causal influence of (alpha) power on target detection, independently from any fluctuation in endogenous factors. Finally, capitalizing on the link between oscillations and perception, we build two algorithms used to control the perception of subjects. First, we build a "universal" forward model which can predict for any observer whether a particular target will be seen or not. Second, we build a subject-dependent model which can predict whether a particular subject (for whom EEG was recorded previously) will perceive a given target or not. Critically, this can be used to present targets optimized to be perceived by one subject only, to the detriment of all other subjects, creating a sort of "Neuro-Encryption" system.

A BÍBLIA NA EDUCAÇÃO AMBIENTAL A CONTRIBUIÇÃO DOS TEXTOS ECOCÊNTRICOS DO ANTIGO TESTAMENTO / The Holy Bible in the Environmental Education: ecocentric text contribution from the Old Testament.

Morais, Eveline Rachel Moreira de 31 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:49:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EVELINE RACHEL MOREIRA DE MORAIS.pdf: 446386 bytes, checksum: fe19cc2259c9bb2717a0ec4f46179740 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-31 / The anthropocentric proposal about the planet in the modern society is the reason of an environmental crisis without proceeding in history. The environmental model illustrated by the ecocentric texts from the Old Testament has presented diverse values from those proposed by current society. The main goal of this work was to distinguish the ecocentric values in the following texts of the Holy Scriptures: Genesis 1: 1-2, 4a and 6-9, Exodus 23: 10-11, Deuteronomy 22: 6-7; 20, 19-20 and 23: 13-15, Psalms 8 and 104 and the entire Book of Job through a wide-ranging literature using exegete s thematic approaches. Moreover, no exegesis of those texts was employed in this research. It was possible to notice that the values demonstrated in these Jewish-Christian texts may be employed by the environmental education in order to contribute to the current process formation of the new environmental paradigm. / Vivemos uma crise ambiental sem precedentes na história mundial, causada pela idéia antropocêntrica de mundo da sociedade Moderna. Textos ecocêntricos do Antigo Testamento da Bíblia possuem valores distintos dos ideais sobre a natureza propostos pela Modernidade. O presente trabalho destaca, a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e através de uma abordagem temática que não faz a exegese dos textos e sim apresenta os estudos feitos pelos exegetas, os valores ecocêntricos contidos nos textos de Gênesis 1,1-2,4a; 6-9, Êxodo 23,10-11, Deuteronômio 22,6-7; 20,19-20 e 23,13-15, Salmos 8 e 104 e o livro de Jó. Percebe-se que os valores contidos nestes textos da tradição judaico-cristã podem ser utilizados pela educação ambiental de forma interdisciplinar, contribuindo para o atual processo de construção do novo paradigma ecológico.

A proposal for the evolution of model-driven software / Uma proposta para a evolução da engenharia de software dirigida por modelos

Gottardi, Thiago 19 March 2018 (has links)
In the Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) context, software production can be performed by defining models. Despite the advantages of this methodology, different domains require specific support tools and modeling languages, which, in turn, must be developed along with the final software. Because of this, developers face problems when applying the method. The objective of this work is twofold: 1) to identify the most critical problems when developing with this method; 2) discuss and provide possible solutions to those problems. The critical problems were identified by performing a systematic mapping, empirical studies, collaborations and interviews with specialists. It has been identified that MDSE, according to basic literature, has an excessively high abstraction level which leads to a lack of adequate processes and developer training, besides the need for modeling tools. A new method is necessary to allow developers to treat models and source-code differently. Therefore, in this thesis, the need for evolving MDSE processes is discussed. In this manner, this work introduces a new development method described as a possible concrete evolution of MDSE that defines a paradigm for software development. This method is defined along with domain specific languages, a tool-chain and sample software systems. After conducting analytic and experimental studies, it has been concluded that these applications also represent a valuable contribution for implementing service-oriented systems which can be employed in real world applications. / No contexto da Engenharia de Software Dirigida por Modelos (MDSE), a produção de software pode ser realizada por meio de definições de modelos. Apesar dos benefícios desse método de desenvolvimento, diferentes domínios exigem a especificação de linguagens de modelagem e ferramentas específicas, que, por sua vez, precisam ser desenvolvidos em conjunto com o software final. Desta forma, desenvolvedores encontram problemas ao utilizar este método. Este trabalho possui duplo objetivo: 1) identificar os problemas mais críticos deste método; 2) discutir e fornecer possíveis soluções aos problemas. A identificação de problemas foi realizada por meio de um mapeamento sistemático, estudos empíricos, colaborações e entrevistas com especialistas. Foi identificado que MDSE, de acordo com a literatura básica, possui um nível de abstração excessivamente alto, acarretando em carência de processos adequados e de treinamento de desenvolvedores que vão além de problemas de necessidade de ferramentas de modelagem. Portanto, nesta tese, discute-se a necessidade de evoluir processos de MDSE que permita aos desenvolvedores uma nova forma de tratar modelos e código-fonte. Para tanto, neste trabalho também é descrito um novo método de desenvolvimento, descrito como uma possível evolução concreta do MDSE, o qual define um paradigma para desenvolver software. Este método é exemplificado em várias aplicações dentro deste trabalho. Após conduzir estudos analíticos e experimentais, concluiu-se que estas aplicações também possibilitam uma contribuição significativa no domínio de software orientado a serviços que podem ser empregadas em software do mundo real.

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