Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PROJECT DEVELOPMENT"" "subject:"[enn] PROJECT DEVELOPMENT""
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Avaliação de objetivos de sustentabilidade: estudo de caso de duas instituições educacionais / Sustainability targets analysis: case study of two educational buildingsMuñoz Navarrete, Santiago January 2011 (has links)
Proposta: O desenvolvimento de empreendimentos mais sustentáveis no Brasil apresenta desafios para o setor da construção civil, devido à incorporação de parâmetros inovadores, que a maioria de intervenientes na cadeia produtiva dos empreendimentos não coordena adequadamente. Embora exista uma quantidade considerável de estudos que apontem as vantagens das edificações sustentáveis, poucos referem as exigências e as novas atividades na gestão desses empreendimentos, que surgem em decorrência da necessidade de atender aos objetivos de sustentabilidade propostos e da complexa interação entre eles. Ainda, uma das melhores formas para disseminar os princípios da construção sustentável, é através das instituições educativas. Assim, esta pesquisa insere-se no contexto da discussão do processo de projeto de edificações educacionais, com foco na sustentabilidade. Objetivos: O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi: avaliar como a interação sistêmica afeta o atendimento aos objetivos de empreendimentos com foco na sustentabilidade. Esse objetivo foi desdobrado nos objetivos específicos: propor uma forma de explicitar os objetivos de sustentabilidade; identificar as interações mais importantes no atendimento aos objetivos de sustentabilidade; identificar as causas do não atendimento aos objetivos de sustentabilidade. Método: A estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi o estudo de caso, realizado sobre dois empreendimentos já executados e em operação no Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas principais: compreensão, desenvolvimento e análise. A primeira etapa teve como objetivo caracterizar os estudos de caso, entender o processo de desenvolvimento e identificar os objetivos de sustentabilidade. Nesta etapa foram empregadas técnicas de análises de documentos, visitas e entrevistas com os diferentes intervenientes. A segunda etapa teve como objetivo a avaliação dos objetivos de sustentabilidade, contando com a ajuda de especialistas externos para a validação das análises. Nesta etapa foi proposta uma ferramenta gráfica para a estruturação dos critérios de sustentabilidade. Na última etapa foram discutidas as possíveis causas que levaram ao não atendimento dos objetivos propostos, e as recomendações para o desenvolvimento de futuros projetos desse tipo. Resultados: Os resultados da avaliação mostraram uma forte semelhança entre ambos estudos de caso, expondo o baixo atendimento dos objetivos de sustentabilidade. Foi percebido que a maior ocorrência das causas está relacionada à etapa de planejamento e projeto, considerando como aspecto importante, a definição efetiva do projeto, de modo que possibilite a mudança dos objetivos e a forma como eles serão atendidos, ao longo de todo o processo de projeto. / The development of sustainable projects in Brazil introduces challenges to the construction industry, on account of new variables that most stakeholders don’t manage properly. A fair amount of studies show the green building advantages, but just a few points out the new activities and demands on the project management, emerging by the existence of sustainable targets and the complex relations between them. Moreover, educational buildings are a good way to disseminate the sustainable construction principles. Thus, this study approaches the project development process of educational buildings with sustainability focus. The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of systemic relations on the achievement of sustainable project targets. This main objective was unfolded in three secondary objectives: propose how to (a form) make explicit the sustainable targets; identify the most important relations to the sustainable targets achievement; and identify the causes of failure in the sustainable targets achievement. The strategy followed was a case study research, developed on two building projects already built and in use in the Rio Grande do Sul state. The research was divided in three main phases: the first phase comprised the cases characterization, development process understanding and sustainable targets identification. The second phase consisted of sustainable targets assessment, supported by specialist validations. In this phase was proposed a graphic tool for organize the sustainable targets. The third phase comprised the discussion of failure causes in the sustainable targets achievement, and suggestions for future projects development. The assessment results showed a strong similarity between the two cases, having a poor achievement of the sustainable targets. Was concluded that most failure causes occurs at the programming and design phase, and a key aspect in this kind of projects is an early and effective definition of sustainable targets, to allow possible modifications along the project development process.
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Sink or Swim: Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Venice, Italy : A case of citizen non-participation / Sjunka eller simma: anpassning till havsnivåhöjning i Venedig, Italien : Ett fall av bristande medborgardeltagandeKarlsson, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Due to global warming, sea levels will irreversibly continue to rise around the world throughout this century. Therefore, coastal urban communities will need to adapt to new environmental challenges, such as more frequent and intense flood events. The participation of the public in climate change adaptation planning has been widely recognized as beneficial, but the roles and tangible value of citizens in planning processes remains a contested and insufficiently researched topic. In the city of Venice, Italy, a technologically advanced mobile barrier system designed for flood prevention serves as the centerpiece of the city’s climate change adaptation plans. This study sought to uncover how the level of citizen participation in the development of this system has influenced its construction and how it is currently being perceived by the city’s residents. In this context, the potential roles and outcomes of citizen participation in sea level rise adaptation are explored, resulting in numerous findings that build on the growing body of research that exists within this domain. Limited citizen participation in sea level rise adaptation planning was evident in the case of Venice—the findings from this study indicate that tolerance, transparency and corruption were significant factors in determining the outcome of the construction of the mobile barrier system and how it has been perceived by citizens. The findings allude to citizen participation in public climate change adaptation projects being both directly and indirectly beneficial to both citizen satisfaction and project development, but it should be noted that there are intricate links that exist between the level of public participation in an adaptation project and citizen perspectives on it. Therefore, the study posits that public participation is not absolutely positive nor negative in the context of public climate change adaptation planning, and thus more research needs to be conducted on how citizens can participate in relevant planning processes in more meaningful and productive ways. / Enligt FN:s mellanstatliga klimatpanel (IPCC) stiger det globala medelvattenståndet i en ökande takt på grund av den globala uppvärmningen. Följaktligen kommer kustnära urbana områden behöva anpassa sig till stigande hav och relaterade problem, såsom mer frekventa och intensiva översvämningar. För att kunna hantera dessa utmaningar krävs holistiska lösningar som tar hänsyn till de gemensamma värderingar och behov hos människor som bor i utsatta kustområden. I mycket av den befintliga vetenskapliga litteraturen inom klimatanpassning betraktas deltagande från invånare i planeringen av offentliga klimatanpassningsprojekt som något som är genomgående gynnsamt för utvecklingen av sådana projekt. Det finns dock en tydlig brist på forskning kring vilka specifika fördelar medborgardeltagande faktiskt bidrar med till dessa projekt i praktiken. I staden Venedig i Italien blev skadorna som orsakas av översvämningar uppenbara för nästan sjuttio år sedan, i november 1966, när staden drabbades av den största dokumenterade översvämningen i sin moderna historia. Sedan dess har höga tidvatten i Venedigs kustområde ansetts vara ett nationellt problem som den italienska regeringen har varit djupt engagerad i. År 1973 inledde den italienska regeringen en långsiktig satsning för att rusta upp Venedig inför framtida miljöhot. En av de avgörande delarna i denna satsning var ett system av mobila barriärer som strategiskt placerades vid de tre inloppen mellan den venetianska lagunen och Adriatiska havet. Syftet med systemet var att skydda staden från översvämningar när tidvattnet översteg en viss gräns. Under åren har detta projekt—som kallas MOSE (en akronym för experimentell elektromekanisk modul på italienska)—varit föremål för kontroverser och har lett till delade åsikter bland de inblandade parterna. Projektet har ännu inte slutförts, konstruktionen av barriärerna har hittills kostat över fyra miljarder euro mer än förväntat och dessutom har projektet missat flera förväntade slutdatum. Det är viktigt att notera att planeringen av projektet har genomförts av offentliga parter utan betydande medborgardeltagande. Mot denna bakgrund kan det vara värdefullt att analysera fallet MOSE i Venedig och hur utvecklingen av offentliga klimatanpassningsprojekt påverkas av medborgarnas deltagande. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera hur bristen på medborgarengagemang i planeringen av MOSE har påverkat invånarnas syn på projektet, samt hur denna brist kan ha påverkat konstruktionen av MOSE-systemet. Denna studie använde Gioia-metoden för att bevara och betona invånarnas röster genom hela analysen av insamlad data. Datainsamlingen i denna studie bestod av en översyn av tillgängliga och relevanta sekundärkällor relaterade till MOSE, samt femton informella, semi-strukturerade intervjuer med invånare i Venedig som genomfördes i mars 2023. Dataanalysen ledde till identifieringen av tre olika grupper av perspektiv på MOSE som var särskilt framträdande bland Venedigs invånare: tolerans av icke-deltagande, varaktig frustration och grundat ogillande. Dessutom framkom några inflytelserika faktorer som påverkade invånarnas attityder till projektet under dess konstruktion: systemisk korruption, bristfällig planering och betydande händelser kopplade till projektet. Därtill kan samtliga dessa faktorer kopplas antingen direkt eller indirekt till bristen på medborgardeltagande i planering av MOSE med stöd av vetenskaplig litteratur. Den analyserade datan visar att tolerans, transparens och korruption har varit viktiga faktorer som påverkat utvecklingen av MOSE under dess konstruktion och invånarnas inställning till projektet. Resultaten från denna studie tyder på att medborgardeltagande i utvecklingen av offentliga klimatanpassningsprojekt inte nödvändigtvis är positivt. Mer forskning behövs inom detta område för att identifiera på vilka specifika sätt invånare kan spela en mer betydelsefull och gynnsam roll i beslutsfattandet kring framtida projekt som syftar till att anpassa tätbefolkade områden till de nya förhållanden som klimatförändringar skapar.
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Разработка концепции проекта развития нового пригородного кампуса Уральского федерального университета : магистерская диссертация / Elaboration of a concept for a project for the development of a new suburban campus of the Ural Federal UniversityБерестова, А. В., Berestova, A. V. January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications. The first chapter analyzes the macroeconomic situation: global economic trends, the economic situation in Russia, and the peculiarities of the Urals region. Distinctive features of world universities. The second chapter presents the classification of campuses according to the type of spatial organization, reveals trends in the development of campuses of world universities. Also analyzed the development of university campuses in Russia. In the third chapter, the calculation of capital investments in the project was made, forecasting structures of income and expenses were formed at the stage of reaching the design capacity, and the resource of the land plot was analyzed. / Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы и приложения. В первой главе проведен анализ макроэкономической ситуации: глобальные тренды экономики, экономическая ситуация в России, особенности экономики Уральского региона. Отличительные черты мировых университетов. Во второй главе представлена классификация кампусов по типу пространственной организации, выявлены тенденции развития кампусов мировых университетов. Также проанализировано развитие университетских городков в России. В третьей главе произведен расчет капитальных вложений в проект, сформированы прогнозные структуры доходов и расходов на этапе выхода на проектную мощность, а также проанализирован ресурс земельного участка.
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Workflow para o desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície com foco em estamparia têxtil para a área da modaLaschuk, Tatiana January 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície em estamparia têxtil exige o conhecimento da composição visual e também das tecnologias têxtil e de impressão. Na área da moda, esse conhecimento é ainda mais específico, visto que os projetos em estamparia podem ser desenvolvidos para setores como os de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista, os quais têm importante representatividade no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As particularidades de concepção, desenvolvimento e impressão dos projetos para cada setor devem ser consideradas para que os projetos atinjam o nível exigido industrialmente. Dessa forma, o trabalho dos designers de superfície depende da inter-relação afinada entre os clientes das indústrias de transformação da área da moda que encomendam seus serviços e os prestadores de serviços em estamparia, a fim de que os projetos executados estejam adequados aos requisitos projetuais e técnicos de cada setor. A partir desse contexto, o objetivo geral da presente tese é sistematizar o processo de desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície em estamparia têxtil para a área da moda por meio de fluxo de trabalho - workflow - integrado entre designers de superfície, indústrias de estamparia e de transformação da área da moda. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, está dividida em sete fases. Na primeira e na segunda fases, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica para contextualizar o design de superfície e apresentar as principais tecnologias de impressão têxtil, o contexto da estamparia têxtil na área da moda e a utilização desse recurso nos setores de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista. Na terceira, quarta e quinta fases, foram realizadas entrevistas, guiadas por roteiro semiestruturado, com designers de superfície, indústrias prestadoras de serviços em estamparia e indústrias de transformação da área da moda. Junto aos designers de superfície, pôde-se identificar o desenvolvimento de estampas e os aspectos considerados nesse processo em cada setor. Com as indústrias de transformação, foi possível identificar as particularidades de cada setor em relação ao projeto e à produção de estampas. Na pesquisa junto às estamparias, verificaram-se as especificações das tecnologias de impressão disponíveis e seus processos de desenvolvimento. Na sexta fase da pesquisa, realizou-se a análise dos dados coletados sobre cada um dos atores em função das categorias: relação entre os atores, projetual e técnica. A seguir, na sétima fase, foi realizada a discussão desses dados, respaldada na fundamentação teórica. A partir dos conhecimentos levantados sobre os achados de campo, propõe-se o workflow para o desenvolvimento de projetos em design de superfície em estamparia têxtil, unificado para os setores de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista, calcado nas reais necessidades de interação entre os atores da pesquisa e nas diferenças verificadas entre os setores pesquisados no que se refere ao projeto e à impressão de estampas. Assim, apresentam-se alternativas para amenizar os entraves percebidos entre esses atores, e, em cada etapa do workflow, foram consideradas as especificidades de cada setor que se refletem na forma como as estampas são planejadas e impressas, com vistas à otimização do desenvolvimento e produção de estampas. / The development of surface design projects for textile printing requires the designer’s knowledge of visual composition, and textile and printing technologies. In the fashion industry, such knowledge is even more specific, since printing projects can be developed in the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking, all of which have played an important role in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The particularities of project conception, development and printing in each area should be taken into consideration so that the projects reach the industrially required level. Surface designers’ work depends on a fine-tuned interrelation between the customers from the processing industry that order services in the fashion area and the printing service providers, aiming to adapt the executed projects to both projectual and technical requirements in each area. Considering this context, the general objective of this thesis is to systematize the process of developing surface design projects for textile printing by means of a workflow integrating surface designers, printing industries and clothing manufacturers in the fashion area. This qualitative research has been divided into seven stages. At the first two stages, the literature research was used to both contextualize the surface design and present the main textile printing technologies, the context of textile printing in the fashion industry, and the use of this resource in the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking. At the third, fourth and fifth stages, semi-structured interviews were applied to surface designers, printing service providers and processing businesses in the fashion area. The interviews with surface designers allowed for the identification of the pattern development process and the aspects considered in this process in each area. Regarding the processing businesses, it was possible to identify the particularities of each sector concerning the projects and the pattern design. The survey carried out with the printing businesses evidenced the specifications of available printing technologies and their development processes. The sixth stage involved the analysis of data collected from each one of the actors regarding the following categories: relationship between the actors, projectual aspects, and technical features. Data discussion was held at the seventh stage, supported by the theoretical grounding. From the understanding of the field findings, a unified workflow for surface design project development in textile printing has been proposed for the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking, grounded on both the real needs of interaction between the research actors and the differences found between the researched areas in terms of project and pattern printing. Hence, alternatives have been presented in order to diminish hindrances noticed between these actors; at every stage of the workflow the specificities of each area that reflect on the way the patterns are designed and printed were taken into account, aiming at the optimization of the pattern development and production.
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Utility coordination is an exceedingly complex effort of managing, communicating, and facilitating the avoidance and relocation of utility facilities as needed for highway projects. Utility coordination occurs throughout the design and delivery of a project and best practices are used to make sure this occurs efficiently and in the best interest of the public, who are not only the taxpayers but also the ratepayers. Recent research has attempted to enhance utility location technology and procedures, instill frameworks and tools for utility coordination, and proceduralize risk management relative to utility coordination. However, research attempting to improve various aspects of utility coordination simultaneously has led to a lack of consensus on how to integrate these research efforts into an effective standard of practice. These is also not a standard of practice for quantifying utility related risks for transportation projects.
This research will attempt to build consensus and contribute to the body of knowledge in this area of utility coordination by presenting an approach to assess the relative utility risks of a project and align current and new practices to minimize those risks. Through statistical analysis of historical project data regarding utility coordination schedules and costs for transportation projects in Kentucky, this study was able to produce a model that estimates utility related risk early in transportation project development. With input and evaluation by subject matter experts, utility coordination best practices were collected and aligned to utility risks on transportation projects. A decision support tool was developed to assist in the use of the mathematical utility risk model and the best practices associated with the varying risk levels.
This research also finds that there are disparities among utility stakeholders on transportation projects in regard to the effectiveness or satisfaction with particular best practices. This finding presents the need for early involvement and collaborative utility coordination to select practices that ensure utility related issues on transportation projects are minimized. The research also presents that increased use of alternative contracting methods can pose significant challenges to utility coordination on transportation projects. This stems from the finding that utility coordination practices were not uniformly effective across these varying procurement methods. Furthermore, as Departments of Transportation continue to deal with resource issues, one of which being manpower within utility coordination, the use of consultants for utility coordination presents its own set of complexities. The research finds the best application of consult-led utility coordination is through third-part consultants specializing in utility coordination, those who have been state-specifically trained for utility coordination, and prequalified for utility coordination work.
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A multiperiod optimization model to schedule large-scale petroleum development projectsHusni, Mohammed Hamza 15 May 2009 (has links)
This dissertation solves an optimization problem in the area of scheduling large-scale
petroleum development projects under several resources constraints. The dissertation
focuses on the application of a metaheuristic search Genetic Algorithm (GA) in solving
the problem. The GA is a global search method inspired by natural evolution. The
method is widely applied to solve complex and sizable problems that are difficult to
solve using exact optimization methods. A classical resource allocation problem in
operations research known under Knapsack Problems (KP) is considered for the
formulation of the problem.
Motivation of the present work was initiated by certain petroleum development
scheduling problem in which large-scale investment projects are to be selected subject to
a number of resources constraints in several periods. The constraints may occur from
limitations in various resources such as capital budgets, operating budgets, and drilling
rigs. The model also accounts for a number of assumptions and business rules encountered in the application that motivated this work. The model uses an economic
performance objective to maximize the sum of Net Present Value (NPV) of selected
projects over a planning horizon subject to constraints involving discrete time dependent
Computational experiments of 30 projects illustrate the performance of the model.
The application example is only illustrative of the model and does not reveal real data. A
Greedy algorithm was first utilized to construct an initial estimate of the objective
function. GA was implemented to improve the solution and investigate resources
constraints and their effect on the assets value.
The timing and order of investment decisions under constraints have the prominent
effect on the economic performance of the assets. The application of an integrated
optimization model provides means to maximize the financial value of the assets,
efficiently allocate limited resources and to analyze more scheduling alternatives in less
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Sliding Scale Contingencies for the Highway Construction Project Development ProcessOlumide, Adeniyi O. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
In the Highway construction project development process, State Highway Agencies
(SHA) prepare cost estimates for effective communication to stakeholders and for
project cost control. Cost estimates prepared in the planning phase of project
development typically in a time range of 10 to 20 years from project letting are
characterized by a great deal of uncertainty due to low scope definition. SHAs typically
include an amount as contingency in the project cost estimate to cover costs due to
unidentified or unquantified risks during project development. However, most of the
methods used by SHAs to apply contingency to projects lack consistency in definition
and application. This leads to poor communication to stakeholders, project cost
escalation and other project control issues due to inaccuracy of baseline cost estimates.
This study developed a set of sliding scale contingencies for estimating contingency on
highway projects taking into consideration the effect of major factors, such as project
complexity that impacts contingency application.
Expert opinion was sought through the use of the Delphi technique. Experimental
techniques were not suitable for this study due to the exploratory nature of the problem
and the lack of data to analyze using empirical methods. The Delphi method typically
consists of a series of rounds called questionnaires. Twenty-three professionals with
experience in risk assessment and cost estimating agreed to participate in the study.
Email was the means of communication using an excel spreadsheet. The assessment was completed in three iterative rounds with controlled feedback to the participants on the
panel at the end of each round.
Sliding scale contingencies were developed for three levels of project complexity: noncomplex
(minor), moderately complex, and most complex (major) projects. The sliding
scale contingencies are presented as a final output of this study. This method of
estimating contingency provides consistent rationale for estimating contingency. Risks
are an inextricable part of the contingency estimating process. Estimators are encouraged
to identify and document risks as justification for contingency values applied to a
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Workflow para o desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície com foco em estamparia têxtil para a área da modaLaschuk, Tatiana January 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície em estamparia têxtil exige o conhecimento da composição visual e também das tecnologias têxtil e de impressão. Na área da moda, esse conhecimento é ainda mais específico, visto que os projetos em estamparia podem ser desenvolvidos para setores como os de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista, os quais têm importante representatividade no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As particularidades de concepção, desenvolvimento e impressão dos projetos para cada setor devem ser consideradas para que os projetos atinjam o nível exigido industrialmente. Dessa forma, o trabalho dos designers de superfície depende da inter-relação afinada entre os clientes das indústrias de transformação da área da moda que encomendam seus serviços e os prestadores de serviços em estamparia, a fim de que os projetos executados estejam adequados aos requisitos projetuais e técnicos de cada setor. A partir desse contexto, o objetivo geral da presente tese é sistematizar o processo de desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície em estamparia têxtil para a área da moda por meio de fluxo de trabalho - workflow - integrado entre designers de superfície, indústrias de estamparia e de transformação da área da moda. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, está dividida em sete fases. Na primeira e na segunda fases, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica para contextualizar o design de superfície e apresentar as principais tecnologias de impressão têxtil, o contexto da estamparia têxtil na área da moda e a utilização desse recurso nos setores de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista. Na terceira, quarta e quinta fases, foram realizadas entrevistas, guiadas por roteiro semiestruturado, com designers de superfície, indústrias prestadoras de serviços em estamparia e indústrias de transformação da área da moda. Junto aos designers de superfície, pôde-se identificar o desenvolvimento de estampas e os aspectos considerados nesse processo em cada setor. Com as indústrias de transformação, foi possível identificar as particularidades de cada setor em relação ao projeto e à produção de estampas. Na pesquisa junto às estamparias, verificaram-se as especificações das tecnologias de impressão disponíveis e seus processos de desenvolvimento. Na sexta fase da pesquisa, realizou-se a análise dos dados coletados sobre cada um dos atores em função das categorias: relação entre os atores, projetual e técnica. A seguir, na sétima fase, foi realizada a discussão desses dados, respaldada na fundamentação teórica. A partir dos conhecimentos levantados sobre os achados de campo, propõe-se o workflow para o desenvolvimento de projetos em design de superfície em estamparia têxtil, unificado para os setores de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista, calcado nas reais necessidades de interação entre os atores da pesquisa e nas diferenças verificadas entre os setores pesquisados no que se refere ao projeto e à impressão de estampas. Assim, apresentam-se alternativas para amenizar os entraves percebidos entre esses atores, e, em cada etapa do workflow, foram consideradas as especificidades de cada setor que se refletem na forma como as estampas são planejadas e impressas, com vistas à otimização do desenvolvimento e produção de estampas. / The development of surface design projects for textile printing requires the designer’s knowledge of visual composition, and textile and printing technologies. In the fashion industry, such knowledge is even more specific, since printing projects can be developed in the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking, all of which have played an important role in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The particularities of project conception, development and printing in each area should be taken into consideration so that the projects reach the industrially required level. Surface designers’ work depends on a fine-tuned interrelation between the customers from the processing industry that order services in the fashion area and the printing service providers, aiming to adapt the executed projects to both projectual and technical requirements in each area. Considering this context, the general objective of this thesis is to systematize the process of developing surface design projects for textile printing by means of a workflow integrating surface designers, printing industries and clothing manufacturers in the fashion area. This qualitative research has been divided into seven stages. At the first two stages, the literature research was used to both contextualize the surface design and present the main textile printing technologies, the context of textile printing in the fashion industry, and the use of this resource in the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking. At the third, fourth and fifth stages, semi-structured interviews were applied to surface designers, printing service providers and processing businesses in the fashion area. The interviews with surface designers allowed for the identification of the pattern development process and the aspects considered in this process in each area. Regarding the processing businesses, it was possible to identify the particularities of each sector concerning the projects and the pattern design. The survey carried out with the printing businesses evidenced the specifications of available printing technologies and their development processes. The sixth stage involved the analysis of data collected from each one of the actors regarding the following categories: relationship between the actors, projectual aspects, and technical features. Data discussion was held at the seventh stage, supported by the theoretical grounding. From the understanding of the field findings, a unified workflow for surface design project development in textile printing has been proposed for the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking, grounded on both the real needs of interaction between the research actors and the differences found between the researched areas in terms of project and pattern printing. Hence, alternatives have been presented in order to diminish hindrances noticed between these actors; at every stage of the workflow the specificities of each area that reflect on the way the patterns are designed and printed were taken into account, aiming at the optimization of the pattern development and production.
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Workflow para o desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície com foco em estamparia têxtil para a área da modaLaschuk, Tatiana January 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície em estamparia têxtil exige o conhecimento da composição visual e também das tecnologias têxtil e de impressão. Na área da moda, esse conhecimento é ainda mais específico, visto que os projetos em estamparia podem ser desenvolvidos para setores como os de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista, os quais têm importante representatividade no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As particularidades de concepção, desenvolvimento e impressão dos projetos para cada setor devem ser consideradas para que os projetos atinjam o nível exigido industrialmente. Dessa forma, o trabalho dos designers de superfície depende da inter-relação afinada entre os clientes das indústrias de transformação da área da moda que encomendam seus serviços e os prestadores de serviços em estamparia, a fim de que os projetos executados estejam adequados aos requisitos projetuais e técnicos de cada setor. A partir desse contexto, o objetivo geral da presente tese é sistematizar o processo de desenvolvimento de projetos de design de superfície em estamparia têxtil para a área da moda por meio de fluxo de trabalho - workflow - integrado entre designers de superfície, indústrias de estamparia e de transformação da área da moda. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, está dividida em sete fases. Na primeira e na segunda fases, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica para contextualizar o design de superfície e apresentar as principais tecnologias de impressão têxtil, o contexto da estamparia têxtil na área da moda e a utilização desse recurso nos setores de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista. Na terceira, quarta e quinta fases, foram realizadas entrevistas, guiadas por roteiro semiestruturado, com designers de superfície, indústrias prestadoras de serviços em estamparia e indústrias de transformação da área da moda. Junto aos designers de superfície, pôde-se identificar o desenvolvimento de estampas e os aspectos considerados nesse processo em cada setor. Com as indústrias de transformação, foi possível identificar as particularidades de cada setor em relação ao projeto e à produção de estampas. Na pesquisa junto às estamparias, verificaram-se as especificações das tecnologias de impressão disponíveis e seus processos de desenvolvimento. Na sexta fase da pesquisa, realizou-se a análise dos dados coletados sobre cada um dos atores em função das categorias: relação entre os atores, projetual e técnica. A seguir, na sétima fase, foi realizada a discussão desses dados, respaldada na fundamentação teórica. A partir dos conhecimentos levantados sobre os achados de campo, propõe-se o workflow para o desenvolvimento de projetos em design de superfície em estamparia têxtil, unificado para os setores de confecção, malharia retilínea e calçadista, calcado nas reais necessidades de interação entre os atores da pesquisa e nas diferenças verificadas entre os setores pesquisados no que se refere ao projeto e à impressão de estampas. Assim, apresentam-se alternativas para amenizar os entraves percebidos entre esses atores, e, em cada etapa do workflow, foram consideradas as especificidades de cada setor que se refletem na forma como as estampas são planejadas e impressas, com vistas à otimização do desenvolvimento e produção de estampas. / The development of surface design projects for textile printing requires the designer’s knowledge of visual composition, and textile and printing technologies. In the fashion industry, such knowledge is even more specific, since printing projects can be developed in the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking, all of which have played an important role in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The particularities of project conception, development and printing in each area should be taken into consideration so that the projects reach the industrially required level. Surface designers’ work depends on a fine-tuned interrelation between the customers from the processing industry that order services in the fashion area and the printing service providers, aiming to adapt the executed projects to both projectual and technical requirements in each area. Considering this context, the general objective of this thesis is to systematize the process of developing surface design projects for textile printing by means of a workflow integrating surface designers, printing industries and clothing manufacturers in the fashion area. This qualitative research has been divided into seven stages. At the first two stages, the literature research was used to both contextualize the surface design and present the main textile printing technologies, the context of textile printing in the fashion industry, and the use of this resource in the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking. At the third, fourth and fifth stages, semi-structured interviews were applied to surface designers, printing service providers and processing businesses in the fashion area. The interviews with surface designers allowed for the identification of the pattern development process and the aspects considered in this process in each area. Regarding the processing businesses, it was possible to identify the particularities of each sector concerning the projects and the pattern design. The survey carried out with the printing businesses evidenced the specifications of available printing technologies and their development processes. The sixth stage involved the analysis of data collected from each one of the actors regarding the following categories: relationship between the actors, projectual aspects, and technical features. Data discussion was held at the seventh stage, supported by the theoretical grounding. From the understanding of the field findings, a unified workflow for surface design project development in textile printing has been proposed for the areas of clothing making, knitwear and shoemaking, grounded on both the real needs of interaction between the research actors and the differences found between the researched areas in terms of project and pattern printing. Hence, alternatives have been presented in order to diminish hindrances noticed between these actors; at every stage of the workflow the specificities of each area that reflect on the way the patterns are designed and printed were taken into account, aiming at the optimization of the pattern development and production.
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Evaluation tool for large scale onshore wind power projectsJalkenäs, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Sweden has a goal of having 100% renewable electricity production by 2040. To reach this goal, wind power is one of the most important energy sources that needs to be heavily expanded. However, finding a good project site and realizing a project is a process that takes several years and can be difficult to achieve. Between 2015 and 2018, no less than 76% of Swedish wind power projects applying for permits were rejected. As an industry player with the aim of becoming fossil free, Pöyry has the interest to pursue Sweden reaching its goal. Pöyry has long experience of wind energy development and has now requested a method that can evaluate and compare Swedish wind power projects in all stages with the aim of identifying the best available project to proceed with. The objective of this thesis is thus to investigate factors that are critical for developing profitable projects, identify the largest expenses and create a tool that evaluates projects based on several parameters. A literature review is performed to obtain knowledge about wind power project development and data is collected from various projects in Sweden from 2016 and onwards to get an updated view with information and valuable numbers from realized projects. An analysis is then carried out with the aim of finding the most important factors that can affect the development of wind power projects, positively or negatively. This is followed by an identification of the most significant expenses in a project, whereupon a simplified but realistic way of calculating these are created. Lastly an evaluation tool is developed using Excel, with the purpose of evaluating projects, finding risks and estimating costs as well as electric energy production. Finally, candidate projects can be compared, helping developers finding the most beneficial and environmentally friendly projects. / Sverige har som mål att ha 100% förnyelsebar elproduktion till 2040. För att nå detta mål är vindkraft en av de viktigaste källorna till energiproduktion och måste därmed expandera de kommande åren. Att hitta ett bra projektområde och fullfölja ett projekt är en process som tar flera år och kan i många fall vara svårt att uppnå. Av alla svenska projekt som ansökte om tillstånd mellan 2015 och 2018, fick 76% avslag. Med inriktningen att bidra till ett fossilfritt Sverige är Pöyry en aktör inom industrin som vill hjälpa Sverige att nå detta mål. Företaget har lång erfarenhet av vindkraftsutveckling och har nu efterfrågat en metod som kan utvärdera och jämföra svenska vindkraftsprojekt i alla dess olika stadier med syfte att identifiera de bästa projekten att jobba vidare med. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därmed att undersöka faktorer som är kritiska för projektutvecklingen, identifiera de största kostnaderna samt skapa ett verktyg som utvärderar projekt utifrån flertalet faktorer. För ett erhålla kunskap om utveckling av vindkraftsprojekt utförs en litteraturstudie, varpå projektdata från 2016 och framåt samlas in för att få en uppdaterad bild med värdefull information och siffror från realiserade projekt. Därefter utförs en analys med syfte att hitta de faktorer som har störst påverkan, negativ som positiv, på utveckling och uppbyggnad av vindkraftsprojekt. Därpå identifieras de största utgifterna i ett projekt och en förenklad men realistisk beräkningsmodell skapas för att uppskatta dessa. Slutligen utvecklas ett verktyg i Excel som utvärderar projekt, hittar risker samt uppskattar kostnader och energiproduktion, vars syfte är att hjälpa projektörer att jämföra projekt och därmed hitta det mest kostnadseffektiva och hållbara alternativet.
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