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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Queering the species divide

Teed, Corinne Ryan 01 May 2015 (has links)
Potential alliances between queers and animals populate queer scholarship, while dominant culture has relegated both groups to similar sites of subjugation and abjection. My work presents utopic visions crafted from these shared sites of marginalization and asks how they can enable new biopolitical communities. I ask: can we co-habitate, with non-human animals, these particular sites of marginalization in a manner that enables cross-species, affective solidarity? And can this co-habitation also encourage ruptures within heteronormative and human-centric paradigms? Rescuing the subjectivity and cultures of animals from extent subjugations can build new multispecies communities that are essential in an era of environmental devastation and climate change. Through printmaking, installation and time-based media, I explore real, psychological and metaphorical environments of cross-species encounters.

Du corps transgressif au corps subversif : corporéités dissidentes dans l'œuvre de Pierre Molinier / From the transgressive body to the subversive body : dissent corporealities in Pierre Molinier's work

Marull, Mélodie 23 November 2018 (has links)
L’œuvre de Pierre Molinier (1900-1976) est profondément transgressive, autant par les procédés élaborés que par les thèmes investis. Le réseau d’influences nourrissant les expérimentations plastiques de l’artiste est com-plexe et nous verrons comment certains de ses points nodaux tel que le fétichisme sont métaphorisés au sein de ses techniques photographiques et picturales. Il s’agira également de comprendre pourquoi les images et les discours qu’elles produisent apparaissent aujourd’hui comme précurseurs d’une conception queer de l’identité, du corps et des sexualités. Par ailleurs, une telle recherche pose la question du regard porté sur ses œuvres et de la contextualisation de celui-ci. Nous avons eu recours à une méthodologie d’analyse similaire à celle employée par William F. Edmiston dans Sade Queer Theorist et reposant sur de réguliers retours aux œuvres et aux textes issus des notes et des correspondances de l’artiste. Nous avons choisi d’articuler notre thèse selon deux mouvements, similaires à ceux structurant le processus créatif de l’artiste. La première partie repose sur l’analyse d’une extension au-delà du corps de l’artiste. Masques et prothèses sont employés en tant qu’outils de modification corporelle et participent à l’expression d’une authenticité dans l’artifice. Les créa-tures que Molinier compose à partir de photographies de lui- même et de ses modèles traduisent le passage de la multiplicité à l’unité et donnent à voir des anatomies dissidentes. La seconde partie, répondant à la précédente, correspond à un mouvement de contraction. D’une part, son rapport à l’autre s’établit sur le mode de l’absorption, l’artiste conçoit le caractère ductile des corps et les emploie comme matériaux de création. D’autre part, les expérimentations autoérotiques occupent une place primordiale dans le paradigme molinien qui s’approprie le vocabulaire visuel du Bdsm. Chez Molinier, le corps se révèle dans une matérialité créatrice à partir de laquelle l’artiste- alchimiste donne naissance à des créatures hybrides, incarnant son idéal de fluidi-té de l’identité et des sexualités. Pierre Molinier vient perturber des systèmes binaires et normatifs tant dans ses pratiques autoérotiques que dans leur mode de représentation. Construisant un langage de l’intime et du corps, il en reconfigure la forme et les fonctions, alliant mascarade et transgression vers de nouvelles corpo-réités / Pierre Molinier's (1900-1976) art is fundamentally transgressive, regarding as much the process he elaborates as the topics he addresses. The artist's experiments are built on a complex network of influences, and we will explore how some of its nodal points - such as fetishism - are metaphorized in his photographic and pictorial techniques. This thesis deals with an understanding of how the images and the discourses they produce nowa-days appear to us as a proto-queer idea of identity, embodiment and sexualities. Furthermore, our research interrogates the perception of his works and their contextualization. Our analysis methodology is quite similar to the one that William F. Edmiston develops in Sade Queer Theorist, and is based on a deep look inside of the works and texts taken out of the artist's mail. Our thesis is articulated in two parts, looking alike the artist's creative process. The first part aims to develop the analysis of an outgrowth beyond the artist's body. Masks and prostheses are employed as body modification tools and participate in expressing a kind of authenticity in trickery. The creatures that Molinier builds based on his own photographs point out the path from multiplicity to unity and offer us to look at dissenting anatomies. The second part answers to the first and matches a movement of contraction. On the one side, the artist's relationship with the other is established on an absorp-tion mode, he understands the bodies ductile nature and uses them as creation materials. On the other side, auto- erotical experimentations take a firsthand place in the molinian paradigm, which reclaim the visual vo-cabulary of BDSM. In Molinier’s work, the body is shown as a creative materiality, on which the artist-alchemist builds in order to give birth to hybrid creatures, that embody his ideal of identity and sexualities fluidity. Pierre Molinier disrupts binaries and normativity, through both his auto-erotical practices and their mode of representation. Developing a language of the intimacy and the body, he redesigns their form and functions, combining masquerade and transgression, toward new embodiments

Ordning och reda i genusordningen? : En analys av fyra skönlitterära böcker

Adamsson , Linda, Lindgren, Annika January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats har de fyra skönlitterära titlarna <em>Kort kjol</em>, <em>Hey Dolly</em>, <em>Den osynlige</em> och <em>Låt den rätte komma in</em> analyserats. Dessa används i svenskundervisning på grundskolans senare år och på gymnasiet. Som teoretisk referenspunkt har genus- och queerteoretiska perspektiv använts. Detta för att få syn på hur den heteronormativa genusordningen framställs och eventuellt problematiseras. Heteronormativiteten ses således som avgörande för karaktärernas skapande av genus. Avstamp tas i kursplanerna då skönlitteraturen, enligt dessa, är av avgörande betydelse för elevernas skapande av identitet. Uppsatsen har en litteratursociologisk ansats för att belysa relationen mellan skönlitteratur och samhälle. Metoden är kvalitativ textanalys och boksamtal.</p><p>Resultatet av analyserna visar att den heteronormativa genusordningen till stor del reproduceras i de fyra titlarna även om den i två av dessa titlar är mycket mindre påtaglig. Det finns i samtliga titlar karaktärer som mer eller mindre utmanar den heteronormativa genusordningen. Det är dock i de två titlarna, <em>Låt den rätte komma in</em> och <em>Hey Dolly</em>, som vi får möta de stora normbrytarna. Dessa karaktärer utmanar och problematiserar den heteronormativa genusordningen både genom hur de framställs och genom deras förhållande till andra. Uppsatsen synliggör således vilka "förebilder" och vilken samhällsnormer som råder i de analyserade böckerna. Alltså de "förebilder" och samhällsnormer som eleverna som läser dessa böcker får möta.</p> / <p>The aim of this paper is to analyse how normative heterosexuality works in the creation of gender in four fiction titles used in the school subject Swedish. A gender and a queer perspective are used when analyzing the characters in the texts. According to queer theory, heteronormativity plays a decisive role in the creation of gender. The syllabus of the subject Swedish serve as the starting point as they proclaim that literature has a decisive influence on pupil's creation of identity.</p><p>The results of the analyses showed that the heteronormative gender structure exists and works in the books. But the result also shows that there are several characters that challenge the structure by breaking social norms and thereby creates possible gender positions.</p>

Ordning och reda i genusordningen? : En analys av fyra skönlitterära böcker

Adamsson , Linda, Lindgren, Annika January 2009 (has links)
I denna uppsats har de fyra skönlitterära titlarna Kort kjol, Hey Dolly, Den osynlige och Låt den rätte komma in analyserats. Dessa används i svenskundervisning på grundskolans senare år och på gymnasiet. Som teoretisk referenspunkt har genus- och queerteoretiska perspektiv använts. Detta för att få syn på hur den heteronormativa genusordningen framställs och eventuellt problematiseras. Heteronormativiteten ses således som avgörande för karaktärernas skapande av genus. Avstamp tas i kursplanerna då skönlitteraturen, enligt dessa, är av avgörande betydelse för elevernas skapande av identitet. Uppsatsen har en litteratursociologisk ansats för att belysa relationen mellan skönlitteratur och samhälle. Metoden är kvalitativ textanalys och boksamtal. Resultatet av analyserna visar att den heteronormativa genusordningen till stor del reproduceras i de fyra titlarna även om den i två av dessa titlar är mycket mindre påtaglig. Det finns i samtliga titlar karaktärer som mer eller mindre utmanar den heteronormativa genusordningen. Det är dock i de två titlarna, Låt den rätte komma in och Hey Dolly, som vi får möta de stora normbrytarna. Dessa karaktärer utmanar och problematiserar den heteronormativa genusordningen både genom hur de framställs och genom deras förhållande till andra. Uppsatsen synliggör således vilka "förebilder" och vilken samhällsnormer som råder i de analyserade böckerna. Alltså de "förebilder" och samhällsnormer som eleverna som läser dessa böcker får möta. / The aim of this paper is to analyse how normative heterosexuality works in the creation of gender in four fiction titles used in the school subject Swedish. A gender and a queer perspective are used when analyzing the characters in the texts. According to queer theory, heteronormativity plays a decisive role in the creation of gender. The syllabus of the subject Swedish serve as the starting point as they proclaim that literature has a decisive influence on pupil's creation of identity. The results of the analyses showed that the heteronormative gender structure exists and works in the books. But the result also shows that there are several characters that challenge the structure by breaking social norms and thereby creates possible gender positions.

"Inte andra klassens kristen" : En fallstudie om Queermässan i Stockholm

Fahlander, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
Within this essay a study is made of an LGBTQ-orientated Christian service in Stockholm called Queer Service. The following questions seek to be answered: What reasons does an individual set for his/hers participation in Queer Service? Which aspects of a queer service highlight the participants as important to them? As a method to answer these questions, the author has observed a number of queer church services in autumn of 2012. Moreover communication within the group of the assembly on the social media page Facebook has been followed and five individuals from the Queer Service congregation have been interviewed. As a background to the study, the European religious climate seen from Grace Davies eyes is depicted.  The reader also learns of how the Swedish church has handled questions about homosexuality and bisexuality and what liberation theology is. An (incomplete) section on other existing services with LGBTQ orientation in Sweden and the USA has been added as well as background information on Queer Service. The results from the gathering of material and the analysis of it show that the interviewees perceive themselves in need of a safe place free of harassment or suspicion linked to sexual orientation or gender identity. Several interviewees also experienced a conflict between Christian faith and an LGBTQ personality - a conflict the service could help solve. Participation in the service was also motivated as a way to resist structures that confirmed heterosexuality as a norm. Another aspect important to the interviewees is Queer Service's emphasis on internal authority and its lack of a clear hierarchy.

Förgivettagen heterosexualitet : En analys av fyra skönlitterära böcker i relation till skolans värdegrund

Andersson, Ellinor January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is based on qualitative text analyses of four works of fiction, used as teaching materials in the school subject of Swedish, from a queer theoretic perspective. The purpose of the study is to examine how sexual identities and expressions are being presented, as well as what positions are offered a reader, in relation to the heterosexual norm. Basis for this thesis are the schools fundamental values, which highlights the importance that intolerance be confronted through both knowledge and active measures, and the syllabus, which states that fiction should be viewed as a tool for identity development as well as an understanding of the outside world. The analyses reveals a distinct connection between the generally accepted heterosexual norm and a professed (or taken for granted) heterosexuality which is being carried out by the characters or the books as a whole. Out of the four titles only one disputes this norm, by offering a wide range of sexual identities and expressions. These expressions, however, are being invalidated – through insufficient ability to relate to the norm – or made invisible – through an imagined heterosexuality which, by superiority over other expressions, excludes them.

Könsförvirring : En narrativ studie av normbrytande genus i barndomen

Kaspersen, Kristian January 2010 (has links)
This essay deals with non-normative gender expressions during childhood. I’m using narrative theory and methods to analyze autobiographical narratives. My questions are: What strategies does the non-normative person use to deal with his otherness? Using the methodological analysis tool ”turning point”, where are the turning points in the narratives? Are their any common turning points in the various narratives? Where is the responsibility placed in the narratives for that someone does not fit in by the adults/ staff at the school/kindergarten- on the non-normative person or at the surroundings? The experiences are interpreted through theories and concepts from queer theory and gender theory. The study reflects the importance of an anti-oppressive pedagogy in school.

"Hallå 2000-talet!" : En enkätstudie om heteronormativitet i grundskolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning idag / “Hallå 2000-talet!” : a questionnaire study ofheteronormativity in elementary schools sex education

Nilsson, Linnea, Holmberg, Ebba January 2012 (has links)
Studien handlar om heteronormativitet i grundskolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Heteronormativitet är antagandet om att det enda rätta och normala är att vara heterosexuell. Normer finns överallt i olika kulturer och grupper, heteronormen är en ledande och övergripande norm i vårt samhälle. I skolan kan svårigheter uppstå för de elever som på något sätt avviker från heteronormen. Svenska lärarutbildningar berör ämnet sex och samlevnad i mycket begränsad utsträckning vilket kan medföra att lärare inte har den kunskap som krävs för att undervisa i ämnet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur niondeklassare uppfattar att heteronormen behandlas i sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen. För att ta reda på elevernas egna uppfattningar och åsikter kring undervisningen konstruerades en enkät som besvarades utav 194 elever i årskurs nio vid fyra olika grundskolor i Skåne. Resultatet visar att de elever som har fått vara delaktiga i upplägget av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i större utsträckning har lärt sig något nytt/betydande och fått mer information om deras rättigheter och skyldigheter rörande sexualitet. Det framkommer även att undervisningen har ett patogent och preventivt fokus och lägger mycket vikt vid könssjukdomar och preventivmedel. Fokus ligger till stor del på sex, och samlevnadsdelen hamnar i skymundan. Eleverna uttrycker i egna ord att lärarna verkar tycka att ämnet är genant och att undervisningen fokuserar på saker som eleverna redan vet. De uttrycker även att de skulle vilja ha mer undervisning om sexuella läggningar. Slutsatser som kan dras av studien är att det finns en antydan till att skolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning är heteronormativ och utgår i hög grad från det heterosexuella samhället. Ofta berörs andra sexuella läggningar än heterosexuell som problemfrågor. / Our study is about heteronormativity in the elementary schools sex education. Heteronormativity is the assumption that the only right and normal way to be is heterosexual. Norms exists everywhere across cultures and groups. Heteronormativity is a leading and global norm in our society. Problems can arise for those students who in any way deviate from the heterosexual norm. Teacher education in Sweden involve sex and social life in a very limited extent. This may mean that teachers do not have the skills that are necessary to teach the subject. The aim of our study was to investigate how ninth graders perceive that heteronormativity is treated in the sex education. To find out the students' own perceptions and opinions about teaching, a questionnaire was constructed that was answered out of 194 students in ninth grade at four different elementary schools in Skåne. The results showed that students who had been involved in the arrangement of sex education to a greater extent have learned something new / substantial and have learned more about their rights and obligations relating to sexuality. It also reveals that the education has a pathogenic and preventive focus, and puts much emphasis on sexually transmitted diseases and contraceptives. The focus is largely on sex, the part about relationships and social life remain in the background. The students express in their own words that the teachers seem to think the topic is embarrassing and that teaching is focused on things that students already know. They also express their wish for more education about sexual orientations. Conclusions that can be drawn from this study suggest that the school's sex education is heteronormative and assumes much of the heterosexual community. Furthermore it often involves other sexual orientations as problem areas.

Queer ideology, political practice, and the Indian queer movement : a discourse on the inclusion and exclusion of gender variant identities within contemporary Indian queer politics / Discourse on the inclusion and exclusion of gender variant identities within contemporary Indian queer politics

Althen, Kaitlin 15 February 2012 (has links)
This thesis discusses the ideological and political composition of the contemporary queer community in India. It is specifically concerned with the ways in which transgender/gender variant identities are represented within Indian queer scholarship and queer organizations in the subcontinent. At present, transgender/gender variant studies of South Asia are primarily confined to research on hijra and other trans feminine gender communities. While this research is important, this thesis seeks to expand the understanding of transgenderism/gender variance in South Asia by examining other transgender identities, including trans masculine identities, as well as analyzing Indian discourses on gender and sexuality more broadly. By examining Indian queer scholarship and the politics of contemporary queer organizations, I find that transgender/gender variant individuals face greater forms of marginalization within the contemporary queer movement in India because of the silence surrounding their gender identities. / text

Queer documentary : parodic premise and the subjectification of the insider outsider or how to do (queer) things with reflexive and performative strategies

Herrup, Amy E. 13 May 2015 (has links)
This dissertation explores the reflexive and performative practices found in Mocha Jean Herrup's documentary work, POM, LESBIANFILM, and A FEW GOOD DYKES. By exploiting realism's failure to ever fully represent, reflexive and performative techniques enable a queer discourse. These techniques create 1) a parodic premise that calls attention to the disjunction between documentary's legitimizing conventions and queer as a viable subject, 2) a subjectification of the insider-outsider that troubles distinctions between the audience and the subject and the filmmaker and the subject, and 3) enables the embodied knowledge of queer subjectivity to emerge. / text

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