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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Datenerhebung per App: mFUND-Projekte tauschen sich über Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren der Datengewinnung durch Crowdsourcing aus: Bericht zum mFUND-Fachaustausch App-gestützte Datenerhebung, 20. Oktober 2020

17 February 2022 (has links)
Am 20. Oktober 2020 veranstaltete die mFUND-Begleitforschung des WIK den mFUND-Fachaustausch „App-gestützte Datenerhebung“. Rund 40 Fachleute, darunter Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus zahlreichen mFUND-Projekten, nahmen an dem Fachaustausch teil. Die Projekte werden durch die Förderinitiative mFUND des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI) gefördert. Aufgrund der Corona-Krise wurde die Veranstaltung als Online- Konferenz durchgeführt.

AirSniffer: A Smartphone-Based Sensor Module for Personal Micro-Climate Monitoring

Smith, Jeffrey Paul 05 1900 (has links)
Environmental factors can have a significant impact on an individual's health and well-being, and a primary characteristic of environments is air quality. Air sensing equipment is available to the public, but it is often expensive,stationary, or unusable for persons without technical expertise. The goal of this project is to develop an inexpensive and portable sensor module for public use. The system is capable of measuring temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, heat index, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration. The sensor module, referred to as the "sniffer," consists of a printed circuit board that interconnects a carbon dioxide sensor, a temperature/humidity sensor, an Arduino microcontroller, and a Bluetooth module. The sniffer is small enough to be worn as a pendant or a belt attachment, and it is rugged enough to consistently collect and transmit data to a user's smartphone throughout their workday. The accompanying smartphone app uses Bluetooth and GPS hardware to collect data and affix samples with a time stamp and GPS coordinates. The accumulated sensor data is saved to a file on the user's phone, which is then examined on a standard computer.

Det idealistiska nöjet : Användaracceptans av mobiler med sidoböjning

Granberg, Timothy January 2016 (has links)
Mobiltelefoner har utvecklats i snabb takt över åren, från ett nytt koncept till en vardaglig självklarhet för många i bägge personlig och professional fattning. Efter smartphonens myntning i 1994 med IBM Simon Personal Communicator har mobiltelefonen evolveras i många olika riktningar. 2013 kom den först smartphonen med välvd skärm, Samsung Galaxy Round, vilket påbörjande en ny trend av böjda smartphones. Denna studie undersöker användaracceptans av den senaste typen av välvd skärm, sidoböjning, utifrån ett perspektiv av mänskliga nöjen. Studien föreslår att innovationen av sidoböjning inte avnjuts pragmatiskt utan idealistiskt, med fokus på adoptörens ideologiska och sociala begär. Innovationens framtid och utspridning utöver samhället slutdras som osäkert, med förslag på framtida forskning att vidareutveckla ämnets kunskapsbas. / Mobile phones have developed rapidly over the years, from a novel concept to an typical day certainty for many in both personal and professional use. Following the advent of the smartphone in 1994 with the IBM Simon Personal Comunicator, the mobile phone has evolved in a number of directions. In 2013, the Samsung Galaxy Round was launched, the first smartphone featuring a curved display, sparking a new trend of curved-display smartphones. This study investigates the user acceptance of the latest type of curved displays, curved sides, from a perspective of human pleasures. The studie suggests the innovation of curved sides is not enjoyed pragmatically, but idealistically, with a focus on the adopter’s ideological and social desires. The future of the innovation and its diffusion throughout society is concluded to be uncertain, with suggestions of future research to further develop the subject’s base of knowledge.

Colour a Symbol : Autentisering för smartphones

Engvall, Markus, Teljing, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har den mobila tekniken i stort sett helt gått över till smartphones. Smartphones är i princip mer datorer än telefoner, som vi alltid bär med oss och som innehåller allt mer känslig information. Detta medför att kraven på säkerheten kring enheten ökar. Detta arbete undersöker om det är möjligt att finna en ny metod att låta användaren autentisera sig på, som är säkrare än de som är vedertagna idag, men samtidigt har liknande nivå av användbarhet. Vår idé, som vi arbetar med under namnet Colour a Symbol, baseras på att kombinera symboler och färger i par. För att utveckla idén skapade vi en funktionell prototyp, som sedan utvärderadesmed hjälp av en mindre testgrupp. Empirin visar på att Colour a Symbol har en god användbarhet, om än något för lång inloggningstid. Idéer för att förbättra inloggningstiden presenteras. Teoretiskt sett så är Colour a Symbol säkrare än exempelvis pinkod, men testgruppen var inte tillräckligt stor för att kunna bedöma den praktiska lösenordsrymden. Utformning av symboltema påverkar även förmodligen i hög grad den praktiska lösenordsrymden. Vår slutsats är att idén har en klar potential, men att det behövs ytterligare studier för att finslipa den. / During the past years mobile technology has moved almost entirely to smartphones. Smartphones are in essence more computers than phones, which we always carry with us and that contain ever more sensitive information. This requires that the level of security around the device increases. This study strives to find a new method of authenticating users, that is more secure than those that are established today, but at the same time has a similar level of usability. Our idea, which we work with under the name Colour a Symbol, is based upon making combinations of symbols and colours in pairs. In order to develop the idea we created a functional prototype, that was evaluated by a smaller test group. The empirical data implies that Colour a Symbol has good usability, if only a little too long login time. Ideas as to shorten the login time are suggested. Theoretically, Colour a Symbol is more secure than for an example pincode, but the test group was not large enough to estimate the practical password space. Design of the symbol theme probably also affects the practical password space to a high degree. Our conclusion is that the idea has clear potential, but that further studies are needed to fine-tune it.

Enjeux techniques et politiques de la "communication optique" entre un titre de presse imprimée et un ordiphone / Technical and political issues of "optical communication" between a newspaper and a smartphone

Fines Schlumberger, Jacques-André 06 March 2012 (has links)
Depuis 2002 en Asie, 2005 en Europe et aux États-Unis, des éditeurs de presse écrite et des annonceurs proposent à leur lectorat équipé en téléphone portable ou en ordiphone d’accéder à des contenus et services numériques via ceux imprimés dans le journal. Ces nouvelles formes de communications brouillent les relations traditionnelles entre éditeurs de presse, annonceurs et lectorat, également mobinaute. Les enjeux techniques et politiques de ces services de communication s’étudient simultanément à trois niveaux. Le premier, physique, se situe dans la combinaison entre le papier et le terminal électronique de l’individu relié au réseau. Le deuxième, logique, se situe dans la forme (privée ou publique) de ce qui est imprimé sur le papier (langage humain ou machine) et la méthode logicielle mise en oeuvre (lecture locale ou à distance) de manière synchrone (presse augmentée) ou asynchrone (code graphique, recherche ou identification par l’image). Le troisième niveau, des contenus, consiste à s’interroger sur le sens de la surimpression de contenus et de services numériques à l’écran de l’ordiphone suivant ce qui est imprimé dans le journal. Notre étude aura par ailleurs consisté à mettre en lumière les régimes juridiques des méthodes logicielles basées d’une part sur le contenu et régies par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, et basées d’autre part sur un langage informatique et régies par le droit des liens hypertextes. Avec un ordiphone, un titre de presse évolue d’un support d’information à un canal de communications électroniques où le contexte et l’identité de l’individu jouent un rôle innovant dans la transmission et l’accès à l’information. / Since 2002 in Asia, and 2005 in Europe and the United States, press editors and advertisers have offered access to digital content and services to readers that possess a smartphone. These new forms of communication blur the traditional relationships between press editors, advertisers and readers. To study the technical and political elements concerning these new communication services, we rely on the three-layer network approach: the physical, the logical and the content infrastructure layer. The physical layer is located between the sheet of paper and the electronic device that links the user to a network. The logical layer corresponds to the form (private or public) of what is printed on the page (i.e., human readable or machine language) and the software employed (i.e., local or distant reading), be it synchronously (augmented press) or asynchronously (graphic codes, image search or image identification). The third layer concerns the way the content from the printed page are presented on the screen of the smartphone. Our study equally aims to shed light on the current legal translations of software methods: when based on content, the methods are seen to concern intellectual property law; whereas when based on computer language they concern the laws on hyperlinks. With smartphones, a printed edition evolves from an information medium to an electronic communication channel where the context and the identity of the user play an innovative role in the transmission and access to information.

Interação usuário-TV digital interativa: contribuições via controle remoto / User-interactive digital TV interaction: contributions via remote control

Martins Junior, José Augusto Costa 11 April 2011 (has links)
O sistema de TV digital interativa está em fase de implantação no Brasil. O middleware Ginga, responsável por permitir a apresentação de programas interativos, prevê que usuários possam interagir com aplicações apresentadas na TV ao pressionar de teclas em um controle remoto. Considerando que controles remotos tradicionais apresentam limitações de usabilidade, este trabalho teve o objetivo investigar a aplicação de conceitos de computação ubíqua, em particular interfaces naturais e multimodais, como alternativas para prover interatividade entre usuários e programas de TV digital. Como resultado, um dispositivo móvel alternativo ao controle remoto tradicional foi utilizado no projeto de novos mecanismos de interação que incluem interfaces baseadas em telas sensíveis ao toque, interfaces sensíveis a gestos capturados por dispositivos que contêm acelerômetros, e interfaces que contêm microfones que permitem entrada de dados por voz. A construção de protótipos correspondentes foi beneficiada pela (assim como beneficiou) implementação prévia de um componente que oferece funcionalidades para envio de dados multimodais para um receptor de TV digital contendo o middleware Ginga, e de um componente que, instalado no receptor, permite a comunicação peer-to-peer entre dispositivos sem fio / The tradicional Brazilian TV system is being replaced by an interactive digital platform. The Ginga middleware, responsible for allowing the presentation of interactive programs, is able to support user interactions with TV applications by means of key presses on a remote control. Since traditional remotes have usability limitations, this work aimed at investigating the application of ubiquitous computing concepts, such as natural and multimodal interfaces, to provide alternatives for the interaction among users and TV applications. Considering the availability of mobile devices such as smartphones, prototype interfaces based on touch screens, as well as gesture-based, accelerometer-based, and voice-based interfaces have been designed and implemented to allow the interaction usually provided by remote controls. The implementation of those interfaces was supported by the previous development of components providing multimodal interaction and peer-to-peer communication in the context of the Brazilian interactive digital TV system middleware

Bidirectional visible light communications for the internet of things / Communications bidirectionnelles par lumière visible entre un objet connecté et un smartphone non modifié

Duque, Alexis 09 October 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous concevons et étudions un système de communication bidirectionnel par lumière visible (VLC) entre une diode électroluminescente (DEL) de couleur, intégrée à un objet connecté, et un smartphone. Le dispositif est ainsi capable d'envoyer et de recevoir des informations à travers sa DEL, tandis que le smartphone utilise sa caméra pour recevoir des données et son flash pour envoyer des informations. Nous mettons en œuvre et évaluons expérimentalement ce système VLC DEL-à-camera conçu spécifiquement pour les DELs de couleur à faible puissance. En nous appuyant sur les résultats d'une vaste étude expérimentale, nous modélisons, pour la première fois dans la littérature, le canal de communication DEL-à-caméra. Nous proposons alors un modèle de processus de Bernoulli modulé par une chaîne de Markov, qui nous permet d'étudier facilement l'efficacité de différentes stratégies de retransmission des messages. Nous exploitons ce modèle afin de concevoir un simulateur pour l'évaluation des performances des communications DEL-à-caméra. Afin d'obtenir un système de communication bidirectionnel, nous étudions ensuite les communications de type flash-vers-DEL entre un smartphone non-modifié et une petite DEL de couleur. Les performances, bien que limitées, sont suffisantes pour établir une voie retour qui permet de mettre en œuvre des mécanismes de fiabilisation. Nous proposons alors un mécanisme de codage linéaire pseudo-aléatoire, spécialement adapté aux conditions et contraintes du système DEL-à-caméra en ligne de visée directe. Notre évaluation expérimentale souligne que ce type d'approche augmente le rendement jusqu'à deux fois par rapport aux stratégies de retransmission classiques. Enfin, la plupart des objets que nous adressons ont des contraintes énergétiques importantes. Par conséquent, nous comparons la consommation d'énergie de notre système avec celle d'un module Bluetooth Low Energy avec une activité similaire. Nos résultats montrent que notre système réduit la consommation d'énergie dans le cadre d'un profil d'utilisation classique. / With the exponential growth of the Internet of Things, people now expect every household appliance to be smart and connected. At the same time, smartphones have become ubiquitous in our daily life. Their continuous performance improvement and their compatibility with a broad range of radio protocols as WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or NFC make them the most convenient way to interact with these smart objects. However, providing wireless connectivity with BLE or NFC means adding an extra chipset and an antenna, increasing the object size and price. Previous works already have demonstrated the possibility of receiving information through visible light using an unmodified smartphone thanks to its camera. Also, LED-to-LED communication for smart devices like toys has been shown previously. However, past efforts in LED to camera communication for IoT device communication have been limited. In this work, we design LightIoT, a bidirectional visible-light communication (VLC) system between a low-cost, low-power colored LED that is part of an IoT device and an off-the-shelf smartphone. The IoT device is thus able to send and receive information through its LED, while the smartphone uses its camera to receive data and its flashlight to send information. We implement and experimentally evaluate a LED-to-camera VLC system, designed specifically for small LEDs. The proposed solution exploits the rolling shutter effect of unmodified smartphone cameras and an original decoding algorithm, achieving a throughput of nearly 2 kb/s. Based on the insight gained from an extensive experimental study, we model, for the first time in the literature, the LED-to-camera communication channel. We propose a Markov-modulated Bernoulli process model, which allows us to easily study the performance of different message retransmission strategies. We further exploit this model to implement a simulator for LED-to-Camera communications performance evaluation. In order to achieve bi-directional communications, we evaluate flashlight-to-LED communications using non-rooted smartphones and small LEDs. With these constraints, our implementation achieves a throughput of 30 bits/second. While limited, this is enough for a feed-back channel coming to support the required redundancy mechanisms. Some of these redundancy mechanisms are based on random linear coding, never tested previously in VLC. Therefore, we design and implement, for the first time in the literature, a pseudo random linear coding scheme especially fitted for line-of-sight LED-to-camera conditions. Experimental evaluation highlights that this type of approach increases the goodput up to twice compared to classical retransmission strategies. Finally, we compare the energy consumption of LightIoT with the one of a BLE module with similar activity. Our results show that using the LED for communication purposes reduces the energy consumption under a normal usage behavior.

BrailleÉcran: uma abordagem para entrada de texto em Braille para smartphones / BrailleÉcran: an approach to Braille text entry on smartphones

Siqueira, Joyce 14 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-08-01T10:48:34Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Joyce Siqueira - 2017.pdf: 19412017 bytes, checksum: ed71bf6287eda5153f70caad31c82d62 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-08-01T15:16:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Joyce Siqueira - 2017.pdf: 19412017 bytes, checksum: ed71bf6287eda5153f70caad31c82d62 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-01T15:16:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Joyce Siqueira - 2017.pdf: 19412017 bytes, checksum: ed71bf6287eda5153f70caad31c82d62 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-14 / Touch screens have made smartphones much more dynamic. However, due to the absence of the physical keyboard, they also made them less accessible for visually impaired people. Considering the input of text as a primary function, the objective of this research was to develop a method that uses the Braille System for typing, from a new virtual keyboard, which is supported by a tactile film superimposed on the touch screen. The method was constructed considering the mobile accessibility guidelines developed by the W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, and the monitoring of a specialist user with congenital blindness and Braille literacy. As a result, BrailleÉcran was developed, the combination of an Android application with a tactile film modeled for 3D printing. Besides the film, the application has the "Configuration Panel", which allows the application to adapt to user preferences and the "Help Center", which provides a spoken tutorial. For evaluation, 10 volunteers performed the experiments that allowed the verification of speed, accuracy, usability and user experience. As a result WPM = 2.52 and TER = 2.68. The usability questionnaire brought positive results, of which we highlight the "You liked to use" issue with 90% acceptance. In the PANAS questionnaire, all the positive affects obtained a maximum score and the negative affects a minimum score. It is estimated that this research offers society not only a method but a quality assistive technology that provides more independence for the visually impaired. In addition, to expand the studies in this area, the prototypes are open source and are available for access and future contributions. / As telas sensíveis ao toque tornaram os smartphones muito mais dinâmicos. No entanto,devido à ausência do teclado físico, também os tornaram menos acessíveis para pessoascom deficiência visual. Considerando a entrada de texto uma função primária, o objetivodesta pesquisa foi o de desenvolver um método que utilizasse o Sistema Braille paradigitação, a partir de um novo teclado virtual, que tenha como suporte uma película tátilsobreposta à tela sensível ao toque. O método foi construído considerando as diretrizesde acessibilidade móvel, desenvolvidas pelaWorld Wide Web Consortium(W3C) e oacompanhamento de um especialista, com cegueira congênita e alfabetizado em Braille.Como resultado, desenvolveu-se o BrailleÉcran, a combinação de um aplicativo Androidcom uma película tátil, modelada para impressão 3D. Além da película, o aplicativo contacom o “Painel de Configuração”, que permite a adaptação do aplicativo às preferênciasdo usuário e a “Central de Ajuda”, que disponibiliza um tutorial falado. Para avaliação,10 voluntários realizaram os experimentos que possibilitaram a verificação da velocidade,da taxa de erros, da satisfação e da experiência do usuário. Como resultado obteve-se queo valor médio de palavras digitadas por minuto (WPM) foi de 2,52 e a taxa total de erros(TER) foi de 2,68%. A entrevista sobre a satisfação do usuário trouxe resultados positivos,dos quais destaca-se a afirmativa “Você gostou de usar”, com 90% de aceitação. Emrelação a experiência de uso, aplicou-se o questionário Afeto Positivo e Afeto Negativo(PANAS) e como resultado obteve-se que todos os afetos positivos foram aflorados,ao contrário dos negativos. Estima-se que esta pesquisa possa oferecer à sociedade ummétodo de qualidade. Ademais, para expansão dos estudos, os protótipos são de códigoaberto e estão disponíveis para acesso e futuras contribuições.

Typografiska riktlinjer och textframställning för smartphones

Christensen, My, Pihlgren, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Idag använder allt fler människor sina smartphones för att surfa och använda tjänster online. Detta innebär att en stor del text läses på små skärmar. Detta arbete handlar om hur text bäst utformas och struktureras för att enklast kunna läsas och uppfattas på en mobilskärm. Faktorer som berörs är typgrad, ljusrum, textlängd, teckensnittsklass, radlängd, bild i text och kontrastverkan. Arbetet utgår från en normativ, svensk person utan funktionsnedsättningar. Arbetet är grundat på litteratur, egna analyser, intervjuer med branschfolk, enkätundersökning och test med fokusgrupp. Resultatet blev att en text på smartphone bäst utformas med flera styckesindelningar i form av blankrader, med bilder där bilden tillför något i informativt syfte och textlängd baserat på ämneskategori. Bilden bör sättas ovanför brödtexten. Längre texter ska sättas med scrollfunktion. Kontrast har stor betydelse på mobiltelefoner, texter går bra att läsa även när de är satta negativt. Teckensnittsklass är enligt resultatet av denna rapport inte av betydelse. Både seriff och sanserif kan läsas utan problem på smartphones. Typgraden bör förstoras något i förhållande till telefonens default-inställningar. På grund av att text på skärm inte stödjer avstavningar rekommenderas korta ord där det är möjligt för att förhindra en allt för hackig högerkant. / This research focuses on the issue of how to best structure text on a Smartphone screen. The factors involved in this research are text size, white space, text and line lengths, serif and sans serif fonts, pictures in text and contrast.  The methodology of our research is based on a normative Swedish able-bodied person, as well as on relevant literature, personal analyses, interviews with people in the trade, an online survey, and a test performed with a focus group. The results are that a text written for Smartphones is best structured with: several paragraph divisions made with blank lines, with pictures where the picture has an informational purpose, and text length based on category of subject. The picture should be placed above the body text. Longer texts should be set with a scroll-function. Contrast is of great importance on mobile phones as texts can be read properly even when set in negative. In addition, using serif or sans serif is of no importance. According to the results both serif and sans serif can be read without difficulties on a Smartphone. Text size should be slightly enlarged in relation to the default settings on the mobile device. Since word division is not supported on screen, short words are recommended when possible to prevent a highly uneven right end.

Ambientes residenciais controlados por dispositivos m?veis: estudo, concep??o e desenvolvimento de um aplicativo considerando a diversidade / Home environment controlled by mobile devices: study, conception and development of an application considering diversity

Sakamoto, Sarah Gomes 25 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:48:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SarahGS_DISSERT.pdf: 3588433 bytes, checksum: 0666242cc7f5f91a2c02c4cfdac4a80f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Com o desenvolvimento tecnol?gico ocorrido nas ?ltimas d?cadas, o ambiente residencial vem incorporando a cada dia novos equipamentos eletroeletr?nicos de consumo dom?stico a fim de facilitar as atividades do cotidiano e promover uma melhor qualidade de vida dos moradores-usu?rios. Controlar esse ambiente no mundo contempor?neo demanda intera??o com diferentes interfaces de controle, tornando essa tarefa, relativamente, complexa. Torna-se necess?rio, portanto, prover interfaces de usu?rio mais adequadas para controlar esses equipamentos. Os dispositivos m?veis surgem como uma plataforma vi?vel para realizar esse controle, trazendo comodidade, flexibilidade e diferentes mecanismos de intera??o com os equipamentos desse ambiente. Por?m, ao se projetar novas solu??es para esse contexto de uso ? necess?rio considerar a diversidade de usu?rios e a riqueza de situa??es de uso desse ambiente. O estudo realizado nesta pesquisa visa compreender aspectos da intera??o desse contexto espec?fico considerando a rela??o entre os usu?rios, a tecnologia e o ambiente. Como resultados, apresentamos um abrangente levantamento de aplica??es, a identifica??o de desafios desse dom?nio sob a perspectiva da diversidade e o levantamento de requisitos para aplica??es desse contexto baseado no referencial te?rico-metodol?gico da Semi?tica Organizacional e no uso de aplicativos. Ainda, ser?o apresentados os passos da concep??o de um aplicativo que apoia o controle de recursos do ambiente residencial via dispositivo m?vel juntamente com os resultados de um experimento realizado com potenciais usu?rios da solu??o computacional implementada

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