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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La valeur perçue dans l'alimentation santé : conceptualisation et mesure dans une perspective expérientielle / The perceived value of health-enhancing foods : conceptualization and operationalization through an experiential perspective

Ravoniarison, Aina 03 October 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette recherche correspond aux aliments santé à orientation fonctionnelle (ASOF), définis comme des produits courants qui, au-delà de leur valeur nutritive de base, ciblent un effet positif sur une fonction spécifique de l’organisme, via des composants additionnels. Les travaux en matière de consommation nutrition-santé (CNS) démontrent la prédominance de l’approche cognitiviste, érigeant le raisonnement analytique et l’attitude en tant que régulateurs principaux du processus décisionnel du consommateur. Toutefois, une exploration conceptuelle préliminaire (revue documentaire pluridisciplinaire et étude qualitative multi-méthodes) suggère que le postulat de rationalité des consommateurs, s’il n’est pas sans fondement, peut paraître restrictif et ne rend pas totalement compte du caractère multidimensionnel de la consommation des ASOF (fonctionnelle, hédonique et symbolique). A ce titre, la recherche s’inscrit dans une perspective expérientielle, en positionnant la valeur perçue de la consommation en tant que clé d’analyse. Afin de mettre à jour les mécanismes à l’oeuvre dans la perception d’une valeur de la CNS, une validation empirique de la mesure du concept est établie, dans l’objectif d’en proposer un cadre explicatif intégrateur éclairant la dynamique qui anime la perception de la valeur, ses déterminants, ses modérateurs et ses conséquences (intention de réachat). L’application du cadre d’analyse expérientiel à la CNS montre qu’il semble tout à fait approprié pour appréhender la facette affective de la consommation. Le processus met ainsi en jeu une interaction consommateur-produit, soumise à la force modératrice de traits de personnalité durables. / Functional foods are conventional products that contain additional bioactive compound targeting physiological benefits beyond basic nutritional value. Previous research regarding the health nutrition consumption widely focused on the cognitive features of reasoned decisional process to explain consumer acceptance. Bearing on experiential perspective, the purpose of the present study is to provide an in-depth analysis of functional food consumption by exploring the multidimensional approach of consumer perceived value (utilitarian, hedonistic and symbolic). A primary literature review allowed determining the factors which might affect consumption experience (typology of value components, variables related to consumer, product characteristics and personality traits). An exploratory qualitative survey which mixed interviews with diary and questionnaire was carried out in order to verify research proposals. Finally, following an empirical validation of a perceived value scale, an integrative conceptual model was elaborated and tested through a quantitative survey. This explanatory frame highlighted the underlying relationships between the perceived value of functional food consumption, its predictors, its moderators and its effects (repurchasing intention). Results showed that experiential framework gives a relevant insight into the affective pattern of functional food consumption that emerges from an interaction between the consumer and the product.

Evoluce tvorby Mykoly Bažana: od avantgardy k socialistickému realismu (na příkladě autorských textů 20.-30. let 20. století) / Evolution of Mykola Bazhan's poetry: from avant-garde to socialist realism (illustrated by his works of 1920s-30s).

Babak, Galyna January 2014 (has links)
This MA thesis is focused on the analysis of stylistic originality of Mykola Bazhan texts of the 1920-30s. The texts are considered in cultural and ideological context of this period, which is a result of a mixture of two artistic and philosophical platforms: avant-garde and socialist realism. Trying to reach this aim I trace the correlation of avant-garde and socialist realism poetic and cultural paradigms in Mykola Bazhan poems, the correlation which defines the stylistic originality of his texts from this period. The introductory chapter presents a detailed analysis of the development of Ukrainian literature in the late 19th - early 20th century. I focus on modernist and then on avant-garde movements and literature groups. One part of the MA thesis is dedicated to literary theory - I attempt to apply basic terms like "modernism", "avant-garde", "socialist realism", etc. to the area of my research. Another problem discussed is the change of Bazhan's approach to the communist ideology during several periods of his career. After that the dissertation shifts to philological and cultural analysis of several chosen poems of Mykola Bazhan in historical, philological and ideological contexts which were discussed in the previous chapters of my work. Keywords Mykola Bazhan, modernism, avant-garde,...

Nové lexikální jevy v politické publicistice / New lexical units in political publicism

Děngeová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Resumé Diplomová práce nese název Nové lexikální jevy v politické publicistice a klade si za cíl poukázat na novotvary, které se vyskytují v textech psané publicistiky. Hlavním tématem práce je slovotvorná a sémantická analýza neologismů a uplatňování slovotvorných prostředků, které se podílejí na vzniku nových slov v českém jazyce. Záměrem mé diplomové práce je prezentovat shromážděný lexikální materiál a dokladovat tak dynamiku lexika a kreativitu české slovotvorby. Pomocí představeného materiálu se v práci poukazuje na lexikální slovotvorná paradigmata jako celky, které mohou spoluutvářet mediální obraz konkrétních politiků. Upozorňuje se také na zvýšené užívání některých nových slovotvorných prostředků v oblasti kompozitního novotvoření a na jejich postupné zakotvování v české slovotvorbě. V neposlední řadě práce představuje šíři propriálních motivantů a možnosti jejich spojitelnosti s různými slovotvornými prostředky. Lexikální materiál pro analýzu nových jazykových jevů byl čerpán především ze současné psané publicistiky, neboť její jazyk a styl je velice proměnlivý a dynamický, v porovnání s jinými funkčními styly je mnohem více svázán se společenskými změnami a bezprostředně na ně reaguje. Pro současnou publicistiku je typická rychlá potřeba nových pojmenování, nejčastěji se jako neologismy...

Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) gaze following in the informed forager paradigm : analysis with cross correlations

Hall, Katherine McGregor January 2012 (has links)
I tested two pairs of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the informed forager paradigm: a subordinate saw the location of hidden bait, and then searched with a naïve dominant. This paradigm has tested what subjects know about others' states of knowledge, but my focus was to determine how subjects used different movement types and different gaze types to modify their competitive tactics. In particular, I investigated whether chimpanzees follow opponents' gaze to gain information. Learning more about how primates use visual information to predict others' behaviour can shed light on the continuing debate over to what degree apes possess theory of mind capacities. Previous published studies in this paradigm included narratives of ignorant competitors exploiting informed subjects by following their movement and gaze, and informed subjects avoided this exploitation by walking away from hidden food. The subordinate's behaviour can be considered tactical deception, which is a good place to seek strong evidence of second-order intentionality. Analyses with descriptive statistics, however, fail to capture the complexity of these interactions, which range from single decision-making points to larger patterns of following and misleading. I introduced a novel method of statistical analysis, cross correlations, that enabled me to examine behavioural patterns quantitatively that previous authors have only been able to describe in narrative form. Though previous studies on chimpanzees' understanding of gaze found that they were unable to use (human-given) gaze cues to locate hidden food, the subjects I tested followed their conspecific opponent's gaze, and used information gained from the gaze interaction to modify their own movement towards the hidden bait. Dominants adjusted their physical following of the subordinates as the interaction progressed, which reflected their changed states of knowledge. Subordinates used their movement and gaze differentially to manipulate dominants' behaviour, by withholding information and by recruiting towards a less-preferred bait.

Dimensões teórico-metodológicas do cálculo diferencial e integral : perspectivas histórica e de ensino e aprendizagem /

Escher, Marco Antonio. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Rosana Giaretta Sguerra Miskulin / Banca: Maria Teresa Menezes Freitas / Banca: João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer / Banca: Adriana Cesar de Mattos / Banca: Marcos Vieira Teixeira / Resumo: Esta pesquisa descreve um Cenário de Investigação criado por algumas dimensões teórico-metodológicas, as quais apresentam, em duas perspectivas inter-relacionadas, as influências, limites e potencialidades do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no Cálculo Diferencial e Integral: (1) em uma perspectiva histórica, e (2) em uma perspectiva de ensino e de aprendizagem. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em investigar as dimensões teórico-metodológicas presentes nas inter-relações do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral e as Tecnologias Informacionais e Comunicacionais (TIC). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida lançando mão de uma metodologia qualitativa, com a qual o pesquisador insere-se no contexto pesquisado e no desenvolvimento da coleta dos dados da pesquisa e, aos poucos, constrói o Cenário de Investigação, tendo, como pano de fundo, o Paradigma Indiciário de Carlo Ginzburg. Desta forma, delineamos uma Coda a qual nos fornece uma síntese conceitual das perspectivas (1) e (2), viabilizando-nos a percorrer um caminho teórico-metodológico em busca dos indícios que influenciam os processos de ensinar e aprender Cálculo no contexto das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Para tanto, delineamos possíveis respostas para a questão investigativa: Quais são as dimensões teórico-metodológicas presentes nas inter-relações do Cálculo Diferencial e as Tecnologias Informacionais e Comunicacionais no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem da matemática? Dimensões como: epistemológicas, da linguagem, formalista, sócio-cultural, metodológica, entre outras, emergem da revisão da literatura relativa ao uso das tecnologias no ensino e aprendizagem do Cálculo, da análise preliminar dos livros selecionados, das Entrevistas efetuadas com professores que lecionaram, ou que ainda... (Resumo completo, clicar aesso eletrônico abaixo). / Abstract: In this work we describe a scenario for research created by some theoretical and methodological dimensions which show influences, limits and potentialities of the use of Information and Communication Technology in Differential and Integral Calculus in two interrelated perspectives: (1) from a historical perspective, and (2) a teaching and learning point of view. The objective of this research is to investigate the theoretical and methodological dimensions present in the inter-relationships of Differential and Integral Calculus and Information and Communication Technology (TIC). Therefore, we are resorting to a qualitative methodology, in which the researcher is within the context of researching and developing data collection and research forms the Investigation Scenario in a step-by-step careful manner, with the backdrop of the Paradigm Sign of Carlo Ginzburg. Thus, we designed a Coda which provides a conceptual synthesis of perspectives (1) and (2), which makes possible a theoretical and methodological journey in search of clues that influence the processes of teaching and learning calculus in the context of Information and Communication Technology. To this end, we propose possible answers to the investigative question: What are the theoretical and methodological dimensions present in the inter-relationships of Calculus from the Information and Communication Technology in the context of teaching and learning of mathematics? Dimensions such as epistemological, linguistic, formalist, socio-cultural, methodological, among others, emerge from the literature review on the use of technology in teaching and learning of calculus and preliminary analysis of selected books, from the Interviews with the teachers who taught or still teach Differential and Integral Calculus and from... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Histories of Value: Following Deer Populations Through the English Landscape from 1800 to the Present Day

Marriott Webb, Holly January 2019 (has links)
Imagining the English landscape as an assemblage entangling deer and people throughout history, this thesis explores how changes in deer population connect to the ways deer have been valued from 1800 to the present day. Its methods are mixed, its sources are conversations – human voices in the ongoing historical negotiations of the multispecies body politic, the moot of people, animals, plants and things which shapes and orders the landscape assemblage. These conversations include interviews with people whose lives revolve around deer, correspondence with the organisations that hold sway over deer lives, analysis of modern media discourse around deer issues and exchanges with the history books. It finds that a non-linear increase in deer populations over the time period has been accompanied by multiple changes in the way deer are valued as part of the English landscape. Ending with a reflection on how this history of value fits in to wider debates about the proper representation of animals, the nature of non-human agency, and trajectories of the Anthropocene, this thesis seeks to open up new ways of exploring questions about human-animal relationships in environmental history.

The Usefulness of Programming Languages Beyond Java

Jonsson, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Beyond Java, new programming languages running on the Java virtual machine (JVM) have been developed, such as Kotlin, Scala, JRuby and Clojure amongst others. Since all those languages compile to Java bytecode, they should theoretically be able to be used together in a project. This paper investigates if it is possible and what benefits it gives using those programming languages together in a project. The languages chosen to be used together were Jython, Scala and Kotlin. An experiment was conducted where in a single project, each programming language was assigned a problem to be solved. The experiment was then conducted in two iterations where in each iteration, the problems to be solved was assigned to a different programming language. From the experiment it was shown that using those languages together in a project was possible but resulted in some complications needed to be solved. It was also shown that the following division amongst the languages worked best in the present use case: Jython for graphical handling, Scala for calculating and computing and Kotlin for data-handling.

A conectividade radical como princípio e prática da educação em Paulo Freire. / The radical connectivity as a principle and pratice education in Paulo Freire.

Mafra, Jason Ferreira 11 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese focaliza e problematiza a categoria conectividade subjacente à antropologia do pedagogo e filósofo da Educação Paulo Freire. Conectividade, princípio incidente em todas as coisas, é tomada aqui como uma condição que, no gênero humano, ganha centralidade em razão de sua natureza intencional, quer dizer, da consciência individual e histórica. Traduz-se, neste caso, por um conjunto de disposições epistemológicas, axiológicas e praxiológicas, dimensões componentes da totalidade existencial. Entre os objetivos centrais deste estudo, destacamos três: contribuir para o pensamento a respeito do sentido da conectividade no campo das ciências sociais, em especial o da Educação; explicitar as características dessa categoria na vida e na obra de Paulo Freire; apontar indicações e pistas possíveis à aplicabilidade prática e teórica desse descritor categorial. Embora tenha se estruturado a partir de subsídios de informações e elementos empíricos, esta pesquisa possui caráter predominantemente teórico. Para tanto, as reflexões aqui expostas se fundam nos exames e análises de vasta bibliografia e de outras fontes de natureza variada, como teses, dissertações, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, entrevistas, jornais, revistas, vídeos, áudios e documentos eletrônicos. À idéia de conectividade associa-se a noção de infância. O hibridismo dessas categorias deu origem à construção de uma metáfora que se materializou no arquétipo menino conectivo, auto-imagem do educador, tomada por nós como instrumento de interpretação neste trabalho. Além do referencial paulofreiriano, nossas análises se nutrem das categorias de autores que desenvolvem reflexões no campo do pensamento dialético, seja de origem marxista, seja da perspectiva da pós-modernidade crítica. O presente estudo revelou que a conectividade é uma categoria-mestra que, em Paulo Freire, aglutina e amarra um conjunto de outras categorias fundantes na forma de construir conhecimento, valores e práticas sociais. Este trabalho se consolidou também como um esforço para pensar o sentido dessa categoria como tema epocal e suas possíveis implicações na organização da vida, em favor da construção da cultura da planetaridade e da vida sustentável, em oposição à lógica desumanizadora do sistema-mundo fundado no paradigma da globalização predatória e, por sua natureza, opressora. / This thesis focuses on and poses questions about the category of connectivity underlying the anthropology of the pedagogue and educational philosopher Paulo Freire. Connectivity, a principle occurring in all things, is taken here as a condition that gains centrality with the human genus because of its intentional nature in relation to individual and historical consciousness. It is translated, in this case, by a group of epistemological, axiological and praxeological dispositions, component dimensions of the existential totality. Among the central objectives of this study, we highlight three: to contribute to the thinking about the meaning of connectivity in the social sciences, especially in Education; to make explicit the characteristics of this category in the life and work of Paulo Freire; to indicate possible paths to practical and theoretical applications of this categorical descriptor. Although its structure is based on empirical elements and information, this study has a predominantly theoretical character. Moreover, the reflections exposed here are founded on examinations and analyses of a vast bibliography and from other sources of a varied nature, such as theses, dissertations, term papers, interviews, newspapers, magazines, audio and videotapes, and electronic documents. The idea of connectivity is associated with the notion of infancy. The hybridism of these categories is the origin of the construction of a metaphor that materialized in the connective boy archetype, the educator?s selfimage, which serves us as an interpretive instrument in this work. Besides the references to Paulo Freire, our analyses are nourished by authors whose ideas develop in the field of dialectical thinking, either from a Marxist perspective or from the perspective of critical post-modernism. The present study reveals that connectivity is a master-category that Paulo Freire uses to agglutinate and tie together a group of other founding categories as a way of constructing social knowledge, values and practices. This work is also consolidated by its attempt to consider the meaning of this category as an epochal theme and its possible implications in organizing life in favor of the construction of planetary culture and of sustainable existence, in opposition to the dehumanizing logic of a world-system founded on the paradigm of predatory globalization that is, by its very nature, oppressive.

À sombra de um livro: história e ficção na leitura de \'Amphitryon\', de Ignacio Padilla / At the book\' s shade: history and fiction in Ignacio Padilha\' s \'Amphitryon\' reading

Prelorentzou, Renato Brighenti 02 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho explora três possíveis significados para o \"romance histórico\" Amphitryon, de Ignacio Padilla, e, a partir disso, estuda modos de interação entre história e ficção. O primeiro sentido analisa-o como um livro na história, uma obra marcante que se escreveu sob o contexto de um manifesto célebre por tentar reorganizar a tradição literária latinoamericana. O segundo sentido toma-o como um livro de história, um romance que não só se aproxima de um gênero literário afeito aos fatos historiográficos, mas que, sobretudo, articula conteúdos históricos, literários e culturais sob formas narrativas que também derivam do século passado. O terceiro sentido, finalmente, o lê como um livro da história, uma narrativa que, pela disposição de relatos e narradores, simula o próprio mecanismo do fazer histórico. Conduzindo essas argumentações estão os princípios da dialética formaabertura e da interação autor-obra-leitor, derivados de Umberto Eco, a noção de leitura e escritura como forma de conhecer, cara a Jorge Luis Borges, e o paradigma indiciário, de Carlo Ginzburg. A tentativa final é fazer de um exercício de crítica literária uma reflexão sobre a história. Para tanto, insiste-se na analogia entre verificação e interpretação de dados e as mediações livro-leitor-leituras, e adota-se a \"espiral de leituras\" historicizadas como modo operativo que aproxima discursos ficcionais e discursos históricos, esboçando-se, então, paralelos e limites nos percursos da produção historiográfica e da produção ficcional ao longo do século XX. / This work explores three possible meanings for the \"historical novel\" Amphitryon, of Ignacio Padilla, and, from this, it studies ways of interaction between history and fiction. The first meaning analyzes it as a book in history, a remarkable work that was written under the context of a manifest notable for trying to reorganize the Latin American literary tradition. The second meaning takes it as a history book, a novel that not only comes close to the historiographies facts, but, above all, it articulates historical, literary and cultural contents under narrative forms that are also drawn from the last century. The third meaning, finally, reads it as a book of history, a narrative that, for the disposal of stories and narrators, simulates the mechanism of history. As a guide line for these arguments, there are the principles of the dialectic form-opening and the interaction author-work-reader, derived from Umberto Eco, the notion of reading and writing as forms of knowledge, from Jorge Luis Borges, and the evidential paradigm, of Carlo Ginzburg. The final attempt is to make a reflection on history from a literary critical exercise. In such way, one must insist on the analogy between verification and interpretation of data and the relations bookreader- readings, and adopts the historic \"spiral of readings\" as an operative way that approaches fiction and historical speeches, and so, outlining parallels and limits in the course of the historiography and fictional production throughout the 20th century.

Análise de sistemas hipotalâmicos envolvidos na organização da defesa intraespecífica. / Analyses of hypothalamic systems involved in the organization of intra-specific defense.

Motta, Simone Cristina 30 July 2010 (has links)
Etologicamente, os animais expressam repostas de medo frente a um predador ou a um co-especifico e a organização neural de respostas defensivas intraespecíficas são pouco conhecidas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o papel hipotalâmico na organização da defesa intraespecífica. Observamos que o núcleo pré-mamilar dorsal do hipotálamo também está ativo durante nesse tipo de defesa, porém porções distintas do mesmo. A lesão desse núcleo em ratos expostos a derrota social levou a importantes alterações comportamentais, praticamente abolindo comportamentos de defesa passiva. Notamos que regiões do hipotálamo lateral são as principais projeções aferentes do núcleo pré-mamilar dorsal e o principal alvo eferente é a coluna dorsomedial da matéria cinzenta periaquedutal. Concluímos que o hipotálamo é fundamental para a organização da defesa intraespecífica e que comportamentos defensivos inter e intra-específicos se utilizam de caminhos neurais distintos. / In nature, animals express fear responses toward a predator or a co-specific and not much is known about the neural organization of intra-specific defense. Therefore, the aim of this work was to analyze the role that the hypothalamus plays during the intra-specific defense expression. We observed that the dorsal premammilary nucleus is also mobilized during the agonistic encounter, but a different portion. Dorsal premammilary nucleus lesioned intruders led to important defense alterations, almost abolishing passive forms of defensive behavior. Notably, regions in lateral hypothalamus are particularly important for activating the dorsal premammilary nucleus and its efferent projection to the dorsomedial column of periaqueductal gray matter is the most important outcome for the defensive behavior expression. Concluding, the hypothalamus is fundamental for the neural organization of intra-specific defense and inter and intra-specific defensive behaviors are organized by distinct neural pathways.

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