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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de sondas cirúrgicas radioguiadas com semicondutores de TlBr e com cristais cintiladores de CsI(Tl)

COSTA, FABIO E. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Desenvolvimento de sondas cirúrgicas radioguiadas com semicondutores de TlBr e com cristais cintiladores de CsI(Tl)

COSTA, FABIO E. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:51:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / As cirurgias radioguiadas, utilizando sondas com detectores de radiação, têm sido destaque na área médica na última década. Esta técnica consiste na marcação de lesões com uma substância radioativa, que injetada no paciente, concentra-se no tumor e auxilia a sua localização durante o ato cirúrgico. Entre as cirurgias radioguiadas, a identificação e exame do linfonodo sentinela, tem revolucionado a conduta de neoplasias em estádio inicial, quando estas estão sendo disseminadas pela via linfática. As condições impostas por uma cirurgia e a proximidade entre alguns linfonodos, exige das sondas, reduzidos diâmetros e capacidade de identificação individual destes linfonodos marcados com um radiofármaco. O mercado internacional fornece sondas adequadas com cristais cintiladores e com semicondutores de telureto de cádmio, CdTe, mas que algumas vezes carecem de uma pronta assistência técnica no mercado brasileiro devido a todo o conjunto ser importado. Este trabalho desenvolveu sondas com tecnologia nacional, utilizando cristais cintiladores de iodeto de césio dopado com tálio, CsI(Tl) e, em substituição aos cristais semicondutores de CdTe, o cristal de brometo de tálio, TlBr que é um meio semicondutor detector em desenvolvimento mundialmente, com vantagens em relação ao CdTe. Ambos os cristais utilizados foram crescidos no IPEN. Toda a eletrônica necessária, e em especial, o pré-amplificador, que constituía também um fator limitante para desenvolvimento destes tipos de sonda no país, foram desenvolvidos com componentes encontrados no mercado nacional. Medidas sistemáticas de resolução espacial, seletividade espacial, sensibilidade máxima e qualidade da blindagem foram realizadas para as sondas desenvolvidas. Os resultados mostraram que dois modelos de sonda, uma com o cristal de CsI(Tl) e outra com o semicondutor de TlBr atenderam as qualidades sugeridas pela literatura internacional para sondas cirúrgicas radioguiadas. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Capacitance-Based Characterization of PIN Devices

Fink, Douglas Rudolph 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation non linéaire de composants optiques d'une chaîne laser de forte puissance

Santran, Stéphane 18 December 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur la réalisation de prototypes de mesure des propriétés optiques non linéaires de verres dans le proche infrarouge et dans le visible. Les montages réalisés sont des expériences pompe sonde colinéaires résolues en temps dans lesquelles la susceptibilité non linéaire est déduite des variations de l'intensité du faisceau sonde induites par un couplage entre les faisceaux pompe et sonde dans le matériau. La sensibilité de ces expériences ont permis entre autre d'observer des variations inattendues, supérieures à 30%, des indices non linéaires de différentes silice fondue, d'analyser les origines de la non linéarité de verres d'oxydes prometteurs pour les applications tout optique et de comprendre et mesurer les processus non linéaire dans les diodes dites « à deux photons ». Enfin, une architecture originale pour la mesure d'indice non linéaire en configuration non dégénérée par une approche de mesure de phase de l'impulsion sonde à l'aide d'un interféromètre de Sagnac est proposée et analysée.

Recherche de Nouvelle Physique dans les événements à quatre quarks top avec le détecteur ATLAS du LHC

Paredes Hernandez, D. 13 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but la recherche de Nouvelle Physique dans les événements à quatre quarks top en utilisant les données collectées dans les collisions proton-proton par l'expérience ATLAS au LHC. L'ensemble des données correspond à celui enregistré pendant tout 2011 à √s = 7 TeV et une partie de l'année 2012 à √s = 8 TeV. L'analyse est concentrée sur un état final avec deux leptons (des électrons et des muons) avec la même charge électrique. Cette signature est expérimentalement privilégiée puisque la présence de deux leptons avec le même signe dans l'état final permet de réduire le bruit du fond qui vient des processus du Modèle Standard. Les résultats sont interprétés dans le contexte d'une théorie effective à basse énergie, qui suppose que la Nouvelle Physique peut se manifester à basse énergie comme une interaction de contact à quatre tops droits. Dans ce contexte, cette analyse permet de prouver un type de théorie au delà du Modèle Standard qui, à basse énergie, peut se manifester de cette manière. Les bruits du fond pour cette recherche ont été estimés en utilisant des échantillons simulés et des techniques axées sur les données. Différentes sources d'incertitudes systématiques ont été considérées. La sélection finale des événements a été optimisée en visant à minimiser la limite supérieure attendue sur la section efficace de production des quatre tops si aucun événement de signal n'est trouvé. La région du signal a été ensuite examinée à la recherche d'un excès d'événement en comparaison avec le bruit du fond prévu. Aucun excès d'événement n'a été observé, et la limite supérieure observée sur la section efficace de production de quatre quarks top a été calculée. Ceci a permis de calculer la limite supérieure sur la constante de couplage C/lambda 2 du modèle. Une limite supérieure sur la section efficace de production de quatre tops dans le Modèle Standard a été aussi calculée dans l'analyse à √s = 8 TeV. En plus de l'analyse physique du signal de quatre tops, des études concernant le système d'étalonnage LASER du calorimètre Tile ont été présentées. Ces études sont liées au système des photodiodes utilisé pour mesurer l'intensité de la lumière dans le système LASER.

Conception d'un circuit d'étouffement pour photodiodes à avalanche en mode Geiger pour intégration hétérogène 3D

Boisvert, Alexandre January 2014 (has links)
Le Groupe de Recherche en Appareillage Médical de Sherbrooke (GRAMS) travaille actuellement sur un programme de recherche portant sur des photodiodes à avalanche monophotoniques (PAMP) opérées en mode Geiger en vue d'une application à la tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP). Pour opérer dans ce mode, la PAMP, ou SPAD selon l’acronyme anglais (Single Photon Avalanche Diode), requiert un circuit d'étouffement (CE) pour, d’une part, arrêter l’avalanche pouvant causer sa destruction et, d’autre part, la réinitialiser en mode d’attente d’un nouveau photon. Le rôle de ce CE comprend également une électronique de communication vers les étages de traitement avancé de signaux. La performance temporelle optimale du CE est réalisée lorsqu’il est juxtaposé à la PAMP. Cependant, cela entraîne une réduction de la surface photosensible ; un élément crucial en imagerie. L’intégration 3D, à base d'interconnexions verticales, offr une solution élégante et performante à cette problématique par l’empilement de circuits intégrés possédant différentes fonctions (PAMP, CE et traitement avancé de signaux). Dans l’approche proposée, des circuits d’étouffement de 50 [mu]m x 50 [mu]m réalisés sur une technologie CMOS 130 nm 3D Tezzaron, contenant chacun 112 transistors, sont matricés afin de correspondre à une matrice de PAMP localisée sur une couche électronique supérieure. Chaque circuit d'étouffement possède une gigue temporelle de 7,47 ps RMS selon des simulations faites avec le logiciel Cadence. Le CE a la flexibilité d'ajuster les temps d'étouffement et de recharge pour la PAMP tout en présentant une faible consommation de puissance ( ~ 0,33 mW à 33 Mcps). La conception du PAMP nécessite de supporter des tensions supérieures aux 3,3 V de la technologie. Pour répondre à ce problème, des transistors à drain étendu (DEMOS) ont été réalisés. En raison de retards de production par les fabricants, les circuits n’ont pu être testés physiquement par des mesures. Les résultats de ce mémoire sont par conséquent basés sur des résultats de simulations avec le logiciel Cadence.

Search for New Physics in events with 4 top quarks in the ATLAS detector at the LHC

Paredes Hernández, Daniela 13 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the search for New Physics in events with four top quarks using the data collected in proton-proton collisions by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The dataset corresponds to the one taken during all 2011 at √s = 7 TeV and a part of 2012 at √s = 8 TeV. The analysis focuses on a final state with two leptons (electrons and muons) with the same electric charge. This signature is experimentally favored since the presence of two same-sign leptons in the final state allows to reduce the background coming from Standard Model (SM) processes. The results are interpreted in the context of a low energy effective field theory, which assumes that New Physics at low energy can manifest itself as a four right-handed top contact interaction. In this context, this analysis allows testing a class of beyond-the-SM (BSM) theories which at low energy can manifest in this way. Backgrounds to this search have been estimated using simulated samples and data-driven techniques. Different sources of systematic uncertainties have been also considered. The final selection of events has been optimized by aiming at minimizing the expected upper limit on the four tops production cross-section in case of no signal events found. The signal region is then analyzed by looking for an excess of events with respect to the predicted background. No excess of events has been observed, and the observed upper limit on the four tops production cross-section has been computed. This limit is then translated to an upper limit on the coupling strength C=2 of the model. An upper limit on the four tops production cross-section in the SM has been also computed in the analysis performed at √s = 8 TeV. In addition to the physics analysis of the four tops signal, some studies about the LASER calibration system of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter are presented. In particular, they are related to the photodiodes system used to measure the intensity of the laser light in the LASER system.

Modelling, Fabrication and Characterization of HgCdTe Infrared Detectors for High Operating Temperatures

Srivastav, Vanya January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, we have designed, simulated, fabricated and characterized homojunction Hg1-xCdxTe detector for high operating temperature in the MWIR region. The IR photon detectors need cryogenic cooling to suppress thermal generation. The temperature of operation in narrow gap semiconductor devices is limited by the noise due to statistical nature of thermal generation-recombination in narrow gap semiconductors. To make IR systems affordable they have to be operated without cooling or with minimal cooling compatible with low cost, low power and long life. Several fundamental and technological limitations to uncooled operation of photon detectors have been discussed in Chapter-1 of this thesis. Way and means adopted to increase the operating temperature, such as non-equilibrium operation, use of multilayer stacked hetero¬structures, optical immersion etc. have also been discussed. Key to improving the detector performance at any temperature is reduction of dark currents to level below the photocurrent and ultimately to the level where detector noise is determined by the fluctuations in photon flux from the scene (BLIP limit). In addition, design of present generation uncooled Hg1-xCdxTe infrared photon detectors relies on complex hetero-structures with a basic unit cell of type n+/π/p+. Theoretical modeling and numerical simulations on TLHJ device consisting of backside illuminated n+/π/p+ photodiodes have been performed. A numerical model for solving carrier transport equations for Hg1-xCdxTe infrared photodiodes was developed in MATLAB. Finite difference discretization of carrier transport equations and successive over relaxation method have been adopted. Numerical models are more appropriate than analytical models when analyzing multi-layer hetero-structures because we can account for realistic doping profiles, compositional grading and hetero-structures using this model. The model can be suitably modified to accommodate different device architectures, designs, material properties and operating temperature. Such a generalized model is useful to a device designer to customize the detector performance as per the availability of the material to suit the application specific requirements. The present work therefore proposes a more flexible, accurate and generalized methodology to accommodate the user needs by simulating the position dependence of carrier concentration, electrostatic potential and g-r rates and their effect on detector performance vis-à¬vis contact doping, absorber doping and absorber width on device performance. We detail aspects of our simulation model by developing a library of Hg1-xCdxTe properties using analytical and empirical expressions for material parameters (energy band gap, electron affinity, intrinsic carrier concentration, carrier effective mass, carrier mobility, dielectric constant and absorption coefficient). The PDEs were solved using the FDM coupled with SOR method. Behavior of Hg1-xCdxTe diodes (homo/hetero-junction) under different biasing, illumination and non equilibrium situations were modeled. Model has been validated for experimental measured data on n on p Hg1-xCdxTe photodiodes. The numerical computations are next applied to simulation/modeling of MWIR (λc=4.5 μm) n+/π/p+ TLHJ device for operation at T=250K. Several recombination processes occur in Hg1¬-xCdxTe depending on material quality, operating temperature, device design and processing conditions. Detailed mathematical models of radiative, Auger, Shockley Read Hall (SRH), surface recombination and optical g-r are analyzed and their effect on carrier lifetime have been evaluated. Analytical models for dark currents affecting the performance of Hg1-xCdxTe diodes at different temperatures are discussed. The mechanisms contributing to dark current are: (i) the thermal diffusion of minority carriers from the neutral regions (IDiff); (ii) generation-recombination from the space charge region of diode (IG-R) (iii) trap assisted tunneling currents, wherein the traps in the depletion region or the traps in the quasi neutral p region close to the depletion edge participate in the tunneling process(ITAT); (iii) band-to-band tunneling currents (IBTB) and (iv) surface leakage currents due to shunt resistance. Total current of a photodiode is ITOT=IDiff+IG-R+ITAT+IBTB+ISH-IP, where IP is the photocurrent. We evaluate the variation of electrostatic potential, carrier concentration, and electric field and g-r profiles as a function of position. The effect of variation in absorber width, doping and contact doping on D* is also analyzed. The mathematical models of different g-r processes (Auger, SRH, radiative, surface recombination and optical generation) affecting the device performance analyzed and their affect on carrier lifetimes are investigated. Responsivity ~3.25Amp-Watt-1, noise current~2pA/Hz1/2 and D* ~8x109 cmHz1/2watt-1 at 0.1V reverse bias have been calculated using optimized values of doping concentration, absorber width and carrier lifetime. The suitability of the method has been illustrated by demonstrating the feasibility of achieving the optimum device performance by carefully selecting the device design and other parameters. The numerical models provided insight about the operation and performance of Hg1-xCdxTe Auger-suppressed infrared photodiodes. Hetero-junction configuration increases the dynamic resistance, while the heavily doped contacts reduce the contact resistance. Wide gap/heavily doped contacts present a barrier to injection of minority carries into the absorber layer. At the same time they allow collection of minority carriers generated in the absorber region at the contacts. Hg1-xCdxTe hetero-diodes are grown by MOCVD and MBE with precise doping and compositional gradient control to reduce g-r contributions from defects and dislocations to the dark current in order to reap advantages of Auger suppression. Measured dark currents in hetero-junction photodiodes continue to be larger than expected in spite of the advancements in MBE technique. Delineation of an array on hetero-structures involves mesa separation of the diodes thus creating additional surface requiring passivation. Overall, the whole effort of fabricating a hetero Hg1-xCdxTe detector array is disproportionate to the overall gain in the performance. Therefore, we employ a much simpler fabrication process of homo-junction Hg1-xCdxTe detectors. It involves a planar device fabrication approach thus minimizing the surface passivation problem. We have deliberated upon the specific growth, characterization techniques and processing steps employed in our study. We discuss some of the experimental issues. We also presented results on the novel processing techniques developed that are potentially applicable to HOT technology and Hg1-xCdxTe technology in general. Hg1-xCdxTe (x=0.27-0.31) layer of ~ 15×15mm2 area and 15-20µm thickness is grown on CdZnTe substrate by Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) in-house. As grown wafer is vacancy doped p-type with a carrier concentration of ~5×1015-1x1016 cm-3 and hole mobility of ~400cm2V-1s-1@80K. Planar n+/ν/p junction ~2-3µm deep is formed by B+ ion implantation and subsequent annealing; details are outlined in Chapter-4. Hall measurements and differential Hall measurements were used to find the carrier concentration, carrier mobility, resistivity of the wafer. The diodes are formed in the form of a 2D array along with various PEV’s for process characterization. Composition of Hg1-xCdxTe wafers used for the work is in the range of 0.27¬ 0.31 as determined by FTIR, corresponding to cutoff wavelength of 4.5-6.5µm. Junction depth and doping profile of the diodes after ion implantation was characterized by differential Hall technique. Transient minority carrier lifetime in fabricated MWIR n+/ν/p Hg1-xCdxTe (x=0.27) diodes were characterized using diode reverse-recovery technique. We prefer this method because it is a direct indicator of device as well as material quality post processing. By this time the device has undergone all the chemical/mechanical treatments and the measured lifetime is the cumulative of g-r mechanisms operative in bulk, space charge region and surface of diode. The value of lifetime extracted from the measured data lies in the range of 80-160ns. Variable temperature lifetime data was also extracted to determine the prevalent g-r process operative in the device. Diode dark I-V and junction C-V measurements were also made to correlate the observed behavior of the measured lifetime with g-r processes. Evidence of Auger suppression at room temperature is seen in the dark I-V characteristics via observation of negative differential resistance in the homo-junction Hg1-xCdxTe diodes. The experimental data is fitted using the numerical and analytical models developed. Based on this fitting, the current mechanisms limiting the dark current in these photodiodes are extracted. An improved analytical I-V model is reported by incorporating TAT and electric field enhanced Shockley-Read-Hall generation recombination process due to dislocations. Tunneling currents are fitted before and after the Auger suppression of carriers with energy level of trap (Et), trap density (Nt) and the doping concentrations of n+ and νregions as fitting parameters. Values of Et and Nt were determined as 0.78-0.80Eg and ~7-9×1014 cm-3 respectively in all cases. Doping concentration of νregion was found to exhibit non-equilibrium depletion from a value of 2×1016 to 4×1015 cm-3. Quantum efficiency of the diodes was found to ~25-30%. Note, that these are wafer level measurements on unpackaged device without backside AR coating. In addition to junction diodes, we present results on several PEV's such as VADA, MIS/MIM capacitors and TLM structures both at room and low temperature. Variable temperature measurements for a VADA tile and subsequent analysis provide evidence of g-r processes originating from defects, dislocations and dislocation loops, which are non-uniformly distributed across the Hg1-xCdxTe wafer and contributes to TAT current at high temperatures. MIS analysis yielded surface charge density lying between 3×1010-1×1011 cm-2 for ZnS/CdTe surface corresponding to a near flat band condition. Results of low and variable temperature measurements on the devices have also been shown to correlate it with the possibility of operating the device at mid temperatures such as 180-250K.

Conception et modélisation de détecteurs de radiation basés sur des matrices de photodiodes à avalanche monophotoniques pour la tomographie d'émission par positrons / Design and simulation of radiation detectors based on single photon avalanche diodes for positron emission tomography

Corbeil Therrien, Audrey January 2018 (has links)
La tomographie d'émission par positrons (TEP) se distingue des autres modalités d'imagerie par sa capacité à localiser et quantifier la présence de molécules marquées, appelées radiotraceurs, au sein d'un organisme. Cette capacité à mesurer l'activité biologique des différents tissus d'un sujet apporte des informations uniques et essentielles à l'étude de tumeurs cancéreuses, au fonctionnement du cerveau et de ses maladies neurodégénératives et de la pharmacodynamique de nouveaux médicaments. Depuis les tout débuts de la TEP, les scientifiques rêvent de pouvoir utiliser l'information de temps de vol des photons pour améliorer la qualité de l'image TEP. L'arrivée des photodiodes avalanche monophotoniques (PAMP), rend maintenant ce rêve possible. Ces dispositifs détectent la faible émission de lumière des scintillateurs et présentent une réponse grandement amplifiée avec une faible incertitude temporelle. Mais le potentiel des PAMP n'est pas encore entièrement exploré. Plutôt que de faire la somme des courants d'une matrice de PAMP, il est possible d'utiliser leur nature intrinsèquement binaire afin de réaliser un photodétecteur numérique capable de déterminer avec précision le temps d'arrivée de chaque photon de scintillation. Toutefois, la conception de matrices de PAMP numériques en est encore à ses débuts, et les outils de conception se font rares. Ce projet de doctorat propose un simulateur facilitant la conception de matrices de PAMP, que celles-ci soient analogiques ou numériques. Avec cet outil, l'optimisation d'une matrice de PAMP numérique basée dans une technologie Teledyne DALSA HV CMOS \SI{0,8}{\micro\metre} est proposée. En plus de guider les choix de conception de l'équipe, cette optimisation permet de mieux comprendre quels paramètres influencent les performances du détecteur. De plus, puisque le photodétecteur n'est pas l'unique acteur des performances d'un détecteur TEP, une étude sur l'impact des scintillateurs est aussi présentée. Cette étude vérifie l'amélioration apportée par l'intégration de photons prompts dans des scintillateurs LYSO. Enfin, une approche novatrice pour discriminer l'énergie des évènements TEP basée sur l'information temporelle des photons de scintillation a été développée et vérifiée à l'aide du simulateur. Bien que ce simulateur et les études réalisées dans le cadre de cette thèse soient concentrés sur des détecteurs TEP, l'utilité des PAMP et du simulateur ne se limite pas à cette application. Les matrices de PAMP sont prisées pour le développement de détecteur en physique des particules, physique nucléaire, informatique quantique, LIDAR et bien d'autres. / Abstract : Positron emission tomography (PET) stands out among other imaging modalities by its ability to locate and quantify the presence of marked molecules, called radiotracers, within an organism. The capacity to measure biological activity of various organic tissues provides unique information, essential to the study of cancerous tumors, brain functions and the pharmacodynamics of new medications. Since the very beginings of PET, scientists dreamed of using the photon's time-of-flight information to improve PET images. With the recent progress of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD), this dream is now possible. These photodetectors detect the scintillators' low light emission and offers a greatly amplified response with only a small time uncertainty. However the potential of SPAD has not yet been entirely explored. Instead of summing the currents of a SPAD array, it is possible to use their intrinsically binary operation to build a digital photodetector, able to establish with precision the time of arrival of each scintillation photon. With this information, the time-of-flight measurements will be much more precise. Yet the design of digital SPAD arrays is in its infancy and design tools for this purpose are rare. This project proposes a simulator to aid the design of SPAD arrays, both analog and digital. With this tool, we propose an optimised design for a digital SPAD array fabricated in Teledyne Dalsa HV CMOS \SI{0.8}{\micro\metre} technology. In addition to guiding the design choices of our team, this optimisation led to a better understanding which parameters influence the performance of a PET detector. In addition, since the photodetector is not the sole actor in the performance of a PET detector, a study on the effect of scintillators is also presented. This study evaluates the improvement brought by incorporating a prompt photon emission mechanism in LYSO crystals. Finally, we describe a novel approach to energy discrimination based on the timing information of scintillation photons was developped and tested using the simulator. While this simulator and the studies presented in this thesis focus on PET detectors, SPAD are not limited to this sole application. SPAD arrays are promising for a wide variety of fields, including particle physics, high energy physics, quantum computing, LIDAR and many more.


THIAGO FERREIRA DA SILVA 12 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Detectores de fótons únicos baseados em fotodiodo avalanche (SPADs) são elementos essenciais em aplicações que requerem alta sensibilidade, como comunicações quânticas. É proposto um método para caracterização em tempo real da eficiência de detecção e das probabilidades de contagem de escuro e de pós-pulsos em SPADs através da análise da estatística de tempos entre detecções consecutivas utilizando instrumentação simples com o detector sob condições de operação. O método é então aplicado no monitoramento dos detectores utilizados em um sistema de distribuição quântica de chaves, motivado pela falha de segurança que imperfeições apresentadas pela tecnologia atual de detecção podem acarretar. Em especial, os ataques after-gate e time-shif são implementados e analisados. Uma simulação através do método de Monte-Carlo de um detector de fótons únicos composto por uma associação de diversos SPADs ativados serialmente e precedidos por uma chave óptica ativa é apresentada, visando otimizar a performance de detecção com tecnologia atual no tangente à frequência de gatilho. É reportada ainda a interferência estável entre fótons provenientes de fontes laser atenuadas totalmente independentes, cuja visibilidade é monitorada ao longo do tempo para um enlace implementado sobre duas bobinas de 8,5 km com controle ativo de polarização, passo importante para a tecnologia de repetidores quânticos e para o protocolo para distribuição quântica de chaves independente do aparato de medição. Um medidor de estados de Bell é implementado, utilizando-se óptica linear, com a resposta do sistema verificada para diferentes combinações dos estados preparados em duas estações remotas conectadas à estação central de medição através do canal estabilizado. / [en] DetecSingle-photon detectors based on avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) are key elements in ultra-sensitive applications, such as quantum communication. This thesis presents a method for real-time characterization of the overall detection efficiency, afterpulse and dark count probabilities, based on the analysis of the statistics of times between consecutive detections with simple instrumentation under operational condition. The method is employed for monitoring the SPADs on a quantum key distribution system, to prevent security failures due to side-channel attacks caused by current technology loopholes. The after-gate and time-shift attacks are implemented and analyzed. A Monte-Carlo simulation of a serially-activated association of SPADs, preceeded by an active optical switch, is performed for enhancement of the gating frequency performance with detectors based on current technology. The stable interference between photons from two independent faint laser sources is also reported, with visibility stability monitored over time after an optical link composed by two polarization-controlled 8.5-km fiber spools, a key features for quantum repeater and the measurement device independent quantum key distribution protocols. A Bell states analyzer is implemented with linear optics, and its response is verified for different combination of polarization states received from the remote stations through the stabilized channels.

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