Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PARADIGM"" "subject:"[enn] PARADIGM""
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Para que serve uma enfermaria de clínica médica?: reflexões a partir de um hospital universitário. / What is the purpose of an internal medicine infirmary?: thoughts from a university hospital.Julia Kleve Berg 27 April 2015 (has links)
Esse trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre a relação entre a organização da estrutura hospitalar baseada em sua divisão por enfermarias de especialidades e a perpetuação da lógica fragmentadora própria da Biomedicina, racionalidade médica hegemônica ocidental. O campo estudado foi o Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com médicos clínicos, especialistas e profissionais responsáveis pela regulação de vagas desse hospital é discutida a existência de dois discursos diferentes: o discurso clínico e o discurso especialista. A partir da análise dessas entrevistas, foi apontada e debatida a profunda relação entre esses discursos, a estrutura hospitalar e a assistência médica oferecida aos pacientes. A análise realizada evidencia que embora os dois discursos estejam absolutamente inseridos no paradigma biomédico, a clínica médica se identifica e é identificada como responsável pelo paciente como um todo, enquanto as especialidades são reconhecidas como responsáveis apenas por uma determinada parte. Essa diferença apresentou influência tanto na forma de cuidar do paciente, como na função de cada serviço dentro do hospital. As enfermarias de clínica se caracterizaram por serem setores consensualmente capazes de conduzir satisfatoriamente a maioria dos pacientes.Se por um lado a abrangência da clínica é motivo de orgulho para os clínicos, por outro, a falta de autonomia decorrente dessa característica determina um sentimento de depreciação por parte desses profissionais. Esse trabalho foi realizado sob perspectiva hermenêutica filosófica proposta por Hans-Georg Gadamer e com o auxílio dos conceitos de paradigma proposto por Thomas Kuhn e estilo de pensamento elaborado por Ludwik Fleck. / This work proposes a reflection on the relation between the hospital organizational structure based on its division in specialties infirmaries and the perpetuation of the fragmenting logic peculiar to biomedicine, the hegemonic western medical rationale. The field of study was Pedro Ernesto University Hospital. Through semi-structured interviews with general physicians, specialists and professionals in charge of hospital admissions the existence of two different discourses is examined: the clinical discourse and the specialist discourse. The analysis of these interviews pointed out and considered the deep relation between both discourses, the hospital structure and the medical care provided to patients. The investigation reveals that, although both discourses are definitely inserted in the biomedical paradigm, internal medicine identifies itself and is identified as responsible for the patient as a whole, whereas the specialties are seen as responsible for only a specific part. This difference influenced not only the manner of treating the patient but also the purpose of each service within the hospital. The clinical infirmaries were characterized as sectors consensually capable of satisfactorily dealing with the majority of patients. If on the one hand the broad scope of internal medicine is a source of pride to physicians, on the other hand the lack of autonomy that follows this characteristic determines a feeling of self-deprecation among some of these professionals. This work was made from a hermeneutic philosophical perspective such as one proposed by Hans-Georg Gadamer, with the aid of Thomas Kuhns concept of paradigm and Ludwik Flecks concept of thought style.
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Análise de sistemas hipotalâmicos envolvidos na organização da defesa intraespecífica. / Analyses of hypothalamic systems involved in the organization of intra-specific defense.Simone Cristina Motta 30 July 2010 (has links)
Etologicamente, os animais expressam repostas de medo frente a um predador ou a um co-especifico e a organização neural de respostas defensivas intraespecíficas são pouco conhecidas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o papel hipotalâmico na organização da defesa intraespecífica. Observamos que o núcleo pré-mamilar dorsal do hipotálamo também está ativo durante nesse tipo de defesa, porém porções distintas do mesmo. A lesão desse núcleo em ratos expostos a derrota social levou a importantes alterações comportamentais, praticamente abolindo comportamentos de defesa passiva. Notamos que regiões do hipotálamo lateral são as principais projeções aferentes do núcleo pré-mamilar dorsal e o principal alvo eferente é a coluna dorsomedial da matéria cinzenta periaquedutal. Concluímos que o hipotálamo é fundamental para a organização da defesa intraespecífica e que comportamentos defensivos inter e intra-específicos se utilizam de caminhos neurais distintos. / In nature, animals express fear responses toward a predator or a co-specific and not much is known about the neural organization of intra-specific defense. Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze the role that the hypothalamus plays during the intra-specific defense expression. We observed that the dorsal premammilary nucleus is also mobilized during the agonistic encounter, but a different portion. Dorsal premammilary nucleus lesioned intruders led to important defense alterations, almost abolishing passive forms of defensive behavior. Notably, regions in lateral hypothalamus are particularly important for activating the dorsal premammilary nucleus and its efferent projection to the dorsomedial column of periaqueductal gray matter is the most important outcome for the defensive behavior expression. Concluding, the hypothalamus is fundamental for the neural organization of intra-specific defense and inter and intra-specific defensive behaviors are organized by distinct neural pathways.
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Uma reflexão filosófica sobre abordagens e paradigmas na constituição da subárea ensino-aprendizagem de LE/L2 na linguística aplicada / A philosophical reflection on approaches and paradigms in the constitution of Foreign and Second Language Teaching and Learning in Applied LinguisticsElaine Ferreira do Vale Borges 04 June 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo segue um viés interpretativista de natureza qualitativa e objetiva desenvolver uma reflexão filosófica e, portanto, não dogmática, de algumas questões importantes que envolvem conceitos-base na formação e evolução da grande subárea Ensino- Aprendizagem de LE/L2 na LA, tais como: abordagem, movimento, paradigma e comunidade científica. O trabalho busca como fundamentação teórica, primordialmente, o conjunto da obra de Thomas Kuhn apoiada, também, na visão de Masterman (1979). Para a evolução da reflexão, a investigação recebe um auxílio valioso da segunda filosofia de Wittgenstein, no que se refere à noção de jogos de linguagem, e da visão de Lakatos sobre a formação de programas de pesquisa científica. O tema central da pesquisa gira em torno da percepção de uma tensão instaurada na área pela apropriação, pelos especialistas, da noção de sinônimo entre os termos abordagem comunicativa (AC), ensino comunicativo de língua (ECL) e movimento comunicativo (MC), associados, muitas vezes, à concepção de paradigma. A noção de que AC, ECL e MC são sinônimos entre si, acaba atribuindo à AC uma posição de destaque na hierarquia com outras abordagens (como, por exemplo, as abordagens instrumental (AI) e comunicacional (ACC)). Atualmente na área, o uso dos termos dimensão, variante ou versão da AC aparecem na literatura para classificar as outras abordagens, minimizando o que classificamos de tensão. O que se propõe é o reconhecimento da AI e da ACC como abordagens independentes (ou paradigmas como exemplos compartilhados/metaparadigma de sentido mais restrito) e em coexistência com a AC, todas inseridas no MC. Para tanto, o termo movimento é definido para a área como paradigma como a constelação dos compromissos de grupo/sociológico (de sentido mais global). O termo abordagem mantém o conceito clássico em Anthony (1963/1965), mas o reposicionamos hierarquicamente abaixo do termo movimento. Os resultados mostram que a competência comunicativa, que historicamente inspira o surgimento dos termos AC, ECL e MC, é base de fundamentação apenas da AC e mote da comunidade científica ECL. O alicerce do MC (comunidade científica de sentido mais global; o conjunto) é a visão de linguagem como ato social que é compartilhada por todas as comunidades (de sentido mais restrito; os subconjuntos) que o compõe: ECL, ensino comunicacional de língua (ECCL) e ensino instrumental de língua (IEL). A competência linguística e a competência pragmática são as bases que fundamentam: 1) a ACC e a AI; 2) as reflexões a priori sobre a aquisição de LE/L2 das comunidades, ECCL e EIL, que, respectivamente, elaboraram as abordagens mencionadas. A proposta da tese de um re-mapeamento na área de ensino de línguas é, também, o início de um debate (filosófico e não dogmático) e um convite à reflexão para os membros que compõem a comunidade (de sentido mais global) do MC. A finalidade maior dos resultados desse debate é revertê-los para a formação de novos especialistas e de professores pré- e em serviço de línguas estrangeiras. / The aim of the thesis is to develop a philosophical reflection, and therefore not dogmatic, of some important questions which involve basic concepts in the background and improvement of Foreign and Second Language (F/SL) Teaching and Learning, such as: approach, movement, paradigm and the scientific community. This qualitative and interpretative research attempts to use the collection of work by Thomas Kuhn, also supported by Masterman´s point of view (1979), as a guideline of a theoretical basis. For this reflection to take place, the investigation was helped by the second philosophy of Wittgenstein, in which the notion of language games are referred to, as well as the vision of Lakatos concerning the development of scientific research programmes. The central theme of research is concerned with the perception of a tension felt in the area by appropriacy, by specialists, of the notion of synonym among the terms: the Communicative Approach (CA), Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the Communicative Movement (CM), often associated to the concept of paradigm. The notion that CA, CLT and CM are synonyms among themselves ends up attributing to the CA a strong position in the hierarchy with other approaches, such as English/Language for Specific Purpose (ESP/LSP Approach) and the Communicational Approach (CCA). Currently in the area, the use of the terms dimension, variant or ´weak´/´strong´ interpretation of the CA appears in the literature to classify the other approaches, minimizing what we classify as a tension. What is proposed here is the recognition of ESP/LSP and CCA as independent approaches (or paradigms in a restricted sense) and the co-existence with CA, all inserted into the CM (which is at the top of the hierarchy). To achieve this, the term movement is defined in the area in terms of paradigm (in a global sense). The term approach maintains the classic concept in Anthony (1963/1965), but we reposition it hierarchically under the term movement as a paradigm in a restricted sense. The results show that communicative competence, which historically inspired the appearance of the terms CA, CLT and CM is, in fact, the fundamental basis of CA only, and the motto of CLT. The basis of the CM (as a paradigm and a scientific community, both in a global sense) is the vision of language as a social act which is shared by all communities (in a restricted sense) which form it: CLT, Communicational Language Teaching (CCLT) and ESP/LSP. Linguistic and pragmatic competences are the fundamental basis of: 1) CCA and ESP/LSP approach; 2) reflections (a priori) of the communities of CCLT and ESP/LSP about F/SL acquisition, which respectively developed the mentioned approaches. The proposal of remapping the area of LT is also the beginning of a philosophical debate and an invitation to members of the MC community (in a global sense) to reflect on the issues brought about by this thesis. From this work, we expect to redirect its outcomes so as to instruct new specialists and teachers in pre- and in-service training of foreign languages.
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Pesquisa da pr?pria pr?tica: constru??o do conhecimento nos dom?nios constitutivos do docente da arte da palavra / Proper practical research: construction of the knowledge in the constituents attributes of the teacher of the art of the word.Granziera, Lilian Cristina 17 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present work, of empirical nature, has as study object the conceptions of lesson presented by freshman students in the course of Languages at two specific moments, considering as categories, a priori, the traditional lessons and interdisciplinary lessons. The purpose is to demonstrate that the construction of the knowledge, by means of literary art, allows a creative and critical intellectualization through the conduction of lessons with interdisciplinary strategies. For the development of our reasoning, we support ourselves in theoretical references that prioritize the emergent scientific paradigm, as the theory of the complexity and the theory of multiple intelligences. For in such a way, we proceeded to an extensive bibliographical survey, followed by the analysis of after-tests and questionnaires filled out by the students. We evidenced that even those students who appraise the lesson as traditional, wait that the teacher leads it in an interdisciplinary form. In acknowledging these results, we defend that the proper practical research be a way in the development of a more humanistic look in Education. / O presente trabalho, de natureza emp?rica, tem como objeto de estudo as concep??es de aula apresentadas por alunos ingressantes no Curso de Letras em dois momentos espec?ficos, considerando como categorias, a priori, as aulas tradicional e interdisciplinar. O que se pretendeu demonstrar ? que a constru??o do conhecimento, por meio da arte liter?ria, permite uma intelectualiza??o criativa e cr?tica mediante a condu??o de aulas com estrat?gias interdisciplinares. Para o desenvolvimento de nosso racioc?nio, apoiamo-nos em refer?ncias te?ricas que priorizam o paradigma cient?fico emergente, como a teoria da complexidade e a teoria das intelig?ncias m?ltiplas. Para tanto, procedemos a um extenso levantamento bibliogr?fico, seguido da an?lise de pr?-testes e question?rios preenchidos pelos alunos. Constatamos que mesmo aqueles alunos que conceituam a aula como tradicional, esperam que o professor a conduza de forma interdisciplinar. De posse desses resultados, defendemos que a pesquisa da pr?pria pr?tica seja um caminho no desenvolvimento de um olhar mais human?stico na Educa??o.
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Diversidade funcional em comunidades de peixes lagunares no Sul do BrasilRocha, Elise Amador January 2014 (has links)
Os paradigmas da teoria de metacomunidades atribuem diferentes graus de importância à dispersão, filtros ambientais, interações bióticas e processos estocásticos na organização de comunidades. Incluir atributos funcionais em conjunto com aspectos espaciais da estrutura da paisagem pode resultar em uma poderosa ferramenta para a investigação dos diferentes processos que atuam na organização de comunidades biológicas. Neste estudo, utilizamos o potencial de análise e de levantamento de hipóteses que os atributos funcionais proporcionam em uma metacomunidade de peixes, formada por 37 lagoas em uma bacia hidrográfica na região costeira do sul do Brasil (29º37’ a 30º30’ de latitude Sul e 49º74’ a 50º24’ de longitude Oeste). Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar qual é a relação entre a diversidade taxonômica com índices de redundância e diversidade funcional. Também verificar se variáveis espaciais são determinantes na variação de índices funcionais, e das composições taxonômica e funcional, e se ocorrem padrões de convergência e de divergência de atributos. Através de sistemas de informação geográfica (imagens Spot e Landsat-TM5), estas lagoas foram mapeadas e delas foram obtidas variáveis estruturais (área, forma, distância do mar, coeficiente de variação da área, conectividade primária e conectividade estuarina). Os dados da ictiofauna foram obtidos através de amostragem padronizada, utilizando-se redes de espera, e uma série de atributos relacionados às habilidades de dispersão e de uso de recursos alimentares foram tomados. A diversidade taxonômica demonstrou ser fortemente correlacionada com a redundância e a diversidade funcional. Os modelos que melhor explicam a redundância funcional são aqueles que incluíram a forma e o coeficiente de variação da área das lagoas, mas a diversidade funcional não foi predita significativamente por nenhuma variável espacial. Não foram encontrados padrões de convergência e de divergência de atributos, e lagoas semelhantes em suas características espaciais não possuem composição funcional similar. Nossos resultados sugerem que o paradigma neutro de metacomunidades é a abordagem que melhor explica a estruturação deste sistema, o qual prediz equivalência funcional entre espécies. / The metacommunity theory paradigms attribute different degrees of importance to dispersal, environmental filtering, biotic interactions and stochastic processes in community assembly. To include the jointly use of functional traits with the spatial aspects of landscape structure could result in a powerful tool for the investigation of the different processes involved in the organization of biological communities. In this study, we used the potential of analysis and survey of hypotheses that functional traits provide in a fish metacommunity, composed by 37 lagoons in a river basin in the coastal region of southern Brazil (29º37' to 30°30' south latitude and 49º74' to 50°24' west longitude). The aims of this work were to identify the relation between taxonomic diversity indices with redundancy and functional diversity. Also, it was verified if spatial variables are determinants for the variation in functional indices, taxonomic and functional composition of fishes. We also look for trait convergence and trait divergence assembly patterns. Through geographic information systems (Spot e Landsat-TM5 images), these lagoons were mapped and were quantified structural variables (area, shape, distance to the ocean, coefficient of variation of area, primary connectivity and estuarine connectivity). Ichthyofauna data were obtained through standardized sampling, using gillnets, and a set of traits related to dispersal abilities and use of food resource were obtained. The taxonomic diversity showed to be strongly correlated with functional diversity and redundancy. The models that best explain the functional redundancy are those involving the shape and area variation coefficient, however, the functional diversity was not significantly predicted by any spatial variable. We did not find trait convergence and trait divergence assembly patterns, and lagoons that share similar spatial features do not have similar functional composition. Our results suggest that the neutral metacommunity paradigm is the approach which has the best explanation for the structure of this system, which predicts functional equivalence among species.
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O espírito das coisas: um estudo sobre a assemblage infantil / The spirit of things: a study on children assemblage.Ferreira, Paulo Nin 26 March 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação estuda a assemblage infantil, através do seu processo de criação e recriação durante a atividade de construção, procurando entender seu significado enquanto experiência lúdica e linguagem expressiva que produz conhecimento. Parte da hipótese que entender a relação entre a percepção e a expressão envolvida nessa atividade é crucial para a compreensão do processo de aprendizagem da linguagem visual pela criança. Partindo das concepções teóricas de Rhoda Kellogg sobre o desenho infantil, Jean Piaget e D.W.Winnicott sobre o brincar da criança, Walter Benjamin e Gaston Bachelard sobre narrativas e imaginação na infância e o Paradigma Indiciário de Carlo Ginzburg, essa dissertação reflete sobre a natureza da criação artística na infância. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com quatro grupos de crianças, entre 4 e 7 anos, em Oficinas de Construção em escolas da cidade de São Paulo, durante 2007 e 2008, ancoradas em 15 anos de experiência de trabalho, na forma de pesquisa-ação. Os resultados indicam que a assemblage é uma linguagem expressiva muito significativa para a infância, tornando possível o desenvolvimento de ricas narrativas que equilibram o conhecimento subjetivo e o objetivo de maneira harmônica e profunda, e que amplia a experiência social e cultural da criança. Também aponta que o Paradigma Indiciário de Ginzburg tem gênese na infância e que é possível identificar as suas características na atividade lúdica e expressiva de construção de assemblages. As assemblages infantis são produto de narrativas lúdicas construídas sobre indícios materiais e imateriais que refletem as conexões entre percepção, expressão, imaginação, memória e elementos inconscientes. / This dissertation studies children assemblages through their process of creation and recreation during constructive activities, seeking for understanding their meaning as a playful and expressive language that produces knowledge. Our hypothesis is that the comprehension of the relation between perception and expression, involved in this activity, is crucial to the understanding of childrens learning process of visual language. Drawing from the theoretical conceptions of Rhoda Kellogg about childrens drawing, Jean Piaget and D.W. Winnicott on children play, Walter Benjamin and Gaston Bachelard on narratives and imagination in childhood and Carlo Ginzburgs Evidential Paradigm, this dissertation reflects upon the nature of artistic creation in childhood. This research was conducted with two groups of children aged 4 to 7 in assemblage construction classes in São Paulo schools, during 2007 and 2008, embedded in 15 years of previous experience, in the format of research in action. We have found that assemblage is a very powerfull, meaningfull and expressive language for children, enabling then to develop rich narratives that balance subjective and objective knowledge in an harmonic and profound way, and enlarges their social and cultural encounters. It also indicates that Ginzburg Evidential Paradigm has a genesis in childhood and that it is possible to identify its features in playful and expressive activities of assemblage. Children assemblages are the product of playful narratives constructed upon material and imaterial evidence, thus reflecting connections among perception, expression, imagination, memory and unconscious elements.
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A epistemologia do princípio do livre convencimento: reminiscência de um paradigma autoritário de processo no âmbito do novo código de processo civilWild, Rodolfo 21 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2017-03-16T16:02:41Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-21 / Nenhuma / O presente estudo tem, por objetivo, demonstrar o estágio atual da jurisprudência brasileira relativamente ao livre convencimento, especialmente em face aos sinais de sua manutenção, mesmo sob a vigência do Novo Código de Processo Civil de 2015. Com base nisso, pretende mostrar como o livre convencimento vem contribuindo para o exacerbamento da discricionariedade nas decisões judiciais, mediante seleção do material probatório com vistas a conferir uma capa de aparente racionalidade nas referidas decisões. Nesse contexto, também pretende demonstrar como tal concepção é fruto de um paradigma autoritário de processo, introduzido no Brasil a partir do Código de Processo Civil de 1939, com base nas influências da obra de Giuseppe Chiovenda. Ainda, como a manutenção desse paradigma foi facilitada, de um lado, pela permanência de determinadas concepções do positivismo jurídico, diferenciando, para tanto, o positivismo normativista inspirado na obra de Hans Kelsen daquele que lhe precedeu, qual seja, o legalista ou exegético. Por outro lado, também foi facilitada por uma equivocada compreensão do livre convencimento como um princípio processual. Assim, resgata o estudo, tanto do objeto do processo quanto do objeto do debate, focando suas diferentes correntes doutrinárias para demonstrar que, na teoria geral do processo, o livre convencimento não encontra lugar como parte específica em nenhum dos objetos estudados. Disso decorre a imprecisão – e mesmo ausência de rigor - doutrinária acerca da natureza jurídica do livre convencimento, o que está contribuindo para que esse continue a iludir, tanto no plano teórico quanto no prático, os problemas ligados à justificação das decisões judiciais. Todo esse complexo conjunto de fatores, enfim, vem contribuindo para que a jurisprudência continue a repetir, na atualidade, as lições de Chiovenda, inspiradas em um paradigma autoritário, relativamente ao livre convencimento. / The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the “status quo” of Brazilian judicial decision´ formation in regard to the “rational persuasion model” in the judicial decision-making process, especially in light of the signs of its maintenance, even under the New Civil Procedure Code of 2015. Based on this, the research intends to show how the use of the “rational persuasion model” in the judicial decision-making process has contributed to the exacerbation of judicial discretion on such decisions, through the selection of material evidence with a view to conferring a layer of apparent rationality in said decisions. In this context, it also intends to demonstrate how this conception or technique is the result of an authoritarian paradigm of process, introduced in Brazil with the 1939 Civil Procedure Code, based mainly on the influences of the work of scholars as Giuseppe Chiovenda. Furthermore, as the maintenance of this paradigm was facilitated, on one hand, by the continuity of certain conceptions of legal positivism, differentiating, for that, normativist positivism inspired by the work of Hans Kelsen of the one who preceded him, that is, legalistic or exegetical theory. On the other hand, it was also facilitated by a mistaken understanding of the rational persuasion model as a procedural principle to be applied in the judicial decision-making process. Thus, the study investigates both, the object of the process and the object of the debate, focusing in its different doctrinal approaches to demonstrate that, in the general theory of the judicial process, rational persuasion model does not find a place as a specific part in any of the studied objects. From this model or principle arises the imprecision - and even lack of doctrinal rigor - about the legal nature of “rational persuasion model”, which is helping to continue to elude both the theoretical and the practical problems related to the motivation of judicial decisions. All this complex set of factors, in short, has contributed to the fact that the judicial decision-making process and developing precedents continues to repeat, at the present time, the lessons of Chiovenda, inspired by an authoritarian paradigm, with respect to applying a rational persuasion model and enhancing judicial discretion in the decision-making process.
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Classification flexionnelles : Etude quantitative des structures de paradigmes / Inflectional classifications : A quantitative study of paradigm structuresBeniamine, Sacha 06 July 2018 (has links)
Dans les systèmes flexionnels, il arrive que des propriétés morphosyntaxiques soient exprimées différemment d’un lexème à l’autre. Pour décrire ces systèmes, il est usuel d’énumérer un petit nombre de classes flexionnelles formant une partition des lexèmes. Les systèmes flexionnels suivent cependant une organisation beaucoup plus complexe, et en raison d’un flou méthodologique, les travaux sont souvent en désaccord sur l’inventaire exact des classes.Cette thèse se place dans la perspective Mot et Paradigme et élabore des outils computationnels permettant d’observer précisément la structure de similarité des systèmes de classes flexionnelles en se fondant sur des lexiques de formes fléchies. Nous étudions les verbes de l’arabe, de l’anglais, du chatino de Zenzontepec, du chatino de Yaitepec, du français, du navajo, du portugais européen, ainsi que les noms du Russe.Dans une première partie, nous proposons de décrire le comportement flexionnel des lexèmes au moyen des alternances entre leur formes. Nous présentons un algorithme pour inférer automatiquement des patrons d’alternances reliant deux formes de surface d’un même lexème. Nous employons ces patrons pour quantifier le problème de remplissage des cases de paradigme. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous interrogeons sur la structure de similarité des systèmes flexionnels. Nous commençons par classer les lexèmes en microclasses, fondées sur l’identité du comportement flexionnel. Celles-ci sont nombreuses, et parfois très similaires entre elles. Nous proposons ensuite un algorithme fondé sur la longueur de description permettant de regrouper les microclasses en un petit nombre de macroclasses correspondant à la notion traditionnelle de classe flexionnelle. Enfin, nous montrons que le modèle le plus fidèle pour décrire les similarités au sein de ces systèmes est un treillis dont chaque nœud constitue une classe flexionnelle. Pour déduire cette hiérarchie à héritage multiple des patrons d’alternances, nous employons l’analyse de concepts formels / In some inflectional systems, the same morphosyntactic properties can be expressed differently across lexemes. These systems are usually described through the enumeration of a small number of inflection classes partitioning the inventory of lexemes. However, the actual structure of inflection class systems is much more complex, and methodological vagueness leads to contradictory accounts regarding inventories of inflection classes.This dissertation adopts the Word and Paradigm approach and elaborates computational tools to investigate precisely the similarity structure of inflection class systems based on inflectional lexicon. We study Arabic, Yaitepec Chatino, Zenzontepec Chatino, English, French, Navajo and European Portuguese verbs as well as Russian nouns.The first part defines the inflectional behavior of lexemes through the set of all surface alternations between their forms. We describe an algorithm to infer automatically alternation patterns between any two forms of a lexeme. We use alternation patterns to quantify the Paradigm Cell Filling Problem (PCFP). The second part investigates the similarity structure of inflectional systems. We start by classifying lexemes into microclasses, based on identity of inflectional behavior. These classes are numerous, and sometimes very similar. We then describe an algorithm based on minimal description length to gather microclasses into macroclasses which conform to the traditional notion of inflection class. Finally, we show that the most faithful model to describe similarities in inflectional systems is a lattice in which each node is an inflection class. To deduce this multiple inheritance hierarchy from alternation patterns, we use Formal Concept Analysis.
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Evaluating False Memory, Deception, and Truth-Telling using fNIRSSurprenant, Britni Grace 01 January 2019 (has links)
False memories happen when someone mis-remembers a past event that occurred. The study of false memories is commonly done using the DRM paradigm which can form false memories through semantic list learning. The current study is evaluating false memory, deception, and truth-telling using the DRM paradigm while measuring cortical activation with fNIRS. Results indicated no interactions between specific condition responses and brain regions in the prefrontal cortex. A main effect of condition was found indicating that correct responses have the lowest level of activation. Additionally, there were no significant differences found between deception and false memory responses. Further research needs to be conducted to help further analyze possible differences between these conditions as well as in more subcortical regions of the prefrontal cortex.
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教育行政方法論典範變遷之研究:實證論、後實證論、與後現代主義 / Study of Paradigm Change of Educational Administration Methodology: Positivism, Postpositivism, and Postmodernism黃貞裕 Unknown Date (has links)
教育行政學興起於十九世紀末。本世紀初教育行政學處於規範時期,其理論與實踐皆以其他領域(管理學、行政學)之常識做為基礎。二次世界大戰後,以邏輯實證論為理念基礎的理論運動(theory movement)如火如荼地展開,其目的在建立系統性與普遍性的原理原則,並將行政中之主觀成分(價值、倫理)排除。1970年代開始,科學哲學中之後實證論觀點波及教育行政研究,使得其原有的方法論格局產生了極大的變化。尤其是Greenfield、Bates、Hodgkinson等人所提出的批判性觀點,使整個教育行政領域開始對行政科學化的方法論進行大幅度反省與修正,也造成教育行政方法論由原來的單一典範時期轉入多元典範時期。
八、關於未來研究方面,研究者也提供了五點看法作為未來研究的參考。 / At the beginning of the 20th century, educational administration had just begun to emerge as a recognizable discipline and was therefore in a sort of "prescriptive era." After World War II, the theory movement which was based on the foundation of Logic Positivism started with great swiftness. The movement aimed to establish general and systematic rules for the administration practices, while excluding the subjective elements (values and ethics) of educational administration research. In 1970, the philosophy of science shifts to the postpositivism era and begins to rapidly influence the research of educational administration, thus greatly altering the original methodology. Greenfield, Bates, and Hodgkinson, the key scholars of this movement, criticize the scientific view, and hence influence educational administration methodology away from the dominant positivistic era and into the multi-paradigm era.
The purpose of this study is to explore the historical development of paradigm shifts in educational administration methodology, and to explain how the paradigms (including positivism, postpositivism, and postmodernism) have influenced the theory development of education administration. Using the paradigm debates as a main source, this study will reveal the problematic issue of theory development of educational administration and then analyze the problematic issue of contemporarily studies in educational administration. The methods of this study consist primarily of documentary analysis, historical approach, as well as critical analysis.
The major findings of this study include:
1. Logic Positivism is still the most influential paradigm in educational administration research, the multi-paradigmatic view needs further enforcement.
2. Most scholars confirm that the scientific view in fact does contribute to the theory development of educational administration.
3. In contemporary paradigm debates, most scholars prefer theoretical pluralism to theory replacement.
4. Postmodernism is still an underdeveloped concept in educational administration research.
5. The range of research of educational administration has become more complicated, therefore leading to the growing popularity of the qualitative method.
6. The improvement of studies in educational administration is dependent on the professional committee's push.
7. The unavoidable dimensions of "values" and "ethics" have erroneously been neglected in previous research.
8. The "craft" dimension of educational administration and the thought of the inability to link together theory and practice, have been widely neglected in previous research.
Based upon the previous discussion and analysis, several recommendations for improving the development of educational administration in Taiwan are made:
1. Latest methodological tendency should be known and different paradigms should be mutually adopted.
2. Different research methods should be respected, thus avoiding falling into the single methodology trap again.
3. Educational Administration professional organizations should come into effect and enforce the academic development.
4. There is a need for academic conferences to be held periodically, as well as the publication of periodicals in order to broadcast the newest theory development.
5. National College of Educational Research should be set up for data synthesis and the development of relevant research affairs.
6. Dimensions of "ethics", "values", and "craft" should be emphasized on.
7. National or international academic interaction should be encouraged and the biases of different groups should be eliminated.
8. Four recommendations are made for further research.
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