Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TYPOGRAPHY"" "subject:"[enn] TYPOGRAPHY""
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L’Édition Kehl de Voltaire : une aventure éditoriale et littéraire au tournant des Lumières / The Kehl Edition of Voltaire : a publishing and litterary adventure at the turning point of Enlightenment (1779-1789)Gil, Linda 28 November 2014 (has links)
A la mort de Voltaire, une équipe d’admirateurs du patriarche fonde la « Société Littéraire Typographique » pour réaliser une nouvelle édition complète de son œuvre. Ce projet dissident et pionnier, réalisé sous la direction de Beaumarchais et de Condorcet dans la clandestinité, s’inscrit dans la perspective d’une diffusion militante des textes et des idées des Lumières. Malgré les innombrables obstacles qui s’opposent à cette entreprise subversive, les correspondants de la SLT parviennent à « finir ce cher Voltaire » et livrent à la postérité, entre 1785 et 1790, une édition in octavo en 70 volumes et une édition in-Douze en 90 volumes. Cette édition posthume et intégrale de l’œuvre de Voltaire constitue une première dans le champ éditorial français, à la fois par le luxe et le soin apporté à l’édition « chef d’œuvre de l’art typographique » mais aussi par l’apport de la correspondance, qui livre l’image de l’homme privé et même intime, à côté de l’œuvre littéraire. Le dernier volume, intitulé Vie de Voltaire, est le texte qui relie les deux ensembles. Pour Condorcet, Voltaire a fait de sa vie un chef d’œuvre, qu’il s’agit de livrer à la postérité pour sa valeur morale et politique. Au-Delà de son caractère exemplaire, cette édition pose de nombreuses questions, historiques, philologiques et idéologiques qui touchent à l’histoire du livre, à la connaissance du corpus voltairien, à l’enjeu politique et idéologique majeur que représente l’œuvre de Voltaire dans le contexte très polémique des années pré-Révolutionnaires, au mythe littéraire édifié par cette entreprise éditoriale, et à la réception de l’œuvre ainsi rendue publique. / Upon Voltaire’s death, a group of enlightened admirers of the patriarch founded the « Société Littéraire Typographique » with the aim of publishing a new complete edition of his works. This subversive and pioneering project, directed by Beaumarchais and Condorcet in clandestinity, was aimed at disseminating the texts and ideas of the Enlightenment. Despite the innumerous obstacles standing in the way of this subversive entreprise, the correspondents of the SLT were able to complete « ce cher Voltaire » and deliver to posterity, between 1785 and 1790, an edition in-Octavo in 70 volumes and an edition in-12° in 90 volumes. This complete posthumous edition of Voltaire’s works was a first in the French publishing, both for the luxury and the care which caracterized the realization of the book, « a masterpiece of typographical art » and the correspondence, in which we can see an image of the private man and his intimacy, beside his literary writings. The last volume, the Vie de Voltaire, is the textum and the link between these two parts. For Condorcet, Voltaire had transformed his life into a masterpiece, which the editors wanted to show to posterity for its political and moral value. In addition to its exemplarity, this edition raises many historical, philological and ideological questions related to book history, to the knowledge of the Voltairian corpus, to the major political and ideological issues portrayed in Voltaire’s writings in the very polemical context of pre-Revolutionay times, to the literary myth created by this editorial enterprise, and to the reception of his writings thus made public
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En STARK specialtidskrift : Arbetet med att ta fram en grafisk mall till en specialtidskrift från STARK Magasin, samt en diskussion om hur båda tidskrifterna kan göras om till e-format / A new magazine with a specific orientation from STARK Magasin : The development of a graphic template for a magazine with a specific orientation from STARK Magasin, and a discussion about how the magazine could be remade to an electronic formatJohnson, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
The goal with this project was to develop a graphic template for a new magazine about running, STARK Löpning. Besides the looks of the graphic elements, sections in the magazine would be developed. Finally, a discussion is made about how the magazine can be remade into an electronic format. Content analyses has been made regarding magazines with both a main and a specific orientation, to review the graphic relationship between them. A content analysis regarding a competing magazine about running was also made. An unstructured interview was done with Art Director Petrus Iggström, to find out his way of working when he creates new graphic templates for magazines. The discussion concerning the electronic format was done based on previous research in the subject. The graphic relationship between main and specific magazines turned out to not be significant, they had few similarities. It was often showed that elements regarding the magazine s’identity had been changed, for example text fonts. This could be because the specific magazines are sighted towards a different target audience than the main magazine, and therefor wants an identity of its own. It’s an easy process to remake the magazines STARK Magasin and STARK Löpning into an electronic format, but none of the services that were looked closely upon in this essay were fitting for both passive and active readers. Nor did the services have a good enough browsing feature. For example, if the reader wants to read an article that was advertised on the cover page, it was not possible to go directly to the article from the cover.
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Layout och typografi i vetenskapliga artiklar : En kartläggning av konventioner gällande grafisk formgivning inom matematik, medicin och utbildningsvetenskap / Layout and typography in research articles : A survey of graphic design conventions in Mathematics, Medicine and Education researchJohansson, Nils January 2015 (has links)
En deskriptiv visuell innehållsanalys genomfördes med en korpus bestående av vetenskapliga artiklar från 30 topprankade tidskrifter jämnt fördelade på de tre disciplinerna matematik, medicin och utbildningsvetenskap, med syfte att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan tidskrifternas disciplintillhörighet och den grafiska formgivningen. Kartläggningen omfattade layout (bl.a. sidformat, spalter, marginalstorlek, användning av grafiska element, placering av tabeller, figurer och pagina) och typografiskt utseende hos titel, rubriker, brödtext och abstrakt (t.ex. teckenstorlek, textjustering, teckengrovlek, typsnitt, färg och radavstånd). Resultaten visar att disciplinerna använde olika men även gemensamma konventioner i sitt grafiska utseende. Matematik uppvisade enkelspaltig layout med liten typografisk variation, genomgående användning av typsnitt från familjen Transitional eller Transitional/Didone för hela dokumentet, avsaknad av kulört färg och sällan användning av grafiska element. Medicin uppvisade större variation med användning av kulört färg, icke-centrerad typografi med både sansseriff- och seriff-typsnitt, grafiska element och ramar som förstärker det ofta använda dubbelspaltiga gridsystemet. Utbildningsvetenskap uppvisade en grafisk design som återfanns i båda disciplinerna, men påminde mest om matematik till utseendet. Kodbok ingår i sin helhet som bilaga. Uppsatsen i sig är delvis formgiven med utgångspunkt i de erhållna resultaten. / A descriptive visual content analysis was conducted on research articles from 30 academic journals with highest impact factor equally distributed between Mathematics, Medicine and Education research, to examine whether a correlation could be established between academic discipline and graphic design conventions used. The survey included layout aspects (e.g. size of pages and margins, text columns, use of graphic elements, placement of tables, visuals and page numbers) and typographical appearance of title, sub-headings, body copy and abstract (e.g. character height, weight, alignment, typeface, use of colour and inter-line distance). The results show that the disciplines used different but also shared some common graphic design conventions. In Mathematics often a single-column layout was used, with a small typographic variation, using a single Transitional or Transitional/Didone typeface for the entire document, not using any colour and seldom using any graphical elements. Medicine showed greater variation, using colour, non-centered typography combing sans-serif and serif typefaces, graphical elements and frames emphasising the often used double-column grid system. Education research shared appearance common for both disciplines, leaning mostly towards Mathematics. This thesis is in its entirety written in Swedish and is typeset partially in accordance with the findings from this survey. Code book is included.
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JAG ÄR DU : (du är jag) / I am you : (you are me)Ireland, Leah January 2021 (has links)
Through critical urban spatial intervention and close attention to multispecies relationality, this project report documents the designerly exploration of a ‘plats-specifik’ (place-specific) ontology of becoming through polyvocal authorship, sticking with the trouble of anthropocentric urban development and temporalities of change. ‘JAG ÄR DU’ is a triad composition of trellises that grow scarlet runner beans, giving an architectural frame for the beans to grow into a hybrid typography and co-authored speculative poetics. Two metres tall and one and a half meters wide, each letter is built with vestigial matters of the past and present. Placed in a newly regenerated meadow in the northern parts of central Växjö, the intervention invites curiosity, reflection and abundant meetings between diverse thought worlds, species and generations of inhabitants. As a ‘plats-specifik’ project, this work demonstrates ways to make collective, public, and critical connections to placeness; the thick, implicated and multisensorial. It is to intervene in capatriarchalonialist (capitalist, patriarchal and colonialist ideological) politics of urban space, and to offer an alternative imaginary to the ways we see ourselves participating in the performing and making of multispecies publics.
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Vliv provedení zateplení budovy se zelenou střechou na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / Thermal Insulation Effect of a Building with Green Roof on the Operation-Related ExpensesJílek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis entitled Influence of green roof insulation on the costs associated with one operation with an assessment of the design of alternative solutions for external contact thermal insulation system and their effects on the assessment of energy performance of the building and the associated costs of construction and operation. Alternatives for the design of a flat roof with a vegetation layer are also chosen in the construction solution of the building. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the general requirements for the design and assessment of energy performance of buildings. The second part describes the individual options of the selected contact thermal insulation system and variants of flat roofs with a vegetation layer. In the next part, the budget for individual variants of thermal insulation is solved and the price of all variants is determined. The last part demonstrates the assessment of all variants and the overall economic evaluation with the selection of the best variants. For all variants, the time for which the investment will return is evaluated.
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Vizualizace vícerozměrných dat pomocí webových technologií / Visualization of multidimensional data using web technologiesBurian, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
Scope of this work is the problematic of data visualization. Data visualization is a useful tool to present and gather new information and thus get to better decisions. In theoretical part, data analysis topics are dealt with. Then specific types of graphs are listed and explained, and in next part problems with graph creation are pinpointed. Basics of graphic and web design are also mentioned. Practical part is focused on visualization of data of processed results of speech analysis, gathered from patients with Parkinson disease. Because majority of people in medical industry do not have, or is not able to work with specialized software (such as Matlab), outputs in HTML table and SVG format were created based on Python programming language. Both these parts are accommodated into webpage, which can be easily opened in web browser installed in most of computers regardless of operation system used.
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Pronikání humanismu a renesance do české knižní kultury / Humanism and the Renaissance in Czech Print CultureFernández Couceiro, Eduardo January 2018 (has links)
The present PhD thesis examines the reception of Humanism and the Renaissance in Czech print culture between 1476 and 1547. Critically, it opposes the predominant interpretation line that - from National Revival to post-war marxist literary criticism - tried to preserve at all costs a magnificent picture of the 16th century as a "golden age". The study is based on Petr Voit's recent works on Czech book printing of the first half of the 16th century and follows the reception of Humanism and the Renaissance from a complex point of view (printers' profiles, typography, illustrations and ornaments, readers' reception). The analysis shows that during the period under review, the Czech society, which predominantly professed a reformed confession (utraquism, lutheranism, the Unity of Brethren...), lived in a self-centered religious messianism, and therefore rejected any cultural novelties, especially those coming from Italy as the hometown of the hated papacy. Book printing largely reflected the conservatism and moral rigorism of this mainly utraquist society that ignored the entertainment literature, considered unnecessary or even undesirable. In this rigid religious scheme, the Renaissance literary genres (Petrarchan poetry, novella, epic poem, etc.) and the humanist text-critical approach to ancient...
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"HEMSIDOR SKA VARA ENKLA!" : En studie om hur läsbarhet på hemsidor bör anpassas utifrån seniora internetanvändare / "WEBSITES SHOULD BE SIMPLE!" : A study on how readability on websites should be adapted based on senior internet usersLundberg, Felicia, Nordin, Karin January 2022 (has links)
An increasingly number of people are using the internet in Sweden, but many of the elderly still do not use the internet. At the same time, the global population is aging. To counteract the digital exclusion that exists for the elderly, the purpose of this study is to find out how a website should be made more user-friendly for senior Internet users. This by focusing on text formats, fonts, and colors that seniors prefer to have on websites to increase the readability. To find out, a literature study has been done together with a questionnaire and an interview study. From this, a result is presented that shows which adaptations that are good to make to people where functions such as sight, hearing, memory, and coordination have deteriorated. The result mainly shows that there must be high contrasts between text and background, larger text is preferred that is not italicized or only consists of capital letters and that there should not be much text on a front page.
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Grafická výzdoba nejvýznamnějších tisků Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory a jeho pokračovatelů / Graphic decoration of the most important prints of Paul Severino of the Kapi Hora and his followersVlášková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Bibliografická citace Grafická výzdoba nejvýznamnějších tisků Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory a jeho pokračovatelů [rukopis] : diplomová práce / Barbora Vlášková; vedoucí práce: Magdalena Nespěšná Hamsíková. -- Praha, 2012. - 170 s. Anotace Diplomová práce s názvem "Grafická výzdoba nejvýznamnějších tisků Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory a jeho pokračovatelů" pojednává o kulturním a historickém významu největší renesanční pražské tiskárny působící na konci 15. a v první polovině 16. století. Práce se zejména zaměřuje na vývoj a kvalitativní zpracování dřevořezové výzdoby tisků, vydaných v severínsko-kosořské tiskárně v průběhu jejího sedmdesátiletého působení. Zmíněny zde budou počátky severinské tiskárny a rané knižní ilustrace v kontextu se zahraničními inspiracemi, které měly vliv na pozdější práce jednoho z nejvýznačnějších pražských tiskařů, na osobnost Pavla Severína z Kapí Hory. Grafická výzdoba tisků vydaných Pavlem Severínem z Kapí Hory dosáhla vysoké úrovně, srovnatelné se zahraničními ilustracemi. Na tradici a význam kvalitní grafické výzdoby tisků pak navázali jeho následovníci, Jan Severín mladší a Jan Kosořský z Kosoře, jejichž tiskařské produkci zde bude také věnováno nemalé místo. Práce bude zakončena seznamem tisků vydaných od roku 1488 až do roku 1557, včetně stručného popisu dřevořezových ilustrací....
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The task of this thesis is the concept of restoration of the castle Zdislavice and its new use as a literary hotel, focusing on the personality of a prominent Austrian writer Marie Ebner-Eschenbach, née Dubská. My goal was to find use, which could be revived and could thus be preserved for future generations. Thanks to the personality of the writer, I decided to create site devoted to literature. I designed hotel for literary enthusiasts, linguists, copywriters and professionals. But also for visitors who are interested in the person of Marie Ebner-Eschenbach. There is also a restaurant, a literary cafe with an associated museum of the writer, chapel, banquet halls with potential uses for conference and library (three libraries). Part of the area is used as a park. It is designed as an English park, but part of the area closest to the castle is designed as a French garden. The tomb of Marie Ebner-Eschenbach is near the castle and is accessible via a staircase. Connection between tomb and castle is shown in the situration plan.
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