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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on the Use of Smartphone Technologies in the Field of Interactive Fitness Apps : How can we learn more about a user’s physical condition? / Undersökning om användning av smartphone-teknik på området interaktiva fitnessappar : Hur kan vi lära oss mer om en användares fysiska kondition?

Heim, Felix January 2022 (has links)
Interactive Ątness apps can motivate people to lead an active lifestyle. However, it is not yet fully understood how smartphone data collected during exercise is related to the user's actual physical condition. The aim of this work is to investigate in what way and how accurately fitness-related parameters can be estimated using a smartphone. To achieve this, three separate tests were conducted: The first test examined how acceleration data (external intensity) and % of heart rate reserve (internal intensity) correlate with each other during three different exercises (bodyweight squats, jumping jacks, and standing mountain climbers). Results (n=6) show that regardless of accelerometer position, there is a moderate to strong correlation between internal and external intensity for squats (r=0.656-0.789) and mountain climbers (r=0.592-0.782), and a weak to moderate correlation for jumping jacks (r=0.291-0.587). The second test determined how accurately heart rate can be estimated with a smartphone camera (contactless and contact-based). Heart rate was determined simultaneously with a heart rate monitor and a smartphone. The mean absolute error of the contact-based method (n=120) was 5.42 ± 1.44 beats per minute. The mean absolute error of the contactless method (n=30) was 3.60 ± 0.81. However, the contactless method did not provide reliable readings for heart rates above the resting level. The third test evaluated how accurately a VO2max test, in this case, the 3-minute step-in-place test, can be monitored with a smartphone. The results show that step count could be computed from a video recording with a mean absolute error of 2.69 ± 1.89 steps per minute. The knee height could be distinguished as high or low in 98% of cases (n=4). The results of this work can help developers create highly personalized and meaningful fitness apps. / Interaktiva fitnessappar kan motivera människor till att leva en aktiv livsstil. Det är dock ännu inte helt klarlagt hur smartphone-data som samlas in under träning är relaterad till användarens faktiska fysiska tillstånd. Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka på vilket sätt och hur exakt konditionsrelaterade parametrar kan mätas med hjälp av en smartphone. För att uppnå detta genomfördes tre separata test: Det första testet undersökte hur accelerationsdata (extern intensitet) och % av hjärtfrekvensreserven (intern intensitet) korrelerar med varandra under tre olika övningar (knäböj med kroppsvikt, jumping jacks och stående mountain climbers). Resultaten (n=6) visar att oavsett accelerometerposition finns det en måttlig till stark korrelation mellan intern och extern intensitet för knäböjningar (r=0,656-0,789) och mountain climbers (r=0,592-0,782), samt en svag till måttlig korrelation för jumping jacks (r=0,291-0,587). Det andra testet fastställde hur exakt hjärtfrekvensen kan mätas med en smartphone-kamera (kontaktlös och kontaktbaserad). Hjärtfrekvensen mättes samtidigt med en pulsmätare och en smartphone. Det genomsnittliga absoluta felet för den kontaktbaserade metoden (n=120) var 5,42 ± 1,44 slag per minut. Det genomsnittliga absoluta felet för den kontaktlösa metoden (n=30) var 3,60 ± 0,81. Den kontaktlösa metoden gav dock inte tillförlitliga avläsningar för hjärtfrekvens över vilonivån.  Det tredje testet utvärderade hur ett VO2max-test, i detta fall 3-minuters steg-på-plats-testet, kan övervakas med hjälp av en smartphone. Resultaten visar att stegantalet kunde beräknas från en videoinspelning med ett genomsnittligt absolut fel på 2,69 ± 1,89 steg per minut. Knähöjden kunde urskiljas som hög eller låg i 98 % av fallen (n=4). Resultaten av detta arbete kan hjälpa utvecklare att skapa mycket personliga och meningsfulla fitnessappar.

How Augmented Reality Affects the Learning Experience at a Museum / Hur Förstärkt Verklighet Påverkar Inlärningsupplevelsen på ett Museum

Lando, Emilio January 2017 (has links)
It is well documented that Augmented Reality (AR) enhances and supports learning. Earlier research compares AR applications with existing methods. Published research typically focuses on one AR in general. Nevertheless, there are different ways of using AR. This paper gives further insight into how to use AR as a learning tool as part of a museum experience. It focuses on AR through smartphones, where the world is measured through the phone’s sensors and the virtual content is displayed on the device’s screen. This thesis presents the results of a comparative study between two types of AR: In-world space and On-screen space. In-world space AR renders the virtual content registered onto the physical exhibition. On-screen space AR renders the virtual content on the screen of the phone and uses the physical space of the exhibition as an index retrieval point. The discussion emerging from this study aims to aid the development and design of AR applications at museum settings, by giving curators better understanding of design options in AR spaces. Qualitative results suggest that In-world space benefits learning. / Det är väldokumenterat att Augmented Reality (AR) förbättrar inlärning. Tidigare forskning jämför AR mot andra existerande metoder. Publicerad forskning fokuserar generellt på AR i allmänhet trots att det finns flera olika typer av AR. Den här rapporten ger vidare insikt i hur AR bör användas med ändamålet att vara ett inlärningsverktyg som en del av en museum-upplevelse. Den fokuserar på AR genom smartphones, där omvärlden beräknas med mobilens sensorer och virtuellt material renderas i relation till omvärlden på mobilens skärm. Den här studien presenterar resultat från en jämförelsestudie mellan två typer av AR: In-world space och On-screen space. In-world space AR renderar det virtuella materialet ovanpå och i relation till den fysiska utställningen. On-screen space AR renderar det virtuella materialet på mobilens skärm utan relation till omvärlden, men använder istället den fysiska omvärlden för att placera ut virtuella indexpunkter. Diskussionen från den här studien ger förhoppningsvis riktlinjer för utveckling och design av AR-applikationer på ett museum, genom att ge kuratorer och museum en bättre förståelse gällande designmöjligheter i en AR-miljö. Kvalitativa result tyder på att In-world space förbättrar inlärning mer än On-screen space.

Video-based smartphone app (‘VIDEA bewegt’) for physical activity support in German adults: a single-armed observational study

Fischer, Tillmann, Stumpf, Paul, Schwarz, Peter E H, Timpel, Patrick 22 March 2024 (has links)
Objectives The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the video-based smartphone app ‘VIDEA bewegt’ over eight programme weeks on physical activity in German adults. - Design The study used a single-arm observational design, assessing the app’s effectiveness under real-life conditions. Data were collected from July 2019 to July 2020. - Setting The app is enabling users to access video-based educational content via their smartphone. A clinical visit or in-person contact was not required. Participants All individuals registered in the freely available app were invited to take part in the study. - Interventions The app aims to increase physical activity in everyday life. It combines educative videos on lifestyle-related benefits and instructional videos of strength and endurance exercises to do at home with motivational components like goal setting, documentation of progress and personalised messages. - Primary and secondary outcome measures Primary outcomes were physical activity based one MET minutes per week (metabolic equivalent) and step numbers. Secondary outcomes included physical self-efficacy (motivational, maintenance, recovery self-efficacy), health-related quality of life: Mental Health Component Summary score and Physical Health Component Summary score. - Results Of 97 people included in the data analysis, 55 successfully completed the programme and all questionnaires. Significant increases over eight programme weeks (between T0 and T2) were observed in physical activity based on MET minutes per week, health-related quality of life, and recovery self-efficacy. Time spent sitting and body mass index significantly decreased for those completing the programme. Conclusions Although significant benefits of physical activity were observed following a complete-case analysis, results should be dealt with caution. Studies with a larger and less heterogeneous sample and robust study designs able to measure causal effects would be desirable. Trial registration number DRKS00017392.

Evaluating the Approximate Location Feature in Android : An analysis of the built in Location Privacy Protection of Android 12 / Analys av ungefärlig platsdelning i Android : En analys av de inbyggda integritetsskydden vid platsdelning i Android 12

Loxdal, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
Smartphone users share their locations with location based services (navigation apps, dating apps, fitness trackers, etc.). These services can be useful, but introduce privacy concerns. Strategies have been suggested in academic literature to counter these location privacy issues while still maintaining some utility of the location based services. In practice, Google introduced a new location privacy protection mechanism in Android 12. Users are now able to share only their approximate location with any app that request their location. In this thesis, the Approximate Location feature in Android 12 is evaluated and tested in different scenarios (on device and simulated) to decide its potential benefits and drawbacks for a users location privacy. The source code analysis show that the Approximate Location feature uses a grid mapping (’snap-togrid’) technique to make locations less precise and adds a random offset to make it more difficult to reveal when a user crosses a grid border. Over longer time periods, an attacker can exploit the random offset to reveal a more precise location than intended. The random offset will change gradually, meaning a precise location can result in several approximate locations. By averaging the approximate locations that a stationary precise location generates over time, one could potentially create a new more precise location than the approximate ones. Simulations and some real world experiments on an Android 12 device show that this attack could be feasible, but that since the random offset only updates every hour the attack would be very time consuming. The simulations showed that when approximate locations were shared for one precise location 10,000 times (hours in practice), the mean approximate location was on average 478 meters away from the precise location, compared to 986 meters on average if the approximate location was only shared once. Analysis made on recorded and simulated locations show that even though the approximate locations use a grid with 2 km granularity, many public transport routes can be inferred. The success of unambiguously inferring a public transport trip using a users approximate locations depends on the length of the trip (the longer the easier) and on how many other public transport trips share the route or sub route of the trip (the more trips that share the route, the harder it is to infer the correct one). By combining historical approximate location data and public transport data, results indicate that 80.52% of the bus routes in the Region of Skåne in Sweden could be inferred if a user travels the full route. / Smartphoneanvändare delar sin platsdata med mobilapplikationer, s.k. ’location based services’ (LBS). Exempel på sådana applikationer är navigationsappar, dejtingappar och träningsappar. Dessa applikationer kan vara värdefulla för användaren, men leder även till ökade integritetsproblem. Teoretiska och praktiska metoder har föreslagits för att begränsa dessa problem utan att applikationernas funktionalitet drabbas i för hög grad. I praktiken så introducerades ett antal nya integritetsskyddande funktioner i Android 12 för att ge användaren mer kontroll över sin platsintegritet (location privacy). Nu kan användare välja att dela enbart sina ungefärliga platser till appar som efterfrågar deras platsdata. Denna funktion kallas ”Approximate Location” (ungefärlig plats). I denna masteruppsats undersöks denna funktion ur ett integritetsperspektiv, och testas i olika scenarion (både verkliga och simulerade). Detta görs för att avgöra funktionens fördelar och begränsningar när det kommer till användares platsintegritet. Källkodsanalysen visar att den den ungefärliga platsen genereras genom en ’snap-to-grid’ eller ’grid masking’-teknik som gör platsen som delas mindre exakt. Kortfattat kan det beskrivas som att världen delas upp i ett rutnät med horisontella och vertikala linjer där användarens plats avrundas till den närmaste brytpunkt mellan två linjer. Dessutom flyttas platsen slumpmässigt mellan varje delning vilket gör det svårare för en angripare att avgöra när användaren rör sig mellan olika rutor i rutnätet. Simulationer och experiment på Android-enheter visar att ju längre en smartphone delar sin ungefärliga plats, desto mer avslöjas om den exakta. När ungefärliga platser som korresponderade mot en stillastående exakt plats delades 10 000 gånger och avrundades så var den avrundade platsen i genomsnitt 478 meter ifrån den exakta platsen. Detta kan jämföras med 986 meter i genomsnitt om den ungefärliga platsen bara delades en gång. Analys som utfördes med simulerad platsdata visar att även om positionerna genereras på ett rutnät med 2 kilometers avstånd mellan linjerna så kan resor med kollektivtrafik exponeras, trots att enbart ungefärliga platser delas. Hur enkelt det är att exponera rutten beror på hur lång resan är (ju längre desto enklare), och hur många andra rutter som liknar resan (ju fler, desto svårare). Baserat på simulerade ungefärliga platser längs kollektivtrafikrutter kombinerat med kollektivtrafikdata, indikerar resultaten att 80.53% av alla bussrutter i region Skåne kan exponeras om en person delar sin ungefärliga plats längs hela rutten.

Measuring self-regulation in everyday life: Reliability and validity of smartphone-based experiments in alcohol use disorder

Zech, Hilmar, Waltmann, Maria, Lee, Ying, Reichert, Markus, Bedder, Rachel L., Rutledge, Robb B., Deeken, Friederike, Wenzel, Julia, Wedemeyer, Friederike, Aguilera, Alvaro, Aslan, Acelya, Bach, Patrick, Bahr, Nadja S., Ebrahimi, Claudia, Fischbach, Pascale C., Ganz, Marvin, Garbusow, Maria, Großkopf, Charlotte M., Heigert, Marie, Hentschel, Angela, Belanger, Matthew, Karl, Damian, Pelz, Patricia, Pinger, Mathieu, Riemerschmid, Carlotta, Rosenthal, Annika, Steffen, Johannes, Strehle, Jens, Weiss, Franziska, Wieder, Gesine, Wieland, Alfred, Zaiser, Judith, Zaiser, Judith, Zimmermann, Sina, Liu, Shuyan, Goschke, Thomas, Walter, Henrik, Tost, Heike, Lenz, Bernd, Andoh, Jamila, Ebner-Priemer, Ulrich, Rapp, Michael A., Heinz, Andreas, Dolan, Ray, Smolka, Michael N., Deserno, Lorenz 22 April 2024 (has links)
Self-regulation, the ability to guide behavior according to one’s goals, plays an integral role in understanding loss of control over unwanted behaviors, for example in alcohol use disorder (AUD). Yet, experimental tasks that measure processes underlying self-regulation are not easy to deploy in contexts where such behaviors usually occur, namely outside the laboratory, and in clinical populations such as people with AUD. Moreover, lab-based tasks have been criticized for poor test–retest reliability and lack of construct validity. Smartphones can be used to deploy tasks in the field, but often require shorter versions of tasks, which may further decrease reliability. Here, we show that combining smartphone-based tasks with joint hierarchical modeling of longitudinal data can overcome at least some of these shortcomings. We test four short smartphone-based tasks outside the laboratory in a large sample (N = 488) of participants with AUD. Although task measures indeed have low reliability when data are analyzed traditionally by modeling each session separately, joint modeling of longitudinal data increases reliability to good and oftentimes excellent levels. We next test the measures’ construct validity and show that extracted latent factors are indeed in line with theoretical accounts of cognitive control and decision-making. Finally, we demonstrate that a resulting cognitive control factor relates to a real-life measure of drinking behavior and yields stronger correlations than single measures based on traditional analyses. Our findings demonstrate how short, smartphone-based task measures, when analyzed with joint hierarchical modeling and latent factor analysis, can overcome frequently reported shortcomings of experimental tasks.

Using smartphone-based daily diaries and coachings to support vocational inclusion of people with disabilities

Schmid, Regina, Orlandt, Simon, Weißmann, Regina, Köse, Burcu, Bartosch, Christiane, Thomas, Joachim 14 October 2024 (has links)
B Digital Health & Inclusion B.1 / From point 1 Introduction: People with disabilities who are seeking employment on the primary labor market as an alternative to sheltered workshops face major challenges (Mattern et al., 2021). When leaving sheltered institutions, services like on-the-job supervision are often reduced or omitted (Moraß et al., 2018; Riedl et al., 2021). However, ongoing social support is discussed as indispensable for a sustainable inclusion, especially in times of occupational changes and transitions from sheltered institutions to the primary labor market (Mirbach et al., 2014; Slesina et al., 2010). The present study presents an innovative method of smartphone-based monitoring and coaching aiming to provide a basis for better self-refection and improved social support and inclusion for people with disabilities during transition processes.

Work/Life Balance and Smartphones: Can a Smartphone make a difference?

Bomber, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the relationship between work/life balance and Smartphones (Blackberry, iPhone, Android etc.)</p><p>Academic research has areas where not much research has been done previously including the qualitative research on work/life balance, positive crossover of work/life balance, newness of Smartphone technology, and consequences of constant connectivity. This study hopes to eliminate some of the gaps in these areas of research and proposes two research questions:  <strong>So what does owning a Smartphone mean for work life and home life?  Most importantly can this phone help people towards or assist with the balance they are so looking for or do the phones not impact this balance and just assist in the work life and home life realms separately?</strong></p><p>A qualitative approach using constructionist and interpretivist views were used to conduct the research. Empirical material was collected during phone interviews with participants in the USA, while supporting material was gathered from conference papers, academic articles, websites, and textbooks.</p><p>There are two major themes within this paper, work/life balance and Smartphone technology. For work/life balance a common understanding was reached that work and personal life should be kept happy but that doesn’t mean equal.  Also discussed is research about people that put up boundaries in their lives to try and separate things, one group of people likes to have work and personal separate but one group likes them combined.  Research also presents that there are consequences for setting up boundaries but that having the ability to choose where these boundaries are makes for a much happier situation.  On the technology side of research there is support for these devices being used to manage people’s different selves through communication from being more connected to people to feeling left out when the technology is not there. Also mentioned is how people adapt the devices to fit new and unique situations that the devices may not have been intended to be used for.</p>

Tecnologia e interações na Amazônia paraense: um estudo com jovens da ilha de Murutucu – Belém/PA

IGREJA, Monique Feio 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rose Suellen (rosesuellen@ufpa.br) on 2018-01-16T15:54:56Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_TecnologiaIntercaoesAmazonia.pdf: 7033167 bytes, checksum: f6c10c7482b941fd8138c1f8006a9920 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rose Suellen (rosesuellen@ufpa.br) on 2018-01-16T15:56:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_TecnologiaIntercaoesAmazonia.pdf: 7033167 bytes, checksum: f6c10c7482b941fd8138c1f8006a9920 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-16T15:56:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_TecnologiaIntercaoesAmazonia.pdf: 7033167 bytes, checksum: f6c10c7482b941fd8138c1f8006a9920 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / A presente pesquisa objetiva analisar as formas que se estabelecem as interações mediadas pelo smartphone entre jovens moradores da ilha de Murutucu, localizada no município de Belém, estado do Pará, que vivem em uma realidade marcada pela transição entre urbano e rural na Amazônia paraense. Na escuta dos jovens, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa, composta por observação direta participante, entrevistas e questionários semiestruturados, envolvendo questões relativas às interações (GOFFMAN, 2012), contempladas em três níveis analíticos: socioculturais, espaço-temporais e tecnológicas. A rotina dos componentes deste estudo se desdobra entre Murutucu e Belém, para onde precisam se deslocar cotidianamente com o objetivo de estudar, adquirindo, assim, diferentes percepções espaço-temporais e novas formas de sociabilidades (SIMMEL, 2006). Nesse sentido, os jovens estão inseridos no contexto das novas ruralidades (CARNEIRO, 2012), entendidas a partir da junção entre elementos presentes na cultura local e a incorporação de novos hábitos e técnicas. Murutucu tem dinâmicas particulares em seu contexto: é entrecortada pelos chamados furos, não conta com ruas que conectem suas residências, nem possui espaços institucionalizados de lazer que integrem os jovens locais. Dessa forma, o acesso à Internet, facilitado com o uso dos smartphones, adquire um papel fundamental nas interações tecidas pela população juvenil, pois este dispositivo permite uma mobilidade informacional que não é limitada pela mobilidade física. O smartphone, com sua característica ubíqua, portátil e móvel, insere os jovens de Murutucu em uma mobilidade ampliada e é entendido como uma forma de midiatização, que configura usos diversificados. Porém, a utilização de aparatos tecnológicos e a consequente ampliação de formas de interação não implicaram na perda de vínculo dos jovens com o espaço habitado. A ilha lócus desta pesquisa é considerada como detentora de elementos essenciais ao modo de vida dos jovens, tais como a segurança, a tranquilidade e o silêncio, que revelam sentidos de intenso pertencimento ao local de origem. Para os sujeitos que compõem este estudo, a tecnologia é tida como uma verdadeira redentora, que traz a salvação da manutenção de suas relações interpessoais, mas não é utilizada para reverberar as problemáticas existentes em Murutucu, que não tem acesso a serviços que satisfaçam as necessidades humanas básicas, como educação, saúde, sistema hídrico e de saneamento. O smartphone é relacionado pelos entrevistados como um meio de comunicação e transpõe as limitações físicas presentes no território da ilha. Dessa forma, a juventude costuma interagir amplamente no ambiente virtual. / This research aims to examine the ways that interactions are established and mediated by smartphones among young islanders of Murutucu, located in the city of Belem, state of Pará, living in a reality marked by the transition between urban and rural in the Amazon of Pará. Listening to the young people, we conducted a qualitative study, consisting of direct observations, interviews and semi-structured questionnaires, involving issues related to communicative interactions (GOFFMAN, 2012), contemplated in three analytical levels: sociocultural, spatio-temporal and technological. The routine of the components of this study unfolds between Murutucu and Belém, where they have to travel daily in order to study, acquiring that way different spatio-temporal perceptions and news forms of sociabilities (SIMMEL, 2006). This way, the young people studied are framed in the category covering the new ruralities (CARNEIRO, 2012) that can be translated from the junction of elements present in the local culture and the incorporation of new habits and techniques. Murutucu has particular dynamics in its context: it is intersected by so-called holes; it does not have streets that connect their homes or have play areas that integrate the local youngsters. In this context, access to the Internet, facilitated with the use of smartphones, acquires a fundamental role in the interactions woven by the young population, because this device allows an informational mobility that is not limited by physical mobility. The smartphone, with its omnipresent, portable and mobile features inserts the youngsters of Murutucu in a larger mobility and is understood as a form of media coverage, which sets diverse uses. However, the use of technological devices and the consequent expansion of forms of interaction did not result in a loss of the bond of the young people with the inhabited place. The local island of this research is considered owner of essential elements of the way of life of the young people, such as security, tranquility and silence, revealing an intense sense of belonging to the place of origin. For the subjects that make up this research, the technology is seen as a redeeming truth that brings salvation, maintaining their interpersonal relationships; however, it is not used to reverberate existing problems in Murutucu who do not have access to services that meet the basic human needs such as education, health, water and sanitation system. The smartphone is relationed by the interviewed as a mean of communication and transposes the limitations present in the territory of the island. This way, the youth usually interact in a wide form in the virtual environment.

En SWOT-analys av teknikerna HTML5 och Flash / A SWOT-Analysis of the HTML5 and Flash techniques

Hansson, Patrik, Sabanovic, Damir January 2011 (has links)
Numera är multimedia på webbsidor mycket vanligt. Användare kan tillexempel se på filmer på sinadagstidningars webbsidor. Webbsidor har också blivit mer interaktiva. Detta beror dels på de högahastigheterna användare har på sina internetuppkopplingar, som tillåter tyngre multimedia påwebbsidorna, så som video. Teknikerna bakom de här multimedia webbsidorna heter HTML 5 ochFlash Player. Flash Player har varit en standard för multimedia upplevelser på Internet ett tag nu mendet finns brister i tekniken. Och utmanaren heter HTML 5. HTML 5 erbjuder nya funktioner som kanunderlätta både för utvecklare och användare. Denna studie syftar att skapa förståelse om bägge dessatekniker. Och även att jämföra aktuella begrepp som möjliggör en jämförelse mellan teknikerna föratt ta fram styrkor/svagheter och möjligheter/hot för de bägge teknikerna. Hur påverkar respektiveteknik användare och utvecklare? Har teknikerna någon påverkan på Smartphones och webbläsareeller tvärtom. Vi har gjort en litteraturundersökning och en empirisk undersökning och därmed arbetatefter att få reda dessa styrkor/svagheter och möjligheter/hot. Kommer det bli ett skifte av teknik föratt utveckla multimedia webbplatser? Slutsatser som vi har kommit fram till är baserade på analysenav litteraturstudien och den empiriska undersökningen. Många faktorer spelar in i vårt resultat.HTML 5 är inte en beprövad teknik men som dock har en del fördelar och möjligheter. HTML 5 hartill exempel stora företag i ryggen som YouTube och Apple. Men det finns även nackdelar och risker.Till exempel så saknar HTML 5 stöd från vissa webbläsare. Flash Player är däremot en beprövadteknik som når många användare. Men Flash Player har dock nackdelar i bland annatstabilitetsproblem och dessutom är Flash Player resurskrävande. Men även Flash Player har fördelaroch möjligheter. Bland annat så bygger många företag sina koncept kring Flash Player. MenHTML 5 tåget går för fullt och många ser ut att hoppa på det. Bland annat YouTube har redanlanserat en demo webbsida där HTML 5 testas för att spela upp video, dock krävs det enwebbläsare med stöd för HTML 5. Det här eventuella skiftet lär dock inte ske idag, HTML 5kommer behöva tid för att etablera sig som en tydlig standard på nätet. / Program: Systemvetarutbildningen

ARNeuro : mobile augmented reality for craniotomy planning

Alves, Marcel Oliveira 30 July 2018 (has links)
Cirurgias minimamente invasivas tornaram-se importantes porque propiciam vários benefícios para o paciente, tais como redução do risco de infecção, menos dor, menor tempo de internação e recuperação mais rápida. Na neurocirurgia, a orientação por imagens é fundamental para a realização de uma cirurgia minimamente invasiva. Por esse motivo, os sistemas de neuronavegação tornaram-se cruciais para os neurocirurgiões. Enquanto as técnicas tradicionais para localização de craniotomia podem apresentar erros de mais de 10mm, os neuronavegadores proporcionam maior precisão, com erros menores do que 5mm. Apesar de seu papel crucial nos procedimentos neurocirúrgicos, muitos cirurgiões afirmam que a usabilidade dos neuronavegadores tem que ser melhorada. Outros mencionam que os neuronavegadores são caros e inacessíveis em hospitais com poucos recursos. Nesse contexto, alguns pesquisadores sugeriram que soluções de realidade aumentada poderiam ser uma alternativa aos neuronavegadores. Os sistemas de realidade aumentada estão surgindo na neurocirurgia, alguns deles tentando fornecer melhor usabilidade do que os sistemas atuais de neuronavegação, e outros tentando fornecer uma solução mais barata e que possa ser facilmente adotada. Neste trabalho, analisamos os avanços dos sistemas de realidade aumentadade de neuronavegação nos últimos anos. Percebeu-se que muitas soluções de realidade aumentada superam algumas das deficiências do neuronavegador tradicional, mas também trazem novos problemas. Essas abordagens de realidade aumentada podem ser caras e de difícil adoção, ou exigem muitas etapas pré-operatórias por parte do neurocirurgião, tornando-as indesejáveis para uso em casos reais. Para resolver esses problemas, apresentamos um aplicativo para dispositivos móveis, chamado ARNeuro, que auxilia na localização da craniotomia. O ARNeuro é mais acessível e mais fácil de usar do que a maioria das abordagens de realidade aumentada. Além disso, o ARNeuro é um aplicativo independente, o que significa que não é necessário nenhum hardware ou software adicional, além do que já está disponível nos hospitais. Nossa solução utiliza Odometria Inercial Visual, através de um framework de realidade aumentada, para indicar o centro da região da incisão, sobreposta na cabeça do paciente, mostrada na tela do dispositivo. Nossos experimentos iniciais indicam que o ARNeuro é uma ferramenta promissora. A versão atual do aplicativo tem um erro médio geral menor do que 3,1mm. Apesar disso, o sistema ainda tem muitas limitações e sua acurácia pode ser melhorada. / Minimally invasive surgeries have become important because they bring many benefits to the patient, such as reduced risk of infection, less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recoveries. In neurosurgery, imageguidance is fundamental to perform a minimally invasive surgery. For this reason, neuronavigation systems became crucial for neurosurgeons. While traditional techniques for craniotomy localization may have a target registration error of more than 10mm, neuronavigators provide higher accuracy, with errors of less than 5mm. In spite of their crucial role in neurosurgical procedures, many surgeons claim that neuronavigators usability has to be improved. Others mention that neuronavigators are expensive and not accessible in hospitals with few resources. In this context, some researchers suggested that augmented reality solutions could be an alternative to neuronavigators. Augmented reality systems are emerging in neurosurgery, some of them trying to provide better usability than current neuronavigation systems, and others trying to provide an affordable solution that could be easily adopted. In this work, we analyze the advances of augmented reality neuronavigation systems in the last years. It was noticed that many augmented reality solutions do overcome some of the traditional neuronavigator shortcomings, but they also bring new problems. These augmented reality approaches may be expensive and hard to adopt, or require many preoperative steps from the neurosurgeon, making them undesirable for using in real cases. To address these issues, we present a mobile application, called ARNeuro, that assists in craniotomy localization. ARNeuro is more affordable and easier to use than most augmented reality approaches. Also, ARNeuro is a standalone application, which means that no additional hardware or software is required, besides what is already available at the hospitals. ARNeuro makes use of Visual Inertial Odometry, provided by an augmented reality framework, to draw the center of the incision region, superimposed on the patient’s head, shown on the device screen. Our initial experiments indicate that ARNeuro is a promising tool. The current version of the application has an overall mean target registration error of less than 3.1mm. In spite of that, the system still have many limitations, and its accuracy can be improved. / São Cristóvão, SE

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