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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskollärare eller grundskollärare? : Så påverkar högskolestudierna valet av inriktning för några lärare på den kombinerade lärarutbildningen / Primary or preschool teacher? : How the studies influence the choice for a few teachers from the combined teachers program

Hansen, Caroline January 2011 (has links)
April 28th 2010 the Swedish parliament decided that the combined teacher exam will be divided into four parts. This means that the education for preschool teachers and primary school teachers will have to be separated and future teachers will have to decide before their studies what ages they want to work with. To investigate if this could affect the quality of the choice I have interviewed 5 new teachers from the combined teachers program about what ages they wanted to teach before they began to study and what ages they wanted to teach after completed studies. I did this to see whether the choice was influenced by the educations or not. It turned out that all 5 had an idea of what ages they wanted to teach in before they began the educations and only one of my interviewees changed her mind during the studies. The others felt that their choice was confirmed during the educations. It was mainly during the practical training that they received an idea of what it was like to work as a teacher. Four of them received a positive image of what it was like to work in preschool, while several of them said they got negative experiences from primary school. This could be one of the reasons why four of the five interviewees work in preschool today. The person who changed her mind changed from wanting to work in primary to wanting to work in preschool after the practical training. The interviewees chose the profession that they perceived filled their need of affection, appreciation and acknowledgement. They also thought that the profession they opted out seemed more difficult than the profession they have today. They identified themselves no more or less with any career before they began the studies and feel today that they can only identify with the profession they want, which in all except one case, is the profession they’ve got. The idea of what teachers are like changed during the studies and became more positive and reality based. All interviewees got more knowledge about teachers and their work during the studies and had a better understanding to base their decision on after completed studies.

Der Einfluss jugendlicher Sozialisationserfahrungen auf ausgewählte Aspekte der politischen Identität im Erwachsenenalter / The impact of socialization during adolescence on selected aspects of adult political identity

Mays, Anja 04 February 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Darbo tarybų įtaka darbuotojų socializacijai / The influence of works councils on employees’ socialization

Voronovičienė, Ringailė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Skirtingai nei daugelyje ES šalių, Lietuvoje darbuotojų atstovavimas bei dalyvavimas priimant sprendimus iki šiol buvo itin žemas. 2004 metais priėmus Darbo tarybų įstatymą buvo sudarytos didesnės galimybės Lietuvos dirbančiųjų socializacijai todėl buvo svarbu įvertinti, kaip darbuotojai pasinaudojo jiems suteiktomis teisėmis. Šio magistro darbo objektas – darbo tarybos ir jų veikla Lietuvoje; hipotezė – darbo tarybos skatina darbuotojų socializaciją. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti darbo tarybų paplitimą Lietuvoje bei jų įtaką darbuotojų socializacijai. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo buvo atlikta teorinės literatūros analizė bei Lietuvos įmonių, kuriose yra išrinktos darbo tarybos, darbuotojų bei darbo tarybų narių apklausa. Gauti rezultatai leido patvirtinti iškeltą hipotezę - daugelyje įmonių, kuriose buvo išrinktos darbo tarybos, buvo pasirašytos kolektyvinės sutartys arba vyko derybos dėl jų pasirašymo. Šių įmonių darbuotojai gauna reikiamą informaciją, darbdavys konsultuojasi su jais priimant sprendimus. Pagrindiniai darbo siūlymai susijęs su didesnio informuotumo apie darbo tarybų veiklą poreikiu visais - visuomenės, įmonės, darbo tarybos - lygmenimis. / Differently than in other EU countries, the level of employees’ socialization, i.e. employees’ representation and participation in enterprise level decision-making, in Lithuania is exceptionally low. In 2004 the Law on Works Councils was adopted and therefore the conditions for better employees’ socialization were created. The aim of this work is to evaluate how employees used opportunities provided by the Law, i.e. to measure the prevalence of works councils in Lithuania as well as their impact for employees’ socialization. The object of this work is works councils and their activities in Lithuania, the main hypothesis – works councils foster employees’ socialization. In order to evaluate the influence of works councils on employees’ socialization the theoretical as well as historical aspects of employees’ participation were analysed and survey of Lithuanian enterprises, employees and works councils’ members were carried out. The results achieved showed that on average 4% of Lithuanian enterprises have works councils elected and this share increases with the size of enterprise. The hypothesis raised was confirmed – in the most enterprises with works councils the collective agreements were signed (or collective bargaining took place), employees are consulted and receive all the information necessary to participate in decision making. Main proposals are related to the campaigns intended to inform works councils members, employees and society as a whole about the activities of... [to full text]

Asmenų, išėjusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, adaptacinės problemos ir jų pateikimas spaudoje / Adaptation problems of persons released from prisons and their presentation in press

Ručinskaitė, Dainė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Vis didėjantis nusikaltimų skaičius veda prie vienos labai svarbios išvados – per menkai sprendžiamos socialinės problemos, o teisės aktų taikymas turi rimtų spragų. Visuomenės palaikymas labai svarbus asmenų socialinei adaptacijai gr��žus iš įkalinimo vietų, tai padeda buvusio nuteistojo jaustis pilnateisiais piliečiais, turinčiais eilę teisių kaip ir kiekvienas mūsų: teisę i darbą, mokslą, būstą, socialinę apsaugą. Vykdant socialinės paramos, pagalbos ir paslaugų teikimą vietiniame lygyje plačiau bendradarbiauti su nevyriausybinėmis organizacijomis, siekti socialinių paslaugų įvairovės, įtraukti į bendrą socialinės paramos sistemą rizikos grupės asmenims, sustiprinti jų ryšius visuomenėje. / The constantly growing number of crimes leads to one highly important conclusion: social problems are being poorly solved and the application of legal acts has serious gaps in our country. Public support is of high importance for the social adaptation of persons returning from prisons. This helps former convicts to feel as full citizens, having the same rights as other people: a right for work, education, lodgment and social security. It is necessary to cooperate with nongovernmental organizations closer, to strive for the diversity of social services, to include the persons belonging to the group disposed to risk into the general social support systems and to consolidate their links with society when implementing social support, assistance and service provision on local level.

Socialinė pagalba vienišai motinai, auginančiai vaikus kaime / Social assistance to the single mother raising children in rural areas

Gustienė, Irma 28 December 2007 (has links)
Demografinių tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad sparčiai mažėjant santuokų ir didėjant ištuokų skaičiui, daugėjant nesantuokinių vaikų bei populiarėjant naujoms partnerystės formoms Lietuvoje gausėja nepilnų šeimų, kurių galva – moteris. Tokios šeimos dažniau patiria skurdą, susiduria su socialinėmis – psichologinėmis problemomis. Šeimos, gyvenančios kaime, situacija dar sudėtingesnė dėl ribotų socialinės raidos galimybių ir nepakankamos socialinių paslaugų pasiūlos. Tyrimo problema apima šiuos klausimus: kokia vienišų motinų situacija ir pagalbos galimybės gyvenant kaime, kokia natūrali pagalbos sistema, kokie jų lūkesčiai? Tyrimo objektas: socialinė pagalba vienišai motinai, auginančiai vaikus kaime. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti socialinės pagalbos vienišai motinai, auginančiai vaikus kaime, ypatumus ir išryškinti šios pagalbos tikslus bei metodus. Uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti vienišą motinystę, kaip psichosocialinį reiškinį. 2. Išryškinti socialinės pagalbos ypatumus teikiant paslaugas vienišai motinai kaime. 3. Apžvelgti juridines prielaidas nustatant, kokią pagalbą vienišai motinai jos užtikrina. 4. Atskleisti vienišos motinos situaciją, pagalbos galimybes, tikslus bei metodus. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros, dokumentų, statistinių duomenų analizė, giluminis nestruktūruotas interviu ir kontent analizė, naudojama kokybiniame aprašomajame tyrime. Tyrimo metu buvo naudojama atranka pagal prieinamumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 8 vienišos motinos, įtrauktos į seniūnijos socialinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The facts of demographics and results of special research suggest that, as since the beginning of 1990 the number of marriages has been decreasing, the number of divorces has been increasing, the number of irregular children has been growing and the new forms of partnership has been popularized, the number of one-parent families, where a householder is a woman, has been spread in Lithuania. Such families are more often inscribed in the category of low-income families or even those who live below the poverty. level dealing with social – psychological problems. Research problem involves the following issues: the situation and problems of single mother families in rural areas, their expectations and environment. Target group: social assistance to the single mother raising children in rural areas. Research objectives: to establish opportunities of social assistance to a single mother; to highlight objectives and methods. Goals: • to discuss the reasons that determine single motherhood as psychological phenomenon. • to highlight the peculiarities of social support rendering assistance to single mothers in rural areas. • to view legal suggestions rendering assistance to single mother families. • to establish single mothers‘ expectations, support opportunities, objectives and methods Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, documents and statistics; a profound non-structural interview. The cross-section was applied in the research work in accordance to accessibility... [to full text]

13–18 metų našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socializacijos ypatumai / The socialization specifics of 13-18-year-old orphan children who live in foster homes and with foster parents

Dailydaitė, Aušra 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti 13–18 metų našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socializacijos ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socialinės adaptacijos ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. 2. Išryškinti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, vidinės būsenos ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. 3. Išsiaiškinti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, ateities perspektyvos suvokimo ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. Išvados 1. Nustatyta, kad respondentų, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socialinė adaptacija yra skirtinga. Išryšk��jo, jog didžioji dauguma našlaičių, gyvenančių globos namuose pagalbos prašo draugų (2006 m.– 50 proc., 2008 m.– 40 proc.), tuo tarpu, pas globėjus gyvenantys našlaičiai dažniausiai pagalbos prašo pas savo giminaičius (2006 m.– 41 proc., 2008 m.– 43 proc.). Pastebėta, jog 2006 metais 25 proc. globos namuose gyvenančių našlaičių pagalbos prašė auklėtojų, tačiau 2008 metais tokių buvo tik 7 proc. (p<0,05). Paaiškėjo, jog 2006 metais globos namuose gyvenančius respondentus įžeidinėjo pažįstami asmenys – 25 proc., vyresni– 19 proc., aplinkiniai – 13 proc. Tuo tarpu, 2008 metais juos jau labiausiai įžeidinėjo klasiokai ir vyresni žmonės – 13 proc. Pastebėta, kad pas globėjus gyvenančius našlaičius 2006 metais įžeidinėjo klasiokai – 12 proc., o 2008 metais jau labiau įžeidinėjo aplinkiniai žmonės – 23 proc., klasiokai – 17 proc. (p<0,05). Pastebėta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Goal of the Study: to determine the specifics of socialization processes observed in the 13-18-year-old orphan children who live in foster homes or with foster parents. Objectives of the Study: 1. To determine the specifics of social adaptation processes observed in the orphans who live in foster homes or with foster parents in the year 2006 and 2008. 2. To emphasize the specifics of the inner state observed in the orphans who live in foster homes or with foster parents in the year 2006 and 2008. 3. To reveal the specifics of the future perspective perception in the orphans who live in foster homes or with foster parents in the year 2006 and 2008. Conclusions 1. It was determined the respondents who live in foster homes and those who stay with foster parents differ in terms of social adaptation. The study suggested that the majority of the orphans living in foster homes look for help among their friends in case of need (50% in 2006; 40% in 2008), whereas the orphans who stay with foster parents usually ask their relatives for help (41% in 2006; 43% in 2008). It was noticed that in 2006, 25% of the orphans living in the foster home approached the teachers of the institution when they needed help, however, in 2008 the number of such children dropped down to 7% (p <0.05). It turned out that during 2006, 25% of the respondents who lived in foster homes were offended by the familiar people, 19% were offended by elder people and 13% of the respondents experienced offence from... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socializacija ir lyčių vaidmenų stereotipai / Socialization of preschool children and gender role stereotypes

Vaišnoraitė, Jurgita 04 February 2009 (has links)
Socializacijos metu kiekvienas vaikas formuojasi ir kaip visuomeninis žmogus, kaip savita asmenybė, kuri ateityje turės susiformavusias nuostatas bei įsitikinimus ir lyčių vaidmenų klausimais. Ikimokyklinio amžiaus tarpsnio svarbą tolimesniam žmogaus gyvenimui, savęs vertinimui akcentuoja sociologai, psichologai, pedagogai. Temos aktualumą įrodo ir tai, kad socializacijos vaikystėje metu atsiradus abejonėms dėl savo jėgų, sugebėjimų, atsiranda natūrali konfrontacija tarp būvimo „teisingu“ savo lyties atstovu ir būvimo savimi. Žvelgiant istorinėje perspektyvoje, liberalesnis požiūris į daugelį visuomeninio gyvenimo klausimų, keičia ir lyčių vaidmenų apibrėžtumą. Lietuvoje pastebima tradicinio požiūrio į lyčių vaidmenis bruožai, kur tradiciškai vis dar skirtinga lyčių padėtis tiek šeimyninių vaidmenų pasidalinimo, tiek darbo srityse. Jeigu stereotipinis požiūris į vyriškumą ir moteriškumą bei lyčių vaidmenis visuomenėje diegiamas nuo pat vaikystės, ilgainiui tampa sunku kovoti su įvairiomis socialinėmis problemomis: smurtas prieš moteris, seksualinis išnaudojimas, skurdo feminizacija, nelygybė darbo rinkoje, profesinio ir šeimos derinimo klausimų, vaikų auginimo sferoje. Šeimos vaidmuo tebelaikomas svarbiausiu socializacijos institutu, tačiau vis didesnę reikšmę įgauna ikimokyklinės įstaigos, žiniasklaidos vaidmuo. Nemažai atliktų tyrimų apie moters padėtį darbo rinkoje išryškina moters diskriminacijos apraiškas, kalbama apie ryškiausiai matomus lyčių vaidmenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the process of socialization every child develops into a social person and individual who will have attitude towards the gender roles in the future. The importance of the preschool period for the person’s further life is emphasized by sociologists, psychologists and pedagogues. The relevance of this topic is proved by the idea that if the child has doubts about his abilities, the natural confrontation between being the “correct” representative of his gender and being him self will emerge. In the historical perspective, more liberal attitude towards many social topics changes the characterization of the gender roles. In Lithuania the traditional attitude towards the gender roles is noticed that is why the different gender positions in family and job levels are apparent. If the stereotypical opinion about femininity, masculinity and gender roles is inculcated from the childhood, eventually it becomes difficult to stem social problems: violence against women, sex abuse, poverty feminization, inequality in employment system, career and family questions. Family still plays the main role in the process of socialization, but at the same time preschool institution and mass media become more powerful. The number of researches concerning labour system show examples of woman discrimination, the most frequent gender role stereotypes in mass media, especially in the groups of teenagers and youth. But still we feel lack of thorough analysis of the prime socialization process and how the... [to full text]

Characteristics of a well brought-up child : perceptions of South African Black (Zulu speaking), Coloured, Indian, and White (English and Afrikaans speaking) mothers.

Milford, Cecilia. January 1999 (has links)
A Westemised model of parenting dominates the literature, and is largely the model against which all other parenting practices are compared. This study aimedto address whether the principles inherent in this model, actually fonn the basis of South African parents' ideas of 'well brought-up' children. Focus groups were conducted on groups of white (English and Afrikaans), coloured, Indian and black (urban, Zulu) mothers, and then qualitatively analysed. Family demographics and variables, such as stress levels and socioeconomic status, were also compared across groups. Some characteristics such as love, respect, consideration and obedience were important for all groups, whereas independence, individuality, honesty, religion and education were discussed in only some of the groups. The findings may prove useful for developing localised parenting programs, enhancing understanding across the groups, furthering education, and stimulating further research. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sci.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1999.

An investigation into the relationship between homophobic attitudes of female grade 12 students and parental attitudes.

Cahill, Susan Mary. January 2000 (has links)
Prejudice can be defined as the possession of negative attitudes or beliefs that have the potential for people to behave in a discriminatory or hostile manner toward a person because they belong to a certain group. It is believed that attitudes are passed on and communicated inter-generationally. In this context attitudes were examined in a sample of Grade 12 pupils and their parents to establish whether there was a relationship between adolescents and parents attitudes toward homosexuals. Results support the hypothesis that parents' attitudes impact on daughters' attitudes but more specifically that daughters' attitudes are more closely related to mothers' attitudes than they are to fathers' attitudes. Findings for the Attitude Toward Lesbian and Gay men scale revealed that respondents demonstrated more negative attitudes toward gay men than they did toward lesbians, with male respondents (fathers) being more homophobic than females (mothers and daughters). These findings are discussed in terms oftheir implications for research, education strategies, and legislative amendments. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sci.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.

Die rol van die gemeente as 'n gemeenskap van gelowiges in begeleiding tot belydenisaflegging / Thomas Frederick Dreyer

Dreyer, Thomas Frederik January 2003 (has links)
Although confirmation should be the zenith of a young person's personal attachment to God and the congregation of believers, the exact opposite of this seems to be true when one considers the large numbers of young people that leave the church directly after their confirmation. A literature study shows that attempts to solve this problem have thus far to a large extent focussed on the young people in the process of preparing for confirmation. The purpose of this study is to shift the focus to the community of believers, more specifically to the role of such a community of believers in the guidance of young people in the process of preparing for confirmation, in order to find a solution to the problem. The following research question arose as a result: What is the role of the congregation as a community of believers in the guidance of young members through the confirmation process? The method employed was as follows: Basis-theoretical principles were formulated from Scripture as a result of literature studies and exegesis of relevant passages of Scripture. Meta-theoretical perspectives came to light by utilisation of the auxiliary science, Sociology, amongst other things. The role of the community of believers as a socialising agent of the youngsters was examined. The actual situation regarding the role of the community of believers in confirmation was examined meta-theoretically by means of a literature study on the situation within the broader Reformed tradition of the three Sister Churches, together with an empirical analysis of the situation within the Reformed churches of South Africa. Practical-theoretical guidelines were given following the hermeneutical interaction between the basis-theoretical principles and the meta-theoretical perspectives. The final conclusion is that the congregation as a community of believers is one of the most important agents in the religious socialisation of young people and therefore plays a very important role in preparing them for and guiding them in confirmation. The responsibility of the community of believers lies on the following levels: The shaping of a Biblical vision of the church or congregation that the young people can commit to. The concretion of this vision by means of the persistent practice of the fourfold ministry (“Hebrew text”) while simultaneously involving the whole congregation (young and old) in order that everything the congregation is, says, prays and does, is in congruence. This approach will lend credibility to the community of believers and by doing this the young people will be drawn closer. Focused community pursuit with special attention given to the acceptance of the young people, self-sacrificing and loving service towards the youths, as well as the verbal and practical teaching and instruction of the youngsters. A change in perception and sometimes a change of attitude of heart regarding the inclusion and participation of young people in the congregation. The creation of a culture in which every member earnestly considers his personal religious commitment and is prepared to be held responsible for this commitment. Such a culture of personal religious commitment, together with accountability to that commitment will carry the youths through their own personal commitment within confirmation, while confirming the importance of such a commitment at the same time. / Thesis (M.Th. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 200

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