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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Penetration business strategy for financial industry after cross-strait MOU ¡V A case study of F bank, Taiwan.

Chuang, Yen-Lin 28 August 2010 (has links)
Penetration business strategy for financial industry after cross-strait MOU ¡Ð A case study of F bank, Taiwan. Abstract The cross-strait financial industry will change significantly after the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by Taiwan and China on both cooperation and competition end of the spectrum, and the entire financial industry including individual financial institution will need to adjust its business strategy to survive in the post-ECFA Era. One individual financial institution requires an all-rounded strategy regarding every aspect to penetrate into China market surrounded by many Chinese banking competitors. In this regard, this study, the business penetration strategy into China financial market for Taiwanese financial institution in case of the F bank, Taiwan, analyzed and discussed the best suited business strategy, and how such strategy should be implanted and executed. In order to do so, this study analyzed different circumstances under not only the macroeconomic environment and the regulation, but also by various business strategy models form PEST, business competition, SWOT, RBV, to statistical analysis with different projected future scenario given, to understand which will be the optimal solution for the F bank to penetrate into the China market. Nonetheless, the study further analyzed the details of the optimal solution from where the first business unit should be setup, to what regard the service should include, and also who the target customers are with CEPA¡¦s historical experience as reference. The study showed that the F bank should remain focus on Taiwanese corporations in China and setup the first several branches and subsidiaries accordingly; nonetheless, the Strait-West district (®ü¦è¯S°Ï) could be a suitable fit if it provides a better options to Taiwanese banks. As for the range of the service and products mix, the F bank should first focus on corporate banking, especially to satisfy the capital needs from Taiwanese corporations, and then gradually move forward towards securities service utilizing its subsidiaries¡¦ resources. Furthermore, because product development will be the key to F bank¡¦s expansion, it is crucial to demonstrate the product innovation ability to impress F-bank¡¦s local customers. On the other hand, lack of financial service in the Big West region¡]¤j¦è³¡¡^ provides another great opportunity for Taiwanese banks to establish their business in China. The Big West region is blooming; however, there are still very few financial services and relatively less competition in the region, therefore, the first mover¡¦s advantage we often discovered in the coastal region is not yet existed. This provides Taiwanese banks a great window to penetrate and a profitable potential return. Strategic allying with or investing in the local banks to participate only in establishing branches and subsidiaries will be a highly growth strategy as well. Ningbo and Nanjing bank will be our first choices for the F bank to ally with within all first-tier banks. As for the second-tier banks, we believe relevant banks in Zhejiang Province, Montaibank, Chouzou commercial bank, and Tyrone commercial bank will be good targets if the F bank select to start up from the Yanze river delta region; Fujian Haizia bank will be our priority choice in Strait-West district. In conclusion, the competition will become more intense in the future fighting for business of Taiwanese corporations in China; hence, the competition from Chinese local banks will become more furious as well. As the result, we believe the best strategy for Taiwanese banks to survive and penetrate in China will be to maintain the existing customers and to satisfy their needs before there is a clear progress of the ECFA negotiation. We suggest banks reconstruct their own resources integration and improve their efficiency and communication within the institution to customize their service to meet customers¡¦ needs to achieve the goal.

The Research of Resource-Based competitive advantage about Wealth Management Bank ¡XA Case Study Of Bank A

Ke, Zhong- Rong 22 August 2008 (has links)
Currently the competition of Taiwan bank wealth management has reached the climax. There might be hidden risk from this rush. In this highly competitive environment on growth and profit pursuing, the problems of the performance evaluation system, such as low employee stability and lack of product segments for the customers of M shaped society, result in further challenges, specially the aggressive action of private bank on big customers. Besides, the organization flexibility would affect the future of the bank herself. The study is based on the organization culture and the Resource-Based competitive advantage of the foreign bank as the company advantage to modify the organization strategy, to higher employee stability and to enhance customer relationship. The study uses RBV as research method by analyzing the resource of the customers, the employees and the banks to understand the advantage of the wealth management in foreign bank and how the bank stays sustainable operation because of the resource accumulating. Furthermore, from the result of RBV, we can understand how the bank can strengthen continuously the existing resource advantages and affect the employees and customers.

Effektivisering av kommunala välfärdstjänster med hjälp av interna resurser / Efficiency of municipal welfare services using internal resources

Mårtensson, Åsa, Rantala, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Det finns ett stort behov av effektivisering inom kommunal äldreomsorg för att motverka en eventuell framtida skatteökning. Detta behov har uppkommit dels på grund av en förändrad demografi, med ökat antal äldre, men också de svårigheter som finns i att effektivisera tjänster som utgörs av personlig arbetskraft. En effektivisering av kommunala välfärdstjänster får inte medföra någon negativ inverkan på tjänsternas utförande i form av kvalitet. Kraven på tjänsternas utförande och kvalitet tenderar dock att öka i samband med en högre välfärd och bättre levnadsstandard. Genom uppmärksammande av kommunala intressenters olika behov och önskemål är det viktigt att en effektivisering sker både produktivt och ändamålsenligt för att förhindra en skatteökning eller försämrad kvalitet. Det resursbaserade perspektivet, resource-based view (RBV), kan ses som ett effektivitetsorienterat analysverktyg, vilket framförallt nyttjats inom kommersiella företag. RBV fokuserar på organisationens interna resurser och hur dessa kan stärkas, vilket således kan medföra en positiv inverkan på både produktiviteten och kvaliteten. Det finns dock en viss mätningsproblematik inom RBV eftersom de interna resurser som synsättet belyser framförallt är av immateriell karaktär.   Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida RBV kan utgöra ett lämpligt verktyg vid effektivisering av kommunala välfärdstjänster och på så vis skapa en ökad förståelse om interna resurser och hur dessa kan stärkas. Då RBV fundamentalt utgår från kommersiella företag är uppsatsens syfte dessutom att belysa de faktorer som gör synsättet applicerbart även på offentlig sektor. Metod: Materialet till den empiriska studien samlades in genom triangulering. En förstudie genomfördes för att få underlag till det urval som sedan resulterade i att två äldreboenden valdes ut för att studeras mer ingående. På de två utvalda äldreboendena genomfördes sedan totalt sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer, varav två med enhetschefer och fyra med medarbetare. Intervjuerna genomfördes med stöd av en temamall vilket medförde en diskussion kring uppsatsens ämnesområden. Med hjälp av intervjuerna identifierades interna resurser som var relaterade till verksamhetens mål och förväntningar från organisationens intressenter. Som komplement till uppsatsens studie har boendenas balanserade styrkort nyttjats. Slutsats: Uppsatsen har belyst de mest betydande skillnaderna vid applicering av RBV på offentlig sektor gentemot kommersiella företag. Interna resurser som arbetssätt, ekonomisk kompetens, tyst kunskap, förmågan att interagera med andra organisationer, förmågan att tillvarata personalens kompetens samt förmågan att skapa en bra dialog mellan personal, brukare och dennes anhöriga har identifierats. Utöver dessa immateriella resurser har den materiella resurs som utgörs av fastigheternas utformning lyfts fram då det är en resurs som visat sig ha stor betydelse för enheternas dagliga verksamhet. Uppsatsen har även synliggjort hur resurser och förmågor kan skapas och stärkas genom interaktion med andra organisationer. Genom att belysa RBVs applicerbarhet på offentlig sektor, olika resurser och hur dessa kan stärkas har uppsatsen uppnått sitt syfte.

Análise do processo de desenvolvimento de recursos competitivos em empresas exportadoras de uva do Vale do São Francisco

Rodrigues de Azevedo, Jamana January 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:05:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo1169_1.pdf: 639156 bytes, checksum: 0fc52ab8258d26d312cdc879b316019c (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o processo de desenvolvimento de recursos competitivos de empresas que são consideradas mais competitivas, dentre as exportadoras de uva da região do Submédio do São Francisco. Para a construção do referencial teórico, tomou-se como base a perspectiva da Resource-Based View of the Firm (RBV), que procura explicar o desempenho superior das organizações e as estratégias que permitiram alcançá-lo mediante a análise dos recursos de uma organização, sejam eles recursos tangíveis ou intangíveis. O processo de internacionalização foi analisado com base nos modelos de Uppsala (JOHANSON; WIEDERSHEIM-PAUL, 1975; JOHANSON; VAHLNE, 1977) e baseado em recursos (SHARMA; ERRAMILLI, 2004) que explica a internacionalização de empresas como um processo evolutivo, na qual a entrada no mercado internacional passa por estágios a medida que a empresa acumula experiências e conhecimentos a respeito do mercado global. Como procedimento metodológico, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, fundamentada na perspectiva qualitativa. O foco metodológico foi lastreado no método do estudo de caso. A pesquisa passou por três etapas, para a seleção da amostra. Inicialmente, selecionou-se um grupo de empresas a serem estudadas, com base no volume entre US$ 1 e 10 milhões de dólares exportados, dado disponibilizado pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio. Em seguida, aplicaram-se questionários compostos por questões fechadas na lista de empresas exportadoras de uva da região do Submédio do São Francisco, com o intuito de se obter aquela que fosse vista pelos concorrentes como a mais competitiva. Com base em estatística descritiva, emergiu a Cooperativa A, composta por cinco fazendas: A, B, C, D e E. As técnicas de coleta de dados utilizadas nesta segunda etapa da pesquisa foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação e análise documental. Na análise dos dados emergiram três recursos estratégicos competitivos como sendo responsáveis pelo sucesso da empresa. Assim, por meio deste estudo, identificou-se que recursos idiossincráticos, como o Relacionamento baseado na confiança , Cultura orientada para a qualidade e Know how , apresentam significativa influência no desempenho superior da empresa. Os recursos estratégicos Relacionamento baseado na confiança e Cultura orientada para a qualidade aparentemente possuem sustentabilidade maior devido a deseconomia resultante da compressão temporal, conforme advogam Dierickx e Cool (1989), quanto pela ambigüidade causal decorrente de caminho histórico único e pela subjetividade associada a fatores humanos envolvidos

Análise do processo de formação de estratégias internacionais da fruticultura brasileira : o caso do Grupo Fruitfort

Renata Bezerra de oliveira, Brigitte January 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:05:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo1152_1.pdf: 1305829 bytes, checksum: 8fbe9fe82fee0cc737d01ba44b7c750d (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Faculdade de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar as características do processo de formação de estratégias internacionais do Grupo Fruitfort, no período de 1982 a 2006, sob a ótica das teorias de Uppsala, dos Determinantes da Vantagem Competitiva Nacional e da Resource-Based View of the firm (RBV). Descrevem-se as estratégias internacionais adotadas pela empresa ao longo do tempo e analisa-se sua convergência com os conceitos apregoados pelos modelos teóricos. Seguindo a orientação de Pettigrew (1987) quanto às dimensões de conteúdo, contexto e processo das mudanças, o aporte teórico foi constituído de questões relacionadas à estratégia competitiva, ao processo de formação de estratégias, às estratégias internacionais e aos modelos de internacionalização, com foco naqueles supracitados. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa, do tipo exploratória e analítica, de cunho retrospectivo. A estratégia adotada é a de estudo de caso e a unidade de análise constituída pelo Grupo Fruitfort. A amostra é composta por 15 (quinze) respondentes, sendo 4 (quatro) de instituições correlatas à fruticultura do semi-árido e 11 (onze) executivos responsáveis pela administração estratégica da referida empresa. O principal método de coleta de dados é a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com esses sujeitos, complementadas com a pesquisa documental e a observação não-participante, na perspectiva da triangulação dos dados. A análise e discussão dos resultados compreende a descrição e a interpretação do fenômeno investigado, sob diferentes perspectivas. Primeiramente, ocorre a contextualização histórica da exportação de frutas no pólo Petrolina PE e Juazeiro BA e sua influência nas atividades do Grupo Fruitfort. Destacam-se os projetos de irrigação promovidos pela CODEVASF como cruciais para o início e continuidade das operações do Grupo. Em seguida, são identificados os eventos marcantes que constituíram quatro fases na trajetória da empresa ao longo do período delineado para esta pesquisa. Evidenciam-se indícios da associação concomitante entre os modelos de internacionalização, a partir do momento em que nenhum isoladamente foi capaz de explicar como o processo de formação de estratégias internacionais foi desenvolvido na empresa. Tais estratégias foram orientadas pela perspectiva deliberadamente emergente e seus momentos de mudança imbuídos do caráter evolucionista e gradual. Constata-se que as dimensões mais relevantes dentre aquelas apregoadas pela Escola de Uppsala foram a aprendizagem, as networks pessoais e o gradualismo. Os vértices condições dos fatores, indústrias correlatas e rivalidade entre as empresas foram decisivos para que o Grupo Fruitfort apresentasse padrões de estratégia bem sucedidos. A liderança empreendedora, associada à cultura organizacional, apresenta-se como o seu recurso competitivo de maior expressão. Assume-se, portanto, que o processo investigado enquadrase nas três abordagens teóricas tidas como base para a análise, variando apenas o grau de convergência dos seus conceitos principais


Nandialath, Anup Menon 24 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into the implementation of socially and environmentally responsible procurement

Adrien-Kirby, Adam James January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the intra-organisational processes used by businesses operating in the United Kingdom to narrow the gap between their socially and environmentally responsible procurement (SERP) policy and its implementation in buyer-supplier relationships. This is a response both to the wide variety of recent human/labour rights and environmental violations in corporate supply chains as well as to concerns that the corporate policies developed in response to stakeholder pressure regarding such violations may not be sufficient for the effective implementation of their remedy. This examination of corporate efforts to implement SERP policy initiates a line of research aimed at building a theory of internal SERP policy implementation. The theoretical lens used in the component studies of this thesis is a combination of organisational culture and the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm. The former is used to assess how top managers and procurement departments show support for SERP implementation. This is to say that aspects of their cultures are used to perceive this support. The organisational and human resources made available to the procurement department are considered to be the capabilities needed to translate this support into practice. Drawing on data from a survey of 340 buyer-supplier relationships and from two in-depth case studies of businesses operating in the United Kingdom, this thesis contributes both theoretically and empirically to the literature. Prime examples of this thesis‟ contributions include the mapping of commercial processes used to connect stakeholder rights and pressures to procurement activity; the identification of internal subgroups that affect SERP implementation; and the conceptual reconsideration of two core capabilities theorised to facilitate this process. Further research includes the replication of case studies; the consideration of supplier capabilities to implement buyer requirements; and how this research can be more aligned with extant supply chain strategy research.

A Resource-Based Perspective on Green Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance

Kirchoff, Jon Frederick 01 August 2011 (has links)
Due to the perceived performance implications of green supply chain management, research in this area has grown in recent years. However, the literature is limited on the determinants of green supply chain management and its performance implications. Thus, the literature has yet to furnish an accepted explanation for why green practices are manifested in supply chain management and, whether a positive relationship exists between green supply chain management practices and firm performance. This dissertation responded to these challenges through exploring the antecedents and consequences of green supply chain management. This dissertation built on the theoretical base of the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) and investigated two potentially important determinants of green supply chain management practices, and how such practices, in turn, shape firm performance. Specifically, a theoretical model was developed that offered hypothesized relationships among the resources of an environmental orientation, a supply chain orientation, and green supply chain management practices, and how these resources relate to firm performance. Significant results and good fit indices tested with structural equation modeling generated a number of interesting theoretical implications for scholars and practical implications for supply chain managers. The results challenge the current theoretical and operationalization of the green supply chain management construct. The results also show the strategic implications of firm orientations. Finally, for executives and strategists who are concerned about better managing their supply chains, this study provides insights for how firms can develop a competitive edge through the implementation of green supply chain management practices.

A Study on OBM Strategies of Taiwanese corporate in European markets based on resource-based view perspective

Lee, Chiu-Huang 27 June 2011 (has links)
Nowadays, companies of emerging countries have started to compete with Taiwanese companies with the same OEM/ODM business model. This trend has made the advantages of manufacturing of Taiwanese companies disappeared. So the growth of Taiwanese economy that depends on exporting companies¡¦ products has suffered severe threats. Therefore, Taiwanese industries and government have struggled to transform into the field of OBM. They hope it can make more added values from OBM. This research studied on Taiwanese companies that have made some achievement in OBM field in the international base on resources-based view. This research studied on how they created and operated their own brands and how they planned their own international strategies of OBM, tried to find out the differences between OEM/ODM and OBM in nature, resources and abilities, and found out the main dimensions that how companies met the gap existing in resources and abilities. This study also tried to figure out the processes how companies with brands built up their OBM business in European markets, and then this study wanted to build a conceptual structure about how a business model transformed from OEM/ODM into OBM. Finally, the study found out another company that is a novice in building international OBM business, and did some analysis and suggestions for it based on the conceptual structure to verify the feasibility of the conceptual structure. The sources of the research data are from second-hand data and from interviewing with the studied companies. I hope the study can be a reference for any companies which want to build their business model of OBM. The results of this study showed that there is indeed a gap between OEM/ODM and OBM in respects of essence and the needed resources and capabilities. And the studied cases which have their own brands had an extent of similarity in building their OBM business in European markets. Therefore, this study tried to divide the processes of how the studied cases that built their OBM business in European markets into five stages, and every stage has different features and needed resources as well as capabilities. And then did some analysis and suggestions for the case which is a novice in building international OBM business. This study found out that the studied findings had an extent of feasibility and credibility.


Shen, Shu-chen 01 July 2008 (has links)
The Cheng Ching Lake is a reservoir. It functions not only as a water supplier, but also as a scenic spot. It used to be one of the top three scenic spots in Taiwan. However, it has gradually lost its competitiveness with environmental change. And its tourists has also decreased with year, which has resulted in deficits of earning and prosperity. This study probes into the competitive advantage of the Cheng Ching Lake scenic spot according to the Resource-Based Theory. The unique competitiveness of general enterprises comes from two complementary sources-- the resources and the competencies in the enterprises. Since it is easier for an enterprise to control and manage its resources and competencies, the two factors are more suitable being as references and indicators for a company to decide on its tactics of development. Therefore, an enterprise should make good use of its resources in advantage and even its core resources in order to make profits and maintain its substainable competitive advantage. This thesis adopted qualitative methods and conducted in-depth interviews with the administrator of the Cheng Ching Lake scenic spot, superiors in authorities concerned, scholars, and experts. After discussing with them the effects that tangible assets, intangible assets, human resources and capabilities have on competitive advantage, the results¡GThe core resource of the Cheng Ching Lake scenic spot is ¡§its water resource and ecology¡¨ that is unique, specific, and imperfectly imitable, which shape the Cheng Ching Lake¡¦s competitiveness. As for the core competence, the management ability, age, quality, professional training, adjustment ability of its employees lack in competitiveness, the Cheng Ching Lake scenic spot does not have core competence . Based on the above findings, this study gets some suggest to development strategies for the Cheng Ching Lake senic spot as follows: 1.Using the differentiation to separate the market. 2.Selecting a specific theme for further development. 3.Modifying after a whole plan, and to run the business with each section separated for different usage. 4.Adopting alliance strategy to promote its competitiveness. 5.Collecting cleaning fees from people doing morning exercise to compensate for the loss in profits.

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