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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Murphy, Melissa A. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Much research and media attention in recent years has focused on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), a pervasive developmental disorder that impacts children in multiple areas of their lives. Early identification and intervention, as well as access to mental health, behavioral, and pediatric services for this population are crucial to their later outcomes and quality of life (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001; Blane & Borden, 2008; Jacobson & Mulick, 2000; Rogers & Vismara, 2008). Unfortunately, research suggests that access to educational services may be complicated for individuals living in rural areas (Applequist, 2009; Collins et al., 2005, Ludlow, Conner, & Schechter 2005; Pennington, Horn & Berrong, 2009). Therefore, the purpose of this project was to investigate education services for children with ASD in rural areas. Education services were assessed via a survey of 42 parents of children with ASD and a review of educational records. Contrary to previous research, results from this study indicated that parents in more rural areas reported more satisfaction with educational counseling services and a lower age of diagnosis when compared to parents in more urban areas. Similarly, parents in more rural areas reported a higher number of services and more frequent educational counseling services (i.e., more direct service hours) compared to parents in more urban areas. Results of this study were interpreted from an adapted version of Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Access to Care. Possible explanations for these findings, as well as limitations, directions for future research, and implications are discussed.

Langue et identité en Lozère : singularités sociolinguistiques à l'aune d'un positionnement de chercheur de terrain-résident. / Language and Identity in Lozère : sociolinguistic singularities with regard to the positioning of a field researcher/resident.

Sacleux, Patrick 11 December 2015 (has links)
Lorsqu'un chercheur s'installe sur un terrain de recherche durablement, en tant que résident, il est à même d'obtenir des réponses plus véridiques, de la part de ses enquêtés, que s'il était uniquement de « passage ». L'analyse thétique a été de mesurer le lien entre la faculté des natifs Lozériens de communiquer en langue vernaculaire avec leur sentiment identitaire dans une situation diglossique où la péjoration du « patois » n'est plus aussi prégnante que dans le passé. Dans le département le moins peuplé de France où la ruralité ne rime pas nécessairement avec l'isolement rural, les influences séculaires des départements limitrophes, ainsi que le mode de vie ancestral des Lozériens, ont forgé une identité commune ancrée autour de l'entraide, la convivialité, la générosité des propos, le partage des valeurs traditionnelles et l'accueil de l'Autre. L'utilisation du cadre théorique de l'interaction symbolique permet d'encadrer cette recherche pour cerner des représentations sociolinguistiques liées à la culture occitane. L'histoire de la Lozère, sa géographie, les zones géolinguistiques définies pour les enquêtes par entretiens, sont autant d'éléments épistémologiques qui permettent de mettre en exergue la ruralité, l'enclavement et la survie des populations autochtones et de tenter d'endiguer la substitution linguistique pour assurer une transmission de la langue d'héritage dans les générations futures afin d'éviter de répéter le traumatisme qu'ont subi les « anciens » lorsque l'emploi du « patois » était réprimandé dans le cadre d'une hégémonie linguistique en français à l'école. / When a researcher settles for a long time, as a resident, in his research field, he is able to obtain answers, from his/her interviewees, that are more truthful, than if he were to simply stay for a limited time there. The analysis of this dissertation was to measure the link between the ability from Lozerian natives to communicate in the vernacular language with their sense of identity in a diglossic situation where the stigmatization of that dialect is not longer as pregnant as in the past. In the least populated area in France where rurality does not necessarily mean rural isolation, the secular influences of nearby areas, as well as the ancestral way of life of the Lozerian natives, have forged a common identity anchored around mutual assistance, conviviality, the generosity of discourse, the sharing of traditional valeues and the welcoming of the Other. The use of the theoretical framework of symbolic interaction allows us to structure this research to grasp sociolinguictical representations linked to the Occitan culture. The history of Lozère, its geography, the geolinguistic zones defined for the field research, are all epistemologic elements that permit to showcase rurality, isolation and the survival of indigenous populations in order to try to contain the linguistic substitution to ensure the transmission of the heritage language in future generations so that we prevent the repetition of the trauma that older folks have felt when the use of the regional dialect was prohibited in the linguistic hegemonic framework in French, while in school.

Black and minority ethnic young people : exploring the silences in the Scottish Highlands

Cacho, Patricia January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I analyse the dynamics of youth, race and rurality by considering the life experiences of young people in relation to race and racism through a small –scale study I have conducted over eight months. The study also investigates the aspirations of eight black and minority ethnic young people living in the Scottish Highlands. The study found that young people’s experiences of racism and racial microaggressions were exacerbated by a ‘conspiracy of silence’ in which institutional actors such as service providers, who are there to support and encourage young people, have knowingly, or inadvertently, contributed to undermining, marginalising and excluding black and minority ethnic young people through misunderstanding or misrecognition of experiences of racialisation in rural areas. I observed how these minority young people engaged in strategies of resistance and resilience as a prevalent response when negotiating racist experiences and racial microaggressions. It was further evident that the deficient practices of institutional actors, such as teachers, youth workers and most service providers play a tangible role in perpetuating racism and racial discrimination in the Highlands. The study recommends that to reduce bias and discrimination against black and minority ethnic pupils requires a range of strategies ranging from enhancing teacher confidence in teaching and addressing different forms of racism, a need for teachers to have training on anti-racist education and pedagogical approaches, recruitment of black and minority ethnic practitioners for different service provision, recognition and promotion of the benefits of multilingualism and opportunities for white majority pupils to have greater exposure to diversity in rural Scotland.

Pobreza, vulnerabilidade e desenvolvimento no Território Rural Zona Sul do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Toigo, Camila Horst January 2016 (has links)
Inspirado em alguns aspectos da Abordagem das Capacitações e da Abordagem dos Meios de vida, o Índice de Condições de Vida (ICV) tornou-se a ferramenta de análise principal desta pesquisa. A partir da sua aplicabilidade no Território Rural Zona Sul do Rio Grande do Sul buscou-se responder se a posse de distintos capitais refletiu em diferenças na composição do conjunto capacitário e nas percepções de vida das famílias residentes em domicílios rurais no território. Ainda, buscou-se concluir sobre possíveis situações de vulnerabilidade e pobreza no território. Com fins a tornar a resposta exequível, foram feitas comparações dos resultados do ICV entre domicílios com produção agropecuária e domicílios sem produção; domicílios de agricultura familiar e domicílios de agricultura não familiar; e entre as três instâncias (fatores, características e efeitos do desenvolvimento). Os principais resultados da pesquisa indicaram que em termos de funcionamentos realizados e tendo por base as próprias percepções das famílias rurais dos domicílios estudados, essas não se mostraram expostas às situações críticas de vulnerabilidade e de pobreza rural, embora outros indicadores sociais afirmassem tal cenário. No Território Rural Zona Sul as situações de privações corroboradas pelos resultados fragilizaram e impediram que certos meios contribuíssem para o alcance de melhores e maiores rendas e oportunidades. Todavia, a própria percepção das famílias não indicou uma situação perversa, o que muito pode estar relacionado com as capacidades de agência destes indivíduos em, sobretudo, combinar capitais para lidar com situações adversas. / Inspired by some aspects of the Capability Approach and Livelihoods Approach, the Living Conditions Index (LCI) became the main analysis tool of this research. From its applicability in the Território Rural Zona Sul of Rio Grande do Sul sought to answer if the possession of distinct capitals reflected in differences in capabilitie set and rural households families’ perceptions of life living in the territory. Also, sought to conclude about possible situations of vulnerability and poverty in the territory. With purpose to make feasible the response, comparisons of the results were made between households with agricultural production and households without production; family farming households and non-family farming households; and between the three instances (factors, features and effects of the development). The main results of the research indicated that in terms of functionings performed and based on own perceptions of rural families, these were not exposed to critical situations of vulnerability and rural poverty, while other social indicators affirm such a scenario. In the Território Rural Zona Sul, situations of deprivation corroborated by results weakened and prevented certain means (resources, opportunities, capitals) to contribute to the achievement of better and higher incomes and opportunities. However, the own perception of the families did not indicate a perverse situation, that can be related to the agency capabilities of these individuals, mainly, to combine capitals to deal with adverse situations.

A construção social do valor econômico da água: estudo sociológico sobre agricultura, ruralidade e valoração ambiental no Estado de São Paulo / The social construction of the economic value of water: a sociological study about agriculture, rurality and environmental valuation in São Paulo State

Martins, Rodrigo Constante 22 January 2004 (has links)
Esta é uma tese sociológica sobre formas de assimilação social de novas institucionalidades para regulação do uso e acesso aos recursos hídricos. Busca empreender, a despeito do recorte disciplinar de sua problemática, um esforço no diálogo de saberes com os campos da economia, filosofia, antropologia, geografia humana, agronomia, ecologia e direito ambiental. Sua apresentação geral consta de uma revisão teórico-conceitual crítica sobre o princípio neoclássico da valoração ambiental e da apresentação de dois estudos de caso sobre os possíveis impactos que a política de valoração da água trará para a agricultura paulista. Na revisão teórico-conceitual, a tese discute a necessidade de elaboração de estratégias epistêmicas alternativas de interpretação dos modernos conflitos sócio-ambientais. Propõe a superação dos enfoques formalistas de modelagem da relação sociedade-natureza. Nos estudos de caso, a tese apresenta diferentes possibilidades de ajustamento entre distintas configurações territoriais - dotadas de relações específicas de produção material e de exercício do poder social - e os anseios do princípio da valoração da água. As conclusões gerais do trabalho apontam para uma crítica às intervenções institucionais de gestão ambiental baseadas em modelos universalizantes de supostas condutas racionais de agentes e/ou grupos sociais. / This is a sociological thesis about ways of social assimilating of new institutional inovations for the regulation of the use and access to water resources. It seeks to make an effort to obtain a knowledge dialogue with the fields of economy, philosophy, anthropology, human geography, agronomy, ecology and environmental laws. The thesis\'s general presentation consists of a critical theoretical review about the neoclassical principle of environmental valuation and the presentation of two case studies about the possible impacts that the water valuation policy will bring to the agriculture in São Paulo state. In the theoretical review, the thesis discusses the necessity of elaborating alternative strategies for the interpretation of the modern social and environmental conflicts. It proposes to overcome the formalist approaches of modeling in the relation society-nature. In the case studies, the thesis presents different possibilities of adjustment among different territorial configurations - with specific relations of material production and the exertion of the social power - and the aims of the water valuation principles. The general conclusions of the work point to a criticism to the institutional intervention of environmental policy based on models of suposedly rational bahaviors of agents and/or social groups.

Oportunidades, ruralidade e pobreza no Rio Grande do Sul : as relações apresentadas pela abordagem das capacitações nos municípios gaúchos

Kühn, Daniela Dias January 2008 (has links)
O Rio Grande do Sul está entre os estados brasileiros que apresentam os melhores indicadores em relação aos estudos de qualidade de vida desenvolvidos por diversos institutos. Entretanto, é possível verificar ainda a existência de situações caracterizadas pelas carências em relação ao atendimento de algumas necessidades que acabam, por fim, caracterizando situações de pobreza no estado gaúcho. Sendo um estado bastante associado à atividade agrícola, que se desenvolve em ambientes predominantemente rurais, há em evidência uma discussão em relação às características da pobreza rural. Baseado em uma concepção conhecida como Abordagem das Capacitações, desenvolvida por Amartya Sen, o objetivo deste trabalho é o de identificar aspectos sócio-estruturais capazes de configurar as situações de carência em relação a determinados aspectos, buscando a caracterização da pobreza rural gaúcha. No trabalho as situações que configuram as carências estão associadas às possibilidades de acesso a oportunidades municipais (intitulamentos). Apresenta-se aqui uma sugestão analítica que procurou não estar limitada à situação de renda ou ao tipo de atividade produtiva. Neste sentido, a partir da análise de 108 (cento e oito) variáveis que reúnem alguns tipos de intitulamentos encontrados nos municípios, foram identificados grupos caracterizados em relação à ruralidade (associada a aspectos de paisagem e produtivos) e às situações de pobreza (associadas à renda municipal per capita e à variação da infra-estrutura relacionada a serviços de educação e saúde). / Rio Grande do Sul is between the Brazilian states that present the best indicators in relation to the studies of quality of life developed by several institutes. However, it is still possible to verify the existence of situations characterized by lacks in relation to the attendance of some necessities that, finally, characterize situations of poverty in the state. Being a state essentially associated to agriculture, which is developed predominantly in rural environments, there is evidence of a debate about the characteristics of rural poverty. Based in a conception associated with the capability approach, developed by Amartya Sen, the objective of this work is to identify social and structural aspects that are able to characterize situations of lack in relation the some aspects, aiming at the characterization of rural poverty in the state in relation to the situations that configure the access possibilities to the municipal opportunities (entitlements). An analytical suggestion is presented here that tried not to be limited to the situation of income or the type of productive activity. In this direction, through the analysis of 108 (one hundred and eight) variables that congregate some types of entitlements found in the municipalities, several groups were characterized in relation to the rurality (associated the productive and landscape aspects) and to the situations of poverty (associated to the per capita municipal income and the variation of the infrastructure related to services of education and health).

Pauvreté paysanne et diversification des ressources dans les campagnes albanaises : L’exemple du littoral nord / Rural poverty and income diversification in Albanian villages : The case of northern littoral area

Kola, Edlira 07 September 2016 (has links)
Depuis plus de deux décennies, après une difficile rupture et transition du régime communiste, l’espace rural de l’Albanie et les ménages ruraux connaissent de multiples et rapides transformations. Alors que l’agriculture est confrontée à de nombreuses limites (exploitations minuscules et fortement fragmentées, question irrésolue de la propriété foncière, insuffisance et précarité des infrastructures, faible accessibilité aux circuits commerciaux, etc.), les attentes des ménages en termes d’accès aux produits et de services, de bien-être et de qualité de vie, ont donné lieu à l’émergence de différentes formes d’adaptation économique, notamment à travers la mise en place des stratégies de diversification d’activités et de sources de revenus. Sous forme de valorisation directe des ressources agricoles ou de mise en œuvre d’alternatives à l’extérieur du cadre agricole, à travers des activités entrepreneuriales, des emplois ou encore des mobilités, ayant comme fondement d’organisation et de opération la structure familiale, les trajectoires des ménages ruraux sont analysées dans leur diversité et contexte local. Tout se traduit par l’émergence et la consolidation d’un modèle agri-rural basé sur une vaste gamme de ressources agricoles et extra-agricoles. / After more than two decades and following a difficult rupture and transition from communist regime, Albanian rural area and rural households have undergone multiple rapid transformations. While agriculture is facing several limits (the extremely small and fragmented farms, the unresolved issue of land property, the insufficiency of infrastructure, the low access to commercial circuits, etc.), the expectations of rural households in terms of product and service accessibility, well-being and life quality have lead to the emergence of different forms of economic adaptation, mostly through the implementation of activity and income diversification strategies. The trajectories of rural households based on the valorization of agricultural resources or non agricultural alternatives, are analyzed according to their diversity and local context. Family structure represents the organizing and operational foundation of these trajectories. An agri-rural model based on a large specter of agricultural and non-agricultural resources materializes and constantly consolidates.

Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Surgical Treatment and Radiation Therapy Use

Koehlmoos, Tracey Lynn 22 February 2005 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between race and surgical treatment and radiation therapy use for localized breast cancer patients in the state of Florida in 2001. The study will be useful in raising awareness of the relationship between Black race and appropriate breast cancer treatment within the Florida Cancer Data System. The Healthy People 2010 initiatives call to eliminate racial disparities and the high placement of breast cancer on the national research agenda make this study timely and insightful for health policymakers, clinicians and other health researchers. Also, the study evaluates the effect of other health system and patient related factors such as insurance provider and rural versus urban residence, to the appropriate use of cancer therapy in order to present an up-to-date and accurate picture of the quality of breast cancer care for women in the state of Florida. The study used multivariate logistic regression modeling and chi-square distribution to compare models in order to disentangle the effects of age, rural residence, marital status and primary health insurance provider from race and to determine how these factors influenced breast conserving surgery versus mastectomy use. Further, the second research question exclusively focused on the population that received breast conserving surgery in order to examine the impact of race and the other covariates as explanatory measures of appropriate receipt of radiation therapy. The first hypothesis found that there was no statistically significant difference between Black and White women in terms of receipt of breast conserving surgery for treatment of localized breast cancer. The second hypothesis, which focused on appropriate receipt of radiation therapy following breast conserving surgery, found that there was a statistically significant interaction between Black race and Medicaid as primary health insurance provider. The study concludes by examining possible areas of improvement in data collection in the State of Florida. Also, the study contains recommendations as to previously unexplored facets of breast cancer research and breast cancer health policy that could be beneficial in the reduction of health and healthcare disparities in other geographic areas and in other diseases.

Recreational Hunting in Wellington County, Ontario: Identity, Land Use, and Conflict

Porterfield, Christine 03 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides an ethnographic examination of the contribution of recreational hunting in developing a sense of rural identity among hunters in Wellington County, Ontario. Throughout Summer and Autumn 2012, 13 semi-structured interviews were conducted with recreational hunters and their peers, with a total of 17 participants. Using the theoretical framework of anthropology of space and place, this thesis suggests that hunting functions to connect rural residents to a sense of identity in Wellington County, particularly in the context of landscape changes associated with rural gentrification. Hunting provides a means of control over hunters’ experience as rural people, while also providing a mechanism for establishing attachment to place through mastery and sensory experience. The results of this study indicate that hunting provides a reference point for establishing an identity in alignment with what participants recognized as rural values, and in opposition to what participants identified as urban characteristics.

Recognizing the role of gender and food security in type 2 diabetes nutrition education in rural southwestern Ontario

Appavoo, Donna January 2014 (has links)
Food systems and health systems are interdependent. Historically, however, strategies that focused on the development of these systems evolved in isolation from one another. Non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes have an etiology that is strongly linked to food systems. Type 2 diabetes is taking an ever-increasing toll on health, and health systems, globally, and in Canada. In response, health professional organizations propose an advocacy approach to improve food system characteristics linked to the development of diabetes. Opportunities for, and barriers to, such initiatives have not yet been examined in the health geography literature. The primary objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the development of a framework for action for nutrition educators working in rural areas to use to promote local sustainable food systems. The ultimate objective is to improve the diet, and by extension, the health of those suffering from type 2 diabetes. As part of the research approach, a gendered analysis was employed for the following reasons: First, labour around food production, food procurement and food preparation and health care work is provided predominantly by women. Second, there is a gendered profile of pattern of illness and access to care for people with type 2 diabetes. The research methodology was comprised of a case study and mixed methods approach. Nineteen communities in southwestern Ontario were selected for inclusion in the case study using criteria based on the Rurality Index of Ontario. Data were collected through extensive literature reviews, 34 semi-structured interviews with health professionals, a survey of 24 people afflicted with type 2 diabetes and ‘in situ’ observations. Analysis of the findings using grounded theory techniques, such as iterative coding, revealed barriers to, and opportunities for, supporting local sustainable food systems by area health professionals working at local, regional and national scales. This thesis provides important information about gender roles, community capacity, sense of community, and health professional training that should be considered in the development of policies to promote local sustainable food systems.

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