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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a corporate strategy for the Quicksand Group

Botha, An-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

“A Plea for Color”: Color as a Path to Freedom in Nella Larsen’s Novel Quicksand

Nordquist, Julia January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study is to investigate how double-consciousness operates through contrastive color imagery in Nella Larsen’s novel Quicksand. A focal point of the analysis is to show how Larsen thematizes the ability to benefit from bright colors and how color choice determines the quality and level of freedom in life.</p><p>Together with W. E. B. Du Bois’s theory of double-consciousness, a few other literary works by writers of the Harlem Renaissance have been considered in order to further support my arguments. I link these other writers’ perspectives to Quicksand and to the novel’s theme of color as a path to freedom.</p><p>In Quicksand, a broader path of colors, more bright than dull, leads to freedom, as is made evident through the novel’s connection of bright colors with Harlem’s freedom of expression. Furthermore, a narrow path of colors is contrastively figured as the course towards tragedy, which is clearly seen in the novel through the example of the protagonist Helga’s “sinking” due to an absence of color.</p>

“A Plea for Color”: Color as a Path to Freedom in Nella Larsen’s Novel Quicksand

Nordquist, Julia January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how double-consciousness operates through contrastive color imagery in Nella Larsen’s novel Quicksand. A focal point of the analysis is to show how Larsen thematizes the ability to benefit from bright colors and how color choice determines the quality and level of freedom in life. Together with W. E. B. Du Bois’s theory of double-consciousness, a few other literary works by writers of the Harlem Renaissance have been considered in order to further support my arguments. I link these other writers’ perspectives to Quicksand and to the novel’s theme of color as a path to freedom. In Quicksand, a broader path of colors, more bright than dull, leads to freedom, as is made evident through the novel’s connection of bright colors with Harlem’s freedom of expression. Furthermore, a narrow path of colors is contrastively figured as the course towards tragedy, which is clearly seen in the novel through the example of the protagonist Helga’s “sinking” due to an absence of color.

Konzeptionelle Modelle zur Beschreibung der Rheologie granularer Medien am Beispiel der Lausitzer Fließsande

John, Johannes 03 December 2020 (has links)
Infolge gravitativer Massenbewegungen sind aktuell weiträumige Flächen der ehemaligen Lausitzer Tagebaugebiete gesperrt. Um den zugrundeliegenden Verflüssigungsprozess der sandigen Innenkippenböden zu analysieren und auf granularer Ebene zu beschreiben, wurde in einem ersten Schritt das eindimensional-vertikale Verhalten einer wassergesättigten, locker gelagerten Granulatsäule untersucht. Unter Einbeziehung von Lageenergie, Kugelpackungen und Grenzflächen ließen sich daraus konzeptionelle Modelle und Hypothesen zur Abbildung der Verflüssigung und Reverfestigung von Fließsanden entwickeln. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen legen nahe, dass die durch ein dynamisches Energieinitial ausgelöste Verflüssigung zur Horizontalverschiebung der Granulatkörner und damit zur Reduzierung der effektiven Spannungen sowie zur Porenwasserdruckerhöhung führt. Zudem lassen die Betrachtungen vermuten, dass der Absinkvorgang der Granulatkörner im Zuge der Reverfestigung an die Relativbewegung zwischen dem verdrängten Porenwasser und dem Schwebkornfilter der Granulatkorntextur gekoppelt ist. Die hierbei auftretende Filterströmung lässt sich durch das DARCY-Gesetz beschreiben. Da die wassergesättigte Grundwasserzone mancherorts von einer wasserungesättigten Überdeckungszone mit geringerer Durchlässigkeit überlagert werden kann, wurde in einem zweiten Schritt ein konzeptionelles Überdeckungsmodell erstellt, das die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den zwei Zonen nach einem Verflüssigungsereignis mit Fokus auf geohydraulische Zustandsparameter untersucht und gestützt auf drei idealisierte Basisprozesse charakterisiert. Im Zuge der Reverfestigung des verflüssigten Granulats kann sich unterhalb der ungesättigten Überdeckungszone eine Wasserlamelle bilden. Der sich daran anschließende instationäre Aufsättigungsvorgang der Überdeckungszone wurde mittels der numerischen Software HYDRUS-1D für verschiedene Szenarien analysiert und darauf aufbauend ein vereinfachtes Approximationsverfahren entwickelt, das die Aufsättigungsfront als vordringende, stabile, makroskopische Grenzfläche erfasst. Das temporäre Auftreten des verflüssigten Granulats sowie der Wasserlamelle tragen zur Verringerung der Kippenstabilität bei. Aufbauend auf dem Modellverständnis des eindimensional-vertikalen Verhaltens des Kippenkörpers wurden in einem weiteren Schritt verschiedene Untersuchungen zum rheologischen Verhalten der Lausitzer Innenkippensande durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe von Rotationsscherversuchen mittels eines Präzisionsrheometers konnte unter der Verwendung von Flügelrotoren eine funktionale Abhängigkeit zwischen dem Feststoffanteil und der Fließgrenze hergestellt werden. Darüber hinaus haben die Rotationsscherversuche gezeigt, dass der Feststoffanteil der Lausitzer Innenkippensande eine maßgebliche Rolle für deren rheologisches Fließverhalten spielt. Je größer der volumetrische Feststoffanteil des Fließsands im Ausgangszustand ist, desto größer sind auch die mit einer Fließbewegung einhergehenden Reibungskräfte zwischen den Granulatkörnern sowie die dadurch verursachten resultierenden Scherspannungen in der immersiven granularen Flüssigkeit. Weiterhin lassen die Ergebnisse der Rotationsversuche darauf schließen, dass die Art der dynamischen Anregung (impulsartig oder zyklisch) einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf das Verflüssigungs- und Reverfestigungsverhalten von wassergesättigten Fließsanden hat. Das dynamische Fließverhalten der Lausitzer Innenkippensande lässt sich mit den konventionellen rheologischen Modellen jedoch nicht vollständig beschreiben, da der Einfluss der komplexen Korninteraktionen bei dichten immersiven Granulaten den hydrodynamischen Einfluss der interpartikularen Flüssigkeit bei weitem übersteigt. Es ist dagegen möglich, das viskoplastische Fließverhalten der gleichförmigen, gerundeten, wassergesättigten Fließsande der Lausitzer Innenkippen mit den konzeptionellen Modellansätzen immersiver granularer Medien auf Basis von phänomenologischen rheologischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten abzubilden. Hierzu wurden weiterführende Fließversuche auf einer geneigten rauen Ebene durchgeführt. Es konnte dabei bestätigt werden, dass das rheologische Fließverhalten von Granulaten durch eine einzige dimensionslose Kennzahl, die Inertialzahl I, bestimmt wird. Somit lassen sich unterschiedliche gravitative Massenbewegungen der Lausitzer Tagebaurestlöcher innerhalb eines universellen rheologischen Modellkonzepts beschreiben. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise das dynamische Verhalten von trockenen Schüttungen, die zu erwartenden Abflachungen der subhydrischen Tagebauböschungen sowie die Fließsandströmung nach einer Verflüssigung. Summa summarum tragen die gebildeten konzeptionellen Modelle und darauf aufbauenden Hypothesen sowie die durchgeführten rheometrischen Rotationsscherversuche und rheologischen Fließversuche zu einem tieferen Verständnis des Verhaltens der Lausitzer Fließsande im Zusammenhang mit Verflüssigungsereignissen bei, was zur Vermeidung von Schadwirkungen sowie zur Entwicklung von effizienteren Sanierungsverfahren beitragen kann.:1 Einführung 1 1.1 Ansatzpunkt der Arbeit 1 1.2 Zielsetzung der Arbeit 3 1.3 Methoden der Arbeit 4 1.3.1 Literaturrecherche 4 1.3.2 Modellierung 4 1.3.3 Computersimulation 6 1.3.4 Laborversuche 6 1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit 7 2 Grundlagen 9 2.1 Rheologie 9 2.1.1 Grundlagen der Rheologie 9 Einordnung 9 Elastizität 10 Plastizität 10 Viskosität 11 2.1.2 Rheologische Modelle 14 Rheologische Grundmodelle 14 Zusammengesetzte Modellkörper 15 Nichtlineare rheologische Modellansätze 17 2.1.3 Rheometrie 17 2.2 Granulare Medien 18 2.2.1 Definition 18 2.2.2 Entstehung 19 2.2.3 Granulometrie 19 2.2.4 Physikalische Beschreibung 20 2.2.5 Interpartikulare Kräfte 20 2.3 Granulare Feststoffe 21 2.3.1 Granulare Packungen 21 2.3.2 Nichtimmersive granulare Feststoffe 22 Kräftenetzwerk 22 Spannungsansatz der Kontinuumsmechanik 24 Plastisches Verhalten 24 2.3.3 Immersive granulare Feststoffe 27 DARCY-Filterströmung 27 Grenzen des DARCY-Gesetzes 29 Spannungen nach TERZAGHI 30 2.3.4 Teilimmersive granulare Feststoffe 30 Einteilung des unterirdischen Wassers 30 Mobilitätsbereiche 32 Hydraulische Zustandsgleichung 34 Durchlässigkeit 37 Kapillarität 39 Spannungen nach BISHOP 41 2.4 Granulare Flüssigkeiten 42 2.4.1 Untersuchungs- und Messmethoden 43 2.4.2 Nichtimmersive granulare Flüssigkeiten 44 Dimensionsanalyse 44 Rheologische Stoffgesetze 47 Rheologie komplexer Granulate 48 Strömung auf einer geneigten Ebene 49 Grenzen der phänomenologischen Rheologie 52 Tiefengemittelte Fließgleichungen 53 Segregation in granularen Strömungen 55 2.4.3 Immersive granulare Flüssigkeiten 57 Granulare Rutschungen 57 Granulare Medien und Suspensionen 58 Druckgesteuerte Rheologie 59 Volumengesteuerte Rheologie 62 Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Studien 64 3 Verflüssigung und Reverfestigung 66 3.1 Verhalten ohne ungesättigte Überdeckung 66 3.1.1 Grundlagen 66 3.1.2 Lageenergie 67 Lageenergieintegral 68 Reverfestigungsmodell 68 3.1.3 Kugelpackungen 70 Schichtmodell 70 Validierung des Schichtmodells 72 3.1.4 Grenzflächen 73 Säulenmodell 74 Filtermodell 75 Zonenmodell 76 Intensive und extensive Modellvariablen 77 3.1.5 Hypothesen 78 Höhenkonstanz 79 Dichte 79 Volumenstromdichte 79 Durchlässigkeitsbeiwert 80 Porenwasserüberdruck 80 Reverfestigungsdauer 81 Wasserbilanz 81 3.2 Verhalten mit ungesättigter Überdeckung 82 3.2.1 Grundlagen 82 3.2.2 Konzeptionelles Überdeckungsmodell 83 Modellstruktur 83 Geohydraulische Zustandsgrößen 84 Bodenmechanische Zustandsgrößen 85 Prozesse und Zustände 85 3.2.3 Verflüssigung und Reverfestigung der Grundwasserzone (Prozess I) 86 3.2.4 Aufsättigung der Überdeckungszone (Prozess II) 87 Berechnungsmethodik und Pre-Processing in HYDRUS-1D 88 Post-processing in HYDRUS-1D 88 Berücksichtigung von Niederschlag 92 Numerisches Approximationsverfahren 94 3.2.5 Absinkvorgang der Überdeckungszone (Prozess III) 97 4 Granulare Rheologie 99 4.1 Versuchsgranulate 99 4.1.1 Mikroglaskugeln 99 4.1.2 Fließsand 99 4.1.3 Durchlässigkeit 102 4.2 Rotationsversuche 105 4.2.1 Grundlagen 105 Messung der Fließgrenze 105 Messung der Viskosität 109 4.2.2 Rotationsrheometer zur eigenen Versuchsdurchführung 110 4.2.3 Eigene Versuche zur Fließgrenze 111 4.2.4 Eigene Versuche zur Fließkurve 117 4.2.5 Eigene Versuche zur Reverfestigung 120 4.3 Fließversuche 122 4.3.1 Grundlagen 123 4.3.2 Aufbau der eigenen Fließversuche 129 4.3.3 Auswertung der eigenen Fließversuche 132 Kalibrierung 132 Front Tracking 133 Particle Tracking 134 Höhenmessung 135 Genauigkeit 135 Auswertung 136 4.3.4 Strömungskonfiguration Luft-Luft 136 4.3.5 Strömungskonfiguration Wasser-Wasser 140 4.3.6 Strömungskonfiguration Wasser-Luft 144 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 148 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS I ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS XIX TABELLENVERZEICHNIS XXV SYMBOLVERZEICHNIS XXVI ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS XXXVI / Large areas of former Lusatian opencast pits have recently become inaccessible due to gravitational mass movements. To understand the underlying liquefaction process of the overburden dump sand and to describe it on a granular scale, the one-dimensional vertical behaviour of a saturated, loosely packed column was studied. Considering elevation energy, sphere packing and interfaces, several conceptual models and hypotheses for describing the liquefaction and resolidification of quicksand were developed. The analyses suggest that liquefaction leads to horizontal grain movement and thus to effective stress reduction and increases in pore water pressure. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that grain settlement during the resolidification phase is linked to the relative movement between displaced pore water and the suspended grain filter of the granulate structure. The filter flow can be described by DARCY’s law. Since the water-saturated groundwater zone can be overlaid by a water-unsaturated cover zone with lower permeability, a conceptual cover model was designed, which examines the interactions between the two zones with focus on geohydraulic state parameters and characterises them based on three main processes. Due to the resolidification of the liquefied quicksand, a water lamella can form below the unsaturated cover zone. Based on HYDRUS-1D simulations, a numerical approach was developed for the subsequent transient saturation of the cover, which treats the saturation front as an advancing stable macroscopic interface. The temporary appearance of the liquefied quicksand and the water lamella reduces stability of the inner overburden dump. Based on the understanding of the one-dimensional vertical granular behaviour, various investigations on the rheological behaviour of the Lausatian inner overburden dump sands were carried out. With the help of rotational shear tests by means of a precision rheometer, a functional dependence between solid content and yield stress could be established using vane rotors. Furthermore, it could be shown that the solid content plays a decisive role for the rheological flow behaviour of the Lausatian quicksand. The greater the solid content in its initial state, the greater are the frictional forces between the grains associated with flow movement as well as the resulting shear stresses in the immersive granular liquid. Moreover, the results suggest that the type of dynamic excitation (pulsed or cyclic) has a significant influence on the liquefaction and resolidification behaviour of water-saturated quicksands. However, the dynamic flow behaviour of the Lusatian inner overburden dump sands cannot completely be described by conventional rheological models, since the influence of the complex grain interactions in dense immersive granular media exceeds the hydrodynamic influence of the interparticulate fluid. In contrast, it is possible to model the viscoplastic flow behaviour of the uniform, rounded, water-saturated Lusatian inner overburden dump sands with the conceptual model approaches of immersive granular media based on phenomenological rheological laws. For this purpose, further flow tests were carried out on an inclined rough plane. It was confirmed that the rheological flow behaviour of granular media is determined by a single dimensionless number, the inertial number I. Thus, the different gravitational mass movements of the former Lusatian opencast pits can be described within an universal rheological model concept. This includes, for example, the dynamic behaviour of dry deposits, the expected flattening of the subhydric mine slopes and the flow of the water-saturated quicksand after liquefaction. In all, the conceptual models and hypotheses as well as the rheometric rotational shear tests and rheological flow tests contribute to a deeper understanding of the behaviour of Lusatian quicksand in connection with liquefaction events, which helps to avoid harmful effects and to develop more efficient remediation methods.:1 Einführung 1 1.1 Ansatzpunkt der Arbeit 1 1.2 Zielsetzung der Arbeit 3 1.3 Methoden der Arbeit 4 1.3.1 Literaturrecherche 4 1.3.2 Modellierung 4 1.3.3 Computersimulation 6 1.3.4 Laborversuche 6 1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit 7 2 Grundlagen 9 2.1 Rheologie 9 2.1.1 Grundlagen der Rheologie 9 Einordnung 9 Elastizität 10 Plastizität 10 Viskosität 11 2.1.2 Rheologische Modelle 14 Rheologische Grundmodelle 14 Zusammengesetzte Modellkörper 15 Nichtlineare rheologische Modellansätze 17 2.1.3 Rheometrie 17 2.2 Granulare Medien 18 2.2.1 Definition 18 2.2.2 Entstehung 19 2.2.3 Granulometrie 19 2.2.4 Physikalische Beschreibung 20 2.2.5 Interpartikulare Kräfte 20 2.3 Granulare Feststoffe 21 2.3.1 Granulare Packungen 21 2.3.2 Nichtimmersive granulare Feststoffe 22 Kräftenetzwerk 22 Spannungsansatz der Kontinuumsmechanik 24 Plastisches Verhalten 24 2.3.3 Immersive granulare Feststoffe 27 DARCY-Filterströmung 27 Grenzen des DARCY-Gesetzes 29 Spannungen nach TERZAGHI 30 2.3.4 Teilimmersive granulare Feststoffe 30 Einteilung des unterirdischen Wassers 30 Mobilitätsbereiche 32 Hydraulische Zustandsgleichung 34 Durchlässigkeit 37 Kapillarität 39 Spannungen nach BISHOP 41 2.4 Granulare Flüssigkeiten 42 2.4.1 Untersuchungs- und Messmethoden 43 2.4.2 Nichtimmersive granulare Flüssigkeiten 44 Dimensionsanalyse 44 Rheologische Stoffgesetze 47 Rheologie komplexer Granulate 48 Strömung auf einer geneigten Ebene 49 Grenzen der phänomenologischen Rheologie 52 Tiefengemittelte Fließgleichungen 53 Segregation in granularen Strömungen 55 2.4.3 Immersive granulare Flüssigkeiten 57 Granulare Rutschungen 57 Granulare Medien und Suspensionen 58 Druckgesteuerte Rheologie 59 Volumengesteuerte Rheologie 62 Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Studien 64 3 Verflüssigung und Reverfestigung 66 3.1 Verhalten ohne ungesättigte Überdeckung 66 3.1.1 Grundlagen 66 3.1.2 Lageenergie 67 Lageenergieintegral 68 Reverfestigungsmodell 68 3.1.3 Kugelpackungen 70 Schichtmodell 70 Validierung des Schichtmodells 72 3.1.4 Grenzflächen 73 Säulenmodell 74 Filtermodell 75 Zonenmodell 76 Intensive und extensive Modellvariablen 77 3.1.5 Hypothesen 78 Höhenkonstanz 79 Dichte 79 Volumenstromdichte 79 Durchlässigkeitsbeiwert 80 Porenwasserüberdruck 80 Reverfestigungsdauer 81 Wasserbilanz 81 3.2 Verhalten mit ungesättigter Überdeckung 82 3.2.1 Grundlagen 82 3.2.2 Konzeptionelles Überdeckungsmodell 83 Modellstruktur 83 Geohydraulische Zustandsgrößen 84 Bodenmechanische Zustandsgrößen 85 Prozesse und Zustände 85 3.2.3 Verflüssigung und Reverfestigung der Grundwasserzone (Prozess I) 86 3.2.4 Aufsättigung der Überdeckungszone (Prozess II) 87 Berechnungsmethodik und Pre-Processing in HYDRUS-1D 88 Post-processing in HYDRUS-1D 88 Berücksichtigung von Niederschlag 92 Numerisches Approximationsverfahren 94 3.2.5 Absinkvorgang der Überdeckungszone (Prozess III) 97 4 Granulare Rheologie 99 4.1 Versuchsgranulate 99 4.1.1 Mikroglaskugeln 99 4.1.2 Fließsand 99 4.1.3 Durchlässigkeit 102 4.2 Rotationsversuche 105 4.2.1 Grundlagen 105 Messung der Fließgrenze 105 Messung der Viskosität 109 4.2.2 Rotationsrheometer zur eigenen Versuchsdurchführung 110 4.2.3 Eigene Versuche zur Fließgrenze 111 4.2.4 Eigene Versuche zur Fließkurve 117 4.2.5 Eigene Versuche zur Reverfestigung 120 4.3 Fließversuche 122 4.3.1 Grundlagen 123 4.3.2 Aufbau der eigenen Fließversuche 129 4.3.3 Auswertung der eigenen Fließversuche 132 Kalibrierung 132 Front Tracking 133 Particle Tracking 134 Höhenmessung 135 Genauigkeit 135 Auswertung 136 4.3.4 Strömungskonfiguration Luft-Luft 136 4.3.5 Strömungskonfiguration Wasser-Wasser 140 4.3.6 Strömungskonfiguration Wasser-Luft 144 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 148 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS I ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS XIX TABELLENVERZEICHNIS XXV SYMBOLVERZEICHNIS XXVI ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS XXXVI

Representation av genus i svenska ungdomsserier : En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av genusrepresentation i Young Royals och Störst av allt / Representation of gender in Swedish youth TV series : A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the gender representation in Young Royals and Störst av allt (Quicksand)

Bergman, Lizette, Jonbacker, Erica January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study “Representation of gender in Swedish youth TV series” is to illustrate how genders are represented in Swedish youth tv-series. Young people are influenced by the media when creating their identities and shaping their views of the world. The media reproduces gender sterotypes which affects young people’s perception of gender and sexuality, which is why it’s important to analyse what kind of gender representations are visible in popular culture today. Earlier research shows most movies reproduce gender stereotypes and homosexual characters are often discriminated against or not displayed at all. The TV series analysed are the popular Netflix shows Young Royals and Störst av allt (Quicksand). Our research questions were “How aremasculinites and femininites represented in the tv-series based on norms and stereotypes? and “What similarities and differences in these representations can be found in the two tv-series?” The theoretical framework used is gender theory, representation theory, feminist film theory as well as masculinites and stereotypes. A list of stereotypical male and female traits was compiled to be used when analysing the characters. By using the method multimodal critical discourse analysis five analytical tools were chosen, which were lexical choices, attributes, setting, body language and image representation. These were used when analysing the first season of Young Royals and Störst av allt which were six episodes each. The analysis resulted in 16 thematic discourses that illustrate the gender representationes in the series. The study found that both series showed stereotypical and non-stereotypical traits in the characters. Some of the non-stereotypical discourses were “men as caring and thoughtful”, “women in positions of power” and “men expressing emotions”. Some of the prominent stereotypical discourses were “men in positions of power”, “violent men”, “women as victims”   and “women as caring and thoughtful”. The non-stereotypical gender representations indicate that society’s view and expectations on the genders may be changing and developing.

Literary Relationships That Transformed American Politics and Society

Comba, Lily J 01 January 2016 (has links)
Texts such as Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, and Nella Larsen’s Quicksand each present a different understanding and perspective of relationships based on their time periods and social statures. The type of relationship Stowe focuses on in her novel is that of friendship. Friends, defined as people with whom have a bond of mutual affection, and friendships, the state of mutual trust and support (Merriam-Webster), anchor the relationships that Eva and Eliza create with members on the plantation. These female protagonists turn to friendship as a way to live each day more normally – that is, to somehow alleviate the brutal cruelty of living through slavery. Despite varying odds, trials, and tribulations, seeking friendships that had preservative and supportive qualities allowed the female protagonists in Stowe’s novel to survive their own lives. The friendships Eva and Eliza formed discredit what many paternalist pro-slavery authors used as evidence to justify the institution of slavery. In the paternalist proslavery mindset, slave-owner and slave friendships revealed the benefits of slavery – that the two groups would be happier together rather than apart. Stowe discredits this mentality by relating to her 19th century reader’s emotions, representative of the sentimental genre in which she writes. However, in writing about slavery from a white woman’s perspective, Stowe isn’t fully exempt from the paternalist genre. As I will examine later, many of her statements about slavery and the friendships she narrates embody implicitly racist stereotypes and caricatures that complicate the abolitionist approach to her novel. In this way, she falls under the category of paternalist abolitionism, rather than paternalist proslavery. Stowe also highlights the fleeting nature of these friendships. Many, if not all, of the friendships Eva and Eliza form are not able to last, which is one way Stowe argues against the institution of slavery. Following Stowe, my discussion of Jacobs will introduce a slave’s perspective to female relationships in slavery. The relationships in Jacobs’ narrative are centered on family, and the power of relying on one’s own blood or close-knit community to survive slavery. Writing also within the sentimental mode, Jacobs focuses on her reader’s emotions in order to propel her anti-slavery argument. The female relationships Jacobs details are grounded in literal and metaphorical motherhood. She highlights these relationships as an emotional and familial, particularly motherly, survival method. Jacobs’ text showcases the importance of family, rather the relationships or friendships formed with strangers– thereby differentiating her argument from Stowe’s. Nella Larsen’s Quicksand draws on the emotional and social difficulties one biracial woman faced in a world affected by the legacy of slavery and World War I. As a biracial woman, Helga develops relationships with men and women she hopes will support her progressive way of thinking and sense of selfhood. Helga’s relationships are more aptly defined as partnerships – given that “partners” may involve sexual, non-sexual, and business-like dynamics between two people. Helga must find authentic, or non-hypocritical, people to assist in her journey for selfhood and kin. But similarly to the relationships in Stowe and Jacobs, the friendships Helga creates often fail her. The question of why they fail in Quicksand connects directly to the question the novel itself is asking: is the search for selfhood more important than the search for kin? The argument all three works make with these failures represents a call to action – not just for the time period in which their novels were written, but also for future American communities. The continuing consequences of racial and gender discrimination exposed by Stowe, Jacobs, and Larsen show us that real social change must come from people – from the relationships we form.

The mixed-race girl’s guide to the art of passing: racial simulations in Danzy Senna’s Caucasia and Nella Larsen’s Quicksand

Unknown Date (has links)
Racial identifications are continually influenced by and constructed through one’s environment. Building on Jean Baudrillard’s “The Precession of Simulacra” and Gaston Bachelard’s The Poetics of Space, this thesis argues that houses and clothing are the material objects that allow characters Birdie Lee from Danzy Senna’s Caucasia and Helga Crane from Nella Larsen’s Quicksand to construct their mixed race identities. Birdie Lee’s childhood home is the place where she develops a mixed race identity. When she leaves that home, she is forced to take on simulacra in order to pass for white. Without a stable childhood or adult home, Helga Crane’s wardrobe becomes the space where she unconsciously develops a mixed race identity. Her clothing choices allow her to simulate an entirely black identity that masks her mixed race heritage. Ultimately, the fates of Birdie and Helga are determined by whether or not they can occupy a space that is accepting of their mixed race identities. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

The Sociopolitical Construction Of Race And Literary Representations Of The Biracial Subject

Fontenot, Kara 01 January 2006 (has links)
Twentieth-century American literature incorporates interracial and biracial themes that bring to light the often unnamed and unrecognized biracial identities of many Americans. Unfortunately, despite the potential value for a deeper understanding of the construction of race, these themes have seldom been seriously considered in the context of reevaluating the nature of the system that creates racial labels and categories until the recent emergence of postmodern critical theories. This thesis examines the black-white interracial themes and biracial protagonists in Nella Larsen's Quicksand (1928) and Danzy Senna's Caucasia (1998) in order to explore the texts' representations of systems of hegemonic power that create racial labels and categories. I discuss the binary sociopolitical construction of race in the United States (blackwhite) and the complexity of biracial identities as a foundation for my examination of literary representations of biracial subjectivity, racial passing, primitive exoticism, and the intersections between race, class and gender. I conclude that a study of the interracial theme in literature is a dive into the chasm between margin and center, the enunciative split between the binary racial signifiers black and white. Therefore, representations of biracial subjectivity provide a unique vantage point for surveillance of the complexities of the human struggle to gain and maintain power.

Functions of the Great Migration and the New Negro in Nella Larsen's 'Quicksand' and Richard Wright's 'Native Son'

McGuire, Lindley 24 July 2018 (has links)
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JULIA PINHEIRO PINTO 15 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a construção e o desenvolvimento dos relacionamentos afetivos heterossexuais entre os jovens, tendo como base ilustrativa a série da Netflix Areia Movediça. A partir da representação do relacionamento amoroso entre os personagens principais da série, Maja e Sebastian, foi proposto um debate sobre as transformações sofridas pelo amor romântico na contemporaneidade, a forma como as juventudes lidam com essa área da vida e, por fim, como a interlocução desses dois aspectos pode resultar em uma relação abusiva. Para isso, a pesquisa é dividida em três partes. Na primeira, discutem-se as juventudes e a importância da prática de se assistir a séries na perspectiva dos jovens. Na segunda, há uma breve introdução a Areia Movediça, com o objetivo de contextualizar o leitor. Por meio da análise das cenas, são debatidas temáticas intrínsecas ao universo juvenil consideradas tabus, até se chegar ao tema dos relacionamentos amorosos. Na terceira parte, discutem-se a desigualdade entre gêneros e como ela atua na construção dos relacionamentos abusivos, a partir da história sobre o amor vivido pelos protagonistas de Areia Movediça. / [en] This thesis aims to reflect upon the construction and development of teen romantic heterosexual relationships having the Netflix s Quicksand series as background for the analysis. Maja and Sebastian s relationship helps shed light into the transformations romantic relationships have underwent in modern times, and on how teenagers deal with this aspect of their lives. Quicksand shows us that the combination of romance and teenagers may eventually trigger abusive relationships. In order to elaborate on those topics, the research has been divided into three different parts. The first part debates youth and the relevance of watching television series for teens. The second part is a short introduction on Quicksand. Scene analysis reinforces themes intrinsic to the teen universe that are still considered taboo. The third part reflects on gender inequality and its role in the construction of abusive relationships as depicted in the Quicksand protagonists love story.

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