Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] RUBBER"" "subject:"[enn] RUBBER""
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Desenvolvimento do Processo de Fabricação de Tubos Hospitalares por RVNRL: Otimização e Protótipo de Extrusão a Baixas Temperaturas. / DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL TUBE FABRICATION PROCESS FROM RVNRL: OTIMIZATION AND EXTRUTION DEVICE AT LOW TEMPERATURECollantes, Hugo David Chirinos 15 October 1999 (has links)
O látex de borracha natural foi formulado, radiovulcanizado e, em seguida, estabilizado radioliticamente (GAMATEX), para ser empregado na fabricação de artefatos de borracha utilizados na área médica. A eficiência de reticulação do látex, quando radiovulcanizado com raios gama, correlacionou-se matematicamente com a razão de concentração do sistema de radiosensibilizador (x1 = [An-B] / [KOH]) e com a dose de vulcanização (x2), apresentando alto grau de interação, segundo o seguinte modelo matemático: , onde representa a resistência à tração na ruptura. O processo RVNRL foi otimizado para baixas doses de vulcanização e altas concentrações de An-B. A resistência radioxidativa da borracha, obtida a partir do GAMATEX, foi atingida adicionando-se uma mistura de antioxidantes (45% BANOX S + 55% TNPP). Esta mistura apresentou um efeito sinérgico. O látex apresentou comportamento pseudoplástico com a ocorrência de tensão de escoamento. A taxa de desestabilização irreversível do látex foi diretamente proporcional à [An-B] e inversamente proporcional à [KOH]. O efeito pós-irradiação do látex ou a desestabilização reversível, ocorreu devido à presença de uma concentração residual de An-B que não reagiu. A irradiação melhorou a estabilidade coloidal do GAMATEX, devido ao aumento da tixotropia e da tendência newtoniana além da correlação entre o grau de consistência (k) e o índice pseudoplástico (n), de acordo com o modelo matemático . Este fato permite um tempo maior de estocagem do GAMATEX. A viscosidade relativa do látex correlaciona-se com a temperatura e com o teor da borracha seca conforme o modelo matemático: , onde rw é a razão (BS/100-BS). O látex radiovulcanizado coagulou à temperatura de 10ºC no sistema de refrigeração projetado. / The natural rubber latex was formulated, irradiation vulcanized and stabilized (GAMATEX) to make rubber goods for medical purpose. When the latex was vulcanized by gamma rays the effectiveness crosslinking of GAMATEX relationship between the concentration ratio of sensitizer system (x1=[n-BA]/[KOH]) and the vulcanization dose (x2), showing high interaction grade according to the following the mathematical equation: , where is the tensile strength. The RVNRL process was optimized for low vulcanization doses and high concentrations of n-BA. The resistance to radiolitic oxidation of rubber obtained from GAMATEX was attained when one antioxidants mixture (45% BANOX S + 55% TNPP) was added. This mixture exhibited synergetic effect. The latex showed pseudoplastic rheological behavior and the yield stress occurrence. The irreversible destabilization rate of latex was direct proportional to [n-BA] and indirect proportional to [KOH]. The post-irradiation effects or reversible destabilization of latex occurred because there is a residual concentration of [n-BA] that it was not reacted. The colloidal stability of GAMATEX improved with irradiation, showing showing the increase of thixotropic behavior and the tendency to newtonian behavior flow besides the relationship between the viscosity index (k) and the pseudoplastic index (n) according to the mathematical model: . This fact allows the higher storage time of GAMATEX. The relative viscosity of latex was relationship between the temperature and the total dry rubber content according to the mathematical model: , where rw is the ratio (BS/100-BS). The radiation vulcanized latex coagulated at 10ºC into the projected freezing system.
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Estudo da influência da morfologia sobre as propriedades elétricas da blenda de PAni com EPDM desvulcanizado por microondas, proveniente do descarte da indústria de autopeças. / Study of morphology influence on the electric properties of the pani and devulcanizated EDPM blend.Alvares, Daniela de Assis 30 July 2008 (has links)
Blendas poliméricas de PAni dopada com ácido dodecilbenzeno sulfônico (PANI-DBSA) e copolímero etileno-propileno-monômero dieno desvulcanizado por microondas (dEPDM) foram obtidas por processo mecânico em diferentes concentrações. Caracterizações físico-químicas, morfológicas e elétrica foram realizadas para analisar as blendas. Um estudo sobre a desvulcanização da borracha EPDM foi descrito. Os ensaios de DSC mostraram temperaturas de transição vítrea diferentes nas blendas indicando que os componentes poliméricos não são totalmente miscíveis, o que permite a formação de uma rede condutora (PANI-DBSA) na matriz isolante (dEPDM). As análises de FTIR indicaram uma interação basicamente física entre o polímero PANI-DBSA e o copolímero dEPDM. As análises de raios-X confirmaram a presença de uma fase cristalina no interior das blendas atribuída à PANI-DBSA. Os ensaios de TGA mostraram que a PAni-DBSA diminuiu, significativamente, a estabilidade térmica do dEPDM. As análises de DMTA apresentaram a diminuição do amortecimento do sistema ocasionado pela presença da PAni, que é mais rígida, no segmento flexível do EPDM; ou seja, a mobilidade da cadeia fica mais limitada. Finalmente, o estudo de condutividade elétrica das blendas foi realizado e como esperado, esta aumenta com a concentração de PANIDBSA nas blendas, e um baixo limite de percolação pode ser observado devido à condutividade ocorrer para baixas concentrações de material condutor (<20%). A condutividade máxima alcançada foi de, aproximadamente, 102 S/cm para a composição de 50% de PANI-DBSA em massa. / Polyaniline doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (PAni-DBSA) and ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer (EPDM) rubber devulcanizated by microwave (dEPDM) blends have been prepared by mechanical process. Flexible, free-standing and stretchable films have been obtained, which have been characterized by electrical conductivity measurements, FTIR, XRD, DSC, TGA, DMTA and SEM. Study about EPDM rubber devulcanization has been described. DSC analysis have showed different glass-transition temperatures in the blends and it has been observed that the compositions present enough compatibility to form a conductive network (PAni-DBSA) in the elastomeric matrix (dEPDM). By FTIR analysis, it has been noted that there was not modification about the spectrum of blends; therefore the interactions between the components were, basically, physics. X-ray analysis have confirmed the presence of a crystalline phase into the blends that is attributed by PAni-DBSA. TGA analysis have showed that the PAni-DBSA decreased significantly the rubber thermal stability. DMTA analysis have indicated that the system damping decreased according to the presence of PAni because of its stiffness. Finally, blends electric conductivity study has been carried out and as expected, the conductivity have increased with PAni-DBSA concentration in the blends and a low percolation threshold has been observed with the onset of conductivity occurring at lower concentrations of the conductive materials (<20%).
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Efeito das condições de processamento e da adição de borracha trans-polioctenileno nas propriedades de blendas de borracha natural/estireno butadieno. / Effect of processing ponditions and addition of trans-polyoctenylene rubber on the properties of natural rubber/styrene butadiene rubber blends.Bizi, Claudia Maria Pena 04 October 2007 (has links)
Blendas poliméricas são largamente utilizadas nas indústrias de pneus por causa de seu baixo custo e das melhores propriedades que podem ser obtidas. Quando os componentes da blenda não são miscíveis entre si, métodos de compatibilização química (utilizando agentes compatibilizantes) ou mecânica (aumentando o tempo de mistura dos elastômeros) são necessários para melhorar a compatibilidade dos componentes da mistura. Neste trabalho, o Trans-Polioctenileno (TOR) foi usado como agente compatibilizante da blenda de NR/SBR. A viscosidade Mooney, a Carga e o Alongamento na Ruptura de diversas blendas foram avaliados, utilizando um planejamento fatorial. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o TOR tem maior influência na alteração da viscosidade Mooney, seguido pelo tempo de premix e de repasse. No caso das propriedades dinamométricas, a carga e o alongamento na ruptura são mais sensíveis às alterações do tempo de processamento dos polímeros. O TOR leva a uma ligeira diminuição destas propriedades. Baseado nos resultados estatísticos, equações de regressão para avaliar as propriedades estudadas em função da concentração de TOR e do tempo de processamento foram propostos e posteriormente verificados, utilizando blendas que não estavam incluídas no planejamento original. Os resultados foram bastante satisfatórios, tanto na determinação dos efeitos das variáveis quanto na determinação das equações. Concluiu-se que a viscosidade Mooney é mais sensível às alterações da concentração de TOR do que às alterações do tempo de mistura dos elastômeros e que as propriedades dinamométricas são mais afetadas pelo tempo de processamento. / Polymer blends are used in tyre industries because of their low cost and better properties. When the blend components are not miscible, chemical methods (using compatibilizing agents) or mechanical methods (increasing the mixture time of elastomers) of compatibilization are necessary to improve the compatibility of the components of the blend. In this work, Trans-Polyoctenylene Rubber (TOR) was used as a compatibilizing agent of the NR/SBR rubber blend. The Mooney viscosity, stress and elongation at break of different blends were evaluated, using a Factorial Design. The experimental results obtained showed that the Mooney viscosity is greatly affected by the addition of TOR whereas the dynamometric properties, the stress and elongation at break are more sensitive to the changes of processing time of polymers. Based on statistical results, regression equations to evaluate the properties studied as a function of TOR concentration and processing time were obtained and verified using blends which were not on the original design. The results were very satisfactory, either on the effects determination or on the regression equation determination. It was concluded that the Mooney viscosity is more sensitive to the alterations of TOR concentration than the changes in the processing time of the elastomers and the dynamometric properties are more affected by the processing time.
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Etude du rôle des microorganismes dans les modifications biochimiques intervenant lors de la maturation des coagulums de latex d’Hevea brasiliensis : impact sur les propriétés du caoutchouc naturel sec. / Study of the role of microorganisms in the biochemical modifications of Hevea brasiliensis latex coagula during maturation : impact on dry rubber properties.Salomez, Mélanie 03 February 2014 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse était d'étudier les mécanismes microbiens intervenant dans l'évolution de la structure et des propriétés du caoutchouc naturel produit à partir du latex d'Hevea brasiliensis lors de la maturation du latex et des coagula de tasse. Pour cela, trois niveaux d'analyses ont été réalisés sur des expériences de maturation en conditions contrôlées : analyse de la structure et des propriétés du caoutchouc sec, analyse des flores microbiennes et analyses biochimiques. Après une phase de mises au point méthodologiques permettant notamment d'optimiser les conditions de maturation en chambre contrôlée et de définir une méthode d'extraction d'ADN adaptée au latex et au sérum de coagulum, des échantillons de caoutchouc sec et de sérum ont été produits à différents temps de maturation et selon différents traitements faisant varier trois paramètres : la présence de microorganismes, la présence d'oxygène, et le mode de coagulation du latex. Les analyses sur caoutchouc sec se sont portées sur la macrostructure (P0, P30 et PRI) et sur la mésostructure (Mw, Mn et gel total). L'analyse des flores microbiennes s'est appuyée sur plusieurs méthodologies complémentaires : comptages sur boîtes, dosage de l'ADN total, clonage/séquençage et pyroséquençage 454. L'objectif était d'évaluer la diversité des flores sur plantation et dans le latex ainsi que de suivre la dynamique de leur évolution au cours de la maturation en milieu contrôlé. Diverses analyses biochimiques ont réalisées sur latex, sérum et caoutchouc sec (taux d'azote, protéines, lipides, sucres, québrachitol, acides organiques). Les résultats obtenus ont ensuite été analysés en vue d'établir des corrélations et de proposer des mécanismes reliant l'évolution des propriétés du caoutchouc sec à celle de la biochimie du latex et des coagula et de leur évolution sous l'action des microorganismes et des enzymes, et de proposer quelques pistes en vue de l'amélioration des itinéraires techniques dans la filière. / The overall objective of this thesis was to study the microbial mechanisms involved in the evolution of the structure and the properties of the natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis during the maturation of latex and cup-coagula. For this, three levels of analyses were performed on maturation experiments under controlled conditions: dry rubber structure and properties, biochemistry and microbial flora. After a methodology development phase aiming at (i) optimizing maturation conditions in a controlled chamber and (ii) defining suitable DNA extraction methods, samples of serum and dry rubber coagulum were produced at different times and under different maturation treatments varying three parameters: the presence of microorganisms, the presence of oxygen, and the latex coagulation method. Dry rubber analyses concerned macrostructure (P0, P30 and PRI) and mesostructure (Mw, Mn and total gel). The microbial flora was analyzed using several complementary methods: plate-counts, total DNA determination, cloning / sequencing and 454 pyrosequencing. The objective was to assess microbial diversity on field and in latex, and to follow the dynamics of their evolution during maturation in a controlled environment. Various biochemical investigations were performed on latex, serum and dry rubber (nitrogen content, proteins, lipids, sugars, quebrachitol, organic acids). The results were then analyzed for correlations to propose mechanisms linking changes in dry rubber properties, latex and coagula biochemistry, and their evolution under the action of microorganisms and enzymes. Some ideas for improving technical routes in the process are also proposed.
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-02 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / The tires are polymeric materials that are difficult to reuse and recycling due to the presence of steel and molecular structure thereof. The increase in the national fleet of vehicles led to an increase in production and thus dispose of tires. When tires reach the end of life, they become unusable, being most often disposed of improperly. When this occurs there are problems related to public health and the environment. The general objective of this study was to facilitate the reuse of waste tire rubber by incorporating matrix in high density polyethylene (HDPE). In order to improve the interfacial adhesion and final properties sought to reconcile the mix with the addition of ethylene octene-1 (C2C8). The size and distribution of rubber particles from tires were evaluated by the technique of particle size distribution. The morphological characterizations were made in a Raman spectrometer coupled with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties were studied by testing the tensile and impact strength, to evaluate them statistical tests were performed. The thermal characterizations were made by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and with the aid of thermo-optical analysis of Hot Stage. It was observed through the scanning electron micrographs of the processing performed on twin-screw extruder was effective, resulting in mixtures with good distribution and dispersion. The FT-Raman spectra showed that the compatibilizing agent has not acted on the interface of the mixture and that the powder particles of tire rubber were encapsulated by HDPE. The impact resistance of binary mixtures PEAD/C2C8 showed a significant increase in the mixtures and HDPE / PBP properties were maintained at levels up to 40% of powdered rubber tire (PBP). The blends also exhibited high values of elongation at break compared to the pure polymer, with the samples that showed high values of impact resistance also showed a high deformation. The C2C8 did not act as nucleating agent, and there was a lowering of the melting temperature and crystallization was influenced by cooling rates. A major benefit of this study was the possibility of adding a large quantity of tire rubber powder in the matrix retaining the properties of impact resistance. Accordingly, reduced material costs. / Os pneus são materiais poliméricos de difícil reaproveitamento e reciclagem, devido à presença do aço e estrutura molecular dos mesmos. A elevação na frota nacional de veículos provocou um aumento na produção e, consequentemente, descarte de pneus. Quando os pneus chegam ao final da vida útil, tornam-se inservíveis, sendo na maioria das vezes descartados de forma inadequada. Quando isso ocorre surgem problemas relacionados com a saúde pública e meio ambiente. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi viabilizar o reaproveitamento de resíduos de borracha de pneu através da incorporação em matriz de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD). Com intuito de melhorar a adesão interfacial e propriedades finais buscou-se compatibilizar a mistura com adição do copolímero de etileno octeno-1 (C2C8). O tamanho e distribuição das partículas de borracha de pneu foram avaliados pela técnica de distribuição granulométrica. As caracterizações morfológicas foram feitas em um espectrômetro Raman com microscópio ótico acoplado e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As propriedades mecânicas foram estudadas por ensaios de resistência a tração e impacto, para avaliá-las foram realizados testes estatísticos. As caracterizações térmicas foram feitas por calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) e com auxilio da análise termo-ótica de Hot Stage. Observou-se através das micrografias eletrônicas de varredura que o processamento realizado em extrusora dupla-rosca foi eficiente, resultando em misturas com boa distribuição e dispersão. Os espectros FT-Raman mostraram que o agente compatibilizante não agiu na interface das misturas e que as partículas de pó de borracha de pneu foram encapsuladas pelo PEAD. A resistência ao impacto das misturas binárias PEAD/C2C8 apresentaram um aumento significativo e nas misturas PEAD/PBP as propriedades foram mantidas em teores de até 40% de pó de borracha de pneu (PBP). As misturas também apresentaram valores elevados de deformação na ruptura se comparado com o polímero puro, sendo que, as amostras que apresentaram valores altos de resistência ao impacto também apresentaram alta deformação. O C2C8 não agiu como agente nucleante, sendo que ocorreu um abaixamento da temperatura de fusão e a cristalização foi influenciada pelas taxas de resfriamento. Um dos maiores benefícios do trabalho foi a possibilidade da adição de grande quantidade pó de borracha de pneu na matriz mantendo as propriedades de resistência ao impacto. Nesse sentido, diminuição dos custos dos materiais.
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Absorption Mats for Oil Decontamination- Towards Sustainable End-of-Life Tyre ManagementAronu, Ugochukwu Edwin January 2007 (has links)
It has become imperative globally that we build a more sustainable society. Part of the drive towards attaining this includes finding an environmentally friendly solution to materials we use including materials from automobile vehicles. This research is focused on finding a sustainable solution to end-of-life tyres through material recycling into useful products; in this case absorption mats for oil decontamination from tyre rubber granulate.The research consisted of two parts. Firstly, theoretical reviews which involved an extensive literature review of oil decontamination practice and methods of doing it. Review of tyre rubber granulate properties and consultations with experts/agencies involved in oil decontamination operations in Sweden where mostly physical methods such as use of absorbents on land and booms on water. The second component of the research is an experimental part which involved laboratory test of the absorption properties of tyre rubber granulate at University College of Borås (HB) in which granules of sizes 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00 mm were tested on different oil samples; gasoline, diesel and motor oils. Environmental properties tests were also conducted at the Swedish Technical Research Institute (SP) where metal and organic contents of the granules and its leachate were tested.Results from the study showed that tyre rubber granules have the ability to absorb different types of oil. It was found that factors such as exposure time, granulate size, temperature and type of oil have effect on the absorption capacity of granulate. Highest absorption (2.518 g/g) was experienced with the least viscous oil; gasoline. Absorption was found to increase with an increase in temperature and decrease in granulate size with the smallest granulate size (0.50 mm) having the highest absorption at 30oC. It was equally observed that the presence of water does not have significant effect on oil absorption by granulate. The results also showed that tyre rubber granules are quick absorbents; absorption rate was highest within 5 minutes.Environmental properties test on granulate indicated the presence of organics (PAHs, phthalates, phenols) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd) in granulate and its leachate. PAHs content of the granules and its leachate exceeded the Swedish guideline. Metal content of the granules and its leachate were below the guideline value with the exception for zinc (Zn) which content in granules exceeded guideline value. It should be noted however that the test conditions are too extreme to be experienced under normal condition of use of granulate for oil decontamination.It is concluded that tyre rubber granulate can be developed into absorption mats for oil decontamination due to its good oils absorption properties and benefits to the society in solving two key environmental problems; oil spill and tyre waste problems. Equally the use of tyre granules for this application will not pose human health and/or environmental risk if used adequately. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Conception, élaboration et caractérisation des composites modifiées par incorporation de particules de caoutchouc recyclées et devulcanisées à base d’époxy : Une approche expérimentale pour des mécanismes de renforcement / Design, development and characterization of recycled rubber modified epoxy-based composites : An experimental approach for toughening mechanismsIrez, Alaeddin Burak 29 June 2018 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la production et à la caractérisation de matériaux composites à base de matrices d’époxy modifiées par incorporation de particules de caoutchouc recyclées et dévulcanisées. Ces matrices sont renforcées par des fibres d'alumine (Al2O3- FA) et/ou par des nanoplaquettes de graphène (GnPs). Principalement, la fabrication, la caractérisation générale des composites ainsi que l’identification des mécanismes de renforcement à l’échelle micro et nano ont été réalisées. En outre, la fabrication de composites multifonctionnels à base de caoutchouc dévulcanisé et d'époxy a été réalisée pour des applications diverses potentielles dans les industries aéronautique et automobile. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés mécaniques et thermomécaniques des composites ont été étudiées de manière approfondie. L’étude mécanique a consisté à mesurer le module d’élasticité, la ténacité et la température de transition vitreuse. / Recycling of rubber is gaining importance across the world in many industries due to shrinking resources, increasing cost of raw materials, growing conscious about sustainable development as well as environmental issues. In the frame of the common research program between Michigan Tech University/USA and Supmeca/Paris-FRANCE, this PhD work is devoted to the design, development and characterization of recycled rubber modified epoxy-based composites . Additionally, alumina (Al2O3) fibers (AFs) and/or graphene nano platelets (GnPs) have been used as the basic reinforcements. A detailed experimental approach was adapted to these multifunctional composites for explaining of toughening mechanisms by means of fracture toughness test methods and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the fracture surfaces. Also, different case studies were included at the end of this work for various potential applications in aeronautic and automotive industries.
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Diversidade, estrutura genética e parentesco em populações de [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. Ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.- Arg.] conservadas ex situ /Silva, Murilo da Serra January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Miguel Luiz Menezes Freitas / Resumo: Este estudo teve como finalidade conhecer a diversidade genética de duas populações de Hevea brasiliensis, conservadas ex situ em Selvíria-MS e Marabá-PA, bem como estimar os parâmetros genéticos e medidas de dissimilaridade de suas progênies. Foram utilizados15 locos microssatélites para investigar a diversidade e estrutura genética e o parentesco de 18 matrizes da POP SEL e 46 da POP MAB. No ano de 2016, foi instalado em Selvíria-MS um teste de progênies a partir de sementes das referidas matrizes. As progênies foram avaliadas por meio de cinco variáveis silviculturais e oito morfológicas. A população de Selvíria apresentou número total de alelos (100) menor do que a população Marabá (179), com a média por locos de 6,7 e 11,9, respectivamente. A heterozigosidade esperada (He ), heterozigosidade observada ( Ho) e o índice de fixação (F) foram semelhantes entre populações, mas a riqueza alélica (R ) foi maior em Selvíria. A diferenciação genética entre as populações ( = 0,28) revelou que 72% da diversidade genética está distribuída dentro das populações. O coeficiente médio de coancestria dentro de ambas as populações foi positivo, mas os valores foram próximos de zero (< 0,08) e considerando indivíduos de ambas as populações, a coancestria media foi zero (-0,001). A estimativa de parâmetros genéticos utilizando o modelo linear misto univariado aditivo REML/BLUP, demonstrou que a herdabilidade individual não foi significativa para a maioria das variáveis observadas nas progên... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aimed to know the diversity, genetic structure and kinship of genotypes of two populations of Hevea brasiliensis, conserved ex situ in Selvíria-MS and Marabá-PA, as well as to evaluate the genetic parameters and measures of dissimilarity of their progenies. 15 microsatellite loci were used to investigate the diversity and genetic structure and kinship of 18 matrices from Selvíria-MS and 46 from Marabá-PA. In the year 2016, a progeny test was installed in Selvíria-MS from seeds of said matrices. The progenies were evaluated by means of five silvicultural variables and eight morphological variables. The population of Selvíria presented a total number of alleles (100) smaller than the Marabá population (179) with the average per locos of 6,7 and 11,9 respectively. The expected heterozygosity (eH), observed heterozygosity (oH) and fixation index (F) were similar among populations, but allelic richness (R) was higher in Selvíria. Genetic differentiation among populations (Gst = 0.28) revealed that 72% of genetic diversity is distributed within populations. The mean coefficient of coancestria within both populations was positive, but values were close to zero (<0.08) and considering individuals from both populations, mean covensis was zero (-0.001). The univariate mixed linear additive model methodology REML / BLUP showed that the individual heritability parameter was not significant for most of the variables observed in the progenies. However, they presented mean herita... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Efeito do teor e granulometria de borracha, do tempo e da temperatura de mistura e do tempo de armazenamento sobre propriedades do ligante asfalto-borracha / Effect of particle size and content of rubber, the mixing time and temperature and the storage time on the rubber asphalt binder propertiesFerro, Claudia Cristina 23 January 2004 (has links)
A produção de um ligante modificado com a borracha de pneus usados tem-se tornado viável em virtude do aumento da rigidez a temperaturas elevadas e da flexibilidade a baixas temperaturas que ele proporciona no revestimento dos pavimentos flexíveis, contribuindo para amenizar dois dos principais defeitos que afetam este tipo de pavimento, a saber, a deformação permanente nas trilhas de roda e as trincas por fadiga. Em acréscimo, consegue-se diminuir a quantidade de pneus dispostos em aterros sanitários, disponibilizando espaço e evitando problemas ambientais e de saúde pública, pois o acúmulo de pneus facilita a procriação de insetos e de outros vetores de doenças. Utilizando-se ensaios tradicionais e ensaios do método Superpave, neste trabalho são analisados os efeitos dos principais fatores que condicionam o comportamento do ligante asfalto-borracha (teor granulometria das partículas de borracha, tempo e temperatura de mistura, mantida constante em 155ºC) e as alterações nas propriedades físicas do ligante asfalto-borracha durante o tempo de armazenamento. / The production of a modified binder with used tire has become possible because of the increase in the stiffness at high temperature and the flexibility at low temperature that it brings to the surface layers of flexible pavements. The asphalt-rubber binders help to prevent two of the most important problems that affect flexible pavements, that is, the permanent deformation in the wheel tracks and fatigue cracking. In addition, it is possible to reduce the amount of tires disposed in sanitary landfills, increasing the service-life and avoiding environmental and health problems. Using traditional tests and tests of the Superpave method, this study analyses the effects of the main factors that affects the behavior of the asphalt-rubber binder (content and gradation of rubber particles, reaction temperature fixed in 155ºC and time) and the changes in the physical properties of asphalt-rubber binder during the storage time.
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Blendas condutoras elétricas obtidas a partir do látex de seringueira Hevea Brasiliensis com polianilina / Electrical conductive blends obtained using the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis latex with polyanilineTeruya, Marcia Yumi 28 March 2003 (has links)
É grande o interesse em combinar as propriedades mecânicas e elétricas de diferentes materiais poliméricos. Neste trabalho, filmes de Borracha Natural com camadas superficiais condutoras de polianilina (PANI) são preparados e caracterizados por diferentes técnicas. A PANI dopada foi depositada em ambos os lados do filme de borracha por polimerização química \"in situ\" da anilina a temperatura ambiente. O processo da polimerização da PANI \"in situ\" foi otimizado variando a concentração dos reagentes químicos com o objetivo de se obter uma camada de PANI com espessura desejada, boa adesão na borracha e que produzisse também aumento da condutividade elétrica na superfície. As amostras obtidas são caracterizadas usando-se Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Microscopia Óptica, Difratometria de raios-X, análise por Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura, análise Termo-Dinâmico-Mecânica, análise Termogravimétrica, Espectroscopia no FT-IR, Ensaio Mecânico e condutividade elétrica na superfície e no volume dos filmes preparados. Os resultados mostram que os filmes produzidos são do tipo multicamadas, pois não há uma interpenetração da PANI na borracha. A melhor condutividade e uniformidade é obtida com filmes preparados com três deposições, atingindo a ordem de 10-7 S/cm / The combination of properties of different polymeric materials in one sample is of great interest. In this work natural rubber films covered with a layer of conductive polyaniline (PANI) were prepared and studied by means of several experimental techniques. The doped PANI layer was deposited onto both rubber films surfaces by the \"in situ\" polymerization technique. The polymerization of PANI was performed at room temperature and the deposition process was optimized in order to obtain a PANI layer with an adequate thickness, good adhesion to the rubber and to promote the increase of its surface electric conductivity. Samples were characterized employing the scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermo gravimetric analysis, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, mechanical analysis and surface/volume electric conductivity. Results showed that the formed films consisted of a PANI layer that did not penetrated in the rubber. The better uniformity of deposition and maximum electric conductivity of the order of 10-7 S/cm was obtained on films that were prepared by deposition of three PANl layers
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