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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fernerkundliche Waldflächenerfassung im Kontext internationaler Umweltabkommen / Eine Analyse kritischer Faktoren / Remote Sensing Based Forest Cover Assessments in the Context of International Environmental Conventions / Analyzing the Critical Factors

Magdon, Paul 19 April 2013 (has links)
Als Reaktion auf die fortschreitende, anthropogen bedingte Veränderung und Zerstörung der Ökosysteme fand 1992 die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über Umwelt und Entwicklung in Rio de Janeiro statt. Die Konferenz markiert aus heutiger Sicht einen Startpunkt multilateraler Umweltschutzbemühungen, da offiziell formuliert wurde, dass die lokal auftretenden Umweltprobleme durch globale Veränderungen hervorgerufen werden und nur durch gemeinsame Bemühungen auf internationaler Ebene zu bewältigen sind. Ergebnis dieser Konferenz war die Verabschiedung verschiedener internationaler Abkommen zum Umweltschutz. Wälder spielen dabei in ihrer Funktion als Kohlenstoffspeicher und als terrestrischer Lebensraum mit der höchsten Artenvielfalt eine zentrale Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen sich für die Waldinventur neue Aufgaben, sowohl bezüglich der zu erfassenden Zielgrößen als auch hinsichtlich der Rahmenbedingungen, da die erhobenen Informationen nicht mehr nur auf Betriebsebene für die Planung der Bewirtschaftung verwendet werden, sondern auch für die Erfüllung der internationalen Berichtspflichten. Als zentrale Größe des Waldmonitorings muss die Waldfläche gesehen werden, da sie die Grundlage für die meisten Berechnungen ist. Daneben wird die Waldfragmentierung, also die Form und räumliche Verteilung der Waldflächen, häufig als Indikator für die Biodiversität diskutiert. Die fernerkundliche Erfassung der Waldfläche und die Beschreibung der Waldfragmentierung mit Landschaftsstrukturmaßen (LSM) im Kontext der internationalen Umweltabkommen ist Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit. Zielsetzung ist es, kritische methodische und technische Aspekte, welche die Schätzung der Waldfläche und die Berechnung der LSM beeinflussen, zu identifizieren und ihre Wirkungen zu analysieren. Anhand einer Literaturrecherche wurden zunächst vier kritische Faktoren identifiziert: i) die Walddefinition, ii) die Waldranddefinition, iii) der Beobachtungsmaßstab und iv) das Landschaftsmodell, welches für die Berechnung der LSM verwendet wird. Die Effekte und Wechselwirkungen zwischen den vier genannten Faktoren wurden im zweiten Teil der Arbeit auf Grundlage einer Simulationsstudie untersucht. Dafür wurden Kronenkarten und Geländemodelle auf Basis von Gauß'schen Zufallsfeldern in verschiedenen Auflösungstufen simuliert. Durch Variation der Mindestüberschirmung  und der Größe der Referenzfläche, auf der die Überschirmung gemessen wird, konnten aus den Kronenkarten Waldkarten mit unterschiedlichen Wald- und Waldranddefinitionen erstellt werden. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss des Landschaftsmodells auf die Berechnung der LSM untersucht. Dies geschah mit Hilfe eines neuen Verfahrens, das die Berechnung der LSM im dreidimensionalen Raum ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse der Simulation zeigen, dass alle vier Faktoren einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Waldflächenkarten haben können. Dabei ergeben sich besonders für die Kronenüberschirmung und die Referenzflächengröße spezifische Wechselwirkungen, die sich teilweise mit einem einfachen geometrischen Waldrandmodell theoretisch erklären lassen. So zeigt sich, dass besonders für Walddefinitionen mit einer Mindestüberschirmung, die stark von 50 % abweicht, die Referenzflächengröße einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Waldfläche und Fragmentierung hat. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Simulationstudie wurde im 3. Teil der Arbeit ein Klassifikationschschema entwickelt, das es ermöglicht spezifische Kriterien einer Walddefinition in den Auswertungs- und Klassifikationsprozess von Fernerkundungsdaten zu integrieren, um standardisierte Waldkarten zu erstellen. Beispielhafte Grundlage war die Walddefinition der Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), die Wald als eine Landnutzungsform beschreibt. Im Gegensatz zu Landbedeckungsformen können Landnutzungsklassen nicht direkt in Fernerkundungsdaten beobachtet werden. Zur Erstellung einer Landnutzungskarte  müssen daher neben den Landbedeckungsklassen weitere Kontextinformationen berücksichtigt werden. Dafür wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein hierarchischer Klassifikationsschlüssel entwickelt, der ausgehend von einer Landbedeckungskarte, eine Landnutzungs- und eine Waldkarte generiert. Die benötigten Kontextinformationen werden dabei mit Hilfe von Entscheidungsbäumen, die auf eine fixe Referenzfläche angewendet werden, berücksichtigt. Dieses Verfahren ermöglicht es, Waldkarten zu erstellen, die einer bestimmten vorher festgelegten  Walddefinition entsprechen. Insofern kann das Verfahren zur Standardisierung der Waldflächenerfassung beitragen.  Darüber hinaus bietet es die Möglichkeit die Walddefinition durch Änderung der Kriterien oder der Schwellenwerte flexibel anzupassen, sodass es als wissenschaftliches Werkzeug zur Analyse des Effektes verschiedener Walddefinitionen verwendet werden kann. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Fallstudie durchgeführt, die untersucht inwieweit sich das entwickelte Verfahren operational für die Waldflächenerfassung einsetzen lässt. Da der Fokus der internationalen Umweltabkommen auf den tropischen Waldgebieten liegt, wurden für die Fallstudie zwei unterschiedliche tropische Waldlandschaften in Costa Rica ausgewählt. Zur Klassifikation der Landbedeckung kamen Satellitenbilder des RapidEye-Systems mit einer räumlichen Auflösung von 5 m zum Einsatz. Für die Klassifikation der Landbedeckung wurde zunächst eine Software entwickelt, welche atmosphärische und topographische Korrekturen, Bildverbesserung, nicht-parametrische Klassifikationsverfahren und den, im dritten Teil der Arbeit entwickelten hierarchischen Klassifikationsansatz für die Erstellung der Landnutzungskarten, implementiert. Die Ergebnisse der Fallstudie zeigen, dass das entwickelte Verfahren geeignet ist, Waldkarten für stark fragmentierte tropische Landschaften zu erstellen. Die Waldkarten entsprechen einer zuvor festgelegten Walddefinition (z. B. FAO), in der die einzelnen Kriterien (u. a. Mindestüberschirmung, Mindestgröße, vorherrschende Landnutzung) während der Klassifikation explizit geprüft werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt theoretisch, empirisch und auch in der praktischen Anwendung, dass eine Vielzahl von Faktoren die Erfassung der Waldfläche beeinflusst. Einer der wichtigsten Faktoren ist dabei die Walddefinition. Die übliche Praxis bei der fernerkundlichen Erstellung von Waldkarten, die Klasse "Wald" ohne expliziten Bezug auf geeignete Kriterien direkt auszuweisen, führt zu großen Unsicherheiten bei der Waldflächenschätzung und ist im Rahmen von international verbindlichen Abkommen kaum akzeptabel. Die Entscheidung welche Walddefinition verwendet werden soll, wird in politischen Verhandlungen bestimmt. Aufgabe der Waldinventur muss es dann sein, diese politischen Vorgaben umzusetzen. Die hier vorgestellten Methoden können insofern zur Standardisierung der fernerkundlichen Waldflächenerfassung beitragen, als das sie transparente Entscheidungsregeln implementieren und somit konsistente Waldkarten erzeugen.

To leak or not to leak? : Land‐Use Displacement and Carbon Leakage from Forest Conservation / Att läcka eller inte läcka? : Markanvändningsförskjutning och kolläckage från skogsbevarande åtgärder

Henders, Sabine January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the question how emissions from land‐use displacement can be assessed and accounted for, using the example of carbon‐leakage accounting in the planned UNFCCC mechanism on ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation’ (REDD). REDD serves here as example of an international forest conservation policy that might be effective locally but could lead to displacement of deforestation to other countries. Although leakage processes within countries are initially considered, the focus of the thesis is on international displacement effects. The first part of the thesis reviews existing accounting methods for land‐use displacement from different research fields and assesses their usefulness to quantify carbon leakage from REDD. Results show that it is very difficult to assess policy‐induced (or strong) carbon leakage due to the requirement to demonstrate causal links between the policy in question and the observed land‐use changes, especially at international scale. Other accounting methods focus on demand‐driven (or weak) carbon leakage, by establishing a link between international demand and consumption patterns and land‐use changes as their  distant effects. Methods to quantify such teleconnections commonly combine land‐use accounting with tradeflow assessments to link international trade streams and consumption with environmental impacts such as land use or land‐use changes arising in the production of traded commodities. A methodological challenge is currently the quantification of emissions from land‐use change generated by distant linkages between production and consumption locations. Responding to this shortcoming, in the second part of the thesis a new method to assess these teleconnections is developed. The ‘land‐use change carbon footprint’ allows quantifying the extent to which landuse changes and associated emissions in a given country are promoted by the production of export goods, and thus are due to international demand for ‐ and consumption of ‐ forest‐risk commodities. The understanding of such distant deforestation drivers can be useful in several contexts, such as the design of conservation policies like REDD, which risk being less effective as globalized deforestation drivers pose a high risk for international leakages; or the planning of demand‐side measures that could complement supply‐side action in decreasing global deforestation levels. Demand‐side measures, such as zero‐deforestation embargos, regulations or certification schemes, could eventually contribute to decrease the risk for international land‐use displacement by addressing global consumption levels and commodity demand as one of the underlying driving forces of land‐use change and deforestation. / Avhandlingen undersöker hur utsläpp av växthusgaser, genererade genom en förskjutning av markanvändning, kan bedömas och redovisas. Detta exemplifieras genom analys av UNFCCC’s mekanism ”Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ‐ REDD”. REDD betraktas här som ett exempel på en internationell skogsskyddspolicy som kan fungera effektivt på lokal nivå, men som ändå kan leda till förskjutning av avskogningen till andra länder. Den första delen av avhandlingen analyserar befintliga  redovisningsmetoder för förskjutning av markanvändning från olika forskningsområden och bedömer deras användbarhet när det gäller kvantifiering av koldioxidläckage från REDD. Resultaten visar att det är mycket svårt att bedöma policy‐genererat koldioxidläckage på grund av kravet att påvisa orsakssamband mellan policyn i fråga och de observerade förändringarna av markanvändningen. Andra redovisningsmetoder fokuserar på såkallade teleconnections, genom att upprätta en länk mellan internationell konsumtionsmönster och miljöpåverkan (t.ex. effekter på global markanvändning) som uppstår på grund av produktion av handelsvaror. Metoder för att bedöma sådant efterfrågestyrt koldioxidläckage brukar kombinera markanvändnings‐redovisning med bedömningar av handelsflöde för att knyta ihop internationella konsumtion med globala förändringar av markanvändningen. För närvarande är den metodologiska utmaningen att kvantifiera utsläppen från en förändrad markanvändning till följd av teleconnections. Ett förslag på en  metodlösning utvecklas inom den andra delen av avhandlingen. Indikatorn "land‐use change carbon footprint (LUC‐CFP) som kan kopplas med handelsflödesanalys ger möjlighet att kvantifiera i vilken utsträckning en förändrad markanvändning och tillhörande utsläpp i ett visst land främjas av produktionen av exportvaror. Därmed visas hur internationell efterfrågan och konsumtion av produkter fungerar som drivkraft bakom avskogning. Förståelsen för dessa globala drivkrafter kan vara användbar i flera sammanhang. Exempel är utformningen av bevarandepolicies som REDD, vilka riskerar att bli mindre effektiv när globaliserade drivkrafter bakom avskogning utgör en hög risk för internationellt läckage; eller planeringen av policyåtgärder från efterfrågesidan. Genom att ta itu med globala konsumtionsnivåer och efterfrågan på handelsvaror, som är en av de bakomliggande drivkrafterna för avskogning, kan man så småningom bidra till att minska risken för internationellt förskjutning av markanvändning.

Modulação do estoque de carbono em paisagens fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica em função dos efeitos de borda / Edge effects modulation of carbon stocks in fragmented Atlantic forest landscapes

Francisco D\'Albertas Gomes de Carvalho 25 June 2015 (has links)
Apesar da reconhecida importância da fragmentação no balanço de carbono (C) das florestas tropicais, a maior parte do conhecimento a cerca deste assunto provém de estudos conduzidos na floresta Amazônica e desconsidera processos relacionados à influência da configuração da paisagem. Em particular, estimativas precisas da emissão de CO2 devido à fragmentação devem levar em consideração efeitos aditivos de borda e a idade das bordas. Nós investigamos estes efeitos sobre parâmetros estruturais de florestas (densidade, altura e área basal das árvores) e no estoque de C em oito fragmentos florestais (13 a 362 ha) antigos (>=70 anos), cercados de pastagens, em uma região de Mata Atlântica. Amostramos 5297 troncos, divididos em quatro tratamentos em cada um dos fragmentos: interior dos fragmentos; bordas antigas (>50 anos) em quina; bordas antigas retas; bordas novas (<50 anos) retas. Calculamos a biomassa acima do solo (BAS) através de equações alométricas que consideram a altura do tronco e seu diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e convertemos esse valor em carbono estocado na vegetação. O estoque de C foi altamente variável entre tratamentos, abrangendo valores entre 6.61 Mg ha-1 até 87.96 Mg ha-1 (média= 29.55 ± 14.97 Mg ha-1). As áreas de interior continham um estoque de C maior, bem como maior área basal, densidade de árvores e árvores mais altas do que as de borda. No entanto, a seleção de modelos não detectou influência da idade ou de efeitos aditivos no estoque de C. Nossos resultados sugerem que os padrões de efeitos de borda para a Mata Atlântica são diferentes dos observados em florestas tropicais fragmentadas mais recentemente, como é o caso da Amazônia. A Mata Atlântica tem um longo histórico de perturbação humana e uma dinâmica complexa de desmatamento e regeneração, que pode levar a uma condição de degradação generalizada, posto que até áreas mais distantes das bordas em manchas remanescentes de Mata Atlântica já perderam quantidades significativas de carbono. Nestas paisagens antrópicas, os efeitos de borda que atuam sobre a mortalidade de árvores e na redução da BAS podem ser mais abrangentes do que inicialmente estimado pelos modelos construídos para a floresta Amazônica. / Despite the importance of fragmentation for tropical forest carbon (C) balance, most of our knowledge comes from few sites in the Amazon and disregard underlying processes that relates landscape configuration with C stocks. Particularly, accurate estimation of CO2 emission from fragmentation must account for additive edge effects and edge age. Here we investigated those effects on carbon stock and forest structure (density, height, basal area) in eight old-growth forest (>=70 years) fragments (13 to 362 ha), surrounded by pasture, in the Brazilian Atlantic forest region. We sampled 5,297 stems in four distinct treatments, distributed in each fragment: fragment interiors; old (> 50 years) corner edge; old straight edge; and new (< 50 years) straight edge. Aboveground biomass (AGB) was estimated from tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH), and converted to carbon. C stock was highly variable between treatments, scoring from 6.61 Mg ha-1 up to 87.96 Mg ha-1 (average of 29.55 ± 14.97 Mg ha-1). Interior treatments had higher C stock, basal area, tree stem density and taller trees than edges. We found no significant effects of edge age or additive edge effects on C stocks. These results suggest that edge effects in the heavily-disturbed Atlantic rainforest may differ than those observed in more recently fragmented tropical forests, such as the Amazonian forest. In heavily human-modified landscapes, edge effects on tree mortality and reduction on AGB may contribute to overall higher levels of degradation across entire forest fragments, reducing the observed difference between edge and interior habitats, and suggesting that existing Amazonian forest models may underestimate the true impacts of tropical forest fragmentation for C storage.

How to create solid rights for forest carbon transactions: Challenges for the implementation of the REDD+ program in Peru / Cómo crear derechos sólidos para las transacciones sobre el carbono forestal: Retos para la implementación del programa REDD+ en el Perú

Wieland Fernandini, Patrick, Casalino Franciskovic, Juan Manuel, Carranza Bendezú, Alexandra 25 September 2017 (has links)
Over time, forests have played an important role in the ecosystems’ balance.   They store and retain a large amount of carbondioxide, preventing it to be released into the atmosphere. However, in recent years, deforestation and forest     degradation endanger their continuity in the provision of such service.In this article, the authors explain the program called “Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation” (REDD+), which seeks to combat such problems. In that way, they introduce  which  are  the  challenges  for its implementation in our country. / A lo largo del tiempo, los bosques han desempeñado un rol importante en el equilibrio delos ecosistemas. Éstos almacenan y retienen una gran cantidad de dióxido de carbono, evitando así que este gas se libere a la atmosfera.A pesar de ello, en los últimos años, la deforestación y degradación forestal ponen en peligrosu continuidad en la provisión de ese servicio.En este artículo, los autores explican el programa denominado “Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación de bosques” (REDD+) que busca combatir los problemas descritos. Asimismo, plantean cuáles son losretos para su implementación en nuestro país.


[pt] A integração e computação de co-benefícios da preservação de ecossistemas florestais é pré-condição para o sucesso, eficiência e sustentabilidade de longo prazo de iniciativas de REDD+. Inclusive para atingir reduções de emissões em larga escala e de forma permanente, é fundamental que as iniciativas de REDD+ promovam uma ampla gama de benefícios sociais, ambientais e de governança. Com base em uma concepção holística de integridade ambiental, o presente trabalho deseja oferecer contribuições sobre a definição de co-benefícios, sua tipificação e potenciais indicadores que podem ser utilizados para integrá-los e contabilizá-los na operacionalização de iniciativas de REDD+. / [en] The integration and accounting of co-benefits of forest ecosystem preservation is a precondition for the long-term success, efficiency, and sustainability of REDD + initiatives. Even to achieve large-scale and permanent reductions of emissions, it is critical that REDD+ initiatives promote a broad range of social, environmental and governance benefits. Based on a holistic conception of environmental integrity, the present paper offers contributions on the definition of co-benefits, their typification and potential indicators that can be used for their integration and accounting in the operationalization of REDD + initiatives.

O enredo da conservação no estado de Goiás: possibilidades e desafios para a valorização do Cerrado em pé / The condition of the conservation in the state of Goiás: opportunities and challenges for the recovery of the Cerrado biome

Leite, Juliana Ferreira 11 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-12-23T09:58:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Juliana Ferreira Leite - 2014.pdf: 4603905 bytes, checksum: ad7765008e79864b5968b017f1670da9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-01-26T13:11:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Juliana Ferreira Leite - 2014.pdf: 4603905 bytes, checksum: ad7765008e79864b5968b017f1670da9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-26T13:11:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Juliana Ferreira Leite - 2014.pdf: 4603905 bytes, checksum: ad7765008e79864b5968b017f1670da9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-11 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The topic of the implementation of economic instruments whilst environmental management mechanisms has been subject of great interest and considerable debate in various fields of scientific knowledge and political agendas of countries. This has happened mainly as a result of the increasing pressure on ecosystems and also because of the effects of climate change over the territories and human societies. Among these instruments, Payment for Environmental Services (PES), particularly those related to forests (REDD+), arises as a tool that, together with the traditional mechanisms of command and control, can guide and encourage sustainable activities, considering criteria such as environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency and social justice. From this brief reference framework, this work permeates the issue of climate change, its institutionalization in international agreements, the growing importance given to the concepts of green economy, payment for environmental services and REDD+ and how these issues stepped into the national territory – since the structuring of legal and institutional frameworks on the issue, until the experiences of local projects. In this sense, the thesis outlines the prospects and challenges for application of PES in the State of Goiás - Brazil, with REDD+ mechanism on the background and the Cerrado biome as a possible protagonist of this new perspective. The results of this study refer to what in fact PES (REDD+) is still in essence: innovating experiences, many of them recent and that are in need of adjustments for the existing realities, otherwise will be condemned to failure. Beyond the State of Goiás’ physical characteristics and a government effort to provide the implementation of this type of policy, it is also relevant to highlight that political, institutional and technical-operational challenges must be faced and overcame locally, so that this policy can be feasible and effective as a mechanism for reducing offset deforestation and conservation of the Cerrado. Thus, issues associated to the strengthening of the institutional framework, land regularization (ownership of land) and environmental knowledge related aspects emerge as key assets to leverage these initiatives. At the end, components that can aid the design of this type of policy are presented, seeking to support their implementation and encourage initiatives to protect the Cerrado biome. / O tema da implementação de instrumentos econômicos como mecanismos de gestão ambiental tem sido objeto de grande interesse e de um amplo debate nos diversos âmbitos do conhecimento científico e nas agendas políticas dos países, principalmente diante da crescente pressão sobre os ecossistemas e dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas sobre os territórios e sociedades humanas. Entre esses instrumentos, o Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA), principalmente aqueles relacionados a florestas (REDD+) surge como ferramenta que, complementada aos tradicionais mecanismos de comando e controle, pode orientar e estimular atividades sustentáveis, considerando critérios de eficácia ambiental, eficiência econômica e justiça social. Partindo desse breve marco de referência, o presente trabalho passeia pelo tema das mudanças climáticas, de sua institucionalização em acordos internacionais, da crescente importância atribuída aos conceitos de economia verde, de pagamento por serviços ambientais e REDD+ e de como essas questões adentraram no território nacional – desde a estruturação de marcos legais e institucionais relativos a questão, à experiências de projetos locais. Neste sentido delineia as perspectivas e os desafios para uma aplicação de PSA no Estado de Goiás – Brasil, tendo como pano de fundo o mecanismo de REDD+ e o bioma Cerrado como possível protagonista desta nova ótica. Os resultados dessa pesquisa remetem ao que de fato as propostas de PSA (REDD+) ainda são em essência: experiências inovadoras, muitas delas recentes e que precisam se ajustar às realidades existentes, senão estarão condenadas ao fracasso. No Estado de Goiás, para além de suas características físicas e de um esforço governamental que propicia a implementação deste tipo de política, há de se ressaltar os desafios também políticos, institucionais e técnicos-operacionais que precisam ser enfrentados e superados, para que de fato esta política seja viável e eficaz enquanto um mecanismo de redução compensada do desmatamento e de conservação do Cerrado. Com isso, questões relativas ao fortalecimento do arcabouço institucional, regularização fundiária (titularidade da terra) e de aspectos ligados ao conhecimento dos ativos ambientais são fundamentais para alavancar estas iniciativas. Ao final apresentamos componentes que podem ajudar no desenho deste tipo de política, buscando subsidiar a sua implementação e apoiando iniciativas direcionadas à proteção do bioma Cerrado.

Serviços ambientais (REDD) no âmbito da ordem ambiental global: (des) (re) territorialização da vida na RDS do Juma-AM

Souza, Leny Cristina Barata 30 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-11T13:54:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leny.pdf: 6340458 bytes, checksum: bf6c1208bb697df7e32f7ffbb23f03a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The sustainable development speech has colonized the nature, and converted it on a natural capital. This new capitalism face has gained force since the 1990´s, which since Rio 92 has taken social, political and mainly economic proportions which is presently called ecocapitalism. The objective of this study is comprehending the REDD Project (Reduction by Deforestation and Degradation) in the Juma sustainable development Reserve, once it is the first Brazilian and American Conservation Unit to be certified by Avoided Deforestation, fact that inserts the State of Amazonas on a Global Environmental Order. We have run ways and (no) ways for reaching three proposed objectives: characterize Juma´s RDS and the REDD Project; identify the REDD impacts in the eight communities under investigation, being: Sâo Francisco do Anape I, Flexal, Boa Frente, Repartimento, Limão, Paiucaua, Cacaia and São Felix, and at last demonstrate the territory use and ordering, according to the Managing Plan. As methodological procedures it was used the participative research with raising of bibliographic sources regarding to categories of analysis and development, ecocapitalism, environmental order, territory and environmental services; searching of primary data through field work with open interviews with five families of the community and semi-structured interviews with UC, CEUC, FAS, SEDUC and IDAM managers. The results of the study have allowed us to understand that the diverse partnership that the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation has tried for developing the REDD in the communities has not helped to improve them. On regard to the territory use and ordering, it was noticed that from the approval of the Managing Plan, the communities started to be normatized, according to the Plan rules, which has directly influenced on the use of the natural resources, as well the RDS zoning and the social and political relationships, causing therefore a disterritorization promoted by the managing organs, creating new territorrilities where prevails an imposition through and agenda which needs to attend capital interests on detriment of the communities. It is expected that this study may dismistificate this ideology of payment for environmental services on Juma´s RDS and a sustainable development model, as in its practice it is not satisfying the basic needs not even the present generations maybe the future ones, and even least the good life according the ecodevelopmental principles. / O discurso do desenvolvimento sustentável colonizou a natureza, convertendo-a em capital natural. Essa nova face do capitalismo, ganha força desde a década de1990, que a partir da Rio 92 tomou proporções sociais, políticas e sobretudo econômica, atualmente denominada de ecocapitalismo. O objetivo desse estudo é compreender o Projeto de REDD (Redução por Desmatamento e Degradação) na Reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável do Juma, uma vez que é a primeira Unidade de Conservação do Brasil e das Américas a ser certificada por desmatamento evitado, fato que insere o Estado do Amazonas numa Ordem Ambiental Global. Percorremos caminhos e (des) caminhos para alcançarmos três objetivos propostos: caracterizar a RDS do Juma e o Projeto de REDD; identificar os impactos do REDD nas oito comunidades investigadas, sendo: São Francisco do Anape I, Flexal, Boa Frente, Repartimento, Limão, Paiucaua, Cacaia e São Félix e por fim demonstrar o uso e ordenamento do território, segundo o Plano de Gestão. Como procedimentos metodológicos utilizou-se a pesquisa participante com levantamentos de fontes bibliográficas referente a categorias de análise ecodesenvolvimento, ecocapitalismo, ordem ambiental, território e serviços ambientais; levantamento de dados primários, por meio do trabalho de campo com entrevistas abertas com cinco famílias por comunidade e entrevistas semi estruturadas com gestores da UC, CEUC, FAS, SEDUC e IDAM. Os resultados do estudo nos permitiu entender que a diversa parceria que a Fundação Amazonas Sustentável tem buscado para desenvolver o REDD nas comunidades não tem trazido melhorias para as mesmas. No que concerne ao uso e o ordenamento do território, observou-se que a partir da aprovação do Pano de Gestão, as comunidades passaram a ser normatizadas, segundo as regras do Plano, influenciando diretamente no uso dos recursos naturais, bem como o zoneamento da RDS e as relações sociais e políticas, ocorrendo, portanto uma desterritorialização promovida pelos órgãos gestores, criando novas territorialidades, onde prevalece a imposição por meio de uma agenda que precisa atender os interesses do capital, em detrimento das comunidades. Espera-se que esse estudo possa desmistificar essa ideologia de pagamento por serviços ambientais na RDS do Juma como um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável, pois na prática não está satisfazendo as necessidades básicas sequer das gerações presentes, quiça as futuras, e tão pouco o viver bem, segundo os princípios do ecodesenvolvimento.

Les fondements de REDD+ à l’épreuve des modèles de déforestation : cas d’étude sur le Plateau des Guyanes / The principles of REDD+ facing deforestation models : study case in the Guiana Shield

Dezécache, Camille 17 May 2017 (has links)
Depuis ses balbutiements au début des années 2000, la Réduction des Emissions liées à la Déforestation et la Dégradation forestière, plus connue sous le sigle REDD+, a peu à peu été admise comme un moyen indispensable des politiques globales de lutte contre le changement climatique. Reposant sur le concept de « déforestation évitée », elle nécessite la formulation d’un scénario de référence servant à évaluer les efforts des pays dans la maîtrise de leur niveau de déforestation. Ces scénarios sont au cœur de nombreux débats politiques et scientifiques. Cette thèse constitue une mise en perspective des principes de REDD+ avec, comme cas d’étude, le Plateau des Guyanes. Dans un premier temps, on présentera l’établissement d’un modèle spatialisé de déforestation pour la Guyane française, insistant sur la nécessité de se focaliser sur les moteurs socio-économiques de la déforestation. Ce constat sera renforcé, dans un second temps, par l’étude de la déforestation liée à l’orpaillage à l’échelle de l’ensemble du Plateau des Guyanes, montrant un impact très fort du cours de l’or et des contextes politiques sur le niveau déforestation. Ces résultats alimenteront une discussion critique du mécanisme REDD+, basé sur la formulation de scénarios de référence potentiellement très variables et fondés sur des déterminants davantage politiques que scientifiques, ouvrant ainsi la porte à un potentiel chantage environnemental. / Since its appearance at the beginning of the 2000’s, the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, known as REDD+, has gradually been admitted as an indispensable option for global policies aiming at tackling climate change. Relying on the concept of « avoided deforestation », it requires the formulation of a reference scenario aiming at evaluating efforts made by the countries involved in controlling their level of deforestation. Those scenarios are facing numerous political and scientific debates. This thesis aims at putting into perspective the principles of REDD+, based on a study site covering the Guiana Shield. In a first step, the formulation of a spatialiazed deforestation model over French Guiana will be presented, insisting on the necessity to focus on socio-economic drivers of deforestation. This statement will be reinforced, in a second step, by the the study of deforestation due to gold mining in the Guiana Shield, showing a very strong effect of gold prices and national political contexts on deforestation. These results finally contribute to a critical discussion on REDD+ mechanism, based on the formulation of very variable reference scenarios, relying more on political than on scientific determinants, and potentially enabling the emergence of environmental blackmailing.

Apport de l’analyse texturale des images radar à haute résolution spatiale pour la cartographie des forêts tropicales / Contribution of textural analysis from high spatial resolution radar images for tropical forest mapping

Benelcadi, Hajar 19 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis 2007, une nouvelle génération de capteurs RSO (RADAR à Synthèse d'Ouverture) a été mise en orbite. Ces capteurs (TerraSAR-X, Cosmo-SkyMed, RADARSAT-2, Sentinel) sont caractérisés par des résolutions spatiales métriques à la différence des capteurs précédents (ERS, JERS, ALOS, ASAR) de résolution spatiale d'une vingtaine de mètres. La résolution spatiale métrique met en évidence une information texturale intéressante qui était inaccessible avec les RSO satellitaires existants précédemment. Les travaux de cette thèse ont pour but d'évaluer le potentiel de l'analyse texturale des images RADAR à haute résolution spatiale, pour la classification des forêts tropicales. Trois différents sites d'étude avec différentes problématiques ont été choisis pour évaluer l'apport de l'analyse texturale au Cambodge, Cameroun et Brésil. La méthode d'analyse texturale des images est réalisé moyennant les paramètres de texture de Haralick, paramètres statistique de second ordre. Une classification supervisée, en utilisant la méthode SVM (Support Vector Machine) a été adopté pour évaluer l'apport des paramètres de texture utilisés / Since 2007, a new generation of SAR sensors (Synthetic Aperture RADAR) was launched. These sensors (TerraSAR-X, Cosmo-SkyMed, RADARSAT-2, and Sentinel) are characterized by metric spatial resolutions unlike previous sensors (ERS, JERS, ALOS, ASAR) with a spatial resolution of about twenty meters. Metric spatial resolution highlights interesting textural information that was inaccessible with the previously existing SAR sensors. This thesis aims at evaluating the contribution of textural analysis from high spatial resolution images for tropical forests mapping. Three different study sites with different problematic have been chosen to evaluate the textural analysis in Cambodia, Cameroun and Brazil. Indeed, the contribution of the analysis of textural information for classification has been emphasized. The latter is understood through the analysis of Haralick textural parameters, second order statistic parameters. The retained algorithm of classification is the SVM (Support Vector Machine), as it allows taking into account numerous parameters, which can be heterogeneous with respect to their physical dimension

Indigenous Peoples and REDD+: A Critical Perspective / Los Pueblos Indígenas y REDD+: Una Perspectiva Critica

Osborne, Tracey, Bellante, Laurel, vonHedemann, Nicolena 11 1900 (has links)
Indigenous Peoples and REDD+: A Critical Perspective / Indigenous Peoples' Biocultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative (IPCCA) / November 2014 / Public Political Ecology Lab / Executive Summary: REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries (REDD) and includes conservation, sustainable forest management and the enhancement of carbon stocks (the +). An international initiative negotiated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), REDD+ has been proposed as a central strategy for mitigating climate change in forests. While advocates highlight the cost effectiveness and social and ecological co-benefits that can be generated through REDD+, many indigenous and forest dependent groups have expressed concerns about the potential effects of projects on their access to land and resources. This report identifies key issues facing indigenous and forest-dependent communities with respect to REDD, and is based on existing academic literature and more current reports by NGOs and indigenous organizations. We first lay out a brief history of REDD+, interrogate its key assumptions, and discuss major issues of concern. We then discuss REDD+ as it relates to indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities. This is followed by a series of case studies of developing countries participating in REDD+. We conclude with a discussion of the principal elements for an alternative vision for REDD+ that takes seriously the rights of indigenous peoples. / / Resumen Ejecutivo REDD+ es acrónimo para Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (Reducir las Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación de bosques) (en países en desarrollo). Incluye acciones para la conservación, el manejo sustentable de bosques y el aumento en los suministros de carbono (el +). Como una iniciativa internacional negociada bajo el United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático), REDD+ ha sido propuesto como una estrategia principal para mitigar el cambio climático en bosques. Aunque sus defensores enfatizan la eficacia financiera y los co-beneficios sociales y ecológicos que se pueden generar a través del REDD+, muchos grupos indígenas y de gente quien depende de bosques para su sustento tienen preocupaciones acerca de los posibles efectos de los proyectos sobre el acceso a la tierra y los recursos forestales. Este informe identifica los problemas principales que enfrentan las comunidades indígenas y gente dependiente de bosques con REDD. Está basado en la literatura académica existente y otros reportes actuales escritos por organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs) y organizaciones indígenas. Primero proveeremos una historia breve de REDD+, evaluaremos las suposiciones principales y discutiremos los problemas de mayor preocupación. Luego describiremos la relación entre REDD+ y los pueblos indígenas y comunidades dependientes de bosques. Esto será seguido por una colección de casos de estudio en los países en desarrollo que participan en REDD+. Concluiremos con una discusión de los elementos principales para una visión alternativa de REDD+ que toma en cuenta los derechos de los pueblos indígenas.

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