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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det mobila arbetslivet : Beredskapsanalys och planering inför organisatorisk förändring / The mobile work life : Readiness analysis and planning for organizational change

Brandes, Erika January 2013 (has links)
Få studier har undersökt hur mobila arbetsprocesser kan integreras i verksamheter ur ett verksamhetsorienterat perspektiv, och bland organisationer råder brist på förståelse för, och långsiktiga strategier inom, företagsintern mobilitet. Denna studie undersöker hur en organisation kan förbereda sig inför förändring mot ett mobilare arbetsliv. För att besvara detta utfördes en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie bestående av dokumentstudier och intervjuer hos en organisation med särskilt utformad metodik inom området. Mognadsgraden kan utifrån resultaten anses relativt låg, och arbetet behöver lägga vikt på skapandet av förståelse för mobilitet och dess innebörd, där utmaningarna återfinns i hantering av förhållningssätt, organisationskultur, och ledarskap. Mobilitetsrelaterade behov var av både uppgiftsorienterad och social art, där olika tekniska lösningar föreslogs kunna bevara band mellan individer och organisation.  Det finns behov av mer longitudinella studier eftersom de signifikanta förändringarna antyddes ske över längre tid. En viktig del av kunskapsutvecklingen inom området handlar också om att lära från andras exempel, där denna studie utgör ett bidrag. / Few studies have examined how mobile work processes can be integrated into organizations from a business-oriented perspective, and among organizations there’s a lack of long-term strategies, and understanding, for internal business mobility. This study examines how an organization can prepare itself for change towards a mobile work life. In order to do this a literature review and case study involving document studies and interviews at an organization with specifically developed methodologies were conducted. The results showed that the state of maturity is still relatively low, and there is a need to focus on developing a more thorough understanding of mobility, where challenges involve handling attitudes, organizational culture and leadership. Mobility-related needs involve task-oriented and social aspects, where different technological solutions were suggested to maintain the connections between individuals and the organization. There is also a need for more longitudinal studies due to the results showing how the significant changes occur over a longer period of time. An important part of the development of knowledge concerning mobility also involves learning from others’ examples, where this study is a contribution.

Blindenspezifische Methoden für das User-Centred Design multimodaler Anwendungen

Miao, Mei 09 October 2014 (has links)
Multimodale Anwendungen bieten den blinden Benutzern neue Möglichkeiten und Chancen, die durch Verlust des Sehsinnes entstandenen Defizite über andere Sinneskanäle auszugleichen. Die benutzerorientierte Gestaltung ist der sicherste Weg, um interaktive Systeme gebrauchstauglich zu gestalten. Dabei sind die Benutzer hauptsächlich an zwei Aktivitäten beteiligt. Dies sind die Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse und die Evaluation. Hinsichtlich dieser zwei Aktivitäten wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Usability-Methoden untersucht bzw. neu entwickelt, um die nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung multimodaler Anwendungen für blinde Benutzer zu unterstützen. Bezogen auf die Aktivität Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches speziell die Besonderheiten blinder Benutzer und multimodaler Anwendungen bei der Nutzungsanforderungsanalyse berücksichtigt. Zusätzlich wurden zwei Schritte des Verfahrens, die Erstellung mentaler Modelle und die Modalitätsauswahl, die speziell auf den Kontext multimodaler Anwendungen für blinde Benutzer ausgerichtet sind, weiter vertiefend untersucht. Für den Schritt Erstellung mentaler Modelle wurden zwei Erstellungsmethoden, Teaching-Back und Retrospective Think-Aloud, mit blinden Benutzern untersucht. Dabei sind sowohl die Gestaltung vom Teaching-Back als auch der Vergleich beider Methoden von Interesse. Für den Schritt Modalitätsauswahl stand die Analyse des multimodalen Nutzerverhaltens blinder Benutzer im Mittelpunkt. Vier Eingabemodalitäten, Sprache, Touchscreen-Gesten, Touchscreen-Tastatur und Touchscreen-Braille bzw. deren Kombinationen wurden unter Einfluss von acht Aufgabentypen bei der Bedienung einer mobilen multimodalen Navigationsanwendung untersucht. In Hinblick auf die Usability-Evaluationsmethoden wurde zuerst das Augenmerk auf die Auswertung und die Erhebung mentaler Karten von blinden Benutzern gerichtet, da sie eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Navigationssystemen spielen. Zwei Auswertungsmethoden für mentale Karten hinsichtlich des Überblicks- und Routenwissens wurden entwickelt. Beide Methoden ermöglichen es, die mentalen Karten anhand speziell entwickelter Bewertungskriterien, wie Anzahl der Elemente und Eigenschaften der Straßen, quantitativ zu bewerten. Bezüglich der Erhebung mentaler Karten wurden zwei Erhebungsmethoden – Rekonstruktion mit Magnetstreifen und verbale Beschreibung – mit blinden Probanden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Aspekten untersucht. In zwei weiteren Untersuchungen wurden taktiles Paper-Prototyping und computerbasiertes Prototyping für die frühen Entwicklungsphasen bzw. Labor- und synchroner Remote-Test für die späteren Entwicklungsphasen mit blinden Benutzern verglichen. Dabei wurden die Effektivität der Evaluation, die Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen der Probanden sowie des Testleiters als Vergleichskriterien in beiden Untersuchungen eingesetzt.

Der virtuelle Arbeitsplatz – Modell und Realisierung einer universellen Telearbeitsumgebung

Braun, Iris, Schill, Alexander January 2004 (has links)
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt das technologische Konzept und die praktische Realisierung einer universellen Telearbeitsumgebung. Dabei wird neben der Definition und Anforderungsanalyse von Telearbeit ein Architekturmodell für eine integrierte Arbeitsumgebung und die geplante prototypische Umsetzung auf der Basis von Web Services vorgestellt. Abschließend werden weitere Entwicklungs- und Ausbaumöglichkeiten des Konzeptes vorgestellt.

Crash Analysis Portal / Crash Analysis Portal

Janeček, Milan January 2008 (has links)
This work presents problems of software products field failure analysis and introduces terms a field failure and a system for field failures analysis. Rest of this work contains requirements analy­sis and design of one part of the system for field failures analysis a central. A part of the central is then implemented and design correctness and practical usability of the central is evaluated.

Enhancing Mission Success : Perspectives on Adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces / Förbättrad Uppdragsframgång : Adaptiva Människa-Maskin Gränssnitt ur Olika Perspektiv

Kourie, Gabriel January 2023 (has links)
As part of a project within Saab Aeronautics, a Swedish Fighter Aircraft industry, this study was conducted. The fighter pilot is under immense pressure as he/she ventures into the complex environment that is airspace and air combat in a hostile area. The HMI (Human Machine Interface) is the pilot and aircrafts common denominator that leads to mission success but has its limitations. An Adaptive Human-Machine Interface (AHMI) is an HMI that is modified to help the pilot despite the situation he/she finds themselves in. The AHMI has many tasks but what gives it its edge is the adaptivity to different situations and to assist the pilot’s well-being. This can be done via proper visualization of information but also automation of lesser tasks. Mission success depends on physiological parameters such as mental workload and situational awareness to attain optimized operative performance. In this thesis we delve into the depths of what is important in AHMI and the requirements that are needed to produce and demonstrate the AHMI. The mapping of requirements onto simulators is an important aspect to move forward with the development of AHMI. Literature reviews and interviews were conducted in order to learn more about the domain and answer the research questions. The interviewees concur that the proper way of mapping requirements is dependent on what is supposed to be investigated. Is it a graphical component, principle, function or scenario? Through the comparison between the literature and thematic analysis through the interviews it was found that the mapping of requirements is dependent on what is to be investigated. Further, AHMI is deemed an effective support system for the pilot and that autonomy is effective to a certain extent. But when autonomy takes too much control the pilot loses situational awareness and therefore performs worse. Within the project, there is a common consensus between the interviewed subjects that AHMI is the way to move forward with fighter aircraft cockpit development.


MIRIAM SAYAO 30 November 2007 (has links)
[pt] No processo de desenvolvimento do software, atividades relacionadas ao Processo de Requisitos envolvem elicitação, modelagem, verificação e validação dos requisitos. O uso da linguagem natural no registro dos requisitos facilita a comunicação entre os participantes do processo, além de possibilitar que clientes e usuários validem requisitos sem necessitar de conhecimento extra. Por outro lado, na economia globalizada atual, o desenvolvimento de software por equipes geograficamente distribuídas está se tornando uma norma. Nesse cenário, atividades de verificação e validação de requisitos para um software de média ou alta complexidade podem envolver o tratamento de centenas ou milhares de requisitos. Com essa ordem de complexidade é importante que o engenheiro de software tenha apoio computacional para o desempenho adequado das atividades de aferição de qualidade. Neste trabalho estamos propondo uma estratégia que combina técnicas de processamento da linguagem natural (PLN) e agentes de software para apoiar as atividades de análise dos requisitos. Geramos visões textuais ou gráficas de grupos de requisitos relacionados; visões apóiam a análise de completude, a identificação de duplicidades e de dependências entre requisitos. Utilizamos técnicas de análise de conteúdo para apoiar a identificação de omissões em requisitos não funcionais. Também propomos uma estratégia para a construção ou atualização do léxico da aplicação, utilizando técnicas de PLN. Utilizamos agentes de software para implementar serviços que incorporam as estratégias referidas, e também para atuar como representantes dos participantes do projeto em desenvolvimento. / [en] In software development process, initial activities can involve requirements elicitation, modeling and analysis (verification and validation). The use of natural language in the register of the requirements facilitates the communication among stakeholders, besides offering possibilities to customers and users to validate requirements without extra knowledge. On the other hand, in the current global economy, software development for teams geographically distributed is becoming a rule. In this scenario, requirements verification and validation for medium or high complexity software can involve the treatment of hundreds or even thousand requirements. With this complexity order it is important to provide computational support for the software engineer execute quality activities. In this work we propose a strategy which combines natural language processing (NLP) techniques and software agents to support analysis activities. We have generated textual or graphical visions from groups of related requirements; visions help completeness analysis, identification of duplicities and dependences among requirements. We use content analysis techniques to support the identification of omissions in nonfunctional requirements. Also, we propose a strategy to construct the lexicon, using NLP techniques. We use software agents to implement web services that incorporate the related strategies, and also agents to act as personal assistants for stakeholders of the software project.

Systém pro správu kontrol kvality zařízení / System for Quality Control Management of Devices

Černý, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes both the theoretical and practical part of the process of design and implementation of interactive computer software for the~management of~the~quality control of the~devices, assigned by SIGMA GROUP a.s., more precisely its Energo division, which is engaged in the maintenance and repair of pumping equipment. The theoretical part explains the concept of user experience, its acquisition methods, specification of~requirements and interface design methods. The next part is focused on the description of the~formats used by common text editors. Within the theoretical part is described the design of the interactive application itself. In the practical part there is a description of the main parts of the system and the conclusions from the system testing.


EDGAR SARMIENTO CALISAYA 28 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] A análise de requisitos desempenha um papel fundamental no processo de desenvolvimento de software. Neste sentido, representações de cenários baseados em linguagem natural são muitas vezes utilizados para descrever especificações de requisitos de software (SRS). Cenários descritos usando linguagem natural podem ser ambíguos e, às vezes, imprecisos. Este problema é parcialmente devido ao fato de que os relacionamentos entre os cenários são raramente representados explicitamente. Como os cenários são utilizados como entrada para as actividades subsequentes do processo de desenvolvimento de software (SD), é muito importante facilitar a sua análise; especialmente para detectar defeitos devido a informações erradas ou falta de informação. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem baseada em Redes de Petri e técnicas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural como uma forma eficaz para analisar os cenários adquiridos, e que toma descrições textuais de cenários (em conformidade com um metamodelo definido neste trabalho) como entrada e gera um relatório de análise como saída. Para facilitar a análise automática, os cenários são transformados em Redes de Petri (Lugar/Transição) equivalentes. Os cenários e suas Redes de Petri resultantes podem ser analisados automaticamente para avaliar algumas propriedades relacionadas à desambiguidade, completeza, consistência e corretude. Os defeitos identificados podem ser rastreados até os cenários, permitindo a sua revisão. Nós também discutimos como desambiguidade, completeza, consistência e corretude das SRSs baseadas em cenários podem ser decompostas em propriedades relacionadas, e definimos heurísticas para encontrar indicadores de defeitos que prejudicam estas propriedades. Avaliamos nosso trabalho, aplicando a nossa abordagem de análise em quatro estudos de caso. Essa avaliação compara os resultados obtidos pela nossa abordagem automatizada contra os resultados obtidos por um processo de inspeção e com trabalhos relacionados. / [en] Requirements analysis plays a key role in the software development process. Natural language-based scenario representations are often used for writing software requirements specifications (SRS). Scenarios written using natural language may be ambiguous, and, sometimes, inaccurate. This problem is partially due to the fact that relationships among scenarios are rarely represented explicitly. As scenarios are used as input to subsequent activities of the software development process (SD), it is very important to enable their analysis; especially to detect defects due to wrong information or missing information. This work proposes a Petri-Net and Natural Language Processing (NLP) based approach as an effective way to analyze the acquired scenarios, which takes textual description of scenarios (conform to a metamodel defined in this work) as input and generates an analysis report as output. To enable the automated analysis, scenarios are translated into equivalent Place/Transition Petri-Nets. Scenarios and their resulting Petri-Nets can be automatically analyzed to evaluate some properties related to unambiguity, completeness, consistency and correctness. The identified defects can be traced back to the scenarios, allowing their revision. We also discuss how unambiguity, completeness, consistency and correctness of scenario-based SRSs can be decomposed in related properties, and define heuristics for searching defect indicators that hurt these properties. We evaluate our work by applying our analysis approach to four case studies. The evaluation compares the results achieved by our tool-supported approach, with an inspection based approach and with related work.

Проектирование информационного сервиса для управляющей компании и жильцов с использованием цифровой эксплуатационной модели здания : магистерская диссертация / Design of an information service for the management company and residents using a digital operational model of the building

Полякова, Д. О., Polyakova, D. O. January 2024 (has links)
В данной диссертации рассмотрен анализ функциональных и нефункциональных требований для проектирования информационного сервиса, предназначенного для управляющей компании и жильцов с использованием цифровой эксплуатационной модели здания. В работе проведен анализ текущих методов управления эксплуатацией зданий и информационных систем, используемых в этой сфере. На основе полученных данных выявлены ключевые проблемы и недостатки существующих решений, что подтвердило необходимость разработки нового информационного сервиса. Исследование включает в себя детальный анализ потребностей различных стейкхолдеров, таких как управляющие компании, технический персонал и жильцы. Выявленные потребности были использованы для формулирования функциональных и нефункциональных требований к системе. В результате работы были подготовлены подробные требования к информационному сервису, которые могут служить основой для последующей разработки и внедрения системы. Эти требования обеспечат создание универсального и гибкого сервиса, адаптируемого под различные типы жилых объектов и потребности пользователей. Подготовленные требования прошли валидацию с участием стейкхолдеров, что подтверждает их актуальность и применимость. Результаты исследования создают базу для дальнейшей разработки информационного сервиса, направленного на повышение эффективности управления эксплуатацией зданий и улучшение качества жизни жильцов. / This dissertation examines the analysis of functional and non-functional requirements for designing an information service intended for management companies and residents using a digital operational model of the building. The study includes an analysis of current methods of building operation management and information systems used in this field. Based on the data obtained, key problems and shortcomings of existing solutions were identified, confirming the need to develop a new information service. The research involves a detailed analysis of the needs of various stakeholders, such as management companies, technical staff, and residents. The identified needs were used to formulate the functional and non-functional requirements for the system. As a result of the work, detailed requirements for the information service were prepared, which can serve as a basis for the subsequent development and implementation of the system. These requirements will ensure the creation of a universal and flexible service, adaptable to various types of residential properties and user needs. The prepared requirements were validated with the participation of stakeholders, confirming their relevance and applicability. The results of the research provide a foundation for the further development of an information service aimed at improving the efficiency of building operation management and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

As contribui??es da comunica??o e do conhecimento da Ci?ncia da Informa??o para a an?lise de requisitos no desenvolvimento de software / The contributions of communication and knowledge of information science for requirements analysis at the software development

Pinto Filho, Antonio Tupinamb? Timbira de Oliveira 16 August 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Tupinamba Timbira de Oliveira Pinto Filho.pdf: 817776 bytes, checksum: cf7053d56060db0c2436ba88b00ace8f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-08-16 / This research intends to understand, in the definition system phase the valuable, prospective and formalization problems of information. The communication aspects are the focus, with their phases, between the main actors of the software development project in the requirement analysis step: analysts and users. A model of requirement analyses which considerer the communication and Information Science knowledge issues in the formalization of the system specifications are presented. This model helps to identify the important aspects, in the information user domain, for externalized and formalized to reach a requirement definition as near as possible of reality. / Esta pesquisa busca compreender, na etapa de defini??o do sistema, os problemas de valoriza??o, prospec??o e formaliza??o da informa??o, focando os aspectos da comunica??o, e suas diversas etapas, entre os atores principais de um projeto de desenvolvimento de software na fase de an?lise de requisitos: analista e usu?rio. Um modelo de an?lise de requisitos que considera as quest?es comunicacionais e do conhecimento da Ci?ncia da Informa??o, na formaliza??o das especifica??es do sistema ? apresentado. Este modelo ajuda a identificar os aspectos mais importantes, que est?o na esfera do dom?nio de informa??o do usu?rio, de modo a serem externalizados e formalizados para que se consiga chegar a uma defini??o de requisitos mais pr?xima da realidade.

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